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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jan 1885, p. 3

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·· ~~C,~JJt'"rn-1l'~~~'l'1mJ.i.""!:fn;.t,:i;.~~::_~_:"ry_.¥"~'~~~.m-:~~~,.~~!~~~..J'lI!t' ~::::~~~~~::::::::~:?:~~~~~~~~~~J'ZZM?-t'.~~~;tu_~~°Y:_~1f... :?~-f:::,_;·_; ·x;,~~~.( 1 ~TI°!J,~_.:;r.;:.;i.+~Y,(..+'1--~\:. 1 s{;.;:. ~. ' ~~':"'ii ~-!,, ~'Z"!'~r, o:,,~~q,, .,,.(,f~f".,.:z""" :tf"N':ilro:f....,_,.;..~...':i_ - - - - - - - - - ---- - unnatural smpicion existed in your I but yon J )elHvei\ 5uch :i horrible ~ccm1 which seem 'to relieve the burning, aching I hand or orJ.e worcl of forgi·,..1118B; "nd t ho ~ nn~H' n~4' ~ .v~ 0 tHh mmd 1 ' lie asked abruptly. a '.io n aP I hat! Yon, '1b<J JJ:vl known ix:e tortur ed brain. h·ms.iketipPr, c J/T11f';~ hu rrl··dly m·o r lie ' ·Since -~ince the night of the b 111 i\t for IW l"any ye u~, JOU I~ ho-- Jt ls ' ' C.,uld tht're not 7 he aaid ha,lf incred- h hrary, wr.s stnprn1ed ;;.no at 1ltled }·y h1J1 L'.\mbs·;orok!," she replied, fearing to dis too !tor·· tJle ! Trn', \"erl t h?;:tght s·11les Ju 1suly- "Heaven knows you'r snffclring calm self pn·ii:!,'>·M<l J < rn 1g rnlfp,1··s ,'s FRW \.Y, JANO .\.RY 23, 188,5. trese h im let more by l er em'lt10n, and me and 'ht· woxdi cooke me.!, . li 'l?. been gxea.t; hu1,, if, m the lut,ure, bur:'l~llig into an b3e f'1 ·1c \( pas"wn ,,f etruggh ng desp·;r.i.tely for ca.lmneae. ' ·le pla;wht. ktlled me I ahe e;ned I<'rank Grev1lle's gu·fo elwulct b" proved , tea.r and dingi11g w In»· l ik·: a h"ar~ ~(i~JJ trkr;+; '.(firt' Ii u73 Cct1 l f r; c .. , New 1i.u1~~1 ~ le~~ \:..l1- I~ ri 1or!.,<..cL.23, lSS2.. i~,(J De s·;arted a Jit,tle and gbnci;d at her. paeeion->le .y, smkmg furwmd upon her P'31'hapn you will nrid that yo11r cup of hr.>kon c: 1ild. "Gentlemen 1'y ' 1thr·- res.d ~n r~t Glove·, '·Was it already in your mind when lmtles mid bowing her head in al:: j ect sorrow ha.snot yet been to the (TO BE CO:_\'rrni:;:im) \ .. t. Jre lian 1 .lef'n .~ ~ P'tt sr!forc: i ron1 Scrof... you came to me tc. ex:cuao your attend- hu.nil ta,twn "Would to heavan it bad! dregs!' - - - -.-·. - · - -- · - ----·-··· CHAPTER XXXNII. ula~ and the 11 c1o=JeLl Jotter \, ill to!l you what ..nee at the b:i.11 ~" Ah, If y·iu knew what 1 h&ve suffored Sha lo1tked &t him almost in surpriae. Russian Justice. r. marvelous elfoct In the liora.ry at E ~sthorpe the lamps "No-oh, no I" since then I' Had not the aup::emest sorrow h .. r lieart The que111.1un h<ls t" t~n be311 ae1{ed were burning softly, and the heavy "Later on then T' h e 811jd mu iuigly, "I can imagine," he s', look~ng dow!1 could know been borne when she thougb.t whether m Ru~d"' mtin rrcei>e l'l3pa.~t1al Orienta.I curtains were drawn clo~ely, "What a.ron 3 ed it, Sidney 1' at her with a momentary softemng of his him guilty 7 Could any fut ure pain justic'3 or not. I ahal t mentwn two cases ehuttwg out the wintry night, with its She did uot !ln·wer. dark eyes. "You thought yourself mar- equal that pain, she wondered v113uelyh3.S 11:id ln his I tlunk hi3 blood mu~t wh ch came under my own ob.iervat10n. kcen winds an<l falling snow. Tb.c l'Ol)Jn "I think, it I remember righ·.ly, ymir ried to a murderer, and that the shame any auff<Jriug equal that sulfaring 1 llitva contained the humor for at leNJt t e·1 'l'he landlord of my house entered an looked thol'oughly cnmf0rtable and artis- rea 8 rm for refuQwg tu go t.o La m'Jswold and the dtsg~ace woul~ fa.Ii upon you. ··Hut even now," h e went on, his action to i·eo·:ver the sum of $2 000 owed yoars ; but it did not · bow, except in t ho form cf a scrofulous soro on the wrist, until r.brut tic?.lly bnaut1t ul, wirh l'S handa·JIIHl c,\rv- was Mrna Greville'P. ilinr,sa," ho c,>ntmusd It was a parnful pos1t1on. M~y I ask h~art th1obing more qoickly as he cau6 ht for goads to that amount G"llv~red. Botls. fivo years ago. From a few spots wl.icil :ipings and cunons:y »t«ll'.l).md h>aLher., aud i·s m the s .m" mmrng way, as if he were ~hat ml~n" ~ou mmmt to employ to cltiar the expression and partly gueased its p~xt.1es l,rlbe·l the j ..«1,;(, bu-. the landlord pearod at that t ime, It trradually sprea(i so as ro11 s uf uub,1r Yl·t. n.;rdv t·<Hlll1 vulumea, trym 11 to rec~.l! the rYeuts of that. .iven- I! rank Grev11le and convict your. hua· meaning, "I do not understand p 10 yoa was the mP6t ];;V1·l'L, and ho aliirmed that to cover his entire botly. J n.ssuro you l\11··.vtc.a and t he only iJJcongtuuus tlil'ig 1·rl'.'sen1. ing ~"W1tB that rour t.rne rea·on ?" band 1" undertook suuh a Jong journey alone, he )Jat<i $i«'i0, ;;.ltti~· t.h·J dt' C sm·t m his terribly allhcted, and an object ot pity, \I beu was a ch.i.m y aft<jr:nvun t1::a of "NJ. She was sobbing piteously now, M she and in such health, It w<1.s moat impm- favol', c.n c·»1ditwn that lw tt'\J11ived the he beg " n llS> ng your n1cd1cme. Now, thc1e are few men of his ago wl.10 en joy as good hea lt b Savres, which st<lod < ,n a. f.ab:,, near the "I thought nob. "V{11at was it then i" half kuolt, half · oronched at his feet, rlent and very v, rong of Dolly to al!ovr yther $1,f,.50, hi· , ,ffcr was 2,:ic, pt.(:d and o.s he lrn.s. I cou ld or.sily name fifty persoua blaz ng wood-fire ; J'.s di:;l w ;;t,e "" lu11r111g, She raised her dim eyes appealingly to aoboing piteously and uncontrolla.bly, it? he pad !he a ·nount :i.fter w>J.umg twe who wo11ltl testify to the facts in his the glittermg mlver of l's a.[Jp ·lCJtrnents, n·s face ; bu~ therti was no yielding in unable to ~peak, unabla t o ii.nswer his " Dolly did not know," she answered. years for Ju~ m<i ney. A·t Au:ii,raHan Yours truly, W. llf. PfilI,LIPS." seemed more suiti~blti f"r thti dr... wmg 1 ~8 st"'rrrna~. bt~te1 questwn, although every cnld '· D·11 you wa.nt to warn ma of my danger gentleman w, a r·,n!Jud. """ hottJ where 1 room or Sidney's bt1udo r tnan for the ···what l'la~ it? ' he repsatt~d. c!e"'rly-~pokl.ln woxd weuu to ht:ir hoa.rt and induce me to nm away-like Grenlle he was str P1,mg ··f p1 operty tc1 a cnns·dtlr· 0 ~f:,1!~,;~ ;~: sombre m::ignificenc<::l of the library. "I wamed to stay,' ahe f,. 't er cd, ldni \lll1e1:1tab of a knife. rhd 1 abh, u.mount. The 11t.rv.-uta wel'e all ex" d u ty for mo to state to you tho benefit I Ilusbanu and wife w<irt t,lrnru alone, "because-because _ __ ,, ··D.d you impart your auspiclons to "I thought you would come she whis- amined by the police ard one wao> i;dect~d l:avo derived from tllO use of in the first h !!.H-::wur afce1· I heir retux·n tu "B;citu~;i \~ haL ?" h·J asked shaqi!y. bhe dotet,;~.Vti when yvu gave him an 1uler 1_)0r;;d f,,iatly. " S~eµh·m l would have as t he riro >;abl.; th·d The hut el pro· E~sthorpe. Sidney was leantng, or rat.her " Tl1e1 c' 1l !18 h H ll el\OUg h p~1terllt\,( '1 dt1J new, as j r r.resu ine you did, on th,1 follow- rued- I would ha"e b.,.,r, BO tender and- pneter weli kuc w Lhe hur,eaty of thia lymi?, LlC>Wull ~ 1. L~t thM~,, 0'.," he went on culdlc, "nnd I would hwe tried a·> hard to make ynu m»n and ga·,r., h m a. cluracrt>r which - back in a gre<>n ann·ch,~xr by t he t h e tiut J1, L l!<>1ve I ~ ..,. , be Jn!! - mornin0 · fire. Stevhen .-;~r, "PP·Js1te to h,·r, lna fr,rnki"'" 8 L~t"'e"n us now." d .d he !!hare th,,m 1 And h tt1.a solving h.ip,1y.' would have exo11el'.i.ted 1un bom th.i Six mnnths rigo I was completely cm·erc d with elbow r es:ing upon the t<~b!e, hts h.,ad · \!f t.htJ myatery ., -cou spvke of tc·nhrht " You,. would liavo trhld b.,Jilwing me charg· ··B ec~use Fcrnnk G rtrvill e was CtHrnng - m 1. Bu~ no, t he police d eteTmirn1d :;i. t er1 tble humor nwl scrofulous so1".:)S. ~'he leanrng upon h t· band, Mld"' l··ok on u·s be rt) t.hii.~ night to .,00 hia sisJ,er. " cons~quenc·J of your exertions -vour a ---that he was the thid,a11d actually flogged hurnor canEod an inc<·s~ inL and int o1erable · nint exortwns l me~,JI, o f: cour1;e ·' And face wuich Sid, ..iy bad ll'~'"*' t' Sl.!t1n tnere · h er" - t c· my 1 ·· D,J not my i ~--do not aay it I" she him to the cornf,>rta bl..i nu,,1ber of 300 itchi rie, nnd tho sl\ 1n cracked so os to cn.uae " F ra r.k G r~v1 11a cormng wh,1t did th>.J detective thiuk of ft,., w1fo cdecl, wirh audde;\ paaak·n. " I cannot lashes. before, a look: s · ste1·u, su e<mtemptuous, homm !' St~phou · xc~a1me d haug llt1 1y. the b!ood V> flow rn t.>an y places wiwnover ScucPIJ was :his recdved I moved. My sut!eu ,.~ - wct e great, r.nc1 my ··Yea ,, who could &O .,a,~ily betray her hu~band, bed.r it, Stephen." so inr.ensely rq,rur,chful and sad tt1at Bhe before the trne tbief w.;' dtscovered to bo life it burden. I com ·roenccd tho usa of tho dared not casi a l··ok upon hie ' fi1rst qs,t, · · lu,re, l pTo- eveu tllOU<Jh !!Uilty of such a "Ir. uerrtblll to he>~r H. quite another P·-'r~on ; th.. poor se1·vau~, " I l was h is ., he were .. - must be les" · fiARS A.PARILL A ln A1n : J,«,t, arnl t ,ave used face, she < n· J t· meet a glance fr im surn"' r'--"No." crime a~ that?" than to bdteve iG," he nnswered, V.ltih a iost\'l!d of being C'·IJS11led for the sevt~re it rognlarly su1ce flwt rn'le. lily condition the dark: reproachful eves. ·'fla,l he been here b:ifore ! Whun 1 "l did not-I did not!" ·he sobbed sli>;ht we<>1mcBs m hi~ voic!l and manner, flr,ge:h tion he had recflvttd , was so 11L out 1 ~~!Ml t.o J·n;ir-r 1 l'e at. ow~ '"'. '£l1n soros The broagham 1' >d been 1»attrng for For the love of H ;iaven, Sidney, tell rno pa,s111onately. ··Stephen, be p,itient with ··and, smce you once bttlieved i t, I must of the city in orde1· tha~ the bu21LH:sa oi i fl o1lcd ,..;1'1 l f,_, ' <'( ' "·tly l icll 111 every ,.,.,. p"'r· ! ·be.i 'i n < nv n..Jls to d'°'> a C'lOd day's Stephen at the st...uon on the >Hl"lval of th<ol truth now!" me a lrn;ll', nnd-and I will tell you-- even e.xplam that nigh;,'s proc(;edmgs to might be for..rutten. \\ nr: : ) lht1tl<~u T3 ye 11 s or r ~0. l\t::.w y the tl"'.Ain at Aishfurd ; aud l' u sband and "H J t You remoinber Wa!t i ust a little whtld." "OU, S:dney." .......... ... 1 wife }iad driven horn., iu silallce, uvon mi .i came one ntg v , ..,.., ·t "', i ~ ·n O ll ~ht r; H'l1 ::t. nu~c in m) ~r..8c, antl · , d b Lloyd a:.i i that ---·" S·:10 raised herde\f to her feet 2lowly .. N.,,y, I t1eed no expfanation," she : t : 1· ·11 . a~ I 11;-..vo hora t ?. lCd to tc 11 you, A §tate G1Qverne<l by lVo:men. the latter part 0 f t h ei\3oi.. rney "a ., een St .. phen lookP.d at her keenly. and unsteadt!y, leaning heavily t1gainst said earn.;stly. '· ~taphen, I am not mad '· · :; 8 1d~'L\.P~.,..,. n.x.A. G1 0Yer , Yt., c..:t. Among t he C(·lomal po3scssions, or performed. No woi·c had va~ticu be· ··The m:.n and w Lm1an whoui, rw·etiub" ~he t 1 1ble; her aob$ were dyin/! away now. " ~, :s...z.. Yut.ra g l"'~tc~u1ly, tween thorn alter Stf phen Dam.. d exclaliU:~.A.M r.wl!.t ...trO." "B'.lt, in justice t.o my~elf, I musb giYe mere co1 rt'C Ir, d·Jpend <J·cws, of H oll;;nd, mac1on of horror ; he had n ot epoken, be ea w in my 1'!,l'OUill1<1 were )'OU imd from t\h eCJr exhauation, her cheeks and thore 1'3 !!, re'm·rkr.blu h n le Sr;nte, which, Sidney was literall.r incapable of doing Grev1lle 2" ha dl!.ld slowly. lipa wero coloul.'leas, and it would have you on<>, he replied calmly. "EYen P. .. r ,. . :t's fJ ". "?a>f r> . . HtLLA. cnreB r,crofnla ln irn c,,11st1tut1on and , 11gin".1 costume so. In utter eilence he lmd aasiaued her "Yee." b!'lein difli :nlt !or any one who hnd known now it hurts me w tell you, Sidney, and, of its iuhi;.bi~;mts, aur~a~se<1 the boldest, r _,l u.ll F ...,n:::-<..1D:J.O Ccmrlu.intEi, :Cl 'fc;ip· into the brougham, and in silence too he "You mot by appointment?" her in her in her beauty aud brillii~ncy to if I could, I would llpare you the pain oi el'.'1..!'.1, :Ecz.c.:na, IlJn&wc1·n1, .a.!!o.~., dre~ mi of tbe advt c >·.os of women's had half led, ha.If catried her into the "Yes. He came d1sgmsed. I sa,w him recognize the pale despairing woman all hea1ing what I have to say, since 1 must f ~H"C'i t IlGilG~ ~.~·~r:!l(,·rE, and Ei·u1Jtious or right>), In the IslarFt. of Java, b0twel'n E h for a minute earlier in the day, and said ahe stood there. to a great degree destroy your fatth m tl1e l!,.dn. It the blood of a ll impu· the cid~s of B"'tllVfa a. Hi ::lama.rang, Is the libn.,ry on their arrival at !I.St orpe-for I wuuld meeb him there." "I know that you must be ;+ng:iy," she Frank Grev1lle. On the afternoon of r ~!CS, a.ids di::;c.stlon, stinrnlates U10 n<'1.Jou of she was quite incapable of walking with· ·Well· , hur hus'-,,nd s·id, o· "he "d f tl " "-t to g t ' , ti' d f th H t b 11 "h t ki11gdorn of Bauram, wh«:11, a1d1ough out al! Ht> had ordered nome · ~ uw ~ "~ ~ Sal .un y, t""' you can never r tve 1 ie aa.y xe ur e un a , e wen the bowals, and th ns restores vitality and p'lused me for what I have done; but, if I was on gravely, "I learned that he bad tr1b1ttary lo 1::1.oll,.r;d, i~ au l '..ldep·mdent. strc.n:;> hens the wholo system. tea to be brought, and had liimd s elf poured "Step!len, he-hll wa1111tarvinl{ !" not mad, I was very nearly 110," 11he inductd the unhappy wQma.n who was the S r,ato The aoverel><ll is, inaeed, a man, PREl'ARED BT b u t all the iesi.; .,f the guvernrutnt beout some for h er ; but it stoo untasted A 11·>'" · r · e excl·"1n ·ti-011 br<)ke fron1 dd d l'ttl t bl' h d f 't . by her side, as she Ct'l,uched in the gr.iat '~ ~ a e , ra.rnmg one 1 e ram mg an , cauqe o ao mncu m1sery o P"omiae arm chair, the firol·ght follmg upon her Srephen Da.un·,-an ·.xclumat10n of pain and pU$hing back her hair from her hot to fly from her husband and with hun ! ' [Qng'~ t.i the fail' B<il<.. The King rn en Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. t irely depend.,nt upou his Stare ce1unc1), brow "l!'rank was it · was " Ah l" face, sow an, so p!!.le, so t~rror··~t·icken, and <l11Hrt'sa d BO h' wretched, · d Sold by all Drugg1sto, $1, eix bottles for $/j, The lngheot au thuri:i 3s, milita1y com· that it had lost all ita beauty, t:HlJll aa lt · 'You la·Jp· d hiu1 1" such a cruel fate, rm m srnber was ymg, The little cry broke from Sidnay's m<>ml'3i!'< :md suloi rs a-t·.:, w1th0u~ excop- - ·--- - -- - - -- - - - - -- - had lost ir. on the night when sb.e had "Yes, No1; th:..t night-the n tii:t d !l.y- a.nd I had been ao mueh to in the w]ute 11pB sharply; aud, had her hmiband tiun, of th..i f,~rm.!e sex: Theuu amazons E11 liJ .(I (I overheard Christine Greville aay that the day you W<ire hurt. I drove t o paat that- - ·" loc >ked at her, he would have seen that ride rn tlle m"iculme ~tyle, wearing eharp I.) I.) Stephen D mnt was guilty. Lyrnont h t ') ~eet hnn " "There were many good reason, o her teara W{lre dried now, scorche'.:l by steel point.a m s tead of: ~purs. Th():; cany It had needed vc1ry few minutes to "Aud d'id he tell you that he was in· doubt," t.he young man interpoBed. coldly the sudden bu~ning flush which rose over a pt111t1d Jii,neo, whi~h t.h,;y awrng very COST ONLY $2.00 AT . convmce Sidney of the falaehood of auch nocent imd-1 guilty ?" _ ..good reasons for acting as you did ; cheii-k and brow. gr,.t,;efuUy, i~ud a.lso a n "Rker., wmch is . , f f h b f "No- oh, no I le was afterwards." the only reason for not doing so waa too "She was not happy at Rutled!!e. an assert1011, tne a 11acy o sue a e1 10 · "AfterwQrd" ,, , t fl' t b th ht f y h b d' discl1argod ... ~ 11111 g ...llop. Thu capital of The look on her hu~b&nd'is face as he ~ · ' rt mg 0 e oug 0 · our us an 11 H~'r husband was not kind or patienr,, thi' little S cltle Jles 111 tht'l mnat pwtur· NEWCASTL E . realized her meauing had been sufficient "Yes- the night he came to see wishes conld not hold agaiust--" al'.Jd she found the wealth for which aha 48-l:y, e~que p>rt of the 1slari.; ma fruitiul phita, to show her how mad sb.e had been to Uhrisele f' Sha raiaed her hand with a little depro- had sold heraelf in.auflicient for hu.ppiness. credit the ittatement for a moment. How ..He told }OU thtin 1" eating gegture, so pitifully appe&lrng in lt ie no excuse for her, I daro aay, but :~~;~:. dt fonded by two Weil kcpL torth d 8 he done so-ahe his wife who ' ·Hti di~ not tell me; I overheard it," ilia intenso timidity that it siltmced him, perhaps she loved ]'rank, and she yielded h l:l d ' d h 11 ' 1 "Atid did he urge you t o have an en"Do not flay so," she said piteously; to his entreaties. That night when you 10 1a OF CANADA. _.:new ow no an ,goo h was, iow q·1iry made into the- -" "it is not so, Stephen. I d!d n ot disobey Ba>v us leave the ba.11-room together I WCd.pable of basenea1:1 I A . how mad she "N .. h d "1 t'l t"l I h t h dh (JAJ>~TAL, ~1.oao,0011. Jt~:§T, $1<10,000 1 had baen, culpably rm·d :-nd foohah I . , o, no, 1:1, e cne eager y ; io you un L - un i saw ow wra c e e was taking her to her carriage to go home One of the m··&t k1ar11Fd and digmfied - = -No words ot his'liad been iJeeded . he wrnned ~e 11ot- he btigged me not to do was. lb was so hard- oh, ao ha.rd 1 -to to her .husband, havi ng with diflicmty IJlembtirs ot th·' Au!'otin Bw, ~ut, a teutb!e Thfo Bank ls prepared to do Legitii but itit was too late." aee him an outcast, and starving, induced her tu give U}l lier mad proJ'ect. rebukes from Uncle Mo&o L1at w, ek. '1'110 m "'te Banking in alJ its branches. h a d not a~tempted to d eny t1te accusa.t '10n, so; " 'I' y h d d d 7" when-- " F ar mers notes discounted ; Deposita he bad made no aiuertion of innocenc", "Yoo 1 .~ eh 1 ou ad f'.i.1 .reatl Y one 8 0 · Grev1llo was iurioua, and, when I return- old man hi.d J Hn Webster hauled up be· , b u t.., , ..1n. y. ,. he broke in bit- ed from seeinot her to the carriage, he had foxe Justic~ Greg~~ for stealing his received and Interest on amounts of h e h ,.d ut t;erea no reproac1 1, ...,id ney " A es, at e answere - h 1 , ..v t "I I know h h it d wasthard," 1 ft h' t d 18 sea ' an was left the hotel, a.nd I could ob~ain no Spaniah c bicliens. As Jim Webster haP $5 upwards in Savings Bank Department., knew that he was as innocent iis herself ; j gama my wis es - -;---- ~es. er y-. e a no e the incr<idulous horror on his face the 'l'he!e '!"as a. moments silence ; then sitting looking up at her as she stood inform1.1tion as to his whereabouts. policwal i~1fluen-:e, he was d~fondt1d by D tlR A FT S exclamat.ion wl11ch had brok1in fro~ his II sh~. ~aid hpiteou aly- ld t h 't H leani.. g hewily <l>gain3 t the tabltr--"but Feanng that he had followed Mrs. Rut· two pr.:imw1:m t J·nvyers. U uc1e l\fose wa11 1 1 put on the ataud i\nd made a b~d cate Issued and Cotlectinns made in Europe, lips as 'rn saw what she meant, h'ld been k ' tep he!!, fc~tu hno eldp l . e your faith in bis innocence was so great, ledge, 1 folluwetl on foot-I did not wish U fii - t t 0 l b· · h new not lilg o 1 - e wou go~way,_ Sidney~ as as your faith in your to arou· e suspicior. by getting a carriage- Jim Websti;l', test1fymg to 11.1v1r· g United Stat.ea and C<0m1da. ~.:;:c ;~.n eu cieu c ear .:mm er he aa,id- go abroad; but he wa.s eo husband wa.s small." and just as l was walking up the aYenue found acme of tho c11ick.;t>s in Jim's pos· 0l"JllCE- !11nr·locb Bros. Block, late Dank· e..,~~·ould he ever forgive her 1 Could an I wret.ched, a.nd Chrissi"' wa~ dying, andShe looked at him despa.iringly, If her to Rutledge Hall-it was snowmg heavily sea~wn, and id.1:unfying i;h.,,m by the Ing 11ffice of Jones . ti: Dobble. innocent man ever forgive euch cruel j at~, I th?,ught, my heart would break with faith in hia innocence were small, her - 1 saw Frank come towards me, ghastly pculi~.rity of the br..ed. W. J . JONES, Ageni · · bt 0 f hi 8 misery 1 love waa so great that, guilty as she pale and walking unsteadily. I waited 0£10 p~ominent lawyer then undertook 27 1 £ d d 1 d un oun suspicionll, sac ou "G · "h 'd h l turning his deemed him, she had loved hun through - - -- - - honour and good fat th 1 As Sidney ! fo on,h e sa.i oarse Y' to see if he had any intention of return· t o make U ncle Mose we!lken on the cross· ace rom er . it all-through all ner doubts he had ing to the house,. but, finding that he examination. . f ·~ <lrouch ed t h ere, a.11 the h orror 0 iu was "When he left me that night- the been de·rer to her than life itself. "Now, Uncle Mose," said the lawyer, w had not, I retraced mv steps. Sidney is 11 th b·seness of the crlm s h b f e ohread er, ed ~t0 h er h U " b·nd W eS fir·t 11i,,ht-I determined to try to prove "Do "'OU r emember that. night of the il any wonder that on the following day, "~uppose that I waa t<J tell ) ou ~ -.. · tta.b te h ~ ~ 1 a ri u. bl k t 1~ " his innocence. Ah, do not smile like bg,ll 1" she said, struggling with her when I learned what; had happened, I th at 1 have at home in my yad half e ore rnr eyes m ac ea co ours. e that ' He ill innocent " emotion, and succeeding m attaining should conclude that it was lie who was a dvzen chickens of that identical same ES'fABLISHED IN 1847. had believild that, guilty of murder, he I guilty" he said some degree of calmness. "I saw you go fi breed 1" had let another man soffer, that he had b'tt ~a-smce am ' together, you and Mrs. Rutledge ,· and guilty 1 And his flight hcon rmled my It has no shareh olders to pay dividends te. "What would I aay, boss 1" · d her kno-ing him"el"f to be a 1 eriy. auspicions-hia flight and ers. knew marrie " "· d ll "N no no t" sh e cne · d out w1 "ldly you were a11·ay so Iong a. t" ime tha t I b e· th<\t they h a d mad e some arrangemen t s "Yes, what wuuld you s,.y tf 1 w<1.s to tell Managed by and solely rn the rntr,rests of murderer, that he had deceive i. those "Oh o s't h' f. . I" · the Policy holders. sh h d th , ep en, orgive me gan to fear something terr1bl3 had hap- to facilitate their departure, and I con- you I've got that same kind of eb.ica ens . 1 th' f h ahrou band dh un- . e a oug it 18 0 ~r ··Tell n1e first ~hht I have to forgive," pened. Frank met yon--" " w eluded they had gone together. Sidney, in my yar<l 7" .Us itates :n·e L<nv. u~'benti~e danced up cheerily the wind he rep1i?d. coldly. ::You determined to Stephen 11t1uted and looked np sharply. my one thought then was for you." "I would eay, boss, da.t .Tim Webater d 1h h .' b t proYe h 111 mnocl'lnce. h" 1 d ··Re recoi.iui.z9d me then?" he said " Nay," she said faintly, "for her- paid up yttr fee ··ncl my d 1ick..,us," and l'olfoicsnon forfeltahtc1an·l nn··on·llUoruiJ, w ist e aroun e ouse ' u not a "Y s · I wrote to Scotland Yard " she hastilv.-"Yes." · h 1 dl " Cu~b 'Ko11us P"Jcl ~very th1·ee ye1trs, a peuaive emile ;ietthd upvn UocleMoao'$ breath of its keen blast entered tl1e e · . . · . '" " smce you too ave ove 1er. carefull -screened room where they s'l.t went on, s~rugglmg tho fast~commg "Then, if he be not guilty. ib is no "Loved her I" he repeated, staring at face. silent a~d motionle~e this husband and tears! fearing they would only mcrea11e wonder hl!I thought me so," Stephen re- her in surprise. "Loved Sibyl Rut- - - ---..i!M·· .....<JI.'¥.>· &r-··rn,,,_ _ _ Joi nt Life Policies. "f b 1 ' h · 11 h d hrn displeasure. marked, riaing, and beginning to pace up iedge 1" '!'hough a dou ble nsh but one premium is paid Penny !i)imaers. w~ e etwee~. w iom buc. an ir~~ ha ~d "I'u Sootland Yard ! Well 1" and ·down the room. "If he b~1 not " Yes, did you not 1" she whispered, for two people. Amount of poltc~· drawn Thll ~} igh8h ar11 i11f roducmg an admir· arl.sen, S~rd.1c mgha ~rri7r lw lIC coub "A detnct1"ve came here," ·he faltllred. guilty-But I have never doubted shrinking f rom t h e angry passionate · 1ight t 0 u '1 v · 1 1t 1n er a«ony on fi rst death. 0 able t'yatem uf Jl" i,ny dmner11 for school ' never, · ney g i e " H t E ·thorp~ ~" he asked turn hia "Uilt till now." h' fl d f h ' d k overthrown. . ere "? w ich a.she rom. ia ar eyrs. childr<>n. 'l'her.e is e~pecial need m Lon· She was cold aud ill and faint from the mg to her m sucpnae. "You doubt now 1" she said eagerly. "If I had done so, I might have t~ied .cial Inducements to Total .Abstai?W.-c. l d ' · d :i.k h h "Yes " "Your faith in him ha$ infected me," o win her," he said bitterly. "I would don for some such pr01ns1on, for 10 to 20 SIJl' ong &y 8 Journey, nn ert ~n w en er "Wh· that 1 How is it that I he answered with a slight bitter smile d d d h h per cent. of them uoarci ~ chool children he&lth was so unequal to it; ~he had en .was . ,, not have trie t) egra e er tote whose pa.rents c,muot l r will not thero.ASSETS fH'JER $5,000,0ClO. ta.eted no food ~11 day, and h er limbs he~,rd nothmg o,f ;,t 1 . "After all, it seems that there is as much lowest depths of misery, aa he did." IN4 i0.UE O VER $1,000,0GG, were streno-thless and numbed. Was she You 'll'erc th, sh a Sal~ feebly. proof of my guilt as of his. I too left "They did not go together," Sidney ael ves teed them rP5ularly. Paym ~nt i~, on the whole, punctual ; anrl t.h e ·1cale ou dying 1 sh; wondered vaguely, feeling the "l underst:iond. My _wife. took a.dVBJl· the ball-r oom, and went to Rutledge, whispered tremulously. ~100,000.00 depos ited w 11h the Oanadia nGovett lassitude of ext:i:e;me debility creeping tage_ of ,p.Y illneas toleontmue her de· and I was absent some time ; but I did " id they not i lb was not his fault which the S) stem ia wo1 kcd 1'llowa of a rnent for benefit of Cunadia.n polic y holdere. over her. ·was she dying? Would cept10n. . not run away, Sidney," he went en, the ·" was the b\tte1· retort, which smplus sufficient tu pay for cookii.. g e:x· Stephen forgive her before she died ? The pale fatie sa.nk until it almost standing still and looking down at her Stephen regretted as soon as it was penses afoer the flrBt our.ley on the purti\"'n~r,i'J'lll& JN (;ANA.DA, :i;Goo,000.00. . . rested upon her knees, the sobs were keenly. "Did the detecti ve you em- spoken; but his heart was aore and heavy chase of a.pparatui., " very tri·Jde· att:J sum, He did not look a~ ~er, and ~er dim coming quickly now, in spite of 1ill her ployed suspect me 1" as he 1 ,honght of Sidney's faith in Frank, has betln met 1t is found t ha t t hero HEA D O :l!l>lCll IN CANADA -:'!!ONTREAL eyes, before whose V!Slon the ,b right fire effortH · but there was no compassion in "l do not know," she answered trcmul- who had been 80 false to bis trothp1ight need be no atrnt, in order· tha.; evei·y child :E'or particulars refer to 1 wM a dull, .red, blnr_red i:ass, ~fared.not Stephe~'s voice when he next addre&sed oualy. "!-·think- he did." with her, and of her lack of faith in him, may enjny a dinner .md have enough. glunce at hm~, ~ven. if their fa1lmg sight her. "'fhen, when the state that the her husband, who had loved her 80 truly ln very necessttou~ aad selcctod ca3(~8, E . L. LIVINGS1'0.NE, whert> even tht1 puany c:rnnut :1.a " rule be ·Cduld have d~stlngmshed cl~arly th~ grave "Will you go on 1 The zoonar I police are on the track of the murderer, and 80 well., AOEN"r, paid, a fr0,, mea.1 is pr i~iutJ<l. noble face with its look of bitt~r J?!l.lll. It understand what I have to expect the it means that they are on mine 1' POR1' HOPE, seemed to h~r that she was drifting away bettei·. Yvu did nob know, I presume, "I do not know, I do not know !" she There was a long silence then in the An exchange puts tt thus: "Lacy- Or to agents throughout tll6 c ounty. ~8-Gsc. !ilOmewhere, mto some lltrange unknown when you enliated the services of the oried out wildly. I do not seem able to etately library, with its carvings and world, ~he~ce she "':as recalled by her detective, that the innocence of your-of judge. The detective did- -" richly.bound volumes and sombre Ea.stern your spring poem is ·~acepted, but its husband ll voice sp~akmg gra':ely, but slo Frank Grevllle could be proved only by ··It is imperative that I 11hould under - loo.l!in!t hangings; the firelight no longer public.i.tion iJi iudefinitely poetponed." ~ coldly that 11he shivered as ita tone fe.l the guilt being brought home to your stand clearly all that happened," he said, danced up gaily ; the fire had bu med up?,n her ear. . . " hnejbrmd 1" gently putting her into a chair and re- into a glowing red mass, which gave Can you listen to me, Sidney ~ he ··Qtephen," fl!ie said brokenly, "be suming his own seat. " Did the dt:tective forth a steady warmth. Pumps Cheaper and Better asked, ,, . pahvut, be pttiful. Heaven knows that tell you what his suspicions were 7" "'Vhat was the of the cletective tha.n ever, "Yes, she answered famtly. . my suffering has surpassed my sin!" "No," she answered more calmly than who was sent you from Scotlaud Yard 1" "You seem very ill. Ill ,~~ere anythmg He aaid nothing in answer to her she had yet spoken. "Rut on the morn· asked Stephen abruptly, taking out his The Subscriber having built a large neVI :11at can be done for you I h?, went on, appeal, he only waited ~1 silence for her ing aftar the ball at LambBwold, when I pocket-book. DOES m the sam~ cold grave tone. I suppose r,o speak again. After a moment she went to meet him, I told him that I did She hesitated slightly. Pump Factory i11 Orono, is prepared WONDIERFUL tke best thmg_ would be to se_nd you to went on, strug;t1in2 with her tears. not wish any further inquiries made, and "Hopgood," she replied reluctanily. - to fu"lliahCURES OF bed ; bu~ I think we shall neit~er of us ""'l"! r1c!'" i· C!' 'Ile," she af\id faintly, he said that it was well, and that I might " Thank yon," Stephen said, writing i(IDN.,lli)~.§E:~~ {)) 11 1 rest u1.til we have ha~ ~, exp.'""~· un. "and said he would help me ; and on be sure that he would take no further it down, llfi\ntr~te.~x· \.1'1" ~4.~tfo~nti-tt!I' . - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - .t." 1 A l l - --- - ----- - - - · · - - - - -- - - --- - - -- · - 81 D NE Y'8 JJ L \T I i: ,Ayer's Sarsaparilla··· · f"ROM THE FATHER: .Ayer's Sarsaparilla. 0 ____ ~ · ·~,--- i 0 · M A RRIA G IcEN E C. B . LOCKHART'S sTAN DAR D BANK I l 8 ° BRITISH EMPIRE Sh 6 MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE GO., "Y · fi "n , Q Q · · · " Qrono p ump Fact ory m~ .lf J "Will you have some wine · "No-oh, no 1 I will drink thi,," she replie~, _rou2ing herself by a stron~ effo_rt, and ralfltng the cup of tea to her lips with hands which were 110 unsteady and help· less that she llpilled part of the contents. Stephen glancen a t her compassionately all she replaced the cup. Outraged as he was by htir crud suspicion, he cou~d n ot b11t pity hor- 11he looked so frail and frightened and helpless; her hair, imperfectly connfied by her hands in the mornirg, had become .loose, and was t~mblmg over her sea~skm coa.t in heavy disordered masses, '" h1~h a glea'!l of gold from the dancmg firelight as it played over them . S t ephen's lip quiv· ered under his heavy mouatace as he saw the pitiful little attempt at cr.lmnesa and self-posBession that she made, but which w~11 so utter~ failure. "'You are able to talk to me, Sidney 1' 'Oh, yes," she answered hastily. ·Since when haB t his most horrible and that nicrht--the niaht of t he ball- I had a noto fr om him, a~kincr me to meet him the next day; and lat:r, when you had gone, Frank (' disguise of coUJse. He called himself n doctor, and 1 told the servan s th at he had come to see Chrissie." "l, " Stephen remarked colaly; "you were becormng more :accomplished and daring in the art of deceit. What ha.ppened then~ Did Mr. Frank Greville come into my house and accuse me of murder to my wife 1" "No," i;he said wearily, "I waa not there-I left them together. I was coming back to tell them that-it was time for Frank t-0 go-when l overheard " Her voice shook and faltered and failed her. "You overheard Frank Greville's ac· cnsii,tion, and you believed it !" he supplemented bitterly. "You, my wif"lyou whom I loved and trusted! Yo"' only iatooped to deception and fal.s<lh steps, nor make use of any information he had obtained." "Was that why yon thoaght he sus pected mer' She he11itated a moment, "No she an11w0red faintly ; " it was necause he seemed s o :sorry for me!" "Jf it be po11sible, we must solve the mystery," Scephen said fir mly. "What· ever the cost, it must be done ! I can no longer l ie und er such a terrible 1mspicion. Ah, I k now what yon would say-that you believe me innooent now ! But you have thought me guilty, and I will have my innocence made clear as the aun at noonday, Sidney," he added impressively. "If, in the future, aharper sufl'tiring than m Lhe should be in btore for you, do not blame me!" " There could not be," she declared faintly. " 'fhere could not be," ahe pear. "tl piteously in a moment; an<l, 1o wiu g lliJ her hands, she covered her .~l., 1md te111rs came in phmty, tt.lo,rs " Stephen," sh e began brea.thleasly, "you are n ot- - Oh, Stephen I" "I ll.m going to telegraph for M r. Hop· good in the morning he answered calmly. "Nay, there is no use, Sidney; the mystery shall b e cleared up, if possible; the innocent sh>\ll no longer suffer." "Ilut such mysteries are not alwa}s Jleared up," she said feebly. "Ob, Stephen, I am afraid I" " Of what 1" h e aeked half bitterly, half sadly, "Nay, you do not know, nor I. But this must be in11uired into, and I will have it done. It is no woman's work, Sidney, however devoted she may be, And you will see how Ivnx· eyed I can be now that my own safety is in danger. Bi1t it is very bte, and you are worn out. I will send Mrs. Jamea to you, siuce Bessie is not here, and you musb try to i·eat well to night. Good· night." So he left her, without another word or glance, without a kindly touch ot the LL'!!,! COMPLAIN~_, o - - - KIDNEYS :it tho same time. Al'fD (} PUMPS GF EV01Y DES~RIPTIOP Bec:Lll·o it acts 011 t l10 J,IVER, BOWELS and nec,,nse it cleanses the system of t he poison. ous humors tho.t develope 1n Kidney and Urf. nary Diseases, Biliousness, Jaundice,, Constipa.. tion, P iloa, or 1n Il.acum.a.tism, ?fow-n.1~, Ner.. vouo DJ.SOrd ers OJ:.\d a.11 Female Com plaJ.nta. WSOLJJ> PROO/J' OF 2'EIIS. !'!' WILL SUl!.ELY Ctr.Ill;: With or without f>orcelain Cylinder, cf the Best M ator1al, on the shortest noti ::and at the lowest pric<>!I, Cistern Tubs and Pumps supplie( WELLS CLEANED &RERAIRED. CONSTIPATIOll!, P ILES, and RH!!Z!JMATISM, lly cawiing FllEE ACTION o f all th.e crg3lla end funct10ns, thereby restoring the normal :power to throw off cliseasa. CLE~NSINC the BiiOOD ALL WORK GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. THOUSANDS OF CASES of the worst forms of these terrible diseases have beau q relieved, and m a short time PERFECTLY CURED. l'IUCB, $1. UQUID OR DUY, SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. Dry can be sent by Ul&il. Orders by Mail promptly attended to. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS, MOULDINGS, &c., kept on hand. WELLS, RICRABDSON & Co., llurllngtcn, Vt. 3 Scud st.u.inp for Dl:i.ry Alm:mac for 1884.

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