Formerly kno.wn as the·· Soper Mills..') , THIS MIIiL HAS BEEN THOR. UGHLYrenovated and put in order, under -our own special supervision, for the purpose of gr!sting and manufacturing Oat Meal and ~ot Barley, and we are now prepared to rect>1ve rd.ere from all our old cuatomers and others work, and we gurantee to give them who intrust us with the same entire satisfaction. Oats and other grains taken in exchange for Flour Oat Meal, &.c. H. &, J'. TOWNS, Bow· manville 227. ~~---~~~~~~~~~~~- Caledonian Mills. A FEW HINTS FOR THE USE OF . DOSE. -To WONDERS lUADE TO ORDER Tile Tale "ta Wonder Maker Who Bad to D1sre&i;ard :;c1e1100. - - t:f.r'J·fl: .pt. &._fpf."!" · :.j .s o· 'f iJ.6 . J: ·J _..., ~ move the bow- els gently, 2 to 4. ·Pills; Exp~rience ~ill decide the .rroper dose in each case. . thoroughly, 4 to 6 Pills. sisting of Spring and Summer Hats in Felt and Htraw , Hard and Soft see, 1 m scientific, but I have to make up my income by appeals to the popular Felt, Men's, Youth's, B oys' and Children's Black, Brow n , Blue andNeutra taste. It grates on my scientific conStraw Hats from the 10 cent Canadian to the finest Mani.Ha, and in MILLINERY. science, but we must live ; you . w on't deny that. This octopus is bony fidy, and sizes from the Baby to Grandfather. going to be correct ; but when an order Has much pleasure in announcing ro the ladies comes from a popular museum for a devilIn GENT'S FURNISHINGS I am determined to keep to the front. fish-well, it's a different thing. When 1 that she has received a complete stock of Mil· linery and Fancy Goods. In SHIRTS, I offer a ll the leading styles. In TIES, all the novelties. was in Chicago some · years ago, a man Flowers, FP.atl·ers. Orn1unents, RU1bons Vetltngs, Laces, Berlin 'Vool, Andalusian, dropped into my shop one day. I saw In UNDERWEAR, the best quality kept. In RUBBER COATS, I Beads, Brattls, Canvass, Silk di Cotton Floss, that he was a showman, right off, big offer none but first class. HOSIERY in great variety ; UMBRELLAS A call ls kindly solicited. cable chain, hat on one side, flash clothes, MRS. ANDERSON, King Street, and BRACES, a good chQice ; CELL U LOID COLLARS and CUFFS, big diamonds, etc. He pulled out a pienext door to Buclrler's Jewellery Store. ture of a big squid that they were showthe latest noveltie s in the line, require only to be seen to be purchased,. ing in New York. ' Kin you make one like that, professor?" he said. ' I can,' MIS~ BURDEN takes pleasure in in says I. ' Wall, that thing is on exhibition timati11g to her friend" and cnetonrnrs that sbe now at the .Aquarium in New York and wll! be found at Mns. ANDERSON'K S·ronFwbere she will carry on the Drees·. Makirig. it's coming out here, and if it's as big as they say it is, it'll wipe up the town. Now' I want something that'll beat it.' ' You · GET YOUR LUMBER want it scientifically correct?" I asked. Bowmanville, A p r il 9, 1884. 'Scientific--' said the man. 'Why, you M&RKtJS lllll.YER· old fake, what kind of a guy do you take me _ for?' and with that he began swear. ' ini: and talking in circus lingo so I'm - ATblessed if I understood what he wanted. Finally, however, he brought up, and said. The American Dredging and Contracting Company has a contract far that portion ' They advertise eight arms ; I want mine lying between Colon and Gatum, a dis. - -MANUFACTURER OF-with forty.eight. They advertise teeth tance of nine kilometers. Work upon the like a ptirrot ; I want mine with teeth b L 1 like a mtlrus; and you see they say the animal, when it was alive could change eiican Trading Company. The great er Liberty Street, KING STREET, BOWM.A.NVILLE, color'. Now, then, what I want is some· part of the remainder of the work is being ·where you can also obtain thiug tha.t'll look alive, change color, and done by the cana.l company, only a small Has now on hand a number of TeJ;ticle5 (and ~s ~anufacturing a great many more) of the newest Doors, Sash, Blinds, Window and Door pattern.a and beet finish, wh1cb. I am .ofl:enng for sale l't the lowest. prices consistent clean out t he country guys.' ' How much portion of it being under contract. Work with due regard to workmanship and quality. 'l'he following is a list of Fri!- ' es, Plain and Ornamental Fence the principal vehicles manufactured by mo : will you pay 1' said I. · How much is it is progressing at the following points, t he ...__. Pickets, Cisterns, &c. worth 1' said he. ' Two thousand dollars,' height of each of which above the level Double Covered Carriages ................. ...... .... .. .................. ..... $200 Upwards. I. 'Done,' said he. of t he oceans is given: Dos Hermanas, 11 Single Phretons. .. .. . . . .. ·.. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . . . .. ... .. .. ...... . ... 100 l~S. said ""Well," contmued the sculptor. " I 20feet; Vamos-Vamos,25; Buhio cloldado Open Buggy........ .... ........ .... ...... .................... .. ... ... .. . . . .. . . .. 70 II 8-tf. Dowmanville. Februarv 21. 1884. brought all my energies to bear on that (biitween this and the next point the Full (!irections, in various langu~ge~, ac. Top Buggy. .. ................ .............. .. .......... ....................... .... 90 II ·-- · ~- --·-~---··-·-------------.--- -··~ animal, and produced a creation that land rises to a height of 165 feet); Buena company each package. Democrat Wagon................. ............ ... .................. ............ .. 65 11 ought tu have sent me. down fame. I v· · · 1e, 44 ; Tab ernill a, 53 ; Lumber Wagons...... ......... ... ............................... ................ 55 11 ista, 56 ; F r1JO . tu d PREP,W_!i!.D4JY 1 was tl -1ree m01~ti~s. l1lJlk mg it, an at ast Barbacoas, 46 ; San Pabto, 104 ; Mamei, Light Wagon .... .......... ... ....................... .. ..... ,..................... 40 " 11 Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,Lowell,Mass. I gave an oxl11b1t10n before the owner. I 79 . Gorgona 66 . Matachin 75 to 168 . t' Express Wagon. .... .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. ·.. . .. .. ·. ... ·.. · 75 had a tank about. 44, by 15 ~eet .made of Ba~ Obispo, ioo t~ 236; Emp~rador, 228; Skeleton.. ........ .................. ........ .......... .. ......... . .. .. .. .... ·. . ... · 50 11 """ Sold by aU Druggists, mE?tal~ so that it slipped m hke the~~ .Culebra, 333; Paraiso, 145 ; Pedro MigSulky.......................... ................... ............................. ..... 40 11 drmkmg cups and could be packed. This uel, 20; Miraflores, 36. The total amount Possessing superior facilities for manufacturing carriages, I tntend'to sell ver7 cheap for caslt was the tank for ~he Sept em-Octopologus, of material to be dealt with is: or approved credit. and by so doing I hope to greatly increase m y number o sales. Would . as I called the animal. The latter was absell the 'YOod parts only, or the gearings of buggies ironed. Cubic meters. out fifty feet long, shaped like a squid, 'l'o the FI,a.·tforcl fi'ii-e Jnsw·ancc Oo. Dredging ... . .......... 26,913,000 and laid in the water just covered. The · I hareuy return ~ hanks for the prompt payRock, hard a ti.d !!··ft .. ... 37,632,000 os. Din10:ham, for arms, twenty feet long, went plying abment by yo11r llg~nt, Mr. "JJ1 Earthwork . .. .......... 41,295,000 At the Shortest Notice, P ai,nted and Trimmed if D esired. ARE NOW OPEN. dama~e done to my ho nse by fire. I i·eccived out, and every once in a while the mouth a cash check by roturn mail after my claim would open and show a big red hole and At t~o Factory I also do Planing, Matching, '.furnlng and Sawing with - Circle, Band or Scroil. The amount of material removed up to Stand formerly occnpled by the Po!';,LOflleo. was forwar:ied. . Mt~S. C. C. BURK. Saws. aI\d prepare all ~1~ds ?f lnmber for cal'l?entere and others for bu!ldlng purposes. tusks, two feet long. This was designed March 1, last was : Ornamental and Plalll P ickets for fences m every style required, made to order. 2t8 KING S'fREET, To t he ),1anager .9 of the Olasoow and London to keep people off, but the best part of it Cubio meters.:~ . JBC>~l.v.I'.A..N"VILl:L.o ·· . Ffre lnsit'rcmce Co. Dredging .. . .... . . ....... . .452",000 ' I hereby rewrn nhank2 for the J?rompt p11y· was the color. It changed every time the ment by yonr agent, Mr. 'l'hos. Bmgham, for animal moved, and, in fact you'd have Rock, hard and soft . . . . . . 752,000 The Gallery is first-class in all i.ts ap- damag·e to my house which was insured in t he sworn it was alive. The man gave one Earthwork .. ...... . ... .. 2,967,000 So>ereign Fll'e Insurance Co., having received pointments, and furnished' in a comfort- cash check by r0t11rn of mail after claim was look at it and paid me the money, three The severe climat e has prevented the able mauner. There will be no poor work sent in. MRS. C. C. BURK. days after they had the first exhibition at employment of as many men as could be allowed to leave the rooms, ana these who 'From the above settlement of claim -parti es a country fair, and you'd have laughed worked advantageously, and has forced gives as good value in B OOTS and SHOES favor me with a call can rely on being holding Sovereign :Policies wil! see that they your head off. The shouter would com- the company to substitute black for white are all right, and thoy need not pay any atten mence and talk, and the animal would roll for Cash as can be obtained at any other pleased labor. Although ·the sanitary regulations tion t1J t.he 11gent of the Dominion Grange Jlm"'The iniitantenous process only will hu'!'bng or any one else V11hO are going round about, and when he get to the parl. about are enforced as rigorously as possible, it store in t own. te!hng fo lks that their Sovereign Policies are the appetite of the creature he would say : is not in the power of any ~mpany to be used for Phot.ographe. no good. · fir st year's business has been a' Nyw, l adies and. gentlemen, we will give make anegro-fuchasare found upon the . J10ll; an.d see me. ' l'HOS. BINGHAfyf:, . _ _ nounced success. you an exhibition how t he octopologus BOWMANVIJ,LE. feeds, and with that a man would bring isthmus-obey rules which he will not R.H. HENRY. understand, iind which interfere with his out a big dog and t osss i t into the t ank .; present comfort. The natural result of sales so far this year are away ahead the arms would wind about it, the red ·his qisobedience is that he is soon placed · · of t hose of corresponding months of 1 Wo beg to annonncA to the public that we mouth open, the t usks appear, and a hiss- on the sick list, and sent to the hospital. last year. are prepared to do agcneralinsurance business, ing noise like escaping steam would be representing as we do a number of first class heard; then the dog would disappear, and During the dry season of the past year has S pring Goods op. hand i n great variet y. there were about 12,000 men employed Companies we shall be glq,d to give prompt attention to anything in that line. We represent about that time the people would get out. on the excavations, but during the wet also the Onta1·io Loan an d Savings Co.. of " How was it made 'I The body was Pumps Che aper and Better Oshawa, and accept deposits on its behalf al· made of rubber and enveloped in a thin months, whon operations in many part s will continue to sell at very low pn ces of the line are · susp~nded, only from lowing 4 &. 5 per cent interest from date or than ever. outside coat of the sam~ material, and in µ,ooo to 8,000 men are at work. receipt. for Cash. Parties requh'inR loan9 will find it . to their this space was water and red and black Machinery and supplies are' delivered at advantage to get Oltr terms. p romptly a t tends to all custom work an~ ink in compartments. The inside of the Aspinwall, and distributed along the line The Subscriber having built a large new animal was hollow, and con tained three of the canal by the railroad, which is also sees that it is properly executed. Pump Factory in Orone, is prepared We are agents for a nulllber of first class boys that with their arms worked the ten - used t o remove th e excavated material. The has continually a varied assortment of - to furnishlines, among which is the White Sta.r Line tho tacles, and lashed them about. They proper dispo3al of t his mat erial makes one best fastest a.ud best equipped Steamship on could sec through t he eyes, and worked Trunks, Valises and Travelling Bags. the Ocean. and Car ticket& to all points at low. the arms in turn with their six arms, op- of the large items of expense, ·since it est rates. \Ve also represent t-V, D .M:11thews must not only be taken away from the says of 'l'oronto, and are prepared to pay highest ened the mouth, dragged in the dog, etc. canal, but must be so placed .that the With or without Porcelain Cylinder, of prices for Barley and all kinds o. f grain. Every once in a while one would roll abheavy rains will n ot wash it back after the the Best Material, on the shorteet n~tice ParGies interested will please note these facts. out, and this would set the ink boiling in completion of the work. COME AND SEE. and at the lowest prices. the compartments, and give t h e impressThe manner of carrying on t he work BOWMANVIL L ion that that .the animal was changing and the appliances used may be readily KING STREET, Cistern Tubs and Pumps supplied. color. The skm was oiled, and patches of underst ood. The " discharger ." is barnacles taken from whales were put on used in · connection with a marine here and t h ere with bits of seaweed, and dredge having a capacity of 6,500 Has received her new stock of WELLS CLEANED & RERAIRE D. altogether it was a bigthing."- N ew York cubic yards per day, and a scow, - OFSim. ----- · -- - ---- - --which are now working in the bay at Aspinwall. Through a hole in the centre of and invites the Ladies of BowSelling Eggs by Weight. the hull of t he dredge extends a p owerful manville and vicinity to call There seems to be no good reason why frame carrying an endless chain t o which TO GIVE SATISFACTION. the general practice of selling eggs by th e iron buckets are at tached. The excavated and see her Pattern dozen ahould not b e superseded · by the materfal is dumped into a chute leadi.zir.r We have reduced t he prices of our en tir e st ock of Orders by Mail promptly attended to. more rational one of selling them by over the side of the dredge, and whos~ ' weight. There is from t wenty to thirty outer end can be raised and lowered. The and assortment ot per cent difference in weight of eggs, yeti scow is towed alongside, and secured so as DOORS,.JlASII, BLINDS, PICKETS, the customkis almost universal in the to rteceivef · the hm~teria b l falling dfrdo~ t~e ' "Y eastern mar ets of selling them by the c1 lU e ; a t er avmg een 1oa e it is MOULDINGS, &c., kept on hand. dozen at a u niform price. Even ducks' taken to the discharger-a name which - - -'Ve are making-eggs, which are much larger and r egarded well explains its dut ies. This is built upSTORU :- Second Do01· West of Willia Dis by some as richer, bring no more than t he on the catamaran plan, and consists of Bntchcr Stull smallest hen's eggs of not half the weight. t wo long hulls, .secured together by over· - T ~E - i In Califor~ia, eggs, fruits, and many head frames, and bet ween which the in every d epartment of General Dry Goods . otherarticles thatare h ere· soldby t he loadedscow is placed. The materialis dozen, the bw1ch, or by measure, are el evated by buckets upon an endless sold bp weight. The practice, says the -chain carried upon a frame, the lower end ~ . . .Americm~ .Agriculturist, is a good one, and of which can be raised and lowered by a Inter ested parties ought to see these Rare Barga.ins. works beneficially for all parties, especi· chain passing through a block in t he u~( -__ - -=-ally for the producer. It operates as a per part of the cross frame. The materiPRESIDEN'r - JESSE TRULL Es ·:·~11;;~ premium up.on th? ?ultivatio~ of t he al is .emp~ied into a long iron tube, three ....,__ ville P. o.' ' q' most productive varieties of fruits, vege- feet m diameter, and .supported ~y guys Ras Made lllm1y Cb011ges. MAN AGER - R. J. DOYLE Esq.. Owen sound. tables, and farm stock. The farmer who from a mast. Water is pumped mto the (o)- . LOCAL AGENT,-·H. Mou~TON, Orono.I >i is painstaking ~ith. his poultry an~ gets tube_ in order to a.ssU. the discha:ge: . A.mount Insure,l, about $1,000,001>. 14,;;"1!··· the largest weight m eggs has a fair r e For work of th1< kmd, ·where it 18 imParties asking us for Barg ains will not be disappointed. f.'!il'.l!h!<'. c _ 4.IPITA.L, OVER $ 15,,000, 00 · ward for his skill and indust ry. The possible to ascertain the exact nature of present custom is a premium to li()'ht t he material to be excavated, and where weight and good layers. We need a obstructions in t he form of bowlders, 1 Cost of insu.:ance for past seven y ears , ohange in the interest of fair dealing in stumps, etc., are being comtantly and unabout 15c. per $100 insured per year. t rade, and if necessary it should be en- expectedly encountered, it is doubt ful if a'THE POl'IJLA.R'1£ll fi:>rced by legislation. If the Legislature this m ethod of digging be as rapid and ·s, who All the profits paid to pulicy holde1 is competent to fix the weight of a bushel economical as that which uses th e ordin· might as well have the profits as of corn or potatoes, it can easily regulate ary dipper and grapple. An obstacle of stockholders who live on profits the weight of a dozen of eggs, and thus unusual size in the path of the buckets made from farmers. promote exact justice between buyer and will obstruct operations, and there .is no HAS RESUMED BUSINESS seller. way of raising it. Besides, such obstacles Profits paid policy holders in 1883, - -IN- While this would to a certain extent be if raised, are apt to choke t he delivery $1,094.79. BLOCK~ a more equitable arrangement, it is, t ube. s . .~ R e member this Company has n evertheless, wrong in principle, from Z. Wincklemann, of .Augsburg, GerNEXT DOOR TO THE EX,l'RE"S OFFICE. . 0 0 ME T 0 ST A Y . the fact that the weight of eggs do not - - (o)- Remember it ia a home institution. _ No vary directly as t heir diameters, but as many, obtains a fire extinguishing pow· Yankee advE1nturer. No home failure, the cubes thereof, and unless the p;rice der by mixing three parts oxalate of pot8fJT My Stock comprises !_1.ll foes of Ladies backed up by another adventurer. were graded in the same ratio the system assium (which gives up carbonic acid w~en would not be an equitable one. Taken Mated), five parts borax, thirty -five parts &: Gents' Fine Goods, Overshoes, Rubbers, &c. Actual Cost about half the: stock al together, there 11eems to be no mor!i sulphate of magnesia, twenty parts amW Ordere~ork and Repairing will as just or simplti way than selling eggs by monium chloride, and ten parts ammonia· . Oompany rates. usual receive.prompt attention. cal alum. weight · . FOR FURTHER INJ!'ORMATION APPLY~TO J;>RODUC PIT My customers and the publ!c generally When aman is dismissed from employThere,are three things trom which we ment, he always has a. good d~al to say m:.e invited to call and secure unparalleled excha~ge. cannot escape- the eye of God, the ·voice against his late employers.. A ·man, in bargains in Boots and Shoes, of our conscience, 1md, finally, the stroke faot, is like a gun. He makes a great . O'RO~O. · DAVID DAVlS. :r.oiae when he discharged. of death. Orono,. June 12, 1884. 2!·6m. ·Bowmanville, March 6, 188{. Spring & Summer MRS. ANDERSON Dress· Making. -~--~- -- ~~--~~~~~~~- PLANEO, MATCH fO, M OUl OEO&c. Morris & Joblin's PLANING Mltl,1 For Constipation, or Costiveness, :(10 remedy u so effective as AYE;it's PILLS. They insure regular dally action, and restore the bowels to a healthy condition. For Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, AYER'S !'ILLS are invaluable, and a sure cure. Heart-burn, Lo&l!I of Appetite, Foul Stomach, Flatulency, Dizziness, :Q_eadache, Numbness, Ni>usea, are all relieved and cured by A1.'ER'S PILLS. In Liver Complaint, Bilious Disorders, and Jaundice, AYER'S PILLS shQ_Uld be given In dose_ s large enough to excite tile liver and bowels, and remove constipation. As a cleansing niedicine in the SpriDg: th-;;e PILLS are unequalled. used by a morbid condition of Worms, ca. the bowels, are expelled by these PILLS. Eruptions, Skin Diseases, and Plies,. the 1·esult of Indigestion or Constipation, ara cured by the use Of AYER'S PILLS. For Colds, take 4YER'S PrLLS to open· the pores, remove inflammatory secretions, and allay the fever. For Diarrllrea and Dysentery, caused by sudden colds, indigestible food, etc., AYER'S PILLS are the true remedy. Rlioumatlsm, Gout; Neuralgia, and Sciatica, ofton result from digestive derangement, or colds; and disappear on removing the cause by the use of AYER'S PILLS. · Tumors, Dropsy, Kidney Complaints, a.nd other disorders ciiused by debility or obstruction, aro cured by AYER'S PILLS. Suppression, and Painful Menstruation, have a safe and ready remedy in "There's some curious tricks in our trade, and I don't mind letting you into one or two, only mum's the word. You see, business is business, and although we are artists we have to take all the busi~ess that comes along, and, confidentially the scientific patronage isn't worth a cent compared to the side-show business. You ThePanamo.Canal. Com1ected with an undertaking of such vast p~oportions as the Panama Canal, there i~ an amount of work expended OI1 prelim naries before the real task is touched, tho magnitude of which it is difficult to form any just conception of. It was neceasttry to make complete and accurate topographical surveys of the countr.r for a considerable distance on each side of the route, and though much assistance was de· rived from the. surveys of the engineers of t he Panama Railroad, still the labor was by no means insignificant. The geological surveys that had been made previous to the past few years did not give that practical informat ion which this pro.ject required, and were, conseqnently, of little or no use. The isthmus is covered · b 1 bl f h Ya most impenetra e orests, so t at the nature of the soil can only be ascertained in isolated cases. If a few rocks were now and then visible, it was hard to say whether they were outcroppings or detached blocks, and, therefore, the na· ture of the underlying mass could not be judged from an examination of them. Borings upon the line of the canal, at frequent int ervals, became necessary. The disastrous effect of the climate upon foreigners is well-known. The comfort and health of the staff and men have been closely attended to, and a good sha1·e of t}\e preliminary work waa expended in the construction of buildings, barracks, offices, hospitals, etc. The line of the canal is divided int o sections, at each of which the work is being pushed forward in both directions. SIGN OF THE HAT TQ T H E F R , ----------------- , ·. Q N T AG A I N · Takes pleasure in a i::ouncing the arrival of his New Spring Stock, con- My Prices will be found reasonable. Highest Prices paid for Raw Furs. A CALL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. HAINES' CARRIAGE-WORKS. GE. O RGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, ~r~~d~eri~~e~~g ~:::~y :ii~i~~:::.:~~ CA RRIACES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &0-; CARPENTRY IN All BRANCHES. AYE R'S Pl PHOTOGRAPHY. ___ ___ HENRY'S New Photo Rooms All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired T ACKNOWLEDGED FACTS. ··~ ~ ~ J. HELLY AR J. HELLY AR'S J. HELLY AR AGENCIES. J HELLY AR'S J. HELLYAR OrOlfo Pump Factory. Ocean Steamships. PUMPS OF EVERY DESGRIPTION, J.HELLYAli J. ·HELLYAR J. HELLYAR T. VElLOWLEES. F. ALLEN. !~mas 1~1cTAV ISH GREAT CLEARING SALE GOODS., All WORK GUARANTEED ll!AllY~MAnl Ct.OTlttNCt B 0 N N ETS HATS TR I M M I N G S Men's,-Youth's and Boy's Clothing! SY\1.E :EPING REDUCTIONS I R. FERGUSON. . ITH-·EFl REID DOMINION GRANGE Fire Insur_ ance Co. · MUTUAl We offer Men's Tweed Suits at $5. · Boy's & Youth's Tweed Suits at $1.50~' · Av IS Av D D BOOT AND SHOE MAN 8fi!TNEADS' WE ARE CUTTING DOWN THE PRICES ALL AROUND. ELLISON & CO. Buckwheat Flour His Graceries are Fresh and Good and Graham Flour.· JAMES El1110T~ . 0 H. MOULTON, Try Elliott's 30c. TEA. ' Farmers' Choice Maple Syrup taken in E and Sugar. Due Bills given.