When we invested our all in the venture SUNDAY PARADES. THE WORKINGMEN. · of conducting a newspaper six years ago, M1t. EnrroR:-Much has been said aDEAR EDrToR-lu your iss~1e of the 25th we had very mm1y misgivings. To us the bout the S11lv1ttion Army through the press 1 obser ved a piece entitled "\Vc,rkingmcn" work was comparatively new and to suit and verbally, pro. and con., by persons of Higned by "Fair P lay. " I think lie is BowMANVILu;, FRIDAY, JULY 18. the varied tastes of a constituency, as a various opinions. properly named, but it is for the poor popular newspaper should, was a task I noticed aletterinyourpaperlastweek man. I would like him to write more entitled 'Sunday Parades,' from a citizen; fair to both parties, and then there would Being anxious to make room for A.H. RoE, M. I'. I'., died on Saturda.y w.hich . demanded the ~x~rcise of great He seems very enxious to stay "wl1at is not be so much room for complaint. He at Napanee of h e1irt diseftse. He was discretion, as well as a willmgness to learn apparently going tu issue in a serious ill speaks of the farmer asking for emigrants. Jliemberfor Lennoxitud was a Conservative. and determination to pursue an impartial · to our community." I cmve spu.cc to reply; Well he may when men can ask 18, 20. and independent course. Like all other I may alla:i: l~is fe'.1'1:s. At the best he is a 22 and ~ 5 dollars per month. I also their J'all Importations, will during frail mortals we confess to shortcomings very superficial c_ntic. In the first place think we have a right to <t,k 14-hrs' labor BY the death of Mr. noc, Lennox be· . ' he says our "quiet, hallowed sabbaths," per day. But I wonder if the state of comes vac~mt and an election will soon be but the STATESMAN has met with success of six months ago, are now filled with affairs could be changed and those poor 110ld. Mr. Roe's majority was 173, but ever since we took it in charge, which has "discordant music" and "converted into men made farmers, and vfoe versa, would the months of Ju~yand August sell their is fair hope that a Liberal majority not only been flattering to us but exceed- a meaningless parade." Is it a 'i\ieanino-- the hours of labor be any less; No. He ingly crratifying. It is now a welcome less parade"/ It may be to a thoughtle~s also speaks of thti farmer letting the h.irecl may be given on this occasion. "' . . . person, but, thank God, not to me. Per- men s tarve all winter. If they starve it weekly visitor to hundreds of homes m j mit me to ask 'Citizen,' "Who are these?" is there own fault. Wl11.1t are they doing Tim Dominion and thirty-ninth Pro· this county, and carries tidings of what that march on our streets on Sabbath and with all their big wagesl Besides we can .. all kinds of Snmmer Dress Goods ' vincial Exposition will be held this year is going on in and around Bowmanville to ::whence cometh they7" Why do tl:er not hire t hem for the winter for less than at Ottawa from the 22nd to the 27th of hundreds of friends far away. With in- .allow ~hemsclvcs to be made an exlub1- $10.or$12, per month, and it must be . . . . . tion of? As he does not appear to know remembered that farmers have not 11ot the September. The prize list which has been creasmg experience m JOurnahsm we hope I will williiwly tell him. These are they amount of winter works now that tliey Gloves and Hoisery at greatly reissued is a libentl one, especially in agri· still to achieie greater things, and endea- that ha'.'e co~ne up out of Holels, gambl- had 15 and 20 yrs vgo. The wood on vor to increase its influence in the com- ing dens pool·rnoms, gutters, hoer cellars most farms is nearly all cleared so that a cultuml exhibits. munity, at the sarnc time present to its and 'the marsh,. whi:ire, while our devout farmer does not feel disposed to sell any duced prices. friend was worshi[JrJinrr God, y · oung men more and has nothin~ to do save a little AT the nomination for the Muskoka numerous readers all tl1e important news weregettmg · d ruuk,playing_ ~ ~ · au d c10res; l ·f h ecan d o cards, boating, wood get tmg anc1 i election, on ..Wednesday, at the expiration of which we hope to make it the bearer. &c. too numerous to mention. As some it alone who is goi11g to find fault. The of the legal time for the nomination of Our ambition is to add another thousancl of them hiwe since said, they were 'si<Yn- poor man gives ·nothin!? but what he cant candidates, M 1._ Dill, Reformer, was the to our list. and we ;u·e going t;u do it if posts for hell" aud might have said, "l'no avoid and why should tile farmer. Besides .1 · l ancl lie was d e- pluck enei·gy ,"'iid IJerseveraiice cart ac- man cared for my soul," until the S. Ar- he h speaks of the farmer turning out 20 or ·Oruy person nonunatec, " '. . my came, ancl now you see them trans- 30 e11cl of s11e"p an d t h e sa1i1e of cattle . clared elected by acclam;itiou. At 2:30 · complish it.. Our readers can d? much for formed into "sign-posts for heaven," and Vi'hy not; who has more right to; I have the returning officer allowed Mr. Mc- us by speakmg a good word for the STATES· I that's why you see them on the s treet in a farm; I and my neighbor divides the :Eachern, Conservative, to he nominated. MAN when opportunity offers and direc- ~h~ ~nar~h on Sunday. "· But what does fence joining both, but thl3 fence joining tinO' attention just now to our trial trip Citizen caro where they are so long as he the road I may keep up my self. The ,"' f . . can keep lus Sabbath holy. poor man will not so much as lift a rail. ill less than eight months Port Perry offer thirty weeks for th.irty cents. Would he rather that they go back Well says "Fair Play" l1ow much.l"xpeme BOWl\:lANVILLE. , Jias lost by fire over $460,000 worth of where they were than distmb him? God is that? Take for instance a f:mn 80 rods _property. The assessed value of the vill- .iENTRANCEl EXAMINATION. bless nnd save him is our fervant prayer. wide 200 rods long, he has 28U rods of Doe~n tit mean anything? Go int0 some of fence to keep up and 11ccord1ng to " .Fair ::i.ge this year is $360,000, so that lH'opef ty f , exceeclinrr in value the whole ·issessmeIJ,t' The marks obtained by the candidates the homes of the reformed. Ask some of Play" shouicl get nothing for it. It must t heir fathers and mothers. Didn't!' I · hear be born in mind our roads ar e: Every 1:1 by $100 000 has been swept awa . '}}he at t he recent e:i>;amin:ation for ad1_nission . ' Y ,._; to the Bowmanville lngh school, with the a deitr mo~her say one night last week O. miles we harn a concession .a nd every J mile . we have a side line which makes it. case is the more aggravated by the 1fact schools from which they came are "iven if my Harry was only saved. 'Vould she care whether he marnhcd on that every farmer on a farm 80 by 200 that the cause of it all was insufficient :fire below. 'rhe number of marks ~equii~d to protection a,nd probably whiskey. ( pass is 280, and one-third of the marks in the Sabbath or not, if he wtn·e only saved? rods has the am't of fence specified each subject; but sometimes the Central Not "acceptable unto the Lord!" ·where above. I would like my friend "Fair Committee, in Toronto, admits those who did our friend get this revelation, pray? Play" to reckon the cost of fencmg heTHF. l)Olitical tide appears to hav turn- may fail by a few marks, either 011 the I imagine the religious devil coming up fore he stops the 1 oads for pasturage·. He We have determined to give our patrons and the.public an opportunity eel for the Ijiberal party since the ,lst of whole or in one subject. 18 failed in and whispering softly into our friend's ear also speaks of the poor man paying $1. 25 to secure bargains. .June, since which time elections have been dictation; 7 in parsing; 5 in composition; as he has to many: "Fi·iend, it is not neces- per month while in summing up poor man's held with the followingresults:-Cdmher- 9 in drawing; 2 in grammar; 8 iu arith· sary that you be disturbed in any way by expenses he allows $!) or $10 for cows metic ; :'l in fourth hook and spelling ; 3 those fanatics, you ha1re the press at your pasturage which would make about 7 land, N. S., (Dominion) no change; Cum- in history; 1 in reading. Although all disposal, llrotest; it is an outrnge, you mos'pastura~e. When is he going to get, it ? we will cleai· out the balance of SPRING and SUMMER GOODS at b~rhnd, .N . S., (Provincial) Liberal gain ; obtain~d one· third of the marks in writing, know just how those army 111ectings shoulcl We cannot turn out before 24th May and be carried on to gain public 'favor, sug«cst 5 mos from that leaves us at the 24th of Cape Breton, N. S., (Dominion)\ Tory four dtd not get one-half of them. GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. that the marching be stopped and "the Oct. when pasture is very poor. majoxity ~·ecluce<l 14.21 ; Megantic (\)om- Luther Courtice, .... .. 370, No. 8. Darlington. drum .silenced, especially on .S1mday . O my He strives to. give us puor man's profits; SILKS and SATINS REDUCED. LAWNS and MUSLINS REDUCED· .inion) Liberal gain. Muskoka will be Norman Bl'ittain,..... 337. Bowman ville P. s. friend you're too kind, too wise. Let it he says if a poor man has a family, but DRESS GOODS REDUCED. Maude Fairbairn, ..... 355, . SHIRTINGS RED UCED. h earcl·from next. be. known that the army docs not court dont say how many for an example, but Norman Cryderman, ..333. Hampton P. S. HOSTERY and GLOVES REDUCED. SHEETINGS REDUCED. ~ . ...... .. _ ·Zelotca Haney,. ...... . 322, Bowmanville P. S. the fa:vo1· of the "christian public" in any tries to make out that he is hard mittched LACESan<l EMBROIDERIES REDUCED. TAJ3LE LINENS HEDUCED. such way; and although a. n y sincere true to make encl$ meet. Well such is the Tin1..Si'ATESMAN is charged by Mr. Cli1nie Maggie Nott.······ ·· · .320, . ch~istian is welcome tc work in the army case with a great many_farmers. He_ also PAitASOLS &UMBRELLAS REDUCE!). LACE CURTAINS REDUCED. w~t11 "pilfering" locals from the Sun. i~:;~l~~Y~~,~~:: :." .".".": Hampton P;,~· as _ m the church for the salvation of souls has the poor man p;iymg an exorbitant AND BARGAINS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. Who ever would have thought it vossible Henry Chaplin,. .... ... 301, Bowmanville P. s. no.one of 'Citizen's' stamp will do; he is . price for wood; not but what persons pay far too 'starchy'. He woulden't reach the J $5 to $6 per cord for wood. But who is iihat we could do it. Why, the unive al Frank Rankin, ...... · .301, class. Our friend has a high estimate of it? It is t hose in town not in village, and complaint has been since the first tw:o' or Joseph Brown. ·· ····· ·200· Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers,_ 6eorge Tyler....... .. .. 29!, our noble volunteers. So he should have. where is the town that i;i flourishing that OrnamcntR, &c., to be cleared out ihrell.uisiues of th:i.t luri1inolls sheet that Kate ll'ranklin ......... 281l, He hopes they will be true to their Cap- does not k eep all th1·se daylahourers and 11 tl1ere wll.s " ·nothing in it" but what was Cnarles~ri£!!-r,.::ilifl'i8· . " fa.in of their 8alvation Army. the farmer may go out in the country COST PRICE.taken from o. 1}.ier pitp~rs. If any of his Wm. Creighton,. .... !. -78. No. 2. Cartwright. Did a better company ever leave here·? where wood is not $5 or :S6 per cord. And Joanna Bfokell, ....... . 277, Bowmanville P. S. Did a compitny ever return in better 01·.. he seems to charge the Councilor with all ,t,wo~ doip11 :a11~-a-half -readers sh0l\k1 any- Henry Rice, ............ 276, der or with a more creditable appearance? or in otltP.r words says the councilman ti~e clisc§ve_r.a J?Ure local itl'.~n· in tho Sun Celena Ashton ......... 21i6, Is not the tone of tlie morals of the tow11 hits not pluck euough to do righL for fear we will thank them to point, it out to us. Olla Thomas. .. .... .... 260, No. 7. Cartwright. higher than one year aao? he may lose a vobe. lf that is the kind T th" f tl · ·· f Johll L. Courtice ... .-.. 25G, No. 8, Darlington. ~ Has not the arn1y- b~en the means of of Councihncn you have in Darlington, o e some mg rom no ung is a eat Fred. Mason . ...... .... 253, Hampton P. s. doing mo1·e towards reforming drunkards .you are to be ..pi-tticd. IJ.-011e:St.y, . -- BEl\VEI Romm, we lmve so far been unable to perform. ..Ellen Pron: r;; .· ; ·····.. 245, No. 7, Cartwright than all other institntions in town'! Is Frank Short, ...... .. .. 242, No. 8, Darlington. there n ear the quantity of liquor soldh'e re Elliott ......... . . .241. Rowma.nviJle P. S. fr is proposed that the fortieth anniver- Eva now that was sold six or four months ago? Wm. Allin, . . . . ...... 23i, Everybody knows the iinswers to these -sary of Sir John M:wdonalcl's entrance Alice Darch.. ......... 226, Many-are leaving home for recuperation questions. Then again, look at the last and rest from the care :md worry of the into public life be celebrated this fall, by Matthew Devitt, ...... 218, No. 3, Cartwright. sentence of Citizen's lament: "Unless the shop @r the homfl, and in going among a grand demonstrl\tion in his honor. 'fhe \Thomas ~erkin, ........ 215, No. 4, D...ilina;ton. christian cbmmunity enter a strong proNon:.- Mr. A. Barber is teacher of test now, an irresistible tide may sweep strangers all should strive to maka a fa11uggestion is an excellent one and we devorable impression by a. neat and tidy ,,,,,~,,, ~~~~ ~~ ~~~ sire to co-operate in the affair ! We'would B\lwmanville Public School, Mr. R. B. from us our christian Sabbath."· Fr.ien.d, appearance. Tllh can be doue by a judiWatson of No. 8, Darlington, and Mr. A. how haYe our christian sabbaths withstood cious adornme nt of good jewellery, such suggest a processirm of tableaux vivants J . yuolds of Hampton School. opposition of the past? Can any God es- as can be got at MAYNAlW THE JEWELLEit's :representing such features iu thePremier's tablisheclinstitution be so easily sweptaway? during the h oliday seaiou, at very low NEWCASTLE HIGH SCHOOL. None better, l)Olitical career, as the Pacific Scandal, The following were successful r,andi<latea ls the devil getting strouger? I feitr he has prices. He has received some elegant Arriving every None cheaper~ a strong footing in Bowm1111ville yet. No the Gerrymander act, On.tario robbed of at the Entrance Examination to Newnew designs in Brooches, Ear .. rings a nd - A.NDone wishes to interfere seriously with the Finger I-tings in solid gold, {ilated gold, week, full of bloom her territory, the provinces struggling in castle High School : Cures Co11ghg, Sun<lay schools nor other church services, &c., for the ladies; and Finger Rings, and perfnme. the bonds of federal usurpation, t he N urth- Jas: Newsome, ...... .. 502. Orono. Colds, etc... and we think that if parents and te:1chel'S Brt>ast Pin~. Studs, &c., for gentlemen. west crushed under a railway monopoly, Wm. Henry... ..... ... . 410. their duty no harm will happen the do When travelling a g0< ·d and reliable t imeLeslie Kelly, ....... ... 411, Section 21, Clarke. children. No oue can truthfully deny keeping watch is indispensible, and here Manitoba handed over to land sharks, the Ada Linton,. ........ .. 399, Orono. that the Army hus done vast"good in BowSection B . and a score of lesser scandals, Ett.io Da.voy............ 395, Leslrnrd. again Maynard tbe Jeweller can suit you man ville and notwithstanding changeable in styles and prices. He has a very ch oice as the distinguishing feature. Above all R. J. Walker, .· ........ 362, imblic opinion it intends to continue in variety of gold and silver . Watches for Geo. 'Lang....... ... ... 358. Kirby. let tliere he a grand allegorical tableau re- Ja~. Lawson, , ......... 341, Leskard. its present course. "God save theCouncil" ladies and gentlemen, and wants everyis our prayers. SoLDllm. presenting, " 'fhe triumph of political Mary Colville,. ...... .. 888, SeQ\iQn U, Clarke. bod.v to know that he can sell watches To suit everybody Acts like mag i c.· trickery and the overthrow of statesman- Jnu. Simp,on,. ........ 333.!Leskard. - -- · - - - · from the best manufactories, and fully in qnality and G-H.OUND_ ........... . 330, Section 21, Oiarke. Jno. Hem:y, and gives solid A Goon MAGAZINE.- The August num.. w!J.:ranted, for less than many a.sk for in.ship. "- Ottawa Free Press. Maggie Cowan~·...... 325, Orono. ber of De1119rest's I!lu~tr~ted Mvnthly i~ fenor J.Imkes, .Please n.ote tlus fact. price. Jennie Newsome, .... .322, " comfort. un~snally interesting. .Among th.G il.'i.:Uiy I Shoul~ y~u want ~eddm~ p resents . or 'Tili<J high respcot it1 which th ~ lMder of Albert Ch&Jlman...... 32J., Kfrby. articles that call for favorable n otice are anythmg in the Plated Silverware lme }?rank Rowland, ....·. 318, Newcastle. the Liberal pn.rty is held by political op- Cora Morten .......... . 316, "On :Foot and Fout·in~fiand in the Tyrol," he can suit you to a T. You will have 'II' "Costume Porl;i·aits in the Paris Salon " obsened by 1he reports of pres.;11tat1ons ponents as well as. by fri1 ; m ds was voiced Edith Chandler,·...... 315, "At the ·Whitby Jet Works," "Oppo'r- of late in the locn1 papdl'S that the be:tlltiin the municipal addresses presented to Ella Shoults, ....... . .. 3U. Urofi6, tunities for Women," by Jenny June, and ful s1lve1·ware presented:wa.s bought from Toilet Articles, ALL THE Robert Watson, ..... .. 002 1 The best for fattening purposes, and l\im a few day~ ago, on the occasion of his "Ernst Moritz Aandt Poet and Patriot." Maynard the Jeweller, Bowmaov11le. Do Combs, MabcJ.,Douglas....... .. 2941 Ntrwcestle. visit to North W ellington. 'l.'he people .Arthut· Simmons, ...... 231, Ella Wheeler, Eleano'r Kirk, and others you know why '/ Because his goods ~ere most rea.sonablti in price. Pa tent Medicines Brushes, contribute excellent stories and the illus- of the latest and most handsome designs, recognize in Mr. Blake a man who serves FrankfBetts, """ ... .281, ' tmted article on the popula;r! "Crazy Quilt" and his prices were lower than other Sponges, &c. ADVERTISED t h e commonwealth sincerely. 'l'hey know T.EACm1ils :- W . C. Allin, Orono; Miss will prove useful to ladies. "The worlds stores. Cood enough reason, you say.that he is faithful to his professions, that E. Braden, S. S. 21; It. J. Sangster, Progress," and the various departm ents Exactly .. When you want a good w .a tch, in public and private life his record is Leskard ; Harry W . Chapple, Kirby ; are of interest and titility, and the illus- Clock, Itmg, Set of . J e\~ellery, S1lve~ Eli Bowie, S. S. 9 ; A. Mt)rton, Newcastle. trations excellent. The beautiful oil pie· ~lated w«re, or snythmg m a Jewellers clo:-m, aml th at in and out of Parliament w. w..JARllJNF., B.A., ture, "A Feather in her Cap," is exceed- lme, call ~·n l\faynard the Jeweller, and bis great abilities have been used to build Presiding Examiner. inrtly attractive. he will give you good value for yo.ir 0 up the country and its institutions on a money, 20 NEVER G1v.E UP.- If you are suffering solid and enduring bri:sis. For these · Promotion Examinations High School with low and depressed spirit, loss of -reasons it is not surprising, although it is · -' appetite, general debility, disordered out of the beaten line in f!Uch things, to , Promotion to 3rd form. - ,<\.rithmetic,- blood, weak constitution, headache, or find municipal councils coming fol'ward ' Arthur McLaughlin, ,J. Cooledge, W. Hos- any disease of a bilious nature, by all and paying spontaneous tribute to J\'[r. ken, G. Rowe, E . Hall, K . Morrison, L. means procure a bottle of E lectric Bitters. Blake, a1)art from any considerations of Quick. Algebrn,-W. Hosken, J . Cool- You will be aurprised to see the rapid cdgc, G. Rowe, A. McLaughlin. · K. improvement thi1t will follow; you will be rne~·e party fidelity.- London A dverliser. · Morrison, C. Wind:i.tt. Euclid,- All but inspired with new life; strengt h and ac__ ___ ..... one passed. Gram.rnar, - L. Quick, L: tidty will return; pain and misery will THE outbreak of Cholera :tt '.l'oulon has Andrews, K. M orrison , 'V. Hosken, A. ceese, and henceforth you will rejoice in McLaughlin, K. Kerr, C. Windatt, J. the praise of Electric Bitters. Sold at excited a panic in the south of Eurctpe. Cooledge, E. Hall, G. Fairbairn,G. Rowe, 50c. a bottle by J. Higgintotham & Son. The r eport that the disease was brought Dictation,- All passed. History, - K. by a French ship returning from China, Morrison, E. Hall, A. McLaughlin, J. The people of Great Britain should ba "< L Ve Anglophohist.s in t he south of France Cooledge, L. Quick, G. Fairbairn, K . Kerr informed that t01J many of the immi11rnnt o . . 'W. Hosken. Geogr11phy - W. Hosken agents, induciug people to come . t;{ this an .excuse for ventmg their wrath on pe l'· G . Rowe, E . Hall · . J . Cool' , , K . Mo'· rnson, - country, are no I.Jetter than crimps. fic11ous England. They added to lier de- edge, C. Windatt, L. Andrus, A. Mcfor~ linqnoncies in E gypt the charge of send- Lirnghlin, G. ·Fairbairn, L. Quiel<. DAIRYMEN PREFER l'l'. - Mesars. Wells ing this pestilence to beautiful Erance. :r:i~omotion to 2i~d form. - Arithmetic,:- R:ichardeon & c .o.; Since the introduc: c·t" f T l "tt l · ·t t l H . lyler, .J. Harris. Algehra,- J . Harris, tHm of your Improved Butter Color a0 l mens ou on qm .ec prect~n a e Y 0 . Dunning,H. '.l'yler,Vi' .Blac-k,F.Wesley. mong my customers, it has given univer~he place- some five thousand havmg em- Grammar,- .·J. J.farris, 0. Dunning and s11l satiafactiOn. The leading dairym 11 n igrnte~ m the.cotirse .. of a few d'.t~s. The S. ~herry, H. Tyler, ~· Simpson, D~c- of this section who have used it give it Troop., we~e taken from the banacks and tation,- All passed. History,- J. Harris. 1 , the prefer&nce over all ot her colors, of encamped. m open .healthy places. The Geography,- A. Simpson, J . Harris, F.1 whateYer name or nature. vessel wlnch wa~ said to have brought ~he Wesley, G. Deacon, '1V. Black, S. Ch erry, 1'hey are es{>ecially pleased with the pest, !f;nd on winch two persons had died 0. Dunning. fact that it does not become rancid like , ~f ~~-oler~, wi.ts sent. out to sea. T.he NoTB_.- The names are given in order o~her oil colors. and thtir product brings Go·cuuuent sent medical men of emm- of merit. Those whose names do not highest prices m market. once to .i·eport on the facts of. the case, a-ppear in the above list will be r e-exW , S. NAY, Druggist. and t!1e1r rep01·t.was that the disease .w~s amined m those subjects in which they UNDBRHILL. Vt ., April 5. 1882. This powder nev11r varies, A ma.rv~I of a native product10n, and _no~ t~1e Asiatic have failed at the beginning of th e next purity, strength ai1d wholesomeness. More Choler,'.t. It was spor:~dw m its nature term. · Dress Muslins are very scarce, b-qt economical t han 1.he ordinary kinds and can· ancl begotten of the unwholesome st11te of ~ouch,J olmston and Cryderman are show- not be sold in comJ'.><'tltion with tlw toultitude things at Tuulon. Thefrightwillwe ho]Je R. II. Turner's carpets are going off mg-a splendid assortment of them in black of low teat, short woight. alum 01· pbos}lhato powders. Sold only in can~. ROYAL BAKING ha1' e a good effect in Toulon. fast, still plenty left at low prices. and Colours. POWDER Co., 106 Wa.ll·st. N. Y. COUCH,JOHNSTON&CRYDERMAN ...- .#'JFParasols at Net Cost. ONE DOOR WEST OF POST OFFICE, GRE..A..T SUMMER SALE-I ·FROM NOW TO FIRST OF SEPTEMBER. (I ;;g: MILLINERY! AT tau JLTL-Y_ J. HIGGINBOTHAM &SON, STANDARD MED IGINES. FLOWERS PURE DRUGS BINCE'S SYRUP' PERFUMERY -o--. OUR CORN CURE Fresh 011 Cake ---o--- Horse & Cattle Food, DRUG-GISTS_ - :a: ..A.. S l\LI: 0 '\T E D -· 2 DOORS- WEST, - This is the House NEAD'S BLOCK. ALL FRESH AND NEW. Clothing and Gents' Furnishings. Absolutely Pure. · · ..