· On motion Council adjourned. PRESBYTERIAN has a very sensible article on the Scot't Act this week: T own FI all , II : amp t on, J une 28 . It says in reference to the contention that Regular mcetiug ; members all present. Mr. Climie has labored hard to convinc~ a. law in one county is of very little ilse Minutes read and confirmed. his few dozen readers that we are running if liquor is sold all reund it: '~The force , A petition was presented from John B<:>wMANVILLE, FRID.l.Y, JULY 18. the STATESMAN · fO'r personal gain- as a of this contention is greatly 1follt .n ow by l\;{allqry ~nd 57 others, praying the Coun-~..L · · l · M"ddl c1l to assist Andrew Hudson (who by a,i1 w f ~l 'THE COUNCIL AND THE money-making enterprise. e :amt. y our friends m severa counties. i . ed· accident had lost the use of his right arm) admit the cha}:ge, W. R.; that is ·our ·sex would pass the law but London wuul : 1 ·11 starting a business by which he may SALVATION ARMY. object. 'Ve have not accumulated suffi-. make it a dead letter. St. 'I'ho;i:ias would support himself and family and prevent There has be.e n great excitement in cient wealth ya't to justify us in gii.vin~ do the same in Elgin, art<d Tol'onto in them .f;om becoming pensioners on the · iown since Monaay night, when the Conn· away our paper··c and advertising ·o nhsh1pF.l' Slote .i 't' · " . · space U!l:t all! York · The Act, we beli.ev-e, . could be towJ n mGtorffa.ntedd an .. eig 1 obtlelow. lers pet 1011ciil decided by a vote of 8 to 2 to raise the you are doing. 'The greatest cliffidc .: ~:.we. 1Jassed in all of these co~n.t1es. h~t the ed foi· a grant to repair the road known as · Re1.-eiit of the Town Hall to the Salvation find is to make room for the a Vei.ltismg; · neighboring. city would stilhupply h{1uor. the Murton hill and road adjoining. Anny from $1. 25 to $2., 50 per night, and that crowds its·IDf u1ion us at full a.tvi:irlis-1 One of the arguments a~ainst the law in ferred to the Iteeve.. . them to close their m . eetings at inu rates. This is the outcome of pbblishJ Halton is that people g>G to Streetsville, Mr. Dye~· cornplamed of t~e. s~oppi~g l Colllpe to " . -· · \ up of a dram on the road acliommg lus 9:30 o'clock. The only grounds on which i~g a. real live pap?r that everybo~ in1 the\ Brampton, and other pla.oes .and buy place, by Mr. McCullough. Referred to this action wa~ based was the complaint of district reads. Six: years ago ,\liien we goods and liquor at the :same fame. All the Reeve and Mr. Y;111Camp. t11e Public Property Committee, that the bought you oat· we found the ad.ve,itising\ of which goes to show that the right t.hing . Mr. Ashton applied to purchase some meetings on Saturday nights interfered patronage of "tthe STATESMAN ve.ryl·low. now is to ask the Govemm.ent to submit timber on road allowance. Referred to with business, unless the prejudices of '!'rue, there w~11 little else than :idvertiSingl the nuestion to the whole country at the MrM. CryCderidnan. t d t . . , , l .., . r. ry erman presen e a r cpor, 11 next general el~ctfou. 'Vhy not mter- from the committee appointed to examine ~ome members of the Council prompted m the paper from week to week, ·but muc1 the action. The merchant tenants of the of it was deii:d head matter, · oonitinmkl: view the Dominion -G-0venunent at once? the hill between lots 24 and 25, in the 8th 'Town Hall buildings have some cause for simply to filh1p. With the imIJTovement, We don't believe the Government would con., the 10th con. hue betwee~1lot25 a~d eomi)laint , but tlte1·c is a simpler remedy we made in tire paper and the··incre111sei ·in · refuse Why shouM. theyq It is no partv thed~cugog Rfotald, laOntchl the hill on sardcl . . . . , , · · roa m rear o ie con., rec01nmen -ceasing to use the drum ftnd tambo~r- ~he c1rc~lat1®l, came_ ~1~1sohci.ted a' lwrgel question. Sir J'°hai 11imself probably ing the making of 3 culvert and cutting / ines. 'l'his, we believe, would have satis- mcrease m i!~·e advcrtismg pati·onage,.·t10, wants to knnw as mud1 as anybody how down the· l~ills at the til'St named place, fi~d ti1e merchants; but the members of much so that'ilwo years ago we,·were -com-; the land lies." t~e opening of that part o_f ~he 10th. con. the Council opposed to th e Army saw in pelled to e11i1n·ge the paper from 32 ·to 48'. lme referred to, and.that it 1s unadv1sable "' ft fi ;d the adver to make any expenditure at the fast namthis complaint a grand opportunity to dea1 c?1 _umns, ai~u:now we 0 en n _ · .. AT a political meeting in Quebec the eel place during the present year. Rea blow at, their usefulness, and therefore, t1smg crowffmg out the rea6lmg < matter. other day in the interest of Mr. Laurier, ceived and adopted. 'tl1 otlt o 1 )etition, communication, or If we were i-Oefrauding advertisers-:iiic the , Bl L 'fhe Reeve presented a report from the Wl w Mr. T:wte, ed.i.tor If t11e eu organ . e d · 1 cl ner·sonal ar}plicati,,n, they in their power manner you:..~present, it is passing strange h d d committee ttppointe to exanune tie i·oa. s ,.. Oanadien, was pP-Tceivec1 int e crow !Ul ] t l ts 19 d 20 d 22 and 23 m ··ncl "'1'sdt)In decide to raise the rent. They that they continue to advel:iise with us. }e ween an an. '· ~ " .. agenc.r<tleallwasmo<loforhim. Respon- the 4th con., rccommendmg sundry m1mio-ht learn a lesson on charity from the But we slmll go on chargmg full rates, diug he delirnrod a lengthy and eignifi- provements in each of said roads. The .,la"r,ke Council, who in their generosity im'proving 1our paper, adding ne w names h H . i1e . 11ad not come report was r eceived and adopted. ~ cant speer. · .·,e:sm~11 d f .\'e the Armv the free use of their Town to our subscription list, 1111d offering 1idb cl Mr. Ha.~1cock pre~ente a report rom gl there for the .p:urpose, ut 1 1e 1 1a no ti1 tt t cl to cet a com · 11 conside.ration of the good they ~re vertise1·s anti!. everybody else free and .f\lll .e commi ee appoin e m . Hall _ 1 "' . . . . hesitation to state a8 an honest and inde- m1ttee from the Manvers Council, to condoing. 'Ve are convinced from conversa- access to our ·Subscri1itiol1l books and mail- pendent Conserv.a.tive that he l\~artily . fer with respect to certain repairs on the t ion with all classes of citizens, t hat had ing lists w.henever they 1 wish to inspect approved of Mr. Blake's am.end went and Town Line between the two townships at ~ 111· Cotiricil decided to give the hall, rent them, notwithstanding your efforts to the railway crossing, reco1;imendin~ th~t Arriving every ~ ~ Mr. Laurier's vote. Bl.ake was the com- th b t cl th ree, they would have received less cen-injure our business ; by your untruthful . e company e co~n~nun~ca ~ . wi m week, full of bloom f s respect to the condition m wluch they · . · . . . . . , ing man for Consena.tives a11d Libera1 sure than they now receive. mssertmns '~ncl masr40lpresentatwns. ' '·e alike in lower Can:mda. Mt·· TalJ'.te went have left the road; and if the needed reand perfume. We freely admit that the Army have . s hall couti1me to do ' business and run ihlie 011 to refer in ·t he most compliment:i.ry pairs are not made at once by the com-nt·I'OCluced some new, and to many of STA'TESMAN ·'On ,the" ,.same : principles as ju , pany, that they be made by the two mu1 terms to Mr. Blake, ~nd said his amen~1· · r · · · t1 R · 1 cl d t a their sym1lathizcrs, ohJ' ectio1mble fei\tures . the past bt.cai~se·W<Hire .making money · 1)y I . . l mc1pa itie~ JOtn y . ece1vel ~n a op e . . ' . .. . k h t1 ment of fast sess·1ou. Q'Ll the ' ~r0vmcia · On motion the Reeve was mstrul'ted to 1 of late but the Council had not been · it. Mr. Cfurii.e·sa)'s: t us wee · t a le.can subsidies was not oaly right, but events grnnt orders for payment of the following Ii T RUNNING BUSINESS FOR MONEY. . Tm~ CANADA -.::r- 2 N EA D' S' B L 0 cK ; . D0 0 Rs -This 1s ..A.. S :M Q V- E Dr· w E s y· . ~ 9'~ the House for~ Clothing and Gents' Furnishings.. ALL_,_FRESH AND NEW. ° · J. JEFFERY. J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, FLow ERs PURE DRUGS ~A.ND- BINGE'S S\$iJP None better; None cheaper. Curea Cough,, Colds, STANDARD MED IGINES. -o--- eto. . petitio;10d to put a stop to them. 'fhe "square l\P '"wiili.·.eve. r ybody ancl .1 have Sunday })<U'ades, glory t.rances, and bte en<'>ugh left f.<ir. a pine·coflin. Perhaps- so. · 1 f " nieetings should be stopped, oocause uim- ' 'Ve h:tve hs:.\l'Cl:aoout lns sty e o squar· ., h . ·} &l tl S ~TESMAN and necessary to the work of saln1tion. N <<D m g <Ii~. w ~en 1ie ·1 . ·. Le T_ · ' ;· , aood can I}Ossibly come of these, but we will br1efly ·p1·esent our style of. i·un,., . . . b :rather harm · and the Army's usefulneB!il , '!11ng the busmess · the last six yeat·s,. Y · 11 t b~ retarded by discontim.uino- waJI of contra.s t. Si.rice the first week1·we wou t no . . " ' · . . S , .. ·m· these obi' ectiom\ble fClJ.tm·es. But w~th .assna:ned control of· t 1Le ·'l'A'IESl\fAN· o ce · .. .. 1n-e 'bat thlllt we hiwe pmd from ..'five .to seven workmen 3 U these thii1gs we are not s. the t;own is better mor,i,lly than it w<J>t1'.kl ·,tJheir wages in cash, ·iWith ,few exceptio11s, be without the servi.ees of the .A:rau.y. Yet, ,f!:v-.m-y Saturdi~yrn4,-i1t; .:we have paid cash . cl iumd ~ f b '11 f , and other printincr wo hope to see them d1soontm1 1Hi , . , . . . or e:v~1'f l l o :l~er,;1 t , h cl lt :;ystem pursued that met witih ;rnc:h g>el'.hEll'- : m~term we ia.ve o~g 1 ; ·, we. ave ea :al approval the first fow weeks ,©!£ 1i:lh.e . -..1·ict:h those wJ~o .hav-e cle'.1'1t with us and Army's labol's h ere. , ha-.ve not rm1 anto debt with the merchants Petitions are 1Jeing cin:llilii.ted ~ <e:K- to o@mpel them .t o ,patronize us or run tensively signed, itsking the Oo:uncil \tG their .chance 1 uf getting thefr pay ; we have rescincl their r caolution of )fonth\y ali\-ght, made .a success of ii business that we took ,_ ~' n ~" 't'L. t ;any ,previous · · and we should think they willl 1:n.n:y itkeir ruwoa ,..;,_ w1 ·1111m1" ex1)er10nc~, .;; dk · prejudices aud comply with tih.e M'isheii of ·liiil' giving do_ s e attention to it an eepmg ReevoPmwer~etf;thcblru!il.e. laith :with -our ..custo,rners; we have nut tllecl.t1'z.ens. · · appealed. w " 't he party" for subscriptions to help ~s o.ut oi financial straits, or to TH~: Ottawa lhPr. l'i·ei;s l1a1> ~lnother Jiiilool · assist ira. punch1.t sing ,editorials for the :suit to fight. SrAWS~AN; we have .contribpted as liberally"a.s :<lour means weuld justify.to charity, SENATOlt S1rnAI;>, of Ottav.r.a, iB dead. Hie .lo.cal ent.eqirises, ·political e~pense, and was a Cor:servative. @.tiller solrnii<eH; and we .intend to mind . . --· ... -· "' ' '"' . < ,.~~:I ~·Q .a _,~ ,_ ! our :own business and make. ·it .a greater JS 11 )W ~~ """' . """~1~ .' . · T HE · wea1\:Jy i..J'l/1/. f f. tlie ,<>,,,.,,,..,.,.., A .., :f!liccess t han ~rt ·the pnst. ·When you, Mr. . bow 1 for tlie r e use r om ..,~~"' '·';"""""' · . . . . ~ . . \\'. R . .Chnue, ·.c:m .gwe ·its ·Sat1sft1ctory ·an and News oflicos. ,a,ccount of -vour business .career as the in the case of Mamitoba had since r>roved accounts: . b . h b t' Y.!T (M J as. Strutt, 40 loa,ds gravel ....... $ 2 00 11 1011· it to e rirr e ; r. · M Acts like magie " t eyonu <;J_ues . . . .a , . rs. Clem en s, 38 do . . : . · · ·. 1 90 To suit everybody Ta.rte) ventured · tihe <Cl.p~own that at was , Wm. Bemrntt;, sheep clamages..... 4 33 in quality and s~ ricrht that next<Sessio11 Sfr J.oJm ~rnuld W. R. Davy, do. . · . · . 6 00 G-R.<>U NI>. . and gives solidi . " ,_ t d . 't · A Taylor cedar contrart...·..... 80 00 m some form or ohaer 1 ~ave o en · orse 1 s , · . · G price. comfort~ . Oh f BJ· ' lnd1dent persons, Alexander, $6 ; ay correctness himself, · eers . o.r a1 rn ' Luff, Campbell, Comish, Cryderman, andLaurier closed1 th.e p[loceedmgs. · and Fox, $5 each; Weller, $4; Lane, .H .. k , .., ~ 1 anc1 K ern1e 3 each ., Co1yar, ea.re, $2.50; Stacey, Mallet, and Gregory, $2 DARLINGTON COUNCIL. . each; and. Hudson, $20. . . Toilet Articles, ALL THE The best for fattening purposes, and On mohon th~ Council adJourned to Combs, '!'own Hall, Ham;1pton, Ma,y 31. Baturday, July 26th, at 10 a.m. most rea.sonable in price. Patent Med!i:cines Regular meeting ; members all p1·esent. R. WINDA'l.T, T. C. Brushes, Minutes read and confirmed. · - - · · -- -Sponges, &c. · ADVER'.DI'SB]), co:rvrnumcaTlONS.. PERS<:>N"AL. in great variety f From Township Clerk of Manvers, in r eference to the condition of the Town Mr. Hector Beith sail11 to-monow fur are or saJe by Ull. Line at the R. R crossing between tl1at Sootland. township and D:i,rlington. . Mr. Harry McGill was home for a few From R. B. Mitchell, Michael Cryder· davs last woek. ~ man and Richard Pascoe. ten.dors for the Mr. John Ho1·sey has returned frorn erection of bridges at Solina. ·On motion Wrnnipeg, Man. :;_,, ........ tl1e last named tender was accc1Jted and Mrs.. Lasby, of Acton, is visiting Bowan a«reement entered into for same. manYillc friends. 1\1~·. Wm. Scott complained of statute Mr. J.olm Young, son of a former townslabor bein" taken from his beat to be expended on"'gravel rou.d. lteferrcd to Mr. man, is on a visit here. Smale. Mr. D. Forbes, of Park Hill, l1as boon Mr. Wm. Law complained .o f the con- visiting Mr. M. Mayer. Commence this· week and will continue throughout all this l" l 20 · Mr. an,d Mrs. T. W. Mingay have been dition of the road betwe-en \:J am , .tu season to offer special value in visiting friends in town. <!rd and 4th cons. Refened to Reeve. Mr. Snowden compfaimed ·oi the state Mr. E. C.a.ddy has left t own for T01·onto. of tl·i c i·oP .d bet,uee'n lots 22 .a.nd 23 in · i th The y. l's will miss him. <> , con. Referred to the llee:ve and Mr. Mrs. W. S. Russell and family are visit· Van Camp. · ing at Winchester, N. H. A petition Wi1S present;e~l from F. Mr. Robt. Bl."'.i.idon, of Toronto, was in · .J Rocrers and 39 others, i)raymg for the Ma N~- of O Lll' contempOl~~·ic~ ~re p'.l:l'b· above, ~nd ~on.duct as thriving ·an~ sue- cutting down of a hill on the.Scugog Road town last week visiting friends. Mr. A. Barber is in Port Hope presid- Ladies, please call and inspect, our Dress Materials, we are showi:r;ig ·I · " accAiints of tlw o-rowia:i." eessful a bu.smess .as your :rncce~sor is now in the 10th con., to facilitate !f:lbe approach . 1· 1 1s img c 1eenn,,. < , . · o o , . . . . R R · I ti 0 & Q R R crops . and the news from i;h e Korthwest enJoymg, y.()11 will h.e .a mu.<iltlmppier man . of .the . . station u · 1e · · . . . ing at the teachers' examinations. some nice lines comprising French Cashmeres, Ottoman Cords,, Empress Mr. W . E . ·rmey, our new county in- Cloths, Cashmere Serge, Nun's Cloths, Swiss Spots, Oatmeal Brocades.,. . ·t'- l l e1·1cour'" cr1 '11u than you have bll!m ,S>i.J:ll)e .Y:Q.u .started .the . A petition was also presented from A. IS pa1 .wu ar y . "o .,. . . . :lloss 11nd 18 'others, prayi.ug for the spector, arrived in town Saturday. 1 ·ope~iing. and making of the roJl.d in front Colored Lawns, Sateens and Prints. . 8u1i with a v1c\v <G>f Jl'@.bb1J1g us of :t\0 Mr. McCormack, lumber me1·chant, of b1usiness you sold tus fo ,en.-ble .Y0.'1 .to of the l Oth con. with the sam.e vbjcct. ANOTHER RllU}'E'J; !'; in t110 Quebec 'l'ory Whitby, was in town on Priday. " square up" witli ,Y<G>.W" 101l,Z,ll\ltl:~.:i.:h1g- : Both pet i.tions were refen;ed to .a c.ommitcabinet is illlrnincnt ; and if the ship ia Mrs. Eddie Mitchell, of Port Hope, was creditors. t03.e ,of the ·whole council. .sinking as fast its th.e rats are leaving it;, · M.1\ A·:very complained of the condition visiting M.i ss Hamilton last week . Miss Ifay, of Toronto, is visiting at · ,of .the .road :between lots 12 and 13, in the its existence will not b<J long . L:1st week we eh.a.Ueng.eGl }fr. iOlimJ.e 1W · ;I:Oth <:Oil.. lteferred to Mr. Hancock. Mr. ,V, F. Allen 's, Beech Avenue. publish the nrunes of 25 J>ubs.c.rih~.rs to Jhis .~fr. Cryde.nman presented a report from Miss. Sheneck, of Montreal, was the To:RON'J:o 's semi-centenni<il was a splen - paper in West Durham, .Ol!Lbide ,G>f J3o:'f1- ,t he ,c omniitte.e to procure gravel and ex- guest of Mrs. G. Piggott last week. Those about buying Curtains will find something entirely new; patterns. rlid success and very creditable to t he manville, and stated tlillt he had no,t LOO .a;1 ;n'iue .the roaGl between 27 and 28, iu the Messrs. Lewis Dennett and Sou, of BJre different to any ever shown, mnging in price from 75c. per pair up·. .8th .ee1n. , ,stating that they lrad arranged Queen City. Our citil'-ens attended in bonx fide sl.lbscribers, .all told. Re devo.tes with Henry Jeffery t o supply gravel by Nitpanoo, were in town on Monday. great nambors ttnd were dclight~tl beyond most of two columns to u.b.llll.e .o f .us this the load, and that ~hey had made arrangeMiss Law, of Oshawa, is visiting the -We have just received anothur lot expression. week, but not a word 11b-Out the Sun's ~nents to have the matter of compfaint as Misses McGill, at the Ontario Bank. of those Pure Silks, warranted nofto- · Mr. D. T. Tees, of Montreal, spent part cut. Call and leave your order. circulation. What a valuable .adJT.er'.tising ·to the road remedied . R eceived and -==~ --=-=~= We guarantee sntisfaction or 'n o sale. of last"week in town among friends. ,adopted. -A TUG called Sir Jvhn and three scows medium! The &eve presented a re1)ort from the Mrs. J. B. Trayes and Miss Traye9 }\~ye been built at B uffalo, N. Y., for t he .committee to examine the Miller. Scott, visited Bowmanville friends yesterday. We freely accept the challenge ma~ Dominion Government 's use on the W eland Murton bridges, making - sundry Mr. W. Ruse will establish a branch of lautl -Danal. I s this patronage to home by Mi-. Climie this week, on condition ;recumuiendations with. respect to same ; their sewing machine agency in Cobourg . & . that h e will lay his subsc1 ·iptio1i bo.ok.!J ;mcl ail!o that they had made arrangeMiss Barham ]\fayer, of Buffalo, N. Y., mei}ts with Mr. Sulley to supply gravel before the committee, and publish in the ........__.~.--·-~ - ----~~~~ for the roads at five cents a load. Receiv- is visiting h or uncle, Mr. M . Mayer, this town. W;u~mN a fow clays Arkona, Port Sun, and allow us to publish the result· of -DON!>T BUY YOURed a1Jcl a!lopted, Mrs. McLaughlin, Miss Mantle and On.motion 'Measrs. Hancock and Smale Pe~·iy:: ,~d Lacl1ine have been devastated their investigation, together with a com· wen) appointed a eommittee to confer with Master Norman are visiting at Dunkirk, by fi;e., ,1 .1 1d hibo by a cyclone. Truly plete list of his bontt fide subscribers. the Manvers Council with respect to the N. Y. t he cl~:i::e~1ts do rage wit;h great f ury in Councillor Smale had the misfortune 'Ve very much regret having to trouble Town Line refoned to, clerk to give that to lose a valuable horse by lightning last this ·CanadR. of ours. our readers with the personal clifferem:es council notice of same. On motion the Reeve was instructed to week. ""2Sk21 that have arisen between .Mr. Climie and Mr. Henry Gibbs and wife, of Akron, grant Qrders on the Treasurer for the fol1'H E ca.nrlid.atc:H for j;lte soat in the !local Ohio, U .S., :ue in town, visiting at Mr. us, but h e has made charges against us J~cgrnlature fo.t· :Huskolm, renclered vacant that we can har dly u.llow to go unu.nswer- lowing sums : . G . T. R., freight on scrapers ... . .. $4 90 Michael Loclilrn.rt's. by t,he ~ms ea.ting .a11d disq ualifie11tion of. M essrs. John ·wesloy, Geo. Piggott and ecl. It.is well known by our readers tliat T. Bunt, damiige to wr.gon ........ 1 00 Mr. Fauquier, ;ir!'l Mr. J. W. Dill, of we have left Mr. Climie and his paper M.A ..James, printing . ..... .. . . .. 33 91 F. Rogers S~)ent n very pleasant fishing - C>FBraccbridge (Libcrll!!J: and Mr. N eil Mc- severely alone since New Years, until his J. W. Smith, 10 road scrapers ..... 90 00 excursion to Stony Lake last week. W . R. Davey, sheep damages ..... 8 00 Mi·s. ,T. C. Hillier and Miss Kate Ham]\':chern, :0£ Comrnand~. (Conservative.) venomous attack on us two weeks ago, Arthur Avery, rent of land for rot1d 2 00 ilton are spondii1g a few weeks at Midland ==zsu:;::a:__ and even now we are almost pursuaded to Indigent persons .·..·.·. . ....... .4-7 50 City- Cannda's favorite w<itering place. THE Clcvehmd Press nmkes a calculaOn motion Council adjourned. allow him to rave aud howl unheeded. Mrs. Dr. Clemens, of Port; Perry, visittion which shows that ·th'.\l Canadian vote ed ltt:r grandparents , Elder and Mrs. VanHe made a fierce attack on us in front of Town Hall, Hampton, June 18. in tlic United States is ){..r·w sufficiently Cam1l last week, and left on Monday for Mr. Yellowlees' store on Vvednesday night, - .A.TSpecial.meeting ; members all present. Berlii1. large to turn the pr esidwi:tial election, but our better nature ln·evailed for the A petition was present ed fr.om Gec~rge R ev. J. Dykc left yesterday for Calgary. should it go D emocr:atiic, .~s it prob11bly time, and we allowed him to go without fiYo others for openm~ a_ditch 1 Mas. Dyke left on 'fuesday. Ou r rc<iders Awde .a nd _ will owing to Bll1ine's wel~ !l-tmi wn antiretaliating. He foamed and raged like a and w1clemng the road on lot 2o, m the J may expect to h ear from them through 5th con. R eferred to the Reeve and Mr. tJ1e STA'.l'ESMAN. British tendencies. mad bull. Cryderman. . 1 · Mr. and Mrs. 1\1. B. Hawley calobrated Accounts we.re _ o rde_red to _ b_c p::ml to their tin wedding on the 27th ult., a nd Tm : Cobourg Sentinel-Sfor is getting big ABOUT Src!c IhaDACHE.- For years and D~·s. l\'lc~aughlm & IJe1th, certific:1tes ·u:1cl . wet'd the r edpients of a coal oil stove and feeling. It came out-, laiit week enlarged years the writer had been having sick or mileage m case of Geo. Sal~er, a luna~ic, · other useful presents. to 48 columns- the saine size as the nervous Headaches after excitement, $12.80; T. 'l'. Coleman ; m connection . Mrs. R. F10ld and danght~r and M rs. ST.ATT~S~IAN. May youl' shadow neve1 · mental lobor, noise or long rides. ZO- with same 50 cents. PE-SA cured me entirely. I now take A hy-l;w was passed, appointing W . Tho_s._ Spry an~ _ d aughter sailed ~y S.S. gr.o:s Jess, Bro. Fogarty, though you have a.bout two teaspoonfuls a bout t wice a H . Rogers as engineer for the tmvnship, I'ansian for a VJSlt among friends rn E i;:ean extra hi~ World to contend with. week, enuugh to operate about twice, and under section 4, chap. 27, 46 Vic. Stat. of tcr, Eng. We wish them a pleasant tnJ?. never had a headache. I ea· well, s leep Ont. Mr. W. S. Russell sailed by S .S. ParKrss-M:~. -"Teabel'ry, " th.. new and sound, my system is regular in every way. The Council r esolved itself into a Court 1 isian on J une 28th, for L ivel})vol en route exquisite l ~ttl[j geru for t he Teeih and Zopesa is a grand thing for the Liver, J of Revision and adjudicated on all 00111- 1for Winib.ledon, ~ ng. After camp he m .Breath, ha$ 11 beautifully plated metal Dyspepsia anc general system. :May plaints against assessments and finally · tends takmg a t rip on the . E uropean con- Bowmanville, April 8, 1884. screw t pp! '.frr !!< l!l}IDple. everybody know.it and try it . passed the assessment roll. tinent. Bon voyage. PERFUME RY Fresh Oi 1 cake ---o--- OUR CORN CURE Horse & Cattle Food, GIVE IT A TRIAL. aaailta~tt· ~;j"""' DRUGGISTS. _ DR_ Y GOODS _ & MlLLlNERYDRESS GOODS! I :A: See our Parasols and Sunshades! LACE 0 UR.' I,AINS. MANTLES! Inspection invited. THE LEADING HOUSE FOR FASHIONABLE Pierce MILLINERY~ Robertson. l CA:E~PETS before seeing the ELEGANT STOCK,. ~ couc:a::7 Their Carpets are all new and their Price·s are as low as the lowest. Grocers' Due !Bills taken as Cash. J. OHNSTON & CRYDERMAN. 1JNE _ DOOR WEST OF POST OFFICE·