TERMS :-$1.50 PEit ANNUM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST : THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, EDITOR AN]) PROPRIETOR. NEw· SERIES, NUMBER 312. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1884. VOLUME XXX. NUMBER 29. CARPETS I CARPETS · J I"' LARGEST STOCK ___ ___ IN TOWN """ ORONU. Rev. A. H. Moment is expected to preach i n the P resbyterian church hertt next Sabbath momiug. TRELEV-EN"":JS Two Bales Dutch Wool Carpets, Bought in transit, which will be sold at Family Shoe Emporium, KING STRE ET EAST, SIGN Qli' 'J'HE . 10 PER CENT L_ ESS THAN WHDLES: ALE PRllC'ES8 BIG Boot DRAWN DY TYRONE. Mr. J. C. Vanstone's mill ·was broken into last Tuesday night and ahout, $5 in money, two revolvers and a grist was stolen. 'l'otal Joss obout $25. Numerous rings at the door hell but few patients for our new Dr. as yet. ' Result of base-ball match Saturdn.y : Tyrone 30, H n.ydon 25. I-tather n, cll)se game . The n ew parsonage is to be in t own until a fit residence cm1 be erected in Tyrone. A)fATEUR. GVURTWE. Mr. Frank Morrow from Michiaan after an absence of &bout 12 years is ~pending a couple of weeks v.isitin<r his friends and 0 rela · v~s in this section . )n Saturday last Mr. Ileury Gay raised the fmme of a new ba1:n for Mr. John . ncl · alse> a flagpole nearly 80 ft. high. . r. Geo. Gilbert has beon greatlyannoyeel by tnimrs lately. K ast week <)Ile entered his ho_use, helped himself to a quant1t;x: of pro111s10ns, a hat and some other articles of apparel '\Ve hoar a grei1t nu1ny complaining a,bout the state of the road leadm" north from Courtice. We hope the Cu~ncil will sec that the obstructions are removed. B EN. 250 PIECES - -AN.D - - 2 H 0RSES. 1 Scotch, E:ng1ish SELLING the balance of a large st ock of SPRING AND SUM~IER STYLES Canadian. T-w-eeds T 0 SE LE CT FR 0 M. Having made .arrangements with the well known A T LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES. ' F9.A.CT 1'To. :L. In buying our stock: every requirement of' the public has been carefully studied, and we l1ave secured the best goods the market can produce. - - - · · · - - -ENNUIKILLEN. we can furnish. suits which cannot be surpassed for Sty le and Cheapness. AND .Af CUTTER, W. PH ABDON, EC· cs TAKEN AT HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. F1'.A..OT 2 .. For appearance, wear and price we feel confident that these O"Oods will meet with general approval. They are not shop-worn good~, but are this season's styles. We keep no shoddy goo!fs. P"'.A.CT N'"o. Sit The Ladies', Misses' and Children's Departments are unusually attractive, embracing all the latest designs in Boots, Shoes, Ties and Slippers, all of good quality and fine workmanship, and are offered at prices to suit all purchasers. F".A.CT 1'l"o. 4 .. .The Men's, Youth's and Boys' Departments are also .well filled with the leading styles of the season in all &izes and prices. We defy competjtion in prices in these branches, as we have marked down the 0 O'Oods to clear out the stock before our Fan purchases arrive. OUR Ovrn MAKR A SPECJAT,'l'Y.-=Custom work receives careful and prompt a~tention. 29 R. H.TUBNER. McCLUNG BROS'. OLD STAND. INVALUABLE T:S: E - M. _ TRELEVEN. LESKABD. Albert Ogden of this place clied on Friday morning last at 4 o'clock, nfter a long and tedious illness, he was buried on Sunday morning in t he Orono cemetery. He leaves a wife an d two little girls. The syrnyathy of the neighborhood is extended towards the widow and her little ones. Mrs. David Bell, to whose serious illness reference has heen made, has we arc glad to say recovered so for as t o leave her room. The school here closec l on Friday, July 4th, to re-open August 18th. MICA WBER. _ CORRESPONDENCE. PROVIDENCE. School report for term ending July 7th, Names of p upils wh o obtained 50% or over: 4·ri1 CLMs-Ella Elfor d, Ida Allin. 3RD Sn.._:_Ida Osborne, Gertrude Crago, Nellie Dowson, Arthur-Woodley. 3RDJR. -Frank H oar, Seward Somers. 2ND.Edgar Allin, Eber Crago. PART 2ND. Effa White, Florence Hoar. PAR'r l sT. SlcnaWoodley,Eva Toms, F lorence Battle, Norman ·woodlcy, Percy Elford, Edward Dowson, Charlie Allin. ; Grand Contral is the best place in town to get TO EVERY LADY. "MAY DEW" The Great French Lotion for Beautifying the Face. It conceals tho evidence of age. One application will make the most stubbornly red and rough hands llee.utHull:v Aort and white. Remember th!tt "MA.Y DEW" is not a paint or powder that fills up the pores of the sldn. but a new and great discovery, a yegetable li< 1uid, that causes the cheek to glow with health, the neck, arms and hands to rival the Lily In whiteness. lmposslble to cletect in the beauty it confer~ any arti· tlcial character. It cures Greasy Skin, Jfreckleti. Wrinkles, Pimples. Bl·tck Heads, Crow's 1·'eet, Hlotches, Face GrulH. Sim Burn, 'l'an, Ringworm, Chapped Hands, Sore or Chapped Lips, Barber's Itch, 'l'etter, etc. It frees tho pores. oil glands,'and tubes from the in.i Ul'ious .iffects of powders and cosmetic washes . .By its use all redness and roughness are preventen; it beautifies the skin, and will make it soft, smooth and white; imparting a delicious softness ; producing a perfectly healthy, natural and youthful appearance. 'l'he best face lot.ion that the world ever produced. \Ve will send "!! 1.ARGE BOTTLE" to any address on receipt of price, $1. When .ordering mention this pap11r. Address llll letters to the MAY DEW AGENCY, 167 Church street, Toronto. Ont. Parlo1· and Hcception Room for Ladies. ICE CREAM AND DONT YOU FOl{GET IT. ENTERPRISE. The Orono praying band will visit this r ut·al Burgh on Saturday (tomorrbw) eve · ning. Service will be held in the Sons hall commencing at 7.30 p. m. sharp. On Sabbath meetings will also be held at 10. 30 a. m. and 2.30 and 7 p. m . We are informed that it is probable that a small detachment from N ewc<istle and recruits from various other places, will attend the Sunday ser vice. , W e hope our people will turn out ancl encourage these young people in their noble undertttkiug and ~hro\v open thllir doors as hospitable christians always do. Although their leanings . are principally methodist they are partial towitrd no particular sect or society, but come for the .general good of the neighborhood and therefore extend an invitation . to all christian workers to lend a helping ha,nd. PRO-BONO-PUBLICO, UAKLAND. I-Iarvest:wm soon be at hand; farmers are very busy . . . . One of our esteemed Sunday School teachers, Miss M . A. Luxon, is seriously ill .. .... vVonders never cease. Oakland has a rising sta.r. We hope it may tul'l1~out to be Jupiter or something else as great, but we are afraid it is only a lightning bug .. . .. . Our teacher, Miss M itchell, has gone home to spend her vacation . We wish her a pleasant time .. .... The pictures of the Sunday School are splendid; one })erson thought; they were- so nice they ordered three of them . ..... There will be no Bible Class for the next month; Mr. Frazer is goinrr away for his h olidays. VVe are very sorry~ for it was largely attcnded.-N uT S1m1.L. At the ·fost meetiug of the Methodist Bible·c!ass under Uie leadership of th e the Rev. T . Ferrier, .July the 9th, members of the class prrnented their teacher with a very h andsomely bound volume of "'£he Testimony of the Ages," and read an address expre~siug t heir hi"h satisfacti? n wirh the class for tl~e pMt ye;r, the profit to all who had attended, ancl the general regret at losing so faithfu l a teacher. Mr. Ferrier was taken entirely ~y surpl'ise, .but stated he had greatly enJO yed mee rmg the class and had himself received very much benefit, He Ja1nented the breaking up of existing relationship, but trustmg th at each member of the class, if not already so, would speedily become mem)?ers of the hquseholcl of Goel and under any circumstances never neglect t he s tudy of His Word. Mr. Ferder preached farewell discourse to a large corigregat ion 0 11 Sabbath evening last. . H.e is st~t~oned for the '[irusent y~ar as J Un~or m1mster Tyrone circu it, where he will no doubt be as · highly respected and as useful a~ J1e has been here. A very large congregntion lis tened attent ively t o 1m instrnctive sermon by the Rev. T . .,Atkinson on Sabbath m t.r11inalast in cominemoration -of the death of tbe late Wm. Brown . On 'l'ues<lay evening a goodly numhe1~ of Methodists met ·1t the P arsonage here to welcome the new ministers,-Revs· Brown and 'l'aylor. Dr. P otter was called to the chair and words of welcome were spoken by Mr. R. H u tcheson and others. 'l'he new pastors r esponded in a few appropriate remarks. The ladies who brought W!:)ll :filled baskets soon hnd the tables set wi th choice refreshments, after partakin°' of which the ev;ening was very pleasantly spent. --~M~--~ Fanning Mill Challenge. DEAR Srn,-We havo the pleasure 'a t. this date of being in receipt of a copy o.f your vaJuable paper, in which it is .stated "that Mr. \V. T. Dingle, of Oshawa, will stake from $100 to $500 that he can, with. the H oney Mill, s e1ntrate gmin bet te1· than Kline & Jackson can with t he Champion," for which please permit us space t<> reply that we are strongly · opposed to betting on mor al grounds, and hope that Mr. Dingle and h is agents will not force us into a contest, where the result is to decide who is to receive a money consideration supplied by the contestants. We will be happy to meet any mill orany number of mills in a fri endly contest, to enahle farmers to decide intelligently and without risk, which is the article best; adapt ed to their requirements. And as. we work for the farmers' benefit in thisdirection, the above object can be attained equally as well, and probably better, without than with a wager. We will ta ke the libe1ty of remindingMr. Dingle that if he can bmit the Champion F ann ing 1\'1ill, a.s a general purpose mill, tho honor and profit will be suflicientr without anything else, as it would pliice his mill in the very first rank 111 lJublic. estimation. An d as we maintain that the. farmers of theDominion are jus Lly en titled'. to the best mill that can be made, regardless of maker or locality, no ono will be. better pleased to learn of a superior mill to the Champion than ourselves, as we: can easily engage in other lines of manufacturing. Yours very truly, KLINE & JAC KSON. H arriston, July 15, 1884. Other odorous waters undergo many variations of aroma as t hoy fade into insipidity, but Murray & Lanman's Flor ida Water passes through no such gradations. As it is when sprinkled upon the handkerchief or the garrrtent, so it remainsdelicate, refreshinir, and delightful to tl1& last. Schools are closed for the holidays. BRIGHT'S DISEASE, DIABETES. KIDNEY> LIVER OR URINARY DISEASES. Aave no fear of any of t hese diseases if you nae H op B iUers, as they will prevent anti cure the worst cases, even when you have beea made worse ·b y soma great duffed up pretended cure. ~Sarsaparilla Beer, Lemon Soda Water, 00-inger Ale and Sarsaparilla Pop AHE THE BEST 'TemRerance Drinks I ALWAYS KEPT ON ICE AT THE NEWCASTLE . 'fhe examinations closed here on the 14th inst. Six candid11tes wrote for the2dn class, two for the 3rd and fourteen for the Intermediate-all from theNewcastlellchool, besides two~others from the country who wrote for the intermediate . . Twenty-six pupils tried the entrance examinationten of them from tbis school. Our foundry, after being closed for some years, has again been opened un der the management of Messrs. Pitlmer & Schofield; they have got their machinerv mto good working order, they employ bout a dozen hands <tnd purpose in the fall greatly t o extend thoir business. In the mean t ime they are turning out some useful farm implements and the farmers in the neighborhood are finding it a great c01wenience to have ·the shops open again. They have patentecl a churn that is easily wrought and that brings butter in five minutes; should our wives and cfaughters labor hard for half an hour and upwards after this ? they had better get one of these. Our harbor improvements a re not quiet fin}shed; yet no one can visit iC without n oticing a change to t he better all i1round. Threo firms are eng;iged in tho coal business this season, and are laying up their winter supply at t he low rates: heads of families should purchase now while the ·coaJ is cheap. --· out for the season. Dre~ses, cloaks, coats, stockings and all other garroenta can be colored successfully with the Diamond Dyee. Fashionable colora. Only 10c. at druggist. Wellsl. R ichardson & Co., Burlington. Vt. Ji!@~Fited GRAND CENTRAL. Bowmanville, June 5, 186cJ. CARTWRIGHT. 'WOOL---o--WANTED 'The nndersianed having rented the Wool· "en Mills, Hampton, beg to iuform the farmers and public in general that they - are prepared to- ·' !'ake Wool in the Ineece -and make it up intoYARN, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, T \VEEDS & ' c, Have also on hand a good ·3tock of WHITR ..and GREY Bu.NKETl:I, FLANNEI.s, TwEEos, &c., which we will sell I I Cheap_ for Cash or __ Exchan15e for Wool. Parties having Cotes of Wr>ol will find it to their advantage J.o sell here. 'ROLL CARD.ING done as usual in 'first cla9s.styJe. Sohciting your favors. -:We are your:obedieut 13erv1mt!l, Robt. ~aylor-~ Co. Hampton, May 23, _ 1884. Zl. Much excellent hay h as been harvested first class order. Crops generally COPYRIGH'l'ED. promise well. \ Ve dont henr of much sickness around hero just now. This sur ely speaks well for th e four clootors ready for business to be fotmd here a week iigo. 'l'he Orange celebration pa,ssed off quietly on Saturdn.y last. Lodges from 1\fanvers and Darlington joined those of Cartwright, and when marshalled upon the fair ground under John McKee, Esq., THE PIL·LS D istrict Master, presented by reason of their goocl or der, the large numberofmon Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of t he assembled, their gaudy banners and bright IA~V~R, S'l'OJlIACH, KlllNEV~ .AND no~~LS. r egi1lia, a spectacle pJen.sing to the eye and They mv1gorate and restore to health Deb1htated Constitutions, and long to be remembered. Music was supplied by the Ofe ancl drum band of Oshawa, are invaluable in all Complaints incider1tal to l!"'1Jmales of all Ages. For the brass band from Ballyduff, our own Children :11Jd the aged they are priceless. brass band and numorous smaller fife and drum bands. Addresses were delivered Is an infallible rem edy for Bad Logs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores by R.ev. Messrs. Creighton and ·washingt on and Mr. Baird of the Ubscrver. The and Ulcers. It is famous for Gont aiid Rheumati~m. For disorder8 of the music and speeches were everything that -Chest it has no equal.could be desired. -For So1·e Tl·roat,s, R1·onchilis, Coughs, Colds, In the evening ?f the same d~Y. ~n enGla"Q.dular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; and for tertauune,nt was given ;:y the c'.ivist0:11 of the s. of r ..here. It \\US well patrormied. contracted and stiff ·joints it acts like a charm. Horse mcmg w.a s the o~·der ~f the ~ay on Monday. 'rlus sport lughly m t ercstmg · . Manufactured only at T n:o111As HOLLOWAY's Establishment, to manj"is not conducive to morality 'Or : 1s NEW OXFORD STREET (late 533 OXFORD STREET) LONDON . sobriety hero, and although an old custom '. - , ' -:· ' ' ' ' .shouldbeah:mtloned. MuNGOPARK. 9 And are sold at ls. l}d., 2s. 9d., 4s. Gd ., lls. , 2~s., and 33s·. each Box or Pot, and - - - - - -- -~ay ,be had froii.1 all Medici~e Vendors tliroughout the World. TRIAL TRIP-'l'he S·rATESMAN will be ~J·nrelu!!'er.s shoultl :toolc-itt. the Inbel 0·1 tlie Pot,s nud lloxes. If the 1ulolress sent to any address to new subscribers for ' ~ · -1~.Jlot.~. OxftrrtL'iitreet, I.ontlon, tlrny nre spnrJous. thirty weeks for thirty eents. In HEALTH FOR ALL! a - T H E 0 I N T M E NT - - - - -- l