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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jun 1884, p. 3

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Formerly xnown as the " Soper Mills. 'I RIS MILL HAS BEEN THOR· UGHLY renovated and put in order.under our own special supervision, for the purpose of grlstlng and manufacturing Oat Meal and Pot Barley, and we a~e now prepared to reoi>ive· orders frotn ell olll' old ouatomere and others tor work, and we gurantee to give them. who intrust us with the same entire satisfaction. Oats and other grains taken in exchange tor Flour Oat Meal, &c. H. & J. TOWNS, Bow· ~anville 227. Caledonian Mills. and <tll scrofulous diseases, Sores, Ery&lpe. 11«, Ecze1na, Blotches, Ringworm, Tu· mo1·s, Ca.rbuncles, Boils, and Eruptions &f the Ski.n, are the direct result of '"' .impure state of the blood. · .' · 'l'o cure these diseases the blood bo · purified, and restored to a healthy and natura.l condition. AYEU'S SAR3Al"ARILLA has for over forty years been recognized by eminent medical authorities a· the m06t powerful blood p11rifler In existence. It free.a Su~me~ the ~ystem from all foul humors, enriches an· strengthens the blood, rc~ves all traces of mercurial treatment, and proves itself a ·MILLINERY. compieto master of all scrofolous di!oeases. A Recent Curo of Scrofulous Sorjls. Has muoh pleasure in announcing to the ladlew "Some mouths ngo I was troubled with that she has received a complete stock of Mil· 1crofulous sores (ulcers) on my legs. The Unery and Fancy Goods. llmbs were badly swollen and lnllamed, and the sores discharged l:irge quantities of Flowers, l'r.athers. Orn1uneats, Rlbbeu offensh'e matter. Every remedy I tried Vetltngs, Laces, Berlln Wool, Andaluslaa, until l used AYElt'S SAUSAPARILLA, Beads, Braids, Cnnvas·, Silk .t Cotton Flo11, failed, of which I have now taken three bottleo, .A. call is kindly solicited. with the result that the sores are healed, and my general heal t h grcat.Jy improved. MRS. ANDERSON, King Street,' X feel very grnteful · for the good your next door to Buckler's Jewellery Store. mediCi11e has done me. · Yours respectfally, MRS. ANN O'BRIAN." 148 Sullivan St., New York, June 24, 1882. ~· .o\J,l pe1·s"'nR interestecl are invited MISS BURDEN t~kes pleasure in in call on 1\lrs. O'Il1·ian; also upon the timatiug to her frlende and customers that she to Rev. Z. P. Wilds of 78 East S4th Sti·eet, will be found at MRS. .ANDERSON'R STOBB! New York City, who will take pleasure where she will carry on the Dress·,Making. l n testitying to the wonde1·ful efficacy of SCROFULA FUN:NIGR.AMS. ",Why was Noah the best broker of modern times 1" " He could float more atock than any other man." Dr. Bethune, 'on being introduced to a tall, ·thin Baptist minister, exclaimed, "Shrunk in the wetting, I see ! " A young lady attending balls and parties should have a female cl1aperon until she is able td call some other chap her own~ . .'Very few men are great enough to bear praise, but a· large number of us aro just small enough to be found fault with constantly. "You say your brother is younger than REPULSED BY A DYING WIFE. A Pathetic Scene In the Cleveland I111irmary. SIGN OF THE HAT T Spring & MRS. ANDERSON Some time ago a youn!I girl giving her ~ name as Kittie Sheridan, emoloyed as a domestic at the residence of Mr. John Tod, was taken so seriously ill that she was removed to the ciLy infirmary, where I l l , ·. Q, .. " , , IJ /&'8 she now lies very sick. Late Sfl.turday WiWJ ~ · U · afternoon a flashily-attired yout of abqut 25 entered the infirmary office in the city T · k . . ·. . . . . hall and inquired for this girl. The young a es pleasure m a 1eouncmg the an-1val of his New Spnng Stock, con. man was extravagantly attired. Whtte kid ' sistina of Spring and Summer Hats in Felt and 8traw Hard and Soft 0 gloves \vere drawn tightly over his hands, ' . , . . · , ' . and a white silk tie was a rtistically bowed Felt, Men s,Youth's, Boys' and Children's Black, Brown, Blue and N eutra about his spot~ess collar: H!s suit was a Straw Hats from the 10 cent Canadian to the finest Manilla and ie full-dress affair, and m his hand he ' ,, "y 1 carried a delicate little cane, with a gold sizes from the Baby to Grandfather. you, yet he looks much older. es, le tip. He said he had called at the place · . has seen a ' great deal of trouble i but I where the ~irl had last been employed, In GENT'S FURNISHII'.;TGS I am detf;lrmined to keep to the front.. .-n TO THE FRONT AGAIN. c u·. M Dress-Making. Jerrold : "I have jdst had some ca,lfs-tail soup," when the w'.l~ replit:d : " Well, extremes do meet sometimes." One of the most responsible positions in this country is held by a Washington. colored woman. She does up Mr. Brewst8i; old the attractions of a menagerie may be, you are justified in expecting to find among them at least one thing that is gnu. Loss of sleep; it is said, is making men s mall and puny. That is a fact. Just look at the difference in the physique of a delicate scholar and t he robust night police-man. " Why do you carry your po,cket-boo.k n;~~~::J~~~~:icl to ~~: l~~~r;~a\:i~~a:~:d ~~~ l\~~~e~t~ r~~:!;hi~~~~ card, on which appeared the following: "Morris St~akosh, day clerk, the Windsor Hotel, New York." He was questioned regarding his anxietv in the matter, and bending close to the superintendent's ear, whispered that ~; t'h:i/~1~~i:;:~~nd 1!;a~~di;~:t:!0~~ My Prices will be found reasonable. offer all the leading .styles. In TIES, all the novelties. In UNDERWEAR, the best q uality kept. In RUBBER CO.A.TS, I offer none but first class. HOSIERY in great variety· UMBRELLAS · . .. " and BRACES, a good choice ; CELLULOID COLLARS and CUFFS, the latest novelties in the line require only to be seen to be purchased ' · In SHIRTS; ·I GET YOUR LUMBER PLANEO,MATCHfO,MOULDED&c. -AT- Morris & Joblin's PLANI NC Ml LL, Liberty Street, Where you can also obtain Doors, Sash, Blinds, Window and Door l'rames, Plain and Ornamental Fence Pickets, Cisterns, &c. CARPENTRY IN ALL BRANCH ES. Dowmanville. February 21, 1881. 8-tf. PHOTOGRAPHY. ___ "°"___ HENRY'S New Photo Rooms ARE NOW OPEN. Stantl formerly occuple1l by the J>ost Ofllce. KING STREET, JBC>~J.\1.1".A.N"-V.J:X...X... E. · I The Gallery is first-cl.ass in all its appointments, and furnished in a comfor~ able mauner. There will be no poor wor;k allowed to leave the i·ooma, and these who favor me with a call can rely on being pleased ...-The instantenous process only will be used for Photographs. Come in and see me. ...... ~...,..=-- R.H. HENRY. ~-L.:..:._-----~ Orono Pump Factory· Pumps Cheaper and Better· than ever. · The Subscriber havin g built 11 large new P ump Factory in Oronri, is prepared - to furnish- PUMPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, With or without Porcelain Cylinder, of the Best Material, on the shortest notice and a t the !owest prices. Cistern Tubs and P u mps s upplied. WELLS CLEA.N ED & RERAIRED. · ALL WORK GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Orders ~v Mail promptly attend.ed to. DOORS, SAS~, B LINDS, PICKETS, MOULDINGS, &c., kept on hand. Rs FERGUSON. · Das ll!iulc lll1my C:hanges. (o)- - -:. - BU]) STANDARD BANK FI RE . . . .2.~...c:..~. ~!?..~ ........ W '.i'HE l'Ol"IJLA.R"\Sll DAVm DAVIS BOOT AND SHOE MAN HAS RESUMED BUSINESS --I~-- g'.NEADS' BLOCK~ NEXT DOOR TO TUE EXP.RESS OFJ<'ICE. - -(o)- - - « !.vry Soock comprises all Imes ot Lo.dies Gents' Fi tiods, Overshoes, Rubbers, &~. 6 Ordered Work and' Repairing will as usual receiv:e prompt attention. « My customers and the public generally are invited to call and secure unparalleled bargo.ins in Boote and Shoes. DAVID DAVlS. Bowmanville, March 6, 1884. & seeing the woman immediately. Mr. Mellen doubted the young man's story, but of this lacly, but,,in his. O"\vn case and the latter produced letters showing conmany others within his knowledge. elusively that he was the husband of the · . , ~~'na wel1-known im·iter on the Boston He,.ald, young lady. The first of the series of Bowmanville, April 9, 1884. B. W, BALI,, of R ochester, N.H., writes, June I ' . lll.A.Rli:US 1'1.t\..V.ERi communications was very tenderly word7, 1882: . ed1 but the last one received hy him, and "Hn.ving s uffer ed severely for so111e years which in his anxiety to prove his identity, with Eczema, antl h aving Iaileli to !ind relief from other J h ave rnacle use, dnrinr he turned over to the superintendent, ll I . ,:. . , . the past t hree rn ont i s of Av>:n's SAitSAP.A.· concluded as follows : ".And now I am m LLA1 which .has . ~ifecte<l a conipleie cure, in your hand ? " asked a husband of his going to die. You have not been a good J co11sttler it a iuagnlticent' remedy for a ll HAI~ES, young wife. " Oh," was the. quiet reply, husband t o me, and I never want to see blood disease~." --M.ANUFAC'J;URElt O F - " it is so light that I ii.m afraid it might your face again. Do n ot come to me, for jump out of my pocket." I will not see you." The question is asked, " What is the M r. Mellen telephoned t he intirmary st. imulates a)Hl regulates the action of the dumLion of a kiss 1" The duration of a and Steward Braggins conveyed the mes· digestiVe ; and assilnilat ive oxgans, rouewe KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE, kiss is generally from about half-past seven m{le to t he girl. He did n ot tell her th at a111J strengthens the vital forces, and speedily Has now on hand a number of ,.ehiclea (and is manufacturing a great many morel or the newest o.'clock in the evening until the old man her h usband was in the city, but said that cures Rheumi~ti sm , Neuralgia, Rheum,;,. patterns and best finish, whlch I am offering for sale ii.t the lowest prices consistent throws a ~oot-jack downstairs. he had heard from him, and asked her if with due regard to workmanship and· quality. The following is a list of tlc Go. ut, Catar.rl1, Genc1·al Debility, and · the principal vehicles manufactured by me : It is said that in Siberia you can purhe should come. The young woman viga11 discuses ri.rising fro1n n.i~ impoverished or , ~ouble Covered Carriages ......... , .................................. ........ $200 Upwards. chase a wife for eight dogs. Now, if you orously protested, and the facts were comcoi·~upted condition of the blood, aud a weakSmgle Pb.retons.. ,. .. .·.. .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .... .· . ... ... .. ... ·· . . . ··· . ..... 100 11 euert vitality.· know what eight dogs want of a wife, and municated to Mr. Strakosh, who was wild Open Buggy............................................................. · ·... ... 70 11 1 t is incomparably the cheapest blood mediif you approve of t he desire, you can go with excitement. Mr. Mellen finally told cine, on accoun t of iis conceuLrated st.rengtll, to Siberia and buy one for them. him that him that he would see the girl Top Buggy........................................................................ 90 11 9.lld great powe1· over disease. · · · himself on Monday, and would talk with Democrat Wagon ........................... ·...... :.............................. 65 u A pompous and unloying hi;isband re- her on the subject. The young man grew Lumber Wagons................................................................. 55 u PREPARED llY buked his wife for stealing behmd him as impatient, however, and on Sunday even. Light Wagon..................... ........ ........ ................................ 40 u DLJ.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. he came homo one evening and affecti~n- ing visited the infirmary and demanded Express W agou ............ ........ ........ ~... ....... .... ... . .. .. .. .. . .. ·. .... ·. 75 u Sold by all Druggists; price $ 1, six bottles atcly kissing him, " Oh," she retorted, admission, but again he was refused at the Skeleton,...... ... ........ ..................... .......... ......... .. . . . .. .. .. .. . . . .. 50 11 for $5. ' " excuse· me. I didn't know it was you." request of the young woman herself, and Sulky ............................................................................... 40 " · ·"Papa what is the tari:ftT' asked a con- yesterday"'M:r. St rakosh returned to New Possessing superior facilities for manufacturing ·c~rriages, I intend to sell verf cheap for cash ' little boy. Gazmg . or approved credit. and by so doing I hope to greatly increase my number o sales. Would gressman's compas- York . sell the wood parts only, or the gearings of buggies ironed. sionately at the youthful knowledge-seekThe story the woman tells is not a er and sadly shaking his head, his f~ther pleasant one. She was living with her To tke Ilartfo1·d Fi'l'e Insurance Oo. I hereby return thanks for the prompt pay. replied: "My son, I can not tell a he ; I mother and sist,er in Liverpool when she ment by your agent, Mr. '!'hoe. Bingham, for do not know. " first met the young man who afterwards At the Shortest Notice, Paint ed and Trimmed if Desired. damage done to my house by fil'e. I recei:,.ed became her h usband. He was from \}er- At the Factory I also do Planing, Matching, Turning and Sawing with Circle, Band or Scroll a cash check by return mail after my claim .A Fhiladelplli.a hotel keeper seeks to many and was on his way to America/but was forwar:ied. MRS. C. C. BURK. ,l:laws, and prepare all kinds of lumber foi· carpenters and others for building purposes. scare the rural visitor into turning off the remained in E ngland long enough ti) woo Ornamental and Plain Pickets for fences in every style required. made to order. 2i8 T o the ll1anage1·s of the Glasgow and London gas with notices thus:- " The relatives and wed the young lady. They then ·came F'ir~ Insurance Oo. I hereby return thanks for the ~rompt pay. and friends of gu ests who blow out the to Hamilton, Ont., but not obtaining'work ment by your agent, Mr. Thos. Bmghatn, for gas will haTe t <i pay for the amount of gas th ey came on to Cleveland. Here they damage to my houee which was insured in the wasted before the body will be delivered." also failed to secure employment until she Sovereign Fire I nsurance Co., having received check by return ·of mail after claim WaJ:I A minnister suddenly stopped in his fimilly obtained a ·posit ion as domestic in sent in. MU.S. 0. C. BURK. sermon ancl sail "' a hymn. "lf the mem- the family of Mr. Tod. H er husband reFrom the above iljlttlement of claim parties bers of the choi;are to do the talking, " ho mained idle, and the first $30 of h er earngives as good valve in BOOTS and SHOES ·eign Policies w ill see that they holding Sove1 are all right, and they need not pay any atten explained, " they certainly will permit me ings went to h is suppor t. I t was while at for Uash as can be obtained at any other tlon to the agent of tho Dominion Grange to do the singing. " And t]?:en things in the · Mr. Tod's that she resolved tio again take humbug or auy one .else whq are going round neighbOl'hood of the organ became more h er maiden name, Kittie Sh eridan, and store in town. telling folks that t :ieir Sovereign Policies are quiet. as such she has been known ever since. no good. · firi;;t year's business has been a p£oNew she is dying of t.roubles t hat she asTHOS. BIN GHAM, nounccd success. · se1-ts her husband is r~sponsible for, and BOWMANVILLE. Typhoid Ft!ver and Milk. it was for this t hat she refused to see him. sales so far this year are away ahead Afte1· leaving Cleveland he obtained em1 lD'flCI' TO llJOTREUS. Reports hl\ve _frequentlty appeared in of those of corresponding months of ployment as a clerk at the Windsor hotel ·--,.--------J~ .A.1·e you disturbed at night and broken of English medical and sanitary journals reyour r esL by a slck child surrertng and crying in New Yrrk, wh er e he has since been' specting epidemics of t yphoid fever, the teetb ~ Ir so, send at one.. with {lam of cutting_ s :yea.~-:---:-~-=-=-~---LI1 . and get a bottle of MRS. WrNllLOW'S SOOTUING cause of w11ich is traced to a contaminated employed. The girl is a fair-complexioned 1 1as Spring G?od s on hind in great v::tl'iety, .l!J SYRUP FOi.< UllILDR.ll:N TEETHING. Its value is milk supply. That t he danger from th is lass, <tbout 25 year s of age, and has been incalculable. It will relieve the poor little very pretty. She tells h er story amid sobs sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, motbCll's, source is not confined to England is shown ;ind tears and realizes that she c~mnqt rethere is no mistake about it. H cures dysentary by the following account of an . epidemic will continue t o 5ell at very l ow pnces cover. They were married i n September and diarrhrea, r egulates tho stomach and bowels, cures winil. colic, softens the gurus, which recently occurred in All.... ghe,ny last and she has been in the infir mary · for Cash. reduces infiammation, and gives tone ann City : energy to th e whole system. MRs.WINSLOw~s Jan. 9 rf th e present yeru.·.-Cleve" There are, in all, forty cases scatter ed since promptly attends to all custom work an<! SOO 'l'HING SYRUP FOH CHILDREN TEE'l'IIING is land Lrnde'r. __ _.._.... "' ..,..... pleasant to the taste, and i" the prescription of through thee different wards. The physees that it is properly executed. one of the oldest and best female nurses and sicians were at first disposed to attribute physicians in the Unit.ed States, and is for sale Tile Kai~er'~ Life· "'"ork. has cont inually a varied assortment of by all druggists throughout the world, Price the ca.use of the disease to foul emanations 25 centsabo_ from dumping grounds in the vicinity, The German Emperor looks upon himtue_ _ Trunks, Valises and Travelling Bags. but it was finally suggested that every self as the first servant of th e ne1tion; and family in whicl1 typhoid fever had occurred even now, with 87 sum.mars on his brow, says REST a nd C:OllUIOllT to tltc SITFFRING. " D1·cr·w1i·s Ho11s4\Jto11111 :ranaeen " has no was supplied by the same milkman. h e works incessantly and unsparingly for eq ual for relieving_ pain, both internal and ex- When this fact was made known to the its weal. He has repeatedly declared that AND SEE. terni·I. It cur" Puin in the Side, Back or physicians of the Board of Heitlth of the the woes of the workingman sit heaviest Howels, Sore Throat. Hheumat!sm, Toothadte, Lumbago and any kind ef a Pain or . "It city, he at once i nspected the p;remises of on his heart, and that if ho could but do KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE will iuost surely quicken the Blood and Heal, as its acting powers is wonderful." "Brown,s the milkman, and found the following something to better the lot of his poorer J:Iouseholll Panacea," bemg &cknow ledgod as state of atfo.irs. The dwelling and stable subjects h e would deem that the close of the great Pain Reliever, and of double the were·on the side of a hill, the well from his reign had been richly blest. The Em. strength of any other Elixir or Liniment in the world, should be in every family handy for use which the water for the family as well as peror William has been called a prince of - OFwhen wanted, "as it really is the best remedy for his cows was obtained being about peace. He has done everything he could iu tho world for Cramps in the Stomach, and fifty feet from the privy vault, which was to appease and rnm()ve the causes of popu· Pains and Aches of all kinds. "and is for sale high er up the hill than t he well. The lar discontent in his own dominions, and by a ll Druggists at 25 cents a bot tie. privy vault was full. There was at the even his foes will not d eny that h e is time of the investigation, and had been both the peacemaker and the peacckeeper ONEY TO LOAN .- A few thousa.nct for s~veral weeks, a case of typhoid fever of Europe. About sixteen years ago, in dollars, private funds, to loan on flrstcltiss farm seeurit.y, atthe lowest current rateA. in t he house. Examination of the well- the course of a hot discussion in th@ We have redu ced the prices of our entir e stock of For particulars apply to H. BEITH, Bowman. water showed that it was contaminated .North German parliament on the naval ville, or R. R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister. 3-tf. ' with oro>anic matter of animal origin and budget, Count von Molke said that ther0 many li~ing organisms. There would seem was only one possible way of converting O ENFIELD LADIES. - M1ss JULIA to be little doubt, ther efore, that typhoid t.he money spent in the service of war to the in te:rests of peace, and that was "the 0'LE.._nY has returned from Toronto infection waa sprea.d by milk. " , - - We are 'making-and has begun Dressmaking in Enfield. Speota! · formation in the heart of Europe of a attention will be given to cutting and fitting, power which with out being aggressive itCall solicited, .281-tf. self, should yet be strong enough to for· Tennyson's "Ancle" and ".Ankle. 1 ' bid its neighbours from waging war." A lady who was writiug a letter sudden· This wonderful proph esy llas now been in every d epartment of General Dry Good o. ly asked me, "Do you spell ancle with fulfilled, and the German emperor is th~ a c or k 1" As l could not reply, with instrument of its realization. The GerMr. "\Veller senior, "Spell it with a wee," man army is the police force of Europe, or with Thackeray's officer about to N and yet Europe is content to profit by it1 Interested parties ought to see these Rare Bargains. embark, inditing a letter to his lady-love, Bank is prepared to do Legiti- to sav that he could not part with her passive services without much show of appreciation. But what Europe fails to mate Banking in all its branche:s. without a struggle, "Are there two g's Farmers notes diaconnted ; Deposits in struggle 1" "Try three, my boy," I express the German people themselves No sovereign. was received and Interest paid on amounts of replied, "I spell it with a c." She ob- most warmly feel. $5 upwards in Savings Bank D epartment. served, "I have written it with a k, and ever more popular wi,th his subjects tJ1an is the octogenarian kaiser. Berlin is a I fancy I am right." Webster's dictionary cold and unreverential city, but when the DRAFTS Parties asking us for Bargains will not be disappointed. Issued and Collections made in Europe, was appealed to, and there the word was emperor dr ives through the streets t he given as ankle, I then referred to John- universal veneration of which he is the United and Canada. OFFIVE- Um·11o cJ1 nros. ntocli, late uank· son, the quarto edition, and, although he object lends them an Oriental air of worgives ancle, yet he r efers his readers to ship. lug omce or Jones d; Debbie. ankle, and evidently prefers that form of W . J . JONES, 27 ,lgent. spelling. Bailey has favored the c. and gives ancle with the derivations from France is ahead of most countries in Saxon and Danish. · Cruden's Concord· the encouragement she gives to the comUC W IS ance to the Bible gives ancle, and so do~s mercial education. The senior students Mrs. CowdenrClarke in t he solitary use of of the Paris high chool of commerce are the word by Shakspeare. Byron writes now off on th eir y0ar1. trip to the manuankle ("Dou J nan" iii., 71); but Tenny- facturing and commercial , ~icts of . the son writes ancle, except when he uses the Nord and Bclgimn, where tl~e~ · 1 have !113\Ji!!1!1!?ji!BBiiiiiilllllll!lllillJ! wordi,nconjunction with another, when he practical demonstrations of wlt< milll!llll!lllli:!ll!ll!llllll!lllBilll!l!llilllllimillBl. . . .lllllil ~:··rm11111111111&111111-·B1mtl!llll·1'81 writes ankle, as in ankle-bells, ankle bones been taught them in the class-room. For IlO'WMANV.ILLE, ::mdankle-deep, and ankle-wing. Thisseems the best general report of the journey, Manufacturer and Dealer in Pump6 of curious ; and I am not aware if the lau- the Paris chamber of commerce gives a reate's variation in the spelling of this word sum of of money toward defraying thC; - all kinds,has been remarked by his commentators. expenses of tho successful pupil for a fur- ll&llllil!l!!KlllD:!!l\\l!B-l!llr.lllliERllll!\llmllll!lllll RUBBER BUCKETS, ther and prn.ctical s~udy of any branch -----~ --~---WIND l\'.IlLLS, of manufacture. Here thou art but a stranger travelling WINDOW SHADES, L earning, it is sala 1 mar, be an instruto · 1 thy country, where the glories of a and General Jobber in kingdom are prepared for thee ; it is there- ment of fraud ; so may ~ead. if discharg· CJA.RPE.NT.ER WORK. fore a huge folly to be m uch affected, be- eel fr"m th e mouth of a cannon, be an ini!ho1> 01111osilc Trelevcn's Shoe Store. .cause thou hast a less convenient inn to strument of death. Each may be equally effective for evil. Bowmanville. March 26, 1884. 13·6m. lodge in by the way. A:rer's·illa, not only in the cure Highest Price.s paid for Raw Furs. A CALL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED HAINES' CARfil.AGEf ~WORKS. 1 ' · - · .' ) GEORGE C. Proprietor, Ayer'.s Sarsaparilla GARRIACES, SLEICHS, ·CUTTERS, WACONS, &O.~ Cards of Thanks. All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired I ACKNPWLEDGED FACTS. - J. HE LLYAR J. HELLY AR'S J. HELLYAR'S J. ff LLYAR ....... ~ . . ... _ _ __ J HELLY AR J. HELLYAI:> .u J.HELLYAR J.HELLYAR COME GREAT CLEARING SALE M T Nien's, Youth's and Boy's Clothing~ SV\TEEPING REDUCTIONS I We offer Men's Tweed Suits at $5. Boy's & Youth's Tweed Suits at $1.50. WE ARE CUTTING DOWN THE PRICES ALL AROUND. ------·-·- - ---- ELLISON B k heat Fl . our --W.C.TYLER, PUMPS! & c o. IH· G · rocer1es are Fresh and Good and Graham Flour. TryElliott's30Q.TEA: Farmers' PRODUCE hoiqeMaple Syrup taKen in exchange. and Sugar. Due Bills given. 1 LLIOTT

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