TERMS :-$1.50 PEit ANNU)I, NEW SERIES, NUMBER OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M.A. JAMES, EDITOitArm PnorRrnToR. NUMBER 310. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1884. VOLUl\lE XXX. 27. ,CARPETS I CARPETS · ' ,., I CORRESPONDENCE. OlWNO. The welcome min of last week placed a grin of satisfaction upon the face of the farmers, but already they are praying for more. C1:op pr;ispects are not quite so good as we would like. '.rhe Salvation Army are gr:tdually dmwing new recruits into their ranks, but the captair..'s presence is required to create enthusiasm here. H. H. Nieman is to be congratufated on his purchase of tt thorough bred stock bull from the well known herd of R. J. Mclaughlin. Coulter's hotel is becoming quite popular as a summ(lr resort. Cheap and good board is no doubt a great inducement to Port Ropers during their holidays. Quite a number left this moJ·ning for Toronto 11nd Port Hope to see their .1st of July celebrations. On 1<.,riday last while Mr.. Richard Beer was throwin,g a horse for the purpose of filing his teeth the rope became fast ancl refusing to slacken at the l!roper time the horse fell on his neck bxeaking it, and ·'By George H<trry," we had a. funern.1 imnwdiately. Orono pathmasters are busy at work mending our ways-greatly needed. · Orono will show wdl to the front when the Scott Act vote is t:1ken. CoM. As we write this Tuesday morning, we find ourselves i11, the midst of a excited multitude hmrying hither and thither making preparations for a days enjoyment. A goodly number of the elite are boarding the stage-wagon over there bound for the Queen City. We wish them a pleasant time and hope it may bear no resemblance to a certain northern trip. Down on the sumul'it of the hillock stands a jaded pair of horses attached to a large vehicle. They n.re to draw a lefl.p-year party to the shores of majestic Ontario. We wish tht ladies success in this the first. undertaking of the kind in this village. In a more remote c0rner a democrat iis being laden with hampers and a jolly company are going to picnic in a western grove. In the co'u ntry-side we hear the merry clatter of the mower which sn.ys that. the industrious. husbandman alone remains at his post. But here we will give place to more experienced scriber until we celebrate the g? iq_us twelfth.---ALIE!'l"US. " ·fohn Squair, B.A., hits gone on a tour to Jl\'i'rnoe mid Germany. Two Bales Dutch Wool Cafpets, Bought in transit, which will be sold at :10 PER CElNT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES. s .LESKARD. The anniversary servfoes. in conneet~on with the Methodist church of this viIJ1a1ge commenced on Sunday. There were t wo servi0e3 held during the· <la¥, one at 2.30: in tho afternoon, when the· Rev. E. E. Yomtg, of Bowman ville, preached; lh1!(t the t~ther al u.30 in the evening, wluJT~ the ser,vices were conducted by Rev. A . Fraser. of Orono. At both services, which \vere held in open air, large congregations were present. TilC' anthems and anniversary hymns were wen rendered by tho choir. Miss Hetty Stacey, of Ottawa, is paying a visit to her sister, Mrs. R . J. Saugster. MWAWBER. 00.LU.'HBUS. The Praying Band from .W bitby have visitJd us. The dam of the Great Empire Woollen Mills has burst. Mr. C. A. All!lms i_ s repairing his mill race. Mr. I'hil. Frayn is so busy he hardly finds time ~o . sleep. Several Methodists are a ttending the Presbyterian church· since union. Rev. Mr. Ca_i.:miclfacl lost liis valuable library in the Manse fire. Some of our citizens feel higher than their boot heels send them. TIM. COURTICE. The Rev. :Mr. 'Stevenson ure:tehed to a; larg:e congreg;~tion at Ebeue~er on Sunday evening. Mr. W. C. Lrnt is det-0m1i.ncd that Courliice shall not be l>ehind in the matte1· o.f telephonic ronvenieuces. Through his efforts we are likely to 1'1 ave commtmic:ition again. The compimy has agreed to give us a line if the people will erect the poles. · The fanners of this district will be pleased to learn that our blacksmith shop. is agn,in opened; 11lthoug1i Mr. Hill is still confined to his bed, he hits secured the : :&ervices of a firsL-drn;s workman . Mr ..Jabez LiLtlej ohns while 1lriving to Courtice on Moncl::ty, fell from the wagon and sustained serious injury. 1'he reach. upon which he was sitting became detached from the hind wheels and he was thrown to the ground, when the horses were in mp id motion. Under the skilful tre:1tment of Mi·. L. M. Courtice a.i1d the ladies of Courtice, he recovered su.fticiently to be able to return to his home in a. few hourn. Miss Hancock, from Oshawa, is visiting her friends r1ml old schoolmates here. 'fhe Union prayer meeting held afi Maple Grove on Monday night, was largely attended. At its close a rather heatecl discussion took place with- regard to circuit matters. From all appearnnces there is more of the s:1me kind to follow. Our school sends three pupils to the entrance examination this week. BEN. 250 P I E C E S ·Sc:ot,ch~ E:n.g1ish . ' ).. --AND-- a:n.aClia:n. T~eeds . ~Having TO SELECT FROM.. made arrangements with the well known PONTY POOL. ,~ND ·we can furnish suits which 9annot be surpassed for Style ·and Clieapness. l -1CUTTER, W. PEABDUN, ECC·STAKEN :AT-HIGHEST~ MARKET PRICE. a. H.TURNER. McCLUNG BROB'. OLD STAND. 1tlTHE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. CHANCERY DIVISION. INVALUABLE TO EVERY BELCH vs. McL.A UGHLIN. there will be sold with the approbation of Gl!~ORGE M. CLARK, Esquire, Local Master '()fthe Supreme Court, at Cobourg, by HEKRY T. PHILLIPS, Auctioneer. on the premises 1 ment1oned in the first parcel herein, ou ·in this cause on the 21th day of March, 1884, 1Pursuant to the judgement and order made "MAY DEW" The Great .French Lotion for Beautifying the Face. It conceals the evidence or age. One o.pplication will make the most st1ibbornly red and rough hands be1mtifully R'>ft and white.Remember thu.t "MAY Dl~W" is not a paint or powder tha.t fills up the pores of the skin, b11t a new and great discovery, a vegetable liquid. that causes the cheek to p;low with health, the neck. arms and hands to rival tho Lily in whiteness. Impossible to detect in tho beauty it confer3 any arti· ftci11<l character. It cures Greasy Skin, Freckles. Wt"inlcles, Pimples. lliack Heads, Ot·ow·s Feet, 6lotches, l!'ace Grub3.. Sun Bm·n. Tan. Rinp,worm. Chapped Hands, Sore or Chapped Lips, Barber'~ Itch. Tetter, etc. It frees the pores, oil glan<l.s,·and tubes ·from the in,iurious .itrects of powders and cosmetic washes. By its use all redness and roughness are prevented; it beautifies the skin. 'and will mako it soft. smooth and white; imparting a deliolous softness; producing a perfectly healthy, natural and youthful appearance. · The best face lotion that the world ever Produced. 'Ve will send" A r.ARGE no'r1 T.l'.!" to nny A.ililreas on receipt of pt·ice, $1. When.ordering mention this papor. .Address nll letters tot.ho MA.Y Dl£W AGENCY, 167 Church street, Toronto, Ont. Parlor and Reception Room for Ladies. 1 f ri~ay, the l tn Oa~ of Jul~, 1884, at t11e hour or o N 1<; o'clock iu tlac Ancrthe follo"'vilag J;uuls anti 1·rinliscs: PARCET, I. -All a.nd singular the North <'quarter of I.ots 12 and 13. in the 8th Concession .11000, -Or the Township of Darlington, in the County ' (stwo and except about 'l'WO acres aforesuid. formerly conveyed to -OllAULES G. :&ATES) containing 105 acres be the same more or less. . Thid is the homestead lately occupied by the .Jato JAMES McLA(TGHLDI. 'l.'he nwelling house is about 21x30 with a kitchen addition 20x2! and a wood·shed close by 18x10. 'l'hero is a frame barn 3Jx5J, an<l. a frame sr.able and· shecl :2!x80. 'fhese fann building8 are almost new. 'fherc n.lso a good o'i·chard of a.bout 2 acres, and a \l and good i;iarden. 'l'his farm is watered y a never failing crtick. and is within ..about 3 miles of Tyrone and 10 miles from Bow. manvllle, with good roads to 'those places. PARCEL n. - All and sini;culiir the North , quarter of J,ot 12, in the 9th Concession of the said township, contauiing 5():acres, be the same ·,moro or less. TERMS AND CONDITIONS : One-tenth of the purchase money of parcel 1 :must be paid down at time of sale. and the balanco into Court to the credit of th1ll cause ·within 30 days thereafter without interest, when the purchaser wlll be let in to possession. One-third of the purchase money of parcel 2 · ·,must be paid· down at time of sale, and the COPYRTGHTED. balance mto Court to the credit of this cause within 30 days thereafter without interest,when ··the purchaser will be let into possession. The purchaser wlll be furnished, if he re· ·quires the same, with a Ueglstrar's Abstract ALLT HEALTH -Of. the property hut non A ot.h.,r. and theVendorR' will not be bound to furnish any other title ·tleeds than those in their pos>esaior1, either for ·the purpose of ve1·ifying the Abstraot or other"'liVISe. 'l'here will be a reserved bid on each parcel .... rlixed by me. In all other respoots the terms and conditions ·Of sale will bo the standing oonditiona of this ·Court, which will be made kncwn at the time THE ·Qt;~~~her t'l!lrticulars can be had from D. Purify the Blood, correct an DisorderA of the· BURKE SIMPSqN, Vernlors'Sollcitor, at the· LIVivR . ·'H KID"'E'."llTS A""TJ) BOW.,,I "'1 :towo ofBowmanv1llo; JOHN K.GALBllAITH. .,., , '""I'O~IA ~ u .._., , ... Jt· ~ 1-.i . .11'.A J~· '.E sq., of same Solicitor; and JOHN J Tl1cy inv1gora · · t e an d res tore to l1eal~h De·b'l't t d C ons t't t' d ·HOSKIN, Esq., place, Q. G;, 'l'oronto, 'as well as from v. 1 1 a e t u .1ons, ~n M CL l'the Auctioneer. ' A.ltK are invaluable in 'all Oomplalnt:a inoidontal to Foma!ee of. all Ages. For 0 (sd.I· GE · · Master at · · Cobourg. Clu"Idren an d the age d they nre price . less. Locdl J>. BURKE! Veodors' SI)'IPSON, TH E 0 I N T M E NT ' Solicitor. z.J-td. Dated June ~tll. 1881. -of Durham, <>f I,ot 12, 11' 8r1 lvation Army meo.tin-gs are watt:iog in ;.t.0rest. The most iwticable etfect of their labors so far is that all the small J.flld:i:en :tre singing their songs. 1\'.Iuch sympathy is expressed for a yuung couple who left the parental roof last week to establish Llle11t1:1elves as independent housekeepers, but were seen retr~rning next day looking terribly skeared. ·we repeat a stanza composed in 1837 by l\fr. Homo, of Hillsboro, Ont., for their guidance should they ever again have a ~mihtr experience : . ' 'lf bugs molest me "'..hon in bed I lie, Should I quit ruy beri ~ No ! not I. J:d rout the vermin l Every bug destroy. New make my bed, and all "it~ sweets enjoy." i1inion Day was very quie't in our vil age. Picnics and te:1 lneetings together with the grnnu attraotions of Toronto's Semi-Centennial, took all our busy citizens away. Geo. Scott, employed at J. G. Renwick's, while handling a self-cocking; revolver one day last week, all:owed the l!>all to pass through one of his :fingers. His curiosity regarding English revolveJ!"S is sc~ti1:1fwu. Who llext? A large gathering of young people and relatives met on Monday, .June 30th, at the residence of Mr. L, A. Gamsby, in honor of th e marriage @f his daughter Bertha, to Mr. C. Henry, son of George Henrv, Esq., of Darlington. Elder Garbutt i)erformecl the marriage cercmmiy. A great many beautiful aud valuu.hle gifti; Were presented to the 11iCCOl\Jplished bride: Sl1e will be missed fr0n1 our village, as she has ably filled the position of ol'ganist in the Christian Church for some time and also had quite a 11.brge c1ass of music pupils under her chu11ge. Our united well wishes <tO with her to·1·er new home, where we trust her many l!lllltial>le, qualities will be more fully apprecia.ted.. AL1Qu1s. / NEWTVNVILLE. FOR 1 PILLS I SALVATlON. ARMY BARRACKS. :SO"'W"lY.I:ANVIl:..LEMONB~Ynlght, Is an infallible remedy for Barl J,egs, Bad ·s.reasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. . It is famous for Gout and Rheumatism. -Chest it has. no cqW11!.- For disorders of the Mr. Henry Millwn, of Clarke, who has been suffering from, paraJysis and general wealmess for some 1T1.onths past, quietly passed away on Me11d~y afternoon. He le;wes many friends ancl a large family to deeply mourn Iii~. luss_ Rev. Mr. 1'homps0i;i, who has been a issionary in B. C. fo1r ton years, is visit.'.. incr his friends and relntions in this part,, H~ will preach in tm.e Methodist Churc1t next Sabbruth at 6:30' p. m. · The Brass Band' 0tl this village sereoorited Mr. Chas. Thomp$on after his a.1mi;v:al on a visit. to his mDbli.e1"s- widow TJwiupson. . Some Jiorses in tl'lia locality' are a.ffli11. t ed with a disease resembling Pink-eye.. Mr. ·wm. Dickey, V. S .., is successfull.y. treating them. A µWnic is contemplated bGt.w.ee-,n, the Meth<i>di.at and , Presbyteriallt Sa~ht\1 schooJs here. PHILOS~ LIVER, K:wNE>Y Soldiers aRd Converts only. . 'TUE!:>:DM.WEDNESDA Y, THUR~DAY and Glandular Swellings, and all Skjn Diseases it ha.s no rival ; and for SA1"U:RDAt, Public Meetings at /:tl>p. m. contracted anrl stiff joints it acts like a: cha:rm. FRIDAY. Holiness J\1oeting 101' Soldiers and all Christians, .!iA5 p.m. , S:UNJ'>AY. 8 a. ro., .({nee Drill ; n a. m.. Holi· Manufaqhued only at Tim. WAS HOLLOWAY'S Establishment, ness Meeting: 3 p. m .. Hallclu.iah Meeting; fl p. m., Salvation 1\'.Ieetlnir. 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON, Cili!IJDRIEJS'S MEETING Saturday; 3 j}. m. ' All ar.e welcome as above. Co.me in crowd's. And. are sold at ls. l]"d., 2e. 9d., 4s. 6d., lls., 22s., and 33s. each Box or Pot,. and may be had from all Medicine Vendors throughout the World. . Oellection each service. CA.PT. ADA HIND. J.TEUT. RUSSELL. ,l!dl'"PuI"ehascrs sho11I1l look at the Label on t.he l'ots >tn·l Rnxcs. If the mldress. UADET McDONALD. · ts not r.aa, Oxford Street, J.ondon, tlley are s1nuio11s. 22·3m. Bow!IU\nvHle, May 28' 1884. For Sore Tlaroats, B1·onchitis, Coughs, Colds, --A medici!ae tha.t destroys the. gerll't or AND,liRIGHll:'SDISEA.SE . cause of Bright's Disease, D.ia.betes, 'Kid· n.ey mid Liver Complaints, and has ']lower Nl!JWCAST.~E. it'>"l'Oot the11n out of the system, is above Murra.y & Lanmau's Florida Wat:er. Rev. Mr. Pattyson p:rea.ches llisiax:ewel! iill price. Suah medicine is Bop Bitters, We earnestly urge every purchaser to ask sermon her10 next £unda(v night. and posi~ve proof of ~hia can b~ found for that which is prepared by Messrs. --- ··----- by and trial, or by askmg.yout ue1ghhors, Lanma.n & Kemp, New York, who arp, If yon are troubled with a "hacking who have been cured by it. .! the sole proprietors of the true perfum~J. cough," "Downs' Elixir will give you reWe offer Men's ·rweed Suits at $5.00. All other so-called Florida Waters nre lief at once. Wa1-ranted a.a recommended... or money refuuded., Ellison & Co. . only ordinary Colognes. · The 0. & Q. railway station is finished TAUNTO.N . and looks remarkably well . .... Our annual On Friday evening, 27th nit., the S.S. anniversary came off June lGthand was a complete success ; proceeds $50.. . . members of the Zion choir and a large. Our merchant, G. H. ltidge, is doing a number of the congregation met at the. lively business now...... Mr. T . Williams residence of T. C. Lf1ngmaid, Esq.. Darlhas commenced to build his new brick ington, for the purpose of testifying in a. store, arnl l\'.Ir. Su.niuel Cain his new suitable way their appreciation of the dwelling house which will add greatly to willing and devoted servii:;e~ l\fr. and Mrs. the apperance of the village wheH finished Langmaid have rendered to the church in .... Hany Parker, our enterprising black- connection with the choir during the past smith, seems to be doing a thriving busi- 21 years. Mr. S. Wa:;hiugton, being appointed chairm:tn, called on Rev. Mr. ness ..... Crops .in this part are looking Ferrier to read an address to Mr. and well ..... Mr. Chas . Ashby has again com- Mrs. Langmaid explaining the object of menced work with additional force ird1is . new sitw mill: .... Trains arc continually·· ~he gathering and referring especially to running up and down the milroad, from the long and faithful labor s of Mrs. Langmaid in leading the service of song for so and to the gravel pit, wh icl1 is close to many yeats. Miss Byrom and· Miss B:tin, our village, and .are being filled by a ' steam shovel, upwards of oue hundred on behalf of those interested, then presented· Mr. and Mrs. Langmaid with ~ and twenty-five cars are fil!e!l fi)Very day ... beautiful silver water pitcher and a pai"C· ... Our school picnic in uni(>n {vith Fallis's, · of silver nn.pki'n rings. . Mr. L::mgmaicl camo off on the 27th ult., in Mr. Craigs replied in very nppropriate ~erms, stating 0. B . wo9cls, and was a success. _how unexpected were, the gifts HJH 11 tha,fi.. they ~re leaving the~clioir for two reasons ENNISKI.LLEN. -Lhe responsibility was too much for J1rfrs. The I~ev. W. R. Barker prca.1:hecl an Langmaid and the choir was tolerably He knew there · earnest and touching farewell sermon here strong without them. Sabbath evening 28th ult, in the Presby· was much work to be done in the drnrch terian Church which was very kindly and Sunday school, and indicated their offered for. the occasion by the managers. willingness to do their part cheerfully. That commodiot~cdifice was crowded to The t..'\blesbeingwell supplied and prepai·ed the doors by eag and attentive hearers. by the ladies, the la.rgo company sat down Many were deeply 'fl,ffected by the refer- to an. excellent supper, after w hi~lill <£ ence to the separation about to fake place delightful evening was spelilt i n nrnsie· and between a pastor and his people. Mr. soeial amusement. Mr. and Mrs_ LangBarker leaves here deeply beloved hy his maid have our hearty congratulat fom, The own people and highly respected by all beautifUJ presents were boughh froin Mtiynard, the Jeweller, Bowm..1)]1V·i lle. other denominations. Rev. C. Tn.ylor, one of the new pastors SULIN.A. on the Darlington Circuit, preached with Haying has comme:ncecl here. great acceptanc!3 for the I~ev. T . Atkinson The frame-work of Mr. Th~s·- Pascre'lll on Sabbath morning. Rev. G. W. Stevenson preaches his new barn was raised last Satunlay afterfarewell discourse on Sabbatri eve111ing,6th n00n. It is said that ins~cts are destr0y,ing. thcinst. Our esteemed teacher, Mr_ Lee, was cw:ver seed again thi.~ year, and that. tlte· united in the bonds of wedlock to. Miss P. potato bugs a.·e worse than ever .. Mr. W. Werry has:, we le:i.rn, b0ugh t a Virtue, second daughter of Mr. A_ VirLue, val1rnble thorough-bred t··l'9 year (i)kl of this place, on Dominion Day. (nearly) heifer of Mr. Johm·t~m. of fi<Ck:ering. MOUNT VERNON. The timber is being hew.eel. f.<:>r JJ.evr Mt. V~rnon is~ of a miJe cast 0f Brad- bridges to be built. east andi west. of this ley's school house. "Vi.J.lage. ·crops are looking very promis.img, and Solina is. in0reasing. Own dllage h:W.ckpotato bugs also. · sn'lith has received another :v@seb ud.. llfrs. Samuel Souch Ml.cl Miss Edith Rev. ,J.. Whitlock preached.: his foarewlill. Argue are visiting at List0we1. sermon at, Eldad church. last. S~b:J;iu.t,1,.. MJ-; Lincoln Bradley paid a. brief visit afternoon.. Mr. Fm·rier tbmweek b.efore,. to friends here and retu:rned tE> business 1 and Mr. J .. Oke will probahly d0 Liike:w.ise on Saturday . ' ruixt S.uPday night. P.oc.:.N.IC DICK. Mr. Geo. Power and Mr. JamesStollcry conducted service here on SU!Ilday, 22nd ~ OAKLAND... ult. · ! A neighboil1 as three ywrs~ g,raiin iin his Mr. Clnrke W. Cryd~rmalll!, of Trenton,.. ;barn. . Mr~ Alex. MeKays ne.1!11 ad.ditio:a t-0 his: is "ltisiting at home. Mr. M . Bateman, Port. Perry, was :l\ d.welling is nearing comi>letio·n. guest a,t the Varnum homestead last week.. We would like to ktmM:. Wlao ··Afiquis" About 150 persons atteiwled Mr. 'l'h@s; is. Who will b.e Nut-ahalli next. A. Wilbur's barn raising on Tuesdwy. We would Eke to see~ Mime attend th~ Tlie work was well done· m spite of -Hie , .Bible clasir. More join llhe· Sal. Army,. raan. Mr. Wilbur i2 01~· <>f our. w:ue t A neighbol!s' dcog in Manitoba. The ~ott a.wake farmers and we· tliurlIDk of. brmgmg; ' Act in flil;vce. We wc.ulcL like to hear: l~im out as councillor nex_t1.etection. . How J®lm A's picnic came off. Lesa. .A company from here ~ntend to attend! '. gossip. Short serm;m11.. Once more; :t picnic at Port Perry on Smturday. ' from Se.0ut. Rising Statr. Everybody from lrnre w·ho attended: tJw, School report fo1'.· June- 4th classunion school picnic aifr Lea:sk's prnmvmice; S:tr:t <Jll.rr, 442; Sepha, Cooper, 440. 3.ttl~ it n, huge suc.cess. cla.ss-Kiiti0 Bowen., 384; JaU<e Burgq i\St " Mr. Eber 11'.Iillson':> new farm dweBiilig 338~ Faunie Ellis, 33.6. :2nd class-I!i).z:... is expected ·10 eclipse every thing © n the zie Ard, 2.08; Lotti~B0.wen, ~;38; Fanni.0 . line. BE'.l'SV J.ruN.E' Patters0u, 166; Hfil'IWy McKelny, lM>~ Pheobe· Mitchell, teache.r. 1'YRONE. B.AMPT01Yi. Tvrone·a.nd Ha.yd<j)[J: had frienillly- game 0£ basebal'l on. the ht July. Result:I!5 fo The. Methodist, S. S. anni1,cr1tll!\'Y Wtl>S. 8 in fav0r of Tyronl!t. Jh,eld h:tst Sunday and Monday. ' On Su.n~ We a,rc pleased to. lel\rn that Rev. T . ~la,y interesting and ap·propriat<a sermo.1ia Ferri.er. is agn.in stationed on thiseirct'lit. were preached by Rev . W. IL . War+~l1e:r: MBlers more plentiful ; .see l:>iuth no- in. the morning, and l'·ev. J. J~ittle iu tha evening. On Mondl_.y a pul>lic m!)eting ticElfS'. A:n enjoyable time was SJlemt at tbe was. organized at 3 p. m . Suitable ad~ S1:1:ns of Temperance picnic Ol!IJ Saturday. d:rc:si>es were deliva·red by Revs.WW.tlock,. A select picnic from Enis'kible. u visited :B:\rker, DoWll., W ·arriner, '.faylo1\, FcrrierWashburn Island the same day. All \vere ancl Oke. A firir.t-class tea.· was 8$rved( t() fully satisfied not excepting the Hl!:N A.ND· a large m1mber <of people, CHICKENS. A~fATEUi.a-* ------··---- I · l