ed, as he left the room. For fully five l1y _ackno'!ledge to herself; but n?w the minutes ·Sidney stood still and motionless pa.m had mcrea.sed to an agony which she of us to go over; and, as I could not go. where he had left her, both hands pressed could not ignore,, al~hough even now she OHAPTER. Il. Eliot went." to her side, vaguely wondering what the would not recognize its cause. "Stephen did not say who was ill1"Syd· sudden terrible pa.in was which seemed to A knock ather door made her.start and One of the largest houses In the High street of Ashford was a 11ubiitantial gray ney asked, the color coming back a little stifle her and to lay such an ice-cold grip turn away from her contemplation of the etone building situated midway up the into her fair face. upon her heart. grave dark face which had PTown so dear 1treet and divided from it only by a tall "No; but I should think it was nothing Sidney Arnold's life had been a very to her. . , ,, . iron railing and a narrow strip of grass. serioul!.._ or he would have mentionea it," 'sunshiny one. '"lhe had known no deep "What is it, she asked hastily; and a This residence, known by the na.rae of the said fot) Doctor. , sorrow or trouble in all its twenty years. servant'svoicefrom without answered that Have just received another shipment of their celebrated Gray House, was occupied by Doctor ArTher1:1 was a. little silence, and then Doc· Her mother's death had taken place when Mr. Frank Greville was down stairs and , nold who was, as his father had been be· tor Arnold rose. , she was too young to knc.wwhat a.terrible would like to see her. fore him, the principal medical man in the '·I must be off. Is the dog cart round, Ios1 she had exper.enced, and since then "l will co~e down directly,',' Sidney town the increase in the size and import- Sidney7" he said hurriedly; and the girl her life had been one long happy dream, answered quickly, the color commg hotly . Also a choice lot of Lace Curtains and Curtain Net-special value. ance ~fwhich madethepresent physician's went over to the window and glancedout. full of lighb and joy, untouched by ,a.ny mto her face; :ind, whe.n the sound of th:e position a far mor? import:i-ntand remun- Doctor Arnold'.s dog cart, a somewhat personal sorrow; and pain~d onl~ by footsteps outsidehad died a'!ay,she hasti· Also new Prints, Cretonnes, Embroideries, Laces, Ties, Gloves, Parasols, unprofessional but decidedly more healthy others' suffering. She had reigned hke a ly smoothed her ruflle_d hair and dashed erative one than his fathers had been. Counterpanes, Table Covers, Table Damasks, &c. The Gray House stood in the heart of as well as more useful vehicle than the little queen over some half-dozen or more cold wat_er on her ac?mg eyes, and then the town, and it was a large roomy· old- usual medical brougham, was waiting out- faithful and devoted subjects. Her went swiftly downstairs. "Mr. Greville is in the study, MissSidfashioned house, extremely comfortable, side; and, when ~e' had left the room, father had been her prime minister, kind, and not withont a certain picturesqueness Sidney stood still and watched him drive grave, tender, indulgent; she had a little ney," said the ol!1 servant who met her in ,Afso Mantle and Dress Silks, Mantle Loops, Frogs, Drops, Ornaments, of its own. The hall door, approached by a.way, smiling and kissing his hand to the court of adoring admirers ready to fetch the hall; and with a word of thanks she -Gimps, &c., direct from Paris. Plea.8e call and see our celebrated broad stone steps, was in t.~e centre . of lovely little face at the window. and carry and worship, she had a devoted went on and entered the study: the buildlng, and opened mto a mde When the dog cart had disappeared, household to whom her slightest wish was A slight fairyoung_man was Its only oc- j(!lr' warranted not to break, :flagged hall, on either side of which were Miss Arnold did not move a.way from the law, and she, like every other girl, per- cupant; he was standmg before the manthe 11itting rooms while a glass door at window. There was plenty of bustle-and haps had had a dream of a prince·consort telpiece, looking up intently at the beauthe other end opened into a charming old- animation in the wide busy street to by-and-by-a proud, gallant, handsome tiful picture~ face, so like Sidney's, which fashioned garden, which led into some amuse and interest her, but there was an prince. strong and brave andgay and ten- hung above it. At the sound of the closfields beyond. The surgery and consult· absent, dreamy look in her eyes which der before whom the queen would lay ing door he turned, disclosing the face of ing rooms had been built at the side of seemed to say that her thoughts were far do~n her sceptre, and whom she would the _young man wh? had driven by_ so New Hats, Caps, Ties, Shirts, etc. TAILORING.-Cloths, Tweeds, the house, and wereapproachedbyanother away. Suddenly her face changed, and love and honor with all her heart. hastily and unheedmgly that mornmg; · Worsted Coatings, etc.,-large stock. entrance. , an expression of surprise and pain and But in those five terrible minutes that and. withou.t a word of greeting, Sidney i The dining room at Gray House was anger flashed into her brown eyes, as a followed after Doctor Eliot's careless went forward and put her hands in his. on the left hand side of the hall, and fac- dog cart driven by a handsome fair young words a sudden change came over her, all ,[TO .BE CONTINUED,] ed.the High street. It was a large lo_w- man dashed past the house in the direc- inexpressible sadness and desolation fen - - . - ·- · · READY-MADE CLOTHING,-full assortment. ceiled room, with three long narrow wm- tion which Doctor Arnold's vehicle had suddenly over her,darkeningand shutting 1'.DVENTURES WITH SHARKS, dows overlooking the patch of grass .be- taken, the gentleman driving not giving a out all bright and pleasant things. There -f1:00ds. fore the house, a sunshiny, melancholy glance at the Gray house as he passed. was no bitterness in her heart, no anger, o. Coast ll:'llot's A:itm Broken by a Blow room with a charm a.bout it notwithstand· Sidney colored a little and moved away no real knowledge, poor child, of what from a Shark's Tall--Dynam.tte perhaps because of, its melancholifrom the window, going back to her unthis agony meant, only an overwhelming - - - - - -- · - - --·--------··--·--··-----·-----·-----..- - - - - ·-nes's. Tl1e furniture ·was old-fashioned, fims · h edbreakfast. "yes, . i 't was a Batt. -· . , misery, a sudden desperate struggle c1 ose s h ave, and I . got but extremely handsome ; there was She was still sitting at the breakfast against a deep rushing sea of passionate off easy with t~is." The speaker, who was quaint old silver upon the sideboard, and table when, some minutes afterwards, the regretand shame and anguish, which she a Gulf coast pilot, held up an arm bound some few good pictures were on the walls; dining-room door opened and a gentleman fought against vaguely, not understand- in splints. "I came up from Pensacola and on the sunshiny September morning entered, bringing with him a , gust of ing it, and wondering feebly in her pain to take a scho?ner round to Tampa, but I RAVE OPENED .AT after the gray misty evening when Steph- fresh cool air from without. if she was going to die. shall have to he off f?r a ~ouple of weeks en Daunt and his sister had found Miss "In time fo1· breakfast?" he said cheerThis agony of pain lasted only for a few or so. It ha~pened ~n t~s way : I startN eil in such a strange state of agitation in fully. "Capital! I did not expect to be. minutes, then it passed away, leaving a ec~ for Fort Pickens in a hght boat under the park the room looked exceedingly Good morning, Miss Arnold, The Doctor numbed sense of dulness and weariness. sail about two weeks ago, and w~en we comfortable and hom.elike. has gone, of course?" There was but little change in Sidney's were half way down, , the ~an with ~e Breakfast was ready upon the table, "Yes," Sidney answered, giving him face as she moved across the room to ring speaks up_ an~ says, , Captam, s~arks is the tall silver urn hissing away cheel'ily, her hand, with a smile, "You must be the bell, and her voice,vas calm and sweQt sorte~ thick,. and Im dogg_ed if they A Brand-new Stock of Fancy Goods, Books and and there was a cheerful coal fire in the quite ready for breakfast, I should as usual as she desired the servant who wern t. Their fins ~as a-cuttm water all Stationery, Wall Papers, Fine Art Goods, Baby old fashioned grate which the chilli- think1" answered her summons to remove the aroun~ the boat, fo_r ard, a-stern, and on Carriages, Violins, Genuine Oil Paintings, (25 cts. neee of the autumnal morning rendered "Yes ; I must plead guilty to a raven· breakfast thinas· and she went down for both 1>1des, some gomg one way and some . · each) Jewelry, etc., etc. very acceptable. In tlie centre of the enous hunger. Nelly and I came back her usual inter"'vi~;v with the cook, whose another, and I ~hoald reck?n ,th~re was brew n·k fast table a low, old fashioned china f rom L amb swoId m · t went y-five mmu · t es. " iong service had made her greatly devoted t wenty a·,f o11errng u s. I d idn t l 1..,,~ ~ tiie bowl, full of late roses made a spot of "Good riding," Sidney remarked ca.re- to her young mistress, , and who noticed l~o~s of em m;y-se1f, b1:1t 1 s~ys, the?' varied color among the snowy napery and lessly, giving her attention to the coffe,e. nothing unusual in Sidney's manner, for cant da~age us m the dmgy. I ha~n t shining silver; and in one window, lean- "You have been,?o La.mbswold then~", the young girl laughed lightly at l!ome. no more~ got the words out of my lips, 'For Sale and Subscriptions taken for all Newspapers & Magazines. ing against its massive oaken frame, stood "Yes. They were kind enough to ask suggestion and made a pleasant cheerful when, bhm I came a 13-foot shark ?lean a. young girl, look~ng with d~eamy eyos me to breakfast ; but I had uot time to reply. And then, having performed lier out 0 ! t~e water. We both gave a Jump inte the street, which, early as it was, was sta.y." household duties, she went slowly up to to . wi?d a~d, and the fish struck about a In Stock ; also Bibles, Hymn Books, Envelopes, Pencils, Pens, Inks. alrj~db~~:lra°fr~~i~·~g~tudy, over the "Lady Eva is well, I hope1" the girl her own room, thinking dreamily hc;>'!V third m with.a c:ash that al;most filled us, , Fine Assortment of Toys, Dolls, Vases, Fancy Baskets; also Confectionery. m antel-piece, hung the portrait of a lad_y, said with an elaborate attempt at careless- steep the wide shallow oaken · steps of'the thra~ed for a ;mmute, sending on~ of the ness old fashioned staircase were, and how oars mto the air, and then s"'.ung i;tis head ~ VIOLIN STRINGS a Specialty. ~ a. curious old picture, all shadow a.~d nust "i believe so. I did not see her," he re- tired she was. But, when she "Ot into r?und, an~, a~ I was rea.chmg ~Or the as it were, a clouded world of pa.mt, out · till t t k k , the ui;il ame her own room, and had locked the door ~r 0 · give 1 a noc ' . c . of which a woman's face peered with a plied. pretty arch grace which seems to cling to Sidney's heart beat quickly as she sst behind her, the first thing she saw was a agamst my ar;m, and broke it gleal'l. m such shadowy old pictures. , It was the behind the urn. Whydid he not say who great bunch of Marechal Niel roses which two. In a mmute more the s.h:i-rk was CONTINUED AS USU AL. was ill at La.mbswold1 she wondered. Stephen Daunt had brought her the day overboard, and we sot there bai.hng and ~!1!1"::: ~: ~~~~;T~:id~~-abu~-~~1:o~ld Some feeling of shyness she could not ex- before; and presently she found herself ha!! sca~t to death. , . . have passed easily for a portrait of his plain keeping her from asking a question crouching upon her sofa,, crying a.a if her Accident 1 I couldn t say, most ~~ke only daughter, his only child, Sidney, as which would have seemedperfectly natur- heart must break, poor foolish child- ly it was. , Sharks often l?ave the water she stood leaning her graceful head al to Doctor Eliot. He ,must know she shedding her passionate tears without un- when they re chased, and. it may not have f S?en the boat, but we did'nt waste any 1 d was anxious, she thought impatiently ; derstanding why. PICTURES ENLARGED. against the _window ra~e, . a s en er but Doctor Eliot was eating his breakfast When the first paroxysm of weeping time after that, I can tell you. The ~plash little figure m a soft clmgmg brown with the excellent appetite of a hungry was over, she sat up among her cushions, of the fish had colle,cted them 1:mt;! the goQ~ite a "study in browns" _was Sidney rna.n after a sharp ride, and was apparent· pushing back her hair from her forehead, water w:as full of em, and ~' didn t feel Arnold, as she stood there m the sun- ly not in a communicative humor. Pre- with a little tired gesture, and glanced sa~~ u~til I was ~m t~e beach. . We cordially invite the public to call and see us. shine, and as such Mr. Whistler would sently he pushed a.side his plateandglanc- roun tile room with..a 'bewildered lo.Qk. " ~ill they bI!e 12" a!!ke~ the Jiat.e!-ler. H. C. TAIT. . D; MORRISON. have liked to paint her. The soft grace- ed up at her, notioi~g her pallor with a What had she been crying for? she said " Will a duck. swim: replied t e pilo1t. to herself with some impatience. That . Why, my friend, i~ July or now, Id ful folds of her closely fitting dMss were little anxiety. brown; the pretty hair cut short upon her "You are not looking well," he said Stephen was going to be happy could be J~st as soon t~y to swim a lake of red hot forehead and gathered into a close knot gently. "I am afraid you do not get no cause of unhappiness to her, his old pitch as. to swim over from Pensacola to on the nape of her white neck was brown enough fresh air. You have been lazy friend Sidney. They had always been Fo~·t Pickens. There are not so many friends, even although they had quarrell- accidents on record there, because people also, but touched here and there with a.bout going out lately.,, gold; and the beautiful dreamy eyes, "I have been busy at home," she an- ed sometimes, when she had displeased ~no1 ~he da~gersl and ~0ffk o~t for them, lovely eyes, soft and true and faithful, swered carelessly. "But I am very well. him in any way or another, sometimes by ut now 0 at east a a ozen cases. were brown also-dark velvety brown. I ,am generally pale, you know. Shall letting ]'rank Greville ride withher to the T-he last one. happened last summer. A - - A T THE-If Sidney Arnold possessed neither Sibyl I give you another cup of coffee, Doctor meet, or dance every waltz with her at a vessel csme m.p~rt for a .l?ad of lum?er, Neil's wonderful beauty norDolly Daunt's Eliot1" ball, or when she had :flirted a little with and t~e Cap~am s boy, quite ~ g?od-ruzed "Thank you, no. I have no tiine for it; some new admirers of whom Stephen lad, m foolmg a.bout the riggmg, fell sparkling prettiness, she had a delicate Daunt's dark eyes did not quite approve. overboard. Th~ men heard a sc~eam and loveliness of her own which was perhaps the surgery is full of patients." more charming than either; and one He rose from the table, pushing back On these occasions Stephen would scold rushed to the rail, b~t the only sign they glance at her beautiful steadfast eyes his chair as he spoke. Sidney rose also, her gently in his grave deep tones, a.n<i saw was a red cloud m the water. They would have told ,one of whom Stephen her cheeks no longer pale now in the sud· then when she had laughingly expressed got out the boat, and fina:lly recovered the Iu order to complete the work already begun the subscriber Daunt was thiukin" when he looked into den ruih of color which came into them. her pell;it1mce, he would forgive her body, but ~he head an~ hm~s were gone. is now clearing out his very extensive stock, eIJ;!bracing one of tho " rose to greet.him in "You h ave not t oId me wh o is . i ·11 a t oflience and rem'a·-te Another desert Rover's eyes as he ""' her in hi"s former f h ftime a d soldier triedb to h k the hall at Lambswold. , La.mbswold," she said, with an attempt at favor. And Sidney had soon discovered rom t e ort an was eaten Y s ar s. largest and best selections -of Dry Goods ever submitted for sale in Early as it was-the great bre>nze clock carelessness and indifference. that that favor was very necessary to her You see the brute~ follow v~ssels in from upon the mantelpiece pointed to the half"Did I not1" he said smiling. "Do you happiness, and that, however delightful ?ff shore, an~ get m the .h abit of swallow- this town. honr after eight-Sidney had been down want to know? It is Miss Neil." a ball was it lacked enjoyment . for her mg everything that comes along, and As the business is shortly to be closed goods will be sold some time. She had gathered the roses "Miss Neil! Is she seriously i!H" unless his dark eyes followed her kindly, when a m~n goes 0 ;er the:>: rush for the in the old china bowl, and the one which "Oh, no- hardly ill at ill-just a little and that noride withFrankGreville or any splash, Iv~ seen em movmg around on far below their actual value, and purchasers will be enabled to supply nestled close to her milk.w;h.ite throat; indisposed, and inclined to make the most other cavalier was so pleasant as a ride the bottom ~ke a drove of hogs. They she had made the tea and coffee, and now of it!" with Stephen by her side. , generally swim slowly when not chased, their waE.ts at less than wholesale prices. stood waiting for her father and his as"What is the matter with her1" He had been so good. to her, so kind but they can work up a trei;nendous race The undersigned indulges in no exaggerated statements of sistant to come in to breakfast. Doctor "A slight feverish attack," he replied and tender, and thoughtful, that it was ~hen they are cha~ed, and I.ve seen one Arnold's household was an early one, for carelessly. "It seems that she was no wonder that she had grown to love him Jump twenty feet mto the air. hewasavery busyman, with very few un- frightened in the park yesterday, and- " unconsciously even to herself; and, as she . "~o ~how Y?U ho~ hard they can the immense sacrifices he is making, but invites an early call to cono, ccupied moments in the day. "Frightened in the park!" Sidney in. thought of the care and tenderness he had bite, said the pilot. I have seen one vince all that advantages many and real are offered, and that thii? is ·The long hand of the great bronze terr upted, growing very pale. "Who shown, she left the sofa and went over to take a piece out 0~ an oar. Another that clock had travelled from the half-hour could have frightened her?" the mantelpiece, where a large photograph was hauled a.loi_igs~de of a small boat, took iDdeed a real and not a sham sale. after eight to twenty-five minutes to "She does not seem able to give any of Stephen and Dolly stood framed in a the cutw;ater m .its· mout~· and nearly nine, when thedoor opened hurriedly and clear e:x:planation,"DoctorEliotsaid, won- pretty carved frame which was Sidn.iy's cri;ished it t? 8 Jelly, leavmg twenty or Doctor Arnold came in, a tall spare man, dering a little at Sidney's anxiety; "and own work. As she stood loo.k ing at it th~~tl teeth .m the wood. . still handsome in spite of his fifty·:tive any questions CID the subject only make with loving wistful eyes, she remember· <'>m~ time ago a Spdmsh gunboat years and gray beard. her hysterical, so I have tabooed theni. ed the day on which it was taken. dropped m there, and D}1e oflicer11 amused , Sidney turned round with a little start, Mr. Stephen Daunt and his sister were They had gone to Stroud together, Dolly th~mselv_es shark fishmg. They had the dreamy look faded from her eyes, and walking in the grounds in the early part and Stephen and herself. He had driven quite a. circus. . They . would ~ake a small w:ent forward to greet him with a little of the evening, and they found her in a them over in his phaeton, :tnd she had dynamit~ cartrid~e,_ bmd a piece of ~alt smile in her eyes and on h~r lips which state of considerable agita~ion and alarm. 'begged them to be photographt1d because pork to it~ and fix it to a float and wire, would have brightened a duller room than When she saw them, she fainted, and has she ha.d no likeness to take away with her and send it 200 feet. astern. Pretty soon the dining room at the Gray House. been more or less nervous and hysterical on the long visit to her aunt on whioh she a shark w5rnld take it, and they would.fire "I am late, dear," he said, kissing her ever since. She will be well in a day was shortly going. And Stephen had by the wire,. and the fush would fly mto Having ,decided to give up the Boot and Shoe Busiuess this hurriedly. "And I have not much time or two." laughed at first, and then yielded, as he a thousand pieces. I_ f one was w_ounde~ season, I will selJ the ~hole of my stock of for breakfa11t. I have had a telegram , "What could have alarmed her?" the usually did to any r equest of hers; and a the others went for him and ate him up. "I don't know. There waa a note from 8IDNEY'8 FOLLY Stephen Daunt this morning, asking one TO THE LADIES. S.Mason Black & Colored French Cashmeres CARPETS-Fine, Choice, Elegant Patterns. BAMBOO CORSETS, TO THE GENTLEMEN. Two Fisrt-Class Cutters. Can have your choice. Grocers' Due Bills taken as Cash for S. MASON & SON. · in~ ~r TAIT & MORRISON ALL TORONTO PAPERS ALL SCHOOL REQUISISES ~P~Q~Q~R~·B @AL~~~~ First Class Photos at Lowest Living Prices. Picture Framing done well ·a nd cheap. -GRE..8..T- C10Sill.g Sa1e ! GLA!SGOW HOUSE. ALL SALES STRICTLY CASH. GIVING UP BUSINESS I from Strouii, saying that old Squire Lan- girl said wonderingly. day or two after her departure for town -- ·~- · thony is very ill, and begging ~e to, go at "Ni>thing of any consequence I dare he had sent the photograph to her, with Something Wrong Somewhere. once, and I want to catch the nme o clock say " Doctor Eliot ans were ii. carelessly. some gay words of greeting and an injunc· "Do your women customers bother you -C>F-train " S' b · h1 1 d tion to come back from town the same Sid- much r asked a citizen who was talkini? w . · . · ,, "hehas eendomgtoomuc atey,an hd ·-hf ~BOOTS . "Breakfast is quite ready, fatl:ier, ~he is naturally hysterical. Mr. Daunt was nQy who a left 4 0 ord. with a Toronto grocer t he other foorn· gU:l answ~red, m a low ,sweet musical anxious; all men are frightened by byAnd then she remembered that on her ing. v01ce, which was one of her greatest sterics and fainting fits, however trivial return, although she was the same, it was "Well, they seldom want to pay the l h h l l · b . I! 1 J.Or chSi:i;ms. "~ a;m so~ry.~o hear that the they are." he who was changed from the frank, kind- prices. It seems natural for them to at ess t an W 0 esa e prices, y reta1, poor old Squire is so ill. "Yes" Sidney said quietly turning ly, brotherly Stephen whom she had left; beat down the figures. There comes one . ," I am afraid he is almost at the end," away fr~m him; "and Stephe~ has not he had become grave and reserved and al- now who probably wants strawberries. ..J:::l.. remarked h~r father . rather. absently. had much experience. Dolly is not given most cold. During h er absence in Lon- H ere are some fresh ones at fifteen cents " Are you,::imte Wtlll this morning 1 You to that sort of thing." I don a new inmatehad come toLambswold. per quart, and yet if I should ask her or will sell the entire stock en bloc at a decided bargain. look pale. "N . b · t 1 ·n h ,, th Dolly's governess, who had lived there for only eleven s~e'd wru;it 'em for ~n." · · 10 "lam quite well dear" she answered o, u WI ' ave mo~e now, e many years, had gone away to be married, " Say, try It on, JUSt for a JOke. If The Stock IS all fir:st class, and IS well assorted as she brought his ~o:tfee to him. "It is~ young man remarked laug~!ng~y, as he and Lady Eva had engaged another lady, she asks the price put ~tat el~ven." lovely ll)_ Orning, is it not?" ~urned ~o leave the room. ~iss Daunt of whom Dolly had written to Sidney in The grocer agreed, and presently the for the Spring and Summer trade. "Yes; I should have enjoyed the drive is not given ~o that sort of t~mg, n~r are rapturous t erms, extolling her beauty a~d woman came up, counted the sixteen ~I have the LARGEST, t he BEST and the CHEAPEST assortment of to Stroud had there been time for it," he you;and u!lti~now Mr. Daunt a experience accomplishments, and adding that she had boxes of berries under her nose, and of Women's, Misses' and Children's French Kid, Glace French Calf, French said, eating his breakfast in a hurried has ~een h~ited to you both. You k,~ow won all hearts at Ashford. And when course inquired: preoccupied manner; while Sidney went of Miss Nei~ 8 engagement, of course? he. Sidney returned home she found that "Have you any strawberries this ·morn- Qil Goat, Dongolia French Calf, Oil Pebble, Buff and Prunella-in Butback to her seat and began pourinO' out added, turnmg round as _he. w:;is a~out to Dolly had exaggerated neither Sibyl Neil's ing 1" ton {l,nd Lace Boots, Button and Tie S hoes a nd Slippers- in town. her own tea. "' leave the room, and standingwithhishand beauty, nor her fascination, nor h'1r con"Yes'm." W A lso a very large and varied stock of Men's, Boys' and Youth's "Where is Doctor Eliot, papa?" she upo~ the ,handle of the ~oor. quests. She was simply the most beau ti"Fresh ones 1" Hand-sewed, Machine,sewed and Pegged- in Lace and Button Boots; asked presently, as tbe third place at the . Sidney s face was still averte~, so he ful woman Sidney's eyes had ever rested "Yes'm." Button, Tie and Oxford Shoes-in French Calf, Frenc$ Glace Calf, breakfast table remained unoccupied., did not ~ee the ~ud~en c~ange whi?h pas~- upon; and her fascinations equalled h er "ln quart boxes 1" " Is he in the surgery, do you know? Per- ed, over 1,t, leavmg it white and still as if beauty. And very soon Sidney discover· "Yes'm." Canadian Calf, Buff, P ebble, Cordoran and Grained L ea t hers. haps he does not know that breakfast is chiseled m marble. ed that people were wondering whom "How much 1" Call at once and secure bargains while they are ready." '. 'I have. not heard of it,"_ she said Miss Neil would marry of her many ad"Only eleven cents·per b<r, madam." Delays are dangerous. · "Eliot is out " the Doctor answered. quietly, without a tremor m the low , mir6rs, among whom was Steph0n Daunt. "I'll take the whole lot,~ she quietly going. ' . "bu t ~f course i 't was to_ b e "He went to Lambsweld this morning." sweet voice; From the very day of her return to observed, as she handed out a $5 bill, ST AND :---Neads' Block, next door East of Lee ·"To Lambswoldl" the youl'.\ggirl echoed e:x;pected. She '!ill make a beautiful Ashford a dull numb pain had been iwh· and take 'em she did. in a startled tone, the pretty color dying mlBtress of a beautiful home." ing at Sidney's heart, a vague sense of The citizen disappeared at tl1at mo- & Edsall's Hardware Store. out of herface., "Who is ill there, fath"Yes; it is a charming old place, and sttffering and discomfort which she could ment, and t he grocer believes that it was ~d" she is wonderfully handsome," he answer- not get rid of, but which she would scarce- a put up job between the two. OVER $5,000 WORTH A AND SHOES c s -r:..::r ONLY I F. BORLAND.