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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jul 1884, p. 5

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MONEY. {The Highest Price in Cash for THIS COI,.-OMN GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. E~GS at QUICK &WRIGHT'S, Successors to · McClung Bros.} MONEY. SECRET SOCIETIES. Mr. R. J. Sangster, we learn, will he a PUBLIC NOTICE. candidate for first class certificate this A. 0. I~. year. · May he succeed. The public are hereby notified that ,T, R.OWMANVILLK 8'1'.A.TION AND 'l'IME, Belongs- to STOT'l' & JURY and At the regular meeting of Court Prk~e W:-~mith is no longer . ":g~nt f?r our TRIAL TRir-The STATJrnMAN will be GOJNG EAS'I' OOING WEST sent to any_ address to 11ew subscribers of Ontario No. 6000, on Wednesday even- maclunes at Oshawa and v1c1mty, his con~11 Medicines advert,is~d are form J<.:gpro~s .....·.8.53 a m l..Exp_ro98 . ~ ... 7.2.5 a m ing, 2nd inst., the followina officers were tract with us having been cancelled, for thirty weeks for thirty cents . Express.IO.Oil ·~ m Fa.stlllxprese.10 ~ am tp sa1e by ~them. ~ J'ast Mixed .........,.20 p w Local, ......·· a m elected: " (26·3>v.) L, D. SAWYER & Oo., Mr. Ed. Livingstone, teachbr, (·f Wel1,uc"I ...... .... 7.35 pm ~ixoo ....... . . 3.45 pm Agricultul'al Implement Manufacturers. come, has resigned his position, having C. R., .....·.. . ·..... Charles Stouhouse. Exoress ...... 9.20 p m ll.xvress. ...... 8.38 Pm 11ccepterl a _ good position in an insurance S. C. R.,........ · ·.. Geo. H. Buxton. Treas., ..·· ·.. . .. T. II. Spry, re-elected. Rev. W. Kenner was the recipient of & compiiuy · Can be completely cured by using CHURCIULL's $19.00 is the steerage rate by Allan Secy., . .. . . . .E . B. Williams, re-elected. puree of money and a very friendly adCLIMAX EYE SALVE. Only 20 cents at S'l'OTT Lino to or from Londonderry, Liverpool, Assistant Secy.,,., ··· , ·· , .. E. Haggitl1. dress from his Prince Albert congregation .& JURY'S. Belfast, Queenstown, Galway, Limerick, S. \V., . .................. J. 0. Labelle. on the eve of hie departure for Myrtle J. W.,. ·'· .................. Chas. Cox. his new station. Glasgow,London,CardifforBristol,another Bowl\IANVILLE, FRIDAY, JULY 11. S. B., ···· ,; ···· · ······· P. Hollenbeck. is dollar gives first-class rail to Quebec. J. B., .. . .......... ... ...... George J oll. ' In no other medicinal preparation have Therefore if you we.nt to get rich use the Cabin also reduced. W. A. N.EA.DS, Agent Trustees, J. Babcock, J . Colwill, and C. the results of the most intelligent study GREAT FOUNT..t.IK OF I-IEAL'J'H it is the greatest and l:!cientilic inquiry been so steadily and FAR.Mims P1t0c11ss10!oi.-The Lindsay Stonehouse. health restore1· of the age. (STOTT &; JURY, Post says : On S!lturday Sylvester's grand Delegate to Supreme High Conrt., Wm. proiiressively urtilized as in Ayer's SarsaR .. duced Steamship rate!I. T. YellowBOle &gente, parilla. It leads the list as a truly acien· delivery of reapers, mowers; seeders, mkes Bunney. loes. tific prepa1ation for all blood diseases. and other harvesting machines took place. I. 0 . 0. F. A. 0. U. W.-BowmanvilleLodge.No. .At 12 o'clock about seventy farmers, with ASUDDt<:N AT'l'ACK.-AU people, and 99, .A. 0 . 'G. W. meets to-night. The newly elected officers of Florence eepecia'l ly travellc1s, are liable to a sud· their teams and waggons, ,assembled at tho Insects. fties, ants, &c.. are slain by thousands W . Mcl\fortry's groy and whito cotton Sy! vcstcr works and loaded up the various Nightingale Lodge No. 66, installed on by using STOT'l' k JURY'S INSEC'f POW- is very low. No white quilts so low. was the largest paper in the district. implements that had beeu purchased. Wednesday night, last week, by Bro. D. den attack of Cholera ll-Iorbu11, Colic, DER. By its use you oan kill every 11y in a The Rev· i ev1 enjoys that honor. Then a procession was formed, and, head· Gilbert, D. D. G. M., .a1:e the following: Di11nhoea and Dysentury, Dr. Fowler's S. 0. E. B. S-Wellington Lodge No. Strawberry is the n1011t prompt "pQ, room in one hour. STOT'i' & JURY, the Re. STOTT & Ju1tY, the enterprising drug- cd by the citizens band, paraded the prin- N . G.,, ............. ..'. ".~eil McDonald. Wild 19, Sons of England, meets next Tuesday reliable re1mdy known. liable Druggists gists, are giving an illumiiiated match safe cipal streets for upwards-of an hour. V. G., ............... . .... N. M. Gage. night. Ladies, dont foil to examine my Cloth>. HYMENE.u.- On the lat inst., at the Secy., . ... ................. T. C. Jewell. Just to hand another new lot of white to each of their customers, free of charge. Window Shades. 'l'hey are both durable· Disinfectant, Deodorizer.<!, &c. Call imd get outi before the are all gone. rosidence of thebride, by the Hev .· J. F. P. 8., .......... . .... -....... J. K. Orr. Lawns for Dresses at, Johnston & All the most reliable !tinds at ST 0 TT &; Oryderman's. READ THEM.-,Ve mean the new ad- Ockley, Mr. James Heal, ofBowm:mville, Treas., ............. , ......... M. Mayer. and l1andsome. 'fhoR. Yellowlees. JURY'S Medical Hall. Call and get ~ome, vertisements of Newcastle Bicycle Club's to Mrs. M. A. Cameron, of Port \Perry. Cond.,... · ····.·..··.. Sam. Reynolds. Tm AL TruP.-The S'fATESMAN will be . ABOUT DRINKS.- Q11eneh thirst ' with festival; the bicycle for sale by Mr. Wat- We understand that the happy couple in- ,V., ...... ._............ W. G. Lockhart. sent lo any address to new snbscriber&'the y should he nsed freely at this time of tho lemon juice in water without sugar ; it is son ; the STATESMAN 'frial Trip offer ; tend becoming residents of this Town. Chap., ···.·· "',., ..·.·... J. N. IGvell. for thirty weeks for thirty cents. better tlum ice water. Clarke Voters Lists, etc. 'Ve learn that Mr. Heal is a man of means R. S. N. G., ..... , ,. , ~ohn Grant, P. G. TJUA.L TmP-The -STATEBllfAN will be The D. 0. & P. Co. made a big display n.nd will make an acceptable acquisition L. S. N. G., ... . ....... ,.., ..... 0. Smith. ~ent to any address to new subscribers for at the Toronto Semi-Centennial on Wed- to this locality. The _ happy couple are R. S. V . G., , ... , .·... , ···· F. Wrigl1t. thirty weeks for thirty cents. nesday. Their fine band, with eight weloome to our heartiest wishes for their L. fj. V. G., .-.............. J. }\tfclntyr A Brn CoAL HousE-Messrs McClellan wagons loaded with pianos and organs future happiness.-Port Pe?-ry Standa,rd. R. S. S., .................. .. W. 'l;n:j"lQll, & Co's new coal house just completed at paraded the streets in the procession. PROMEKADEFESl'IVAL.-'l.'he promenade L. S. S., ······.··.·.. : ..···. Thos. 'fod1 the Harbor will hold 3,500 tons of coal. \Ve understand that D. B. Simpson, concert and strawberry .f estival on the I. G .................. . ·" .. J . Roenigk. 1 MINISTER CALLED-Rev. G. McKay, Esq., has purchased that lot to the east beautiful grounds of Mr. w·. A. Pope on 0. G., ·.·. · .. ...· ·.·.... G . D. Fletcher. "'"'""'"'~------MARRIED. PU R E, no watered ate of Osgooue, hiui been called to Cart- of Mr. F . F. McArthur, on Concession Monday night was one of the most pleas- Finance Committee, Bros. Past · Gmads D G'lb t G B 'd d R All' l-ImNRT- GA:MSBY-011 June 30th at Orond; wright and Ballydufr' in the Presbytery street, and intends building a house there- urable events of t he season. 'l'he band · i er , r. ai en, an · m. by El~er'l'. Garbutt, Mr. Chan. JC. Henry, Bow· 11tock. n1anv1lle, to Mir s Bertha. secon1l <laughter of of Peterboro'. on. '!.'he N 01·th ·ward is t11e ward of the discoursed sweet music, the married ladies L.A. Gamsby, Esq .. Druggist. (No cards), dispensed with liberality luscious strawBrn POTATOE~.-The Rur~lNew Yorke1· tow1i. EDUCATIONAL. MORRIS-HENNJNGS- -- At the l:'.M.Parsonilge. WHOLESOME,Por- offers $10 for the largest potato sent beScoTT .AcT MoNEYs.- Persons having 1Jerries and cream and light rflfr~s~nnen_ts, Bowmanvllle. by Rev. J. Dyke. Mr. Jolm M· \Ve give to-day i be reoults of the examina- · orr~l.19 l\ii:;a Martha Hennings, all of Bow· fore October 1st. Address : ::14 Park money collected at meetings or otherwise the young ladies served out debc10us l'le manv1l e. ifies the blood. Ro1V, N:ew York. for Scott Act purposes ara requested to cream and lovely bouquets. 1\-Ir. and Mrs. tions -for promotion 'hold before the close of the school. The names are In order of merit, pay it in to the treasurer for West Dur· Po:pe must feel please~ at the ~ucccss Ex~l\UN'A'rION -There are 25 candidates DIED. REFRESHING, An writing at tlJC examinati<)as here this week ham, Mr. Abram Younie, Bowmanville, wJ~ich c~·owned then offorts, despite the FROM ·1111ss M00RCRA1'1"S TO MR. BAR!lli:R's Ivi.;s-At Rathur,it Street, 'J', - June forthwith. threatenmg weather. ROOJ\I, 23rrl, Samuel Ives, aged 5! years. -3 for second ·class only ; 14 for 2nd and agreeable tonic. \\Tillie Tamblyn, .Albert Dellman, James CRUl\IIl- Tn D"rliJ1gton, Oll $he 81,h Jnstant 3rd cfass; and 8 for int · rme~te only. I. 0. 0. F. - The Grand Encampirnmt THE ERIE QUEEN SUNK.-News was reAlfred J, Crnmh, aged U years, · ' A BRILLIANl' METEOR. -On Thursday meets in St. Thomas on 'ruesday, August ceived on Monday by Mr. J. McClellan Medland, W. Cherry. R. Me.eon, S. J. Clever- RUNTlL~t-J n Darlington, on Wednesday, July COOL! NG, just the evening about 8 o'clock a very large ] 2th, anrl t.he Grand Lodge in the same of the sinking of the Erie Queen, about don, Willie Grant, J<J. Os borne and A. PeatP Stb , Adalnrn Lu,vinia Ilnndle, beloved wife or place the following day. Bros. T. Burden five _ miles from Brockvillt, on Saturday M11bel '!'&it, A. Shaw. M. Darch (failed in die'. Mr. Jo.mes Rundle, .ir .. agud 26 years. thing for hot meteor shot across the eastern sky, fol- au.d W, J ennings will represent Florence night last. Tho vessel was on her way to tation), John Shaw, Fred, Horsey, R. Burden. Funernl t.o-day at 2 p.m. .JQwed by a train of red fire. It was the Total 15. Nightingale. Lodge of this town. Prescott loaded with about 14,500 bushels FROM MR. M"r.A.VISH"s '1'0 ~nss YOOUCRAF1"S. fine11t mete.01· ever seen in this locality. ROWMANVILLE MA.l;tKETS, lilTH OF JuLv.-Th~ usual celebmtio of wheat owned by Mr. A. Ross, of Port MILI'l'ARY CoNCEliT-Do not forget the R&OM, Military Promenade Concert in the Drill of the Glorious Twelfth will b~d at - ~erry, when she struck a rock and sank E. Trenouth, C. Galbraith, M. Jennings, R. Om·rceted up to 1 o'clocl· p.m. every Thursday Shed,this Friday evening. Music by the Williamsburg to-morrow. Manvers, Dar.;,_ Ill fourteen feet _of wato~. The crew were Forbes, M. Sinola1r, G · .Armour, W. Thlckson, BY JOHN McMU~TRY. Absolutely free from D. 0. & P . Co Rand, military drill by No. lington and Cartwright lodges are to take ~Yk_d,,_ The_ grau~ was msured for about N. Johnston, M. Daviclge, A. Thickson, L. Flour, per 100 Th ...... $2 75 ·· to ·. $3 00 part, also the Ballycluff, Cartwright and $12,()00, J11ch will n?t ~over the loss by 1 Co. Tog·o~-war, etc., are the attractious. Perkins, M'. Black and Y. Gilfillan equal, M. alcohol.. Fall Wheat, per bush.... 100 .. to .. 1 OS Oshawa bands Evervbody invited $4,000. 'Ihe vessel is msured for about Proutt, 'l'otol 15. A LICENSE QuESTION.-Acorrespondent · N t.h · l J · f ono-third her value, and will likely be a FROM MIES THOMAS' TO MR. M'TAVISB'll RO-OM. SpringWheat, per buah. 1 00 ·· to ·· 1 03 A'PPOINTMEl(T.~ write11 to know. Is it according to law to a ame ero , 0 11 tl . . 11' l . h Rye, per bushel. . . . . .. . . 0 58 .· to. . 0 60 · f Cl· k · th t 0 f tota oss, as ie gram IB swe mg, w uc -FOR SALE BYt h e t ownsIup have the bai·-room open uhtil after 1 G. McKowan. L. Bounsall, C. C,herry, E. o ar e,_ m ~ .c?un Y will burst her side/ii, Oats,per busliel. ·· , ·.·. 0 35 · . to ·· 0 40 Durham, has been appomted bailiff of the Colgate, W, Br:rant, P. Harris, H. Davidge, B. o'clock a. m? and l\dds "for it is no us .A CLEVER STRA.TA.Glll\I.-A laughable Prower. L. Draper, F. Hanson, S. Allin, F. Peas,Blue............. 0 70 .. to .· O 75 to ask our License Inspector." Ans. No Seco11d Division Court of the united " Blackeyes.. .. .. . . 0 !J2 .. to. . 0 95 counties .of Nortlrnmberhmd and Durham affair took place on Thursday eveni11g 26th Windsor, Total 13, We wish our license inspector would atten in pts. and qts., (imperial me11sure). ,, Sml\ll. ,. ........ 0 70... to ... 0 72 in the room and stead of James M. Jack- inst., at Trenton camp. Some thirty men FllOWIJl!n. '.RlnTH's To MR. M'TAVrsII's ROOM. to his duties occasionally, for scarcely Barley, No.1 ......... 065 .. to ·· C 68 Refl.ned expressly for LYMAN week passes that complaints are not re· son, resigned. of the different regime~ts had been do\vn F · .Jollow. M. Lockhart. Total 2. ,, No. 2 ......... O 55 ... to .. . 0 60 · ; , SONS' & Co., Montreal. ceived at this office about alleged violation -~-~.ouR.-The Young Men's Evan- town and were returm11g to camp after ,, No. 3.... ; .... 0 50 ... to ... 0 55 They had to use some strategy FROM MISS HAMBLY 6 T. O M~SS TfIOMAS ROO~. roll-call. of the License Act. · gelistic Band of this town conducted the .A LIDERAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. Bntter,per lb. best table.. 0 13. , @ ·· 0-14 t. o aet in without beinO" made prisoners by Magg1e Yello~lees, Jenme Adams, Fra~k1e VAI,EDICTOitY l<~ESTIVAL.-The ice cream service at Salem church on Sunday after,., · d tl 0 f 11 · t cl Redman, Vennmg Bryant, Fred. McClung. Luru, ¥'th ..· ·· ; ......... 0 13 .. @ .. 0 14 festival in the P. M . church on Monday noon. The congregation were highly de- t h e mam ~uar · so iey. e 111 wo eep, Ezgle Nott, Emerson Parks, Willie Allen, Lena Eggs,f'doz .............. 0 14 .. @ · · 015 of then· number takmg command, and Dan ter nd p Bl k Le B 11ight week was quite a . success. . The lighted, and invited the Band to_v~sit them one hel. . .... 0 50 .. @ · . 0 50 t d tl "b · d · k t " Th cae a ercy ac equa1, na en- Potatof'<,p.,r 1,,, < nga e pie e · e not, Fr1mk Lyle, Mabel Martyn, Norman Wool, i·er !ti . .. . ......... 0 16 .. @ .· 0 00 tables were beautifully laid out, the ice again at n.n early date. 1'hoy also con- en ere aa ie guard turned out, presen_ted arm_ s,_ ~ud Sherril1, Charlie Rica; Etta Tait, Lily Smelt ducted an evening service at Providence. S PE C I A L .A G E N T S. creain was of a delicious flavor (It was from the Grand Central,. noted for ioc TU]; 0LJJEST MEMIJ.Elt. -Mr. J. W. Gif- the party proceeded on their way reJ01cmg. and F. McArthur equal. Annie Reffell, Zella cream) the attemlance was very fair. .A ford, of Leskard, claims to be the oldest~ They had .not,- however, proceeded far be- nrimaoombo. Pattie Brittain. Total 21. New '7\ iJ'-nertiscmtntg; - - · splen4id pl'Ogramme was rendered iu which Son of Temperance in 'Vest Durham. He fore they were met by Lieut.-Colonel )'ROM. l\II~S BIRNIE'S TO MISS COLIOl'.AN'S ROOM. ..................................................................................... Cubitt, 45th b<ittalion field officer of the the readings by Miss Ritchio of Montreal was initiated May 27th, 1850, and has day, who asked them, "1£ tlrny were the Maggie Moses, Sarah Hastings, PercyFlelds, ERVANT GIJtL WANTED-Capable It is strange that any one will su.ffer from and Mrs Dyke were wortl1y of special been a member of Orono Division ever ilcket." No answer, Again he put the Laura Cobb, Bertha Dancaster and Bessie and trt1stwort,hy, Apply at the S"I:A'l'F:SMAN derangements hrought on by an impure ci1.. mentiqn. I office. since. Cau auy oue dfa@te.- Llreclaim? Tamblyn equal, Elmer Bellman and Wesley culation of the blood, when, for a small - - - - -----question but got no answer. Becoxning Kerr and Nellie Johnston e'l,ual, Lillie Morris, FAREWELL PICNIC.-On Monday after- He also claims to_l:>e-01ie of the oldest outlay, the physical organization can be IOYCLE FOH. S.ALE.-50 inch Hope somewhat angry, he demanded in a loud Lottie Ellinor and Herbert Nosworthy equal, natives of }Vest-Durham. noon between 40 and 50 members of the completely restored by that wonderful blood Bicycle ; ball!! to front wheel, cones be· tone of voice "is this the picket," when Arthur Cornish, Fanny Ellinor s.nd Florence _STTIOIDEs. - Thomas Badger, aged 21, one of the orowd answered " No, my Tilley equal, Charles McClunrt and Ida Hoskin nind; in good connition . Too Rmall for present purifier, Northrop & Lyman's Vegeta.ble fate P. M . church and friends of Rev. J. owner. Apply at this ofllco, or R. a;wA'l'SON, Dyke an_ d wife joined in a picnic at Mr. Discovery. ·This meclicine acts directly labo1·er, suicided by ha11:gingin Mr. James lord." They immediately broke formation equal, Willie Climle, Luella Scott and Harr:r t.:ourtice. 28-tf. upon the Blood and Bowels, and eradicates Geo. Dobson's residence. A vory pleasant Little's bam, 7th concession of Hope,-last Scrofula, Malaria, Biliousness, &c., from the time was spent under the shade of tho Thursday. It is said a young woman had and scattered to their l'espec~ive tents. .Alexander equal, Henry Aldrich. Total 21. OUSE TO RENT.-Desirable house, ENTRANCE lCXAMINA'rION, system. .As a tonic it 'has a remarkable orchard. An excellen.t tea was served and "mittenecl" him, which lead him to do Shortly after the true picket made ft9 with seven rooms, ni<>,ely llniehetl bay At the Entrance E:!ramination to the Bow- window. etfect on the weak and broken down con· ·afterwards a very sociable time was en- the rash deed. Alex. McGregor, aged 87, appearanco on the ground, and the guard folding doors, good ce11ar, ha.rd and stitution, restorin~ the appetite, &c. One joyed. Mr. and Mrs. Dobson succee ded who lived near Colborne, hanged himself had a.gain to turn out. The officer in mllnville Bigh School 28 c11ndida.tu presented soft water, woodshed. etc. Possesaion iu a few days if required. FRANCIS MASON, who ·used it says it is the most expensive in makiug all their guests fe el at home. command was very much orestfallen at themselves last week-sixteen from the town ' . 27-tf. medicine he knows of; since using it his ap- The good wishes of the party follow Mr. on 1<'1·iday. No cause given. having given the honors of the guard pre· and the rest from the country. 'rhe dictation - - - - - - - - - - - - - -·- -'---- DROWNED.- On Thursd11y evening a enting arms to a lot of delinquentswl10m paper, which was harder than usual, proved FARM FOR SALE.-One of the beet petite has improved so much -that it ~osts and Mr·s. Dyke to their future home. him twice as much to Jive as before. young m:in named Fred. Mutton, who \e should have made prisoners.-Lindsay too difficult !o,: the majority, although one boy . _ in Darlington , on main road, two miles It banishes pain and weakness, invigorates ·A GREA'r D1scovERY.-Mr. Wm. Tl10s. was in the employ of Mr. David Towns, Post. of ten years, Ellis, of Hampton, passed tn eMt of Bowmanville, 11.nd three miles west of the brain and nervoL1s system, and rouses the of Newton, ·la., says: "My wife has been went bathing in Towns' mill pond and I Newcastle. 14.6 acres, well improved, good COMPLIMENTARY To INl'!PECTOR TILLEY. it. The fact that tmpils, even up to sixteen dwellmg and oarn; good orchard. Apply to dormant muscles into now life. seriously affected with a cough for twenty paddled out into the middle on a , plank. , At the last meeting of the Lmdsay years of age, failed, proves that thought and R. J. SIIAW, Bowmanville. 27-tf. five years, and this spring more severly In some manner the plank got out of his If, your children are tr<mhled with than ever before. She had used many reach , A.nd heing unable to swim, · he was ;School Board Mr. W.E. 'l'illey's resignation care must be given by teachers and pupils to· HE THOROUGH- BRED JERSEY of the Priucipalship of the collegiate in- spelling a.s well as to any other branch. Tho worms, give them Mother Gravos' 'Vorm remedies without relief, and being urged drowned. Deceased wits 22 years of a BULL-" Young lloulivott "-for servio&. stitute W(\S accepted and a committee ap- ·results will be published next week. Mi-. W. Exterminator; safe, sure, and efiectunl. to try Dr. King's New Discovery, did so, 11nd highly respectecl. my residence, oast of Furmture Factory. pointed to draft a suitable resolution ex- W. Tamblyn, M. A., was the presiding ex- at TEHMS :-Thoro'-bre<I Cows, $.5 ; Grade Cows, Giv'3 it a trial and be convinced. with gratifying results. The first PRESEN'£ATION.-An interesting and pressing the sentiments of the members aminer. $3; Common Cows, $2. AR'l'HUR W. B ~.l~~· 2 bottle relieved her very . much, and the pleasing feature at the P. M. festival on oftheBoa.rd towards Mr. Tilley. TheChair- INTERMEDIATK A.ND TEACHERS' EXA)lJNATIONB. Mr. Peter Vermett, Hor.helage, P. Q. second bottle has absolutely cured lier. the 30th ult., was the presentation to Miss man in r,utting the resolution took occaThe Eimi:qinatlon began last Monday with writes: "Dr. Thomas"Eclectric Oil cured She has not had so good health for thirty Alma Nott, of a purse of $20 in recogni- sion to refer to the very satisfactory re- over twenty writing, and Mr. W, E. Tilley, m~ of Rheumatism after I tried many yeara.'TrialbottlesfreeatJ.Higginbotlrnm tion of her services as organist. The lations existing between Mr. Tilley and M.A., as presiding examiner. The results will ACREe, MORE OR LESS, :modicinae to no purpose. It is a good & Son. presentation was made by Rev. J. Dyke, the board, and to his very great a hility as not be known for a month or more, as all the being lot 16. con, 4, Darlington, Durmedicine." Just think of it-you can re-\ Brn SALE-Mr. H. 'f. Phillips did a in a few complimentary remarks, and an educationist and disciplinarian, and papers of some thousands are sent .to Toronto ham Co,, on gravel road, 4!- miles form Bow· Jieire the twinges of rheumatism, or the 1 big stroke of business hero on Saturday Miss Nott made a brief but beautifully said that while the board would strive to to be examined by a body of men appointed manville, and one rnilti from Hampton village. Flrst·class grain and i:;razing rarm. Good.l!Oil, most painful attatk of neuralgia-you can in real estate sales. Harry must have laid ) 'OJ:,4_.e d extempore ro1~ly. engage a gentleman well qualified to tak~ tor that purpose. . .. well watered by runmng stream. good Build· ebeck a.'.2_ojtgh, and heal bruised or broken himself out specially for this occasion, for his place that no better he11d-master than lngs,largo Orchard, in good conrlit.ion, Fifteen U. E . L.-:F'rom this town and vicuuty TRIAL TRIP-The STATESMAN will be a.ores hard wood and cedar. Apply on the 11kin, witf'i a l:iottl.:i of Dr. Thomas' Elec- the address he delivered in describing th the following gentlemen attended the Mr. Tilley had proved himself to be could sent to any address to new subscribers for premises, to W. JOI.L, Hampton, P. 0., or to tric Oil, costing only 25 cents. · snperior qualities and advantages of tie GEO, JOLL, Solina. 27-tw United Empire Loyalists' celebration in possibly be found. At the close of the thirty weeks for tl1irty cents. estates he was about to offer wonld ha e Toronto - - - -- - - - - - -- - - -- last Thursday : Dr. J . C. Hillier, School on Thursday a presentation was MT. B. l\foOa.w, Custom House, Tor- brought honor to a Blake or a Gladstol e. Levi Vancamp, Esq., F. F .. McArthur, made to Mr .. Tilley of a magnificent water b y OU A.RE RUINED-in health from onto, writes:"My wife was troubled with The p_ roperties offernd were the estate~,: of Esq., ex-:M:ayor, Rev. Dr. Macnab, and pitcher and an illuminated address .b y hie any cause, especially from the use of a.ny Dyspepsia and Rheumatism for a long the late Robert Low and th e late Ro~rt Wm. Cryderman, Esq. They participated pupils as a token of their regard for him of thtt thousand nostrums that promise time; she tried many d~fferent medicines, Strutt and were sold all follows: Ch s. in ti reception given by the Lieut. -Gov- and his efforts as teacher on their behalf. so largely, with long fictious testimonials, but did not get any relief until she used Souch, lotl, con. 4, Darlington, 50 acres Miss Bertie Deacon read the address and have ne fear. Resort to Hop Bitters at Will be held in the DRIJ,L SHED, NEWnor. on the evening of the 16th lnst., addresses were made by Mr. J. R. Dun- once, and in a short time you will have CASTLE. Northrop&Lyma.n'sVegetableDiecovery ~1,700. l::lamuel Wood, lot 16, B. F. Darwhen over lOOoftheAmericanBicycleTouriets ~ REME?.rBERED.-On Monday das, M. P., Mr. Grace, chairman of the honost rohrn1t and blooming health. . ~nd Dyspeptic Cure. She has taken two hngton, 50 acres_, $3,300. McClellan_& Ci! will be in attendance and presented with an afternoon Mrs. '". Ruse and Miss Hamb- board of education, Mr. Knight, P . S. I., addreee of welcome. Concert to consist of bottles of it and now finds herself ill' bet- I lot 15, B. F . 3G acres, $5,391. R1cha vocal and instrumental music by some ot our ter health th~n she has been for years." ' Hambly, lot Hi, R F. 3n~ n.cre9 $2,0. ' . ly, on behalf of Bowma1~villiltcongregation and others. Mr. Tilley made a suitable beet local ta.lent. 1 Richard Hill. lot 9, con. 9, Darlingto , of the late B . C. church, presented Rev. reply, regretting his removal in mtmy reThe grounds will be- beautifully illuminated J . HaITis with a pui·se of gold containing spects, and trustod the friendehi1) so with chinese lantems and e. good Brass Band acres, $9,401. Hector Beith, lot 2 238 There never was, and never will be, a in attendance. Doors open at 7:30 o'clock. out '50. Mr. Harris has hud the duties Admission-Gentlemen, lo cents; HLdies and universal panacea in one remedy, for all con. 8, 120 acres, $6960. Harriet Warder, of two men· to perform the past year and mutually felt would not soon end. He Cottage on Queen St. Bowmanville, $1, Children, 10 ·cents. thanked them for the address and prese11t ills to which flesh ie here-the very nawell has he earned t11is special acknuw· GOD SAVE 'l'lIE QUEEN. 'l.'ot11l amounut of sn.les, $30,142. Mr. and trusted the success now attending the ture of many curatives being such that 300. ledgment at the hands of the denominaNewco.sne, July 10, 1881' 28·lw. were t,he germs of other and differently D. Burke Simpson was Vendors' solicitor tion. . He left this week for Epsom, his Lindsay schools would continue. and Mr. David :F'ishet· was the Executor seated dfaeases rooted in the system of new circuit. ---~·---the patient-what would relieve one ill, of the estates. This is one of the largest 'rE1mI:BLE CALAMITY. - On Thursday We mark iu plain figures, and have in turn woulu aggrivate the other. We land sales over held here. niglit last a fire broke out in Port Perry h~ve, however, in Qninine Wine, when SOCIAL AND PRESENTATION._:_On Mon- and consumed tl1e whole business part of strictly one price. Ellison & Oo. TRIAL TRIP.-The STATESMAN will be obtaiaable in a sound unadulterated state, day night the members of Vicuoria Lodge, - the town, only one small store being left a remedy for -maµy and grievous ills. · By A. F. & A. M., with a goodly number of to mark the site of a busy mercantile sent to any address to uew subsctibers for its gradual and judicious use, the frailest hdies and other invited guests met in sti-eet. 'l'he total loss is placed at $344,470 thirty weeks for thirty cents. l!ystem are led into convalescence .and "their handsome lodge-room over the . and the insurance at $158,890. We extend Baxter's Mandrake Bitters cure indi· strength by the infi,uence which Quinirie STATESllfAK office to hear an address on our sinccrn sympathy to the publishers of gestion, Heart Burn, Costiveness and all exerts o~ Nahire't1 own restorative&. , It "Manhood and Masonry" from Rev. Bro. the Stanclar.d and the Obsei·ver in the total malarial disease!!. Twtinty-five cent" per relienes the Clrooping spirits of those with J. Dyke. The address was a capital one loss of their printing offices. Municipa.lity of Clarke, County · bottle. whome a chrouicstateofmorbib.despond- and was delivered in Mr. Dyke's characl£ you are troubied with . a "hacking of Durham. FROM Sc·oTLANn.\Ve ~nko the liberty ency and lack of in~tE!_reet ,in life i~ a dis· teristic pleasing style. Mrs. Dyke gave a coul(h," Downs' Elixir will give you reof publishing the following extracts from ease, and by tranqn.ilfa1ng th!l nervo.s, 8cotch reading in 8plcndid st:yle, Mis~ lief at once. W arrantcd as recommended · NOTIOE is h ereby -given that I have diepqses to sound and r~freshing deep- Tapson presid~<l at the 01gan and played a letter just received "from Dr. J. E . or money refuuded. transmitted t.o tho persons mentioned in imparts vigor to the action of t}te blood, several select10ns. Messrs. W. McCul- Brown, of Enniskille11, who is at present the third and fourth sections of " The Voters' The Harvest Qneen- five mke reaper Lists .Act·· the copies required by said sections which beim;: stimulated, conrses through- lough and F . J ollow .saug fine solos, _ and in Edinburgh, Scotland : "I landed here lays the best sheaf of any machine in the to be so transmitted or delivered ot the List. -out th~ veins, strengphening tqe healthy; brief remarks were mado.b:>'. some gentle- June 1.0th; had a fine voyage and no made pursuant to said act, of all persons apmarket. See it before buying. 'l'. J -. animal fuu<itions of the system, thor.eby men present. .A very pleasmg part of the rough weatl1er; saw two whales and t wo McMurtry, Agent. 1>eo.ring by the last Revised Assessment Roll of the said Munimpality to be entitled to vote in making acti:-Vity a necessary result, stren- p rogram was the presentation to Mr. and iciobergs. The weather here is mu~h coldthe said Municipality at elections for members Our Due Bills will be taken the same ~thning the frame, and giving life to the Mrs. Dyke of a beautifully engraved silver e r th:in in Ontario ; no min of any account of the Legislative <\ssembly and at Municipal Elections; and that said List waJJ first posted digestive ·organs. whioh naturally de· wnter pitcher and gohlt>t, accompanied by since I came, and crops are no further on as cash at any store in town, and the only up at my oft'!oe, at Orono, on tho 26th day of rnaud increased substance- r1isult, im- a friendly address, read by Dr. Harnden, than in Ontario. I expected haying ones taken the same as cash at R. H. 1883, and remains there for inspection, June, Electors are called npon to examine the ooid proved appetito. · Northrop & Lyman of on behalf of the members of the lodge. would be on here, but it was nol. Board Turners. Quick & Wright. Thia powder never varies-. A marvel of List and any omissions or any other errors A misstep ~ill often .make a cri_ pple for purity, strength and wholesomeness. More are fouudif 'Toronto. have given to the public their ,Mr. Dyke made a suitable reply. '!'he pere is about the same as in Toronto. The therein to ta.kc Immediate proceed.superior' Quinine Wii:ie. at the usual Xfl't.1'; ' ·pitcher is valued at $20 and }Vas purchased_ hospitn.l is vory largo here and fino work life. A bottle of Henry & Johnson's Ar- economical than the ordinary kinda and can· Inga to have the said errors corrected accordbe sold in compfltition with the multitude ing to law:and gaged by the op1mons of sC1ent1e!s, from. Mr. J. Maynard, the Jeweller. Mr. is done at it. This is the place you hear nica and Oil Liniment at hand, will not not \V L BROAD of low test, shert weight. alum or phosphate this' wine approaches nearest prefection ,V, H. Osborne filled the chair with much· the broad Scotch, even the children cry prevent the misstep, but used immediat- powders. Sold only in can,., ROYAL BAKING . Clerk or th~ s~id Municipality in Scotch." POWDER Co .. 106 Wall·st. N. Y. I July Sth,'JSSJ. 23-lw. · ly it will save being a cripple. .of any in the market. All druggist sell it. dignity. I Sore Eyes Health Wealth. Local and Otherwise. War Notes. was very hot on Dominion Day. It registered 126 in the sun and 90 in the shade at 2 ·o'clock. TRIAL Tm1'.--The Su'.l'ESMAN will be sent to anv 1idd1 ess to !Jew subscribers for th:irty week . for thirty--conta. YACHT Sm.o. - 1\fr,.Codd's steam yacht was sold 01'l. Saturday week to a gentleman in Toronto, and left the same evening. CHEA!' OCEAN P ASSAGE.-Persons going to the old country slt0uld note the reduced rate announced by W . .A. Neads this week. CHANGED HANJ),.'l.--The Totterdale House, at the station, has changed hands, Mr. Strowger, of Newcruitle, having taken possession. THE \VEATHElt. -Moses Oates predicts a long and tenific hot spell abqut the middle of July, such as has not been surpassed for years. · CoRRECTION.-We were in error last week in saying the Petei·boro E x aminer n I -DOMINICA- ~ f RUIT JUICE! Grocers and Druggists I STOTT·& JURY, S B H ----------------- T FARM FOR SALE. 200 A PROMENADE CONCERT AND STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL ·- VOTERS' LIST, 1884. Absolutely Pure. ·

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