. .. THE.e'ANADliN STATESMAN 1DRESS and MXNTLE IS PUBLISHED , 1J;·.; FOR THE FARMER. Wounils. There are two principal methods by which wounds are repaired. The first of ~ ltJll ~ these, and the more favourable of the two, AT TllE OFEIOE, Has just opened Dress and Mantle Making in is the method termed by surgeons healing by the first intention. Under favourable ' i'.·utORlceBlock,KlngSt.,nowmanvllle,Ont connection with her Millinery Department, having secured a first·cl1;1ss Dres~ Maker circµi;nstances this takes place in ' an inu,..;:..·'l.»~if,.j >Ji.,..;,,. ~!-w:~~t:·_~ .,.,_ ~_T-:E · x:t·~ s ': and can guarantee first-class work cised wound when the cut surfaces are in all the latest styles.· $1."IM j_lerannum, or $1,00if paid in advanee A Large Stock of Dress Velvets brought carefally together and maintainPayment strictly in advance required from e1d in close contact after bleeding has always on· hand ; also a large stock of subJilcrfl;1ers outside of the county. Ord~rs to ceased. The two surfacf II then become discontinue the paper mu~t be accompamed·by L cemented together by the f Jrmation of athe amount due, or the paper will not be stopped. subscribers are responsibleuI).til full payment is -· Lua.,latest ~· thin tissue. just.arrived ·in styles and coloo:i. Th 0intermediate th ·· · l layer d of new f · · rn_ade. e er pnncip e mo e 0 repair 18 Call and ooe the goods for yourselves, you wlll RA.TES 01'" A.D'VEBTISING I ~g find them the latest and best in town, healinq by the· second intention. This is Whole Column one year ............. $50 00 ~ ~.,; llats Re-shaped in all ttte 1.ntest Styles. what takes place in large incised wounds " " Half year............. 80 00 ~~~ MRS. DONNELLY. when the cut surfaces cannot be brought " " One·quarter ......... 20 00 "'z:::i - - and maintained in 11.pposition, and it is Ba.It Column one year ..... , ......... . 80 oo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - K · "Halfyear ....... ; ...... 2000I the invariable method of repair in pnnct· .· " One quarter·- . . . .. . .. · 12 50 Continues to do a General Banking Business at ure~ and lacerated wounds. Here the Quarter Column one .yea.r ..... , .. . .. . 20 00 ;,· " Half year .. . .. . . . .. . 12 50 itsBowmanvillu Branch. gap m the texture becomes filled up by One quarter...... .. 8 00 - 5 the growth of new materia,l taking place DEPOSITS Sb:: lines a.nd under, first insertion .. $0 50 from the bottom of the wound, while a Each subsequent inser.tion.... .. 0 25 _ Received in Savings Bank Depart.roent a.nil. on new .skin grows in wards from the edges l!'rom Jili:X: to ten lines, first rnsert!or., 0 75 _, · Each subsequent insertion...... 0 35 -10 call and interest allowed at current rates. N.e of the wound. This new skin, however, notice of withdrawal necessary. All deposits is . not exactly similar to ,the natural aver ten lines,:first insertion,per line 0 10 ,. pg,yable on tlemand. Each subsequent insertion, " 0 03 ·healthy skin from which it extends, be· 't'he number o.f lines to be reckoned by EXCHA..NGE ing thinner, more delicate, and without he space oooupied,.nieasured by a. scale 01 eolid Nonvareil. . / Bought and sold and Drafts issued upon EµrOJ!e, any hairs. A third and much rarer proUnited States an· d Cana,da, also Gold,Si! ver and cess of healing in wounds is what is term· United Sta:es Greenbacks bou1:ht and sold. ·ed immediate union. In this, it is said, J.. POTTER, 1'1.Jt. the divided surface being brought into RA.DUA'l'E of Que~n's College.. ~ingston tJOLLrEC'.l'IONS and Member of Col. Jge of Physicians and accurate contact, unite without the intrJr· 11 Surgeon.a. Ontario, , . . Prompt!)" made at current rates upon ·all part mediate growth of any new texture. It 191" Ofiice and HesLdence, EnmskLllen. 17. of Great Brittain, the United States and Du is questionable if such is really the case, - -- - - · - -· · ·- - - - minion of Canada. but it is conain that sometimes 'in small Dr. A .· BEITH, wounds the cut surfaces, when placed to· Te.leg1·aplt Trans:f"eJ·{f f'1 RADU ATE OF THE '.r0RONTO UNIV~H U SlTY, Physician. Surgeon, &c. Office Krng Made for lar11:e or small sums on all parts of gather, unite so speedily and exactly that ·Stroot. MOHRIS' BLOCK, Bowmanville. · Canada. '1.'his is especially advantageous to on scar is left. persons living in Mamtoba or the North-west In an incised wound treatment, in the G. n. ·()ARVE'rll., B. A. .. B.Sc., 1'1. D., (J,lU. as it makes the funds available at once at tbe first instance, sliould be directed towards place of payment. ICENTIATE OF THE COLLEGE ·For further particulars call at the Bank.Ing favouring union by the first intention. of Physicians and Surgeons o! Ontario. The essentials for this arc- a sound conOFFICE .AND RESIDENCE :-Main St., Orono. House. GEO. MoGILL, T. BRODIE, stitution on the part of the anim11l, acou· Manager rate and close contact of the dividtd surAccountant. .t. \V, ,1JcLanghll..n, 111. R., ·Y .ICEN'l'IATE OF THE UOY.AL COJ,LEGE faces, and the absence of inflammation in of Physiciane and member of the Royal ALWAYS READY the wound. Without man's interference College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. Office; 1\IOHRIS' BLOCK King-st.,Bowmanthis process would seldom or never ensue ~~ · ~~'.~~ .. V !l_le_.___________ in the lower animals, for in all wounds, Dll. J. (J. 1'11'1'f!llELL, except the smallest, the cut surfaces gape apart, unless some means be adopted to EMBEH OF COLLEGE OF PHYSIOI.ANS ,. and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. keep them together. The means com· 71. · Off:l.ce and .l:tesidence, Ennisk!llen. monly adopted bv surgeons for this pur· pose are the application of strips of plasD. UIJIUUl SIMPSON, ter across the surfa.ce of the wound, or ~RARRISTEU., SOLICITOR, &c., MORRIS the passing of sutwres through its edge. BLOCK, up stairs, King_i:Jtreot, Bo'\'man ville. Solicitor for I.he Ontario Bank. In adopting the former plan, a few strips, Private 1'13neys loaned at the lowest rates._ according to the length of the wound, , W1·cther In.ternal or .E:XJtcrnal, ~ should be applied at intervals; but the John Keit.b Gul~ratth, PeN"IJ Davis' Paln Kille-r should hat·o a entire surface should never be covered ARR1i:3TER, SOLICITOR, NOT.ARY place in every Fact<YY'Y, Macklne Shop and PUBLIC, .&c. Office-Reed's Block, o.ver Mlll, on ever]/ Farm, and in every J.louse· over by the plaster. The surfaces, more'l',· Battings store, King Street, Bowmanville. hold, ready fM> im.mediate use, not only flY>' over, should not be brought together .A.ccid<mts, Outs, Bruises-, cto .. b1tt for .lJowd Money, to lend Complaints, such as J>iarrhmq,,- JJysenfR-ry, until bleeding has been arrested; for, Cholera Infantum.1 sudden Col<fs, Chills;· should a clot of blood be effused. into the ROBERT ARltlOIJJt, Nem·algia, etc., etc. Sold evfYl'y·whei·e. wound; it would prevent healing by this P·rico, 20c, 25c and 500 per Bottle· . RE«118TRAR WEST DURHAM ISSUER ofMarria.ge'Lioenses, Barrister and Attor· DA.VIS & LAWRENCE CO. Limited. method. Sutur·s are simply stiuches used '!ley s.t Law and Solicitor in Chancery. Money ·· Wholesale Agents, Montreal. to tie or sew the edges or surfaces of a lDaned on Real Estate. Office on King street, wound together. They are used of variBowmanville. ous materials, such as thread, horse-hair, oat-gut, and wire.' Nothing further need "'· T. rnn.LIPS be said · about the application of these, ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County : , of Durham, Sales promptly attended. since their insertion into a wound should Addrese-Hampton P.O. · 59, always be left to a veterinary snrgeon. ES TAB LIS HE D 1884, In a punctured or a contused or lacerB. BIJT(JlllSON. 4 Queen Street East, To1·onto, Ontario. ated wound, or in an incised wound where ICENSED AUCTIONEER, CONVEYAN L CER and Commissioner in B. R. Sales at These Electro·Curativc Belts, Insoles and the surface cannot be maintained toended to promptly and at reasonable rates. Trusses are gether, or where inflanmat'.on ensues in Q:i!!.Address;-Ennlskillen P. O. Superior to any other Remedy euch a wound, then the treatment muat , JORN RUGHES.-Licensed .A.nctioneer, be that favourable to healing by the · Valuator and Arbitrator. Fire and Life and will eure when second intention. Inflammation, by red· Insllrance, Notes and Accounts Collected. :Money to Len!l. on reasonable terms, .Address all other remedies ness, swelling, and a great tenderness of 472 Cartwright, Ont, the edges of the wound, should be com£all. bated by assiduous bathing with hot GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO Circular and Consulta· water. In a contused and lacerated every man who buys his Licen~e from wound such as " broken knees," partHENltY SYLVES'.rER · .1-0nniskillen. tion free icles of sand and other foreign matter W. \V, Dl()KEY, A FEW SIMPLE TES'l'IMONIALS THAT must be carefully and lightly sponged lf"l'ERINARY SURGEON, graduate of the from the surface ; in punctured wounds, SPEAK FOR 'l.'HEMSELVE.8. . Ontario Veterinary College. Office and or stabs, it must be made certain that Residence, NlilW'l'ONVILLE. Ont. Ottawa. Sept. 3rd, 1883. nothing remains in the bottom of the wm visit Orono every ".ruesday. Office hours A.. NORMAN, Esq.,-Dear Sir,-I have experi· wound: and in all classes of wounds heal(rom 12 a. m. to 4 p, m., at Coulter's Hotel. benefit from yourAppliances Sp~cial attention paid to Surgery. 82·1Y* cncedconsiderable I feel stronger and better every day. ing in this way, provision must be made Yours truly, Jot. E. HAMBUR'l'ON. to allow the discharge from the wound a So Do! Gent:nemen oCFa~h Peterboro'. Sept. 15th, 1883. ready escape. With the last object it is A. NORMAN, Esq.,Dear Sir,Soon after I ion, not so cast. commenced to use your E lectdc Appliances. often necessary, in a punctured wound, they opened my bowels, cured my cough and to enlarge the opening, or to make what cold, relieved my head, and considerably re· is called a · " counter-opening"-that is, nave written these few lines lieved my catarrh in· consequence. ·'l'he disAnd all I·have to saycharges from my head and chest are now rnsy. one running from the surface upwards to That you oa.n find me still at.home, and I feel altogether better. My digestion has lam not gone away. The improved, my stomach less sour and windy. the deepst part of the wound. So all my kind old. t riends may come, am less troubled with lascivious and necessity fora free escape from a punctured and I And all they oung ones, too, vivid dreams, I had previously ~ried almost all wound is seen in the case of " pricks of And get theLr garments nicely me.de the advertised patent medicines without deriv- the feet. "These are generally simple in In fashions that are new: ing i>ny good. Your/:! truly, Vb.ere old and young, d6ar friend s.J. may meet their effects if the t1ack of the nail be JOHN GREEN. A welcome areetin11:. bv R. PEATE STOTT &i JURY, sole Agents. carefully followed ; and enlarged ; but if not, the nail hole is apt to become ob~ structed, and prove insufficient for the escape of the discharge from the wound. In that case the discharge accumulates within the hoof, and gradually forces its way towards the surface, in the direction of lea.st :resistence and hence comes to burst out at the top of thEl hoof. IS SELLING In all wounds union is promoted by putting the part at rest. In the case of WITH' TEETH. WITHOUT TEETH. such large animals as the horse this is often difficult, and sometimes it may be well made and guaranteed to be of necessary to put the animals in slings. Healthy wounds are seldom much PRA.(JTIC..U. DENTIST, superior quality, at the old stand, benefitted by the application of lotions or OVER TWENTY YEARS Ex:i>ERIENOE. ointments. When the wound is of small Sltnm1,0 xitlcGa ~ A.dminlstered Cor Painles size, it is best to leave it uncovered, and OpeI"nttons. if it be in summer it may be smeared with GFFI<:E ltl()CLUNG'S BJ.O()K. : ' SPECIALTY. zinc ointment, or with forty parts of olive COLLARS -"1 oil to one of carbolic acid. In large wounds the surface should be lightly Always on hand and for sale very cheap covered with a cloth kept cov(lred with a solution of carbolic acid in forty parts of Whips, Blankets, Curry Combs, water. When wound shows what is called Brushes, &c., &c. " proud-flesh" it should be rubbed over at A brge stock of Light and Heavy Harness its most prominent part with sulphate of copper ('bluestone") or washed with a now ready for the Fall trade. solution containing two ounces of sugar of lead to a. pint bottle of water.(N. British Agriculturist). Ordered Work and Repairs 'ft-.~ 'RN D E N , L · D. S . , receive prompt and careful Graduate of the Royal College or Dental Winter Management of Sheev. attention. Surgeons, Ontario. · Shepherds, like poets, are born, not Sign of the BIG COLLAR, OFFICE OVER DICKSON'S STORE. made. You may find a dozen men who can be trusted to take care of horses, WLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. King St. West, Bownianville. 29-tf. Ha.te Work e3".ecuted in the latest and most cows, or pigs, to one who is fit to be en~ OLD AND RELIABLE trusted with the management of sheep, improved style of the Dental .Art. 'l'EETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT P .A.IN, Why, we do not know. Ail the great GRAY'S SPECIFIC .MEDICINE. br the use of Nitrous Oxide Gas, without injury TRADE MAllK,Tltc Great Eng· TRADE M RIC, sheep breeders of the world have given to the patient. ltshRemccly,an much of their time and care to the superunfailing cure for 'Particular attention pa.id to the regulatlo;n of vision of their flocks. We have not space Seminal 'VeakCHILDREN'~ TEETH. ness, Supermahere to go 'into details, and in fact it is · torrhea, Imponot necessary, as these vary greatly, ac~.ALL WORK WARRANTED.-._ tency, & all dis· cording to circumstance11. Much roust be eases thattollow as a sequence of , left to the common sense and experience Cal~donian "' · · Self·.Abuee; ·as of the shepherd. If any of our readers Formerly B:nown as the " Soller Mills. ') Before Taking1oss of.Memory,Aftar Taking. are going to· keep sheep this winter, and Universal Lassitude, Pain in the Back Dimness have had little experience, we would adot Vision, Premature Old Age, and ma.ny other HIS MILL HAS BEEN THOR· Diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumption vis.e them tO consult some good farmer in UGHLY renovated and put in order.under 1 a.Premature Grave. our own special supervision, for the purpose of and S'Full particulars in our pamphlet, whicL the neighborhood, and in addition to gristi.ug and ma.nufacturing Oat Meal and Pot we this the following hints may be useful : to send free by mail to every£one.desire <l:l&rl.ey. e.nd we are now prepared to receive The Specific Medicine is sold by all druggist.a Sheep must have dry quarters. Nothing -orders trom all ciur old cnetomers and others at$1 per package, or six packages for $5, or is so injurious as damp, ill-ventilated celtor work, and we gnrantee to give them who will be free by mail on the receipt of the in.trust us with the same entire satisfaction, money sent by addressing lar, barns or sheds. Do vou think you Oats and other grains taken in exchange tor THE GRAY MEDICINE 00., can make such places warm and dry. and " Ulour Oat Meal, &o. H, tic; J, TOWNS, Bow~nville . 227. Toronto, Ont., Canada comfortable by the liberal use of straw ,,-_, .. j ,-. ~VER)': '· Fl\IDAY MORNING, -BY· ' MAKI.:N...G. MDS r . ·' ,,., ···'°·M· A ' . JAMES -.,~.,,,,.! ' ,· ·- · n --o-DONNELLY i M I L I N E R Y THE ONTARIO BAN = for bedding. This only makes the matter worse. There is nothing a sheep dislikes more than a fermenting manure pile. To. compel a fiock of breeding ewes to lie on a mass of damp straw and manure several inchesthick,is almost certain to befollowed by a weak, puny, sickly crop of lambs. we once knew a valuable flock of Southdowns that has entirely disappeared. Goitre destroyed the lambs. We knew another large flock of Longwool sheep that suffered severely in the sa.me way. In the former case the sheep were shut up in a small shed and yard. The rain from the roof of the shed ran into the yard.· Stra.w was thrown i'n from time fo time, and the poor sheep were compelled to either stay in the shed or stand on this mass of wet straw. In the other case the sheep had damp sheds and cellars to sleep in, but as they had the run of a large yard, the results were not so disastrous. Many lambs died of goitre and infantile pneumonia, but as soon as dry quarters were provided, the animals greatly improved in health.-[American Agriculturist To P1·epare Vegetable MOld Quickly. As early as the 1811.ves of the trees can be collected, let them be brought in a considerable quantity, mto a close place, and dressed up there in the form of a hotbed. Let this be well saturated with the drainings from the dung heap, with suds from the wash house, with urine frqm the stable and cow house, where this latter article can be procured. Let this bed or heap be covered and lined with fresh st able dang, to make it; heat. When the heating is sufficiently subsided, let the Jea.ves be uncovered and turned over, to mix the dry and well together and if moisture be required, let them have it of the same description, repeating the process till all be reduced to fine mould. This will be ready for use in two months from the time of collecting the leaves, a11d to prevent anv waste of t.he liquid recommended, a layer d maid<>n earth, of two feet thick, ehoulrl be made the substratum, which would r"ceive any of the valuable liquid that would otherwise run to waste. Leaves of slqw decomposition should be avoided, as those of the oak, etc., which, v.owever. are the beat for r etaining' heat in hot ·b eds and pi' s. The leaves of fir should also be avoided, but those of the sycamore, elm, alder, maple, and all the aoft kinds are better suited for the purpose. This compost should be kept dry, in an airy place, and ridged up, so that the rain cannot wash out the sal ·s with which it ab mnds.-fGardener's Rec<rrd. CATARRH. permanentcureiseffectedin~romoneto threa treatments. Particulars and Treatise free on receipt of stamp. A. H. DIXON & SON 1367 King Street, West, Toronto. ' C.ATARRH,-.A new Treatment whereby a APPLES APPLES. CHARLES DONAL'D&00., 79 QUEEN ST, LONDON, E. C., G L rer~~n~rJ~~rthatmint)wasavery bad case; it .vas aggravated arid · chronic, involving the · · ' throat as well as the nasal passages, and I thought I would req11ire the three treatments Agent for but feel fully cured by the two sent me, and I am tbankful that I was ever induced t·o send to you. You are at liberty to us" this letter stating (ALL SIZES) that I have been cured at two treatments, and Guaranteed to give fl.rat-class satisfaction or l shall gladly recommend your remedy to some no sale. Also of my friends who are sufferers. Yours with many thanks, REv.E.B.STliVENSON, and all other kinds of 't'ORON'l'O, April 24. 18S2, A. fl. Dixo1i, Ji',sq., 805 King S t ., West. FARM IMPLEMENTS. DEAR Srn,-We take pleasure in stating that our junior nartner, who had for years been troubled with Catarrh, was successfuliy cm·ed Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. by three treatments of your remedy. The .Address, W. H. PIPER. Box 101, Cattarrh wasmuch aggravated, wi.th continual dropJ?ing in to the throat, accompanied by loss '40. BROOKLIN, of vo10e, hawking and spitting and blocking up of th~ nostrils, all of which we are · pleased to s111y d1sn.ppeared alniost inf mediately after the remedy was appUod. Your remedy is certainly an invaluable on'e and we hope all who may Has received her new stock of be suffering fromthis disa11;reeable disease will givo it a trial, as we are satis:ficd they will :find it a complete success. · ·Yours very.truly, and invites the Ladies of BowWM. NORRIS & SON, Wholesale Pianos and Organs. No. 8 Adelaide St. East. man ville and v1cinity to call WHAT TIIE REv. E. B. STEVENSON, B.A.., A Will be glad to corresp'h\,h.:J with CLERGYMAN O~· TllE LONDON CONFERENOE o!J' '.l'IIE ME"l'II01>rs'l' crruRorr oF CAN.ADA Apple Growers, Mercha~ ....,, and HAS 'l'O SAY IN REG.ARD TO A. H. DIXON & """ . SoN's Nmv TREA'l'MENT FOR CATARRH. Shippers, with a view to A ntumn OAKLAND, ON'l'.ARIO, UAN., 1\farch 17, 1883 d b . Messrs. A. H. Dixon, &: Son. an prtng us1nesl:l. DE <\R Srns-Yours of the 13th instant to hand. · It seems almost too good to be true that I am They will also give the usual cured of Catarrh, but I know that I am, I have · had no.return. of the disea.se and never _felt facilities to customers 1·equiring ad· better m my hfe. I have tried so many thmgs 81 70 for catarrh, suffered so much and for so many vances. years, that it is hard for me to realize that I am - · s . W H PIPER GRAIN CRUSHERS CHAFF CUTTERS ll~S S i f\1 cT l.\VISH GOODS., ADVICE 'l'O Jt10· . rn1ms. and see her Pattern L M Are ·you disturbed at night and broken of your resL by a sick child suffering and crying with pam of cutting teeth 1 If so, send at onoe and assortment · and get a bottle of Mus. WINSLOW'S s90THING SYUUP FOli CHILDREN TEE~'HING, Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers there is no mistake about it. It curesdysentary and diarrhrea, regulates the stoma.oh and STORE :-Second Door West of Williams bowels, cures wiu<'.l colic, sof~ens the gums, reduces 1n-Uammalion, and gives tone aud Butcher Stan energy to tbe whole system. MRS. WINSLOW'S Soo·rRING SYli\JP Fon CI1ILDRE:'< ·rEm'l'III:'<G is pleasant to the tasLe, and iM the prescription of one of the oldest and best. fomalc nurses and AGRIOULTULAL AND physicians in the Unit;ed Stat.es, and ls for sale by all druggists throughout the world, Price 2u cents a bottle BONNETS, HATS TRIMMIN-tiS Machine Foundry, ltEST und (J01'1FOJl'f' to the S11FFUI8G. CARRIAGE WORKS B NO LONG.ER EMPEROR. NORlY.CAN'S L Elf CTRIC BELT INSTITUTION,· A V I DENTISTRY HORSEMEN. MRS. HUMPHREY J.M. BR IMA COMBE; LICHT~ HEAVY HARNESS Opposite ·Glover's Liver~ Stable, c. How Napoleon Ill. T11ok bl~ Defeat. After a few minutes he came into the roo~ alone, and with that remarkable smile which could light up his dark countenancehe shook me heartily by the hand. I confess that I was never more moved. His quiet and calm dignity and absence a.11 nervousness and irritability were the grandest examples of human moral courage that the severest stoic could have imagined. I felt overpowered by the position. All the past rushed to my memory; our yeuth together at Rome in 1829 ; his dreams of power at that time ; his subse· quent desperate attempts to obtain it; his prisons, where I found him still sanguine and unchanged;his wonderful escape from Ham, and hh residence in London, where in the riots of 1848, he acted as special constable like any Englishma.n. His election as president by millions,in France, in 1850 ; his further one by millions to t he Imperial crown; the part I had acted as To the Hartford Fire InsU?·ance Oo. an English minister in.that .e vent, which I hereby return thanks for the· prompt pa,yment by your agent, Mr. 'l'bos. Bingham. for had realized all his early dreams ; the damage done to my house by fire. l received glory of his reign of twenty-two years a cash check by return mail after my claim MUS. C. C. BUHK. over France, which he had enriched be- was forwar:l.ed. yond belief and adorned beyond all other To the Manaoei·s of he Gl.asaow and Lond~n Fire lnsurance Oo. countrit"JS and capitals ; his liberation of I hereby return thanks for the prompt pay· Italy-all these memories crowded up- ment by your agent, Mr. '.rhos. Bingham, for on me as· the man stood before me damage to my house which was insured in the Sovereign ~'ire Insurance Co.. having received whose race had been so successful and ro- cash check by return of mo.I! after claim was mantic, now without a crown, without an sent in. ·MRS. C. C. BURK. army, without a country, or an inch of . · t th From the above settlelllent of olaim parties Id 11 h d h groun e cou ca lB own, e:l{,cep e holding SovereiKn Policies will see that they house he hired in an ]~nglish village : I are all right, and they need not pay any a tten must have shown, for I could not con- tion to the agent of the Dominion Grange hm~bug or any one ~lse who are going round . h k' ceal whl-t I fe1t, as, again s a mg my tellrng folks that their Sovereign Policies are hand, he said ; "A la guerre comme a l" no p-ood. THOS. BINGHAM, guerre. C'est bien bon de venir me voir.a In a quiet, natural way he then praised · BOWMAN VILLE the kindness of the Germans at Wilhelm- - - -- - - - - - - - -- - -shohe; nor did a single complaint escape him during onr conversation. He said he had been trompe as to the force Insure in the Confederation Life Assoand preparation of his army, but without ciation. It is cheaper than the Canadian mentioning names; nor did he abuse any- Mutual Aid, A, 0. U. W. or any pass aone, until I mentioned Gen. Trochu, who round your hat institution, as the followdeserted the empress, whom he had sworn ing examples will prove: Thos. McClung to defend, and gave Paris up t-0 the mob, has been insured since 1872 for$2,000and when the emperor remarked, '!Ahl voila the last five years it only cost him $2.55 un drole." ·During half an hour he con- per annum on each $1, 000 to insure. John versed with me as calmly as in the best McClung insured at the same time for the days of his life, with a dignity and resig- same amount and it only cost him $1. 74 nation which might be that of a fatalist per annum on each $1,000 to insure, he bnt could hardly be obtained from any being a little younger. other creed ; and when I lefb him that We certify the above to be correct. Thos, was, not for the first time, my impreS,t!- McClung, John M.cClung. ion. When I saw him again in 1871 I THOS. BINGHAM, Agent. found him much mt°re depressed at the destruction of ·Paris and at the anarchy prevailing over France than he was at his own misfortunes ; and that the communiists should .have committed such horrors iB the presence of their enemies, the Prussian armies, appeared to him the very acme of humiliation and of national infamy. On Jan. 9, 1874, he died, ln the presence of the empress, who never left him, released from the storms of a fitful existence, from intense physical suffering and saved from knowing the loss of his only son, whose fate she was soon destined to deplore alone.[Memoirs of the Earl of Malroesbury. ," Bro'\Vll's Ronschould 1·anacea " has no \Ve aro now doing every clas1 of ENGINE, equal for relieving pain, both iuternal and ex- MILL, MACHINE, Fo UNDRY, AonIOuLTURAL, ternal. It cur" Pain in the Side, Back or Bowels, Sore 'l'hroat. Rheumatism, 'l'oothache, CARRI.AGE and WAGON Won1L Lumbago and any kind e.f a Pain·or AchEi. "It will most surely quicken f.he Blood and Heal - Call and see ouras its acting powers is wonderful." "Brown.a Household Panacea," bemg ac·knowledged as the great Pain Heliever. and of double the strength of any other Elixir or Liniment in the It is the machine ·every farmer wants-Light, world, shculu be in every family hancly for use w~n wanted, "as it really is the best remedy Simple. Durable and Good-none bettor made in the world for Cramps in the Stomach. and -OUR.Pains and Aches of all kinds. "and is for sale byal!Druggistsat25centsabottle. . Bueklyn·s A.rntca Salvc.-The best Salve f in the world for Cuts, BrUises. Sores, Ulcers· A large stock, Their merits recommend Salt Hbeum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped -them. Our.Hands; Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Ernptlons, &nd Posltlvtily cures Piles; · It is guran, teed to give perfect satisfaction, or money So long and favorably ·known need no com refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale Y I.., - -ment. Eve~;r kind ofJ. Higginbotham & s_ on _._ _ _ p p "Hun" CouGH CURE, 25 OENTS.-Pres . U~ed we keep on hand, made from TONSD.AL cnption of 11 Boston Physician, dispensed HAME1IL1', .--... years by a Boston druggist. ONE DOSE We are prepared to supply t' · Farmer will cure any ordinary cough. I t acts lll- with every implemer.t he neeclfl. J:luy your most magically. Ask Stott & Jury for a machines at home where you can have them 2 5 cent bottle of "Hun" OouGH CURE, -repuired.~e put o:ff with any other. NEW IRON lVl 0 WE R_, CHAMPION PLOW CA R ·R I A G E S L 0 W 0 INT S Cards of Thanks. - ~ CC Iung & Darch. (l"FHE FIRED Has 1iade 1'fany Changes. - - - (o)- - - DAV. DAVIS IUfTllE POPIJLA.ll'li\1 BOOT AND SHOE MAN HAS RESUMED BUSINESS - -IN- . - Cheap Life Insurance. = NEADS' « BLOCK~ NEXT DOOR TO TUE EXPRESS OFl'l(JE. - - ( o) - - .Mr Stock comprises all ines or Ladies & Gents' Fine Goods, Overshoes, ~\rbbers, &c. ~ 4'il" Ordered Wo1·k and Repairing will as usual receive prompt attention. tr1T My customers and the public generally are invited to call and sccu~e unparalleled bargains in Boots and Shoes. DAVID D.A.VlS. _ Bowmanville, March, 6 1884. THE VICTORIA. Meat Sold in the Shop for Cash VERSUS Peddling and Credit. We having been solicited by a number of our citizens to commence on the above system, we have now decided to fall i n with their request, This plan will enable us to sell TWO cents per pound cheaper. As you will see by the new system we shall not require hal f a doz en horses and rigs and men to run them, for which t he public have previously paid. We being the first to intro· duce this great saving ask your liberal support. Yours truly, FRESH MEAT. ---"°"- lVIills. T In south Siberia there is an uncivilized race known as Bourats who worship a human god. When their god reaches the a.ge of 19 they poison him, and · choose a younger god, who is likewilfe poisoned when he reaches that age. There is non much competition among the youth of south Siberia in seeking the nomination for human god. They do;i't put their cards in the newspapers a couple of months before the convention meets, offering themselves as a candidate for the office, subject to the rules of the Bourats. Although the office is a · sinecure, the youth prefers to work1ixteen hour11 a day in a woollen·:tnill, This Cut represents the popular Victoria Wave. It is dressed with the hair falling on the forehead, and the ends meet in Montagues. It is exceedingly becoming, and is having a large run. The above style, with large number of other equally becoming styles , are made by MRS. A. D.A.VIS,s Marke£ Square. over M. Maver store N. B.- All oi·ders promptly at~ .ABSOLU'fE DIVORCES FOR tended to and :Meat d elive red to all persons resitling throughout the United States and Canada for desertion. non- parts of the town. support,intemperance,cruelty, incompatibility. eto. Advice free. State your case and address We also pay Cash for Farm and ATTORNEY WARD, World Building, 1267 Broadway, NeV( York 33·ly, Dairy Produce. W. BRlTTAIN~o., DIVORCES