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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jul 1884, p. 2

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one of the chief resources of the island, are itttacked by an unknown disease, and speolalists are being sent by the Minister CATARRH,:._A new 'l'reatment whereb:v a IS PUBLISHED Type-Writing in Schools-A. Spanish of Oommeroe to make investigations into permanent cure is effected in from one to tlirea E~ i&IU' FH.ID.£.'fl MORNIJ!.NG, trea~ments. Particulars and 'l'reatise free on To every Farmer, Thresher au~ all t-scroftilous cliseases, Sores, Erysi1J0.. the matter. Meanwhile the pious in- receipt Bull Figbt-Blenheim'.0Palace.of stamp. .A. H. DIXON & SON 1307 -BY- · la~; 3~cze1n.a, Blotches, Ring;wo1.·n1, Tu.. habltants are having resource to superKing Street, West, 'l'oronto, ' Dublin Mansion Honsernors, Carbuncles, Boils, and E1·uptious natnral r.imedies. H:J,ving chartered· a -~lo[. A. JAMES, and Mill owner-Use &c., &c. or tho Skin, are the di1·ect result of an special steamer, they have brought from 'VHA1' THE REY. E. B. STEVENSON, B.A., A AT THE OFEICJI!. ' intpme stiite of tile blood. CI,ERGYMAN OF THE LONDON CONFERENCE Type-writing ha.a been introduced in one of the monasteries of Mount Athos a OF THF. METHODIST CHUROS: OF CANADA ostomceBiock,KingSt.,J;owmanvllle,Ont '.l'o cure these diseases tho blood muse be the Chicago public schools in an experi- miracle-working girdle of the Virgin, and HAS, TO S.AY IN REGARD TO A. H. DIXON & p1uifie1l, ancl restored to a healthy and naSONS NEW TREATMENT FOR CATARRII. mental way. A class of twenty-five prac- a grand procession headed by the orthoTERJY.I::::I: ·tnral condition. AYEH'S SAUSA p .AitIJ..J;"~A bas . OAKLAND, ONT.ARIO. OAN., l\'Iarch 17. 1883. tises two hours a week. dox Metropolitan, is bearing the sacred $1.liO pe1· annum, or $l.OOifpalcl ln aclvanee for over forty ,·ears been recognizecl by' emillffess1·s. A.H. Dixon, & Son. To stop the practice of loaning season relic through the orchar<).s. Payment strictly in advance required from nent 111edical authorities as the 111ost powDE~R Sms-Yours of the 13th instant to hand. subscribers outside of the county. Orders to seems almost too good to be true that I am tickets, an English railway _ has adopted blood pnrif!er in existence. lt frees The dandies of Venice in its golden It discontinue the paper muBt be accomplinied by erful cured of Catarrh, but I know that I am. I have the plan of having the owner's photo- days piqued themselves on the elegance had the systern from. all foul hutnors, enl'iches the a.mount due.or t.he paper .Will not be stopped. no return of the disease and never felt graph on the back of the ticket. This of their visiting cards. At one time they better in my life. I have tried so many things subscribers are responsible until full payment is an~i strength ens tho blood, removes all traces of u1ercurial trea.tmcnt, a.utl JJroves itself n. was done with the complimentary tickets carried a picture of the Rialto ; at an· for catarrh, su.fl'ered so much and for so many that it is hard fo1· me. to reallze that lam complete muster.of all s1~rofulons diseases. issued.for the Centennial Exhibition. "' . other the fashionable pattern was a sketch years. ltATES Ot' ADVERTISING 1 ~g really better. Whole Column one year ......·...... $1>0 00 ~~.,; I consider that mine was a very bad ; it A Uecent Cure of Scrofulous Sores. The London Standard announces by of some of the statues roWld the Valle at 0 Half year ..... ........ 30 00 ~~~ " .vas aggr,.vated and chronic, involving the 0 Some ino11ths ago l was troubled with authority that, owing to the innumerable Padua ; but the more modish and resthe·· " One quarter ... ...... 20 00 wz: _. scrofulous as woll as t~e nasal passages, and I throat sores (ulcers) on my legs. The Ha.If Column one year ............... 30 00 - MSS. · and' letters sent to him, Lord tic were not content with cards cast off by thought I would reqmrn the three tre11,tments limbs were badly swollen and inflamed, and .. " · Half year .............. 20 00 but !eel fully cured by the two sent me, and I I tho sores disch:u·ged large q1rnntities of Tennyson wishes it. to be understood that the hundreds for every one, but designed am thankful that I was " " One quarter ........... 12 50 _ ever induced to send offonsive matfor. Evory re111edy I tried in the future he cannot undertake to an· their own cards, bestowing much labor Quarter Column one yea.r . .......... 20 00 to YOU. failed, 1111til 1 used A YEH.'S SAHSAP.AJtlLLA., " " Half year...... .. . . . 12 50 You are at liberty to use this letter stating of which I luwe no,,. taken three bottles, swer the letters or return the MSS. ::m<l ingenuity on the work, or they em" ·· One quarter...... .. 8 00 that I have been cured at two treat11ients, and with tlic resnlt that the oures """ healed, ploye;l some distinguished artist to fur1 I shall gladly recoll!mend your remedy to some :uirl my gmie1'a] health g1·ca1Jy improved. Smoke and the increasing haze from lines and under, first insertion . . of my friends who are sufferers. 1 fe.e l 't~ry g'rfltefnl foT tlle goocl your Each subsequent inser~ion ....... 0 25 ·· GITA H."l.N'1' 1ll~IED moisture m the atmosphere, it n ish them with a desi~(n. Ev('ll Canova Yours with many thanks, llll-' (lH~ i llC h:u.; '1lO!H) Il l(' , l!'rom six to ten lines, first mRertior., 0 75 __ Yon:·::; rH~~ pocLfnlly. ·' ; i: .~ J\:::\K O' DHl.AN.' seems to enhance, seriously interfol' · did no~ refuse to put 'his genius to this REV.;E.B.STEVENSON, Each ~ubsequent insertion .. ·:.. U 35 ·-lO service fo. r hisfriendCa.pell\~ ;and one oft he 11 . ..i Su1li.vn1_1 'Bt., 1'\o\·, i' ork 1 .June ~-J, 1882. r>ver ten hnes,first mse1·tion,per line O 10 . ing with scientific observations m Pitts· the BEST in the World. 1'onONTO, April 21, 1882, subsequent insertion, " 0 031 _ u:-;Ji'"'"' A.n pol~.$ons inte1·cst.t:~d are .iln itecl burg, and in £ve months there ha~ not mo1>t beautiful of these Veneti>tn vi::1iting A. ff. Dixon, FJ,qq., 305 Kina St. ,. West. to "al! on l\IrH. O'H l"inn; a lso upon the The number-of lines;to be reckoned bY: -DEAR Sm,-We tako ple11,sure in stating that been one day sufficiently clear enough for cards is that drawn and printed in London 1{,1 ...-. z. P. 'VVilfh; of 78 J 1~a. !fi; 54th Street, the space occupied, measured by a scale ot for Alvise Pisani by Henry Tresham the our junior uartner, who had for yenrs been 1' , w Yorl< Cit.;v, \l·lw will ta-l<e pleasure delicate observations. solid Nonpareil. -15 troubled with Catarrh. waG auoocssfully cured English painter. ' iH l,l'~s ti fyitig: tn OH~ 'voud crful .efficacy of by three treatments of your rnmedy. Tho ~~~-:.-:·~ The Shoemakers' Guild, of Ber!iu, reAye1"8 bi~r~u.parilla., not only ill tbc cuti·e w1ismnch aggravated, with continual Catta':'rh The most mouldy and neglected spot of this lady, hnL in " h is own case :;ut d cently celebrated the 600th anniversary I;. l'OTTfm., H.D. mto the throat, accompanied by·loss 1nany otl1qrs within his }{nowle'1ge. on earth is the Dublin M:rnsion House. drOPJ?lilg of their incorporation irr 1284 by a great of v01ce, hawking and spitting and bloekinf.! np RADUATE of Queen's College, Kim;ston It was only the other day that the por· Tue w0l1-k11ow11 w1·ite1· on f he noston 1-Jm·alcl of the nostrils, nll of which we are pleased to ane1 Member of Col: ;ge ol' Physicians and procession, numbering more than 4,000 say diso.ppcared <;>lmost immediately after the ll. W. !>,' of .'Roclwste1', . ...'\'. l1.i wr·Ites, Ju11e Surgeons, Ontario. persons, which pas~ed before the Royal trnit, by Hf),milton, of John Foster, the t·eme;ly wa" apphed. Your remedy is certainly ClD"Olllce and Residence, I£nniskillcn. 17. 7, 1882 : great Speaker of the House of Commons, an invaluable on'e llll·1. we hope all who may Palace, where the Emperor and , the .t H)tving suffered se verely fur tiu111c years be sutfermg rro111tl1ia d1sa<;ree·ible di~ease will 9rown Prince stood on the balcony t6 see "the upright asserter and -r1b1e defender give Dr·.<!... JUffi'H, wilh 1~cio111a, rind havi11g failc<i to ii rnl .relief. it A. trial, as we arc sal'.isfied they will find of tho rights and liberties of the Irish it a complete it. R.ADU .A.'l'I<~ OF 'l'll_l<; 'l'OHON'l'O UNl V~r-t· from ot1w1· renH:aUc~J, I have made nse. cluring Success. · the. .pa~t 1.11rco rn onths, 01' A YFl! 8 SAUSAPA.nation, " was unearthed and. re11ovated. Yours very trnly, . SITY Phv"ician, Surgeon, &c. Otllce Kmg n The most successfol counterfeit of the 1r,1,,\..L wl1icl1 lias offocted ·n. cmJ1plete cu1·e. WM. NORRIS & SON, Street, MORRti:l' ilLOCK, Bowrnanvillo. . The picture has become covewd with ;i J cm 1m1kr ... it a. magnitice1~t remedy ior n.11 dime is said to be)nade of glass.mixed coa:, ing ~if dust that had become impreg\.Vholcsale Pianos and Organs. u:ood. ditiea~e.s. " No. 8 Adelaide St. F:ast. G. u. CAR\'£'1'11!., n. A .. n. Sc., Jill. 9., C.iU . with some base metal by a process un- nated with the v.arnish, and the result known to ordinary workers in metal and ICENTIA TE OF THE COLLEGE was Lhat it was absolutely lost to view. glass. The counterfeit looks exactlv like The renovation has brought to light a11 Are you disturbed at night and broken of of Physiciam1 anci Surgeor1s of Ont1.1rlo. .I OFFICE AND HESIDENCJ!: :-Main St., Orono. the gelluine ten-cent piece, but on b-cing the beauties of the work. The details yo_ur rest by a Bick child sutrel'ing &ml <.>ryinv, s t. i1·1u~a tcs ~tnc1 regu1ales Lhe actiou of the struck with a hamer it is crusiied to stand out with all the freshne~s and with pam of cuttmg teeth 1 H so, send at once tUgBst i·:6 ~u1 tl · assimilu.tiv1" orga.n s, renews "· w. ~lcf,a.ughlin, ~JI. n., and get a bottle of MRS. WJNflJ,QW'S SOO'.l'HING and ~~re 11gt.l:t·m:) Uw vita.1 / qrccs, and speedily pieces, brilliancy that the painter's hand impart- SYRUP ~'OR OnJT,DREN 'l'EETIIINO·. Its value is lCEN'l'I.A'l'.'!: OF THE ROYAL co:LLEGE of Physi~i11na lind member of the Hoya l cn1·r R Rl ·<1 u 1nutisn1, Neu ralgia, Rheunu~~ A m_an during a lifetime of 50 years, ed to them in the studio. ln the back- incalculable. It will relieve the poor little immeaiately. Depend upon it, mothers C11llege of Surgeon~. li~dinlrnr;<h. i.i c G o nl·, CattnTh, lff < :noral DelltUty, a:ud DHE OF ilU: BEST accordmg to a paper recently read before ground are portraits of some of the load- sufferer there is no mis,ake about it. l~<.>ures dyse11tnry .Ofil!le: MOltH.1:.:i' ULOOK King-st., Bowqmii.:: ·nll :lis oru:l'!-' rnisin;; fro;;i nn i111poverishcd oe the Academy of Sciences, Paris, . sleeps ing members of·the House, which give it and diarrhc:ea, regulates the stomach and y ·J ille. - - ·--- -- --- - _____ ,._.______ .. ~XI>N"ET' co1 r npiCLl conflitio11 of tlle.J.);cJo<i, and a weakhowelR, cures wind colic, softens the gums away an aggregate o.f 6.000 nights, works a speeial interest. reduces inflammation, and gives tone and a~.~-:. ,J, C., ~lllrlf<Jla l~L 1,, INVESTIGATORS IN USE. ern')d vitality. away the same period, eats away 2,000 energy to the whole system. MRs ..\VIt;SLow's EMBEH. O.B' COLLEGE: OF' PHYSICIANS I'. i.1 inco1vparnbly tho cheapest. blood medi- . It is aspecillc in the cure of all diseases SOOTHING SYRUP 1rnr< CHILDREN TEIJ:'l'lIING is walks away 800 days, is ill during .days, The Sebn.stopol of To·day~ of the Kidneys, Bladder, Prostatic Porand Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. cL11-·, 011 n.cconnt of it s conccnt1·atcd stl'eng:th.1 pleasant to the taste, and iti the prescription or tion of the Urinary Organs, Irritation of Office and l:tcsldence, Enni·l<illen. . ·Ho. 500 days, and amuses himself with the reTwenty-eight times the earth has run one of the oldest and best female nurses ancl Nock of the Bladder, Burning Urino, the ------ ·----- :l.nd great pow~r over disease. mainder of hia half-century on earth. physicians in the U uited States. and is for sale around the sun since the.last bomb burst by Gleet, Gonorrhea inallitsstages.Jl!ucous PREPARED .BY u. Jam~E SUll:'SON, all druggists throughout the world, Price Discharges, Congestion of the .llo.idneys, over the "~ugust cit.y" of Sebastopol and The British Consul in Galveston has a 2;; cents a bottle ARRIS'l'En., i:lOLlCl'l'OH, &c., MOHlUS Dr. J. (LAyer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Brick Dust Deposit, Diabetes, Inflamma· BLOCK, up ~Lai.ts, Klug :-J~reet, Bowmanyet the rums of houses, churches aud tion of the Kidneys and Bladder, Dropsy word of warning for ne'er-do-wells intendSohl hy au Dl'llggists; .PrLce $1, six bottles ltEST aml C:OJUFOltT to tltc SIJFFllUli'G. lle. Solicitor for Lile Ontario Bank. of Kidneys, Acid Urine, Bloocly Ur!~: ing to emigrate from England to Texas. forts are as fresh and plentiful as if they for .~5. ., Pain in the Region of the Bladder, P~ "Bro'1·n's llouschould Pmrncca " has no &'1111.vuie lit &nc1.r· loM1ed uL Lhe; i(1w.est rates. .,. .,,.,..:_ , He says: "Young men from a desk ih an had been ma~e but yesterday. ·. The last equal !or relieving pain, both internal and ex· IN THE BACK, Urinary Calculus, Renal s of dust and ternal. It cure P11,in in the Sicle, Back 01· Ca!culus, Renal Colic, Retention of ------·--·---· --·-.-- . - · oflice, unacquainted with couptry life and sea breeze raises the cloud· .Jolu< Ile th G·LI IJr;tllh, Urme, Frequent Urination, Gravel in all Bowels, Sore Throat. Rhetimatism, Toothache, , u naccustomed to manual labor, had sand, and the unhappy city stands a sad Lumbago Its forms, Inability to retain the Water and any kind ef a Pain or Ach1'. "It ARRil:l'.l'EU, i:lO·LlOlTUlt, Nu1'ARY ~eproach tO Russian neglect. And yet it in persons advanced in life. partlcula!'lx better stay at home. I £nd many such will most surely quicken the Blood and Heal, PUBLIC, &c. Ollice--B.cou'b Blook, over IT IS A. KIDNEY INVESTIGATOR that its acting powers is wonderful." "Brown,s T. ature, ·KiH~ i:lt1·eet, llo wm1rn ville. are induced to eome here, and the result is a holy place. There are the historical as restores the Urine to its natural color, Household Panacea," bemg acknowledged as .Mone:v to lend , is that they become 'loafers,' and rapidly earthworks, and Malakoff hill saturated the great Pain . Reliever, and of double the removes the acid and burning and the -------1 --.- ---~· ··- ·-··---.-..:.. ·=---~-with Russian blood, Thei:e fought, suf- strength or any other Elixir or Liniment in the ~~~of the excessive use of IJJ,toxic~tlng descencj. in the social scale." ROBJ!:R'C 1lltlll\OUR, fered and died, nay, m:i.rched to a sure world, should be in every family handy for use Price St, or Six Bottles for $5,"~ EGU:!TtiAR, WEST DUHHAM ISSUER The .Alps contain two peaks above 15,- death, hundreds of thousands of Russian :vlJ.en wanted, "as it real~y is the best remedy Th!>se who e!),nnot obtain ,. botno of this the world for Cramps m· the . Stomach, an<,l of Lfcenses, Barrister and A.ttor· 000 feet, six or '-seven above 14,000 feet, soldiers. There is the historical grave of: rn Pains and Aches of all kinds, "and is for salo li&Y at Law and Solicitor in Chancery. Money ~~f~;~~!r~1!:'~i~:~~~~~r:_en~ us ono and in all about thirty which are called a legion of Russian soldiers, but no proud.; by all !Jrugl(ists at 25 cents a bottle. oaned on Real Estate. Office on King street. Send !or Clrculal'. Sold b;y all l>rugglsts.."\ ___:':.~~- _ _ dowmanville. first -class peaks. The Himalayas, on the mausoleum crowns that tomb. It fs lf. JOHNSTON & C0.1( 1 1 nucld;rn·s Ai·nica Snlve.-'l'he best Salvo other. hand, or rather the limited part of covered with Jell.ow g-,:aas, thistles and . in'th~world for Outs. Brmses. Sores. Ulcers'!llEBSHVBG, Ont. ( llm~llOI~.· ~ioh; ;1f, T. l'u;t'LLlf'S them lfith which we are familiar, .cout;tins heaps of dust. Alas I such a ·gr~v:e never _.Ag'!"ISJ2!:.t~ Jr; s. niid Oanada. _ . ICENSED AU0TIONEER for the. County peaks from 29,000 feet downward. More suggests the thought : "In glorious death S11,lt Rbeum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped ·11 of Durham, Sales promptly attended. · · Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Ernp. Address-Hamuton P, O. 59. than 1,100 have been measured exceed- t h ere is -E"Yimmortal glory." No, it rather tions, and Positi;v~ly cures Pile1:1. It is guran; ing 20,000 feet, and it is computed that says, "Nations, like men, are ungrate· teed to give perfect satisfaction, or money I!'. HllTCllll!!ON. at least 2,000 exceed this height. iCENSED AUCTIONEER, CONYEYAN· . ful." . · · ~ · refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by L OER snd Commissioner in 13. R. ·Sales at· the G' I am fully prepared to attend Funerals on A correspondent of the Paris Temp.s de· During twenty2eight y()ars our country J. Higginbotham&, Son. shortest notice, at the lowest possible rates. tended to promDtly and at reasonable ---w-Caskets and Burial Oases ready on sliort notice. ·SCL'ibes a Spanish bull fight which toDk has not done anyth,ing- to .assist in the ~.A.ddreas--Enniskillcn P. o. First-class hearse on . very moderate terms. place the other day at Nismes. Though- resurre9tion of Sebastopol; and the au"Ren" CouGH CURE, 25 CENTs.-Pres- Meat Sold in the Shop for Cash and Cofllns constantly on hand. Fun· there·were 10,000 specta.tors present, t'ne t~oriti:es :have seemed--to7iihwart--every C!!-iptima of a--Boston~P.J1y.sician, dispensed OHN HUGHES,-Licensed auctioneer, Shrouds . -vERSUs~ cards supplied u.t once. FuP.nitur Shop-& Valuator and Arbitrator. l<'ire and r;tfe era! performance was hissed, and threesign of· life there. Sebastopol is one of years by a Boston druggist. · ONE DmlE Show Rooms-Bounsall'sN. e w Block. Peddling and Credit. · Insurance, Notes and Aooounts Collected. All furniture sold by me is made by the U. C :Money to Lend on reasonable terms, .Aodrees Furniture Co. of Bowman ville. I do not buy fourths of the lookers-on left the circus the_best commercial ports in the . world, will cure any ordinary cougJi. It acts alcartwright, Ont. 472 W ·. . . ., slop fu1·niture and. represent it to have been before ·the close of the slaughter. The b'!t..the Ministry of the Navy greedily most magically. Ask Stotb & Jury for a 1'emps . correspondent describes the ani- sticks t'o'ever.y:::i>iece of'land indispensable 25 cent bottle of "Hun" CouGH CuRE, e havmg ~e:n sohcit~y a made by the U. C. F. Co. of this town. Also agent for the LI·QUOR TEA. for this town mals as having been weary creatures, to the merchants. And_so Sebastopol of and don't be put off with any other. _ number of our c1t.1 zens to commence ~~r~Dm~I!~,,~"f!!R;,~~~~~~fr~~ an<J vicinity. It is cheap and as good as can be fatigued by the journey, and without the to-day is~ 1rnith-er a; corumetcial nor a ···· · ~-----=-~· on the above system, we have now got in the miirket. A valuable prize given BENRY S~LVESTER. Enni~killen. with every pound, strength. to defend themselves, and as naval port. Befo:.:'e the Crimean Wm: d 'd d t £ 'tl tl . t ONEY TO LOAN .-A few thousand ·--- . --- . hav~ng been slaughtered in the most re- ~herE), ~~,fj;.j/.1. ~?bast~pol fifty thousand · U e~l e O 8; lll Wl l letr req_ues · dollars, private funds, to loan on firstl voltmg and cowardly manner. m~abitaJ.\~lj,,,a~i'L now it hard~y counts a CA N AD A. This plan will enable us to sell '!.'WO elass farm security, at the lowest current rates. For particulars a11ply to 'H. BEI'l'fI, Bow manf, Mr. Childers the E r h Ch 11 f third ,of t'll.i't.. ~umber. Certamly, under 0 F cents per pound cheaper. As you v1lle, or R. R. L08COMBE, Barrister, . 3·tf. i th E h · ng is ance. or. 0 the present circumstances, the Sebasto- CAI'J.TAL, 81,0011,000. IU,ST, $HO,ooa will see by the new s~1stem we . e xc equer, has a gray ~oat .whwh politans. can not rebuild their cit 'th -wo-1 11 J ! pace~ up ~ml down. opposite his res1deuce their own means Y wt This Ba11,k ts prepared to do Legiti- s la not require half a dozen horses Pianos Tnn.ed & Rc1>=lircd. m Pwcadilly, and is a great pet with the N · . m3.te Banking in all its branches. anq rjgs and. men t o rnn · them, for public in that locality. He has also a . atur.e has made Sebastopol a~d t~e Farmers notes disconnted ; Deposits 1 · h tl bl' l · 1 ARTIES,WISHING THEIR. P.IANOS policeman similarly pacing u and down Crnnea m general a real gem: Wmter ~5 r eceived and Interest paid on amounts of w nc le pu lC iave prcVIOUS Y Tuned or repaired can have thorn attended eo by leaving word at the Do11UNION ORGAN placed there by a considerate nation t~ not .know:n. there, 1 and cle}icate, senu- $5 upwards in Savings Bank Department. paid. \Ve hein~s the :firsi; to introCo's OFFIOE, Bowm11,nville. A flrst-clas man protect; him from the dynamite ro'ects ~rop1calfrmts ~nd beautiful s"'.a m~ke DH A. F'!i'S duce this great saving ask your '!IOW being in their mploy. · of Mr. I'atrick Ford. The lffi~ult it a mo~t des1rab.le resorts for i?'va~ids liberal SUIJport. which this policeman has in dividin h{ and tourists. It is our Italy, our]! lorida. Issued an<l Collect10ns made in Europe, Youi·s ti·uly, ROF. T. L DOYLE. Pianist, Organist, and teacher of Vocal Music is prepared to protective attentions and seeincr tha~ th: But our country~en are .so accustomed to United and Canada. . take a few more-pupils. The best of Nferen ce goat ia not · in mischief, and that, while frosts, snow an.dice that they d? not ~pOFJ<'ICE-:Uurifoeh Bl'os. Rlock, l!uten1mli· BRI ~rT & can be furnished. Great c·ire exercised wt h so seeing Mr. Childers may not et . t pear ~o care at al.I for the semi·trop1cal tng office or Jones de »obbic. Market Squa;e. beginners, and special attention given to ad· vanced pupils. 'rhose desirous of taking in· trouble ' nd · fl) rd g m ho paradise, the Crimea. In Sebastopol W. J. JONES, struotions should apply at Mr. Doyle's res!· amus'J~e:t vice versa, a 0 8 muc there is a small cape called "The Cape of 27 .ll.gcnt. N. B.-All orders promptly atdence. or mak:e it known by directing a few· . Free Contemplations." We wonder what · tended to and Meat delivP,red to all lines to l'. 0. Box 4~. Terms, $7.50 for twelve 239·tf. losaons. ~he tot~l number of eleoto~s _of the thoughts 11:rein the mind of our country- lrt!~ [D Z~ f\,ft·~&f\\l~~LLV Uruted I~mgdom of G~eat Br1tam and men who visit that Cape . . Iri view of the U'fl8it@~8 IWUi~'~lll~~ , I part1:> of the town. !!iio Do! Gen.Ueme·n oif'Fash Ireland lS 2,6<'.i0,444 m England and ruins, of the dust ;Uid dirt of the "august -HAS JUST OPENED $iOOO WORTH OFWe also pay Cash for Far m and ie>n, not so ·tast. Dairy Produce. '.l'his Cut represents the popular 'Victoria ~ales, 331,364 m Scotland, and 230,150 city," oftheforgotte:rt gravesofa hundred Wave. It is dressed with the hair falling on m The largest cou~ty ~onstitu- thousand heroes, of the rare and natural the foreheatt, and the ends meet in MontaJ'Ues. I h.ave written these tew lines It is exceedingly becoming, and is'havmg a e~cy m England and Wales is Middles~x, forts not utilized, does it not occur to A.nd a.11 I have to say~ largerun. . · · with 41,299 electors, the next bemg them that Russia is playing the part of a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~Q That you can :find me still at home, The above style, with large number of So.uthwest La.ncashire w:ith ~0,624 the step-mother to her ward bravest and i2.9klSil.SJ!W1~® ~SJ :ts~ l1 lam not gone away; WHO IS UNAOQUAINTl!.O WITH THE GEOGRAPHY OF THIS OOUN" other equally becoming styles, are made by third Southeast Lancaalure wit~ _28,728, most unfortunate child, Sebastopol 1-·-So all my kind old I riends may come; Tnv WIL.l..SEE ev EXAMINING THI S MAP THAT THE -$1.500 WORTH Ol'v And all they oung ones, too, · MftS. A.. DAVIS, and the fourth the Southern Dms10n of Russian Paper. · F E AT HE RS, And get their garments nicely made over M. Mayeu store .. la. fashions that are new: the West Riding of Yorkshire, with 27,-<-H-+·---And is bound to sell them at Reduced Prices Wllere old a,nd young, dEiarfriends, may meet ?25. The laz:ges~ b?rough constituenoy On Letting off the Steam. to get rid of the e11tire stock. A we]'}ome l"l'P.Atinll. bv R. PE.A.TE m England , LS B1rmmgham .with 63,483 . Th~re are !Dore interesting cases by far Please call and inspect our stock before pnr as you will find them the 9ontinues to !lo a General Banking Business at el~ctors, Liverpool having 61,326, and m wr11ch excitable persons, knowing their chasing elsewhere, Cheapest goods in town. its Bowmanviilo Branch. Lambeth following with 55,508 · but k l Gfasgow is the largest in the United own wea ness, iave pro,vided themselves in all the lt'l.tes t with some mode of exerciso on purpose to styles. DEPOSl'Jd'S K ingd om, with 68,025. divert their exci.tement from a hurt.ful to Remember the Stand- 4 doors west of Received in Savings Bank Dep~rtment and on Blenheim Palace, which the act.ion of an innocent channel. An instance of this Martyn's Grocery Store. call and int~rest allowed at current ratee. No notice of withdrawal necessary. All deposits its present owner has brought so promi- (remarks Professor Blackie in Cassell's P!l.Yable on demand. nently before the public view, is the ¥agazine) we find in the life of Oberlin, chief d'ouvre of Van Brugh and perhaps pastor of,Ban de la Roche in the High EXCHANGE the most imposing known work of A.lps, in the south ofFrance. Oberlin was Bought and sold and Drafts issued upon Europe masonry in proportion to its size. Al- one of the best of men, and endeared him--'-<>'·-WITH l'illlETil. WITHOUT TEETH, United States and Canada, also Gold, Silver and most equally famous is the lake beside it self to hia people almost beyond example. United St~~es Green.backs boull'.ht and sold. which Brown constructed with so . much Besides b~ing an earnest pastor, he was a THE CANADIAN STATESMAN . S. CROFULA INTERESTING ITEMS. CATARRH. ADVICE McCoH Bros. & Coy's CELEBRATED Lardin o Six =-s $0 60,= aobino Oil 1 1 G fiDR SAU BY All OEH tRS 1 G 1 --------~---~·----~--·-- -· L L Ayer'sSars:a.pari Ila M ·- -----B .B _ __ __ ______ ~--------·-------·" _ R L 'UN D ERTAKNC LEV I MORRIS. ' J A I M ·~-. ·-·-.....--·--- -~---· 'T HE VICTORIA. 1 STAl\WDAR D BANK u· P I P W. .A. IN Co,_,. . French and American 'l&J&f '-" foW THE ONTARIO BANK DENTISTRY 1 HATS RES HAPED PUMPS! J., M. BR IMA COMBE,. PRACTIC.AT, DF.NTIST, CVEH ()Ol~LEtYI"IO:NS TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE. Operations. Jtl(JCLl/NG'S BLOCK. _ :tlltftltu1 Oxide Gas Administered for Palnles Promptly made at current rates upon all parts of Great Brittain, the United States and Do minion of Canada. ftll"IFICE .Telegiraplll 'ii'ransre:r~ Made for large or small sums on all parts of Canada. 'l'his is especially advantageous to pel's~ns living in Mamtoba or the North·west as it makes the funds available at once at the place of payment. H~g~J,urther partioulars call at the' l3anking T. BRODIE, Accountant. . GEO. McGILL, . Manager ' 2b7-ly. c .. HA 'R.NDEN, L. D. S., Elbmdua.te of the Royal College of Dental tariO. ' Surgeons, On. ~FFICE OVER DICKtlON'S STORE. improved style o! the Dental Art. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT P .A.IN 1Q- the use of Nitrous O:x;ide Gas, without Injury to the patient. · brtfcul&r attention to the regulation of " QHILDREN'S TEE;I'H. ,_..ALL WORK WARRANTED·.._ Plate Work exeouted in the latest and most GOLD FILLING .A SPECIALTY. ll.f.EEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. pleMo.nt to tllko. Contain thel,r own Purg..tive, l8 a sate, euro, (l.lld ellectaaJ destroyer ol worms in Child.ten 011 A. dultts. \. ~ unostentatious art out of the tiny river Glyme. Two hundred and sixty acres of water could not be easily disposed more cunningly in winding curves around the swelling hills. And then the . 200 acres of fiower garden are as interesting to a florist as the China house to the China maniac, the libraries to a bookworm and the pictures to a painter~ . ' · L or d W I 1 o se ey takes command of the d't' 1 tonary expe force which starts for Khartoum in th fir8 t k · A t et wee ugus · H' 0 Id r t s· R dm Bull is ieu enan s, ir e vers er and Sir Herbert Stewart, accompany him, the former as second in command. Col. Stewart '!ill not be assoofated with the duties he so ably carried out in the Soud an, as the cavalry will be under the command of Sir Drury Lowe. He will be AdJ'utant and Quartermaster. General. At the. Service CI;ibs in London they are anxiously lookmg out for the official "t· " · th T l l K b' ,,, . ip, as 111 _e ~ e e Ir aJJ.111t, of the number of days and hours which will suffice to crush the Mahdi and restore Gard t h' ou o is countrymen. . · h' h ' t'll ~ · f th OhIOS, · w ic is s i SUJJ.ermg ram e effects df the earthquakes, is now visited by another·calamity. A large number of the lemon and orange trees, wh1'ch form ·· maker of roads, a builder of bridges, a reformer, and philanthropist generally, BOW-MANVILLE, who transformed his pa])ish from a chaos ofdesolationintoabeautifulabodeofChris- Manufacturer and Dealer in Pumps of -all kincls,tianity, civilization, and comfort. It was RUBDER BUCKETS, not to be wondered at that a man with so many irons in the fire should be somewhat WIND MILLS, . impatient and have a little trouble with WINDOW SHADES, his temper. At such times Oberlin used and General Jobber in to run backwa.rd and forward in his room, b ea-ting · h' d WORK. lS han s together rapidly with a CJA.RPENTER resounding noi~e, unti'l h1's t 'e mper regai '11~ Shop opposite Treleven·s Shoe Store. ed composure. T11ose who are fami'l1'ar Bowmanville. March 26. 188!. ,~ 13-6m, · with the history of the Brontes will remember what i5 told of their father, the eccentric and excitable incumbent of Haron TEN MILLION PEorr.E ARE IN . worth. Even during his wife's lifetime Minnesota, North·Dal<ota, Montana, he formed the habit of taking his meals Washington and Oregon, 1 alone; he constantly carried loaded pistols NORTH.EARLNONGPTABECLIINfEloCFTHRAE ILRO"AD in his pockets, and, when excited, would fire these at the door of the outhouses, so Through the Great Wheat·B~lt of America. that the villagers were quite accustomed Jlillion acres of the best agricultural, mineral, forest and grazing lands t,p ~he to the sound of pistols at any hour of the United States are now open for settlement. day in their pastor's house. If we are not $22600 tJtb$"14llon acres o5f railroat~ lai;ifdds fo!r sdale at o nr acre on years 1me 1 es re mistaken, he had another outlet for his 2o Jtlllllon acres of Governments lands open emotion, setting up a bolster anii boxing to settlers FREE. ' --.. . it when he was ancrry. but of this we are 1 The:NorthernPacUlcCountrypossesses .., ' , . great and rich natural resouroes ready to be denot so sure. · ,,.· veloped Into profitable Industries. · ~ · For maps and pamphlets address and mention What goes against a farmer's grain ?- this paper., ' ~ H' - mach' ·#CHAS.N. B. . 18 mowing me. · Land Commissioner P.LAMBORN, R.R., St. l'a.ul, MJ.nn:. W.C.TYLER, ~tl~~t'it g~~~~e:~rrg~t:·b~i~;:Jtf~~" ~a~~nf~.! BSB City, Council Bluffs, Leavenwort\;:, Atchieon., Minneapolis and St. l'aul. It connects in Union ·Pi.0.?~~1~Wo·~x{cr·tg;in~~~~il:'t>ec·e~~~~aft~i:;;,,~~ g~~B~rrt~tir~;~~~~~;.~iri~ ~t5e~~~: ~:ttf~ w:~t CHICAG01 ROCK ISL!ND & PACIFIC R'Y THE-BEST.HOM· E ·S-. ment is un1·ivtlled and magnitlcent, being composed of Most Comfortable and Beautiful Day Coaches. Magnificent Horton :Beelining Pull- fi~~8oj~f;1i~; 1f~:~~:\~J'~r~~~a~:;1;h~r~~ between Chicago and Missouri River Points. Two Traina between Chica.go and Minneapolis and St. Paul. via the Famous · ... A. New and Direct Line, via Beneca and Kankaltee.has recently been opened between Richmond, "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." 40 Norfolk, Newport News, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Augusta, Nash villet. Louisville, Lexington, Cincinnati, Indianapolis ana. La.fa.yetto, and Omaha, Minnoap... olis and St. Faul and intert.aedlato points. Al~ Through '.PasRangera ' on Fast Eit>l'esc Trams. ·Tickets for sale at all prlncti:>il Ticket Offices in th& United States and Cansaa. ' Baggage checked through and :ootes of fare always as low as competitors that offer less advan- ta11:es. er~o.;f~:Ued i:iformat!on, ge_ t the Maps an~ Jl'old- At ,-ou.r nearest Ticket OtDoe, or addres11 R, R. QABLE, E. ST. JOHN, Vioe·l'res. & Gen·i ll'g'r, CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROOTE, Gen'! T~t. a. l'olS. .Allo CHICACO.

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