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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jan 1885, p. 4

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Our American subscribers when send rncr The following pe 1 ·sons l111ve alr<'ady renewecl their subscri p>ion to the ST.- r~.SMM< for next their sub script10ns may send Greenbach~ year a ncl ~<'c ured rm us another snbsc n her on The sale of Bow Pllrk stock farm, mand 2 cent postage s tamps for odd change . our club off"r of 0 1> " ol<l and one new subscriber Bow:MANVILLE, FRIDAY, JAK. 23. clucling the stock, fast week, aggregated for $ 1.50. "\Ve hov., to arld bun1 l reds of our ' Ve h ave lost but one money letter in six wor1hy sUbscnbc111 to this list . years, :.rnd we lrnvc r eceived thousands of over $ 181,000. John Grig!' n. II. Harris clo lllLrs by letters not r egister ed But, The Right;; of a Newspaper. ===== .John C»meron .TA.mes !'arr unclerstand, we do 110t hold oursel ves S I:!. Smale Wm. J ack·on Di·. . . . . J The Scott .Act has been cnrried in Kent, Alex, It ll(!-j~ Le· 1 Morris responsible for an y letters n ot r egistered , People diftc1· grontly Hlspectmg. what 18 Lanark, Brome and Lennox and Adding- Geo 'l'omlmson 'l'hoo. Lock hart all t he same. H.McLend .T. L.Pnwcrs suit11lilc matter for publimitiou in a news- ton. Kent gave a majority of 2,012. J esse J·:. L Cole Mary K Pow ers 'V e h a ve recei vcd C\ lette r contaiu i n " -paper, aucl scarcely ·111y t wo persons cm1 Alex. l\foLaughlin.sen.'G. 'vi' . J amieson $1.00 bcar mg the B oston post mark, b t:1 Alonzo Yeo A. l<J. Clemens be found to agree oll this pn.rticulM· poin t . n o n11me i nclosed. It is r epor ted t hat thore G, 000 m en W' · .T. Mil ls Thos. Gof{!!m Geo. Btn.i1les C .J 1rhor11ton .A locn.l newspaper is expected to publish out of omplnymont m Montreal. Sir John Colin The STAT ESMAN h as n ow a c1rculatiou Staples Henry );{ogers -~--o, ~--~ a lmost evury ]111 .g tlmt lmppcns 111 its own Macdonald when clown t lwre r efused to Thos. Shortlidge Mrs. C. 'vV. Oshol'Ile exceedmg 'fwu Thousand. Mrs. D. Galbrauh, Mrs. H. Dunn. Between now and G t ock-takin<r we 1mmed1.1te u eighborhflod, ,md a paper that meet a delegation of workmgmen, 1t is Abram Morns. Geo. PP.arson. b Gen. Short, Sun. Joo. R. Hundle. does not fi ll 1ls columns with loc.1! news is saHl. .J. H. Bellwood. Robert Wotton. will sell all goods at J ohn Rest. W. Henderson. c1.1lled slow, wan~ing enterprise, a tame Jesse Tr11 ll. Geo. Dobson. UON'l'llIBUTIONS TO THE BAitRAC KS FUND '.!'he cott on industry is one o f t ho most lle\'. R Walker. sheet. And the papel' that publishes all J ohn Mori ison. t;O.N rus U JlD. Mrs. W. Downing. Miss M. Stuart. the local news is quite frequently denounc- protected in Cana1fa, <ind at the present \Villia.m Allin. ~.muol S. Bragg. Humphrey Short. ed for feed1nc( the publ ic mind with petty, time languishes bcyoml prececlent. A n A massa l<~ull cr. M. Treleven .... _ ....· . ... .. . . . $10 00 (30 DAYS.) Francis l3te11lcley, Thomas Smale. Zebina Frase!'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JO 00 Rnbert JJavay puerile gos31p,depra\'111g t:i.ste1tnd cultivat- 11ttempt is now being m11,de to raise prices .James Henderson. Dr. J. U. Mitchell Richarrl Davey. John F<1 st.·r. drover,,....... ... . . 5 00 ing u unschievomi and prurient curtosity 15 per cont. W J. Roy :Frank A , Colo Hobt. Fielamel .... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 50 Jnn. 'l'. Cole John P ipe whtch produ,ce in its r eMlers mental dysW H , Williams, 'l 'bos. A. Wright, Thos. Westco tt , work,. . . .... .... 2 50 A gentleman r ecently retuTneLl from John Jei·row, J. A Thomas, 11epsia and moral debility. Wher e to draw Wm .tBunn:v, architect, . .. . . . . , . 20 00 W1lli1Lm Werry, Joseph Pattison, McClellan & Co., (correct ed). . . . . . 18 00 the liue between news that shoulcl ttnd London, England; wher e h e had an inter- Joseph Hurd, Geo. P ollu,rd , ,lohn Itund le, Charles. Tod. I Levi Mo1T1<1 ....··. . ..... . ,...... 2 00 news that should not be publis h ed is the vie w with Mr. Codd, says that h e b elieves William Olm, Geo. Waddell. D . Whitti. . . . · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 Mr. Codd is a poor mari and that he d id Alex. Hoss, John Clemence, que:stiou we wish d ecided. AP<l hvw can W. F . Alleu . . . . . _ .. . .......... 2 00 Lnkc Potter, 'L'hos. Baker , not make a haul by th o failure as some '!'hos. Stanton, Thos. Wickett, we definitely settle the <Juestinn when \'{. H ollenback ...... . .... , .....· 3 35 I. L. Brown. Samuel Snowden, A Fe ien cl .. . ..... , . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 p ublic opmion is so diverse and V<Lried? supposed. Mrs. '!' hos. V inson L. M. Courtice J. A , Jerome James Uicha rcls ·r. Gimlett ........... , ....· , . . . . G 00 Sollle peop'e think the rn1scleeds of bacl \Vm. M ..rtin The Mormons are already proving a i:l. J. Honey J olrn Raddy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 au:wwwz .Jonn Harris Henry Adams. men should be exposed, but when suppos- h uge thorn m the flesh t o t h e Americans. Mrs. Hect o r Beith . . ... .· .. _.. . . · . . . . . ;j 00 John Munson H, T. Holman .Jo hn Haddv ed good men fall 111to e rrororcon11nitques- Th~y arc mcreasing rnpiclly in numbers . 'r. W Power Miss Ileith . · · . . . . . · . . . . . . . · . . . . 5 00 J . H. \Verry J ohn Mor r ison F. M ason. . . . .. . .. _ ... .. . . . _ . . . 5 00 tio11:1ble acts notliing sh ould be said about Immediate action liy tho Government George Joli W1u. Mutton, Jr. vV. Morecraft Jolrn Tape W ell wishe r . . . . . . . . . . . · . . . . . · . . . 5 00 it because it brings discredit on their fam t- should be t:tk en to exterminate polygamy Mrs. Wtt1. lla)'craft Jolln i::ltewarL Mr. M edli n11 . .. .. ... , . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 H1ch. Osborne Hugh McKay ly, the church or society to which they from the republic. Geo. D obson . .. . . .. ........... . . 2 00 .John Hurt< Lewis Lyle Miss A . .Power lJenJ. Asnton belon~. Others justify the pu b!ic,\tion of Th os Kir kpatrick................. 2 00 'l'hos. Vancamp U, Momen t J o ln1 Brown . . . ... , .. .. . . .... .. . 2 00 mat ters connected with business o r secu lar 'L'homas Brown CHAT WITH SUBSCRIBERS . M . Porter Katie Hrown . _.. . ... _ _ . __ . . . . . . 1 00 Hieb. Woodley 'l'hos Hooper conce rns, but cannot permit auything G. S. Wh1tmoro 'l'ho1nus CiernenOo A. Fri 11d ..... . ...... ... ... ... . . 100 Otn readers need hnve no fo1u· respecting thA Mr~. Hich. W1r.d1t .John Wedge part;dning to the church or other r eligious fnturo of t he S~'A'l'~;SMAN, for its pro·nects A.t J.E. Birch W. N . B»rnhart It was Major Bounsall, not C. B., wl10 institutions. Then amidst such V<Lried this sea.Hon oi' tho yea1 we,.e 11 ever better. Of Cornelius El ford Wm. Kerr course hnndr~tls or its subscribers have uot JamesBtanle)' ga \ e t he slabs . Samuel Moore t11stes m1d opimons, what kind of a man renewed for 1885, but lL· m former years they ,J, B. Abram Iticha.rd P o.sooo ara ·aking the pap"r and will pay for it soon, John Sini'h sh o uld an editor or a publishe r b e t o p lease no <lonbt. \ Vfl follow th<> cllurse adop- )Jamel lln1rnrth 'l'eit$dahJ Wh1Lfiel<i, Albert Hillis, TOWN COUNCIL. by n ear! v all publlshers of all George Gray. C. M. Cawker, cverybo<ly. A s an exrunple of the differ- ted local papers of 8enrling tho JJaIJOr until J, W. ::J nnt h, .ir. lt. Hutchison, ence to wluch we r efer, we may state that we are notified to discont.inne. Jt g tYea .J oseµh PaLtm~on ; Co uncil met at 11 a. rn. Jan. 19, and us mnch less tronble, nnd is generally more No· 1 ·i;:, - We have onu tt<ed to put the names of 111tvmg mad e t he declaratio ns of quttlificaduring the last month one of our subscrib- snt1sfactory to our readers. several persons who ha ve sent us now sub· \Ve are groatly encouraged by the very s ma ll scribers on Lhi" list.. \Ve shall he pleased to do tbn aud of office, took t h eir eea1 s. All e r s has not sent the S TATJl8MAN to a pa1·number ordering their paper discontinued . so if tl1ey will ~enil ns their name;. present t icular friend to whom it h ,td hitherto 011t offer of ono renewal itnd one now name at The Mayor addressed the council, after $ 1.50 has bronght, us considerably over a hun· been rcg ufa;ly sent, because of certllll1 dred new names, t·S many whose names have wluch a committee was appointe d to THE GREAT CARNIVAL. appearer. on th o "Honor Holl" have sent ns strike the stariding commtttees, and the articles that have appeured rn i t; while t wo and S<ll'eral throe and fonr new namBA. 'i'hmrnunds npon t110us1mds or people from another suhscnhe r, a 1ne mbe1· of the same We am very grat.e ful to all who have thus ai<l all parts of the continnlt arc going to t he c011ncil adjourned t o 7.30 p. m . ed in extomlmi.; our chcultLtion, and only regret At 7 .30 p. Ill. the council resumed . church, a, hidy 1t1So, a lld cL bo ut the li\alll0 that man y nioie have not succcedod in gett ing Mc ntreu.l CMniva l at the flnd of January. V\/e Memb<ns all pr esent. The Mayo r in the · the Montreal Dail y Sta,. is bl'ingiug out a new namP for nH. Rnt we can ea~ ily nncll'r - heu,1 a ge, boug ht extr,L copies of these very sto.nd t be ditlloulty when we consider that in a mug niftcent carn1va.l m11nbcr, sornetl .i 11~ that chair. will eclipse m ;i.rt,istic meut and a bsorbing - - A T- A pe t 1Liuu was presented fro m t h e U on umbers to send to dista nt friends. We many noigh borhood·, ospec1ally in Darlington int~rcst every 1llnstrated papel' heretofore and Clarke. evcryborly subscribes to it a lready. isanod in Lh1s counLt'y. It,, will have the a t tack per Uanad·\ Furni tur e @'o ., a sking for-a We hope yet . however. to receive many more chi1m tlrn.t a newspaper h as a l'ight to on the 1cP, pa.lace itnCl detencc by t.he Garrison new names during 1 ,he next two months. in all its mag nificent pomp anil brilhancy; t he bonus, or for exemption frnm taxat1011 . p ublish e ve ryt hmg t h :tt occurs m th e h We havelbad to contend agarnst the inliuenoe tobogg1rn 1ng fttc rn its truc uatural beauty, t he Mr. McArthur was heard b ofore the co unoahty rn whi ch its reade rs or t h e gencml of several vostmastor s who allowed I arger lee C:ondoi-a a.fttor the Egypti:tn :nodels ma ng- cil in s upport of the petition. H e l'efercommissinns on othflr local pa pers than wo urntcd with electric and pyrotechnic Illt1minap ublic are inter ested, but that it should car. afford. But wo hopo to be !\hie to pa.y a t1ons; the mammoth we hon. (British)i the r ed to the bene fits that the Town. had hund1 edc<0nt~tothedo' lR.r to oi.r creditors not he a scaven gP.r of vice and crime nor and tflerefore shall not do busino·s at a loss d great elcigh dnvc, embracing thousanas of d erived from the F urn it ure Co . for the H uper h eq m pagcs. and proJ-.ably the grandest past 18 year s and that they had never a factor in mislen.drng and debauching we ca,n avoid it. As W () stated beforP, we can t hing of hhe kind of modern Li mes; the fancy not undorBtand why a postm aster or other dress entc rt.a.mments, tru e to nature ; and a asked for a boons no r exernptton from p ublic opmion and public motality; tluit ap;ent 8hould oxpoot to ronoive 25 cents com· magnifiwent rn-aet 11late of the ice pa.lace in tav:ed. The personal p roper ty of the Furmission for sunply taking a dolli~r "'"d for· tln1 s-a fine p1 ct.m·c tor fra.mrng It will h o w !t.i.le it should give the facts respecting warilrng i t to the publisher al, 11. coBt not ex.- i'e membere<i lha L there wi.s a treme nclous nit,ure Co mpany wu ~ aseessed here at ceerl!ni. 5 cents. \V(l should be clelu;:- nted if we furoro oveL · tho Ju,ijt, year'B C .trni\ral nurn her or $ 14,500, a nd $1 2,000 in T oronto, while the commisswn and pnmshments of crime, could make a profit of 20 p(lr cent on all our the Montreal S T-·H, r.he 1Rsue runmn!<" up near the whole persona l property vf the Org an subscription· mclndmg " whole )'Gl\r"s la bor it should not be the purveyor of the h ora quarter of a m1lhon. It is said this yett1 's We no not prnmise any great Improvement number wtll be for abeart or last. 'l'he artistd Comp<1ny 'was assessed at only $3,000 and rililll details and parnphernalia of it and in the S rA'lEBMAN ror t he tuture, because t here aro llengough, Julian Harris. a nd Haberer. thrl same political discrim in,atiou was writers, Geon:e Mnrray, J ohn Ueacle, Dr. of all the m ethoda and devices and mcnti1l is too little profit in the subscription depart- 'l'ho me nt. now . t..nrl it readers will t&ke a retro, Beere, ··A<lironac k"' Murray, uutl \ V.H.'l 'urner . sbowu in assessrn g income- he was asGrip sends for pro1luct10n in the oarn1val STAR sessed to t h e last dolla r , whi le ot hers were habitudes of criminals - an offence for spect1veV1ew or the SrATESMAN i.n<l consider cll is said to be the most what it wa1 l!k6 bel'orn it came under t he a doublo page w111 which no wordsofcen s urc can b e too strong. vrescnt proprielary, and compare it with tho elde-sµ llthng cartoon eve r pu blished in this assessed o nly on e half th eir well known country. ::lTATESMAN of to day, they mnat udrnit that Fifteen ce nts m stamps 8cnt t.<J the rncome. This pet itio n was referred to a In like manner would we cens ure a n cws- the cost or pubhea.tlon now is nearly dot1ble pubhsbers, Graham & Co., 1\iontreal, will se- specia l co mnnttee t o r e port at the n ext Everything N E w and in the latest styles, bought for p11per for invading private life a11d brui t- what 1t was nmlcr former managemenl.. But cure a copy or whatis sa id tu be the greatest meeting. we rlo not complain. for t hough the profits in illustrated paper ever issued m this country, Mr_ Hors y presented a report from ing a1>roarl the ntfa.irs of in d ividual s and tho su bscript ion department aro very small, cash from the best manufacturers. tho ad \'er tiaiog rlepartmant IB a source of cont h e special committtie appointed t o str ike families with wluch t h e public has no ~!cleral.Jl e rnv t1une ,.1111 is grl\dn.,,lly increa si ng. t he standing committees, On motion to REVIEW NOTICES . concern whatev er, dealing fargely in specu- 'l'lie me rchants or Wt<st Durham approoiaLe a dopt, Mr. Burd en moved. in a mendment, our extensive c1J·culs.t10n and l>eetow u pon us lation ancl conjecture about t h e r eas<me of tt very liberal patronage, ror which we are The Mtilwinter (February ) Centu> ·11 will con- seconded by Mr. Harnden, that the r enort very thankful. t1un an urticle by Dr. Vf . Geor11:e Deers, of th" troub le, dishing up in tho m0st appcti;-,l\lontroal, on "'Ca111L01t aR a \'\Tin ter Ueijort ," be referred back to the committee for· the This is no humbug sale; come and see. prolusely 1llustrat"'l by Henry Sitmtham, wiLh p nrpose of striking out from the Ifoads ing manner possible all t h e partic ulars viowtJ ot tobogga11ing, curling, racin g- on snow and Streets Co wmittee the name of Mr. NOT GUILTY. ohoos, e to. 'l'ho Montreal c"r nival will givo that can be g11thered respectmg t h e infelOLD STAND :- Sign of Big Boot drawn by two horses Mo rris, and insertmg that of Mr. \Vurth thl11 pa per an e,;prcial t imclmess. icities of t h e life of the parties and all the To 1lte Erlilor of the Statc.'tman. in lieu th er eof. Amendment lost, and · rwo full page illustrations of Mr. Howell's Da:AR STH - I observe in the laet t wo issues 51 guc~ses a.bout the whole a ffair. We claim of the 8TA'rESM..lN, le·tcre !ront t" o wor thy ar ticle on· A Flornntine Mosaic," m the next report ad o pted as follo ws- the first name number or the Cc11t1ir11, are said to be quite in each b emg chair man :too, t hat a man's social ,political or business citizon·, oetting forth that they hBve been remarkable r e prorl11ct10ns by the wood engra· severBlly otu>rKo<l ·nth the puternlty of a let ter ver of e tchings. Mr. Pennell. the a r tist., was ]i ~JNANCE M essrs. Piggott, Horsey , relat,ions sho·ld n ot deb:tr criticism of his published Jan, 2nil, over tho si11nature or John sent to Italy by t ho pnbheh ers of the Century B urden a nd the Mayor. Smith. 'l'hey both ~olemnl y decl!\ro tha.t they public acts or exposure of, Ins wrong-d oing. aro n ot na111ed John Sm ith, bnt that they are to illustrate Mr. llo,vell's series on Itulian cities ROAD S AND SritEJJTH- Measrs. Pro wer, or which t l11s is tho first paµer. known by t he name of Hobert Justice J,nuws no r(mk, u ei t h er should te8pectivoly 'l'h oDistribution or Animals and Plants, by A. Horsey and MorriR. A.rmollr ancl Wm. Alli·on. Iluaeell Wall,.oe uncl \V. J. Thistleton Dyer · PUBLIC PROPERTY-Messrs. Bo11nsall, n ewspapers m t lns respect . 'I'he acts of " I very m uch regret th at my venerable fellow pnoo 15 cent3; J. Fitzgerald. pn blisher, 20 8houlrl th ink th<lt they have sl\ch a J,t>fayette !-'lace, Now York, 'l'h1s worlc forms W o rth and R.issell. mimster as :i uumster are as open t o cl'iti - townsmen qn<'stionable c ha ra<Jtl'!r anu reputa tion. that No. tH or tl1e " L1bral'y of So1once," ·t serirtl FrnE -- B·lessrs. Horsey, Morris and cisrn as :ire the acts of a politician in pol- they require thrn publmhed to prot est thttt they pubhcation m which are reproduced, at a mini. Mason. ate not gnilty. I t r n·t however they do not mum price, the be~t popular scientific works of itical affairs. 'l'b e:public acts of a ny man w ish it to be un<loratoo<l that ..n tho·e who the dtt.7. by such a uthors as Darwin, 'l'ymlall, CJJMETEitY-Mesars. Morris, K y dd and have been aocn·ed or tho an me ci·ime to be H Rrnden are proper su bj octs for n ews1)aper com - con·1der e!l gmlty, it thoy do no t m like ma nner Huxley, 8pence1', Proctor, etc. W"ht>Lhor we awee with Mr. Beecher or not. Poou RELrn~·-Mcs srs. Maw n , Kydcl t hat they art1 mnoc~nt; tor some ev!l m e nt and criticmn. 'l'h c followi ug excer- declar!I d is posed person haa actually accused me or row men c1rn s peak or write on any subj ect or and Rus"e ll. p ubliu interest ~YJLh so great a cer tamw that wn t ing tila t very same Je tter. I never thought pt fNm the i·oport of a r ecen t libel s uit Coult'r oF R.EvrnwN- Messrg . Bu rden, th e accusation worth) o! ev<>n a verb"! demal, everybody will want to know what the)' say. ia to t h e point JUst h er e . 'l'hc Olnef Jus- believing my character 1Lnd repu1atlon to be a In discus~illg tb o qaostion as to ho w fr.r mimS· P1irgott, }>rower, W orth and Harnden . Ler~ may proporlJ go in politics.- which n e complete refut atwn o! the v ile slander. No Hy -l aws we re passt1d, appointrngMessrs . tice bid down t h e law in his ch arge to t h e respectable pe rson of a soun!l minrl and com· does m 1 ,ho Nortli American Review for Febru· mon ecnso will for ono moment believe me ary,- thc great vrca.che r sho ws himself to ad- T. H. Vann a nd C . Keith as a uditor11 for jury a» follows : vantage perht\p8 all tho more b ec'Luse it is a guilty or a ny su1:h l]llestionablo! bus inoss,' anch m1>ttcr thtt.t touohus him personally as wdl its the p rese nt year; and Mr. J.B. Fairbairn 1 t hink that a p ublic n ewsp,qier has a evil reports wlll L h<lrero1o do mo no h arm. a s sc hool tru~te e. profes~lo nally . I think, however. th<l ' l 'own Connc1l should righ t to comm ent upon and cri ticisc the a ct s A by.Jaw was mtrodu ced and read fir st 'l'he IC r.TCO'NU has a rloh s1ore of good t hings offer et re wa r d o! $10,000 for the diecovery a nd of <1.l l men m the cl'1scharge of pubh c du - oonvi~tion or tbe p1trt7 or parties who have for th" coming year, of which tho Jan nar y time , amending th e by -law regu lating t h e ties . J tlu u k t liaL 1f tlilt! publish e r s d1scove1 · accused Mr. Ar nwnc " nd IJr. Allison of be tng number rn a roretaste. Charrmn g 8kctches of and people, stones both seria l 11.ncl keepin g o E :sidewalk s free from anow . wh11t they consider to b e clefects , thtiy gmlty or this seriott· off~nM, for th ese gentle. conntrles Mr. P 1ugot t prese n ted r e po rt fro m the and everything t hat is kept in a first-class Grocery and Pro,. . men 1 1avo 1.Joth boen members of the Council, short. which will not only rn terest hut leave h:1ve :L n gl it to porn t t h e m o ut . If there and should they again oO'er them eel ves for dome good behind . 'l'reaoures both new a nd Fina11ce Cummittee, recomme nding pay are facts which suggest fa ul t, [think t hat election, such an evil report "~ tb10 will likely old, ln Bettor J,it.,r1>ture, and helpful suggestvisi o n S tore, will be sold at tli e lowest poss ible prices. ions in n e~d l ework. While the R eading Club, m o;,nt of sundry accounts. Adopted. the publi c press h as a right to cen s ure. If cause thmr defeat. Curre n~ H is! ory, an<l Me<iical 'l'alks increase Mr. P 1ower gave n otice of a by-Jaw for I am surpriM<l at Dr. Allison making such a n in und value. Liberal terms to 11gentg in the exer cise of th ts fretdom of co mmen t ungall11.nt CASH for Beef, Pork, E ggs, Butter, Hides, Tallow and !lttflCk upon t he ladies. H 1s more und club3. Agents wanted evervwlrnre . Ad- the appoiutm0nt of town officers , they act fairly and h onestl y aml m eaninrr ltkely t hat somo ot t b.e gentlemen got their dress, Mis· I, M. Leyburn, Loui3vilJc, Ky. Coun cil adjourned till first M o nday in heads j um blecl by the ladies<.and that caused Farm Produce at C. M_ CA WKER' S. to do wlmt is rig ht, t h ey cannot h e held PETltHBON's MATh \ l':I NE for Fehrnat'Y opens February, at 7:30 p . m . the tompeet in tho to" pot. x oure truly, acconntuble. It i s a gr eut importance to with"' moot bewltohmg steel-phtte, entitled F. F. MoANTf!lJR. ··Dressed for the Charade." representing two the pubhc that t h e n ewspap ers sh o uld ch1ldron. fonr years ola , a ttired ia f!Lnoy cos· Wh-tb p b I a lso i e turn rnv s incere t hanks to mv numerous frie nd s and patrons lrnve t his libe rty . If there sho uld be tume and aln~mg a duet Ill keepmg. Besides l y r es ytery. · .; Bricktown Ch urch Gossip. nouc tu cens ure or to critwise, frauds thi·, how(lver. there aro some tlhy other em -for their very liberal SUJ)l)Ort during the l ast fifteen vears1 and homo b""' · bellleh.mente. 'l'he literary contents, always , t th , rp b t _ l !d i ,., .; I' J . b 1 16 1 would g row m ore and mo re intolerable , to supcrio(, <>ro bot1or than over this month. 'l' wo ,,. · ? moc mg 0 res y er~ · t · ·t · I t· t b '· · d l' g J' · ·t 1 t l t t'll ·'tn ., ut y 11? fo!lowJllg mrnu~es .m s n c at .e n 1011 o u s1ness an , eep111 JU S - c a ss s oc c, o s 1 men the manifest p eril of the public wclfar(), M:n.. E DITOR.- Aa the R ev.·fames Little dolla re a year with gre ..t deduct;ons to clubs. ~n t~c 20th .J aIJY ... 1 Me ·ent g-ratis. If \Vl'ltten ror tll I 1efe1 enc;-.t~ .J\1Ir,. L1ttlc "'.as ttdopted, oi-ie1ecl 1 th ., > ,· l. ll r:r d p. . N ew y ear . nnd t h eref n·e, you c&n see th:Lt t h <J public is so very desirous of gettmg the r~al Specimens faith ~o ""to " "Peterson ' s" with othor I to 0(1 eng1ossccl m tlic i:rnnutos, u.n<lCa. copy for- 1 e s am e ' v\ IS nn g y ou a a , appy an 1 o spe1 o u s lmve a g re at 11.iterest in maintamin!! un- \ n:Lm~ o~, t h e 'niter of '.'Dncktuw~1 .Church ma.i.i:~zh1e3 Bt'tho ~~me> price. Add1'ess Chas. wttrded LO ~r. J,ittle, v1.". shackled the rig h t of the [>[tbhc press to Gossip, h e slu\ll h:we it on concl1t1on t h at .J. f'>eter~on 300 Chestnut :Street Philadelphia ln a cceptmg t he de1111ssio11ofthe Rev. James ' ' ' p8 Little. M.A., who has been pastor of St. l:'a ul's freely and fairly criticise. he will fnrmsh for publicat10n in tho GoDJl:'f'B LADY 'S Boor {or Febr uary ls one of Chm c b, Bowmu,nville, for m o~·e than eight · · ,. .,, SraTHSMAN (1) lns verbatim reply to the ' 1 h0 h years, tile Presbyter y hereby Ill accordance ' v 1 11 c h L prettiest "ontlno~'" has wit h a resolution to t lla t eltccr, p lace on recoid · mont ;1ddrm1s presented to him tit the Prayer the brought us. ~ho openrng illusLratiou'. a hand· t h eir high est,imate of In s schola rly attainments STAND :- Town H all Buildings, next to Ont. Bank. The strong est evidence that Hon. G. W. Mectmg on 'l'hu mday cvenmg Nov. 2 0th, soml'I eteol pla"o. ~ a~ for its subJect a \ ery 911te hrn humble o.nd sincere piety, his unt1rm~ y,eo.l h<LI& oot1pla, consisting of" chubb)· boy. m ~ and fabm1dnnt labo1s as a ininister of Christ, Ross, Minister of Educatwn, is a man of 1884; (2) h is verb1tti m rem ark~ delivered char~ctorl0t!c P0 · 0 : and " httlo coI~red girl h rne11rnest peroua.sive powers as a 1Jreacher, J ;~fa hll R h ell 1871. no orclma.ry character, is the contrn ued to a nuxcd congregatwn after t h e close of who 1e look i,~govm hl·_colcl 0,~ouldor, malnni:: a ncl his ever gentlen1a oly a nrl brother ly dethe servwe, on Nov, 23rd, the Sabbath he eyce at llt1i:i, and t'aklllg, \VIII yon be rny por tment as a member or the Pres bytel'" '· abuge t h at is bcmg h euped upon ]11111 h y preached his farewell sermon; aud (3) th e V"lent!ne? · A v1cture of Mr. W W. Corcoran, 01'-VtLShln~ton, D. C, the ph1la nt hroAs n pastor he wtis ever rcacly to attend to the JYI ail. A ny man of Liberal views of 1·c a.5071S h e gavo from tho pulpit on a pre- pist. accompo,nios "biogr1>ph1oal sketch or thf.l.t the calls.of his peoplf:'.. to give aclvice and couNJ;;W YOl'tK, gen tleman and a d"scription with tllt1st rnt ·on sola1 1ou Ill seasons cf atnwtion, aud WILS rewhom t h e spoko favorably, would ' ' lOUs Sabbath, al so to a m i:x:ecl congrega- of the f>l.mon·mstitution known as ··The Lomsc spectcd and cstccmc!l by .ill cltcsses in the com- Fills ord er s. Ee ll ~ on Co11rnu8sio n, or will purtion, for resigning t h e 1mst oratc of S t . Rome." Be.Ide. r,hc usuttl pros1dentla l por· nmm ty for· his wo1k's sake. c hase ApIJlc~. Potatoes aud Poultry. WriL e us soon become a s nbjeet of suspicion trait. there ls a large nnrnber of handsome cuts R e was regular in his a ttenclance in ch urch l'..LL1l's. " Jorrn SMI'l'U. " illustruting fashions and fan cy work. 'l 'hore cour ts, wh ere h rn cou'lsels were of great value are some e~pecially good stories this month . tLnd t he cbristian spirit rn which they were --.-tit~~------- Som e idea of the extent of the li ve stock renderocl gave weigh t to his ~enmucnts 'l'he HA R PEii'8 MAG All I NE, which gave some years cleforencc wh ich was al ways pttid to hts opinThe Presbyterian Review. l!!:11dc done <it C hicago may b e for med by itgo ttn rnteret1tinlf paper on Mr. Gl&dstone a nd 10n was deserved!)' When l t1.1y curo I d() not men1 mP.w!y t o etop t l1r.m for n. gre!Lt and his removal will hts home at Hawardem, w1Jlglve in the lfe btu- be gre1ttly frl t. He Ci!.rries time ::in d l b ~ n them cetm u ni:am 1 1111.: m n radL c.:L-1 c u re. A NEW BOUQET with him tho kinclly J m ention of the number of animab receivary lssuo a ei 1nilur tLrticlo on L he loedc r of tho rei;:arCls ut Ins btethr en in the hav1t the d 1Rcn111J of 1"1'18, EPJI...EP.SY or F'ALLJNn 'fhi~ new weekly Pres brt,orlan .lonrnnl hnR Presbytery, and t ed <1t t h e Stock Yar cls t h ere in 188±-h ogs, a lread y got 1t largo ctrculntlon. It is an cxoell- l~nghs b Conser·n~tive$ . the Marquis of Sttlis then· earnest prayer 1s that the Great Hea ll of ~~~~~:;;~sc:~lt~~c-1n~~"s~:eu~tbe118'j~'!~~ur~~~~ i:~:~d~e ;~~~~~ ( )£ E xq uisite Richness of Odor Dtstill ec out chtu'ch paper, and the prlco is only ono bury, Hatfie ld Houoo, hio residence is one or t ho Church w ill direct Ins ste ps to another n o t D OW recei vmg a. cure. ::;\)nd n t once for a t rc.tthJe (11.lll a. fron1 Natural F lo we t s 'r he Most 5,3Gl,967; cattle, 1 ,870,04!); sh eep , 8 01, dollar a year. \Ve stnrngly of the ooinion Lhe historic rooidences or Engl'1nd; a p11rt of field of labor, where he may contrn uc his well F rco Bottle of mY infallible remedy. 0 1vo ¥.:x1ire11a aud. Pos1. , D . . . omce. It coot~ yon 1111t11111 g fOI l. 1lal . (ITl d 1 W1llc u r e ;)Ult. I eh gtful, Delicate tLUd Las tJllfT thut "vel'y fil.mily should talrn thon churcl1 it belongs to tho older pahtce, which was the 630; horses, 17,002. Total, 8 , 042,248, or pap<lr. 'Ne h a.v-e sou t sample copies to a g reat 1·esirlence of tho P li ncess E lizabeth before she loved work a nd em pl oy his lHgh mmrnteHa l g ifts fot 1he glu1y ut God ' 1 .U d the upbu1ldrngof many Presby teruins in this county and will bec"Lmo Qoeon of E ngland, and m tho g rounds a cliLily 11verage of 26,807. A. A . D rtU M~lON"D , ;;ladly eend to a.LI who apply. All subscripti ons is tho o,.k undc1· which she wll8 silting when ~he Ch ni·cll , P resbytery Clerk. s oLnPRICE HY should be sout to JV!. A . J ,\>fES, genernl a;;ent the messenger grectud her as 8overn1gh, '.l.'hc ;;; <;J;N'l'S l'Mt UO'fl' LE, p aper will ilM'e a fine oortrait of Salisbtiry, as for Durham Count)', l3owmanv1lle, Ont. wed 118 llllW Y piCtl\l'OS or tile house, and It is \VoTld's Expos1t ious do n ot seem to be Good a nd se.:i.sonable a dvice. As there I h avo a poa.tlvo mucdy for the · -· d!·cuac; b, Ila u... Davis & Lawrence Co., Sole A gent s, tho pen of Mr. Ilenry W J,uOJ'. Of th e tl1our;anda: o f cn11ce of ihe w orat 1 Utid .nnd of Ion~ eLnruling 1\4C>1'7T:Fl.E.A.L Pllrge o ut the l urking d istemp er th a t from payiug crmcerns. The deficit of t h e P:tl'I~ London Daily Ne<l'· and t he "'l'oby, M. P." of is sure t o be a g r eat r us h at Morris C11,r - ~,~:: l~:,~1 c~~1~;:· 't~~~c~d6·~1·~~ES0:ri.~e,Y,~~~~h~1; ,~~~hc~~n;l: ~ undermrnes heal th, ,mcl t he cou sti tuti:mal Pwicll, who wi<a Lhe wri ter of the Gladstone riage Works when snow fltes for t h ose U ADLE T R.KA'£fSB o n t.hi ~ dfacu 1e to l\.ny t1nffer-0r. G ive }<;x:- 1 D · l~ r. po s1tion was over $6,000,000, and t h at tl · t th ·11 UrIIlg le q u ie ffiOll S W0 W l SaCri· n ew styles of Cutters, we advise those wish - prcssou dP.O.addreS9. DB,'.!'.A.SWCUAJ,18l Poa1lS'l,N.Y. " 1go 1· will re turn. Tb cse who snffer frow article. of Vienna, in 1873, was ~W,009,000. It is a n e nfee bled i1Ud d iso rderci state of t h e -- - - fice pri c1>1s. E llison & Co. For Bronch1t1s a ud Asth ma., try A lle n's i ng to get t h eir cutters r e paired and paintD\ lllt'J'lfi;J;itS! se nd for our Select List of See our clie" }3]· 1- t . and (1.-11 · 1··~stated t h .tt the New Orleans' Expositi on syst ~ ni, should tako Ayor's Sarsaparilla L nng Balsam ; t he b est cou gh prescrip- e cl to take them there as eoon aa posLocal Ne" spapera. Geo. P. Rowell & Co. , . ..p a n ,e s ~· ·~ ~ible. to clense the blood, n,nd r es tore vitality. tion known. Sea adv . is already Ill financial straits. 10 Spruce St, N . Y. ·Ellison & Co. T he S'l'ATE8MAX h :ts now exceedmg Two T h ousand. a cir culation OUR HONOR LIST. To United States Subscribers. I I STOCK-TAKING SALEI GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. S. MASON &SON I ... 5 30 Days 0 Sacrifice TRELEVEN'S SHOE STORE. I will sell for 3 0 D A Y S my immense stock of BOOTS and SHOES, RUBBER GOODS> TRUNKS, VALISES, &c., at such Low prices as has never before been offered in this part of Canada. NO SHOP WORN BANKRUPT STOCK. NO SHODDY GOODS, I Kee~ on hana WILSONIA MAGNtTIC INSOlES for cnlo feet. M. TRELEVEN. GROCERIES! Cr9ckery & Glass ware, f lESff AND CURED MiATS~ Coarse and Fine S a lt, American and Canadian Coal Oil, Flour and Feed, Empire Horse and Cattle Food,. all c M c AW H: ER G. W. Shallcross & Co., ---- I CURE FITS! (I. I 'CO N 'S'U"M'P'"r"l'ii'NI I 1 ~~i~~~~eG~!r~\·N~al~nFUi\;:Rs" A

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