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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jul 1884, p. 8

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f;aundiau Jtntt~mnu. The Conduct of the Scott Act Agitation. SIR,-1'ha.t intemperance or every sort ls an evil none dispute. 'l'hat ia both right and wise to 1n·ohibi.t everyt.l1ing that i~. in and of it.seJr. hurtfnl to the community all are agreed. That children, idiots, and lunatics. thou11:h not cri1uinal, mo.y prnpcrly be restrained or their liberty lest theil' lackofj udgement.and df'f1·ct.i ve power of self-restraint should lcJ.d them to commit acte iniul'lous t.o themselves aml ot-hers is clear enougli. Uut that it is either right, wise, or practicable to by legal enactment.. a man from doing what he believes whether rightly or not. does him good, at does him no harm, and which certuinly wrouo>;a no one else. because his neighbor so long as the liberty to do the enme thing is allowed him. abuses It to tno extent of obvlou~ly hurting himself and wronging those abo11t him. is vet ... rter all these years or ng1tution no nc&rer proof than at the beginnin(!. 'l'ha1. it is a. fact that the time has been ape11t in agitation 1 ·ather than in investlga.tlon, I leave to the jndgment of every fair-minded reader who dares t.hit:ik for himself. "Dares," I say. because I bcliove that an agitation. conducted as this one has been by the prohibitionist ptt.1·ty, carries by its yery impetuosity along with it in ir.s cur'rent a great many who do not think for tbcmsel1·es who meekly t.ako assertions for facts, uncl who lack the mom! courage to stand for the truth the moment they are assailed with the insi.nnation, the so fltmillur weapon of the self-righteous, tha.t they 1ire in quosl.ionable company. What a pity it is that the whole Prohibit.iouist party could not. be tt·nnsported lo a new Gar· den of ~:den ! It. wou ld, however. be quickly discoverfld necessary to put aclo·e fence about the tree or knowledge and the tree or lire, in order that the weaker brethren might thereby · bo enabled to oboy the command not to eat of their fl'uit.s. The grandest Teacher that ever appeared to man thought, in a variety of ways, that all tn1e reCorm must come from tbe inside: that many a fair outside Bt!rves bnt to conceal the festedng corrul!tioll withm, and th ..t a loud-moutlled profession of righteousness 'does ·not invariably indicate a souudheart,any more than a not wholly i·eputable name of necosaity must be attached to a nature tha~ cannot be justified. To concede the pr_inciple that a majority of the voters may coerce the minority on a point like this, i8 to infliQt a well-nigh deadly blow on liberty and true manllneRs Jn the vain ltope that thereby the virtue of temperance will be fostered. Temperance impllos moderution. moderation self-restraint. 'fo do away with the necessity of self-l'estraint. if that were inde_ed possible, would but result in a paradise of imbeciles and weo.kllngs. It is not a fact that even children who are not too tightly held in by parental au.hority. out 1ue betimes und in proport.lon to the development of their powers accorded reasonable liberty of a.ctlon, make the strongest and best men and women 1 ls there not u. grain or two of t1·uth in this popu. Jar notion with regard to the results of tl1e raining that the children of clergymen under· go? Ia not the teacher that by Implication tells the drunkard tha.t he is blameless; lthat ihe tuult 1s en1irely with the man that sells ~he drink; and tha.t moderation wlll of necessity end in immoderation, wholly subvers1-re of the very virtue to the full development or which alone we can look with confidence for a tborough care of the disease of lntemperance1 'J'hat enforced abstinence does not tend to develop the virtue 01 self-restraint is exe111plified by the notorious behavior ot sailors.. who been a longtime at sea when they get on.·hore. Suppose that 1 believe that the readmg of duue n<,>vels, tho wearing or fiowere. feathers, and jewellery. the smoking or tobacco,. und tile drinking or whisky each and all in the man productive or evil am I likely to hasten the progress of the cause of reform, lt I, gran ting that I have power to do so, confiscate a.11 nov· els, di vest every wearer of his too oo~tly &.nd unnecessury adornment, snatch the pipes out of the mouths ror all smokers and knock the glass from the lips of the drinkers, moderate and immoderate I Why are the men to he found who can profitably aud acceptably take that 1 ·ole upon themselves! Are they lndtied ·o much more numerous than they w~re m t~e day when it was said "He that is without sm among you Jet him c~t the first stone at her" and m which, a-e it is reco1·ded, "'l'hey .w~en they heard it went out one by one begmmng from the eldest even unto the least". W. O. EASTWOOD. Whitby, June. 23rd 1884. Rejoicing in Clarke. The quiet ;tnd peaceful resiclence of Geo. Waddell, Esq., 5th Con., Clarke, )Vas disturbecl on the evening of-Monday, 14th July, by au event unpr·eee<lented, perhaps even ·in t he history of t hat welcome guest usually known iu this part of the count ry by the high sou11Jing title of "Tim STATESMAN." It was not ti wedding, 1ilthough a minister was there, and also a wedding cake and a coRtly al'l'ay of wccldiug presents; neither was it a funeral, notwithstanding the ?resence of the Orono Session together with a. goodly number of the members of the Presbyterian church, both young and old; but it was a geuuine double-headed surprise party. 1\'.Ciss Catherine Waddell, who for some ~years past iibly :filleJ the position of Organist in the Presbyterian church, Orouo, now being " on 1mitrirnoni"l thoughts inten t," the congregation resolved to give her some parting recop;nitwn of their high appreCI· ation of her valuable services; they forthwith mnde h er the recipient of a chaste :1nd costly Silver Tea Scr1rice. Her brother George, who so efficiently occupied the positiuq of leader of the Choir, was <~lso overwhelmed with a handsome clonation in the form of a magnificient Silver Water Pitcher. · A short ancl pithy address was read to each of them in the name of the congregation by the pastor,Rev. A. Fraser, and the gifts wore pi·esentcd by Mrs. Wiri. Thompson and Mrs. James Hunter. An approiiriate response was made by Mr. Waddell on behalf of . his .sister and l1irn· self. This part of the progrntnmc being ended, the assembled guests spent the rest of the evening in a very lmppy a11<l enjoyable manner. Q 11 the followincr afternoon a select family gathering took place at "Maryfield," the far-famed Waddell homestead, in order to witness the marri.<t"e cenm1ony of Peter l\IcGill, Esch of Toronto, rmd Miss Catherine Waddell. The nuptial tic was made fast and sure by Rev.A. Fraser. It would be needless to attempt to describe the gorgeous attire of t h e bride ai'1cl her bridesmaids. The super:ibl111dant profusion heaped upon the groanmg ta~le, and the elegance, variety and cos.tlmess of ~he marriage gifts, the very sight of which ~hrilled the hearts of . all the bachelors prcsent. After partii~mg of a sumptuous repast ~he lrnppy pan· left _the parental r~of amid a shower of bless1!1gs an~ ol<l shppers, and took the evenmg tr;_i.m en route .for M~mtreal, where tlwy _intend spendm_g then· honeymoon: May JOJ' .and prosperity eve_r attencl thell' footsteps. A Note of Warning to Suffering Humanity. We feel that we would be wanting in the dut-y we owe to humanity if we did uot sound a note of wari1ing in regard to t,be use of l\Iercury and otl1<1r poisonous n1i11erals in tho trea·mcnt of bl ·>0<l and skin diseases. 1f the reader could ~ee the horible sufftiring, that. awfnl wrecks of health aud happiaess, showu by our correspondence with those who have been doqed with these miner-1 1 pois··ns, he would shudder with horror. Arsenic, Mercurv ,Aati'nooy, and Iodide of Pot. as~i11m, 1\10 some of the remedies most ordm1uy used for thPse diseases, a.ud they are all POISON. l!o not take these poisons. They might dry up your disease for a few days, but it will surely rt·turu, 11nd with it yo11 wtll have Mercurial Rheumntism, which m.a y brin~ yon years of torture. Shaker Blood Syrup will invigorah~ yon ard build ynn uµ, and fnree all the poison out thr1111gh the poreR of yo nr skiu, and cur" you S··nnd _ Hnd well. SHAKER (J LQO D SYRUP cures completely Scrofula, SyphiliR, Rheu1111<ti1>1n Cancer, Cata.rrh, and Skin awl Blood qiseaaes of every discript ion. Sold everywhere,$!. 00 a bottle, or six: for $5. 00. _ ____ _ L:idies failing to get suited in Dress goods elswhere will be sure t o find what they w;mt at Couch Johnston & Cryderman's. Tf yon are troubled with a "backin<> "' congh," Downs' Jl~ l i ic ir will give you, relief at oncti. Warriuited as rnc<,>mmended or rnoaey . TOBACCO sold. at Petlucks b:i-rher shop at less t han cost _prices, !or 111st11ace, 2 plu gs o.f J\foDonal~s smokmg for 5c. ~· 1 l~c. plug of chcwmg for 5c. All otner kmds sold cheap_ A m isstep will often make a cripple for life. A bottle of Henry & Johns1rn's Ar· nica and Oil Liniment at hau<l, will uot prevent t ile misstep, l:ut nsed it will SikVO being a cripple. Allan Line, mail steamships- the quickest, safest and best l ine crossing the atlantic; Vessels not being insured insures careful man11.gem1mt. No cat·le on passenger steamers. R < it es reduced; enquire of \V. A . Neads,Ageut. Mol>ERN MAGrn. - The magical power 01>er pain that Hagyard's Yellow Oil µossesses, outrivals the m'lrl'els af ancient times. It aCls in a natural manner to subdue inflammation; cures Rh~um>itism, Croup, Deafness, Sore Throat, and painful injm-ies. We mark in plain figures, and have strictly one price . Ellison & Co. THE LE:'ADI NG HOUSE -:for full lines of- Bow:MANVILLE, FRIDAY, JULY 18 Frank Leslie's S1mda11 Magaz·ine, Rev. T. De Witt Talmadge, D. D., Editvr, is the best attd che:tpest publication of its class in America. Tm:01ttOIN OF S.PEcrns-ByCharlesDar· win, in r.wo double numbers of the Humboldt Libranf of Science ; price 30 cents. Part I is ready ; Part II in August. J. Fitzgerald, Pttblisher, 20 Lafayette Place, New York. For sdle by R B. Andrnw. UffOICE FAMlLY CROCERIES,"' Good and Cheap Sugar_ s, Teas, Coffes, &c. '. w-e lrnep the largest and most varied assortment of . ~~~~~~ uow O ·HINA TEA SETS '1'0 BE FOUND IN WES'l' D URHAM. SALT LAKE C1TY.- Despite election excitement.a, the Morinons are alway,s. in the U. S., tt perennial occasion of political dispute. A sketch of "Salt Lake City," promised in the August l:la-iper's, from the pen ·of Ernest Ingersoll, has therefore a permanent timoli11ess, so to SJ?eak. ~e si.des fine illustrations of the city :mfl its picturesque vicimige, there will be portraits of many of the present Mormon leaders . B11AINARDsMus1cAL \VoRLD.-The July number of this ever welcome illustmted musical monthly comes duly to hand, and is, as usual, l·eplete with good things. The miscellany is interesting ; the corrcs· pondence, musical news, hints to t eachers etc,, fully up tu their ~ustomary l~igh standard, whilo the beautiful engravmgs ;ire sure to }Jlease. Tl1e Music this month is also «ood, ancl ,includes two national sonc.s o~ hymns, which are in demand justnow; also twu sparkling piano pieces ;ind a delightful song and chorus.. Tl~e WORLD is the oldest musical magazme m the country. Price 15 cents per copy ; or 1.50 per annum mailed to a.ny address. For &'1le by the principal music and news dealers. Published by S. Brai1rnrd's Sons Eucliu Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. A GREAT D1scovERY. - Mr. Wm. Thos. of Newton, Ia, says: "My wife has been seriously idiected with a cough for twenty. five years, and this spring more severly than ever before. She had used many remedie;i without relief, and beiug urged to try D)·. King's New Discovery, did eo, wiih gratifying nsulte. The first bottle relieved her very much, and the second bottl 1o1 has ab~9lutely cured ~er.. She lias not had so good health for thirty years. 'Trial bottles free at J. Higginbot lmm & Son. ~~OUR LARGESTOCK Of FRUIT JARSJD We pay the highest Cash Price for all kinds of FRO DU-OE. Call and f:lee u's : we take pleasure in showing our Goods. Bros. Who so listeth ! I SHOPPER'S GUIDE. 20 lbs. rai~!ns for $1 at Murdoch Br:os. [Contmuecl.] Wiudow Rollers that cant be beat at. T. CHAPTElt II. Yf'lllow le11s. wonderful and mystttriuue curative power is devt1loped which is s ·1 varied in its Canned apples 5 callll for 50c. at Quick operatio1is that no -iisease or ill health & Wright's. can poJ:1sibly exist- or resist its power, aud We st>ll izoou white Shirts at at 75 eta. yit it is EUison & Co. - Harmless for the most trail woman, Boys and youths Tweed Suits at $1.50. weakest invalid or smallest. child to nae. Elli~on & Co. ' " Pati"nts. Children's Cabs reduced greatly in price, "Almost d ead or nearly dying" T. Yullowlccs. For years, and given up by physicians d h Coni::hs and Coldd. - If evtirything has Wall papers very pretty an very c eap fail ed, ti·y Allep's Lung Balsom and be of Bright's and other kidney diseases, lil'er complaints, stivere . coughs oiilled at Chcapside Bazaar. cured. See advt. consumption, have been cured . We offer rare value in Shirtings at 12! Woman gone n ear! crazs ! cents Ellisou & Co. ' W. McMurtry's lace curtains, plain and - white muslins, and parasols are very cheap. From agony of neuralgia, nervousness, You ought to try one of our$5.00 Tweed weakfulness__an.d...\'.arious diseases pecttlfar Suits. rLt li:lliaoll & Co. Strawberries are vast for 1884. to women. Our Prints .. t 5, G, 7, 8, 10 cimts are Raspberries are very pleutiful now. People drawn out of shape excruciaextra cheep. Ellison & Co. ~l'erybody should keep such athing as ZO-PE-SA in the l10use, and by regu - ting nangr1 of Rheumatism. Inflammatory and chronic, or 1mffering tVe arc selling off our wall papers very lating the Bowels aud System, keep away· cheap. Tait & Morrison. headache, heartache, dejection, indiges· from scrofula. Erysipelas! Our stock of Dry Guods and Clothin~ tion. ZoPESA invigorate~ the Liver, Salt rhume, hlo(ld poisoning, dyspepsia, is complete. Ellison & Co. makes thefamily happy by making hea.lth. All wnnl Tweed Suits made to order Ministers, short sermons now, please. indigeatiou, and in faot almost all diseases frail from $12.l_;- up. Ellison & Co. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer " N at111"0 is here to Handsome :tnd elegant Parlor Suites in never fails in restoring gray hair to its Have been cured by Hop Bitters. proof lat.e st style~ at Le·i Morris'. youthfu, l color, lustre, and vitality .Dr. A. of which Can be found in every n eigh We give greac atte·1tiou tu the Tailor· A . Hayers, State Assayr o~ M~ssachuset~s, borhood in the known world.II ing departmeut. Ellison & Co. · endorses it, and all who g11>e it a fare trial We offer a special line of all wool Twee- unite in g rateful tebtimony to its many TRIAL 'fRU'.--The STA'l'ESMAN' will be ds at 50 cents. Ellison & Co. virtues. se ut to any address to !lew subscribers For steam er Norseman and Mail Boat The band played 0n the stand Tuesday for thirty weeks for thirty cents. 'rickets call on T. Ycllowlees. night to a. delighted crowd. GREA'l' FATAL11·v-, - Theravages of ChoGreat fall in wall papers at Tait & To a11y one suffering from any fllrm of lera a ud Summar Complaiuts aM orriso n's Cheapsiue kidney disealle, if they will ouly try Dr. mong children is truly alarming. The Picture fr ames. full line un hand, a.ny Van Bureu's Kidney Cure, they iVill not rnosL reliable cure is Dr. Fowler'11 Wild size made up. 'l'. Yellowlees. only experience a prompt alleviation ?f Strawberry. Evary bottle g uaranteed to their suffeeings, hut a speedy cure will Great slaughter of tinware at Manning be th e result. Ask your druggist for Dr, give s11tisfaction. & Nos worthy's. Call and see. Van Buren's Kidney Cure, and be conThe Toronto Exhibition will give n F or things pretty, vtiried, cheap and vinced , Camping is the rage, hammockP, flies, prize for the portrait of the most beautigood call 11,t Cheapside Bazaar. ful Canadian woman. Parties askmg us tor bargains will not misqnitos and other joys. Baxter's Mandrake Bitters cure indibe di1:1ai;poiuted Ellison & Co. A B e 11utiful Head of Hair. There is gestion, Heart Bum, Costiveness anci all Ladies, have you seen Tait & Morrison's nothin" more pleasing in the external ap· malaria.I diseases. 'l' wenty-five cent<i per pretty wall papers. You should . pearan~e of woman or men than a heautibottle. Fresh supply of those cheap Raisins fol head of hatr, and it · is possible for The se1>en year-old daughter of John 20lbs for 1.00 at Murdoch Bros. every person to possess it by using the Cuthbert,P ickering,abducted from: ToronGents Co'ored Shirts at net cost price long and well k nown Cingalese !lair Reat Couch Johnst on & Ci·ydermans. storer. Sold at 50 cents per bottle by to on l::!th May last has been found in St. Louis. Fur great b argains in all kinds of tin· Stott & Jury. Almost every peraon has some form ef ware go to Manning & ·Nosworthys. . Mayor Langelier's official majority in scrofulous poison latent m his veins. Magantic is g iven as 41 votes. Dyeing satisfactory work done by leavWhen this develops in scrofulous sores, ing your goods with T. Yellowlees. It you are unabla to sleep nights and, ulcers, or eruptions, or take this form of throui.:h physically tried, arc wakeful and The Great . slaughter of tin ware at y our buisuess is uppermost in your mind, rheumatism, or organic diseases, the snf· Manning & N osworthy's still going 011. and you cannot for a while rid yourrelf fering that ensues is terrible b eyond de11- , VlEDDIXG- Pn.EflEN'.l'S.- A fresh line of of its cares and perplexities, take P hoa- cription. Hence the gratitude of those Plateclware just r eceived . T . Yellowlees. phatine along with your meals three who discoder, as t housands yearly do, that Ayer's Saraaparilla will thoroughly $23, will p nrchace a ticket from Bow- times a day, and ic will produce such a eradicate this evil from the system· m a nvill e totheo.Jdcirnntry . T . Yellowlees. change in your system that you will en· Now for umbrellas, stra.w hats, low People wonder how we can sell Dry ioy r efreshitlg sleep every night.. For shoes, bright-colored h ose, close-cropped Goods a~d ()lot.hing so cheap. Ellison & Co. sale by all druggist. Price, $ 1.00. hair, dollar suil s, and all thll parapherParasols, h osiery, ancl gloves the largest The King of Abyssinia has sent Queen n alia of a summer costume . assortment and the lowest prices at the Victoria an elephant as a token of amity. S tar H ouse . THEIR N AME rn LEmox. -- Legions ot d }· k t c 1 J 1 people _ h ave had their Jives made miseraOpen e out t n s ,we.e · a uu~ 1' 0 yis· b le by piles. This 1)ainful difficulty is ton & Cryde rman sJ3b ck Nuns veiling Bla._ck and Colored Muslins, White Lawns often ind need and always aggravated by and new Embroideries. Constiplltion. Kidney Wort is the great remedy for all affect ions of this kind. It PIPES sold at W--c E. P et hicks barber as a gentle cathartic, promotes a h ealthy shop at cost ~Jr!cc, .or at 2e?· on the$ less. action 011 the bowels, and sooths and h eals than ret<itl pnces, fi1stqualtty m eerchaum the inflamed s urfaces. It has cured hunJ take pleasure in certifying that I have sold pipes for $2. 00 dreds of cases where o.ll other remedies Dr. Wistar's llalsam of Wild Ohcrry for thirty PETH10K, the Barber is selling his Pipes, and e.pplioa.tionB have failed Sold by all years, a.nd know it to bo ono of tho oldest ne Tobaccos and Cigars at cost prices, as h e druggists. well as the most r11llable prepa.ra.tions In the · t 0 f tl t r "nes Gil'e . market for the cure of Coughs, Colds, and 0f b ia ·. m e usi s. A Frn: u OPINION .- The firm of Ormand Lung complaints. r know of no article that is going ou h . im _ a call. Tt wil_l be. to ~ot~r advantage & Walsh, druggist, of P eterboro, say Dr. t th I118 1 gives greater sa.tisfaction to those who use it. if you wan any lllg m m e.'s 'Wild Strawberry is one of their Having sold Poruvia.n Syrup fo1· ma.ny years, 'rlie Star Bouse report an unusually best Standard M edicines for S ummer and knowing tha.t its use has been attended large season's trade; th ~ir orde1ed clothi..ng_ -Complaints. with great imcces in cases of Dyspepsia, genc,rmade py Mr P-eard.:in has t aken the lead. A GooD Tr~E .- When i!I the beMt time al Debility of the System. and diseases origin'.f hey hav~ a l~rgd assortme nt of fine clot~- to take a blood p urifier1 When ever the ating In a. bad state of the.blood, I am satisfied ii;ig matenal ail new. If you waut ~ smt blood is fou l and humord appear, or when that it is a remedy of great power and deserv· give tht>m a call. the system i 3 dibilita.ted t< Burdock ea the attention of inl'a.lids. I am yet to hear REMARKABLE RE~TORATION. --Mrs. Adti- .Blood Hitters the first complaint against either of the above laide O'B rien, of Buffalo, N. Y., was · preparations. I consider them articles of great given up to die by her physicians, as inGirls beat Kid Gloves at 12-~ cents merit and have always taken much pleasure in curable with Consumption. Jt pt"Oved Ellison & Co. ;.. \ l"ecommending them to parties requil'ing such ' Liver Complaint and was cured with BurWe offer Men's ·rweed Suits at $0.00. j remedies. · R. FOTHERGILL, -dock Blood Bitters. Ellison & Co. Newcastle, Ont, Dec. 8th, 1882. Vital Questions ! ! SALVATION ARMY BARRACKS. BO-W-JY.r..A.. ~VILLE MONDAY night, Soldiers and Oonverts only. TUEHUAY.WEONESDAY, 'l'HURRDAYand SA'l'UilOAY. Public Meetings a t 7:45 p. m. FUIDAY. Holiness Meeting for Soldiers and nil Christians, 7:45 lJ.m. SUNDAY. 8 a. m., Knee Drill; 11 a . m .. Holiness Meeting; 3 p. m . HallclnJa.h Meeting ;· 7 p m., Salvation Meetin~. CHILDREN'S J\'[Ji!E1'JNG Saturday, 3 p. m. . All welcome as above. Come In crowds. Collection each ser-vJce.CAPT. ADA HIND. LIRUT. RUSSE~L. OADET McDONALD. 22·3UJ. Bowmanv1lle, May 28. 188~. / TAILORING by W. PEARDON, The No. 1 Cutter. Satisfaction Guaranteed. O-N. B.- The original Star (the beacon that has directed hundreds to the place for bargains) is the East Shop in Neads' New Block. Oasb!CashlCashl Cash for Eggs. Cash for Pork. Cash for Beef. Cash for Butter Cash for Apples. Cash for Tallow. Cash for Potatoes.Cash for Beans. Cash for Hides & Sheep Skins. Cash for all kinds of Farm Produce at v, THE GREAT INDUSTRIAL FAIR AND- SEMI-CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION, 1884_ Of Live Stock, Poultry, Dairy, Agricul tural and Horticultural Products, Implements and Manufactures of all kinds. Young, Cawker& Co's. YouNG CAWKER & Co's is the pface to do business, they keep - in stock the very- r_roRONTO, September 10th to 20th. The Largest t·1·1zc LIU in tile Do1nh1i1t11. B est quality of Groceries that can be bought, the Best quality of Meats, Fresh and Cured, always in stock. Their Seeds are all fresh and of the best quality; they k eep Barrel Salt; American and Carbon Safety Coal Oil. Try their Empire Horse and Cattle Food, the best manufactured, recommended highly by the Guelph Model Farm ; their stock of Glassware and Crockery is Complete. They do not make any specialty of one article, but as there is considerable talk about Cheap Teas, the place to buy the Cheap Tea is at Young, Cawker & Co's, they buy altogether for cash which enables them to sell cheap. Give them a call. l'rize J,ists and ltntry J!'orms can be obtained from the Secretaries of all Agricultural Socio· tics and Mechanics· Ins titutes, or they wtll be sent anywhere on application by post-card to the Secretary. a t Toronto. ENTRIES CLOSE AUGUST 23rd. THIS WILL BE THE GRANDEST EVENT of 'l'oronto's Semi-Centennial year. AN IMMENSE PROGRAM - OF- SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS is being prepared for that time. Cheap Rates and Excursions on all R ailways. The best time to visit the City of Toronto. C. M. CAV\.TKER. CALL AT- WAIT FOR IT. J . J . WITHROW, President. 26-iw. H.J. H I LL, Manager and Sec. LEE·& ·EOSAll 'S -AND EXAMINE THE. MILK PANS Harland's Improved MILK PAN, Patented July 17th, 1883, which iR second to none of the many inventions now in th e market, in simplicity, durability and the effectual mode of separating t he cream from the milk, pure an<l free from sediment. The Skimmer and Aerating appa1 atus is entirely new, and will separate the cream from the milk in 12 hours. Call and see them at DIETZ (TUBULAR HOT BLAST) SO YEARS. OIL STOVE. TUI 11ST tN TU£ MAlt<lT. FARM FOR SALE. I LEWIS QUICK'S, JHJBK'S OJ,D STAt\'D, · · nnlYlllANVILl.E, VVo 0 L ~ - Highest Market Price for any quantity of Wool. 'T ·lF L. QUICK. ARM FOR SALE. - One of the best in Darlington, on main road, two miles of Bowmanville. \\nd t hree miles west of \ . Newcastle. H6 acres. well improved, good ACRE~, MOR!~ OR L ESS, dwellmg and barn ; good orchard. Apply to rw being lot 16. con, ~. Da.rlington, Dur· -R. J. SHAW, Bowmanvill!J. 27-tf. ham Co., on gravel roa.d, 4} miles form Bowmanville, and-one mile from Hampton ville.!lo. HE THOROUGH-BRED J ERSEY First-class grain and grazing farm. Good soil. BULL- " Young Bonlivott "- for service well watered by r unning strea.m. good Duildat my residence, east of Furniture Factory. in!j"s,la.rge Orchai:d, in good condition. Fifteen 'l'ERMS :- 'l'horo'-bred Cows. $ 5: Grade Cows, acres hard wood and cedar. Apply on the $3 ; Common Cows, $2. ARTl:fUR W. BUUK. premises, to W. JOLL, Hampton, P. 0., or to 22-tf. GEO. JOLL, Solina. 27-4w '>00

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