LARGEST STOCK IN TOWN ---«>"--- BowMANVILLE, l!'mnAY, SoLY 25 OllIOfNAL. TRELEV-EN""'.)S Love's Loneliness. Through the shades and du.rkness My spirit calls to thee ; Across the sleeprng silence comes No answer unto me. 1'oo weak, too helpless now to still The heart's deep loving cry. '!'he-tired aobbm11: wind alone Gives 11nswer to each sigh, To wait dear one and never know 'Vhat hopes, or sorrows fall Upon thy life. to hury deep Love's plending yearning call. I may not dl'aw aside the veil 'l'hat pu.rts om· Iives to-day. Beneath its he1wy foltls, tho light Fades into dusky gray. Each hour my spirit brteathes for thee Some tendM wish or prayer; Oh could it nestle in tho heart " And leave its whisptJr there. Oh empty dre1m1s and tender thoughts! Could I but crush their power, Or break the chain that binds my life · And saddens every hour. When hope's sweet whisper thrills no·more Forget me not, I plead; We may not meet, tie well perhaps, But, Oh! your love I need. If sorrow comes 1tnd o'er thy life lt!i heavy shadows fting Then let my heart's deep love, dear friend liiomo comfort to thoe bring, E. C. Family Shoe Emporium, KING STREET EAST, SIGN 01' 'l'lIE: BIG ~oot DRA"' N DY 2 HORSES. ·S ELLING OFF the balance of a large, stock of SrmNG AND Sul\CMER STYLES _:AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES. ~---~fl ~--- F"A.CT N'"o. l... In buying our stock every requirement of the public has been carefully studied, and we 11ave secured the best goods the market can produce. F"A.CT N'9o. 2. For appearance, wear and price ~ve feel confident that these goods will meet with general approval. 'l'hey arc not shop-worn goods, but are this sea'son's styles. We keep no shoddy goods. Potash. Iodide of Patassium is one ot the strongest of minerals used in medicine, and has produced much suffering i11 the world. Taken for a long time ano iu largcl doses, ii dries up the gastric juices, impairs di'l0lltion, the stomach rlltnsos food, and the patient declin'e s in heaith nnd weight. Persons witb Blood or skiu disease should he careful how th"y tl\ke the~e mineral poisons, a.s in most iustancoa the effect of them is to almost permaneutly impair the conetiluti011. To take the place of these poisons we offer you a safe, sure, prompe and permanant relief from your troubles. Shaker Blood Syrnp is entirely a vegestable pr-paration, and it 1s easy to convince you of its merit. F".A.OT N'9o. Bi. The Ladies', Misses' and Children's Departments are unusually attractive, embracing all the latest designs in Boots, Shoes, Ties and Slippers, all of good quality and fine workmanship, and are offered at prices to suit all purchasers.' F".ACT The Men's, Youth's and Boys' Departments are also well filled with the leading styles of the season in all :;izes and prices. We defy competition in prices in these branches, as we have marked down the goods to clear out the stock bef'ort;i our Fall purchases arrive. OOH OWN MAKE A SPECIALTY.-Custom work receives careful and prompt attention. Big stock of Trunk~ and Valises to cho.o se from. 29 A travelled ma11 h~tli leave to lie.. A word before is worth two behind. Allen's Lung Balsam 1s the st,.ndard cure for Coughs and Colds in the States. See advt. A liar should ha\'e it good memory, A scald man's head is Hoon broken. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the most effective bloorl-pnritier ever devis d. ft is recomu1eKded by the best physicians. An ill cook wald hiwe a good cliwer. As loug rnns the fox as he feet hath. Baxter's l\fand1ake Bitters cure indigestiou, Heart Burn, Costiveness and all nrnlarial diseases. 'l'wenty-tive cimt~ ver bottle. A good beginning J)n.kes a. good ending. A slouthful man is a beggar's brother. lf yon are tronhl~d with a "hacking cough," Downs' Elixir will give yon relief at once. Warranted a.s r ecommeuded or mouey l'clfuudod. A loom purae makos a bleat merchant. A wight 111an never wanted a weapon. A mi8step will oft.mi makr a cripple for lifo. A bottl.i of Houry & Johns(111's Arnica and Oil Linimeut at haud, will nut pre\·cnt the misstep, but us~d irnmediat·ly it will BM'o beini: a cripple. A blithe h1>art makes a hlomand visage. GRBA:r l<'ATALITY,-The ravages of Cho· !era a.ud l::\ummar Complaiuts am<>llfl children is truly alarnunl(. The most reliable cure is Dr. Fowler'~ Wild Strawbt'rry. Every bottle guaranteed to give satisfaction. All t.hiugs have a beginning, God exceped. Phottography can give us only the im ages of the flowel's, bu~ in Murry & Lanaman's Florida Water, Cliemistry has preserved their aromatic e11sence- It is litt>rally the b11tLled brnath of the most fragrant products of the richest Horal region in the world. A gentle horse would not be over sair spur1·ed. liEALTR IS wE.A.LTII. -It is worth more than riclies, for withont it riche~ cannot be enjoyed. How many people are with011t htia.lth who mi~ht regain it , by using Kidney-Wort It acts upon the liver, Bowels and Kidneys, cl .. anMing and s1im11lating them to healthy acrion. It cure9 all disotdtirs of those important organs, purifies the blood and prouwtes the general health. Sold by all drnggist. See advt A proud heart in a poor breast, he'a meikle dolour to dree. THE _..,._HOUSE -.....~ EAST SHOP, NE.A.DB' BLOUK. A B I G DISCOUNT. --:--- · We have bought a large quantity of first-class goods at 50 .cents on the $. . ·It is not ·necessary or ad~isable for purchasers to buy goods from old i,tocks which contain a large portion of shop-worn,. moth-eaten, mea~ly patterns, that liave neither wear or style and are dear a.t a gift. Our stock of Tweeds, Worsteds, &c., are ALL NEW and bought at the lowest point the market has touclied for yea1·s. The new goods are the best, and owing to the depre~sed state of the market the NEW GOODS ARE THE CHEAPEST. W. PEARDON, the No. 1 Tailor, says he does five times as much work for us as for all t~10. others combined. Our special advantages bring us the work: the choicast new patterns, the most durable fabrics, the only successful ()utter and the lowest prices. Ladies' Silk or Cloth Mantles, Ulsters, &c., to order, by Mrns DusTAN. T_ G-EQ_ :M:...A.SQN""_ ~Make no The Star House is the East Shop in N eads' New Block. Cash!Cash!Cashl Cash for Eggs. Cash for Pork. Cash for Bhfef. Cash for Butter Cash for Apples.Cash for Tallow. Cash for Potatoes. Cash for Beans. Cash for Hides & · Sheep Skins. Cash for all kinds of Farm Produce at Jioµng, Cawker& Co's. YouNa-O~w~ER -& ~o's is the pla,ce to do busines~, they keep -in stock the very- B est quality of Groceries that CllJl be bought, the M. TRELEVEN. NORMAN'S SALVATION ARM V BARRACKS. BO°W"l.\l.[A N VILLE. MONDAY night, Soldiers and Converts only. TUEtil>AY. WJWNESDAY, 'l'HUHii"DAYand ESTA BLIS HED ·l884, SA'l'UilDAY, Public Meetings at 7:.J5 u. m. 4. queen Street Ennt, Toronto, 01t&arlo. }'RIDAY. HolinesR Meeting for Soldiers and all Christians, 7:·15 v.m. Belts, Insoles and . SUNDAY. 8 tt. m.. Kne" Drill; 11 a. m .. Holi- 'l'hese Eloctro-Cura.tive r1,russce are ness Meeting; :i p. m , Hallelujah Meeting; 7 p. m.. Salvatio11 Meetirnr. Superior to any other Remedy, CHILDREN'S MEE'l'lNG Saturday, 3 p. m. 111111 ·wan ti11rc ~vhe·n All are welcome as above. Come in crowds. Collection each service. un other rewcdle~ CAPT. .ADA HIND. J,IEUT. BUSSE.LL. t::AD~~T McDONALD. fall. Bowmanv11le, May 2~. 1884. 22·3m: tlfCTRIC ~[LT INSTITUTION, I have cilred per'llanently Blood '.Caiut in tho third generation by the use of Shaker Blood Syrup. after l ha.d most signally failed \\'ith -Murcury and Potash. Dr. Smith, Bangor, PR. A young man requ.1sts me to thank von for.his cure of Blood Poison by the use of yous Specitic after all other ti·eatment had failed. J, E. Kennedy,Druggist, Oobourg, Ont. For yPars I wa11111Jlicted with Dry Tetter of the most ob~linate type: \Vas treated by many of the beat physicians; took quantities of mercury, potash,and a1·senic. which, instead of curing the 'J'etter, crippled me p with mineral p<tison and rhe'uumati1m1. The tetfor continued to gi:ow worse, and the itching almost ma~c me crazy- In this condition I wits induced to take ShakAr Blood Syrup, aud the resul' was as astonishing as it was gratifyincr, In a. few months the Tetter entirely w~ll, the Mercurial Poisoning all out of my system, and I was a well man- and due to Shaker Blood Syrup- All like sufferers should take it. 0. H. Sargent, Haverhill. Mass Vital Questions ! ! [Cont10ued.] llllAPTER II. wouderful and mysterious curative power is developed which is s) varied in its operations that no <liscose 01· ill health can po.isibly exist or r~sist its power, and ylt it is Harmless for the moet trail woman, weakest invalid or smallest. child to nse. "Pa.ti ants. "Almost dead or nearly dying" For years, anrl given up by physicians of Bl'ight's and other kidney diseases, . liver complaints, severe coughs called consumption, have b~en cured. Woman gone near! crazy ! From agony of neuralgia, nervousness, weakfulness and \' arious diseases peculiar to women. People drllWD out of shape excruciating oangu of Rheumatism. Infiammatary aud chronic, or suITering from scrofula. · Erysipelas! Salt rhume, blood poisoning, dyspepsia, indigestion, and in fact almost all diseases frail Nature is hero to Rave been cured by Hop Bitters. proof of which Can be found in every neighborhood in the known world. II Best quality of Meats, Fresh and Cured, always in stock. Their Seeds are all fresh and of the best quality; they keep Barrel Salt; American and Carbon Safety Coal Oil. Try thei1· Empire Ho1·se and Cattle Food, the best manufactured, recommended highly by the Guelph Model Farm ; their stock of Glassware and Crockery is Complete. They do not make any specialty of one article, but as there is considerable talk about Cheap Teas, the place to buy tl10 Cheap Tea is at Young, Cawker & Co's, they buy altogether for cash which enablt's them to sell cheap. Give them a call. C. M. CA \iVKE R. -CALL A T - THE GREAT Circuliir and Consulta· tion free A FEW SIMPLE 'l'ES'l'IMONIALS 'l'HA'.r SPEAK l!'Olt THEMSJ~LVF;S. INDUSTRIAL FAIR -AN))- Ottawa, Sept, 31·d, 1883. A, NORMAN, Esq_,-Denr Sir,-I have experi· cnced considerable benefit fl'om yonrA.ppliances I feel B\ronger and better every day. Yours tl'llly, lt. E. HALID'U'Rl'ON. l'eterboro', Sept, 15th, 1883. Of Live Stock, PolJltry, Dairy, Agricul A. NOHIIIAN, Esq..- Dear Sir,--Soon after I tural and Horticultural Products, Imple- commenced to use your E lectric Appliances. they opened my bowelB, cured rny cough u.nd men\s and Manufactures bf all kiuJs. col<l, relieved my head, aud conaidora bly relieved my catarrh in consequence. 'l'ho dis· char11:es from my head and chest are now easy, and I feel altogether bettor. My digestion has improved, my atomach loss sour and windy, and I am less troubled with lascivious and vivid dreams. I had previously tried almost all '.file Largest Prize :Lht Jn tlrn no111J11lon. the advertised pa.tent medicines without derivYour~ truly. ing any good. JOHN GHEEN. Prize Lists a11d·E11try Forms can be obtained STOTT & JURY, sole Agents. from the tiecrctaries of all Agricultural Societies and Mechanics· rnstitutes, or they will be sent anywhere on application by post-card to the Secretarr. at 'l'oronto. EN'rRIES CLOSE AUGlJST 23rd. I SEMI-CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION, 1884_ LEE &EOSALL'S -AND EXAMINE THE- TORONTO, September 10th to 20th. 'l'HIS WILL DE THE GRAN.DEST EVENT MRS. of 'l'oronto's Semi-Centennial year. AN IMMENSE PROGRAM SPECIAL Ar~b:fRACTIONS LICHT~ HEAVY HARNESS is being prepared for that time. Cheap Rates and E xcursions on all Railways. The best time to visit the City of Torunto. '\VAlT FOH IT. J. J. WITHROW, P1·csident. H.J. HILL, .Manager and Sec. Toronto. Harland's Improved MILK PAN, Patented Julv 17th, 1883, which iR second to n~ne of the many inventions now in the market, in si.mplici.ty, durability and the effectual mode of separating the cream from the milk, pure and free from sediment. 'Ihe Skimmer and Aerating appa· atus is entirely new, and will separate the cream from the milk in 12 hours. Call and see them at MILK PANS '. LEWIS QUICK'S, ~nm'K·s 01.D S1"1ND, - - UOWJIA.N'VUI.E. · ~OOL! L· Q U I C · M k t p · fi Highest ar e rice or t't of Wool \ any qUall i Y · K · An ill life, an ill end. A full heart lied never. A. hungry man sees far. Everybody should keep such athing as ZO- PE-SA in the house, and by regu latin" the Bowels and System, keep away Girls best Kid Gloves at 12~ cents head~che, heartache, deJection, indigos- Ellison & Co. tion. ZoPESA invigorates the Liver, Tmxr. TRIP.-The STA'l'J>]SMAN will be makes thefamily happy by making health. sent to anv addreas to !lew subscribers All fails that fools think. for thirty \veeks for 1hirty cents. A greedy JU&n God hates. A Frn:11: OPINION .-The firm of Ormand Hall'~ Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer & Walsh, druggist, of Peterboro, say Dr. never fails in restoring gray hair to itR _ ! fowler's Wild Strawberry is one of their youthful color, lustre, and vitality .Dr. A. b,est S~anrlard Medicines for Summer A . .ff'ayers, State Assayr of Massachusetts, Complamts. endorses it, and all who give it a fare trial Goon TtME,- When is the bei:!t time HUMPHREY unite in grateful te1ttimony.. to its many to A tak~ a blood purifier? When ever the virtues. ~ blood is foul and humors appear, or when IS SEI,LING A fool's bolt i!\ soon ehot. the system is dibilital;ed take Burdock Blood Hitters. A burnt bairn fire dreads. sold at Pethicks barber shop , ,., · f f f T o any one enaermg rom any orm o · t TonAcco ti t · f · t 2 d' 'f th ·u I t D a 1ess inn cos pnces, or ms nace, well made and guaranteed to be of k'd 011 1 ney 1se,ase, .1 ey Wl Y ~y r. plu!(s of McDonalds smoking for 5c. or 1 superior quality, at the old stand, Van l3ure~ s Kidney Curo, they. w~ll not 10c. plucr of chewina for 5c. All other onl:y expen~nce a prompt alleviation ?f kinds sold cheap. "' their suffeemi:<s, but a speedy cure will be the result. .Ask your druggist for · Dr, I Allan Line, mail steamships- tho Van Buren's Kidney Cure, and be con- '. quickest, safest and best line crossing the vinced. atlantic; Vessels not being insured inAuld men are twice bairns. sures careful management. No cattle on · · th passenger steamers. Rates reduced; enCOLLARS A SPECIALTY. All the speed ism · e spurs. quire of W. A. Neads,Ageut. A Beautifol H ead of Hair. There is Always ou hand and for sale very cheap MoDERN Maorc. - The magical power nothina mor<i pleasing in the external apWe keep the largest and most varied assortment of over pain that Hagyard's Yellow Oil posWhips, Blankets, Cnrry Combs, pearan~e of woman or men than a beauti- sesses, outrivals the marvels af ancient Brushes, &c., &c. ful head of hatr, and it is possible for times. It acts in a natural manner t o every person to possess it by using the Bnbdue inflammation; cures Rheumatism, A brge stock of Light and He::i.vy Harness long and well known Cingalese Hair Re- Croup, Deafness, Sore Throat, and painTO BE JJ'OUND IN WEST DURHAM. storer. Sold at 50 cents per bottle by ful injuries. new ready for the Fall trade. 'Stott & Jury. ~t open iloors dogs come in . All fGllows, ,Jock and the Laird. Ordered Work and Repairs It you are unablfl to sleep nights and, receive prompt and careful through physically tried, are wakeful and attention. your buisness is uppermost in your mind, Sign of the BIG COLLAR, and you cannot for a while rid yourrelf Kin~ St. West, Bowmanville. of its cares and perplexities, take P hoa' 29-tf. phatine along with your meals three BowMANVII,LE. ONT., Dec. 5, 1882. times a day, and it will produce such a M1ssrs. SETH ·w. FOWLE.& ~ON, Boston.. change in your system that you will en)ear Sirs:- ".e auppoao it 1s no new thmg Ca~l and see us : we take pleasure in showing our Goods. ioy refreshiag sleep every night. For j foryou to receive oongratulations on the suc. sale by all drugcrist. Price $1.00. cos of your valuable coughramedy, nr. '\VJst· . of' THE " ' ar' n1tlsa111 of \'l'Jltl Clte1·1·y; but perhaps at A wool seller kens a wool buyer. th~ time a word or two from us will not prove A hasty man never wanted woe. out of place. Although the Balsam has not THEm NAME rs LEGION. - Legions ot bee:i advel'i~e~ to any extent iu this locality, people have bad their Jives made mis era· oux sale of it 1s very large and tho demand is ble b ilea. This painful difficulty is inc:caslng, which is due to the universal sat. F~Rl\1 ~OR SALE. -:--One of the best A NEW BOQUET Y. P d b lsf.rotion which it gives to our customers. [ m Darlington, on mmn road, two mlloe 's1 ·te R1.chness of Odor Distilled often rnduced and always aggravate y vVe have never had n single complaint and east ofBowmanville, 'l.nd thr~e miles west of ... Of Exqµ1 Constipation. Kidney Wort is the great . . . ' Newcastle, rn; acres, well improved, good ACREE', MORE OR LESS, from Natural Flowers. 'rho Most d f 11 ff. r f th' k' d It huoands toll us thetr wives will not keep dwellm!<' and barn; good orchard. Apply to ~ 1 0 being lot 16, con, i, Darlington, DurDeliotful Delicate and Lasting re~e Y or a ~ e? ions ls 1h ho1Se without it. Wo would like you to do a · H. J. SHAW. Dowmanville. 27-tf. ham Co., on gravel road, !9 miles form Bow-0 p 'f f tl D as a gentle cathartic, promotes a. ea. t Y !Itta more advertising in this country for we ville, and one mile from Hampton village. man er ume 0 ie ay. action on the bowels, and sooths and heals beleve were your balsam better kn~wn its HE THOROUGH- BRED JERSEY First·class grain and p;razing farnl.. Good soil. BULL- " Young Bonlivott "- for service well watered by runmng stream, good BuildSOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND PERFUMERS. the iufiamed surfaces . It has cured h~n- salt would be increased ten-fold. ' at my residence, east of Furniture Factory. ings.large Orchard, in good condition, Fifteen 1·RICE 15 CENTS PER BOTTI.I;, dreds of cases where all other ramed1es\ Yours truly, TERMS :- Thoro·-bred Cows, $~J Grade Cows, acres hard wood and cedar. Apply on th.& Davis & Lawrence Ce., Sole Agents, land applica.tions have failed Sold by all S'l'OTT & JURY, $3; CommonCowa, $2. AilTlluR W. BURK. premises. to W. JOLT,, Hampton, P. 0., or t(t . 22·tf. GEO. JOLL, Solina. 27-4w 1V.l:C>NT::El.EA.X..t. I druggists. 25 "Th~ D1·uggists," DIETZ (TUBULAR HOT BLAST) , HORSEMEN. OIL STOVE. - for full lines of- i TUE UIST tM TJtl MAlt<IT. THE LEADING I Opposite Glover's LiverJ Stable. CH,OICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Good and Cheap Sugars, Teas, Coffes, &c. CHINA TEA SETS I I rjEE OUR LARGE STOCK OF FRUIT JARS.f0 We pay the highest Cash Price for all kinds of CAN'T KEEP HOUSE PRO DU-OE_ ~·LOTUS Bros. h· ooo FARM FOR SALE. - T