TERMS :-$Loo PE1i ANNUM. NEW SERIES, NUl'llDER 340. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A . JAMES, EmTo:R ~D P1wY.R1RT OR. VOLUME BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1885. LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. ORO NU. XXXI. NuMmm 5 . ~~tC[tGoods to be SPECIALLY SLAUGHTERED during the CREA T CLEAR/NB SALE I Angola Shirtings, . Checked Winceys, Cretonnes, Dress Goods, Cloakings, Tweeds, Carpets, (Tapestry Carpets worth $1.00 for 40c.) Tapestry Mats and Rugs, Lace Curtains, ($12.50 Lace Curtains for $5.) Floor Oil Cloths 36 in. wide, at 40c., worth 60c. FURS will be sold at half price. -Wool Shawls, Fancy Knitted Shawls. 1 ·-· ·llllllE:RI lll ll1 l TLE: S 1 In teis department goods will be sold REGARl)LESS OF COST. R . . H. TURNER. ·mcClung Bros'. old stand, King St., Bowmanville. ~ESTWARD ~If you want to get WAY DOWN BARGAINS in DRY GOODS go to th~ "W~ST END HOUSE," the Best and Cheapest place in town to buy Staple Goods. J11:78~ HO · I. A..Fl.Fl.,XV-EX> ' A nice line, which was bought low and whicl1 are bein"' GREY FLANNEL, asold at a very small margin. 28 inch flannel at 25c. · w·r· NC E.Y S from o cents up. Splendid lines, nearly one yard wide and heavy, at 10 and 13 cents. cents up. S.::e our 10 cent Cotton worth FACTORY COTTON from 12k cents. A new lot just received of those splendid blankets which we have BLANKETS , , been selling so cheap this fall. QUILTS from $1 up. 5 The stock of Dress Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Shawls, Tableclothing, Oil Cloths, Corsets, Buttons, etc.1 etc.. is very complet e a1id will be sold surprisingly low. Gents, now is your time to buy tweeds. Cheaper than ever I OARTWRJOH'l.'. Head C. G. A's )Jig ;\- page u.d. " . . N ote the change in Mrs . Vincent's nd· Herber t I arr will soon lJe out agam. vertisement. 1 . Councillor i::lpinks has b~en confined to The Masonic supper on the 15th was o. lus l_Jed for a few days. We hope to hear eplendid success. . · S er n.co m . t h e A ngl 1can ' ch urch S 7of~tY :_-;·· -_:--1 recovery. . ' un d o.y Mr. J ohn ~cDonald, an mdustr10us and evening at 7 o'clock. respected res1den.t of the 1st . 0 0 11. Cart'rh .1 l wright, died on Sunday last. e proceeus of t 1 ie Sa ntion Army " , . . bimquet amount to over $125. l1 e-B e society meet mg on tlic evenM . S J B ·l l b · I. · · o~ and ias een ln town for i1w of the 26th inst was sparccly attended a few di\ys lookm~ hale.and hearty. 0"~ing to rou!!h weather. .John Axworthy jr. who has b een suffer· Quart.e rly services will ba h ol.d in the ing fro1n intlammation of tho lun<·s is said l\fothodist ch_ u rch, Sunday mornmi1: ne:r<t, to be doinv well. " ' R ev. ·wm. Briggs, of T oronto, w-ill preach. 'l'he loc~l Scott Act committee meets on :r Otn Sat urday ov.cnin1:1 Iast M r. and Mn. Saturday e~·ening t he 31st inst . All fav- :N . F . Hall, at then· residence! ontcr t.lin{ld oring the cause especially t he clergy arc the members of t~e Oron0Ch~1stinn c~urch in vited. ' ' choll", together with a fow friends, with a w :i.nd oyster supper . Mr. Stapl,·s lost a valuable horse the M W · K ·ll l · other day. H is sm\Jlo,ring apparatus her. m . c ey ia.vmg rente~ e. firstcame pamlysed and the poor brute be- class farm ~t Perryt ow:n, belougmg to .J. came a pitiable object to look at. R~tledge, Es_<l ' and b Pm g about to. Ienve tfus commumty , !us friends gave him an Mrs. Antlrew H ylan~l :md Mrs. James oyst er supper on the eve of h is dop:uture. Freeborn, of Purple H ill. are reported to - 1'.·ews . · bo seriously indisposed. 'f he former hap· The annual entertainment in connection ·isit at h er son-in-law's pcned to b ~ on a 1 ,,.!th the Orono L odge, A.O. U. W .,Nu. 161, when tak en ill. will be held in t he 'l'ow n Hall, Orono, toMcssrs Olliver and Chambers, have pur- nigh t , 30th inst. A lecture will be duchased n house and Jut from l'l'lr. Jam~s livered by the P . G. M., J. R. Miller, H ol mes, Williamsburg, for $350. 'l'his E sq., of Goderich. A good provamuno p roverty requires c"11sidern.ble repairs; will be rendered , consisting of music, after recei ving which it will make a d esini- r ecitations, &c. Tickets, 25 c.cnts. Procoeds for chnritable p urposes. E verybody ble ll 111e for industrious mechanics. A smart boy 1uimed McGi nnis, in the attend. Vocalists from B owmanvil!c· employ of Mr. J. l:I- D evit t , received seriBlood will t dl. About two ye&ni ago ous injuries in the face by being kick ed Mr. A. A. Gaimby, of t his place, imld by a horse, a few days ago. The wounds four colts tu :i M r. Li vingstowe of N e w wer e promp tly attended to, ~till it will be Y<irk City . One ,,f them, a cheetnut . ome t ime before h e can r ecover. · l b y " Crown l mperial," was mare s trec 1' N h e Grnml tntp-shoot held here on so ld the othn- day to a wealthy gent lem an, Monday last Mr. P eter H olt won the first a horse fan cier, 111\med A. N ewbold M orprize and beat I h e champion shot of P ort ris for $1. 700. S he m ade he r fi rst mile P erry. 'l'he nu:Jrc1lry stood at zer o, with on a race conrse easv in 2.20 without a high win ds but the affair wiis well pittrou- skip, in a snlky. Afterwa rds she mMle wd a foist q ua1·ter iu 35 sec. Mr. l\'.Ioni~ hM ized and th e excitement especially tow1 t he close uf; the mat ch ran high. sen t fo1· her pedigree aud says of her in A team belonging to Mr. J < imes L atti- his letter- "Withou '. a11y ~h11.d ow of cxagmore, took fright at a train passing, at geration, I consider "Ideal" the fruitest .P ort P erry, on Monday and made good horse I have ever owned or driven, and their escape to the ISiand . Mr. Latti- when I t ell you I have h'td fast ono& for mor was unin jured but the sleigh 1 md har- over twenty years in my owu priva te u·o, u ess were bi~dly broken. The horses re- you Cf\11 judJe of he r excellence. I have ~ceiv_ed seYeml severe injuries. no doubt sh11 can trot m 2.20 next som· Mr . J ohn Ad ams lost,, valnable h orse mer in good fi x ." H er sire w11.~ owned throu~h t he ice last wee k. The ice gave by Messre. Pere:~!~!' Bowmallville. aw:iy at t\ treacherous spot mlll down won t h m·se, hamcss and p1\l't of t he sluLfts and KLllB Y . they l~ii,vo not be~n S t· en sint:e: lm1~tense A portion of Mr. J. Ki veil '~ harp roof quant1t10s of m uc. ca ts ,1Jmost umnechately was blown off during a recent 1;1al e, pr.esen ted t hemselves .. t the openmg thus 11'[ n} . l 1nadc for a.ir, rmd were easi ly tl\ken, .\d~, :'-~~1~m~n Was at atest account · . · convalesct..g from her recent 1Uuess. Mr. H. L. .Power's lender for I / OVURTlOE. the l11te M . E . Church has been accepted On 'l'ueada.y, January 27 th, Mr..John by the Trustees. The cos t of hanlin~ the L1 .d l II 0 f p H material on the ground would amount M> ort ope, an d Miss Martha but little lees Uian t he price paid. T o ce · Pethick, daughter of Mr. \Y. P ethick, call it a aacritice would Le a misno.wer, were united in marrfage by the Rev . ·I. · Whitlock. The ceremony t ook r>lace at · A complete giveaway is nmre appro1iriate. See .Advertisment , the residence of tl1e bride's father, a little east of Courtice. 'l 'he happy conple l(;lft A somewhat novel trfal between an ein· on the e vening tr,iin to spend a few days ployer and his man·serva.nt livmg in thie in Buffalo. '!'he bride was the r ecipient vicinity WRB heard before a neif( hboring of numerous pres en ts, among which were .J. P. a fe w days since. It a ppears the t 1e folfo wing :- H a ndsome table cover, redoubtable servimt had been using vile Miss M.Oke ; opera cruet, Miss S. \Yither- epithet!! and making threats toward h1a idge, sr.; set of crystal, Mr. John Frank ; master whicb if carried into effect would parlor lamp, M iss S. Oke; toilet set, M iss forever end his enz.tl1ly career. 'l'hls the E . Bask ei·ville; silver cake basket, Mr.J. e mployer determiMd not to suffe r a nd Cornish ; set of crystal, Mr. S . Ok.ll ; apµealed to t he abovs mention ed judicial crystal water pitcher, M iss A. R undle; authority for r .,dress. T he learne d Sq uire pair ciy stal bread plates, Mr . and Mrs. after heario g the case for pr osecution aud Geo. Withericlge ; half dozen sil ver tea - defence decidsd that the pruvocati0n was spoons, Mr. W . .J . Ham d en ; crystal equivalent to jnstification, the reby acquitprcscr\'e d ish ;i.nd d ozen servers, M rs. S. ting the latter and mult:ting the former Baskerville ; large trunk, ·w. Bickel. in considerable costs. 'I'I10 E Vange1· Some of o · ·1r 'o w· ISt' !Cl B antJ, f rom B owma.11' Joe~' u l mus1'cia n11 ~r~ ~ v bec ville, took charge of the religious ser vices in(! quite popular and their services aro being held at M t. Carswell school house, beinl( soogbt in various directions. on 'l'ucsday evening. 'Ihey were greeted 'Yhat we may expect - A wedding. by a full hom,e and we believe th ey made The Sah·ation Army. A visit from au a good impression on the audience. eastern gent. A good attendance at tho D E N. r evival services and much good the o utcome. ScOU'l'. BIG RACKET IN ORONO. The Corner Store B es eiged. $1000 WORTH OF GOODS '! 'AKEN. E.X.Oil.'EMB!S'T 8Trr.r. RUNNING 1UGH . .,,,.-..=--===--···...,. ---- - I F or some m onths past the people of' Clarke 11.nd surrounding townships have been paying frt111uent visits to n certa.in business h ou~e in tho Tillage of Orono,aud of late m atters l11we boen getting pretty lively. A certain family of high standing in society from .Manvor11 ha11 been seen going rt>gularly to the village and t he villagers obser ve tha.t t hey a.lwayll spent con~ siderabl .. t ime in the :a.hove unmen tioned place of business. This family being wer.lthy and h ighly relapected, curiosit y nrose in the minds of tho inquisitive rcsp.ictin 'l' th e object of these freq uen t visits. The affa ir has grad ually spread over th1t whole district thr ough being whispered from house to h ouse. 'l'he women especially are very m uch inti:-rosted over this won derful phenomenon. Indeed so grea t. h11.d bocomo tho curiosi ty a.nd seeinit t ho public wer e so anxious fo r u 1mlution, our r eporter was dcspat<:hed by the quickest route on Satu rday last t.o in vestigat e t he: whole mystry. Arri vcing near t h .i vi113ge from the south he eaw, .,.hilo yet q uito distant, it big crowd of peoplo gatherod a-· r ound the Cor ner Sto1·e, and every n ow an<l al'ain u1en and women were 11een, hur ridly leaving · th o building carrying: numberless large 1md small piircels, the11. others would r uah in and so the cr owcl came and went. Our r epor ter assayed to elbow h is passage t hrough to throng of anxious pe ople a nd a fter much p uffing, push ing and stru~gling he secured a footh old inside t h e d oor a.n d t here he stood moping his batditudinous cranium and illuminated p h iz:. R ecovering from t ll() effects of his lnte experience i n the pereev· erance of the snin ts, h e c&st hia aaucer eyes thither and beheld a ,llraat conoou rse of p11ople being w11it ed 11pon by 0. G. Ar m1troug's st11.ff of ni.Juhle clerks. After waiting till nearly m id-nigh t he got a chanceJ t o speak t.(> C. G. and ask h im what all t bel racket was ab out respecting t he Com er Store and t he departure of ll<> many people loaded down ....-ith paroels and why th e corta.in h gh toned family from the north visited hi1.1 store. Hi~ reply unravelled th e mystery to our r eporter 's entir e sati11· f11ctio11. H o expfained tliat when he took hold of th o b usiness he bought ft uch iroods "" were of super iot· quality a nd a fter he hud got the assor tment complete he aclvertil!e<l i11 the best and most widely circulat9\l loc~l _va_ ;itJr in Hi~ <;1,\~trit:~TJ!:!! 1J9'!Y· MA.NVILLlJ Sn.TBSMAN-au d from ihe uay hie first :~dvert.iaement appeAred his circle of c ustom ers h as increased uutil n ow his shop is only h& lf la1·g11 enough to accommod11te the irnmense crowds that g& t her there daily to b uy h ia auperlor line11 of gooda. ~===::'!======~~ Northumberl~nd a.nd Durham Division Grange. The meering -wru a 11ucces11. The delegation num ber<!'d fi lty-fi ve dele~ g ate11 from ilhe Yarion· !IJnbrodinate GraugM oompoain g this D i-.ialon, besides a EOedly numbu of Ti11iting members. The repreiientatlv"-' from the 011hawa Subordinato Gran~ wero.-- D. Lick, J.E. Gould anil B. J. Ro1r91'!'1 Jr. The following officers were e-leet ed for the enaul ng year, viz :- lrustan~. wa11 held at Co boor~ on the 13th and 14tb. The 1mna al moot ing of ·bfe Dlvi·lon We are selling good Double Breasted Shirts, and Drawers at 40 cts. each. · Our White Dress Shirts are very cheap. Call everyone and be your own judge of the bargains being offered. NO TROUBLE '1 0 SHOW GOODS. 1 - - - -------··· ·- . MURTRY WM Mc . · Yours truly, ' N. B.- Four Button Kid Gloves at 4 0c. 1884. · West End H ouse. I ~~85. 1 CHAS TOD would call attention to his stock of CONFECTIONERY! which comprises all the leading linea from t he best houses in Canada. N. II. Elixi-1· is a poeiti; e cure for Cou l!;hs, Oolda1 Croup, Wh ooping-C ·.ugh , Catarrh, H oarseness, Influenza, Spitting Blood , Bronchitis, Asthma, Lu ng .ll'e ver 1 P ls urisy, and all diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs. As an E xpectorant 1t has no eq ual, Consump tion h as . been cured tunes without number by its time ly use. H heals the ulcsrated surfaces, a nd cures when all other rem edies fail. Fifty-six yean of constaut use has provet1 its virtues. Every family should keep it iu th e house. Sold everywhe re. H enry, Johnston & L ord , .Proprietors, Burlinp;ton , Vt. D~lV~~~" V~get~l b;~ A.1~ls11111~c I CAKES! in mneties too numer ous to me nhop. ;,A call is reRpectfully solicited from zill his Dr. Hen1·y Baxte1·'s l1 land1·akc Bitters ~re a su re cure for Costiveness, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indigeotion, Dieeases of the Kidneys, Torpid Liver, Rhenmatism, D izziness , Sick: l:Ieadach~ . L oss of Appetite-, Jaundice, Apoplex y, P a.lpitn.tions, Eruptions and Skin Diseases. K eep the Stomach, Bowels, and Digestive Organs all in working ord.e r, and perfect health willr be the r esult. Ladies ancl others subject t o Sick H eadach e will find relief and per manent c ur e. by the us" of these Bit ters. B eing ton ic and mildly purga·ive thev p u.'l"ify the blood. F or sale by 1111 d ealera in medicine. I;lenry, Johnaton & L ord, Pro-prietors, Burli ngton, V t . H enry, Johnston & Lord, Proprieton of old cust0111er 11 and aa nurny new ones as possible. 'WeddingCakes to order. CHAS. TOD, A.t·uica and Oil l~inime ntffor Man and Beast. Ths tiest e-dernal r emedy for Rhettmatiam, Nenralgil), Sprains, ,J \fuises~ Burns and S calde,. Seiat ica, Backache, F rosted F eet, and all other p-~ins ,.nd Aches. Ii is a aa.fe,, surn·,. and effect ual R emedy for Galls, Strains, Scratchel!I. Sores, &c., vn Horses.. One trill.! will prove Its m orilll. lta eftects are in most .-asea instantaneous. Every battfe wa.rm nted t o give satisfaction. Pricee 25 ce" ts a11d riO c:euts p!K lfott'le., Sol!d everywbe.re. ' Ve are ~ !!lad t o be able to sav that m any J . fa.tely on the sick list are improving rapidly. Mr.. W. R Clemens has bean very ill The Eldad congr egation was unusally the past fe w days. small last S unday, aQ m an y from this " Mumps" has m ade it s unwelcome yicinity at ten ded th1;1 "Army" atffampton, appearn.nc\:I in our midst again . Who will explain the myslt.ty? R evival :ervic~s are being contin ued Our cottage prayer meeti11gs, conducted ~his week with st ill greater r esults. by "Daniel's Band, " are increasing in 'J'he weath.:~· h ere for the past week has po wer and are largely attended. b~en quit s sufilcie,·: t to sa tiofy even t he T he r evival m eetings at M t. V ernon " uldest inhabitan t ." con tinue to r eali:.m good 1'e&ul ts, th ourrh Mrs. J olm L ane, one 0£ tlio oldest ~ot so largely atten ded as might be cleresidents of this n ei5(hbor1Wu>IJ,_ , pa&sel; . s1rable. i1way on Saturday mornini: last. lYl$tl'llsed _;;.~., A, R. Wich@ t1 of Toron to 1s ~i'sitw.1s a member of t he late B. C. chur ch for ing frien ds in this vfofolty. ' rnany years, and much ogteem ed by tlu:l'll'll' , W . . . around her. 'l 'hP, funeral on Tuesday wa!J ' . e r egr et t o chx ·om cl_ e !hi!! d et\th o~ largely att ended .. R ev.R. Walker p!!·eached '!Jh ·e!'l'ryd l\1on tgk o mery, which <ili'J'~rred last' a n impr essive sermon to a large congl'ega· L · u:.s-~y Wile ·.- Mr. M on_tgom'e 1)' was t ion i n memory of t he d cpal'ted at B e- a r.e1J1g~·t-~a~e ~·es~dent of L exm gton t cnn~' slu p ,_ tli n\~\'11 ~1~1versall1 i·espected for lus t hesda chutch . ster lmg' <9,Ualliit1es. H e had held tho oflicu of highway e:<01nmissioner and was elected HAMPTON. a j ustice last"~~Ting. H o will be missed We wet'e pleased to see Miss Lil ty Tren - in th e comnn ih ify in which h o lived . The outh ou.t on Su.nday after h er Jong illness. immediate cause ·Ms death was ca ncer of The Snlvation Army are st ill d oing a the liver nnd pyloric- orifice of tho stomac.h good work h ere. They come in sleigh - .Jef:l:'ersonian. D ectiased lived on the loads from Solina an.di 0t her places. Pipes farm south of Solin'~"'over 20 years. H e aml tobac<1u are being given up and one was a broth er of Mr :· n . M on tgomery of mer chant will net longer sell t obacco. On this village. . , M oNI 'roR . Sat urday nigh t t here wali a big t urn out =====~~==~ to h ea1 · the· .hnllelujah wood-chopper 1 t he Couom! A.ND COLDS that we so freq uentsaved farmer and tho con verted d ude, ly neglect , 11ond which so often prove the Mcss-. r s. F ranklin Groat, F . A. Mason seeds sown for a ho.rvest of comumption , and A. 'l ' .. E lliott ar e attendii1g Howman- ehould have immediate and thoroug h ville High School frorn here. treatment. A t eaap oonful1'of R oBINSON's What we ha ve in abundance :- Cold P HoSPHORIZED EMVLSioN takeu whene ver weat herf sleighing, old maids, shop ioafers, the Cough is troublesome, will relieve t he <!lead beats,. and new~ mongers. !)atieut and IJtlrsevered in1J etf.,ct a Souud., ~~s·;· · SAW· · . cgre in t he most vbaiinata caftli. · Ulll TYR ON E . ·11 b h l·' h · Q uarter1Y . t1~1eetmgs WI e e "' er e on S l a.y nex · SOLINA. I I ,.,m Powona, S iater Ho~el"!I, O·ha.wa; Fl~re, Sia. L. V imCu uo, :eow1wmvtll!.".; L · .... · . S · , S r.. . I _ B RU. · bi "n, .,.., 1·' · nA 1mori1. E xecut ive Oummitt1141- John Garbutt~ P eter bor o ; J . J . B-1..iy, P eaerbor o' .; P . H inman, Grafton : Ira Bri1bin, B altimore ; L evi V-,nOarup, &wmanville, 11ncl S. Cauld well, Per ryt-0wn_ Aud it or11- W. T. Wiggill.8 and J. F . M 11llor7. D eleeate11 to ~he P ro vlnciAl Grange-L. V a u Ciunp, J . E. Oould1 Fl.. 1 D""id~ou !\P~ !21 !'::.::;.orr.1. . ~ Therl\ Ate M k 5 1) Divb lotil!- 8iid oveJI' 980 S ubordiu·te Gr1u.ijle;i hi th11 Domfnion aod s till lucreuiua. Tho m11wbl}r11 of t h~ Ord11r 9W.Q OIJ!t of the lu&e ·t ·ah works. i11 Ontru·io, at K:iucardine, ll'i th a e.pool1 .y of two !.!'1· blocks, mak:ill,q' 600 bnrrele, of salt pel' day, (of :14 ho11re.) VMsele can load within ·idy feet ot t he works )and un load a t ·ny p&l.'t on t ho lakes. .A.I~ I 80 th e Nilway 1tat 1 on l.s wit hin a fow feet of the buildinga, leavinll not hing wanting in shippiii& fac>lhiu. Th6 Grange have, also a Gralli· Trual, (lirnlt.ed) with a.n author l.zedoapital of 82,000,000, subscrlh· ed caphal of 2968, 950, baiDg t he only oo operati ve Joanin2 company in Co.nada. Th e Gran~o hav11 lik·wlse th11 IMl(etit m u tua l tire ln1ur an09 Oompany iu Onnada. P rofits paid b&ek to polioy holders wh oae. policies ex pil'tld during 1883 were $1, 094;,_ and for \ho year ending 3lat of December, 1884, the 1om of tll,336.50. Thl1 eomp1my has never m.d· an uH1&am1mt·. There are no w abou~ 82,500 of euh on hand, moiitly inYea '.-ed tor t he benefh of rlll p-01icy holden. T he pf'emiunt nole hH beefi> lately reduced on fir111J-elaa1 pr<>pert1 t;o. 1-k par oenb :.n th· GMleral Bn.noh, 1& well as ·he G ranlP' B>'Mlch of thi11 oom~ pany. _ J NH T l'tlll, ~., oi· lNlillj~" is Pre~ident-. an.4 R.. no,~,.. llltJ.,, ~' 1 Beroa, Si1ttt1 l. TruU, R <M14!neath ~ Canton ; W · 8e-c., J · ID. Gonld, O·hiu.-a i· W. Treat ., B. J. Rogera, 011br.wll\ ; W. L., T. B . Barlow, \Vukworth ; W. S., H, Duldaon, P et erboro' ; A. S., E . J. H oney, ' Warkworth ; W. Chap ., L . Y1mCamp, Bo wma1IY Ule · G. K. , P. H h.i m"ll· Graf\on ; W. M., W m. Brisbin,. W. 0., N. Pete.,.,., Oatu"va ;