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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jul 1884, p. 4

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I I CORRESPONDENCE. NEWCASTLE. BOWJllANVILLE, E:RIDAY, JULY (From our special correspondent.) Our usually quiet town e:x:1)erienced quite an exoitem·e nt in the advent of tho THE bribcrY. commission, so far as it has visiting Wheelmen on Wednesday evenin~ gone, gives indications of a line of policy lMt. l<'or several days previous the club and its management had been in a ferment, We have determined to give our patrons and the public an the part of ·the brawling brood which but the affair culminated on Wednesday to secure bargains. reflects no credit, hut shame, on those night in a Grand Promenade Concert. engaged in the busmess. Party lines are The streets were lined with people eager apparently a necessity, Reformers and to catch the first glimpse long before the bicyclists came in sight, and our country Conservatives alike regard it as such, but cousins came in by dozens, ancl our towns we will clear out t he balance of SPRING and S UMMER Goons at '!.vhen r.:-·rty has to be maint:iincd by such and villages surrounding sent out their GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. mea1ts as the revelations alrca,d y made creme de la creme for the occasion. The excitement reached fever heat when the 'Show, we are incliirnd to the belief, that SILKS and SATINS REDUCED. LAWNS and MUSLINS REDUCED. there are but few men in the party im· D. 0 . & P · Oo.. Bancl of Bowmanville, DRESS GOODS REDUCED. SHIRTINGS REDUOED. made its appeara.nce. They were unloaded plicatetl, who will allow themselves to be and left at the entrance to the village on HOSIERY aad GLOVES REDUCED. SHEETING S REDUCED. dragged through such a mire to maintain the west. Very soon the heads of the LACESand EMBROIDERIES REDUCED. TABLE LINENS R EDUCED. their pm·ty allegiance, and it is greatly to Wheelmen begim to 11.ppear. The baad PARASOLS & UMilRELLAS REnucEo. LACE C URTAINS REDUCED. be regretted that there are those who are formed and on the first arrival struck up AND BARGAINS TOO N UMEROUS TO MENTI ON. "Yankee Doodle. " The "culchawed" prepa1·ecl to l'esort to any mea11s,to acquire gentlemen of Chicag· must have been political success. A tribe of hangers on pleased with their reception. They were Hats, Bonnets, F lowers, Feathe1·s ,. , belong to the Conservative party, whicl1, cunveyerl to the Club- rooms, and for a Ornaments, &c., to be cleared out if not beheaded, will bring disaster to the while disappeared in hotel dining rooms and other rooms whence they issued reehieftain. Thero are hundreds of respect- freshed, and were conducted to AgriculEN IPIELLJ. able Conservatives who would poll their tural Hall, which had been beautifully deOn last Sunday afternoon, Rev. Geo. votes again11t tihe Grits every day of the comted with evergreilns and flags of both Brown preached his iuaugural sermon to a :week, whose .enthusiasm is not strong nations, as also were the grounds attached, large ai1cl appreciative audience. Services they being hung with chinese lanterns, arc now to be hdu at 2.30 p. m. instead ~1Nugh to throw <;..1p their hat for one of walks laid clown , benchea placed here of 10.30 a. m. as formerly. ·welcome the ln·awling brood, N"ay they are just and there under the trees, a platform ch:mge BEAVEl\ a Ji~tie suspfoious of some others whose made for the Band, and everything tendEx·CoLmcillor Dyer met with a· very ing to the comfort and lmppi.ncss of their serious accident a few days ago, but, by skir ts :,tl'e not ql,lito cfoan, although they R efreshment tables occupiec lat;e{t"fi:clvices is convalescent. occupy exalted wsitious in the 11arty. patrons. the centre of the Hall, while at one en ' ev. Mr. Pattersou, of Epsom, an d . ~he .doses a dminil!.teredl recently have ~vas erecte d · a platfor m, ancl a grand · piano .r iss Mac mie Dyer of Enfield li ht ed proved nause.ons, and tho polit.ica.J stomach m front. Addresses of welcome wer e pr~ 1 · "1" l I' ' p g 1' d to . ti f . di' t 1eu· trot 1 at t 1e 1ymeneal alter Oil Monted d rep.i1e ·l 14tl t J uIy. Tlie 1 · l ;reeoils from fµrtbor draughts, ,}~ess to sen ~ Tl, b· . ;l . m le ntsame out nent}t'Y cay, iappy coup1emtcnc · ··t a1~ le am w,is se . . on . e removing to the distant Province of Brit:ierve a better pm~pose thai1 sustaf 1-ing n. spm · gr< mncls and tl~e performance. mside con ish Columbia, where l\fr. Pat terson will br~wling brood, and Sir John will do ell menced by a!l mstrum~nlK'tl piece and then take charae of his pastoral duties. Best ~o bll Vil the tilert 01· his majority will ·e a song was given byM1ss Ross,ofToronto, wishes "' Being anxious to make room for the-old, sad melody of Robin Adair. The · .rerluced. The be~i_ef ~ gaining groun A.,_ W.y possesses a \' oice fine and sweet, an<l Young men should give their horses a IF You ARE RUINED-in healbh from that the move bo make Mo"':q,t go by such hWhly cultivated, bu t owing to the size of sufficient quantity of fodder before leaving any cause, especially from the use of any ll. conspiracy has not been a success d O e, the H all, and the n oise, was not so well ho!~1e in orcl~r to. enable t hem to stand up of thfl thu1111and nostr ums that promise their Fall Importations, will during 11.nd t he bad memories of witnesses and itpyre fated as she should have . bee~. wlule the dr1_ver 1s at church. so lM~ely, with long ftctious testimonials, The ne ··, was a performance by GJdeon s Boys wearmg base ball must acl1es are have Ile fear. Ilesort to Hop Bitters at burnt telegrams don't savom· well to the Band. I Ii.ave heard of them before, but / frequently scell w .oncle1 ·ing around this once, and in a short. time you will have onlooker. rhen the absence of nearly an n ever 1~w t '.1~m, they played a teapot and ambitious hamlet. Query. WJi:i,,t is meant honost robuRt and bl11oming health. the months of July and August sell the bribers is not tlie most exalted way of a club, two-o · them played on that , they by B. B. Mustaches? Ans. · 'fhree out , -r I I ~proclaiming innocence, while the bundle played t~ 1700.t nany tlungs but they fo1·- all <rot to play_~ t u e. They were encored v \.J .L of bank notes in possession of the enemyt ou, and clid it .. But the best pe~·- oss through the departure Q f Miss Maggie . --. all kinds of Summer Dress Goods well it is j1,1st a little embarrassing. ~ur fornu.1i.nce of the _cvemng were the comic Dyer, and if Dame R\lln21: 1!1. '1i-yjJ~ev '&i. '.Many are lcavrng h rime for r ecuperatwn ' advice to them, if they don't wan't to go, songs 0 : ~'.an~ l.\J1~I1ell, tl es~ were g?od. anothei; efficient member is about to leave. and rest from the care a!ld w~rry of ~he is to k eep out of harm's way ; the Mowat Ho sanct t;wice b eing encoreL. ~ch bme. A. l t h' . . shop <>r the ho1 w1 , and m gomg among )erformance was promen· " ~ c/~~~ e;, '~ tCtl nkearlly cncled ma pu- strangers 1>U should st.-ivc to mak e a faG overnment means justice, rmd we fear The rest of.the 1 Gloves and Hoisery at greatly re. 1 "' otll' 00 p 1 1ere on Sat. . b y a neat 'and tidy told you before 1t was a promel1ace , ,._rui.y ,..;~ O.,ll , M , 1 ftii·- vorabi e 1mpress10n ade I . forinat. somebod~· may be hutt; ' l · ·1 little ,COTh _,1· .·, ..emoon. oie 11 · 1011 appearance. This can be done by a judiconce1·t, t mt is, t iere was very · · 1 nished if necessary. ci · ous ado~nment of good J' ewellery, such cert and a good deal of promenade. And , . . · ~ ~--------- ~~~~~ANY of uur 1iatrons who are not sat isfied this· kind:of.a.-concert is it good thing t oo, Messrs E. N1~~ery and It. ~enth~m as can,be got at MAYNARD THE JEWELLER'S duced prices. wit h the explanations already given by us supposing conditions and contin· have p~rchased ~ ~,e w Model VJbratmg during the holiday s~asou, at very l6w prices, . He _has received s?m~ elegant to the charges made by Mr. Climie are gencies. ·If yon have g?t good clothes and Thre~lun.g Machme.' Thls village was lll\llned Q U S1mdt15- fltt- now des1_ g ns m Bro<?ches, E ar-rmgs and urgently requested to call at our office at want to show them, or Jf you h ave another fe_ llows girl and want to vex him, if a girl t er.noon by . the smiling counten:mces of 1FingEW l~tngl!! 111 . solid gold,yliited 13old, .¢Ji Qnce. We will gladly submit our invoices, has another "irl's fellow or one of her own Mr. and Mr§, J , F . .Hurlbut and familv. &c., for the hd1es ; t\nd Fmger Rmgs, subscription b ooks and mailing list s fo' that she isfo~d of,......:.t)lism_ akes it pleasant, Mi\ Julm Ormiston, who h as' just r~· Breast Pin~, .Studs, &c. , for ~entle1~1Pn. t1ieir inspection. 'Ve claim for t he S TATES· :iJut!t, un th e other han ' ,;:!:'\! lHW~ n.o J from Drkota, r epor ts himself as Whe;n travcll}11~ ti_g~od and~~habl~ t~me· 1 1 MAX an average circulation of nearly 2,000; girl nor fellow of your own o:li iii};,! b.od.:,- not bein" favorably impr13ssed with that keepmg watc d ~;n }spe~·t e, an .t e~e else's or if you good o>.oth~s~on ~r country." ~g!lin Maynar . e ~ e ~r C !ln ~u\):'. 1! ~ aml we claim tha t the Sun has not ta.ken if your boots are Sll'lall Ul' if OU are old . f h 'I'\ ; · 0 Ill styles and pr!C CS. . e 1laS a verr C .'11C0 eight of our subscribers from us since it . . 1 ug1y ms · t eac · Yhandsome What has b ecome o h t e .ol!ar !· · 1 ' variety of " "old and sJlver W at ones for 1 of youu::r ,,anc1 anc t 0 , 11~ Mr. G. H. Hog:ut 1 of Sol_1~'1:> - ms ladies and gentlc :tnen: and wants eve1·y· was starte<l, and that it has n ot 25 sub- why it's all genuinr.> . , ' · ~ ··"' --n.onsonfse v;a ~ durinrr the past week, b een· v1s1tmg at body t o know tllo.t he call sell watches BO'\VMANVILLE. scribers all t~ld iu...\V.est Durh\\m receiving Yom: feet off for ,.:nlI irnrpose o saymg you M R "" p , · I b t f ·d f a.11Y G' d ·concert But r . . ascoe s. from tie es manu actonea, an their papers at post offices outsi<le of have been to.·: ll. ·J:,,, .· omena e . . h' l l't I k . t . t 1 f l . tl ask for m l es hear things in passing Crops m t lS oca 1 y arc oo · mg ex re· wa~-ran el , or es_,s rnn many . · you sorr_.etin, Bowmanvill~. \Ve clrnllenge Mr. Climie arou'" d th" t would n ever do to tell agi.tin mely well. fen or makes. ! lease ll:ot e t his fact.· JS · over:m d.I1arvest Wl ·11 probablY Should ··' " two of our Ym1kce cousms · · ' t o publish t he naimes, if we misrepresent ,(()l' instance Haymg . you _. want Plwcddma t d S:-l presentsr ur J1is list. ' were at one time directly b eh ind me. be commenced next week. anythmg ~n t 1 le t a eT 1 yverwn. · e me ·!111ot' · sa1 'd one ' ' wl10 ' s W'l l lier c emt you re o a . w111 1 1ave 1ress he " W1 .1 mo t7" . J\'.Tiss iT. O'L eary has rernovec b can d b ihe ort s of ou res~utat 10118 At the present a : ;LOntrea; firm is "w~1y that fellow you see th ere ~~th that making establishment to the residence of ~f ~:~:ein uie local ~apers th;t th<' be<\uti,,,,,~,,, ~~~~ 1 -1~~ eng< tgecl m ;nanu_._6 cturing a dozen hwge ~lute hat .on, re,sponcled the oth e1. ~ell Mr . .Jolm O'Leary. Some persons feel fol silverware prese ntt:d was bought from qh mther lon esome now. Ma nard the Jeweller, Bowmanville. Do steam-shov:,, 8 for an Albany Dredging is he presJclent ? what does}1e do 1 U~ 101 r·mis, thM e wlt . ~!v:~ -~l?~ ~' g hl~~t . Mr. R: G. Davey,, t eacher, is spending yoJ know why? Because his goods ~vere ~Ol'::pany at cost of 1$5,500 each.. Such ~~e 1 None, better, 11 T ter e ~ ei · 1. d "' e d his vacation at vVlutby . of the latest and most handsome d esigns, Arriving e vory ...:tnstnnces as these, however, of the om· f e1 1 1 t1 le cap an snu1> nose :in , d i . · 1 tl tl ow wJt 1 None cheaper~ ployment of Cana<lian labor and capital in s )ectacles on .' " Oh yes ? I thought the Enfield market: Eggs-per oz., 1120. and lus pnces were ower 1an o rnr week, full of bloom - .A.NDt he manufacture of articles for foreign 2~'s. it was a clear case of mash l" well! Butter per 11>. 14c. st ores. Good enough reason, you say.Cnres Coughs, consumption never come under the obser· , 1 t ·u 'r do n ow 7" ·" 'ell Large number of persons have been E xuctly. 'Vhen you want a good Wa_tcb, and perfume. Colds, etc~. 111 wthe 1a w1 poor om n . ' , anc l reoprt a Iieavy Olock vation Grit newspapers1- B··oclcville '.l'ilmcs. we I ho.)e were all happy, b ut · if they berrymg 1\t t l10 R mge ·, R mg, set of. J.e_ weIJerr, S-1 1 ve~I l I they slept soundly . crop. plated ware, or anythmg m the J a well er s \Vill our esteemed Tory contemporary wern as n et as . · · - r call on Maynard the JeweJler. :Send a marked copy of_ its editorial, con· One youn" lady expressed hernelf as both CLARKE COUNCIL me,! . · d 1 f tired and ~ross, but the beautiful face bore · and 1e w1 11 give you go~ va ue or yo ur -ta.ining the above choice morceait t o the no trace of either, and she had still a long . money. 20 Dominion government which has just had a drive before her at twelve o'clock a.t night, ,A special meeting was held June 19th, - - - -- - . ·. --~tug co.lled Sir John and a number of dred· B ut that the crowd was immense for such 1884. a,t the Town Hall, Orono, Members To snit everybody Acts like m ag i e:· g es and mud scows built at Tonawanda, a place as N ewcastle m:iy be judgecl from all present. Messrs. Renwick and Stark t.he fact that the receipts of the e vening were appointed to let a job on bridge beN. Y., for the W elland Canal ? W e hate were in quality and Insure in t he Confede ration Life Asso· and gives solid $110. Not 80 bad for the K. B. c. tween Jots No. 4, and 5, b. f. b., also job can_ t ing hypocrisy .- Ottawa Free Press. Newcastle, July 18th. on bridge oppostte lot 10 in t he 4th. con- ciah on. I t is cheaper than the Canadian price. comfort. cession ; also on side lme between lots 10 Mutual Aid, A. 0 . U . W. or any pa~s a.:.._...,.._,...__. and ll, con. 3. The Reeve, 1md Mr. Long round your hat institution, as the follo wThe Department of Agriculture for Man · were appointed to let road ·Jobs, at :B'ul- ing examples will prove : Thos. McClnng LESKABD. itoba has issued the crop bulletin for July. ler '11 corner, St,Jventh con., also on 8th con. has been insured smco J 872 for$2,000and 'l'he following officers of L eskard Div· T he r eports from 325 townships r ep ort lot 35, on side liati between lots ~o. 28 the last five years it only cost him $2.55 that wheat is much improved by the rail ision were installed last F riday night: and 29. con._ 8.; and opposite lots 29, 30 per annum on each $1,000 to insure. J ohn Toilet Art icles, ALL TH E'·: W· P-J. J . Gibson; W. A.- Sister J . ~nd 31, cqn. 10.. The Rt eve and Mr. Long McOlun" insured at the same t imt1 for the The best for fattening purposos,. and during June, and promises < 1 good harvest Monis; R. S.- W. Simpson ; assist . do. wu e. appointed to wait on Mr. Walter same an~ount and it only cost him $1. 74 Combs, Cutting will probably begin' ten days earl - Sister B . Stalker; Treas.- W. Tigh ; moat reasonable in price. Patent MedhnneBMoffatt to try and· effect a settlement re- per aunnm on each $ 1,000 to insure, he Brush es, e r t ha.n last year. H ay is light in man Chap.- Geo. Lewis ; Cond.- W . Mercer ; specting side line between lots 10 and 11 being a little younger. Assist. do.- Sister A. Morris; I. S .- G. seco·d con. '!'he Clerk was instructed to AllYERTISJ!DI, Sponges, &c, places, but will be up to last year 's averag We cert.ify the above t o be correct. Thos. N elson; 0 . S.- A. W. Carveth P . W. P. notify Mr. Henry Adams that this CounMcClung , John McClung. Oats, barley, and root crops continue poor. are for 11alo by: ua.. he ur pupils from' our _ school who THOS. BINGH AM, Agen t . in g rea t variety P otatoes promise good yields. The ·heavy wrote a t t he recent Entrance Examination cil iutends to see that conditions of agreement made Anril 1883 between the Coun~llllllll :rains which have fallen during the last held in the High School, Newcastle, have cil and ?.ieasrs. J lllnes and H enrv Adams, TRIAL Tmi>.- '.l'h e STA TESMAN will be few days improved the prospect very much . met with the success which their abilities James Martin and .Andre w Thomas, be sent to an y a<ldress to new subsctiberd for Farmers are r eport ed as raising stock to a and ste;i,dy applicat ion, guided and eJ1com'- fully carried out. Accounts ordered to thirty weeks for th irty cents. age~ by the untiring zeal and energy .if be paid : Wm. Dixon, work $58.00; much grnater extent than formerly, their t eacher, Mr. R . J. Sangster, deser - Jabez Scott, par t payment on cont ·act, .· ve. I t is rather unusual for all the pupils 11.00; D u:R can McC01machie, preparing THERE are variou11. gr~unds on which sent from a school to pass, and pass well, ~ravel pit, 2.50 ; By -laws were introduced ;people lay claim. to distinction. Big Push at th ese cxarnimLtions ; but of the four and duly passed , \·iz : Tu appoint a Wilkinson and Meek had a dispute ns ~o pupils who wro te, Miss E ttie Davey, Rob- l:loard of H ealth for the township, and a their relative greatness. P ush said he ert Walker, J-ames Lawson, aml J olm By-law respectmg the Public H ealth. Simpson, all passed, non e coming as low Couucil adjuurned, had done more bribing at elections than as half way <luwn the list of names, twenTowN HALI., ORONO, July 2nd. - The M eek, and Meek r et orted that he had ty- two in all, aml the fir st t wo names be- Council met according t o adjournment, done the most bribing with his own mon· ing respectively fifth and sixth on the list. the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last ey. Eventually they decided t hat B un- The Leskard s~l10ol is bournj t o take a meeting r ead snd contirmed. The Clerk for emost place m the County. was instructed t o notify party living on t ing was t he greatest of -the three. N ow t h e quest ion is, how muclT . ditl B unting A few scenes in the Tyrol. (Scene 1) lot Nu . 25, Con. 8, to remove obstructions A publican atf1.rt3 a hotel m our midst ancl vff the r" ad opposite his lot, George P atspend, and what proportion ~f i t was his works un der a license fo r a time, but fin- terfton wi.11 allowed $!l t o repair washont own money? ally his license expir es. (Scene 2.) The north uf lot 12, con 9. On motion of Mr. ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~ publican th en comes t o th e conclusion Renwick, seconded by Mr. St ark, That H oN. 0 . Mowat is a happy man. The t hat his protits would be larger if h e coulcl t his, in con sideration of the sum Privy Council has virtually given to manage to sell h is poison with1.>1rt a license ; of $10 to ba paid by Mrs . B ates, do gra1,1 t this plan he tries and fincl~ to Work Well a deed of that pa.rt of road allow1n.1ce beOntario all the territory claimed under for a time, even un<ler the eye~ of th~se h ·een lots 10 & 11, con. 2, ths.t is at presthe Award. A monster celebration t o who have been appointed to see tha.t H er ent occupiee by Mrs. A.!, pro· Mr. Mowat on his return is mooted. Majesty's li1ws ar e enforced in our land. vided that the fen ce enclosing said part G ive it t o him, h e :well deser ves it . A But h e n ot destined such delights to share of road allowance be woved in 110 as t o be Tohn, the Quebec Illeus for all time, finds to his sorrow that t hings in liae with fence at Orchard. Carried Yictory over Sir. · of a darker hue t han s unlight have been Accounts ordered to be paid ; Jabez Scott, and th e Ontario trait or s is a vict ory in- whispered into th e eat' of a higher irnthor- road job, $ 112; Hooey & Lovekin, gravel, deed. · it,y t han a County Af.agistrak, and th e i'e· $3G; W. N orthcott, jr. , gran t for wood, sult iR t hat he is fined r epeat edly. '{!]lie $5.vO; J olln Shiwp, cedar and gravellmg ANOTHER L iberal victory was won in last one of these fines we wish particularly E :Manvers Hoad, $53. 50 ; W, McLean, Muskoka on: W.ednesda,y, when Mr . DiJ!l ' to drawpublic att en.tion t o immother scene. do, $10; Geo. Bawks, iio, $10; N. H arris, (Scene 3.) A quiet peaceful and unoffe11d- grading, $15; S. H ollo well, gravelling, was elected by a hand-some m ajority . '!'his powder never vttries. A mttrv<"l of ing shoemaker comes into our·midst in ~he $11.; iudigent aid , $40. $10 wt:ire appro· purity, strength at1d wholesomeness. More economical than the ordiuary kinds and can· beginning of the year 1884, and com mences .pri&ted for gravelling Swamp 1-'.toard, north TRIAL Tml'- 'fhe STATESMAN ·will be not b(l sold in competition with tho multitude his humble occupation . '!'his 1rtan !Jias ·been uf Leskard; and John Gilford appointed sent t o any addres~ to new subserib& rs fo r a slave to that demon strong ·dr iuk , b lit , o" er ae~r. Cotlucil adjourned to Aug. f:ith. of low test, short weight. a lum or phosphato powders. Sold on/;JJ in cans. ROY AL BAKING t hirty weeks for thirt.y ce-nts-. PowDEH Co·. l Ou Wt1.ll·8t. N . Y. seeing the folly of his course -he -has ·re- at H~ ·a. · m. 25. formed and has joined our Division of the SQ ns of . Temp<mince here and has been leading an upright , honest life since reforming. He sees the unlawful operations of the publicnn who lives but a few paces from his door and calls the attention ofa Maqistrn.te to the matter, but he tells t.he informant that proof is wanting. Proof is furnished and the publican is fined and the odium of the publican's clan falls upon tho person w hu compels the authorities to do their duty, and they .ar c trying to drive him frum our village. For the purpose of thus forcing him from their u eighborhoud they have employed as their tool not the " Maid of Orleans " but a less important personage called "Crazy. Mary." But this is not all, the publican and hi~ clan declare they will sell their. poison in spite of God, Man, or Devils. Now, friends of Temperance, Law, and Honesty, fur it is tu you whom I appeal, shall such things be tolerated in the midst of a christirm community ? If you say such things shall not be, then rise in your might, exteml to this honest shoemaker the right hand of fellowship, and root out this den of infamy from our midst. CHINESE GORDON. Leska1·d July 18th, 1884 CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL. Council met July 7th. 1884. Members all present; The winuttis of luu meeting were read and c0ofirmed. Mr. McKee reported that he lrna examined the read between the 3rd and 4th concees1ons, and that he finds .a Snrvt>yor's post in the center of Lot No. 1G and that by actual measurmon t the fence i11 placed fo1u feet South of said post. Fiuds anuther post purpor· ting to be surveyor'" poet, fourteen feet South of the said last mentioned post. Mr. Spmks, comruisa10nor, appointed to examine the road betwt:'lcn Lots No. 22 & 23 in the 8th. concession, also the road oppcsit Lot No, 18 in the 7th. concession, re· ported havin~ let a j ob of grading and putting iu culvert to J. .Bryans, for the sum o_f $8.00 ; al8o a job of gravelling to Washmgton Lang for the sum of $16.00, and that the sai.i jobs are comped according to contract. Mr. Veal oame before the Council complaining of the state of the road between L·ts 22 & 23 in the 9th concession. On motiou uf Mr. Devitt, seconded hy Mr. l\foKeP, th6 1-teeve and Mr. Spinks, were appointed committee to examine rhe said road, and to have such repairs made thereon as they may deem necessary. Moved by Mr . Spinks, seconded by Mr. Darcy, Tha.t the sum of ten dollar· be appropriated to the repairs of the Boundary line bet ween Reach and Cartwright carried. Tl1e following accounts were pai<1: Robt. Montgomery, work, $18,92: Jas. Graham, for beam wou:, $40.00; A. 11. Veal0, repairing scraper, 75: J . BeKcock, Cedar, 3.00; J. Edgerton, Pathmast;,r, $14. 50; S. Thompson, Pat.l1master, $S. 00; W. Hunt ers, cedar, $4.50: Alfred Wood, reparirmg scrapera, 1. 95; J. Jobb, Path master, 34.STl; Washington Lang-, work, $26.00,Ja mea Bryans work, $8 00; W. Lucas, half year salary $60.00: l~obt. Wilson,IIndigent Aid $4.00 ; Total, $229.99}. On motion , the Council adjourned untilthe la G Munday in August, ,J1t 1 p. m; GRE.A.T . SUMMER SALE! FROM NOW TO FIRST OF SEPTEMBER: MILLINERY! AT COST PRICE. COUCH,JOHNSTON&CRVDERMAN . L j Parasols at Net Cost. tun·,cd. ONE DOOR WEST OEJ~OSI. OEEJCE, BINGE'S SYR "' ~~me J. BIGCINBOTBAI & Soll, FLOWERS PURE DRUGS tl 1 Wh ° ,! l STANDARD MEDICINES. Fresh Oil Cake ---o--. Cheap Life Insurance. PERFUMERY -o--- OUR CORN CURE ~ . ____ Horse & Cattle Food, G .I VE IT A TRIAL. ,.,,,,,,,, DRUG-GISTS·-·· - :a: .A. S M:: 0 V- E D - 2 DOORS WES~ T_. NEAD'S BLOCK.. - This is the House for- Clothip.g and Gents' Furnishings: ALL FRESH AND NEW. Absolutely Pure. J: JEFFERY.·

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