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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jul 1884, p. 1

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.. ---- -- - - · rrrna=tM'S :-$1.50 PEu ANNuM. NEW SERIES, NUMBER OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A . .JAMES, EDITOR AND PnorRrnToR. 313. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1884. VOLUME XXX. NEWTONVILLE." A union picnic was held last Thur·day by the l\~ethodist and Presbyterian SabSwingii:!g, croquet and bnth scl10ols. skipping . were t he amusements, with seve ral well rendered pieces by the band. Mr. Willis Penwarden is able to move about again. ~ Miss Ann ie Lta1..iyd, daughter of R ev. .] . Learoyd, of Port Hope, is visiting at Re\·. S. Saltou's, lier B\other-in-law. Miss Jenny Hurr'son,\laughter of Mr. J a.mes H arrison. C nrkll, 'Who has' been for the past three years in Winnipeg, is home and look ing as fresh as a. dnisy. Pun.os. NUMBE R 30. ALL ·cROCERS' DUE-BILLS CORRESPONDENCE. ORO"liU. Rev. A. H. Moment, of New York, preached here on Sunday morning and evening to large l\ndapp1·e ciat iveaudiences. Orono sent out 7 competitors to the high school en trance examination and all were successful in passing, J a mesN tiwsomc h eading the list with 502 marks out of i~ possible GOO. Score nnother for the Orono boys. Miss Florence Reid has been successful in receiving a 2nd class "A" certific1 1te at t he late exami1111tion and has accepted the position of teiirher in the 2nd division of Orono Public School for the remainder of the year. Jack is colored. Jack in by gone years wooed and won an Aborigine-" Music h&th charms to soothe the savage breast." Jack has turned good, but a musical agent, doubt ing his sincerity, twitted him about his deserting poor "Lo," which made him real angry and brought his pugilistic powers into play. A duel was the result. Fina.le, his nibs seeing genuine wea;ions on the field of battle, turned suddenly white and star ted to lower the r ecord of Maud S. Some time ago a number of our village laLls and lasses, we are told, h ad a very enjoyable day's outing on the s hor es of Ontario "the beautiful. " Your corres· pondcnt·at tlle time, chose t o frown upon their "jaded liorses, "-leap year party, etc. Some of the remaining fair ones, knowing that "life is short and time is fleeting," 11n<l learning of the success of party No. 1, are bestirring themselves to imitaLe Lhern. l'tfay as pleasant a clay attend you. The S alvation Army are doing good work hero, if one can judge from crowded CHEAPFlIDE. hollscs. EN TERP R I SE. The Methodist Praying Band from. Orono will again visit this place on Sunday, August the 3rd. Service in the tem]Jerance hall at 6 I'. M., sha.rp. ·we understand that ne:u·ly :ill the 111embers will attend and a real heart-searchi11g t ime may be expected. CUURTICE. Mr. L. M. Courtice is the first to commence harvest in this neighborhood. The D. U. Cheese Co. made a shipment; (lf their May and June cheese ·this week. The averaJ;(e price obtttined for May cheese was 10.45 cents, and fo r June 9.17 cent!!' per fti The lost cow ac.lvertised in last week's; issue of the STATESMAN by l\'[r. Wm. CourticP, ~was found dead on his -own farm. It appPars the animal fell i nto a ditch and was unable to extricate i ts.,lf. Mr. Henry Balter is engaged in erecting n new frame residence for Mr . Loui~ Gimblet. BEN. CARTWRIGHT. ARE TAKEN SAJ.v.[ E A. H· . TURNER. -·-T H E- Grand Contral 'is the best place in town tu get ICE CREAM AND DONT YOU FOH,G ET IT. Sarsaparilla Beer, Lemon Soda Water, Ginger Ale and Sarsaparilla .Pop ARE THE :BEST ~-~ Temperance Drinks! ALWAYS KEPT ON ICE AT THE ·GRAND. CENTRAL. Bowmanville, June 5, 1864. WOOL---o--WANTED 'The nndersigned havinl! rented the Mills, Hampton, beg t.o inform tlie farmers and pnblic in general that they -are prepared to- Take Wool in the J:t,leece - and mako it up intoBLANKETS, FLANNELS, TWEEDS & ' c. ':Have also on hand a good 'atock of WHITE :;;i.nd GREY BLANK~Ts, FLA2:1NEr.s, TwEJms, &c., which we will sell ' V A.RN I I Cheap for Cash or Exchange for Wool.- R QL L Q ARDINQ - cf<;n e as usual in first cla9s style. Solicit'ing your favors. We are your obedient servants, J.>arties having Cotes of Wool will fi nd it to their advantage t.o sell here. Ro_ bt. Taylo_ r & Co. H ampton 1 l\fay 23, 1884. 21. THE CRoPs.-Ha.y scarcely an average crop, but gtn erally well saved. Very little keeptn~ for clover seed as the clover was not cut early euough. Barley harvE>st just in ond a good average crop. Spring whe1't good. The Re.vs. \Vashington and Woodger h a ve entered · on there duties here. and l'YRONE. both seem to be well liked. · Mr. Wm. Scutt, B. A., of Ottawa, is R ev. Mr. Walker p reached his introspending his hol idays here. He is an ductory sermon her<:1 lllst Sabb11th evening expert ftshermai1 ; t his week he has beaten to a large and attentive audience. all the buys, as he got a 20 pounder. On Wednesday evening of last week a. The firm of A . J. Smale & Co., adver- mmical concert w~s given a Lthe residence t ise a big sqle of furniture, · boots and of Mr. S. Bingham, in which the Misses shoes, e tc., on Tuesday next at 1 p. m., Walker ably assisted. H. T. Phillips, auctjonoer. .. . The sidewalk being now repaired, parties Charles Keith was at Scugog last week, can promenade in safety. an d like Xerxes of old, tl1ollght to makti At the last meet ing of the Y . P. A. it t he waves C?hedicnt. So on Saturday last,~ was deciried to liave a te mperance pronot withst anding th ~ railing of the storm gramme for next l<'riday evenin<r and a and foami ng of the wavps, Charley must critic for the selections given. This will go out t rollmg. JJe wns bound to have und()ubtedly be of benefit to the Associ'lunge ; but t hti fish wollld not bite ; so ation. ho sank the boat, expecting that Farmers in this neighborhood are n ow· when she would rise a ' lun~e might be in her a nd he could grab h But it did not enjoying a breathing sp<1.ce bet ween haying · work, t he waves were too much for even and harvesting. Monday wns a high c fay for raspberry Charley, o,lthouuh it is said that it is the 'r he Uni011 Choir meets for prnctice pickers. They report a very large crop. first time he ever wtis vanquished. B ut again as mllal un der the able leaderoh ip Rev. A.H. Moment, of N. Y., is here Imel it not been'for.Joseph Cooke and John of Mr. J. H. Hicks. visiting friends. It is expected that he Heron who heard the cries, he, along with will occupy the M eth odist pulpit ou Sun~ his boy und Mr. Tl1os. L o··khart, would KIRBY. day, at the church re-opening services. ham found a watery ~rnve. BoB . Some of our farmers have begun harvest. W o had the glorious twelfth celebrated The prospects are moderately good. . OAllTWRIGH'l' EAST. in grand style. No l ess than five arches Rev. A. R ichard preached his first se1·were eroctecl on the street, and other decR ev. F. Woodger preached his first 01·0,t ions sufficient to make all Orangomen sermon at Carmel church on Sunday morn- mon here since the consummation of the fool proud. In th e afternoon the large ing. He gave 11n earnest and practical union on Sundo.y last. It was an able and feeling discourse having special reference drill sh ed was } )retty well filled to listen discourse from Gal. vi., !J. to the death of an infant child of Mr. to the speakers, three of whom, Revs. Mr. Jtlmes Williamson has built mi ad· Shoults, Addison, and Moment, d id tj1om- dition to his barn. '.l'ho a rchitects were Allin. Several members of t he 1VIctl11JClist Banclz selvl!s credit, delive!'ing stirring speeches, Messrs. McGee & Reynold~ . _ frm'n Orono went nol'th to Ento1;p rise on oo,lculated tu p.lcase Urangemon and .a lso We notice t hat James H. Philp is so create a favorable impression upon the for i·ecovercd from his illness-as to be'able Sunday. Th()y report largo congregntions public rnincl of the noble and patriotic to walk around a little. .James hatt not and good mcetingsl't'Iiss Com Pl)wers, t eacher of M armora, obj ects of the urder . But one speaker by been sick since he had th o measles. H e t he rmm e uf Carscadclon displayed his lack thinb he will take the measles next t ime is visiting here. of sense or else his hi tense hatred of Re- if h., ha.s his choice Quite a number of self-binders have formers by charging,_ th e Hon. E. Blake A pleasant Iime wi~s spirnt a t Carmel been sold in this neighborhoolland n early with the blame of the failure tu pnss the Temperancti L odge last Thursday n ight. all from different manufactories. Incorporntion Bill la$t session. If Orange- There was a very good attendance, esMaster C. K . Thornton takt~s a goocl men arc not political partisans why do pecially of ladies. As it was installation stand among the lucky lads who passecl they allow one of their Order t o go un- nigh t the ofacer s for t he new quarter t he examination for matriculation at the challenged when addressing :1 mixed were called upon t o take t heir places. preparatory department of Albert College, audience from their platform? This same The offices are filled a foll~.lWs :- President, Belleville. N ow Siss for a B. A., Ahcml spe:1ker took particular pains to eulogize Brn. L. Taylor; Vice-Pre~idcnt, ::lis. A. Masters George Lang and Albert t.he D ominion Government's policy towo,rd Hyland; Secretary, Sis. A. Philp; the North-west. I wonder how much Asst. Seer etnry, Bro. G. Foster; Marshall, Chapman suc~essfully passed the entranco examination at Newcastle, and taking into stress can be bid on t heir avowed hatred Bro. Alex. Brown; Asst. Ma1 ·shall, Sis, The Great Fre nch Lobion for of Roman C11tholics wh en Mayor Bennett, M. E . Williamson ; Sent inel, Bro. Rich. consideration their limited opportunit ies of Toronto, Past Grand Master of 0ntario Philp . The business of the society was take a remarkably good stand. Goocl Beautifying the Face. boys. Seo UT. Vlest, in a speech at Hamilton, on th e con tedharmoniouslyandexpeditiously. 12th said "it was better for Oraugemen to SOLINA. be allied with the Roman Catholic Bleu It conceals the evidence of age. One ENNISKILLEN. 11.pplication will ma.kc the most stubbornly of Qnehec, t han with reformers." If t h Rev. G. Brown, our new pastor, preach-· 1·ed and rough hands beautifully soft and The teacher of our pt1blic sch ool, Mr. eel an excellent sermon nll endorse t his we must be a b~.d lot. on Sunday. We white. Remember tha.t "MAY DIJlW" is not R. A Lee, has resigned and has tnken a paint or powder that fills up the pores or wer e ~thout a preacher in tho evening. Lemonade a.nd ice c1·eam vendors did ion with the Federal Life Assuranc the skin, but a new and great discovery, a. small tro.cle on the 12th , probably becnuse Co. M1-. Lee is a careful p11i11s-taking r. Thos. Ptiscoe's raising was a big vegetable liljnid, th at can~e s the clleek to , arms ancl hands glow with hea.lth, tho nee!< the day was wet. The rain fell in torrents t eacher, o,nd has successfully conclucte affair. Mitchell more t han sustained his to rival the Lily m whiteness. l111po3afble about 11 o'clock, and again at 8 in the this school for the past two-and-a-ha good name. Football closed a lively afterto detect in the beauty it con fer~ any a.rti· eveni11 g. tlcial eh11r1Lcter. It cures Greasy Skiu, noon. About 200 pr esent. years with s11tisfaction to the entire sec l!'reoklea. Wrinkles, Pimples, Bll\clc Heads, Public dancing did'n t to,ke' wort h a cent tion. His separation from the school is ......_.._",...,..-correspondent was much pleased Crow's Feet, Blotches, Face Grub,. Sun on the 12th. Jieligious sentiment is too much regret ted. The Trustees have en- by a visit t o our cheese fact ory. '.l'he patBurn, Tan, Ri11i;.wm·1\1, Chapped Hands, Sore or Chapped Lips. Barber's Itch. Tettor, strona for such displays of foolery. gagecl Mr. L. T. Staples who has been ent agitators and n ew engine work peretc, It frees the pores, oil glands,'a nd tu bes from the injurious tlfl'ects of powders and One diiy last week as Mr. .J. J . Co ulter teaching at the U nion School, 9th Con., fectly. Everyth ing about the phwe is cosmetic we.shes. By iis use a.II redn11 ss and scrupulously clean. was about tu leave Newcastle for h ome he Dai.·lington, for the balance of the year. rouglrness are prevented; it beautifies tho took off t he halter with which his horse The social at the M. E. Church on t he skin, and will make it soft, smooth and Over 120 lbs. berries were picked by whl~e; imparting a delicious softness; pro· had been tied in the shed and wo,s about 18th inst. was a great success ; a brge our citizens on Monday. dncing a perfectly healthy, natura l and to put on th e bridle when th e horse flew crowd in attendance. The ice cream was youthful appearance. The best face lotion The luiy crop turned out better than. back and ran away almost totally destroy- delicious. Short but pithy addresses were was expected. Barley harvest has begun. that the world ever produced. ' Ve will send " A LARGJ;; BOTTLJ;; " to any address on ing the covered carriage, and doing itself by the : M inisters announced. Excellent Crop, average. receipt of price, $ 1. When ordering men· considerable injury. music was furn ished by the choir. A solo tion this papP,r. · . Miss A. Bawden, of Toronto, is visiting We think the fen ce nnd surroundings by Miss Taylor was deserve<lly encored. Address all letters to the MAY DE\V of the few graves adjoining the Methodist Dr. Mitchell ocollpied the chair. :B'ortun.- friends here prior to remova l to Brandon,. AGENCY, 71 Young street, .Toronto. Ont. Ju~rno. ohllroh should arouse either pity shame or :ttely for the reputation of our village the Manitoba. Parlor and Reception Uoom for Ladles. disgust to see tho graves of old and re- So,lvation army failed to put in an appearMany of the farmers here are in t ha spectable citizens of Clarke-, over run with ance. COPYRIGHTED. midst of barley harvest . Mr. W. Cryder Tho new Past or of Hampton Circuit, cattle and pigs, being in fact a commons. man started last Thursday J uly 17th~ I3y reading the mscriptions on t he few Rev. G. Brown, preached an ca.rnest dis- Early ? stone~ er ected, I see that some have course to a crowded house on Sa.bbath Haying is n earlyover,good average crop. po,rents, others husbands and children evening last . . mod prospect. R ev. T. Atkinson who has been Pasto living, who should see that t he sacred Mr. Gilbert who lost his arms about a. remains of those once lieloved a re better of the Enniskillen and Cartwright co:og .. cared for. W e suggest removal to the gations for the past six years has r esign cl year ago by a reaper accident preached at: new cemetery. and will preach his farewell sermon hex: Eldad last Suntlny evening. On T uesday Mr. Peter M;cGill, of To- the third sabbnth in August. .Misses Ila and Annie Baker have rel'()nto, ancf Miss Kate W11ddell of this Hev . Dr. Smith, of Oshawa del ivered 11n t urne rom Canningt on where they hava _ place were marriocl at the residence of her excellent sermon in the Presbyterian been visiting their friends. broth er George, Rev. Mr. Frazer ofilciat- chmch last Sunday morning. Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the Miss Abbie G. Bawden, of Toronto who ing. T he bride was the happy r ecipient The hay crop has been very gooclin this has been visiting in this neighborhood, of $100 in gold, presented by her brotliers, locality, badey and oats are light , while returned home on Monday last. J... ~V~R, S'.l'OJJIA.UD, .KIDNEY~ .AND DO~V~I,S. They mv1gorate and restore to health Debilitated Const1tut10ns, and .John, James, William, and George :md the wheat and peas nre more t han nu aver- The Allin Brothers, carpenters, ho,vl'l Brothor-~11-law, Mr. A. Roy, of Darlingc age crop. The whent especially is looking are invaluablti in all Complaints incidental to Females of all Ages. For gone west again for a short t ime. ton. Also a very largo nnd valuable col- very fine through this section. Children and the .aged th ey nre priceless. lection of silverware. ALIQUis. The funeral cortege of the late Mr. Chas. Goodman passed through hcrr- to the BRIGHT'S DISEASE, .DIABETES. KIDNEY, LIVER on. Un.INA'.RY DISEASES. A.GttEAT Drsoovmw .- Mr. Wm. Tl1os. English church cemetery on Friday the Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores Aave no fear of any of these diseases if of Newton, Ia., says: "My wife has been 18th inst. Mr. Goodman was a great suf. and Ulcers. It is famous for Go ll t and Rheumati~m. For disordere of the seriously affected with a cough for twenty ferer during the three weeks of his illness. you use Hop B itters, as they will prevent. - Chest it has no oqual.five years, and t his spring more severly He leav~s a wife and large family to and core the worst cases, even when you For Sore Tln·oats, Dt·oncllitis, Uonghs, Colds, than ever before. She had used many mourn lus. r emoval from .a.mongs~ t hem. have been mad~ worse by some great Glan·d ular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; and for remedies without relief, and being urged A. sermon m com~nernorat1011 of .hts death I puffed up pretended cllre: -------- . to try Dr. Kin~'s New D iscovery, did eo, will be preached m the Meteod1st church .z. co~traoted ancl stiff joints it acts like a charm . $19.00 is the steerage rate · by Allan with gratifying results, 'l'he first h ere Sabbath evening next by the Rev. C. Line to or from Londonderry, L iverpool, bot tle relieved her very much, and the Taylor. Manufactured only at THOMAS Houow..n's E stablishment, Belfast, Queenstown, Galway , Limerick, second bottle has absolutely cured her. ~Diamond Dyes will Color anything Glasgow, London, Cardiff orBrist ol, another 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON, She has not had so £tood l1ealth for thirty any color, and never fail. The easiest dollar gives first-class rail to Quebec. And are ls. 1}d., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lls., 22s., and 33s. each Box or Pot, and years.' Trial bottles free atJ.Higginbotham and best way to economize. lGo. at all Cabin also reduced.. W. A. NEADS, Al'.(ent & Son. · may be had from 11ll Medicine Vendors t hroughout the World. druggist. Wells Richardson & Co., Bur« Purcluuers should l ool· a& the>el on t h e Pot. 11 and Boxes. I f tlie nddr('S!I A full line of Orompton's cor set! al ways We mark in plain figures, and h&Te [ lington. Vt. Sample Card, 32 colors, and fs not li33, Oxford Street, London, they are 11p1tl'lou s. i n st ock at the STAR HousE, strictly one price. Ellison & Co. book of directions for 2 c1mt stamp. · BY~-- · ,V_ INVALUABLE TO EVERY LADY. "MAY DEW" HEALTH FOR ALL1 THE PILLS T H E 0 I N T ·M E NT _

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