GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMANVILLE S'rA'l'ION AND 'l'IME. GOING EAllT F:x:preHs ...·.. .9.08 a. m E:xpress.10.0! " 111 Mixed ....... .4.20 p lJ1 Local ·. ...... .. 1 28 pm Exoresa ..·... 9.40 p m I GOING WJIBT Exprose ...... 7.3ll a m Local ·.... ....8.23 a m Mixed ......· . t.:W Pm \ ExpreH ·...... 9.02 Pm BOWMANVIJ,J,E, FRIDAY, JAN. 30. Our New Premium. have mado nta with " reliable S~ed House i11 Toronto to send post-paid tweuty packngea of select i:1arden seeds worth O NE DoLtAll to post office in Canada to every STATESMAN subscriber who sends us $2.00 for any 011.n&· diau papers they 111ay r··qnira. THE Montreal Post (Ind. Con$.) sa.ys:Mr. Blako's aclcl1·ess to the Young Liberals of Toronto on the same eYeninl{ tha.t Sir John deliYe1ed his humornu11 antiDl\tional ~peech to young Conservativo1 of Montreal, was admittedly a map;mficont effort, eloquent rn tono, fair in criticism. wise in appreciation, a nd eminently patriotic in sentiment. R1;:v. Du. 'VILDE, of Toronto, the m1!11mnlum will take place in l!J35. .After that date he 11ays thf're will be no more births, and human life will be prolo1111od ao loIJg that a man 100 years old will bo :regarded a.1 in tho infancy of his exlll~nc.,. The doctor may be right, bnt he e&n't prove it. CHEAP RuDING. -Subscr; ption~ to the Daily Globt will be received at the Sbte11man office at the following rates :-Morniog edition, fl ; noon and evening, $4 per yt!11r ; the weekly, $1 a year ; for two months, 15 cent· ; Snturdsy morning edition, $1. 25 11 y~ar. See advt. Any Canadian Subscciber to the STATES· MAN w h o sends U H $2 .00 for any paper or paperl!l published at that price will receive by mail twentypnchges of selected g~rden Beeds worth one dollllr, free. The CHRISTIAN U.NION bel.(ins it s thirty first ,·olnme with tho now y ear, the currt>nt number bemg dated January 1. With thiR issue it makes its first appear<1.nce Ma thirty-two ps ~f!paptr, t h e iucrcase of eight pages a Wdek bsmg equivalent in a singlo year, we are told, to eight octavo \·o!nmt· e of be tween four and five hundred pagea So much for quantity ; as l «r q ual ity, the names, ·in this numbe r, c f Geor~e W. OL~hle, Wllshington Glad d·n, Juli11o Dorr, D1·. Abb1,tt, a nd H . W. Mabie- to mention no othHs-are a snffi cieu t 1turaotee of work of a hi!lh 01der. Mr. Cablo's true story of "Mur!(R.ret" ·i s, PO far as we recs.IL his firgt co11tribut1ou to a no velis t. .Joseph Hutton's lirerary lett er irom London ia foll of in tere·t ; and t he regular correLpond ~nce from Boston a.nd Chica110 1· ~s valunbkl 1111d fresh a.a UdUBI. The_ Chriatbu Union is a paper t liat reflocts honor on American journali~ ru . \IV(· COll!!ratulate it on it~ n ew de· p;u tnre, and ar" not surprised t o hear t l-:ut it added more new subscribere t o its list last week "than m any week since rlrn clay s ol 1ta marvelou s early success." - [The Critic. TnEPUON ll S un·s. - The Minister of A 1.<ncultt1n' ha. reoderod his decision in t hG c:~$e of the Bell patent, b n t the action m Court will still i;io on, IW the Bell Oompi>ny 1>re suing tha Domrnion 'l'cilephooe Co ., of Mc·ntreal, for infringing uot only th e Bell receiver, bua th" Edison, Bliiko, Ander :t..nd Pl1olpc pl\tenta on tra.nsm lttera aJJ.d teoaive··a, and tho Toronto Telephone M "nufaeturmg Co. 111 berng sued on one trnn~mit ter ~nd three recei vev patents . \Vtit ~ h avo also b&en issnsd by thi; B ell Compa.ny u.g11.1mt the Port Arthur Tele[ hone Co. and aga.inat J . F . Ruttan aud ' ther s .ib~cr1bers to the exchange of thie Company S ome of these oasea will come up &t the Spnng Sittings of the Court of Chancery m Toronto. The Court of Appo ~ l have i\lso yet to decide u to the right ,,f the Mio1~ t0r of Agriculture to try tho caaa of the B ell patentll, Tho numbers of the Living .Age for the weeks ending J 1 111uary 17th and 24th con· b in A n ci ent P alestine and Modern Expl oration, and The Crown of Tho rns t hat B ud d ed, The Future of the Pecrnge, The .B-·ack D eath in East Anglrn, The Battle of O tte1burn, Notes o n Popu lar English Scr va,n ts Old and Ne w, N,tpoleon the 'l'lurd, R ocollecbo11s of Mar k Patt ison, A nne Bcr g union the B h nd W oman's l <'nc:nd, with m s t almen t s of Ev en with 'l'lus; D elphine; 'l'hc N cw Marrnger ; and W ild S alin g, and poetry. F or fifty-two numb ers uf sixty-fou r large page s ea ch (or m ore than 3, :JOO pages ·t y eaI) the s ul)· s cnptwn p ri ce ($8) rs low; While for $10. 50 t he publi sh ers ofter 1 ,o send any one of tho A m encan $4.00 mon thlies ot weekliea with The .L1v111g A f!e for· a year, both p ost paid. Littell & Co. , B ostJn, are t h e p ublish ers. w" What 1s the d1fforence between a' dutch"I Have Suffered! " 'l'nF. most prolific sonrce of diseaci. of mHn on the htd and one und· r it ? One th k ' l d l With tvery disease imaginablo for the e J( iwys is ·rMe 'Y ct t>nt1Rts to ~he · is h1oh dutch, and the other is low dutch. i· p 11 ·t· t d th 1 "' Ja,t ~hree y"ara. Our ru n "'S c .. n a1r1~ m e w11.ter we The constant feelmg of be mg "played Druggis r, 'l'. J. Andersou, recommending drmk · T o g11ard agaii,,,t tins evil Sir out" ancl " usccl. up" can rnadily be re"H"p Bitters" to me, Garnet Wolseley 18 said lo have ordered moved by usmg Aye'rs Sarsaparilla I used :wo b <ittli:s ! 10,000 <'adeB of DR. VAN !3U REN' s KIDNEY . Am entirely cur<l<"I, and hartily recom- CUJtE fur the use of the ·~rmy. It ie the If a formM Governor ..1Jt Cttre per" 1 .. · 18 at1 ex-Governer, mend lf,,p 81tters to everv one. J. D. only known r.,medy thnt. f preeBman i~ an ex-presirna11, W k J manently all forma of ki rliioy ,,isease, and Wo tako pleasure in publishing to the world to-day tli <> membership roll of the a dormer · 1 al er, Buckner, Mo. ~ ,. " ld I an an u samp e is an ex-samp e. e\ery fannly shonld kee p 1t . ST..i.TES11U.N Houl!ohold who have paid their subscriptions for 1885. vVe are pleased Jl2rA Th mg of Beauty. The m0st I write this as a See our cheap Blankets and Quilts, to 11av0 so largo a ga.thering for Roll Call, but a feeling of sadness comes ove1 us as br1lh11ntshade· poesihle, on all fahrics are Token of the great a ppreciation l ha·e Ellison(\'; Co ------- - - - - - - - - _ , . . we look clo'rn tho list and find th e names of severnl true and fam1lrnr members absent m11de by thti Diamond Dyes. Unequal- of Hop Jed for brilltancy and d11ra.b1lity. lOc. at ' · * Bitters. I was afflicted With inflammatory rheum .. t1sm ! ! ! f \l .U " · - absent but,not forgotten. They hnve passed from the cares ii.n d troubles of this worlcl druggist. Send 2c. for 32 8imiple Colors. r. C B l }'or uea1 ly . h Seven years, and r.o med1cin., seemed Drnndsndvert!sed nonbsolutelypuro to, let us hope, a hotter world above where troubles and trmls arc unknown A very W e II s, R IC ardson '"' o., ur mgton,Vt. Ocean fare $13.00, steerage, from Port- to do me any CC>NT.&XN' ..a.:rw:rwe>N:r.A. " 1 THE TEST - uumbor of o ur vetonm subscribers have died during the year just past, more, Ian d or H a 11f ax b y Allan L inc, to or from / Good 1 . l . : · any f ormer year o f oar b usmess · Pln.ce ft. ctm t op dand own omo11 on ;i. .l1ot until heated,tbea. it seems to us, t }111o11111 career. 'I 'ime b rings many L ond ond erry, L iverpoo j , B e lfast, (1 .,ueeus I U n t l 1 J t ried t wo b o ttl es o f your H op ru·nove tho cover A ~tove chemist will no~ b· r..· town,G:ilway, L i merick,Glasgow, London, J Bicters, and to my surprise I am as well <1uiroc1 toclotcct thopr.,.011c" or "mmuniu. changes. 1\ whostt munes are enrolled h ere to·day will have passed t o their re- Cardiff or Bristol. Cabm also rnduced. , to-d:Ly as «Ver 1 was. T hopt1 ward before our noxt Annuu.l Re-Union . vV. A N1uDs, Ageut. 48-tf. "Yon may have abundant success" ·1 · l d fi 'cl ( 't )t cl h t f · . . "In tins gref\t and ." I f But we we come to our anu y mrc e an re-51 e as i were o- :iy a os o new Why is a school· ~oy after a flogg~ng like V a.luable medicine I "MEETING HERE TO-DAY." ! THE "STATESMAN" RE-UNION. I I TEST YOUR BAKING noumER TO DAY' m embers whom W6 hope to h1we with us for many y1mrs tu come. The E ditor hope:i the Amercan flal!: · BPca.usei he is red, Anyone ! ;, * wishing to know more they will onjoy tho w eekly vis1til of our family paper, and he will endeavor with the wlute and blue. about my cure 1 A TOTAL WRKc i1.. - Many a strong Can learn by H<ldressiug me, E . M. assistance of )us ahla corpl!I of local correspondents to furnish an epitome of the social, frame has been totally wrecked by 11Jen·, l103 l6th street, Waahmgpolitical, industrial, agricultural, educational, commercial, religious and secular hap- ma.11sm. D. McC11mmon, of Lanc,ister, ton, D. · f d ld w t D l 1 t b I l ti · · 1 wae cured of chronic rheuwat1sm by BurI consider your p emngs o ear o es ur mm am i s usy p0pu ace e eave JO provmc111. dock Blood BittHs. It cnroe all blood Jtemedy Lhe best remedy in ex:istence ouruals foe claty of sorvmg up weekly t.he n ews of the wide. wide wmld, wlnle we · For Ind1gest1on, kidney . ] u1.1pnr1t1es. - Complaint I w c = === = If any wo unded a u thors wa nt to criticise 1lie cait ics, n ow 1s his chance. A poet ical r.atu e , ' "l'he Duntm g Ball," has been p ubh ah ed .:in onym ou ·ly , aud th e critices Ho t. only c1rnll enf,:ed to name the a.11thor, but tio p rize 1J ~~ LOOO offered to th< ·Se who do so Ii tho a uthor wer e an unknown \Hit er, the cnt1c:1 could n ot b e bliuned for l!Oiug " rnng , but ht1 lB a nnou nced a3 one of t h e be· t l< no 11 n o f h vmg writers. The n.fta1r l'rom1sei; to become qmte amusm g , fo r they are crossing fire au d naming o,>-0h o tl1<·r l!l a m ost peq rlexrng w ay . .F unk & Wagnalls, 10 a nd 12 Dey Street, 0 New York . Ladiea can s.lw:11ys d ep end upo n findi ng a choic<) swck of dro1a ~o ods 11t Oo uch 1 J ohnston & Cryd l?!rman s. 5 Pou nd$ good t ea 11t ,J . Lyle's foll $1.00. Sp10ndid va lue. :iv.r ~~1 J1~g'k~ -Wtio10. Now, it~ a smallmatte1· wh en this Th e Umterl States Government Ccnsns VolWm Motrsi~ E Roy Thos Westlake reu1e dy, ZU-PE-SA, is r ecommended so ume ..JURt pnhlinh ed, speaks of the "ltEMAU1411 1 Mr AHo.v1d Muir .Joh n Reavl6 rh s Jawoe hio hly · eve ii Y" " i·a, '·tee" to i·eiie iv o ne's Anu: ~1, u; t:,.~·· a ttenl1rn1 r our I NHUm ANI· 111~alker 1·ms 0 Jon,.,than G Mooor 'l'hos Hundle ·10 n "<·'° · ·~ 1, NTllHM; lo.ITOltTi!i, 111 pnsllrng the Arnei·i · 0hbt : rif ht Wm Maunder lJ w Hnmsey en ergy and sp1r1 Ls by inv 1gt·ratw1~ the can A (/1'1 Cullm '1°st. Tr. b~gan the current year John Morrison jr Mrs MIH1chards 11i11 ~'on w.l\~h Li· e r nud aidmg D1g nstio n, by cleaning with a latlo! Cl' · ubscript1on h at th an at any Mrs J Morcomba Mrs .A. Heed 11 u ] correspondir1g pe1·10d in twelve years. 'l'he ' V J Mountioy Jas Rund!u ar WA White t te dram, opemng th e pores o t the s rrn , able corps of }';di tors, who have made the Wm MntLonJr ·w H Reid 'l'easd el Whitfield reg111:1trng t he Bmrnls aucl system to cro A niencan A r1··1 cu lt1w1.·t ·· welcome visitor to James Mnloolm "\N P Hioh ' Vm Woodley h d ,d l' b " hundreds of thousands of readers for 1L quarter 'l'hom"~ Mc.tfatt .TR l:l.old Tho~ 'Vcrrv to t e rug store an ge t a sm g e 01tl e of a centuJ-y, are "till beni'ing all tlrnir energies Dr JC M1tohell Henry Hoiters '1' A Wrigh't of ZOPESA as a tnal. lt is a duty every to ma ke the Jonrn1tl, if possible. more interes· J l M l .E Alfred Wood h' T b 1 1 tini< and valuable lhan ever, And you may Ml:~Jl.i Ba~k ~~llr Go~w G;lbank LM:;;n" Jgh.~~1:i{~~:dle 'l'hos H Watts one owes to m1se I. ry a ott e t rnn. rightlJ concln~e that rt <.;ha~ J !Jellwllod Hobt Ollbanlr James Mo1111tjoy John Ilnnd le Jns H Williamson Wm Gllbank C () Merrlll A lex Rwgs .Tno W ither1dge 'l'hM Hridgnu·n Scott's Emulsion of Pure Capt B urk Wm G1·~nn vvay 'l'boa l\tnrtln 'Vm R utherford \Vrn \V1ckett r Iberb ' u · ht Willio,ma \Votton G Hev 'I' Drown Hiorgo ,f1 '{alter ·uO Jt ato A Iex I ~uth erlord llo Chas Cuti LIVCl', -w1tll lln1opl1ospWC cs. John Burk George Gray lforaco Moulton Fr!ld H11ndl11 to the Provinces where it already has so mnny Il1oh&rd Bltqht Samuel G1lberh Wm MorrleoR Edward ll&lls Hoor1 ~'Vebber 11~ tnbercnlai· trottbles of the Lwigs ~ub scr1be1·s and frwnd s to q uadruple its c ir cuMrs TC Bell Jad Goodm.. n Mrs B Mitchell John R lnoh .Jesse W 1 lllnms J..tton. For who w ill fail to embrace this IJN· Wilbur M C R o·" Tho8 W m Mann1 Dr. A. F . Johu so n, Cedar Hapids, Iowa, P AICAJ,U·; Dr C E l. , n Ird tae G rocnwa.y n;1 '!'hos A \ Vickett D Ot"t ' '! Tho" Blythe .J&meR G&llagher D Montgomery JoAeph H.owlce Thos \ Vilcocks says :- "} lrnve used Scott's Emulswn m ""]14.NIIL' ()'(JMIPJ<) IHA :t'ltEt, - Any per· Robt J:lsrrle Htch Greenway J amee Moore John Uell\'fick Jamca W ·non n t uber cular t1oubles, with sat1sfact10n, b oth son, R ubscn h1ng to t he A m e,.,can A(/ric·iltm·ist J F BrookK 'l 'hos Gibson Henry Middleton 'V \V Rolfe w w Samuel Brooks Mrs R obt Gra.y w·m Martm J ames Ross Colin vValls (Enghsb or German) for 1885 w hose subscr1p· t o p .itien ts and myself " ' Vm GB msby tiou is prom ptly forwarded to us together with John Martln Alex Roas .fames Wright ·wm Gtlbert Abram .Morris w J nor .Tames \>?ilson , the tiU bscli ption price $1.50 per yeiLr u.nd I5c. c I!'rank Glaepell .John M!llor W G Hnndlo Jame$ W addell We aro reduci.n" prices to s uit th e tunes exrra for puclm1g a 11d postage on the Cyclo· 0 \Vllli&m Callis DaVld Galbra.lth John M·son ' Vm ltlches Mrs 'I' W ar.I · · Elr · ·. C paertia- Eaking . I f>.'i 111 all- will r eceh ' e the i~on '"' O. A 11ie1·fran A qrir·n ih l1'i.·t for 18&3 a11d be preseni~,~;f1~0 1\1. f Gordon .losonh Moore .la moe H10h&rd e y~gn"(,~~~~1! Lid ies U ls tel'S aud Jackets at reduced tcd "'rh the Am··rae1111 A:;ri<l111tu .. 1str'111ully 'l'boe Cnlw!Il .Jacob liau<l Ed Mounta in Hobt Ramm ~[ , G 1 . · Ell ,._ C C:,\ 1'1<1t1t'·il11 , 1ust out, 7UO 1111gcs, 1.0110 eu :;raHe,. J Caracadden Mrs H. Gal braltn Il.10hard Moeee Geo Hlcka.rd ~Vo~~ddell puces ison "" o. , m:.:s. William Crngo John A Gal braith \Villittm Mutcl1 8arn uel nickR?tl Johll vYight St1rnllel Cole J ames Mlllar John Uwkar d vVm W White During the quie t months we will s acri-1 1·no !UONl'lli!i 1mEK- J!>very newl subscr111 FI: Mark: Munrl"y fice pricoa. Ellisnn & Co. ber ( rnd !'uly new who pro mntly fo1·S W H \Vllhams W1lltam Co1\T1Mro Moorcral't wards In s subscr1 pt1011 m accord .. nce with . . lior,~tlo Hill ., [farmer Geol'go Cnl'ltes W..i are crowded with stock fro1r, Cellar these oonctition·. can have his year.s subscrip'l'boe Clomenco J ohn Holhday Rich 1""llor/j Davlcl Stevvar tjr w H W illl .. ms M II Cole .J H Han n~ Isaac l\fo toa fo Oolin i:l t1tp l e~ [smith to Garret . Ellis on & Co. non date from Ma1ch. next. 1ece1vmg free the Mrs M .A. Ca.on IHanc Hobb5 .Alex Mann Jonas "l1.1m1s ' Vllli am \V111da tt num bers for Januar y und E'eb1uary. _ Mrs .Tno 'l'horn as Cmgo ·J11m1ea Hoal Da vid T Munson Morris Chas Souoh Mm G \ V1ther!dgci S\V~eprn g re~uct10n lll Dry Goods and I 1'WO MAGNH'ICE N'T ENGHAVIN'GS Mr· M C..moron W !lllam H1ud ,John 1\iorrison Francis Sqnuir Uov It ' Valk er Clothin g . E lli son & Co l<'HEE.- E verr sucl1 rnbscriber will also be Wm Cn.ldm·ll John H endonion GilbC>rtStovenij M rs Wllhams . , . presen I ed, no<t paid wi~h the mugmficen t plate Jo3oph Colo .r C Hill Henry :lflnns J ohn Stewart Hich Wood ley P eo p I e are commg 20 nnl es for o ur engravings · In t he Meadow." and " l!' oes or ir T Colema.n Thos Hnghes Mra W l\Hll· Geo::! tihttw M rs W Woods cheap Flannels . E llison & Co. Fri ends," of winch o ver 80.000 have heen sent HP Court'n'righ~ ' 'Vrn Bttney ' Vm Mutton s en 'l'hos Smttle W 'I' Werry ____ __ 101 by uu1 s uhi:ier1bers. W H Uobblod1ck: 0 R H all John Mutton 'l' hos H Hp1y Hlch Wight Will!sm Ool vnl! W m IIt\rnbly J,ovl Morria sen Mi~s ME Stevens .Joi> White A QUESTIOX 11.sked by all s mokers ·-( Jl ' C'Mu>i: nu. Ei'iG JU,l'iNC~ S A"'D A DH: Htch Hambly G*orge Mayniu·d J a mes Stuart Hov J C w ·nson ,Tohn Co wlin[{ 'J'I ONAUY Flt1>1:.- To any one promptly torRobt Morrison Samuel Snowdeu Mrs M \Vb1t0 H ow can Petluck, the B arber, sell h is wa 1dt11g uc. the name of a new subscriber to Mre Thoe Couch W II Hanson earJ 1 You see I can 0 rro there the Ame,.,/"!" A1J~·icntt111:i ·t w!th $2,00·. wo ~a~~r~ l~~rh~e~i~·Lr ~r~l~:,,,~ ~1~ ~~~~~: on ~~~~ZV~~1lhams tobacco so ch . will ""lid \~ ebster s P1·act10al Dict10nary J ust JM C ro~~man Cha~ Hlckn }'red R Moom .John Sluto Jc W hite and get 2 live cent plugs of s moking t o- out, mo,o oo words, l,~ 00 illnstrat1ons, while to Goo Cal'!lcnddon .A lfre<l l fobl>3 A E Mannlnt' ]Janie! i::lmltb J H Wilson bacco for 5 cen ts and a 10 cent plug for the new subsc11oer we will B end th e A merican M Cryderman Arth ur ,J H ook W ·r Mitchel .Tarneg Smith .Tno Windatt 8 cents also two of t h e v e1y lwst 25 cent Ay1'1cu ll u1'ist for 188.-5, and also th e l!' amtly Edward Cl\nn St"plten J Honey Jame!! Morris Dr Smalo Geo Walkey Cy<' loped1a, post lree. J<,ur thermore on re· p lugs for 25 cen ts and tVI o large 25 cent reipt ,of fift .len cents elxra ,makioK :02.'15 m all. 'I' J Clitrk W m He nderson 'Vm Scott Mrs D Walker EdrnmH1 Cobbl ecli~ .JrJho fl ookln JY.:[ C Ada:n Sto1'ens '1 llomas Ward p a ckages for 25 cents and all other krnd s In this ca·e !or vackrn g and postage, we will Jesse Colo J ohn Haddy Hnl?h McKay S ll Short U1ch Woodley wo engravrngs. In t he Meadow l ' forwa rd th e > \Vm Colville Geor'(c Henry A l\foFeeter8 Miss M .1<: Stuar t Jamoa Woodley as c 1eap. I anc l Foes 01 · Friends to th" senrler of the sub: John Cooper · .John Honrd Nell .Mc Donald John Scott John R Wer1 y ANsWER.- Bcca use P et h1ck sells on ly scription, or to t lrn subecr1ber himself as we Geo Chator 'J'llo3H1'yor..rt Wm McClellt1>n The Senate James \Valtera t ob accom staooch a nd c an sell all tobaccos directed. Mention these o!fe1s when A F Cat11cadd en Uouao o!Commone 1\1: llfoTavlsh Wm S weot P eter WArry · ' i' "' ' ' F ' ' :il ritiug , Isaac Chapman J D H oRarth .lno M~R urlf'ly .1 JI ~'Heman Geo Wel·h pip es ant cigars cheap . ' or by sellmg Send six cen ts (s tamps), fo17 mailing you a .Tno Olemence .Tno G How1tson AD McLeod 'l'hoa Short John ~Valker the vel'y best tobacco, &c., h e cnlls custom spec1mon A·ne1 ·ca11 L11Jricullun.< t , forty-page 'rhos Oour tico Miss EllM Hoar Mra l\f l\foRrlde Ileory Stophena Chas Welch to )us b ar ber sl10p That set t l es 1t · I am Pre mwrn Lis r., w it h two hundred 11lustmt1011s: James Colville .E' Hockudi>y John MoGill Owen Soper BellJ \Verry · k' b b ' l specimp,11 PM:cs of Cyclopaed"t and D1ct1onar v Wm Connell R H utch ison Wm MoLanghlm Goo Short Jr .Alex While o ff f or P e tluc s t o uy some t o acco, ant nnd full ctescs1ption s of the EngraYrnga preWm ()Oram Albort, H anoa Nell MoP heraon Enoch Stevens Thos Woodley wh ile ther e I sh all get a nice hair cu t and sented. Wm Chappc;Y.l Wm Hayor..rt Ehzn. McHoull ' Vm Somorn """7' CAN VASSE RS WAN'l'ED EVERYW HE RE. a s hav e. Jno Cnmoro11 J osoph Hawkey Poter J McGiil .J E Seuc!t ..L Coiv1U0 Jo hn Hodge 'l' H McL.\ugblln Mrs S Ste1·rnrt _ - - - - - ·· ~ ·-·- Add1 ess Publish ers AMEltrCAN A GRJC UT ,· Alonzo 1'eo Robt Court!C<l John Harris J ames McCullough \Vrn S weet S D Yeo Clothing to order1n a s tyle wluch T u rns 1 , DAVID \V. .Juno, Pres' t, S AM UEL T homas H ill A McLaughlin ST Wm Staples J no 0 Cornt~h cannot b e s urr>assed any where at Couch, , I 8ER:sn,ur, Sec., 70 ~ 1 Broa dway, Ne~ z W m Cro w0ls Maior J Hughes Mra J l.foK1bbon J W SmM1 .. Mrll Jan" C!.a.rko Enooh llolmes Jas MoOormiok Jamee Sproule Johnston & Ory d erman 's. York. 5 - 3 w. G 11 confine our t\ttentiou to th(} i ndustrous little world including an area o f about twenty All clothing cleaned or dyed by Thomas "And nervous debility. I have Jnst " miles squaru. P eate, Bowmanville, is warranted to be Returned so as no one will know t hem from new " From the snuth in a ±ruitle~e seuch As hundreds of our reR;ulitr subscribers liavc not yet renewed for 1885, wo slmll wlieii doite. K d 1 d g (}Ves an feathe~s, I for l1 ealth, and find that your Bitters ar& i publish an<,ther list on F..,buuy 20th, by which time 'rn hope to hear from most of cleaned and dyed , Dye 'Yorks opposite doing me more G<>od ! them. Subscriber· who hiwe their subscriptions, but whose names do not ap- Trelcven's Shoe Storn. 35-tf. The1e 11re early beats and late beats, 1'nan anythimz else; pear in the following list, will con for 11. favor by notifying us of the fact immediately, rd beats 11nd yellow bea·P, police beat s A month ago I ~as extremely statiniz when :tnd to whom they p1'id their money. See our new premium offer tlus and- - but the dead-teats we have evtlry· " Emaci~ted ! ! ! " where all the y<'ar round. And scarcely able to walk. Now I am week. Ayer's I>iJls are tL com·enient remedy to Gaining strrmg1h ! Hnd have always at hand. They are sugar" Flesh ! " coated easy to t·tkc effective to opemte And hardly a d11y P·S~e· but wh:it I 11.m ,, c, ,, if.*** * * sure to bring relief and cure 'f hey arc . cffectu:tl in a wide r; of diseases which comphm e n.te~I on my improYed appear.John F Mecdoniild .Tames Storie .Tohn R Colo E"r"' Ilt11l ?tfot~how Cola Roberi RicR:s Wm McJ,aughlin .JRme~ Sonch arise from disorders of the stonnch and ance, and it is.all due to Hop Cbn.rlee .Axron\ Mr3 W Clemens James H"llettjr H McLeod '!'hos s~ott dig es ti ve organs. ' ' Bitters ! .J. Wid Jiff.. Jackson, Dr. W. Allison Alh.,rt E Olemena 'l'bo8 H&rri8 'Phos Mcllne .lames St1mlev Jt. B Andrew . -- Wilminqton D ;il. 8 McConnaclue .John "quair BA W R Cola Geo Herrlngtnn AT the Bownrnnville b a1be r shop, op· ' William Allin Jamos Coll,.oott 'l'homAs Hardy MrR F Scott · } p Offi I b b '13l'"Non" genuine without"' bunch of green F, W · .Allin posite tie ost ce, t 1c vory est to acco Hops on thi· whit<> 111 bol. :::.hun all the vilA. .Jo~eph C:ouch i:'(llae V Hon.r 'I' HSmtth Richard Ashton Hrnh Colwtll 'l'ho~ lfarrls ,John S1m1h .ir IS sold at cost price, although there an' pmsonous stuft' w11h "Hop" or " Hops" in their Alva Koiton J. J. Ashton S ClomeM T R Hoar R11ndford Swain R JNlddery some would have you think otherwise, so name. _ _ _ _ ~ ---Peter .Atkins Robt H Oollaoott W H Hioko Wm !:'hortridge J.B. Abraham J OS<'Jlh Clomonoo Albert Hillil!I · 1 OShort dont pay 5 conts a plug for smoking ·when d oes 11 man huvc a wife in law 1 Arthur Annis 0 Geo Shnrt st .Tno Cu rtice F A Ha.dd{. Robert Aehton tobacco when yon can get I! for 5 cents at When he s ues for a diYorce. lsriao Chapman ~r ThosHarr 1 Mrs Walt er Oke .lohn SftmPlls Albor~ Arnott Pothick's and all other kinds at wholesale Stephen Cotton Wm Harri~ Mrs Ch RB Osborne .Tame· Scott 811.rn uol .Ash ton Jam<>B Hunter To.mAR O~borne Geo Staplc·rm · prices . GoLD- h excellent for tilling decayed WBAllm Solomon H. G Overland 'l'hos !'1nort1idge D Jas K Allen What is the difference b etween a Rud- Teeth; but "'l'EABERRY" prevents deWm Ilnlll\nd William Oko John Snnth lfonry Jloollt~lo l3onj .Aebton .Jo8eph H~nry Ilich flAho rne A lex Smith sian aud a horne ? One has a. long name cay, makes them white, and makes peop!A Abra.'Jl Dol<n Henry Adams 'Phos Hoooer .John Orchard Humphry Short lovable. John Davo:r Hammond Arch · and the other a long rnam . .Toanph Hnrd '!' hos 0Hhorne Wm Hhnrt 'l' & ,T 11oui:c 1&11 H Abrah!lill 8a111uol Hemry Ont Lr>gisiature C \V Smith Why does a man cross,the street 1 BePROPERTY RECOMMEN DF.D. The CINGA· Mt· S Dunn Edwin Annis Stephan liow::arth Oil v~r l<'red Ste,·cns Hlch TJ1wey jr Georgo Arguo LF.SE H.AIR RENEWER restores, heautil:ies. ~ttuse b e wants to get ou the other side. Daniel Houarth 'V JI Osborne 'l'hos Stnnton J~obert DILVtlJ' Win Ashton Alfred Hoga.rth W lt Oke John Stcwnrt invigorates and renews the hair. Its W1Jlir~111 DOW'DOJ' Georgs Awds EVERYBODY who has not, should at Francis Scott Georgo Dobson propel" use 1s always satisfactory . CINGA· once, go over to the drug store and see J ohn A·hton ¥!)rfto~:'!Lin p ' Vm Shepp11.rd ' Vwlaco J>r1 ng Goo Armstron~ LESE-a name well known in connt:'ction Mos.ii liear<1 Hobbie Snnt.h "liuB" CouGH CURE. A couple of doses Mia C Drew John Arnott G<'orge Pt out J acob Ste,·ens with the HAm RENEWEit, which restores will rPlieve any man, woman or child .TL Powpr Itobt Dobsos JuB .Josse Arnot' R J Sangster J J)r l' N Dn.Yey J,eyl Arnott John P!lrrvman Thos grey hair to its n atural color by a few Only 25 cents. Ask Stott & Jury. !"ymons JJr L Potter J..ewit ,follow 'l' H Dn.ncl!l.Stor 'l'hos Allman weeks nm. Sold at 50 cents per bottle v,rIn Deacon HB Allin John M Jonesa Luko Potter T by Stott & Jury. 'Why is a man always late like a cow 's 'fbos Jew611 Jo.cob Polta1·d M:r· .~.ll1n W r, Allin E Goo 'V Jamloson George Pearson .fi'ranl· 'i'alling 'Vhat is the difference between a jewel- tail 1 Because he is always behmd. D T Alllll ,VB TWons Gilbert J11rdlne .Tames P tirkrns Hilas Thomas Mrs Armali:w,e Levi Ellens 0 H Jardm" George Pearce Geo 'l'omlmaon er and a jailor 1 One sells watches, and D oEs THIS H,EFER TO You 1 - Are you ·wm Annstrong Mr·t'hm ll:lford CS .Jerome Simon P enfouncl ,lob 'l'hompson the <ither watches cells. tro uliled with bihoueness, dyspepsia, liv'l'hos lilhson Wm Jaukaon John Percy Cn>trles Tod John .Tslln~ F: G Pow~r H H 'l'11le" :s Co~n:, GENTJ.Jt SPllING, - and brmg t er or kidn ~y ~ornplaints,. or bad .blood 1 Vim Jewell Daniel Polli.rd Mrs Geo 'l'ilt Geo l!:merson mal11ria, dyspepsrn, h1housuess, torpidity If so you will find a ce1·tmn cure 111 BurSamuel Bingham Wm I~rlgerton Goorif" Joll .Ta mos Phillipa ' J J Thornton HobtBnrns .Tolm E lford M ::i Jonnin;.f8 John Pipe (J uly 'SG) MP Tal!m;: of liver and a tram of kindred maladies dock Blood B itters. S M B1lllnixs Ho\>t Everson 'l'bos ,Jenning,. .Arthur Polin.rd Mrs 'V Tamblyn Wh en does a girl have a naughty beau ? l<' Br1maoombe '.I' 11 E verson J A ,Jerome l\frsFrankl'earson Mrs.JI) 1'rnleveu Fortu uately Kidn ey- Wort is at hand. It nich Bowon Cornohu~ "JJ;ltord 'l'hos T Jitrrline Ah<"o Price .John 'l'aylor may be had of the r1earest druggist and When h e r honnot atrmgs areinahardknot. Miobe.ol 1\roon H onr y l~lliottJ V John J .. well ·r ~· Power Miss A 'l'homas WELL SPOKEN o~.-R N. Wheeler, of Petor B1gl0Yt Robt J Ev1ma ..Mrs W Puloy Andrnw 'r;reman will purify the system, correct the atom· ach and bowels, stimulate the liver and Everton, speaks Jughly of Hagyard '· PecEdmundBl\ll l!l"" E Elford K Mis~ Alice Power H.obt 'l'a.v lar DavidBell .Tames MEmerson J ktdneys to healthy act10n, remove all toral Balaam. It c ured him of inflammaAlfred B Bowen John Klvoll j.. 08eph Pattinson Wm 'J'otd1tf S n l'areona D 'l'ayior poisonous humor and make y ou feel like tion of th 1J lnngs a nd -an obstinate cough . Richard Ban·etD F Geo K ors ia k6 Jonathan Pickard \Vm Trewin '!'hos Kinsman Orin P!okle C J Thomton E C Demi.a Dlggory Flt11 a new ,man. As aprmg medicine, tonic It. loosens the phlegm and h eals the longs. 1 John H Bellwood p n Frayne Thoa Kirkpatrick Sidney Pickel J<'ranl' Thoruto and blood Puri lier lt has no equal. 'Vcilmgton Howon Wm Fra.rne David Koith J..onia .8: PaAOOO D 'l'yrernan J lJ Why is a clerk like a gun 1 B ecause h e Norman Billlnga AroaAR9. Fullel' RS Po,Tore .Tohn 'l'om" vVhat is the dr[er~ n ce between a drink can he discharged. {~hn Beet Donald Fraaor L Richard Paeooe Loo 'l'homp·on of whiskey and a drunkard 1 One i s set up A SJHTLED EAcr. - It is a significant I hos Baker .Hlcha1d :Foley Wm 1,ammlm"" Jumoa Parr Mrs II Toms John Bra>Tn .Tohu Foster Ofl(J 'l'hos Lookhar11 Wm Perryma.n Albert Tamblyn and the other is npetit. fact t hat Hagy·lrd's Yellow Oil is the best Rich Barret; wn Zeblna Frazer Lewi. Lyle Jonathan Pickard Jesse Trull If you have feelings of gouenese, t oo hou sehold reme dy for internal ns>1 iu case ~m Bron\ Johu lrrank Joseph Langmaid Ooo Patterson jr John Tape I ~tUJJ S Hrim$ Di.Y id F.'Jober John Lawrie 'Vm Patt.erson Simon T ..ylor weak and dragging to rally, ton nervous of p1un, soreness, ldmeness and infiam\I\ 0 Bl~okhurn Sanwmn ll'rayno Daniel Lon Miss M F. Power D r r uscott W L Bto&d H u Jror[lt1son J,oitre Assembly J L Power (Kirby) Mi~~ .T A 1'homas to sleep, digestion hardly s nffici,mt to matory complamts. Mro 8 D~wen John Fra)nll Jonathan T,ane W H Pe11rc11 keeµ son! aud body togetlwr, tired brnm \Vb " n do we h aYe the survival o f the H W Bu1k eaq W J 1r1eming W H Langm,.Jd Andrew Pollivd V headaches, paius .. cross the back, the fitter I When a tailor recovers from un Henry B&rtiet~ Dr J 'V Ferguson Hob6rt Li>no James Poll.rd whole systtiru relax .. d, a.ore lungs or a illness. Samuel llrfo<A1l Mr~ John iro\ey Geo Langdon Geo Pollard Jesse Vancamp Tbom&s Bmjj;g John J<'lolchcu Rich La.nit John Parker 1'hos Vnn Camp cough, a nd will try fr 11n one to s il: botA A Bow<>rm1'.ll John Ferrio John Lowlo l~lward Pascoe AL Vanston e tles of DR. ArsnN·s PROSPHATINE, as the AH ! We get up feeling badly, didn't D Brunt ,J 8 l!'r aaor W T Lockhart J ohn P&1-0oo CL VauCarnp case may require, It will not fail to make rest good, don't want breakfast, no appeRloh Bentham ·rho11 Fowluo Jas E Llnto1> E U Pasco" Geo Vancamp Jonathan Bray Mra l\'l. lrrench Wm Leaoh '!'hos Paacoo Albert V=Camp you our enthusiastic friend. Price, $LOO. tite, no energy, bad taste and breath, lr\'l'ln L Bro~n Found Daniel Llclt John Pen!ound Henry Vancamp }<'or sale b y all druggests. gnes~ we are b1hoas, Two doses ZO -PEJ amoe .Bel'h1 E J F lomin11: J oeiah 8 Llok It ·r P hilp J C Virtue ::;A will tone up onr LiYer and o ur ambiPlchard Baloy l:l 'f P orguson W L La,,.. ' Vm Prln~e John Veale Wlrnt is the difference between n Cath- tion, and 3 et us right. U,0nryBRnn~~r ,fo,.)J,na .l!'or~uson Geo1 g e L&l10 Mark l'rool JJoohhnn ~1!nt'N' !lest 1 oli c sister and a Catholic woman 7 Nun. · H. &11 ry H. J l!'ergueon John L tiondor W Pa~tor50n ~ Joh~ 8 · Bond ).{··s.AnnieFrenohJames Leask ,John VimNestjr ~lliu·m Brng ham Robt Flel<l!n11: Goo Leask R W!l.ltor Vice YRS, Sm,- One can't ex pect to succeed 'l homai Burden Mrn 'l' hoN irrayner JI !Ami:nlman "'r· 0 l'undle JC V"1nstone in busirn ss or i n )Jleasu re ei.t h e r, for that Milll!I Brlmaccmbe n oh Foater Dr E Morris ;n u , Mrs 'I' Vtneon Misa ' NE' . Wllll lAok ,Tl\rnre Hlc1'a.rc.I :\fra J Vinson matter, nnless one feelR 1111 rig ht in h ~ alth 1<'ranc1e Dlooldey ·1" 8 alrbairn a.m e J ames II Reid and Ill spirits This JS thejiist con.~idera- DOES NOT CONTAIN .AMMONIA.. 1r11 au1.T11FuLJ11ss 11.1.8 N EVElt BEEN Q1JBST1onn. List of Members of Our Household who have Paid their Subscriptions for 1885. In a m11llon homos tor a qun,rter o! a centu17 lt hal , .Wod tho consumers' test, THE TEST OF THE OVEN. PRICE DAIHNG POWDER CO., nr. Price's snecial Flavorin! Extracts, Tho 1tr·c,,.rnt,mod dellclon· llncl naturalfiaTor kbQwn,u4 11..1.KERS 01' Dr. Price's For Light, CHICACO. Hop Yeast In t hu World. FOR SALE BY CROCERS· Henltby Brc1>d, The Best Dr) Lupulin Yeast 611111. ST. LOUIS· LIGHT HEALTHY BREAD 'v ~i\lRIC!.f The best dry hop yeast in the world. Broad vaisod by this yeast is light, white and wholasome like our grandmother's delicious bread. QROCERS SELL THEM. PAE..AAEO f!Y T Ml!t YEASTGEMS ~V-~LI~ Price Baking Powder Co., Chicago, 111. l ManTrs of Dr. Pnce's svec1al r1avorm11 Extract$, 1 Ct. Louis, MO.. I MARCH BLIZZARD. G. W. Shallcross & Co.~ Jainel!l Blight 'l'hornae n ..a1·ott Wm. '1'- J3011i.than Ist\lah B. Barcl11y J.E. Birch l:lamuel H1ugharo ·wm. u. Btt.rn bart Mro. John Bragg C. E. Barrett 1'. v,r_ Bleakley :Mro. Aroh Bailoy '.\1 J W B ~m::~ }~_11:B~~~ N]; W YOilK, Fills orders, sells on Commtss1on, or w ill purc hase Apple·, Potatoes aDd Poultry . Write us Mm C Gardiner Mrs n Galbro.i~h John Grlgi;i DiLVld Grigg Cbae Olaspell 'rhos GogKln m ,.m Olnn w1 ,Joseph Gerow John G<1row 'rhos Glenny .folm Glddie W G0 d ¥ w r Umoaud Chen have them r e lum u~nln I m e 3n I.\ rndlc:!ll c u1 0.. I mndu U10 dlse.i:u io ol l<'U'8, li:rJJ.£l'S~ or F.A LLJNU 610.KN M.9 ~ UCe-long s tudy. l wu.rr.. ·nt my r e med y to <Jure t h e worst caeeit. Bcl'An·e 01benJ f4.lle 1 I Js n o reason So;c uo t n ow re ceiving a c.u rc . S11:nd a t o uco for o. t and u. F'rco Uott1o o f m )' 1nfo11lble r "medy. Gtvo F.x:p re11 and P ost. omce. ltCOtlt& yoa n otht ug IQr a t l I 1 1, nfld. 1 w1)1 c ore yon. A.dtlrces Dr. l:L 0 . JWO'l ', J S,, l'enrl S t 1 Nuw YorL I CURE FITS! Wbcn I aa7 coro 1 tlo uot urnan u i. rely t e> e E op t h e1n fo l" n. IS COMING ·CONSUMPTION 1 I hnvo I\ positive remedy 10 1 t b e ,\ bOl'c tli!\cu11e , b) Hri Urif:i thouso.nds of rt\ sca of tho worst. lttnd anll of l ong at 11ullni,r have bueu curct.1 , Indeed, t!O s t ron~ 111 my lalth 1u tta C!lhc ncv, th~t I wtu ecru.I TWO UO'J'T LES F R F.r , t o}!cll1cr with B V.Alr 1 ~~a~or~~.1::::rc~~. u~~~<.~fe~~~iifc~1?J, ~~i ~~:~1 ~ ~~::: Elt'f lSJ; m; ! s<.<od for onr Select H at of A Local Ne wH pa,Jler8. Geo. P. Rowell & Co·· 10 Spruce 8t. N . Y. Q D' - - -- -- - ------ - - "'£'ii w! 11 I [ I 1 'V It 1s one of t he most powerful a n cl pernament perfumes prepared. A srngle dmp w ill be found sntflcient to scent a ha 11dkerch1efnr eveu u. 1o om. stoppe1ed bottles an<\ sold by t1.ll µ01 fuu1ers and druggist s. It is p u t u p in it. 11 P\V styJe of g-lass- ft'I1 11 8 " . I I I DAVIS & LAWREN CE CO.,. FOR COUGHS AKD K AY' S UOMPOUN D '.r\i'r o N T R ----·-·---~ (SOLE AG ~N 1'Sl, E .AL. ·- - -- COLDS. . KAY' S COMPOUND OF LI~SEED,., Aniseed, Senega, 8qmll, Tolu. &c. w ith < Chio ~<l_yne, ' ex pectorant 1or Cough ~ a~d Colds I- - -- - - ' --- __. __ ·· demulcent ' COMPOU ND for Cou"h s and I KAY'::; C ld . · ~ · Ci C o s, 1~ equa11 Y ser viceable for Horses I a~ e. _ _ _ _ __ _ _ KAY'S TIC PILLS , a specific in N e u· r alg111, Face-ache. &c. - - - ------~ - -- -~ COAG G'LINE · C enwn t for Broken .Articles. RoM - cYery whorn Sole Makers- KAY HltOS., St ockport, Eog· · land. 45 I3w .