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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jan 1885, p. 8

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llAMP'l'ON. BOON TO THE BUSY FARMER. SHOPPER'S GUIDE. l<'a<ltory Cott on yd-wide for Ge. at Mcl'ilurt ry's. :::;ee McMnrtry's White Shirts at $1.00. New stock. Headquarters for cot\! oi l- & N osworthy's. Men's all Wool Pant6 from $2 .00 up. F.lliaon & Co. He~vy Tweed Suits, a job lot nt $5.00. Elfoon & Co. CHOICE Arnecta Flour $1. 50 per 100 lbs. at QL1ick & Wright 's. DeymM1 s. next door to the P. 0., is heacl1.1 uarters for Oysters. Dnu't fail to get n pair of Blarikets at Mcllfurtry'M, 50c. per pou11d. W e offer Men's Black ·worsted suits from $8. 75 up. Ellison & Co. l~e rn emhe r McM1;1try's stock i11 new a11<1 "'"·' ke<l clo 1 n1 t o "ntt the t.imes. People are brin~ing thei r friends to see tlrn bargaiiis we offer . ~~lli so n & Co. Finost brand of Oyst ers c ind H.adclies direct from the packers , ;1t Q uick. & Wright's. \Ve must have "Eggs" and will pay tho · out.side prices in for them. Quick .~Wright. See notices of Cheese ·Fsctory A Novel Binder. Mr~. Grace Y tio died hist Saturday. Mrs. J. Kerslakt> is _ qnite ill. 'l'he followinl!, which we clip from "The · RowMANVILLE, FRIDAY, JAN. 23. Mr. E. B. Cryderm·u it1 out again. P et.erburon!!h Examiner" under da·e of Mr. D. Crydtimmn h "s hPt'n ill. A111~· 28th . ,- may be of great interest t o the LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. Mrs . Micha.el On d~riuwu i~ visi ·inl! h er l:<'anners of this section in sel.:cting a da.u uhter, Mn. Aud ers .. n, al. Janttville. Biuder for t he comi";; har vest : NFHVCASTLE. Mra. Oke had a seven' f,.11 the olhtir On F· iday last., throngh thP courtesy 11f Om' Council o f 1884 must l><~ ti clever day, cau8ed by the icy side walk. Mr. ,Johu Bi,n n.,tt., "f M e· Bl'd. Fifo & lot of men, for they we1·e all re-elected l:lennett,Ag1icnlturalirnpleme11ts Agents, by acclanmtion, viz:-Mr. J ..J. Robson, Mr. Clarke's mill -dam has ht>Pn badly Wtl paid a visit t" the farm ot Mr. William Heeve: Messrs. D. Allin, 'f. Douglass, F. dama.~1>cl-a !urge hole nuder the flume. Swinton, First, Line of Smith, to witne~s ;1, Hedges, and G. A. Jacol1s,Jr., CounThere wa.~ :1 gra11d hop at Mr. R. ~Joy- tlhl operation of 11 1rnw lnw dow11 .self-bincillors. se'd \Vodnes<lay ni!!ht week/ "bom. thirty Cler, t>y Noxon B roe., Ingersoll. Mr .·r. ,J . Robson is a populnr candidate of the companv h11.iled frorn Bowmanville. It is c·lled the "Noxon llros L ow-D own · Pla1for;n H inder," aud cert4i11ly repres· for \V,mle11 this ye;ir. He has beeu -.Sim cor. R eeve seve n yelll"s ~nd has been return:id On 'fhursday last M.r. L eslie Scot t, sen., en t8 a hul(e forwar<l et. ide in the simplitisix times by accla matiun . one of t h e oldest r'"sidents of this s ection, cation aud improvement of l abnr-savrng Dr. Ft11·11com he and Mr. Geo. C urtis died at his residence, ot 14, con. 4, Dar- far11.1 mad1i11ery. '!'he machine id small lington. Mr. Scott was ,_ u atirn of t he in size 1111d looke <1.t a dis tance uot unlik e arc our 11ewiy electt'Cl school trnstees . Miss Kate Co1111ell, uf Whitby, is the County of M on ·· gh:tn, Irehmd, and cmi.- a11 old ~ ty l e r.·aper. 'Ihe s·1up li1·it.y of its grated to Canada about 45 years ago. H o I llf>l'e11rnnc", as co111pared "i h tho '·high new assistant in the High School. Mr. C. B. Lockhart is a popular dispen- had resid1<1d on the farm wh ere h e died 1u µ >'e Jf. bindel's," suggests to thti far mer over 40 3tars He was a frngitl and in- j the question, ··Why, 1there is the bin< ler'I" ser of rn:nTiage 1icenses. There wns a large 11ttendance a t 1Jw dustrious man and highly respected l~y all and wl11m thti present mach ne wa~ unload1 races on 'Vednesday. In the ' 'Green his neighbors and friends . H e w11s a ed at. the s ll·tion, th e inqu iry was re]{ace", purse ~50, up en to local horses, D . member of the English church, and in peattdly made : " Wheic 1s the rfst of it'!" G;1lbraith '~ "Molly Bawn" won 1st; ,). politics has always been a Conserviitive. I A brief sketch of ho1v t he machi11ti wo··ks Glend-cnning's ".fohn A, " 2nd ; ,J. Craw - His partner in life died about 1G years will rndice1.te sowe of its advaur.ages. The ford 's "Blako, " 4rd; :md J. H illen's 11.go. Thero ;urvivo him three sons- Les· graiu, swept back ward by the reel, falls 011 ".Moving Eagle;' ' 4th'. Jn t h e 2 :40 class lie, Jsmes and \Vj :liam,aud one daughter, the platfonu .i1d HU e 11 d !ess chain carrie1· Davis' "J<·e L won 1st ; S. Borlaml's Mrs. l?ra.ncis Beale. He was in his 88th revolving parallel to t .)10 out. l'h .. ~e car"Ma.t tic l:l" , 2nd; and "Phil Sh .- ridan," yenr. His fuuornl on f;iiturday was large- ry rhe grain to tlie "pickers," which rHlyattendednotwith tauding t hovory severe volve at right. nnghs to t hti endless chairu~, 3rd. and carry · hti accumulatiag grain to t Im On the 10th inst the N . B Club gr1 .vo weathor. , 'µacker~," which cornpnsif the hundle, one of their .p opulm· frne conce~·ts to-i~ largo and a~ sJun !Id snflicient qua1Hity of i.:rnin SOLINA. audience . 'fhe program cousi~te<l "f a is i.:atbered to make a she:i.f the b1indle chorus Going Back to Chloe, by the Clnu; Mr ..Jesse Amott lost his best horse, enga~es >l. l ever "hich sets the llit\din'.{ reading by Mr. Chas. Brent; song by Miss rnachi11ery in ope ration, 1he sheaf is tied Robson; organ and concertina duet by valued atovel' $200. It dropped dead. M:l'. .fames iVlit,cliell, of Michell's Cor- with curd, the knut being th1i same as i n Miss :Stilwell and Mr. J"ohn P ool; recitaother self-binder!:', ~nd is delivered at tho tion l)y Miss Coleman ; son g by Mr. Car s- ners, is recovering from a long illness. right hail<l side of the machine, 011t of well (Ontario Bank, Bownmnvillc); duet Mrs. Alllllan is not likely to recover. reach of the ham o n 1he next r ouud. A by Misses Coleman . and Robimn; ch o rus Mr. \V. A. 'l'om has lost his child. simple wire devi~e hnldR do"n the heads by thl:' B icycJ,, Club; ancl t h e Nati·mal Mr. Stephen ,V,tshington at one sitting of thti slr«_ W whil e being gatber1 d, a<1d Anthem. 'l'he young p eople afterwards t h us prevquts them frl'ln tloppin~ a h··nt enjoyed a bri1d spell in "tripping the had seventeen teeth extracted . . Mi:- _C}uu·lcsHeynolde has returned from iwd shelling wh e 11 thti graiu is v.,ry ripe. light, fantastic" . r omittecl to say that President Chas. Wilmott delive r ed a.n his visit n orth way. 1 An iugeuious nr1:11uJ;<e ment, simple and Miss Belle Cowle is visiting at Mr. S. effective, works a~:1iu~t the butts ef the orati'm on Club interests, and Solicitor .J. Williams'. · '\ ~rain Rud lll\lkes the butt of the sheaf Wright gave a neat littl e speech. Miss Elhi Brown Jtas gone to Canmng- perfectly square and CV<'ll, So compact JAN E'I'VTlLE. ton as :t music t e:ichcr. is tlrn gathering a ud tying machinery that sh1af is at no time ele ~ ated twofoetabove A D.EFAU.L UNO C,i.RRTAO ll - MAKEU. Mrs. Bi1ker has returned homo from 1h e platform. 'J'he chief beaut.y of this T he sen·ation of t h" laot two weeks iu the Toronto, quite restored to health. bmder is its immensd capacity ol g ive and district around ,Ji<n<Jtville has been the A number 0f young people r ecently vis- take, or, in olh t-r wnt'ds, its adaptahi lir y d e vdoµm ents which h ave coma to Ji .. ht ited Miss Annie James, at Oshawa, and to the cluing n~ cond iti ons r1eqnired i11 regarding the domgs of Imac Whitlock, u. spent a pleasant evening. a ctua wurl\. E vt-n l he drtve· 's ~eat is will-known husin · ss man of J amt ville. His st:1ted that Mr. Thos. "\V:ird lu1s 10 any des ired augle ulmost inR e currwd on for· ye1Hd at that J.11Hte· the ot ><ntly , \\ hile t he driver, from his sellt bueine·s d ca1"1'ia~e - making. Duri1<g the br~est and liestr bretl Durham heifer c ontr1Jls a t1et d lev«tS for differeut 1rnr Decernbel' la·t h e ;,·a, biiri. ed out and a: in this n eighborhood. 1 0 ue I evH raises t I 1e It is said that Charles Branton and .Joe poses. wh o - ti once rebui t h ·s shops. He bought extenti d b f h 1. 0 -·111 y sivt-ly , .f hatdware · and carriage suµphes Brown can chop m o re wood tlmn any o t e m><c 11uery, h·1 l s 1is two men 111 this city-except Sam \at. u11ce. An·1th e r 1 .ver Mlj 11sts the puancl oth<.1r materials ~t '.l'(lronto aud Lind- other on the hill. · si1ion vf tl,e ba.11d, .. ea1·11' 10 or farther say aud P .. terbcfro1.igh. Fur 80111e tune 'f ,. S J \V' Jl" , .. dl t from th" lrnt.t, ~~cord i"g h· the le ug th uf h e ]us bee u issui ng a l·t1!!e 11m11ber of 1\ 1 . . i ian1s vo1y 1 1-111 y oo 1 t a :i · 1· d ff · d ·to ti S t' the s·raw; a u · thl'r lev·r "C·J USt~ tL e l tlll· forged I«>'""· m a11 y uf which were bought 1a i:g eyst 1 11 1 1 0 . eigt . oa t Hricn st le a .va °n siun, so thai 1f it i8 . de · . tred rn bi11d t.hmp or tak1i11 Ill 1·ayme11t of g<>11ds by b11si!1es> ·A1 11 1 1 8 1 1 oe mg fl., 11.rnpl'.ion .on 1111c ay · 1OPat I .Y 1t ca11 b e ·l 1-rrn, a11o t1te r reguGood S l· . gram .men. His 111ode of operatiou was M f ·l- hst ' · ·' ' 0 omou. - 1m cv? · Jates the s ze o.f a shae ', s0 th"t the drive r' lows : When he ~o l d a ve hi le hti wo11ld - - -- - - --- · if Ju~ finds th~ grain h eavy iu o u~ _pa.rt of tak e a n ot.i frou1 t~t'" µu1cta-er. 'fh is 1 ENTEJiPlU$E. ) h 1" s h eaf ~} rn fi .ii d turn a not 1 ier, cau m"'rn note hew· uld doµ] c t e two .,r three time · ll thflie c,i n be 01.-e··ated rn proport1011. A in succe·si" n, aud sell t hni-i tictiti0us Heavy snowstor m lately ; mads blocked w lule the machine is in motion, w1th11ut notes. 'l'lte Kuhemo ~ orlrnd fan·ly "ell up. Uuion S tar Division, No 284, intend fo r a time c11· unt i l he 1i;~.i oucc"·.e.-1 ..d iu visiting: Union Huse T e m ple on Friday Jim. causiug a 111oment'6 delay orsLoppage. Th" depth of the 1 .-htforni rnn be incr e11Med w getl ing- 1t i · estirnat ,,1 _ 11hout $2,000 vf 23rd. a mome11t tn aceommorlatll jf)ng o r short such p .· per out ~nd mto people's hands. Miss Eva Turner is vis it in·r in this lo- aka~ . An 8 .~ im·h d ri\·iu·~ whc.,J admits His I" !)Utation was good aud thti paµor cality. "' of tltll 111achi11-e bei .. g nsed 011 damp c,r passed f, om lrnnd to himd unqu.,stiuned. Albort VYright au<l Alfred Wright, jr, soft soils. and ils extrnme lightness 01ily Whe n enqniry was made to a part.v as to wheLhc1· h e had give n Whitlock a cert im have taken a contract to cut 100 cords of 1,1150 lhs,-id ar11 .ther advant<tge iu this note, aud 1 .he an~wer wa~ in the alli rma- hardwood for H . Staples; also 500 cords respe ct. 'l'herti is absolutely 110 side draft ~nd 1w " ei~ht 011 1he horst's' necks, tive, rhe holdtlr had no suspicion but that of hemlock, if they cau tin<! it. 'l'he oyste1· suppei· held in Sons' Hall and t wo comnlon lt111·sfs can run the mahe held genuine paper. Smpiciun w"s · srou.ed early last week, and on the 5 h last week proved a qrand success. 'l'l1c chine di day without more than ordinary fatigue. Thti cut- fi ve teet wide-is clean, instaut \· V hitlock decamped . His !i;i bil- program was excellent. and e \·;;ry stalk is ~ .. thl:'red in, there beities, exclusive ,,f the notes lrn i. sued, ar" lilay, 'l'mst.eo, please rLm the sin"ing 0 iu g absolutely no '·slobbering. " There is e it1111ated at $2,000. 1t ts supposed that school, don 't try tu run 1£11terprise. nnt a thread of canvas to shrink and swell he made for somu (.l· ·St acro;s the border, Mr. Hichnrd Staples is going to Sandyalth ough word has been receivtid at Lind- hook to take charge of Mr. i\'L Staples' with hoat or wet, in fact the machine can ran be left sta11d111g in a down-pour of i".'li y 1 1i,1 r. he V1 t"· ' S t en ut Prin ct"i EJ. \\. . aird Shingle Mill. Goocl lnck, Dickie . raiu, and, as far as it is concerned, he 11sed coun ty during this week .- J·,,,, t l'loase, cou11nittec, buy 5 g1ds. coaloil to t.!1e rnorueut the s ho wer cease ,. r1111 the Division through this qu:nter, PORT HOPE. estiou,_ which is t~e and dont ha1·0 the boys from Pine Knot . 'l'he m~chine in q n_ first A L&w Sul'l'.-At the la~t sitting of th~ grnmbling. · · one 111troduced I f M rnto this J country, M1 'd 1IB J v wt pnrc 18~ 0 0 . essrs. amea ~ e· Division Court m Po rt Hop~ the Art Miss Yule mrcnds visiting her h ome in Publi·hiug Co. br,mght, m1 actron to 'Yhitl>y ou Sn.turday next. We wish her ton aod Wm. Swrntou, who 11rti both highly pleased with its sim plicity and effoctrecover $14.40 bal~ncd d1rn plaiutitls by a good tun e. Muggins. ivenss. On Friday the latter was usinir Mr. Lodge on his own or .: e r for "Pictmeit on a fine field ofspring wheut, where it sque C1111 .. t..111," ht.i havi;ig receiv ~d 1111cl W<'rked ltke a charm. On being asked DARLINGTON COUNCIL. p··d for it p · rti· n of t he work. Pl 11i 1>1ifi'~ how htt liked t he machine, he replied: "It } r .. ved 1 heir cun·r.-c:t, dt>livt·ry of "·ork vs TowN HA.LL, Il.AMP'l'ON, ,fan. 19. juat tills my eye; it's ex&ctly what I'vo cumple ·ed , &c., to the satisfactiou .,f the The Township Cquncil of Darlington w1mt~·i this _ lonJ;( time. l've,.got the he·t U1>t1 r t ttnd obtained j11dgme11t f, r the full aruuuut 11f claim, w11lt cost s; &c. H is mot pursuant to a stat ute 011 above named se~f- brnder rn t he country ; and JYir. H1.111ur held th ... r. M r. L «l"d l1 ad 110 de- day, and made the usual declarations of Middleton was equ ·lly warm 111 its praise. fenc,..; tlH1t idl he co11diti·1~d of contrttct qu::ilifi cation imd of oftice. 'l'he Itcove A few days :\:,!<>, on ltts farm, he cnt and h·d be"" c11rried out by the Art Publish- addressed tho Council, i·nd the other r bound fo1 ty a_cres m three days. Mr. iug ()1 mpany, hus l.Ji nding the sub.criber. members mado some r omar!:s, a fter which Wa1·d, tr4~elhng LAgent for Noxon Bros., A 11y omsidi:: CIJll i-act or \'e i-b ·I a!,(re~mtiut by-laws were passed l'e-appointing H. c. and Mr. 'Iaylor, of tho. work_~, and M r. mad., witt1 tlie .. ~ellt did 111.t effect th\"l Ho1ir an11:Uclrnrd Pascoe auditors, and Alox. Dav1dso11, .vh11se t:i-rm hes over the exwrit.tPu nr pr111ted co ntract or bw1l the the members of th e council roMl commiss- way, were µr_e~eut; the fatter also __ publishcrn. Bi" l-:J .. 110r conside1 ·ed the iou crs, with t he same jurisdiction and pressed _his h1!<h 11pprova\ of the "Low 1 amounts as d own Brndtr." work 011e d 1111u3u . J merit and which authority to ox pend the s;tlll· Noxon Br'os. only begun the rnanufacc1,ntai ued all set forth m the pro~pectus last y ear issued l y th · µu b is hers . Th 111 wa~ reMr Hancock g:;vo notice of a b)'· law t11re uf this mach!ne this s~ason! ar.d flfty giirdcd a ud ti· fended "s a ·' test case" on for appointme nt of assessor at n ext meet- of them Bre now Ill use. - Exammer, Ang. the c011tr1<ct, and created -considerable iug. The salary of said otl:icer was fixed 28th, 1884. exc1t em.,ut :un .n1t11t a fe .v mterestrd at$100. ==================~ I pn.1ties, wh" will ha·e th e satisfaction of Moved by Mr. Cryderman, seconded by ! Clarke Township Notes. J..nowinl( tlht 1 ·· v,; ry l.i!(al tactic knuwn t o Mr. H1111eock, tlrnt tho Reeve be instructed t he profes .. i"u, \ms 1 esorted to in order to sell by public auction, w lrnt is known Tho votCJ at th e last municipal election to void sa·d coutrac r. '!.'. 'f. Bain for i1s the Fnx sh11nty, the property of this was the largest e ver polled in the townplaintilf, R. H. Holhind for defendant. municip:ility, sitirnte on lot 2fl, in the 9th ship- nearly 1000. BAuK B1w1rnN. - A1 1 d1ew f:L.ig, lot 20, cunce~sion of Darliug ton, on 'l'hursday, A very fa1-gii surprise party, numbering 1st cu11cessi11u · f HamilLou, al.Jout ha.IE nth Febmary next,, at 3 o'clock, p. Ju.between 80 and 100, met at the residence way l·et" e.-11 Port Hope tind C.>bourg, on Carried. of Mr. R . B . 'l'hornton, Orono, on Monthe gravel road, w~· on 'l'hu··sday atte1· Moved lly Mr. Smale, seconded by Mr. day evening, 12th i nst., to colebratc their w.01111 e11g1111ed in c utiug duw 11 au up; le Vancamp, that the Iteeve and the mover " China Wedding. Mr. Arth ur PoweTs, tr~e 111 hi~ 111·cli.rd, ·h e tre ~ fe I npou hilll be 11 committee to in<1uire into the dufliand b roke hrn hack. The lower pal'& of ciency of the 'l'reasurer~'s security, ana re- on behalf of those present read an address. tl·c hody ik p>i··1·lyzed. 'l'here is no hope port at next meeting of Co uncil. A very enjoyable ti~ie was spent at the d hid 1·,co 1 ·,·ry. - Unide. On motion, the term of occupancy of resi<.lenco of Mr. Edmund Col> blcdick on the town h all by the Sal rntion A.rrny, was Friday, !)th inst., when se.-eral young PIUKEBJNG. ex.tended to the eud of March on th4'! same friends partook of their hospitiility. After mi exciting game of foot -bull, conditions. Councillor Stant on roccil·ed a. grnud Pickering us Audley, on 10th . inst:, at '!'he Clerk 1mbmittetl a statement of tho demonstration on the ovening of his At1dley, iv here tbe former was vwtor10us, vote on the Comet~i·y b y lttw. (The num- election. He was pbced in a clmir and tlte boys were treat~d to an oyster supper bers are the same as publish ed in · t ho carried on t he sl1oulders of the electors. rit l\Ir. L. Banbury s. impors). Received and liled. 'l'he boys were treat-.ed tn edibles and rcMr. Foley applied vei·bally for r e-ap- freslmumts. , A horse and buggy belon):(ing to Samuel Sbtnley was ~toleu from the church shod pointmcnt :~s assessor. S unday evonmg. lt was found Monday \ , - , , 'l'here are only 23 other British stt\tesrn orninir at l\lr. D. Leaven's o IC. Tho t,ix~·s of 1Ja~1 l Crydorrnnn and men, including L ord Dufforin, as high in 0 · · · . ' · Robt. Luff were renntted. the Order of Knighthood as Sir John A. Mr. lfaum, of Ilhnms, is buymg lieavy ,, . . h or·ses in this towilship Iho Reuve was mstructed t o grant Macdonald. , ,. . . urde1 son tlw Tre:tsurer fo r the fol101vin" Duncan C. Ross, the athlete, has signi'.lh c lI ic~cnng News is the be~t; towu- sums: - H. 'l '. P hillip·, selling toll hom~e ship p~per m Cana<.la. It has 1111proved at .Enniskillcn, $2,- sold to John Jewell fied his intention nf giving up his saloon much m appea~ance lately. . . f_o~$18; .foseph Hawkey, sheep damages, busi11011s aud athletics and entering the E lder ~:fawl~1ns and t_ roupe are g1vmg $13.33; 'Vm, Kn.'LJ>p, funeral expenses of ministry. He will be a typical exponent concerts Ill tins township. lato Mrs. F ox: and allowance, less $ti due of muscula1· Cln·istianity, at least. Over 40 more students are attending as rent on .s hanty, $2; James Cryderman, DoEs '!'.HIS RE.FER TO You ? -Are· you Pickering College than term, postage, &c. , $4. troubled with biliousness, d;irsp~psia, liv_Tho Go'.>c~ Tcm1~l:~rs ~·f Brooklin pii~d a . Adjourned to 31st inst., at 10 a. m . er or kidney oompl"inta, or bad blood 1 If so you will tind a certain cure in B ur· friendly v1s1t to Picket'mg last. we.e k and lt. WINlJATT, had n llne time. 'l'o,'Vnship Clerk dock Blood -Hitters. PIERCE & ROBERTSON. -GREA T - CLEARING SALE previous to Taking Stock. To our numerous customel's aucl the public we will offer our entire stock of Dry Goods dming the 30 WITHOUT PROFIT. ! E11ormous ·Reductions I IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. Jn watches, clocks anti jewellery my stnck is cmnpiet.e for tl10 Fall And f1l1rist111ri' trade. Maynard. I I . "\Ve are still showing n good assortment - - - - - - - - · of Man tle and Ulster Cloths. Couch , ,JoJrnstou & Cryderman. Clothing made to order in 1 .L s yle which cannot b e surpassed anywhere :it Coueh, Johnston & Cryderrm1n's. All clothin~ deaned or dyed by 'l'lunnaa Peate , Bownmuvillc, is warranted to be so as u o on e will know them from n ew when done. Kiel gl;>ves and . fetttlrnrs, cluan ed and dyed. Dye ·works opposite Trelevcn's Sh oe Store. 35-tf. A· 1· tho Bowmanville barber sh·>p, op- I posite therostOffice, tlte very best tobacco is sold at cost price, although there art> some would havo you think otherwise, so dont pay 5 cents a i1lug for smoking tobacco when you can get 2 for 5 cents at Pcthick's and all other kinds at wholesale prices. Ocean fare $13.00, steerage, from Portland or Halifax by Allan L inc, to or from Londonderry, Liverpool, Belfast, Queens town, Galway, Lime1·ick,Glasgow, Lonc lon, Cardiff or Bristol. Cabin also reduced. \V. A . N J:AJ,s, 48-tf. Sbawls,OverCoatsa1HlFurs at r tiduoed pricesatCouch,Johnston&Crydernrnn 's , . \\hen does a girl !~ave a ll~IH.(h ty b~nu. 1 When her bonm1t strmgs are ma.hard knot. A SF.'l"l'.LF:o EAC'. r.-It is a sionilicant to fac t that Hagy>lrd s Yellow 01l 1a the best h1111sehold remedy .for inter1111l 11s1i in case · · o f pam, sorenesM, lameness au d rnflamma tory complaints. Der druirune r is der most 1nnerc.,11t m·rt n e on der road" and the book-agent j,. th cutest. BEAVER HOUSE OU-R STOCK: OF Millinery, Mantles, Dress Goods, Plushes, Dress ~ilks, Velvets, Flannels, Shirtings, Tabhngs, . Cretonnes, Towelings, Winceys,Cottons,Shawls,Furs, Blankets, Hosiery, Gloves, &c., &c., &., All to be Cleaned Out. -NO RESERVE. - I I , ·. GOODS MUST BE SOLD! All are invited to secure Rargains. American Axes, Burrell's Axes, Dundas Axes, Axle Handles, c I Cross Cut Saws ' Butting Saws, . ENerything Ill the Patent Handles, Grocery Line at at Rock Bottom Prices at !""'"-_ _ _ - -- ---- ·- · _ -- ·· -·-·- - Wm,L SPOKEN or.- R. N. Wheeler, of Everton, speaks highly of Ha.gyar<:l'a Pect<.: r::tl Balsam. It cnred him of inflammation of the lnngs and an obstinate coul(h. It loosens the phlegm and heals the lungs. Wlty is ool-boyafteratloggingliko the Amercan fln.g · i BPcausi· he is red white a11cl blue. ' A 'l'o'rA r. \V1u:u.rc - Mirny a strong frame has been totally wr ecked by ,·hea mn.tism. D. McC1 irnmon, of Lancaster was cured of chronic rheumatism by llur'. dock :Blood Bitters. It cures all blooii impurities. We arc reducing prices t o suit the times. Ellison & Co. L:tdits U lsters and Jackets at reduced priu.-s Ellison & Co. Sweepiug reduction in Dry Goods and Clothi 11 g. Ellison & Co . '" 'titst ock f ron. eIIar ""are crowd ed w1 to Garret Ellison & Co · · PIERCE & ROBERTSON. Choppers' Attention-! MURD 0 CH BROS at the Lowest prices. Highest Prices for Farm ·pr 0 duce. l"RESR LEE & EDSAll 'S Wellington Buildings, Bowmanville. COUC:H:~ ,~~p~p~d ~r.~.~.~~~n: JOHNSTON &CRYDERMAN people with Fine, Fat. Fresh Bulk Oysters. .Everybody says the wish their many friends throughout West Durham Grand Ccntral A Happy New Year I 1 j is the best place to go for" first-class OYS'rEH STEW. Ca.JI aud try for your- I And while thanking them for their self, itist,:ef:ll;)e~i~l:s:;J:~~:e~:a~U Cl\U get. liberal patronage in the past, would FIVE AND TEN CENT CICARS assure that nothing will .be wantin town. ' ing on their part to deserve a continu101 DIFFERENT KINDS CANDY always in stock. a~ce of the same in the future. James Deyman. OF 1 PO:i~.~.·~o!':"i.:~:r~';:;!: I DOOR WEST OF POST OFflCE1 i lopes, &c. BOWMANVI LLE.

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