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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jul 1884, p. 3

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· PEARLS OF. TRUTH· . fed grain and runn!ng_t<igrass:,·gained 103 PARMER~ the Eighty-third 1is 'Fitcho's Grenadiers., J po_npds; while lot two. to grass alone, The Eighty-fonrth have the singular coggamed 20 ·p.ounds. These experiments ~·(I nomen of 'Bubbly Cu[~," and tb,e Eighty Wear a cheerful c0uutenance. If your · · -:..: show that pig~ ~ed grain alone hardly ma~e Pithy Paragraphs. - . . fifth pose as ' The Elegant ;Extracts." mirror won't smile on you, how can you ' . ··: ;FRIDA.Y, JULY 11, 1S84. e gram The Eighty-seventh is calijld 'Old Fogs, expect anybody will 1 A farmer is not half a farmer who does a profitvble gam,. that fed the sam. ' --... or. 'Faugh-a-13allaghs,' an · Irish word · not' knfJW how to save hi& manure, and doea and running to pasture, they make the "THE SURE CURE ~~ . . He who eeldom speaks, -and with one m~st gain,· and that on pasture alone they FOR which means 'clear the way,' and which not put the knowledge into practice· . NICKNAMES OF BRITISH REGI· d h I bb" calm, well-tiimed word c9.n strike dumb gam too slowly to be profitable; that while t h e ·regiment· once ·8h oute w en c u mg th 1 · · · h Thor~ugh t. i "lla::.e double· the e""ect of MENTS. KIDNEY DISEASES, Th K hty · hth e oquac1ous, 1s a gemus or a ero. .::, ~ u: t h eir enemy m action. e ig -eig · · manures- Experience shows that good running in good pasture and fed. grain, LIVER COMPLAINTS, S'ho PtcoadUly Butchers, Bak.,r's Light is 'The Pevil's Own ' and the 'Cunnaught The hypocrite who cloaks his knavery the grass furnishes the nutriment for Bob&, the ()berry Picken, Ji'oiutlus PURangers.' The Ei~hty-ninth is palled .is less dangerous to the commonwealth tillage without manure,, will often pro- maintaining existence, ancf the grain is CONSTIPATION, PILES, ate's Body Guards, Kent's Lucky 'The Rollickers' ,and ~ Blaney's Blood- than he who tr~nsgresses in the face of duce a better crop than good manure with all used to increMe the growth, thus.' givAND BLOOD DISEASES. Devlin, the Cheelltre Cate, n11d hounds,' or· Blackguards,' and the Ninety- day. poor t.illage. . ing the greatest measure of profit. He Bow they Got their N·mes. seventh, 'Celestials,' from their leng exLost wealth may be replaced by indusFine stable manure and all artificial further shows that in crowding pigs forPHYSICIANS.ENDORSE IT HEARTILY. "Nearly all the regiments in the British perience in China. The Ninety-eighth · t~y, Jost knowledge by study, lost health fertilizers are better · harrowed · in than ward from the time of their birth so they army have nick:.1ames," said a Colonel re- rejoice in the stirring name " of 'Tipper- by medicine; but lost time is gone for- plow·ed in. The rains carry down all sol- will be fal;,.tened ready for slaughter when '~Kidney-Wort is the mo.ot 8UC!<leeefa1 rem~ I ever Wied." Dr. P. C. llnllou,Xonktou,V._ vble plant foo.d, and only long droughts seven months old, there is twice as much cently. "The nicknames were given ary,' won in India when an E1iglish Gen- .ever. "XJ.dno7-Wori is Always roliablo." either for some local circumstance, or eral seeing the regiment go J. auntingly to · much saf er to reconcile an enemy bring it up agai~. profit as in wintering and feeding two Dr. B. N. Clark, Bo. lt"1'01 TI, It is "ltidney-Wprtbaaouredmy..,i!eaftertwoyeBl'll from some marked peculiarity. The Life the charge, said', ' magnificent Tipperary.' than to conquer him ; victory may deprive The larger. the area of the field the cl1eap- Summers. What hog raisers.need.every·11u11'eri11ii-." :Dr. c. M. Summerlin, 8Ull JI1ll, Ga, Guards, for instance, are called 'Piccadil- The lOOth Royal Canadian Regiment is him af his poison, but reconciliation of his er the crop can be grown, all other where is a quick growing, early·matured ' IN THOUSANDS OF CASES ly Butchers,' because at one time they called 'The Old Hun.dred,' altho-qgh the will. thi.ngs being equal. Where is· loss hog that need no.t be kept over Winter. lt 2>!'0 omed. whe~ au eloe had f&lled. It is nilld, but emcient, CJEBTAJN IN ITS ACTI@N, but it is because this last condition is disre· There is re~,lly no profit iri those large charged down Piccadilly and killed some ' regiment 110 means an old one. The ~- 1n all cases. innocent spectators of a riot. The Horse Rifle BrigadeJ.s kno,vn as ' the Bullfrogs. ' History needs distance, garded. hogs that cannot woll be marketsd before Wit cleanaeo the Blood u4 8treqthens and Facts and events which are too well ats!Tea N e'lt' Life to nil the iml)Orlant organs ot Guards are known as ' Oxford B lues,' and '·The history of these nicknames," said d . · , ll The man who says, ab~olutely, "plow two yesrs old. tho body, The DAta.ral action of the Kidneys is ' T d u · ' · · · d teste cease, m some sort, to 'be ma e· " the F ·irst D ragoons as ra es mons: the Colonel., "is an mterestmg stu y. able. deep," or "plow !!hallow," is aman of.narrestored. The Liver is cleansed of all disease, -~---- ~ ~~~ . and the Bowels move freely and· healthfully. The 'Fifth Dragoon Guards are called Many recall heroic and amusing incidents row (if any) experience in practical agriDeafness, it is ·said, can be cured by In this way the wol'St diseaoea are eradioatod In the lottery of life there are more culture. 'l'he depth to which the plough ' The Green Horse,' and the Seventh in the records of the army." trom the 11y&tem. . II. Hussars 'the Black Horse,' while the prizes drawn than blanks, and to one mis- is run should be gauged both with refer- one being suddenly surprised. . All a PRlc:r, h.00 LIQUID OR DRY, 80f,D DY DRUGGISTS. physician m~ed do, is to whisper to the Eighth are nicknamed 'St. George's,' and . SCIENTIFIC. foi·tune there are fifty advantages. De- ence to the soil and the intended orop ". Dey Mn be sont by mail. patient that he doesn't intend to charge ' "'ht Bol:;s ' ~f·ter _ spondency is the most unprofitable feelthe Tenth ' B "'·k er's L1 " · u The abselute value of stable manure· is anything. Ten chances to one the patient· WELLS, RIC~SON &00,BurUDJrton Vt. their late Colonel, now Baker Pasha of There are different grades of oil-stones, ing a man can indulge in. the Turkish service. The crack Eleventh hard and soft. The best oil to use on am The only way to shine, .even in this never greater than when it is dropped. will hear. But in that condition it is not best suited are known as' Cherry Pickers,' or' Cherry- oil-stone is paraffin ,· water is } Jetter un a false wurlq, is to be modest and unassumW h l f h · to a11 crops. e ca.n therefore sometimes ·There cannot livo a more unhavpy ·f b uus, rom t e co or o t e1r trousers, hard stone. . . ing. Falsehood may be a thick crust ; afford to sacrifice some intrinsic value for e.:eature than an ill-natured ola man, ·.· ho is neither capable of receiving pleaand the Fourteenth are called 'Hamilton . ·The sawdust and refuse of the sawmill but in the course of time, truth will find th k f b tt d t" Runa. · ways,' ow in . g to an event in the Pena iilace to break through. e sa e 0 e er a ap ions. is now made to yield fourteen gallons of F ill 0 ft f ·1 · tt t t 0 bU :es, or sensible of doing them to others. iiisuJa when the regiment, then under turpentine, three or four gallons of resin Let no ,man complain of the shortness t tarmefrs t"'. . en. at in ha empls Say what you like-of all menit is the 11zer agamst anot er, to earn command of Col. Hamilton, ra1~ away and a quantity of tar per cord. of life until he has measured the full ca- es one . er 1 -HA~ JUST OPENED $~000 WORTH OFwithout, it is said, any justifiable cause. . . paeity of a day. Discontent with one's their relative values, but they need never hattel! whose influence is most felt. The Seventeenth Lancers are dubbed The . blu _ e color of pieces of ~.tarsfurt 'f d f 1 h fail in testing a fertilizer a!!'.ainstno man~ 1 k It t d t 1 t g1 ts estroys t iepower u t 10se t at one v 'the Death ox Glory 13oys,' after the de- roe sa i_s no u~ o any co ormg ma - has and brings no others. . . ure. ·when many remedies against diseases vice of a death's head and cross bones ter, but 18 _an optical p~enomenon. It .'JtiY6"l~'l2 ~ . ~'S'b'fil'~~.iJ ·;;,r, "; ~ has been mistakenly ascribed to the pre He that hath pity on another man's sor· · witb the legend, 'Or Glo'M7,' whi~h they· · . .. of pla.nte or animals, or against insects, "J sence 0f a sul1)hur compound to a sodium row ~hall be free from it himself ,· and he ~~TMrulSimu -_i::) -!,S\ ~ 9 wear on their headdress. ' being brought forward, we ma.v .be . . , . -$1,500 'WOR'l'H 01>' that deliahteth in and scorneth the miser- are " Tlqe aristocratic Grenadier G uards," subchlorate ' and to gasses . · v certain that the true r.emedy has not Jbeen . t t d "th I of another, shall at one time or another Blottmg paper, sa ura e w1 a so uthe Colonel continued, " are known as found. When this appears, the quack's For Horses, Cattle, Sheep & Swine. FE F.-I R R · T():pvrpws' and 'Sandyboys,' an<l. the tion of oxalic a~id and dried, will n~t on- fall into the same gulf. occupation is gone, · And is bound to sell them at Reduced Prices. eqli!Uy aristocratic Coldstream Gu:.irds as · ly absorb the mk of a blot, but will reGood-temper is the philosophy of the It is not by grafting or budding, or disto get rid of the entire stock. ' Dirty Shirts.' The First Foot is dubbed, move the blot itself if the ink is unmixed heart, a. gem .in the treasury withiP, buddir"~, that fruit trees are made to bear Please oall and inspect our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as you will find t hem the, 'P<'lntius Pilate's Body Guard,' and the with indigo _or aniline_ colo~. It might be whose rays are refleGted on all _outward full crops 0~ the "odd year.,, But if the Cheapest goods in t ovrn. Second the 'Queen's Own,' or the dangerous m removrng signatures from objects' a perpetual sunshine, imparting orchardist~ll stop robbing his own orch' Sleepy Queens ' or ·Paschal Lambs.' iinportant papers, but a trace of the warmth, light, and life to all within the ard by making hay in it, and will begin to ~~y11! latest. The Third is known as ' Old Buffs,' from writing will remain, and can be made sphere of its influence. feed it well with manure, he wl.11 find that· Remember the Stand-4 doors west of The friendship between great men is he can have a good crop 011 both the odd ·the color· of its facings, but it is also call- · legible . by .add~1g ferrocyanide of potaasiMartyn's Grocery Store. ed 'Nutcrackers' and 'The Resurrcc- um or gal!ic.ac1d. · rarely 'i ntimate or permanent. It is a .a nd even years. -tionists,' the latter 'n ame having been . : A .perfect imitation of black walnut or Boswell that most appreciates a Johnson. A man does y . ou 80 much harm by givjng given to the~ because so.m e of their men. :1;ea;~, can be obtained by using a prepara- Genius has :no brother, no co-mate ; the were at one time caught m the act of sl?ll- . ti.ol.ll>'.lef Brunswick black, thinned dovm lo>e it inspires is that of a pupil or a son. you a pooor, unthrifty fruit tree, and per, ing the dead for medical dissection·. . The with' turpentine until it has attained the suading you to plant it, that he cannot -AGRIUULTULAL AND · Fourth is distinguished as ' Ba,rrels .p.rop '1er . tone and color. A little varnish Show me the man you honor. I know harm you much more by ma.king you ·pay Bl · h F"f h Old dB Id i d · 1 by that symptom, better,, than any other, $5 for it · ues, t e i t as ' an . o ; an slfou1£\: ;J:>e · added- and abeut one- what you are your. s elf ., for you show me · · the Sixth as 'Gure's Geese' or ·.Short tiveii'.t~tn of the bulk of the black and Good and bad butter and cheese have Sixes.' The Seventh is happy in the~ ·turper:iti'n.e. There is no · trouble in get- tt,ten what yourideal ~f manhood ie, what their beginnings before· the mik from It h_as no equal in curing Horses of the sev· niclrname _ of 'K~nt's Lucky DevilJi:': It ting tl1e inixture to dry hard., a:nd it will kmd of mail you long mexp_resstbly to be. which they are made is even secreted. To era! ailments to which they are subject. For won ~he t1~le by us wonderful ~ood for- take very kindly to a coat of varnish. How much pleasanter this world. would £to "clear back," they have their origin in COUGHS, COLDS, ROUGHNESS of the We are now doing every clas~ of ENGINB, tune m Io~mg fewer men and doi!1g mo:e · A pint ot linseed (not linseed oil) used be t_o l.ive i~ ".'ere it as ~o go .to bed the nature.and ?ringing up of the dairy- HAIR, BOTTS SCURVY, &c., it is inva· MILL,MACHINE,FOUNDR:Y,AGRICULTURAL, luable, and aJministered in smaller doses acts _ hard figJ:tmg than an~ otJ:er reg1m~nt rn weekly in connection with a thmough at mght as it is to remam tnere m the ma, n and lua assIStants. .· CARRIAGE and WAGON WORK., tlie s~rvrne., The Nmth is ;alled Holy washing with hose, has been found to be morn~ug, an~ a_a easy to get up . in the The time saved in not cleansmg yoUl' a\\> a Tonic, resulting in a healthy condition - Call and see ourai!.d fine appearance of the animal. Is also 18 Boys, an,d the ~leventh The ,Bloody one of the best substances to prevent mormng as it to talk of gettmg up cellar, will soon be lost running after the equally beneficial to CATTLE, SHEEP and Eleve~th, but qmte as often the . O~ety- scale in steam boilers. The linseed soft- when you go to ped. duct.or. ~WINE. For sale every_ where. onet,h. r~e ~ourt~enth as Ca~- ens the scales so much that it c)mes away Good · :nanners declare ~hat t~eir Typhoid fever and dyptheria, when It is tlie machine every farmer wants-Light, SOLE PROPRIETORS: ..varts Entire,, while ~he S1xtefnth is like sludge. Grnuud slippery elm bi.rk. possessor 1:i a perso_n of ~uper10r quaht~, ' they originate on a farm, are conclusive Si mpJc. Durable and Good- none better made sneered at a~ Pe~cemakers an~ Bloo~~ .a lso gives good results. Potatoes have no ma~t~r what lus garb, or ho:vever evidences of gross .n eglect of sanitary pre- J'm 0. :X::EJY.CP ~ 00.. less L~~ba. . I_ t is t?e only regiment m also been found useful . for the purpose. slender hts. purse. They p1'ove his r~- eautions ; and this, notwithstanding . a -OURMONTREAL, P. Q. the Br1~1sh ~erv1ce >yith6ut t~e names. of They surround the particles of lime in the spect for himself, and they also prove lus considerable of care and neatness. battles !nscribed on its flags. 1:'he Seven- water with starch and prevent them form- respect for those whom he addresses. A blop-hole at the back door will make · teenth. is scow led at ~s ' T~e Tigers,' ~nd ing in a mass. · The road to success is not to be run doctor's bills enough to pay for draining A l a rge stock, Their ~erits recommend NO :MO:ttE NAUSEOUS PILLS\ the Eighteenth as Paddies Royal ~r M R ha , A p h Id h . if upon by seven-leagued boots. . Step by the whole farm. · -them. Our.0 'The Royal Irish.' 'rhe Nineteenth is r. le ra. · roctor s at step, little by little, bit by bit, that is the The farmer who carefully plans his seasA LONG-FELT WANT SUPPLIED. called ' Green Howards ' after the color the foll power of the arms and leos can t0 1th th t 1 . th t . d Campbell's Cathartic of their facincrs and one 'of their Colonels be so applied to ingeniously arranged :~ . ~ea ' t a 1 s e ~ay ~ wia ~~· on's work before he begins it, will not find Compound is adapted for "The . Tm~~tiebh is known as ' Th~ mechan1cism as to work wings more or is t e fway odg obryt. f oun s are " e much difficulty in paying his help, Eo. long and favorably ;kn own need no coc;· 1 · · br . th f · 'b· d th · sons, no o poun s, u o pence. the cure of Liver Com· -.1: · ucm "Boys;"becatll!e-of its gallantry at ess resem mg ose o a i r ese is . . There -is no surer sign of bad judgment ment. Ev01·y kincl of plaints .and Bilious Dis... th · attle of Minden. It is also · known little reason of doubting man's power of Av1mce o~ten ;prod_nces opposite ef- in a farmer, than his buying a large farm orders, Acid Stomach, as l Kingsley's Stand.' The Twenty-first su&hiir:ing l~irnself iu th~ ~ir,, and ev~n focts : there_ is an m6mto number of peo- and going heavily in debt for it. Having Dyspepsia, Loss of AppePLOW P OIN'I'S N orth British Fusiliers is called " The trav:ellmg with great rap1d1ty through it. pie who sacnfi~e all the1ryrop.erty~ to;v..ery b2gun with a big blunder, it is not to be tite, Sick Headache, UsP.d we keep o n ho,nd, mo,do from TONSDALlll Constipation or CostiveEarl of Mara' Grey Breeks, ·:while the Prob~bly.,Jie ad~s; ~twill be _ m uch ea~ier dou1'.Lful and distant expectat.wns , onh_~~s wondered at that he should blunder on, liAll!E1IL'.l', ness, .and all compl~ints Twenty-second is known as ·The Che- for _h1m,,to ,sustain lumsel~ while t1:avellmg despise ~reat futur~ges to obtam to the end. 3rising from. a disordered We are prepared to su;·ply the Farmer shire Cats.' The Twenty-third Weish rap1dly·onward than wlule hovermg over present m;erest!!Of a trifling nature. state of the stomach or A tree-agent may cheat his customers with every implemei.t be needs. Duy your Fusiliers smile at the name of , 'Nanny. the sa~te .spot. .-- ~ .. . ~- --· ~ -- - ..- --· ..·-·-·bowels. ,,, .,,,.,,,,\ , and not be found when the rascality is machines at home where you cnn have them Goats,' from the fact that a goat always TheLond.o nMedica 1'imesbelievesth-af CURIOUS F'AC'l'S. discovered ; but it is hard for.a farmer to Children like it? :Mothers like it! -rept1ired. marches at the head of the regiment, a the sympathy expressed for 9riminals sup· Bccnuse it is agreeable to th~ .tast~, does. n?t The Chinese believe that dusty shoes hide. him~elf, or escape the c?nsequences occasion new one being presented· every year in posed to suffer pain on ·account of the nausea, acts without gr1pmg, is: certain in 18 . , ~. . the na':lle of the Queen. The Twent:y_- continued actiOn . of the. hea:rt ~fter the must neyer be broui:;ht into any place Iof ~ evil ~eeks. H9nesty is the best its effects, and is effective in small doses. where silkworms are, nor can th& y bear policy for him, sure. ~fourth lS known as 'Howard's Greens,' nee is broken m hangmg is nusplaced. Sold /Jy all Druggists and llfedicint Dealers. and the Twenty-fifth King's Own Bor- It cites the .triple execution at Prague te noise; no sick or old person must come J There is nothing on earth worth so much PRICE, 26 CTS. PER B9rn..E. Sl -TlB:Ederers as 'The Botherers,' memorable of show that the heart my pulsate for a near them; rats and mice must 11,o t be to a farmer. as the respect aiul love of his DAVIS & LA WE.ENCE COMPANY, Limited, own family. [Except the respect for himthe way the Scotchmen in the regiment qual'ter of .a n hour after deaths which are named before them. Wholesale Agents, Montreal. pronounce the word 'Borderers.' The shown to be instantaneous. Many cases Strictly English titles of honor have no self.- En:oi.] · Twenty-eighth is called 'Slashers' and are recorded where the heart's action has feminine form, aucl in the early Saxon Good seed, good stock ; the farmer's · 'Old Brags,' because of the habit of its continued a long time after complete de- times when women were of small account, road is steep and rough, who does not m~n in repeating the story of deeds of capitation. a wife like the spouse of the historic Yap.- know the value of these two things i / --.:a:---. their predecessors. The Twenty-ninth - - ---~---··~· kee ~,quire was the "same fool she always The art of skilfully feeding our land setil the caps ~o the .home of 'Saucy WorColumbus Neglected PRE'3IDF.NT,....:fm ssE '1'Rtrt:L, Eisq., :Bowmall· was. Even the queen was but cwen or and our animals-this is the fomidation of ville P. o. cesters,' and the Thirty.first is called woman. all farmin" Rev. William Taylor, in writing about MAN.A.GER,-R. J. DoYI;E,Esq., Owen Sound, 'Young Buffs.' The 'l'hirty-th.ird, the 1877, in his " Our American . An industr:y lately discovered consists Whatwilirunawaywithafarmer'smoney LOO.A.L AGENT.-·H. MOULTON, Orono. Duke of Wellington's Own, is also known Colon in , m the bleachmg of wheat by. means of any faster than a fast horse 1 as the 'Havercake Lads,' and the Thirty- Cousins," remarks that " the last French sulphurous acid. The whe'.lts thus treat· .t.monnt Insnrc(J, al>out $7,0110,000. , fourth a~ the ' Orange Lilies.' The empress sent to this town as a pre8ent a ed are those which have a very. dark col- It is no.t necessary. tha.b a fo~·m~r should ()Ai·J'l'AL, OYER $15<&,llOO,OO. grand bronze statue of Columbus, which and find on this :wcount a difficult have a taste for readmg , but it 1s necesour., Thirty·sixth are nicknamed 'Saucy extends a protecting arm around the sale. The wheat after treatment has no sary that he should have a taste for knowGreens,' and the Thirty-eighth 'The Pomp Cost of insu_ance for past seven yea:rsi ·and T~rtoise.' The Thirty-ninth is called beautiful but timidly crouching statue of perceptible taste or odour, but has lost its l?dge. He had, perhaps, best not be a an Indian princess. It should be put up- dark colour. Cures Com.pletely Sc1·ofula., about 15c. per $100 insured per year. h~rarY: man, but he should seek to know 'Sankey's Uorse,' because at orie time !iiyplliJis , Cancer, JU1cu1natism, his busmess. Col. Sankey mounted his men on horses. on a much l:irger and more substantial peAll the profits paid to pulicy holders, who t:a1:ar,.h, Ulcell'!l ancl l!>l·iu aud The Spanish Government recently ar· . It is ·a1so known· as 'Green Linnets,' destal than the one on which it now rested the manager of a newspaper in alJoml Diseases of' every descrip· might as well have the profits as 1::farmer ca~ hardly. make. a w?rse.m1sstands." Since Mr. Taylor's visit this iJon. · ""'- whilii.Ji.heFortiethisdubbed 'XLers,'and stockholders who live on profits Madrid. for publishing a seditious article. take than to neglec~ his ,~octal rnlat1ons, $1000 reward to any chemist who wilI theiil'orty-first is referred to as ' Inva- " grand " statue has lost its pedeatal- 'l'he manager laughed in his sli:ieves and or those. of his family. Ihere are great made from farmer!", find, on annJysis of 100 bottles of Shaker that poor little one of which the ·even lids 1 and 'Wardrow's Regiment.' The lllnnrl Syrup, one particle of Mercury, went to prison. In a few. days t1'e gov- ~emp~at1ons on the farm to lead a hfe a reverend gentleman wrote so deprecatProfits paid policy holders in 1883, Iodide of Potassium, or any m iner:i.I sub· Forty-second is the 'Black Watch,' and ernmeht discovered that the offensive ar- Iisolation. They .should be foug~t and stunce. $1,094.79. the Forty-fourth East Essex Regiment is ingly. It is rumoured that the natives ticle was . an extract from Maca.ulay's / overc~me. The g1ar;ige. the f~rmer s club, SOLD EVERYWHERE. _ called 'The Youug Thieves.' The Forty- stole it. And now poor old Christopher History and the newspaper man was let the fa~rs and all social gaohermgs_, should ?rice, - $1.00 For Jlol\1', or Si: !01 $6.00. Remember this Company has sits squatting on a bit of lowland filled in filth is ' Old Stubborn,' while the Forty. out. ' · b~ p_rized as .~eans of developmg that STO'l'T &; JUR.Y, Sole;Agents for Bowumn ville . COME TO STAY. recently by the canal company, and digsixth is. dubbed ' Surprisers,' because one In one branch of the animal kingdom w1thm us, wh10h when develoned,~ makes ,of their commanders was always trying to nified with the title of the " terre-plain." female rights are to be found in perfec- whole men and whole women. Remember it is a home institution. No steal a march on the enemy. The Forty- The Genoese navigater's effigy-very tion-that is, the spider family. The fe. Yankee adventurer. No home failure, Nothing condemns a farmer in the eyes backed up by another adventurer. seventh is knowns as 'The Cauliflowers " much the worse for wear, ;i.nd looking as male is larger and fiercer than the male- of an intelligent visitor, more than the abif a good scrubbing with sand a1id emery and the ' Lancashire Lads,' wbile the in one tribe 1,300 times larger. Her tem- sence of agricultural books and j ournals . Actual Cost about half thelStock stone would do him great good-squats Fiftieth is half-sneeringly nicknamed per is in proportion. She would as soon from his home. Not to seek knowledge therp sans pedestal, sans platform, sans Company rates. 'The Dirty Holy Hundred,' 'Blind Half everything, mournfully ' ga:-;ing out upon kill her. other half, or tear his legs off, as of his own trade through the help of the Hundred,' and "l'he Devil's Royals.' FOlt l'UltTIIER ll'IFORM.ATION APPLY(TO look at him. This is her way of giving press is . in age, to be indeed a fossil. " The F'ifty-first King's Own Light In- the sea, and none so poor as to do him him a hint to keep his distance. It is every m.a.n's duty to economize, re7erence. H ow are the mighty fallen I If fantry is known as the 'Kolis,' and the The oriental custom of crawling on the v.Jid not to waste. It is equally his duty Fifty-third pass as 'Brickdusts,' while the the state of Panama or the government of Fifty-sixth is jauntingly called 'The Pom- the city of Colon (so named from the ha.nds and knees inthe pre~ence of superi- not to be miserly, for mis.irliness is the ORONO. padours ' or 'Saucy Pompeys. ' The Fifty- Spanish word for "Columbus"-" Cristo- ors is still kept up at the Siamese .court, worst kind of wastefulness. 24-6m. bal Colon," signifying "Christopher Colalthough not with the old rigor. ForeignDon't r ead too much, but read what is seventh ·is remembered as the 'Diehards,' · a nickname they won in the seven ;)Years' umbus") had a particle of self-respect left ers, at least, are exempted · from the good-and "chaw on it." Farming is a manly business, and if the war. The Fifty-eighth is known as the they would not thus neglect this interest- necessity of groveling on all fours in the t o of the gentleman who not presence of the "lord of the white ele· 'Steelbacks ' and · ' Black Cuffs.' The in memen. phant." The· natives are mostly com- farmer is not a man all through, he fails only founded their .town, but also erected Fif'i;y-ninth rejoices in the name of ' Lilypelled to do it, however, and in the royal to live up to h is opportunities and his whites, and the Sixtieth Rifles ' The the onlychurch in this city.-Panarna Cor· p rivileges. respondence. 1 pa ace at B angk ok one may at any time Convicts,' bec;iuse of the dirty color of its see ·half a dozen maids of honor on their uniform . . It might be difficult te tell how EXPERIMENTS IN Hoa FEEDJNG.-Prof. ' the Sixty-second got the name of 'Spring"When you learn a lady's name is Helen hands and knees outside the queen's apartSanborn, in a recent report on s11ine feeders,' but it is known that the Sixty-fifth .French, don't you feel like enquirin"' ment, as if scrubbing the floor. Cornelius Drebbcl, who died in London ing at the Missouri Agricultural College· got the name of ' Royal Tigers ' in India. what it is in English ? "' in 1634, having placed in his window an Farm, gives facts that should be carefully TheSix:ty-sixtharecttlled·'BerkshireHogs,' because the regiment was principally reIn.China young women are married at extract of cochineal, made· with boiling studied by all farmers. He shows that cruited in that county of.prize por>i:, and auction. In the States they are dispos- water, for the purpose of filling a ther- the cost of maintainance alone, (simply mometer, some aqua-regia dropped into it running the machine) idrom two to threethe Sixty,seventh is known as 'Urlye's · ed of at pri:vate .sale. · , Own,' after the young General who beat First the necessary, then the useful, from a phial, broken by accident, which and-one-half percent., the latter while the .. Montcalm on the Plains of Abraham and then the ornamental, says a philosopher. stood above it, and converted the purple i:iigs are roughing it in the cold and storms wqn_Canada for J]:ngland. The Seventy- The dude doesn't seem to fit in ·any- dye into a most beautiful scarlet. After of Winter. Of two lot'3 of pigs, equal in some conjectures and experiments, h e numbers and weight and fed equal quan· firf.l "'f is called the 'Dinn.a Kens, ' and the where. Seventy-four~h is called 'the Asaaye RegiOur understandings are always liable to discovered that the tin by which th'e win- tities of grain, the lot confided in pens ment.' 'l'he Seventy-sixth has a monetary error ; ne,t ure and certainty is very hard dow frame was divided into squares had with no green food, gained 78. pounds, significance, and is called the ' Seven and to come at, and infallibility iS mer e vanity been dissolved by the ·aqua-regia, and while lot number two, having the run of was the callfl'il of the change. Giles Gobe- a Blu~ Grass pasture, gained 174 pounds. Six Pennies,' from the two figures which and pretense. lin, a· dyer· "1j.t Paris, used it for dying The same lots during another period( fed make their number. ;rhe Seventy-seventh is dubbed 'Pothooks,' after the likeness · It is a question whether it is.bettor to cloth. It became known as P arisian scar- alike and both on grass, showed a gain of of the two sevens to the pothook ancl talk in church, as members of the choir let dye, and r ose int o such great repute 24 pounds in favor of lot one, showing hangers of a copybook. The Seven ty-' do, or go t o sleep like Ghe oldesL dea· that the pop ulace declared that Gobelin there was no deficiency as to h ealth or thrift. D uring another period, lot one, _ had acquired his art from t he devil. · eight is known as The Kingsmen;' and con. '·· __ j ·d ·· ····f . "'1'.R-M.ff- ·.RM '*"'~. d .. Wtt ~ ·stt~t· ~ .' \.t'tt .. · .ff- -"'~TM-"""" 1 . FOR THE DN EY·WORT . ...................... 0 French and American · DR. SCOTT'S . ARED SPICE PREP AT s, HAT g RE sHApED Machine Foundry, CARRIAGE WORKS I I NEW IRON MOWER,, 1 CHAMPION PLOW, ! CARRIAGES» fv1cClung & Darch. Fire Insurance Co._ OOMl~ION GRA-NG f MUTUAL SHAKER BLOOD SYRUP. H. MOULTON,

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