THE CANADIAN Sl;ATESMAN E~ERY ~;;~;L:;E:iOBNING, -~Y~ I Rev. Father Wilds' EXPERIENCE . . The Rev. z. P. Wilds, well-known city missionary in New York, and brother of the late eminent Judge "Vilds, of the Massiiclmsetts Supremto Court, \altes !.N OC'l'OROON·s WITCHERY. capt1vatl.11g a Young Man by Be1· Charms To ·every Farmer, Thresher An old citizen of New Orleans, who had been very rich before the war in lands 1\1:. and negroes, but who was stripped comand Mill owner-Use AT THE OFEICE, Wl'U.T THE R1tv. E. B. STEVENSON, B.A·· A pletely by the occupation of his plantaCLERGY:\t:A:-< OF THE LONDON CONFERENCE est&JlleeBlock, King St., Bowmanvllle,Ont as follows: tion by federal troops, told the story of OF 'l'IlTI: METHODIST CHURCH OF CANADA E. 5401 /ft., New Yoi·k, llfay 16, 1S82. an octoroon girl since the war, writes NasHAS TO BAY IN REGARD TO Ji. H. DIXON &; TERJY.I:S: M1<ssus. J.C. AYER & Co. Gentlemen: SON'S NEW TREATMENT l'OR CATARRH. by in the Toledo Blade. iled witli a most Last winter I was trou1 $1.50 perannum,or $1.00trpntdln 1\dva.ncc · OAKLAND, ONTARIO. llAN., March 17. 1883. · uncomfortable itching humor affecting The girl was one of the most beautiful Mtss1·s . .&. H. Dixon, & Son. Payment strictly in advance required Crom more ospeclally my limbs, which itch!ld so of her race, and, of course, had been DE >.R Sms-Yours of the 13th instant to hand. subscribers outside ot the county. Orders to iutolerably at night, aud bnmed so intenseIt eeema almost too good to be true that I am trained by her mother to be as wise as a iUsoontinue the paper must be accompanied by ly, thnt I could scarcely bear any clothing cured of Catarrh. but I know that lam. I have the amount due, or the paper will not be stoppet;t. . over . them. . I was also a sufferer from a serpent, if not as harmless as a dove. She hiid· no ret,urn or the disease and never felt subeeribera are responsible until run payment 1s ·evere catarrll ,and cMarrllal cough; my knew just how beautiful she was, and r1ppetite was poor, ancl my system :i good better in my life. I have tried so many things IXlade. · deal rnn down. Knowing the ·value of for cate.rrh, suffered so much and for so many precisely what that beauty was worth. AYElt-'S SAU.SAPA.Rlr~tA, by observation of that it is hard for me to realize that I am y.eare. RATES OF ADVERTISING I l5 S She was, it is presumed, of a very warm rrniny oLher cases, and f r om per~onal use really better. · A JAPANESE STE!J.UBOAT. Whole Column one year ............. $50 00 ~ ~.,; in former years, I began taking it for the and imp.u lsive nature, but she had her I consider th11,t mine wn.e a very bad ca.ea; it " " Half year .... .. ...... 30 00 ~~:::1 ftbove-n:tmed disorders. :My appetito im... ap aggravo.ted and chronic, involving the impulses terribly well under control. .. " One quarter ......... 20 proved almost from tile first doso. After · throat as well e.s the nas!ll passages, and I ilalf Column one year ............... 30 oo-- a and itchh1g were ellort time the fever A young man, a very rich young man,thought I would require the three treatments " " H alfyear ........ ,... -.2000allayed, and all signs. of irritation of tho_ but feel fully cured by the two sent me. and I that is, -a young man wiih a very rich .. " One quarter ........... 12 50 skin disapperirccl. My catanh and cough am thankful th6t I we,e ever induced to aond Quarter Column one yea.r ... ., .... .. 20 oo-· father,saw her and fell in love with her. were iclso curnd, by the same , m eans, and to you. " .. Half year .. . .. . · .. . . 12 50 5 my general hc1tlth greatly i\npi·ovec1, until A great many young men had done the are at liberty to use this letter' You ·· One quarter...... . . 8 00 " it is now mc;cellent. I feel a ·lrnmlred per that I liavo been cm'td at t1vo treatments, anu same thing, but she put a high price upon 3lx lines and under, first Insertion .. $0 50 cent stronger, and 1 attribute these results I shall gladly rncommond your remedy to some Each subsequent inser.tion ..,... 0 25 _ to the use of the SAnSAPAltILLA, which herself. A house furnished never so well of my friends who arc aufl'erers. I recommend with ·all contldcnco ns tho S'rom six to ten lines, first msert1ox:., 0 75 _ GUA.R.~N'I'EED very well for common girls, but was Youra with many thanks, Each t111bsequent Insertion ...,. . . 0 35_10 best blood medicine ever devised. I took REV. E. B. STEVENSON. she ·held herself far above that sort of it in small closes three times a cfay, and Over ten lines,tlrst insertion,per line 0 10 ~ used; in all, less than two bottles, l place Each subsequent insertion, " 0 03 ·-thing. She was perfectly willing that the tho B E S T in the World. t lteso facts at youl' service, hopin-g thehThe numLer of lines to be reckoned by ..;,. young man &hould have her; but marriage publioation lllfl.Y clo good. the space occupled,.measured by a scale of Yours respectfully, ' z. l'. IVIJ,!JS." ·When he was her price, nothing less. -15 solid Nonpareil. 1'ho abov!" 111st~nc? is bnt one g_f the many told her how much he loved her, she asconsfontly comin(: to our ~otice, which prove sured him tnat love was not worth a whit L. POT'l'Elt, !II.D. the perfect alla11t.ability of AYER's SARSA· ,to a woman unless it was legalized, and RADUATE of Queen's College, Kingston that if he loved her as he said he did he anu Member of Col: ;ge of Phy.sicians and PA.ltlLLA to 1;he cure -Of alt- diseases arising from impure or impoverisllocl blood, and a Surgeon~. Ontario. ·ought to be willing tio make the sacrifice « 0 1nce and Residence, Enniskillen. 17. weakened vitality. she required that he might possess h ·;r, ----------- . ~-- ·---~ Dr. A.. :CEITH, He begged, "stormed, swore, entreated, GRADUATE OF THE ·roRON'l'O UNIVERwept, WJl.iled, and howled, but to no avail. Sl'l'Y, Physician, Surgeon, &c. O~ce King cleanses, enriches, and strengUiens the blood, She was as cool as a cucumber. She loved Street. MORR CS' BLOCK, Bowmanville. stimulates the action of the stomach 1mcl him and he loved her-why not marry? bowels, and thereby enables the system to G. H. V A.JlYETD., B. A., B.Sc., lll. D., t:.111. The young man represented to her that re~ist uncl overcome the attacks of all Scrofti. his father was a widower, that he was an ICENTIATE OF THE COLLEGE lo1·s Diseases, 10-!lptlons of the SLin, Rlleu. of Physician~ and SurgeoIJS of Ontario. only son, and that he laboured under the nuttism, Catm·rh, Gene'l'al Debility, and, all OFFICE AND RESIDENCE :-Main St., O"rimo. disorders disadvantage of n,:it having a dollar, ex· resulting fro1n poor or corrnpteq :\ '3.l\ tb.e eai' It, JI, llr. Mc.Langll.lln, .M. B., cept as his father chose to give it him; 'blood and a low state of the syate. m. \)~l.W --· OlJl} ICENTIATE OF THE ROYAL COJ,LEGE that the old gentleman had the regulation PREPAltED BY of Physicians and member ot the Royal JOHNSTON'S prejudice against marrying octoroons, and Dr.J. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. ·College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. Ofiloe: MORRli:l' BLOCK King-st.,Bowman- Sold by all Drnggists; prico $1, si:x; bottlei - would, should he do it, cut him off with·Ville. out a dollar~ He would be perfectly willfor $5. DR. J. (), JlllTC;HJJLL, ing to see her his mistress, but his wife, EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIAN.S never. This is New Orleans morality. r,. AYER'S and l:lurgeons, Ontario, Oo1·oner, etc. · But tl1e girl remained firm, and w-ould Oftioe and J:tea1dence. J:!;nniBklllen, H. CATHARTIC h ear of nothing less than actual marriage, and the young man was so infatuated with D. BUltKE SIMrsoN, PILLS. · ARRISTEJ't, SOLlCI'l'OR, &c., MORfW:l h er that he mustered up courage and went BLOU:K, up stairs, King titreet, J:lo>vman· Medicint': to his. father. lie. Solicitor tor the Omario Hank. cure Constipation, Indigestion, Headache. a.i10 The old man was very stern with him. l"rlvate Bhneys loaned at the lowest i·tJ:tes, all Bilious Tiisordcrs. J:tis son marry an octoroon! Never! John Keith Galbraith, Sold everywhere. Ahva:vs reliable. "Do it sii;;" said he, in the regular ARRll:iTER, SOLICl1'0R, NO'l'ARY irate-father style, "and you will never PUJ:lLlC, &c. Otlice-Reed'e.Block, over Fon TEN MILLION PEOrl~E ARE IN look me in the face again." T. Batttngs store. King Street, Bowman ville: Minnesota, North·Dakota, Montana, Money to lend In vain the young man appealed. In · Washingfon and Oregon, - - - S T . JOHN H. HIJT()HES&N, vain nc remarked .to the old gentleman ALONG THE LINE OF THE that he P.a\i been young once, and ought ARRISTER, & ATTORNEY. &c. to know how it was himself. The old t\O'l'ARY PUBLIC. MONEY TO LOAN· · 0FFIUE-0VER i:l'l'ATESMAN (lFFlCE. man did not sco it in tl1at light. It is true RClBERT ARlllOIJR, that the old men who have gone through EGI8'fHAR WES'l' DURHAM 1.::;,;UER eve rything, who have run up and dvwn ... of'Ltcenses, Barrister anti ': tor· the whole gamut of folly, will not permit ue:r at Law and Solicitor in C.hance1·. ,;.,,ney their sons to d0 it. There is something oaned on Real.Estate. Otllce on K» ·., ·!xeet, I singular in t.his. Man is very egotistic. · - - - - -:3owmanville. , i . 'I.'. PUJL~ll"S I The father will shudder at the thought of ICENSED AUUTlONEl!JH for the County I his son's doing a tithe of what he did himof Durh9m, Sales promptly attended. self, nevei: thinking that what he did Address-Hampton P. O. 59. himself ai1d came through safely, his son s . 1nrrc:muo~. may do with equal sa.fetv. AUC'l'IONEER, CONVEYAN· ltiff" I am fully prepared to attend Furierala on But h e would none of it. He had L ICENSED CJ!:R and Commissioner in B. n. Sales at· the.shortest notice, at the lowest possible rates. Caskets and Burfal Cases re£Ldy on short notice. . no earthly obj ection to his son's Jivin0 a tended to prom!' tlY and at reasonable rates. l First-class hearse on very moderate terms. l · 1 ~Address-.Et. niski·lem P. O. Shrouds and Coffins con3tanth· on band. Fun· with t 1e gtr illegitimate y , bt1t to marry Meat Sold in the Shop for Cash . cardssnpplied st once. Furniture Shop & her, never! · JOHN EUGRES - L\,)1;<.uscrl Auct oheu, era! VERSUS Show Rooms-Bonno111l'sNcw Block. "B t f th " l d d th Valuator and Ar·bitrator. FlTe end Life All furnit1ire sold by me is made by the U. C u a er, p ea e e young man, Peddling ana Credit. -:-' Insurance, Notes and Accounts Collected. Furniture Co. of Dowmanville. I do_ not buy "she hi no common woman." Money to Lend on reaP.ona!:l!e terms. A<dreee slop furniture and reprMont it to have been "I d"n't suppose she is. 1vVere she you Cartwrii;i:h ·. Ont. ~72 theU.C.~'.Co.otthistown. - wou11 · so over I " ~ We having heen solicited by a Alsomadoby agent rorthe LI·QUOU TEA ror this town c not· rn".e 1er. . .· ' .,<O GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO and vicinity. It is t·hc11p and as good as oan be ".A Jl I ask is that you go see Mane. Go :\;' '\ ~ number of our citizens to commenc& . every man who bnvs ·hi~. Ucen5e fxom got in the rn:u~rnt.. A valuable prize given and see her and I knowvou will welcome ~'\ ~ y HENRY SYLVESTER, Enniski.len. on the above system, we have no · wab evcrl· pound · ' G J d ,._;, ~ ' Y 0 decided to fall in with thefr request. lllll. W, WULSOY, ·---·--- --- ·· ..:...___:_ ____ ___ ~--he~:;~~~~t;!~~ was ~~rifi~:~:~~~tthe The name boars different mei:." ·ngs, ac . ~\~ "-.~ ~' EACHER OF THE PIANOFOR 'l' E , This plan will enable us to sell TWO charms that had enshvml him would cap- cordin-g as it is used by the Arabti, or byl <9~-0 ? ~~'\) ORGAN and SINGING. 'fERM:S- $6 and burc his father. the Egyp ;ians. The former apply it to i . \. / ~ ~ cents pe1~ pou d chea,per. As you $10 per Twelve Lessons of ONE h_our ellch. Over Higgmbotbam's Drug Store,Krng Street, "I will go and see her, " said the father, designate the interior of Africa generally, ~ -0..~ ,....1>-~Q'~~ "'" will see by t]rn syslem WQ Bowanville. 2 "to please you, but it will not alter my and, following them, the geographers of ~ ~ )." ,.... ~~ -c~ shall not require half a dozen horses decision. But I will go and see her." Europe have given this na;me-to-a-H-th11 -(C:~y.p ..:__-=1f!>.-~~!>.:~-«-< ::::....._,.-~r;;;,\0:'.:'.:.._ _ PianosTuned & :Repnil·ed. anc ngs and men to run them, for The old gentleman dicl go i;ind see her, countries along the southern edge of tho~ \.) ~'Y~ ..f.\ · which the public have previously· and he found that his son had not exag- great Sahara, from Senegambia and Sierra~ "-~ / "- ~ ~~· ARTIES WISHING THEIR PIANOS gerated her qualities. She was exceed- L eone on the west, to Darfur on the east. ..~~._.. ~ "~ '\>..._ paid. We be ing the first to intro-Tuned or i'epaired oun have' thom attended to by leaving WOI'd at the DOll!lNION ORGAN ingly beautiful, exceedingly bright, ex- Etymologically, Soudan means simply ~~ o' ~~~ ·' ~uce this gr<'at $aving ask your Co's O)'~ICE, :Bowmanville. A first-clas man ceedingly accomplished, and as keen ns a "the black," and is a corruption of the v e (;)(;)<\> 'I.OW oaing in their mploy. liberal support. razor. She was the wisest young octo- Arabic name Balud-us Sudan, "the coun~~. ~\: · ROF. T. L DOYLE Pianist, Organi-lt, Yours t ruly, roon there was in New Orleans, and she try of the blacks." and teacher 01 Vocal Music is prepared to took good care to put her best foot for· As employed, however, by the Egypttake a few more pupils. 'l'be best of referenoe & ward. She talked the old gentleman out ians, "the Soudan" means not the imcan be turnishcod. Great o·re e:xer ieed wt h beginners, and BJ!"Clal attention given to adof his prejudic'"s, she him interested tnense tract of Africa jl,lst d escribed, but Market Square. vanced pupils. Thoee desirorn1 or ta&ring inHas received .tier n~w stock of · in her, and when he left her presence he a tract to the east of it, which comprises yle's resistruction· should apply at Mr. D > N. B.-AU orders promptly at.dence, or make it liriown by directi og a few went out in a sort of a d < ized way. the oountries, except Abyssinia, ou both tended to and Meat deliv~red to all lines to J:'. 0. Box <19. 'rerms, $7.50 for twelve He did not return to his son at all, but sides of the Nile, south of the second cat239-tf. lessons. avoided him. The young lady to her aract , which have, during the last sixty and invites the J.Jadies of Bow- parts of the town. ~o Ro! GenUe1men oCFasb . This Cut represents the popular Victorfa mother, after the old geuLleman had gone: years, been formed into ap. English proWe also pay Cash for Farm and 'WavQ. It is dreased with hair falling on "l don't think, mama, I shall marry Ed- vince bearing that name. The dependent manville and vicinity to call Dairy Produce. ion, not so ·fast~ th< · forehead, and the ~nds meet in Montagues. ward. I don't think I like him as well as province or empire-for, be it underand see her Pattern It i8 exceedingly bocmning. and is having a I have written these few llnee ! thought I did, and marriage without ab· stood, the Soudan is not Egypt, any more large run. . And all I have to sayTho above style, with .large nqmber or solute love would be to a sensitive nature than Algeria is France-comprises much That you can find me still at homto, other equally · becoming styles , are made by like mine, a hell upon earth." of Nubia, all Senrniar, all Rordofan, and lam not gone away. ¥'1110 IS UNACQUAINTCO WITH TH E QEOORA PH Y O F THIS COUN- ' MltS. A: DAVIS, So all my kind old. , riends may come. "Don't talk rubbish to me," remarked all Darfur. T RY WILL SE E DY EXAMIN!NQ THIS MAP THA T 1'.JofE and assortment _ of · M. l\fayer Jl store over And all the young ones, too, . the mother. "You won't throw over so A report recently made to the British And get their garments nicely made In fashions that are new: excellent a young man with sucli brilliant Foreign O:tlice, gave it11 length from nc,rth Where old and young, dE>ar friends, ma:r meet prospects, will you 'I" to south, or from Assouan to the Equator, A welr,ome " ""fltinll. bv H. PEA'1'E "A. bird in the hand is worth two in at about sixteen hundred and fiftv miles ; Continues to do aBranch. General Banking Business at the bush. l\'[y shrinking soul is frighten- but this makes it be!!in · at the first, and BSuTtcohRer"~s :'ti~Jelcond Door 'VcRI· of 'Villlnms its BowmanvillE) ~ · ed at the thought of trusti1·g my future not at tho second, cataract of the Nile ; with a young and changeable man. I r e- its width, on the same authority, from .DEPOSIT§ quire love. I require the entire d evotion Massow.ah, on the R ed Sea, to the westReceiverl in Savings Bank Deparlment itnd on we beg to annonncfl to the public th11.t we <;all.and int!Jre~t allowed at cm·rent mtes. No of a heart as simple and true as my own. ern limit of the Darfur Province, is from" of w1thdro We.1 )lecess£L1·1. All deposits And · besides, m am a, suppose tho cruel t~elve h~ndped .to Jo.ur~ee,n h undred are prepared to do ageneralinsnru,nce business, P!l>Yu.ble on demand. · father!f!Should disinherit tho son! That miles. It prooably, therefore fall far· representing as we do a nnmber of 1lrst class · ll f i.. ~ · Companies we shall be g-Jq,d to give prompt atwould be tf:rrible. I think my duty to . short, if at a , o tu."' dimeus1ons of India. tention to anything in that line. w c represent myself and to you r equires me to shake It is inhabited by two totally distinct ~!so the Ontario Lo.m and Savings Co.. or · andDrarts issued upon Europe · t h eyoungman. B ut I sh a Jl d o noth. Oshawa,>i&5 and accept deposits on from its belutlf alRmightand sold mg races~th(I.nortllern h alf b ya1most pure lowing percent interest dateor WITH TEETH, Arabs, most of them nameli tribes, pro- re~elpt. . :WITHOU.T TEETH . Un!ted Sta,tea and Canada, also Gold, Silver and hastily. I shall consult my heart. n Um_ ted Sta:es Qreenbacks boueht and sold. . . .The next day the old gentleman called fessing .some form of .Mohammedanism, Parties requiring loans ~ill find·it to their · h a If 1:U' negroes, who, advantage to get our terms. , h em again an d enj oyed an hour or two of · th~ an d t h ii so11t. ()_ OLL IE!V1:'JONS PJU.()TIVAL DEN'l'ISl', Promptly ~ud,e at current rates upon. all parts delightful girl's soc~ety, and ~hen Ed- thoug_h · oific4tlJy, ~lassed a~ong l\fossl\l".; OYER TWENTY YEA.RB .~i;;RIENCE, we are agents for ·a number of first class of Great Brittain, the United Stat/iS and Do ward Cf\We: again h e was .not P!'J."mitted· to mans, arc ·really Pagans, and are, rqughly see h er. speaking, all sedentary and agricul- lines, among wbich is the White Star Line the Nitrous OxJde Gas Adminhre,.,~d _fo~ Pntules mimou of Canada. "She loves you," su~d the mother, who tural. bAst fastest and beat equipped Steamship on OperatJous. , , Ol'l'l()E did s~e him, "wit.h a' love fur·1011s 1·n 1"ts Up to 1 . 819, the.Soudan, =as divide.d. i11· eat the Ocean. Car tickets to all points at low· . ~D()()~IJNG'S m;ovx. rates. and We also represent W . D .Mathews !\fade for large or small snms on all. parts of intensity, but she w11l never be the means to a llUJhbei<of petty.kingdoms and chief- of 'foronto, ancl are prepared to pay highest CanA<la. 'l'his is especially advani.ageous to of making you unhap · py. When · y our i·e- taincics ; but in ·tlnt , ear Mohammed prices for Barley and all kin<ls of grain. · · ·· · · P<1.rdee interested will plea3e note.these facts. peeaous living in Man1tob~ or the North-west as it. :uakes the funds available at once at the spected father gi ves his cons~nt and is Ali, the then ~hedive, sent his son Is pl,.ce or vaynient. · willing'to receive h er as a . (laughter, she mail to conquer the country. From th~t vw g~~a;?rt:t~I~!~0c~~~~g~~~ %h8e~~~ iii~r£:!. ~O:~t b1 the shortest rou te, and carr_ytng passengers. For further particulars call at the Banking will rush gladly to your arms, hilt not till .time to the. present1 the Egyptians have . LD without change of cars. between Chicago o.nd Kan.. Hou$e. . then. Marie is full of passion, but duty gone on extending the · borders of their 0 AND RELIABLE en~ City, Council Bl uftS, Leavenworth. Atch ison, Minn eapolis and St. Faul. - It connects in Union GEO. McGILL . T. Bl:WDIE, keeps it in check. . Her···very love for nominal sov.e.r:eignity~ but have never yet GRAY'S SPECIFIC .MEDICINE. · Ma:r{ager. you prevent,s.1ier from making .you mis- managed to obtain. any ,undisturbed footAccountant. Ri0!~~1:i'~~?oa~ntcl1etE~1n~~~f1)Jitecse~fi~~aft~eJ:U~~1: men tis unrivaled a.nd magnincen t , being composed 2.'>7-ly, GrentEng· TRADE erable. " ' ' ' ' ing in any parb of tlie vast terricory they , TRADE MllJ~l<.The lishltemedy,an ~~:,~t1Je~~f~~~~~~e ~~~1i':J~~t16Yi.~Rab~~s~ai~.! · · \.'But I must see her." claim. The seat of the J;'rqvincial Gov- . 6 unfailiag cure for ~i~~· of1~f~ii8i ~~:;~:1i~f~r~~5 'rf?{1~~h~r~f~: Seminal Weak-· PORT PERRY ·"'lmposstble!" was the, heartless reply, ernmentisatKhartouli'l;atthc confluence ' betv..reen Chicago and Missouri River Fo1nts. Two ness, SupermaH A R·N DE "L. D. S . , Tl·a ins between Chicago and Minneapolis and &. 0 w " and the door was .slammed in his facP. of the Blue and, White ;Nile. . torrhea, Imp·oPa.ul, via the Famous Graduate otthe Royal College'or-:Dentel ·. · · I:\: · ·· . . J.twas'impossible that · l10 should see Khartoum, can bereac;:hedfromCairo, ·.. tency, & all dis· . "ALBERT LEA ROUTE."' , , Surgeons, Ontario. · · eases thatfollow ___. , , _ · Marie, for a very good~reason-viz. , his from which it is some fifteen hun~red Ii New e.nd Direct Line, via Seneca. and :K.a.nka-'.· as a sequence of 'l'he aboye wor')l:s are ru.nning .full blast to f h · h .._ ii d . b h N'l h ·1 koo, hua. rece.ntly been opened 'between R ichmond, OFFICE ovER :DrcKt:ioN·s-:sTPP m: keq.> u.p with orders. ·Some very huge orders at. er·Was wit .aer trying· to persllade m es istant, v t e 1 e.,--t e r ai way No:rfolk::,Newport N ews, Chattanooga.,Atla11ta,J.\lt- . -~ . Self-Abufe; as . gu3ta, Naahvillet Louisville, L exington, CiriG~ ati, · ha" e !wen received lat<fly. We employ no agent11 h,,r. to accept his "protecti6n," which the short at' Atisiout, less than ·three' BlllOl'e Taking1oss of.Memory,After 'faLing. I u<.h ::m a.'polis Lafayette, &.nd Omaha, MinutNJ.P.. GOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. a11t1 selling 'l'Oil\bA:ltones, Monuments eto. astute youna. wmnan i'eJ'ected, as she had hundre!i . "miles from Daii'o~b)l~ the quick· Universa!LasHitude, Pain in.the Back-Dimness oli~ a u<l St. Paul and i nte r\Jlediate points. ., Plate Work executed in -the' latest an<\ ~oat at lo·ver prices in c'onsequenoe: · Our. to" l:T All Throu gh J?a.sFJeng<:rs 'l' l on Fast E;1;prcs:; T rau1s. numl get· J;be commission themselve~. It will a similar. offer: frGm· his son. . est route. is by the, Red Sea from Suez to of Vision. Premature Old Age, and many other improved style of the Dental Art. ' 1 tliseases th!Lt lead to Insanity or Consumption ti! U~~~!!oSt~~~~ e.atn~l~~it!1J~~&l Ticket Offices in 'l'he. young ~d wa.rd .foun~ .l1imself in -a Souakim, w hicJ;i may be r~i:1arded as. the and.a Premarure Gritvc. , TEETH EXTRACTE.D ' WITHOUT p AIN P"'l, \'" Yperson ·who intends -erectmg a. monu,· checkod through o.nd re.tee of fare a.14'2rFull particulars in our :Pamphlet, whicL w ay!:i RS low as competitor9 that offer l eas a.dvanb:r the.use o! Nitrous Oxide Qas, without injury ~~~;·"~~et~~ ~1:e~:1ir: P~~:s~n~i1~ab~t~~~i;J:i.~~~ .v~ry su~q~lar position. ·He cqu.l.~l n.o.t see seaport o~ the Squdan1;aµu t_henc~ by a we to send free by mai1 to every·one.tae-:r~s . . , .,. ~ . then· order. I guarantee fli:st class w1>rk at. lns love without the consent of lus father, caravan route of about t\YO h.undred 11<nd l'hedesire _ to the patient. Foi· detailed information, get tho M o.nd Fold... Medicine is ~old by all druggists and ,he could not see his father at all 't o seventy miles to Btirber, whore the Nile at $1Sp,eoific ers of .the _ per package, or six pack11.ges for $5, or Particular attention paid to the regulation of loweo~ possible prices. CREAT ROCK.ISLAND ROUTE,. get his consent. He could make nothing is touched, and from that point south- wlll hb sent free by mail on the receipt of the CHILDREN'& TEETH. At yom.~ nearest Ticket Office, or address · MARBL· Worut!I, at all of it. ward for about the same distance to Rhar- money by addressing R. R. OABLE, E, ST. JOHN, _.ALL WORK WARRANTED.~ 251-tf. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., PoaT PERRY About a week ther eafter the mystery t oum. Vfoc·Prcs. & Gcn'l M'g'r, Gcu' l Tkt. & Pus.!!. Toronto, Ont., Canada CHICACO, and Marrying His Fatbe:.·. A.JAMES, ··rn was cleared up. He received the following from his father, dated New York: "MY DEAR SoN: All you said to me (>f Marie is true. She is indeed e~ery t.hing that is lovely in pMson and mind. She is at once the most beautiful and the wisest of her sex. I sl10uld be- perfectly willing for you to marry her but for one trifling fact. I have found it essential to my happiness that I should marry her myself, which I have done. I have provided for you amply, and shall probably 'lever see you agam. My wife and I proprise to live hereafter in Paris. I hope to hear from you OCO!Ulionally. PAPA." · CATARRH. · CATARIUl.-A new ·Treatment whorebv 11 permanent cure Is e:trected in from one to threa treatments. Partienlars and 'l'reatise free on receipt of stamp. A. H. DIXON & SON,!307 King Street, West, Toronto, ADVICE McColl B~os. & Coy's CELEBRAT.E D I OOl.,"'::; = =-.. Lardin. o Maohino Oil all G fOR SAlf ~y All OfAURS Ayer's Sarsaparilla L Y L 'I. SARSAPARILLA M B B B R L NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD l EV I MORRIS. -:av- FRESH MEAT. ---c.oo--- .A T A"o THE VICTORIA. new v P o<e P W. BRITTAIN Co,, GOODS., B 0 N N ETS, HATS, fAMAN THE ONTARIO BANK T fl J M J\tl J .N G S AGENCIES. DENT1STBY f J.M. BRIMACOM:BE, Ocean Steamships. 0 " T. YEllO"'LEES. PACIFIC R'Y · f, ALLEN. CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & N:1 MA B'LE · o · R·Ks . ·! cm . . ::i. W SH AW ·