-THE- Grand Central ie the best placl.' in town tu get ~aua4ian $tate.$mnn. BowMANVILLE, FmDAY, JULY 11 Town Council. Council Room, July 7th. Hegular meeting, Members all present except Mr. Cawker. Mmutos of last meeting read &nd confirmed. A communication was presented from Mr. W, C. Tyler In reference to erecf.ioa of a wind· mill in the cemetery, 1oferred to cemetery committee. A circular was presented from the Provincial 'l'reaaurer i:-iving apoortionment of achoo! monoya, referred to the . finance committee ; and one in reference to fire hose, referred to ft1·0 oommil tee; one in reference to opera chairs and stage fittings, referred to Public Properl·Ycommittet>. Mr. Comish presented a report from the poor relief committee. Received and adopted. Mr. Piggott prosentod a report from tho finance counuittee rt1commcndmg payment of sundry accounts amounting in all to $081:>. Ile· ceivcd and adoP,ted. Mr. Bou11s1tll presented a roport from the public property comiuiH~e ln rerer~n~e to t.h~ aufiiciency of ru ea.n~ of ingrees a.nd cgretis. ol Tow1> hall; and e.lso in reference to the condi· tion of tla.e hall and the terms of ocm1panoy of the same by the Salvation .Army. Hccommending- as amended in c"mmittee of the wholethat the rent to the Salvation .Army be raised from $1.25 to $2 50 per night, 111!·t the time for closing be 0:30 instead or 10:30, and that the janilo1· be paid $2 ptir week e:xba while the Jie.ll ill so occupied. On motion to concur in the report of tbe committee of the whole, Mr. Galbraith moved, seconded by Mr. Ho1·sey, that the report be recommitted for tl1c purpose ot cha1 1giui:1 the reat rrom $2.50 to $1.25. and the time ot closing from 9:30 to 10:30. 'l'he motion was lo3t 011 the followlng division:Yeas-Messrs. Galbraith and Horsey, Ns.ysMessra. Piggott, Prower. Morrie, Field, lleun· »a]~ Nosworthy, Cornish and Yellowlecs. iVJ.r. Cornish asked again if the roads and s' rceta committee had considered the communication of Ur, Allison with reference to the Improvement of the side-walk on Liberty street north of Con. street. 'l'he chairman re· plied that there were no funds availaule tor that purpose without lncree.alng the estimate. Mr. Yellowlees inc1uired if tbe cemetery committc· wero expected to proceed with the Improvements recommended by the committee of last year. 'l'he motion was referred to the cemetery commit.tee and the i·oads and streets committ"e jointly, with full power. Moved by Mr. Prower, seconded by Mr. Horsey, that the Council authorize the roe.ds and stre<ote committee to confer with theHnrbor Co, 01 this town with respect to the wharf road, that the said commltlee bo authorized to repair said roud provided the Harbor Co. will witbllni.w the appeal against their asses~ment on the harbor. and allow the same to be fixed at the i;iame amount as lo.st year and also that U1e said Co. pay one-haH the coat of repairing said x·oad ; and iu case the Co. refuse to do so, the committee be authorlz<Jd to take such steps as they deem proper to protect the public, and stop. if they think fit, the present travelled road and turn tho tr·lifio on the ea·tern road running in front of Mr. John McClellan's residence. Cnrrlecl. On 1notion the Council adjourned, subjt1ct to · call of the Me.yor. R. WINDATT, T. C. ICE CREAM AND DONT YOU FOB.GET IT. Sarsaparilla Beer, Lemon Soda Water, Ginger Ale and Sarsaparilla Pop ARE 'I' BE BEST Temperance Drinks I ALWAYS KEPT ON ICE A.T 'l'l!E GRAND CENTRAL. Bowman ville, June 5, 18&1. THE GREAT INDUSTRIAL FAIR -.A.ND- SEMI-CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION, 1884_ Of Live Stock, Poultry, Dairy, AgricuL tural and .Horticultural Products, I mplements and ~fanufactures of all kinds. TORONTO, September 10th to 20th. Tile .Lllrgcst l'l'lzc .List In the DoullRhm. Prize Lists and Entry Forms c11.n be· obtained from the secretaries of all Agricultural Socie· ties and Mechanics' Infititutes, or they will be eeot anywhere on application by poat·card to the Secreta1·y, at Toronto. ENTRIES CLOSE AUGUS'r 23rd. THIS WILL BE 'l'HE GRANDEST EVENT of Toronto's Semi-Centennial year. SllOPPER'S GUIDE. 20 lbs. raisins for $1 at Murdoch Bro11. Wiudow Rollern that cant bo beat at. T. Y 11llowle1>s. Canned apples 5 oa.ns for 50c. at Quick & Wright's. We sell ~ood white Shirts at at 75 cts. Ellison & Co. Boys and youths Tweed Suits at $1.50. Ellhon & Co. Children's Cabs reduced greatly in price, T. Yellowlee11. Wall papers very pretty and very cheap at Cheapside Bazaar. We offer rare value in Shirtings at 12! cents Ellison & Co. You ought to try one of our $5. 00 Tweed Suits. at Ellison & Co. Our Prints at 5, G, 7, 8, 9, 10 c"nts are extra cheep. Ellison & Co. We arc selling off our wall papers very cheap. Tait & Morrison. Our stock of Dry Guods and Clothin~ is complete. Ellison & Co. All wool Tweed Snits made to order from $12} up. Ellison & Co. Handsome and elegant P11.rlor Suites in latest styles at Levi Morris'. We 1:ive great attention to the ·railoring department. Ellison & Co. _ We offer a special line of all wool Tweeds at 50 cents. Ellison & Co. For steamer Norseman and Mail Boat Tickets call on T. Yellowlees. Great fall in wall papers at Tait & Morrison's Oheapside Bazaar. Picture frames, full line on hand, any Bize made up. T. Yellowlees. Great slaughter of tinware at Manning & Nosworthy's. Call and see. For things pretty, varied, cheap and good call at Cheapside Bazaar. Parties askmg us tor bargains will not be di~appointed Ellison & Co. Ladies, have you seen Tait& Morrison's pretty wall papers. You should. Fresh supply of those cheap Raisins 20lbs for 1. ()0 at Murdoch Bros. Gents Colored Shirts at net cost price at Couch Johnston & Crydermans. For great bargains in all kinds of tinware go to Manning & Nosworthys. Dyeinfl satisfactory work' done by leaving your goods with T. Y ellowlees. The Great slaughter of tin waro at Manning & N osworthy'a still going on. WEDDING PRESENTS.-A fresh lino of Platedware just received. 'r. Yellowlees. $23, will purchace a ticket from Bowmanvilletotheoldcountry. T. Yellowlees. People wonder how we can sell Dry Goods and Clothing so cheap. Ellison &Co. Parasols, hosiery, and gloves the largest assortment and the lowest prices at the Star House. Opened out this week at Couch, Johns· ton & Cryderman's Black Nun's veiling Black and Colored Muslins, White Lawns and new Embroideries. PIPES sold at W. E . Pethicks barber shop at co~t price, or at 25c. on the $ Jess than retail prices, first quality meerchaum pipes for $2.00 PETRICK, the Barber is selling his Pipes, Tobaccos and Cigars at cost prices, as he is going out of that line of business. Give him a call It will be to your a.dvant~ge if you want anything in his line. The Star House report an unusually large season's trade; their ordered clothing made by Mr. Peardon has taken the lead. They have a large assortment of fine clothing material all new. If you want a suit give them a call. REMARKABLE RE::.TOR..,TION.-Mrs. Adt1laide O'Brien, of Buffalo, N. Y., was given up to die by her physicians, as in· curable with Consumption. It proved Liver Oomplaint and l!tl.8 om:ed with BUl'dock Blood Bitters. AN IMMENSE PROGRAM -OF- SPECIAL ATTRACT~ONS ls being prepared for the.t time; Cheap Rates and Excursions on all Railways. The best time to visit the City o~ Toronto. "VAl T :E OR IT. J . J. WITHROW, President. 26-tw. H . J. HILL, Manager and Sec. '.l'oronto. MILK PANS Harland's Improved MILK PAN, Patented July 17th, 1883, which is second to none of the many inventions now in the market, in simplicity, durability and the effectual mode of separating the cream from the milk, pure and free from sediment. The Skimmer and Aerating apparatus is entirely new, and will separate the cream from the milk in 12 hours. Call and see them at Port Hope'& Dominion Day celebration was a hui:e 1mcct-ss. If you have a Cough, do not ne!!'lect it; buy at ()nce a bottle nf Allin's Lnng Bal· eam. See advt. Cobonrg liquor men h1we rl!.ised B ·fmr ct of $1000 to oppose the Scott Act. ~Ladio~. attention! In the Diamond Dyes more colorin~ than in any known dyes, and thev give foster and more brilli· ent colors: lDc. at all drug~i~t. Everybody praises them. Wells. Richardson & Co., Burliugtoa, Vt. A despPrate war is going on just now between the Cobourg papers. Everybody should keep such athing as ZO-l'E-SA in the house, atld by regll· latinl{ the Bowels and System, keep away headache, heartache, de1ection, indiges· ·tion. Zor ESA invigorates the Livt>r, makes thefamily happy by making health. A correspondent says the cr11ps in M:nuvers Pnd Cnvan l~<>k well. , To any one suffering from any fnrm of kidney disea11l", if they will ouly try D1., Van Buren's Kidney Cure, they ~ill not only experience a prompt alleviation of I heir suffeeings, but a speedy onre will be tbe result. Ask yonr druggist for Dr, Van Buren's Kidnoy Cnre, and be con· vi need. The Norseman ran from 'Port Hope to Charlotte on Saturday in lefs than five hours. A Beautiful Head of Hair. There is nothing more pleasing in the external ap· pearauce of woman or men than a beautj. fol head uf hair, and it ,is possible far eve1·y person to possess it by using the long and well known Cingalese Hair Restorer. Sold at 50 cents per bottle . by Stvtt & Jury. Miss Annie Grandy, aged 20, daughter of Robt. Grandy of Bethany waa drowned in Pembina river the other day. Murray & Lanm1.n's Florida Water. The most delicate invalid~, the 'greatest suft1>rs with sea· sickness, and those whose nervous syste-n are most sensitive, prefer it before all othera, and nee it to the ex· elu11ion of all others, uot for a time only, but always and continuously. 'fhe sense of smel.1 never tires of its soft, refreshing odor. Miss Eliza Robertson, of Coldsprings, we are informed, has fallen heir to $:::5, 000 through the dllath of a relative. It you are unable to sleep nights and, throui:1h physically tried, are wakeful and your buisness is uppermost in your l)lind, and you cannot for a while rid yourrelf of its cares and perplexities, take Phoa· phatine along with your meals three times a day, ll!ld it will produce such a. change in your system that you will en· joy refreshi.ig 11leep every night. For sale by all druggist. Price, $1.00. Some time d1uing last Thursday ntght the .store c:,f Mr. James Dyer at Garder1 Hill, was entered by burglars aud about $20 in small change stolen. No clue. 'l'HE AGONY 01" A CouaH.-Let any person with a fresh cough imagine it gaining on him dt1y after dav and year after year. Let him couple with it the dred of consumption, the long years of weakness, thA menths of acute sufferiup:, the agonies of death. He will then not hesitate to obta.in the best cough reme· ctiea at the fint appearance of this evideu· ce of disease. Mr. B. Dickson, 'o f Danville, Qlle., says, "l have been for sevtiral yea.rs alarmed by an affection of the lungs. After a time I obtained and used several bottles of Dr. Wilson's Pulmonary Cherry Balsam. Before the first was finished I raised a nuanber of hard gluev gloouloa and my troubles left me entirely. Vital Questions!! [Contmued.] UHAPTElt II. wonderful and mysttirious curative power is developed which is s» varied in ifs operations that no tlieease or ill health can po~sibly exist or resist its puwer, and yit it is Harmless for the most hail woman, weakest invalid or smallest child to use. "Pa.ti,·nts. " Almost dead or nearly dying" For years, and gi.v en up by physiciaus of Bright's and other kidney diseasjls, liver complaints, severe coughs called consumption, have been curAd. Woman gone nearl crazy ! l~rom agony of neuralgia, nervousness, weakfulness and various diseases peculiar to women. People drawn out of shape excruciating oangu of Rheuml\tism. Inlla.mmatory atrd chronic, or suffering from scrofula.. Erysipelas! · Salt rhume, blood poisonina, dyspepsia, indigestion, &nd in fact almost all diseases frail · Nature is here to . Ra.ve been cured by Hop Bi1terA. proof of which Can be found in eve1·y neighhorhood·ia the known world. II TH .E LEADING HOUSE -for full lines of- CHO ICE FAM ILY GROCERIES~ Good and Cheap SQ.gars, Teas, Coffes, &c. We keep the largest and most varied assortment of CHINA TEA SETS TO BE FOUND IN WEST DURHAM. (JJSEE OUR LARGE STOOK OF FRUIT JARS.If) We pay the highest Cash Price for all kinds of F .A..R:M: FRODU-CE. Call and see us : we take pleasure in showing our Goods. ELECTRICITY. Mut·doc/1, Brt1s. .. . I Impugn it ! LEWIS QUICK'S, BUltK'S OLD STAND, · · BOlVJllANl'ULt;, -W-OOLI Highest Market Price for any quantity of Wool. There is no end to the nse to which this subtle fluid can be applied; as a. serva.nt to mnn 110 po11 er is of n1ore nsl.', not exceptin1;1 steam. Perhaps the most nscful andbeneticial of all its m1111y goodqnalities it is curativll power, as no remedy yet discovered has so widll a range of useful ness. The whole nervous system app.,ars to be susceptible to its iuflnence and is soothed, strengthened and rebuiH by its gcuer~l and invigorating fol'oe . The working of the vihl system .-ppea.rs to be similar to the workU.g uf an electric battery, 1he acids 111 the stomach dissolve the food And send its 11ut.1rative and vi· talizin11; force through the blood and nerves, and in a very similar manner to the way electricity is sent through the wires of an electric machine, from the battery where it -is produced by the disolviug of zinc with acid. Tbeae phenomena occur with the least noise or apparent commotion, jnst a.fl light, a 11oi~eless, steady, but imme!lce forcll, develops and matu1eB the vegetable world, so electrici· ty quietly develops life with its varied functiom, When theee functions are deranged and a disease or ailment results, nothing will restore 1hem as quickly and thoroughly as an outward application of electricity, because the vital fluid penetrates to the very center nf the vital or g11ns, and by its dirbct . and induced action causes them to regain their wanted tone. The Electric Belts, .Banda and Insoles, manufactured by Mr. A. Norman of 'l'oronto, stand high in the estimation of thousands, because they convey this ~rand electric force in the proper way. They impart to the weary a steady flow of pure electricity for many hours at a. time, in so gentle manner that the most delicate and sensitive ca.n wear them wit.bout loss of time; they are dura.ble. last for months, always do gorid a.od never any harm. Mr. Norman's Institution has be~n established ten years, and has proved a blessing to thouundsof sufferers. It is one of the perman.,ut institutions of the country with a steady increase of business from yt1ar to year, which shows the growing confidence of the uffiieted public in its curative virtue and restoring power. Mr. Norman makes no charge for consultation and will gladly expla.in his method of treatment, and will send catalogue of his appliances free to any aJdress. A FrnH OPINION .-The firm of Ormand Messrs. Stott & Jury .Bowmanville are & Walsh, druggist, of Peterboro, say Dr. cole agents for this district. ~·owler's Wild Strawberry is one of their best Standard Medicines for Summer Complaints. Insure in the Confederation Life AssoM:oDERN MAGIC.-The . magical power over pain that Hagyard's Yellow Oil pos- ciation. It is cheaper than the Canadian· sesses, outrivals the marvels a.f ancieut Mutual Aid, A. 0. U. W. or any pMs atimes. It acts in a natural manner to round your hat institution, as the followsubdue infl11.mmation; cures Rheumatism, ing examples will prove : Thos. McCltmg Croup, Deafness, Sore 'fhroat, and pain- has been insured since 1872 for$2,000a.nd the last five years it only cost him $2.55 ful injuries. The Whitby Agricultural Works recent- per annum on each $1, 000 to insure. John ly shipped a reaper, mower and rakel!I to McClung insured at the same time for the W1lkieston, Scotland,. We learn from the same amount and it only cost him $1. 74 Whitby Chronicle that the proprietors, per annum on eaeh $1,000 to insure, he Messre. Patterson & Bro., have on hand being a little younger. We certify the above to be correct. J'hos. 300 unc0mpleted orders, so great has been the demand upon them for their make of McClung, John McClung. THOS. BINGHAM, Agent. ,,.. agricultural implements. TBE---:.A,~BOUSE East Shop in N eads' New Block, · E [ .A_ . . 't.~ Who so listeth ! The·Large·s t and Best Stock of Dry Goods. . · They do the Fine Clothing Trade. They sen more Black Cashmeres and Black Silk than any two competitors. 21 ya.rds Heavy Grey Cotton for .... $1.00. 1 15 yds . 36 in. Heavy GreyCottan ...$1.0(). · Cashmeres, 25c., 35c., 45e., 50c. Fear no competition, you will save money by buvmg Cash111eres from 1111. Black Cashmere Shawls.. $1.50 to $10.00. I Black Satins . . ..·.·. 60c., 750., $1.00. up. ' · .. B!ac)! Gros Silks, 75c., $1.00, $1.25 up. We buy Silks by the piece and we can sell at the lowest wholesale cutting prices. Beautiful Soft Kid Gloves ..· . ···.·. 50c. , Ordinary 50c. Kid Gloves for . .. ·· · · 25c. Heavy Brown Check Duck .... · ···· ,l8c. Heavy Cottrrnade . .... , .····· ,,, ···20e-. A fine assortment of Dress Trimmings,Gloves, Hosiery, Lacee, Lace Curtains,&c. s )., DRESS ~N. ANO MANTLf MAKING BY ~J.SS DU STAN. TAILORING b.y W. PEARDON, The No. 1 Cutter. Satisfaction Gua;mnteed. B.-The original Star (th·e beacon that has: directed hundreds to the place for bargains) is the Elll&t Shop in Neadst New Block. CashlCash!Cashl Cash for Eggs. Cash for Pork. Cash for Beef. Cash for Butter Cash for Apples. Cash for Tallo w. Cash for Potatoes.Gash for Eeans. Cash :for Hides & Sheep Skins. Cash for all kinds of Farm Produce at. Young, Cawker&Co's. YouNG CAWKER Cheap Life Insurance. & Co's is the plaee· to do business~ they keep -in stock tbe very- B est quality of Groceries that can be Thought, the Best quality of Meats, Fresh and Cured,. always in stock. Their Seeds are all fresh and of the best quality; they k oop Barrel Salt; American and Carbon Safety Coal OH. Try their Empit·e Horse and Cattle Food, the best manufactured, recommended highly by the Guelph Model Farm ; their stock of Glassware and Crockery is Complete. They do not make any specialty of one article, but as there is considerable talk about Cheap Teas, the place t~ buy the Cheap Tea is 11-t Young, Cawker & Co's, they ·buy altogether for cash which enables them to sell cheap. Give them a call. ___ _________ Shaker Blood Syrup. L. QUICK. WOOL WANTED ---o--The nndereigned having rented the Wool· en Mills, Hampton, beg to inform the farmers and public in general that they -are prepared to- Take Wool in the Fleece -and make it up intoYAR~, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, TWEEDS, &c. Have also on hand a good ~tock of WHITE and GREY BLANKETS, FLANNEJ,S, TWEEDS, &c., which we will sell le designed to meet the wants of a large portion of our people who are either too poor t.o employ a physician, or are too far removed to easily call one, and a still Jar· ger class who are not sick enough to re· quire medical advice, a.ndyet are out of sorts and need a medicine to build them up, give them an appetite, purify their blood, and oil up their machinery of their bodies so it will do its duty willingly. No other article takes hold of the system and hits exactly the spot like Shaker Blood Syrup. It works like magic, reaching every part of the human body through the blood, given to all renewed life and energy. My friend, you need not take our word. Ask your neighbor, who has just taken one bottle. He will tell you that "It's the best dollar I ever invested," ·shaker Syrup Company, Dear SiraAlthough greatly prejudiced against patent medicines m general, I was induced, fromtheexcellentreportsI had heard ef your Blood Syrup, to try a bottle, last December, for dyspepsi~ and general ~os· tration and I have received very gratify· ing res~lts from its use. I am now using the second bottle, and. consider it a very valuable remedy for indigestion and its attendant troubles. yours truly. 0 F T ·t0 h 11 ' (; hwi 'H iror am, · · GREAT FATALITY,-Theravages of Cholera lofatum a,nd Summer Oomplainta among children is truly alarming. The most reliable cure is Dr. Fowler's Wild Strawberry. Every bottle guaranteed to give sati sfa.ction, A GooD TIME.- Wl1en ls the be11t limo to take a blood p\lrifier? When ever the blood is foul and humors appear, or when the system is dibilitated take Burdock Blood Hitters. Ton.a.coo sold t\t Pethicks barber shop at less than cost prices, for instnace, 2 plugs of McDonalds smoking for 5c. or 1 for 5c. All other lOc. plug of chewing " kinds sold cheap. L~dies failing to get suited in Dress goods elswhere will be sure to. find what they want at Couch Johnston & -Oryderman's. C. M. CA"W"KE R. -CALL AT~ LEE & EOSAll 'S -AND EXAMINE THE- DIETZ (TUBULAR HOT BLAST) Cheap for Cash or Exchange for Wool. Parties having. Cotes of Wool will find it to their ad vantage f,o sell here. · CAN'T KEEP HOUSE. ROLL CARDING done aa usual in first class style. Soliciting your favors. We are your ob; dient servants, Robt. Taylor & Co. Hampton, May 23, 1884. 21. By addressing GEO. P . ROWELL & CO., 10 Spruce St., New York· can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of ADVERTISING in American Newspapers. ADVERTISERS Jl!'ff"'lOO-page Pamphlet, lOc. HowMANVILLE. ONT., Dec. 5, 1882. Messrs. SETH \V. FOWLE & SON, Boston. Dee.r Sirs:- We suppose it is no new thing j for you ro receive _ congratulations on tbe success of ;your valuaole cough remedy, Dr. Wist· nr·s Balsnm of Wild Ch~1·ry: but perhaps at this time a word or two trom us w!Il not prove out of place. Although the Baiae.m he.a m;it been adverieed to any extent in this locality, our sale of it is very large and tho demand is incret:U!ing, which is due to the untversal sat· ~Agentlema.n who has been suffering iafactlon which it gives to our customers. from the Debility and Langiior peculiar we have never had a single complaint, and to this season, says: "Shader Blood Syr- hnsbo.nds tell us their wives will not keep up is putting new life right into me. I house without it. We would like rou to do a have gained ten pounds since I began to little more advertising in this country, for we take it." Has taken two bottles. believe were your balsam better known, it!! Shaker Blood Syrup is sold by all sale would be inor~sed ten·fold. Drqggista, Price, $1.00 per bottle, or six \ Yours truly, ~!:!~nv~~:t ~Jury Sole agents for j 275 STOTT ~T1¥1fifaggiste," OIL STOVE. N -·- Burdock BLOOD BITTERS.. Cures Dizzine~, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Biif~usness, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the Liver and Kidneys. PinplesJ Blotches, Boils, Humors, Salt :Rheum, Scrofula, Erysipelas, and aU diseases arisinp from Impure B'lood, Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the Bowels. /