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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Feb 1885, p. 7

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- -...,,,,,,.....--.........- - -":'j - - - - - - - - - - -j ---- j ( \, .' ., '· ~~~~..110~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ·~·~~_!··~~~:::!:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Abrdillillli!li~llJtlllallAH"M"M'S.W~wa;;:a:t-Bt:Wec!lllllliltt·'" M iii · E AU '.r IF U L P EN MANSHIP.~he key of £hei ] ewels is kept. A'n d she. up and .!own, timok ing and watching the . YUGlt N A M.I£ written beautifu lly on. found it. out, whet,her by ·, aouidenb or shadows fall U[Oil the Park. 0110 d ozen Gold Be velled Edg e C"lling Cards whe.ther by ·in t ention I cah't tell. B ut Wh.c!' at last it seemed to him d;uk rnlit y ) f or only 25 c en t s. 0 . H.. McCUL E TAKE PLEA.SDitE IN IN- beat QL ·,hen Mrs. It ddell is so n::g11rdod in this enough lor his purpoE e 1 he came back to l· 'OJ:tM'ING·our numeroua patrons and f,OlJGH, T he Pe[lln<J,n, Box 119, Bowmanville. CHAPTER IV. Ont. {6; others that we have jns ret.urned and now pla ce that hia lords hip would have been the ga ·den-wall of the H~atherbloom hl>VC for s ale a very superior lot of English When Lord Heatherbloom left Floss, ..ngry wit~1 me'.if I had appeared not to m:l.ns1011, sprang over it very easily, and Horses, twelve of which are carefully selecte d she had fallt:n forwa1·d on the floor, and trust her " · · cre pt al· iDg under it in th,e darkness. hts. En;;lish Shire-bred' heavy wciK N o C)ther complaints are so insidious in theiJ We also have . some of ]J;ngland's famous there remaiued 'motionless, as still as if .<Is tlia · t 11 th · h f · F losr· ~a· alone. i'.n htr room. g11o hnd she were·u.ncnnscious. a e reason you avo or .. " · v fine and blood like, Coach IIorses, attack as those atrecti-ng the throat aml turigs: ~uapeoting lier 'I" said Floss doltfoily. · asked Mills to leave her; for she had style and action second to none. with weight, nor.e so trilled with by the n utjority nf su!IcrBut she was not. Her lips were quiv " I t's very nearly enough, 1 think, grow.n w weary that poor Mills's face ot · Please c>1Ha ud examine, we are prepared to crs. 'l'be qpJ:n:i.ry· congli o r colcl, r csnlting ering, and her eyes were wido open, and <niPs I" . . ~ympathy made her feel more wretched. uell at tornis· convenient anti prices right.perha ps fl'mn" a tri!li11g or m11...:<1ni:::do us ex· wandered aimlessly about the room. She When Mills was gone, Flos.s ;p·u·t on a 1'h bt 11' h t d Write for catalog11es; correspondence solicite(l p, is ofLeu bnt t llo. b<'g:1rni1:g· oC a fat a.l A. FANSON.&; SON; Stables I:l7 Hichmond was ln th'l.t state whicn comes immediate' e gm~ ears came we mg o an wrnpper, and went into her· dre1;1si11g-room ·b ttter from her eyes ; she f11mg her arms St. West, 'l'oronto, Ont. siclrncss. AYEJ~ 's C 111~ u1:v 1' 1~cTOU:\ L llns ly after a terribl.i anil unexpected mental t,o w1·ite an answer to Lord Heather- above her head with a .wild gesture, and WCJl proven its efl;c a cy i n;\ forty )"' fig ht shock. Her brain refused to grasp the bloom. · gaye way to a fi t of rebellion and despair, ·w it b thrn:l.C a nti lm:g d h;cascs1 :.n id sh v ulJ be She sat at the writing·ta]:lle, !'.ier head that she could not check or stay. , meaning of wh,.t she had heard.. She 1:akCi1 iu a ll castP wit b out delay. · ' was repeating uoi,mdlessly toherself, "I leani(,!!' on her hand .· s. Sh'e · could no· G 'd 11 h 0 b d. d b h t ll etole the diamonds- I atole the dia ~ . · · ra ua Y" so 8 Hl awiiy ; u s t A 'l'e l' r 1blo- Congh Cnt'C(l. monds l" but she d id not un'O ersta.nd write. She could only say to herself~ . sli~' ~at motionless, her hands clasved H Jn 18iTi 1 t.0(11.: a.St' V C' rc co ld . wll~c· l1 :.ff C'r H 'd m y 1uugs. l ha il a. tL 1T i b ~ 0 co ug h, a 1 d i ·::i::.[~ (· J what the words expressed. She was "Heav'tin· guide me aright!" . above her head, letting the ttars drop illg h t a.ftc t· n igh t. \\ ithv nt :~ lc ep. 't'lic 1.o(·torg stupefied. At . iihe ·snatched up .l ier ~pen and down her face unheeded. g avc n.10 u p . I trie d .AY El t.' };) C o ::i.r: Y P 1:r·1 G wrote two line~. (To BE · CONTINUED.) ' l'OH.A L, wh!d~ r c !1c,·ell n 1y 1 ~1 11~~:, , ii.dnct·d Nov un\i ~orge had left the house "Heaven is ·my witness that I know sleep, m1(l affo nh~{l urn th e rc ~t 1:t:t:css:iry .did any one come nea.rher. As soon aa b I 1 h . .....,..-,._.. ____ for t he r e ~n v f· r y nf rn y s t n" ngl11. E:r t lie con1,i1n1cd use o f tho P1·T TOH ,.·\L a :· rn n.he was free to do so, J,ord Heath . arbloom a Thia BO ute y n ot mg . ·about the diamonds. J'.' N 1Jsc n· 1Any L onger 1Jntl er . ahe fold' e d a.nd pu t inti> an eno u ing 1101,t C Ul"O W O !:> cfJ'ectct!. f :;111 JKW (;:_; y t nrS Il Q'Wl\'.lA.NVILLE, FREEMAN'S old, !1 ;Llo : tt ~d licart r, a 11d mu ~ ::. C:~1~c ·.l ) Om sen t for Mills and briefly di.rected her to velope,, addressed to Lord .Hea.therblbom; the.lfod. CHE Jun· l >El:T UlL \ T. F:n·e1 l lilt.'. Manufacturer and Dealer in Pumps ol take c~re of Fksa, giving her to under- and, when Mills· came back, iihe asked · On the banks of bonnie Dundee lived . }! 0 1 : .\ 1' i·: ' "F ,\ 1In :1;.0 Tli l::n." WORM POWDERS· ..:..,-a.ll k inds, stand th:it she was not to be allowed to her to t;<i:ke · l l oc1.inglHtu1, Vt., J u ~ y !V, l h~:l. it to him instantly; · .a . womn.n of Christian faith and hope, leave her o 1vn room, · RU.BBER BUCKETS, Are plcaN :nt t o b k o. Confoin their oWl!l Mille hastenod at once t o look after ·· w,hose husband bore the old-time· name of C roup. -A 1'fnflH·l·' f. TrilJnt"".. WIND MlLLS, Pnrgnti"{°o. I..1 a. s nfo, snro , t.L th.l cliCctu.a.l 1 ber charge. She found Floss lyiog upon George Hazel vowed again to himself Adam, an~ wh?, to his ,~hame be i,~ spok" ' n 1ilu in t he cmrn try lm: t wi 1 t r r my l(tt.lff <J.eBiJ"oyer r f · . -r,,rr..s in C :.i ' ' · ·1 or.A<ll;!lt!L d , " as t:· k en ill \Yilli <: n; up; b oy, t hruo s c a r:H, !_ WINDOW SHADES, . the ficHr, wi tP, a piteous look of distress that, cum.e what might, till Floss con· tn, sometunea wok. a "'.ee . ~ rop mot.e i t !?ec·rncd :1::, if 11u · .\ cU !\l 'ti c J1·; :11 1 s1 1 ·:~1 1 gu upon her lovel y face. It was a sight to fessed her o.wn deceit with her own l.ips than waa l!'Ood for his cquthbrmm. ~lua lut]on. Oiw or tl1 c fa:11i ly SU J:""~, C''d tb~ use and General J'obber in ol Av1-:1t's Crn: nn. Y PEc;·o3: ,\1 ,, a b oLLl e ol touch any heart. Mills burst into tears, b.e would believe in her through all. ". Ye.t 'fact was kept v~ry secreo froID: the n_ eigh· 1. · C/\ftll>E; ... J<JR WOR I{. ·which w as a hr:L JS 1 H p ~ j ;1 th e l:ous.c. Tld9· and sobbed and cried, and kissed Floss's for all that he grew feveriiih and restltiss; bors, an d especially w~s. no ~mt of Lt a~· tvas trioll iu s 1u1Jl aud t"rc ~; ue1 :t. d r s1g, nud ,81.101· 011110,~Ue T1·ckvc11's Shoe Storo. to our d o li g lit in J4 · :~s lh a n l ta lf an 11<·u 1 · the hand. he paced his r , 0111 · ceaselessly, tryhig lowed to. reach the m1mster s eaor. It 1s littlo p atic1l t wa ~ 1Jr1 c~t l1 ! 1 :g c :; ~:il y. The lloc_ B_ o_w_ m _ a_ n_vi_ll_ e_M_a_ r c_ h _26_'._ ls _s_ 1._ _ __1 _ s._ am._ "I know what it is, . Mias Floss," she think .of some method. some. p lan, ,,by common m many~ the churches o~ ~cot t or that lli·; CH! 1; 11 \" ]" 1 ~ ·iO H A T. . had savc( t 1 n .v d::i rliug·~ }ti (·. Ca t t ~· on '1\ o u~!cr nt, kneeling on ·the.floor beside. her-,- which he might .discover the truth; and Ian~ (perhaps els~where) for the minister our gr,tt Hm:c '! Si11 f" Tcly : Hrt-1 FASHIONABLE DUES8MAKEil.. "I know wba~ it is» though h is lordship always his mind went back tci one . mode t~ call upon cert~m d~ys ~t th~ of l\ '. 1: f ;, F ~\ 1 !\IA C:EH> FY . " ' Continues to do a General Banking Business at wouldn't put Lt into words. N or will he imly as being of any ·uee~l;o see · .F.loss. his .floe!~ and inqmr~ mto ~heir true Rooms ovor Mr . Ho1·sey's etore, west of ouch, itsBo 150 'Ycf5L JZ{L lt ~l., 1'. t:\y .\' orl<. i\ : n y rn, lt8::. wmanvillu Branch. ever to any one but vou, wiss- I'm sure Hti must Setl JJ'ioss, he must 'get the truth. ~n?wled"'e and unde.rntandlng of the Johnston & Cryderman's. ·'I h ave nsc(l .L\ ,·r.n ·.:;i C1rT-:1: n \' J' r: tTt)HA L DI~ POSI'ln~ . in m y f a mily f o r !W n tl"id J c:u·:-:, :~111l (:o not of th·t. ·But I know what it is : they from her own lips. S urely his love, his :s~ripto~ea~ On o~e of the~e d~ys he w!l's 111 8 hesitate to p:·o1101u 1co H t !:·) ll l\~t, 1 . r!·c·r 1u;1l Received in Savings Bank Depart ment auc think you took the diamonds. Oh, Miss .passion, would be strong ennugh to mak<i ex.pe_ctea .at Adai;n h~mse and ,dl was & reinc<ly fo1· cougJ1ti a n< l Ct'lt'S .\'." C .:1 ~;rn f r t r call and interest allowed at current rate~ . N _ Floss, I don't believe- you did- I don't her 11how him her true face be it ·good, or r~ ..dmess to receive lam, when Adam art ried. ~ \. , f. CILt:-.i.: .:' notice of withdrawal necessary. A ll deposits A :p E CI ALTY1' ·111 . ' · ' · .rived ·'owl!r fu' ,"more. "fu' " t han usual. La.kc Crystal ; i\Ii1rn .. !\r:trd1 13 , H ~'.:! . 1 payable on demand. beli1;ve yo . u did 1' . Ho dined alone in his chambers fU1; the !fe had fallen ·everal time.~ b~fore reacll- PRICJ~S MODERATE. 41-tf. " Isuffcretl I or c ig 11t ;r< ·:n·s.frorn n;·o11diitisJ .IEXCHA N G E a11d .'tHcr t r yi? :g lllll!l .Y n :n :C't :iu: w:l11 110 :~u c~ The wa.rm wom"'nly sympathy, evt,:'n first time th'\t season ; a ud !a very dismal mg his own d oor, and his_ w1f~ decided Bought and sold and Drafts issued upon Enrf',pe, cess, l wn r~ e ure 1l Uy the use of,.\ Yr 1: ·:-- () u Eitthough iq cam e from a servant , and tl;ie i epast it was_ He grew m )re wr.itched tha~ he~ best p lan was to ~1~e htm some U nit(ld 8t.ateRand Canada, also Gold, Silvcr and R Y l i t::C'l'OfL \f.. , ! 0 ~Fl'H \ \ .. A L DE.X . " United Sta:es Greenbacks bo1u: d1t and sold. touch of kin dly hands, roused the g irl and more d es perate as ·the weii.l progress w ~ere 1~ a ~e~.~mb\lut posrnon unt,11 . the Dylrnlla, .Miss., A 1 J1·:l I\ l ~t;~. and brou~h.f her wand ering senses. ed ; he gave up eating, v er y . soo~l . and mmtster s Vldlt was over. In .fear and I c.:in11 0t. s;1y enongll in' prais e <1 f A Y E Jt'S CO L i..:C '.J' I 01" S Crn::n n.Y l " L CT 0 1u 1., bc~ i C'Yi1 rg a~ I <!o 1liat She r ..iatid hersoolf and looked up into limited his a t tentir·n t '·' the ·claret. .. H e t rembling, therefore, ~he got him .under Promptly at current rates upon all part but for it s us1:~ 1 s h o uld lo n r. ~ince lrnso d ie d of G1 ·eat Urittain, the United States a nd Do Mills'. kind face. began to wonder whether :Floss'. · wei:eleft. the bed, compl~te}y h1dde~1 from human f1·o m lnng'.!rou bjcs . . F . E IL\..GD0~ . ' minion of dan;i;da. "Milla, " hlie said very earnestly, "you at home ,to-night, if H eathet bloom were in ~ye, ar~d the mmlllter ar.nved. ~e en· l:>alcstJuc""'"'rc.x~i.s, A1n-i.l 22, let ~. ar e right;. l did uot take the dia.rnopds." ea.mes t in what he said. What a' ~ iµ(>na- JOY~d a plti<1sa11t chat ,wit~ the wife on 'J~e!egra1Jh 1i ' =·ausrer°t'l No caso of' an a ffection o.f tlw. throat or "Why, .xri~s,; · of courne not ; I bever t roua thing.t hat Floss s hould be or: . could op1ribual and ttimpora~ afl',,1ra, and then Made for large or' smal\ sums on all p"rts or lungs exists which ea.11not be greatly r elieved Ca11a da. .. This is especiuJly ar1 van1.ageous to thought you did ! What I can 't make be regarded as a. criminal ! , Whil!) he 'w as expressed much s?rpr1se and regret ~hat b y tho u se of A Ymi:s CrrERRll I'ECTO RA.r., pcl'sons liviui< in Mu.nitob"' 01· the North-west and it will alwa y s cw·e wh en tlle disea s~ 11. o~~ i,~ how the Earl ever came to suspect thinkmg al;>0ut this, and wondering what Adam ~ad no>. arrived tha~ h e also m1g.h t as it 'llakcs the fu uds available a t once a t the uot alreauy beyond tho co11trol of rucuicine, place of )Jayment. excuses the H eatherblooroa would be sub~ected to t he cate?b1sm. .~he wife " There wa;a a rose from my dress, for F loss to the ir friends an idea "Ccurred apologized and t.h e m imster waiued, bat PREPAltED IIY l!'or further particulars call at the Banking Mills1 in the safe. J,ord H eatherbloom no Adam his appearance At last House. it himself. It wail one I had worn to him which he immedia·e]y rose from . . . , . . " : h· 0-r.J. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. found GEO. McQH,L, 'l' . .l:ll:WDIE, tlio table to carry out . H e det~rmined th . e ,m1111ster s _time bem 0 .exhausted,. e M a ua~er Solu by all Druggis ts. Accoun tant. that niirht--one . of those that M.r. Hazel beg · his Scriptur·l questions by "ay1ng ·Y " " . ave m' e ." to go to the house on tb.e ·cha.nee, or "'· ~ 1 g n rather the cer tainty, tha t his brother to th~ o d :oman, .,Desc : 1be to ~e " Somebody mu~t have put · it there, L ,idy R~atherbloom had gone ,out to A.dams fall. . She w.s _ a;.;hast , q Ulte U v hen, miss !" exclaimed Mills boldly. "I Clinm r, leaving Floss at home, and simply overcomti by the sudde1me~s .of the don't believe 1t was thero when I put tho to a ·k for ):ie r. Surely the servants who c,hougbt that a~ter all the. mmister was COST ONLY $2.00 AT .,_,,.., opals a.way- I shoul<1 have seen it." knew him so well would not dare to de ny a;vare c.f Ada:U s shor tcommgs and per ' .. Flvss rose .from the floor and began to him the house 1 1!, by the thvu gb t already knew he was un der the bed. 'lhlt lta,rarln; 1·pnuent· t ho t,,uop in ~ 1?-HltllJ" sta.te.) walk u p a nd down the room, while Milla tha t by t his very simple process ht.1 might ~l~ ah.o had st rength to utter w:as : NEvVCA STLE. STRICTLY FURE. d a way the .d resses and . ma rerial itl a quarter ·of an hour be actually at. Come o ut from und~r the b <Jd', A dam 18-ly. whtch Jay a hout. T hen the niaid went Floss's side, looking in to her s weet face . Come ?~,t, the minis. er k ens a about HARMLESS TO TH~ M OST DELI CATE . a.way, bol ting the door behind her, bu· and lleMching therti for the tru~h . , he yo ur fa. -- :o : - - -· soon returned, carrying a cup of te·a. , '. ~ Drrnk ~his, Mis· F loii·, " she said hurried along . f 1cadilly like a man wal kARE NOW OPEN. '·' it will do you good." ing for a wager. , H e did not recognize THE 111Al l'.RIED MAN'S l'RIEND. OF CANADA. St1nul .for111u~rly o<:c 1 11·tcd by t11 c Post Ofncc· the acquaintances he me~; he saw . noth· ltEST, $HO,OOO ()A.l'lTAL, $1,060,ooo. E nl ~. Sl'REE'J', "'Love ii:i blind," but t he mother-inFloss t<>ok it thankfully, and dra nk it ing before his eyes bub ;Floss, he ihoughL It a pp1·oaches so near a speciiic tT Hll ' ' Ni net.y. - w, - :live " per cent are pcrma11e;nt ly c ur~ d whe re the la\v has a "heye like a heagle," and can JBC>"V V1'/.l!".A.N"V'JCJl:.nX.. E . T his Bank is prepared to do Legiti- off j she had not known till. .th en how oi nothing but :j!'lo,s s; tlirechons ·trC s.tric t ly co mplied w it h. parched her mouth was. · Then she When he reached the houae and knock- lead her lover blind son-in-luw around by mate Banking in all its branches. T here is no c he micnl or other i ngred ien ts to began to walk up and down the room The Gallery. is fi rst-class in all its apthe noee. 'harm the young or oU . Farmers notes discounted ; Deposits ·a.gam, holdmg her hands against her fore- ed at the door, ' a)ieavy sinking at ~----pointments, a nd fu rnis hed in a cooofortreceived and Intere:;it paid on amounts of head and trying to think. his heart, a foreb idil g .of evil such as he "A young man married is a man that'11 able manner. There will be no poor work As an EXl?EG'l'ORANT it l:an no Equal. $5 upwa.r<;ls in Savinga Bank Department. No one came near her but Mills, who had never known: P.efo1e. This house marred." Yes, Mr. Shakespeare, you are allowed t o leave t he rooms, and these wh() tried by all sorts of obtrusive service . to which had alw11ya . Oeen opened so' hospi· JUite correct; b11 b you shouldn't Epell Dli.lAF'l'S ft contains no OPIUM)n any form. favor me wit h a call can rely on being i ssued a nd Collections made in Europe, ease ,the wretchednes3 in wliich Floss was ta.bly to him- for he aud his bl,'other were "ip.a" with an r on the end. plea sed SOLD BY ALL DUUOGISTS.. United and Canada. plunged. until la te at n ight F loss cease· alwavs excellent friends- was the 'd oor A philosopher says that the women who ~The insta.nt enous process only will lesbly walked about her roomnot; n,otil t? be shut against him now for the . first excite the greatest love are often ugly. ~ OFl1J()E-3Iurclocl· ~i.:m1_. J~locl« late BanJ·· be used for Phot.ogr ;iphs. she was quite worn out· did sh· ' throw ti me 1 · ·· · · ' Mothers-in ·Jaw must, as a 1·ule, then, be lng otlice o.f ~ones ~" Dobbie. I (i.llilTf.:D.) Come in and see m e . herself upon her bed. · No tears came . Old _ Grant, the butler, saw ~hrougl) the I exceptwnally beautiful. W. J. JONES, s1dti-wrndow of t110: 'hall who it wa·s 'thiu . . . . SOLE . AG E N T S, h ~: agent ev.a n yet--s e "as too stunned; but by stood upon the steps. He pushtid aside V~ctor1a. is de t ermmed that her n~w R.H. HENRY. JY.J:ON TREAT_, _ degre"s S"e fell into a heavy sleep. the footman, who was abOut to open the son -m -ia.w, lVI~. B a ctenburg, aha]. hve When she, a.woke in the morning, Mill~ <Joor and p.,rformed that (Jflice himst-lf. ne~r. her. llat. , however, can get even by "My lord and la.tly are out, Mr. wrLtmg mother-m -la.1'i' parag raphs for the was standing ·at her bed-side, holding a tray on which were a cup of coff"e, some Haz~l," he be fore George could L ondon preBB. toast; ana a letter, F loss's t yea inat8.ntly speak. ' · "!'am certain now thab it will be a ESTABLISHED IN 1847. "But I want to see Miss Floss," said hard winter, " remarked P odsnap to Mcsaw the last. She eat up in bed and ·' Sht.'11 not . out to· night~ ia S:Willigen. " 'W hy 1" " Because m.Y took the letter, half hoping to see -George. rge' s wr itmg. No- it was from Lord she 'I" · · wife's mother lus sent word that she J.B I t bas no shareholders to pay dividends to. GeG Managed by and solely in the interests of Heat,hflrbloom. A wild hope rushed into ··Im very s rirry, eir; bub you. can't cowing to stay until spring." within tlie next NINETY days to wear H A R N E S S made at the P olicy h o lde rs. b.;r heart t ha t he had written to say tha t s»e her," r eplied tho old butler. l· Slie lb is said to be a fixed law among the all the hard words (Ji yesterday, all the is noh well, a rid does net wioh to s ee any Apache Indians that a m an and his 1.\1.[ .A..~' bitt<ir fetilings, had sp rung from so me one " . . mother ·in ·hw must n~ver visi t each other 1·0Uclcs:n on forfeila blc 'mul 11nc1>nllitional, drtadful mistake. She t or e i ; open with "Take her.· a not e from rµe , then. or see each other if i t c1n pos2ibly be SHOP~ ~:a·ll nouus P<i!(l CVCl'Y t hree. yeal'S, tr embliri g fi ngers and read i t with a swif t, Grant, " said George. " I'll write i t h ertJ avnided. A nd yet the A paches are called glauce. T h~n ahe l elt bii ck upon h" r on ,. page out of my pocket bopk . " savaves, and t he Government is spendiug A larae and weH assorted stock of first -class H arness on hanrl, both 0 !-'illows wi th a he<J.vy sL;h . It only begged "Will you please come into hi.s lord- thou~andaof dollars in the effor t t o" CIV · Join t Life Policies. for Te~m and Carriage purpo::;es. Also a splendid of Horse her to confess wha t she had done with shi p's study, sir ?" said IJ.rant. ili z them 1 · " 3 \'hough a double rish but one premiwn is paid Blankets1 Goa t R.obes and L ap R ugs for fa ll an d wmter use. ~:er:~~1::r:~~· fr1 or.d er that they migh t B ut Ge?rge refused to ?o so. .He did D octor- Why didn't you obPy my orf ox two people. Amount of policy dra wn Call and inspect t he goods. on first death. " W hat is to b ecome of me 1 " cried no~ f. el rnclm e·i. to go m to ~he. study ders 1 You will never get well if von Trunks and Valises in stock as usual, also Saddles, Whips, &c. Floss , bllrsting at la., t in'o a passion of ;vht,c~l ~ ad '.l'bout ~ththH e asahuc i~t lwns .-0f hids <' on't. 'Vhv .lidn' t you send fe>r a blis· Spe.cial Inducements to 'l'otal .A.usta'inen,_ tears. as rnter view. wit .ea..t er'!.O?J:ll.) an · ter 1 Patit>nt-I did ttllegraph for one. All goods will be sol d cheap for Cas h. · H. M A Y ,ct or- Telegraph for a blist··rl Patient " That'll J o you good, miss, " pt a fo~hsh feelrng of pride k11pt. D« ------------- ~~ -· --ASSETS Ol'Elt $5,000,000. Mills; ' ' you 'll be ablti to th1Ilk a. litt.J., lum from gomg ~nto any of t.h e othtlr ......:y es, I t e]pgraphed for ru y mother-inIXCOlllE Ol'ER $1,ooo.oeo f th t h h d f l8 l ro11n:s, ~ecause lu s brvther had tallrnd of la w. The doct or faint ed . "" c .,arar. forb1ddrng him the h ouse. H e prt f ~rred - ·-··- ·---~~----. · ter a,., w 1:n your Ja. $ ! 00,000.00 deposited with the CanadianGovern l want to speak." to writti t .~not~ there 'nhe1e he · lo··d, ·An 1Jllll l easa.nt E'xperiencc. · s k ,, ·d Fl " I b " v " u ' ment for benefit or Canadian policy holdere.. ·. pea now, Bal nss, a.m etter a rid then to walk reathasly about · ihe already. What c. a n you have to say, ~r· a~ hall, pretend ing to be m a hu,.ry, . A ne .vsplper correspondent lately narM~~ls 1' . , . , .,Jlile grant went a.way with i t ·. Prei.ent!y l'a.t.;d a n awkward tJXp B rience to which tNl'ES'fED IN C.tN.lD-t , $ 1l00,000.00. Well, It .i not mu ch, M1~s F !urn. But the old butler came back. t.he frien d of a lun atic was subjected. HEAD OFFICE IN CANADA:- 1\IONTR.E A:U it has Bet me thiukw~. There's oi1e Sir" he said "Mtlls wan~s to spE.>ak She went to t he asylum, wiihou ~ having 'c ~own . stairs tna.t'~ begui;i to talk of leav· to you ;' she is w~iting on lVIiss J!'Joaa now. previously a nnou110.,d her intended visir, F or particulars rcfor to mg his l01·dsh1p s servtcd because of a an c \ she says she wo uld like to spea k tv to the nit <]. teal m an, whose permi.;;sicm I!J. L. LITTI)YGSTO.NE, fortune t hat's come t.o her. Nuw l'v;e you herself." . we .nhoi!!}d have thought was 11<cessary in G~;N ~:RAL AGEN1', on.Jy h eard this talked abour; the last day · · Where i.~ she, Grant 1" such circums: anc es. The porter, having POltl' HOPE:, or two; an~ It stit med strangtJ that i r. " Coming down-stairs, s ir. " ad.<tiitted her, is aa\d .to have duly pasaed or to agents throughout the conntY. 48_6se. ahould be just now. " G,,0 rge. ran up.· stairs three steps at a her. on to one of the matrons with t.lie "Who io it, Mtlls ?' tiine, a.tid met Mills on the drawing-room words, ~·To vi1;it .a female pa1iei:1t, " but "Well, miss. that's the strangest part land iug. She held big note in her hand. the nur& e app.,ars to have caught (Jnfy t he The Best Oil in the. World for Reapers, Mowers,Threshe1;. s and of it. I hardly like to sa}, h:i-ving knu":n her eyes werti full of tears all ready t~ last word of the sentence, and a rms and respected her all my hfe. But Id rall, and ehe was looking dreadfully fright.- resulted which c1st .t he vi-.itor a good 4eal all fast-running Niachinery. For sale by all Dealers. soo~er bUspect my o wn mother than you, ~·ned. of unpleas1~n tne11e, to sa y t he least . c,f it. "Oh, sir, " 8 he 8,~jd .. rd do anything The stranger was ta.ken tQ the top of .the Miss Floss." Pumps Ch eaper and Better "Tell me, Mills, wh'l is ir. ?" . u the word for you, 'and Miss Fl1Js~ l'o building, under t he. belief t~ap s he was than ever.· " One tha· s g.. t no reason to ta lk of l·y w y Jife down f.,r; but I't du gomg to see her. friend, 11.nd then she was Th e Subscriber having built a large ne" fort?nes or n1>ed them,' '. answered Mills, t.his. His l··rdbhi}J t.old m e most part icu- .uddenly shut into an ~mpty room. tosamg hllr head a little- ' · fir I'm sure ·a rly to t,.ke no lt>tter or paper to Mis- Sh'.lrtly afterward a nurse ('ntered, and, Pump Factory in Ororio, is p repared sh~·~ made':' pretty pickinf{ in his. lord - Pt0 6 6 wi·h nut his seeing it fil'ut. I can't to th e consternation (,f the visitor , at - - -MANUFA.CTURER OF- - to fu rnishships servic~. 1 roean Mrs, R1ddeil, d i .o hc ·y bis lort!sh ·p fltr ' ' once p roceeded to un.dress h er . Pretts· miss." °' No, .,r c .. ur~e ~ot," agr eed George. tativus and r emonstrances v.ere ahk.e un" M rs. Riddell I" echoed Flosa in pro· " G ivfl me the letter "' and taking it avai !mg, and tir~y, though not unkirid . found a.m ..ze mont. Mo'.s. RLddell's n ame frt,m Mill's hand, he pat th~ thin t1heet Iy, t he poOL' woman · was stripped apd KING STR EET, BOWMANVILLE, With or wi thout Porcelain Cylind er, ' ' and ellm.,n t .rt> spcc ·a lnlL" ·Y were t o her llf !'Mp --r t ,1 i he n earest gaa jet .and held placed in a bath, a(ter which she W·' B Hae n ow on h,.nrl o. number or vehicles (and is manufacturing a great ma.ny. more) of the newfll!i the B est Ma.tcrinl, on the ahort est no1i1 m·nd co11vert1?le t er?1~· Such a suggf!E t - it, till it had burr,t away. l\'llll~ stood bJ rorc1bly put to bed. , By this t.lme t.he patl t:rn· i< u d be; t llnish, which I am .otrerin ~ ~,t tho lowust. 1 n:1ceH9ousistent with Li u~ rcg ...rtl.tu workmanship and quality. Ihe follow mK is a hst of 1 and at the lowest prices. o_n as this whicl~!ls m,.cl ~ h 1:1 r watchiug bim; bur., wben, after mistaken lunatic was of course in a franthe principal vehicles manufaut ured by me: wi;.h. utter as··omshmeut. .Mills ail.w this, aeeini.;- t fi., raptlL' com umed , he bt·g>>t· rfo st.· te of alarm, "'hich ouly fa, ored Cister n Tubs and Pumps s u p plie( and m11ned1ately beg;rn ~" J Jijl;L Double Covereu Carnages .. ..... ... .................. .... .. ... ............... $200 UpwardP. fy he r 6eH h·u.uly t, go down stair~, she rnuHrwnt.d ' h :> hPlit ~ , t ha.t she ·was r~ally a mad 11 ~:Hugle Phretuns . .. ................ .. ... . .... . .......... .... .... _....... .. ....... 100 · in ha' ii.g L t. up b>it" iloura.g.i an·i epokd aga rn. woman. · . 01 Je11 Buggy ..... .. ....... .. ..... .. .. ..... ...... ..... ........... .... . ... . . .... .... 70 " ·I am w.ill a warn, .miz111," sh" said · · 1f yl'\l pl1:>asP, ~ir, I couldn't. dn od irW bere this gruesom9 farce might have W.1£LLS CLEANED &RERAIRED. h"-allly, ··that· 1o:v;u-yb..dy re·p «cta M.rn iviao- cnul<l I, sir\ I miHn , sir- c>f C< ·ur<>e ended it i~ w·t p le a..i!ant to co11t ernplate, 'l,op Bt1ggy ... ................ .. . · · · · · ·· · · · · · ·· ·· ··· · · ··· ·· ····· ····· · · ·· · ·· ·· ·· · · ·· 11 D e1nocrat Wagon . ...... ... ... ... ... .... . ... .... .. ... ... ;.... .. ... ........ ...... .... 60 R1ddell so ruu.c:i m, th1<1 ho U8f4 rh d.t sacb: a l koow I cim't (Jo an) t hmg nut obey th.- -.ut by a lucky .. c, ident 1 h~ mis take was Lumber 'Wagons ... . .... .. .... ... . _. . ... ..... .. .......... ....... ... . .. ............ 55 " t. h.m~ wouldu· i; b"' thoug'1t ~f I 1i:ight ·lrd"r~ I ha ve; bu , you're not angry with di~ c.wered later in th<l day, and t he u11L ight \Vagon.. . . .. ... ..., ........... : .... ........... :. . ................ .... ....... 40 bo su ur you, mt·s- but nor urn. arti you, ··r 1 · fort u na te ivuman w:M1 set n.t liberty '"ith Exr>ress vv·ago11. ... .. ... .. . .. . . . .. .. ~:.. ...... . .. . . .. .. . ... . . . .. . . . .. .. . .. . ... .. . . . .. 75 u Mrs. R dd.-ll . Now that'~ one ~reat ·No, no, M ille, " S-Ai l Gaorge, pa.u~in~ pro f otM apologi"o It I B sati~f..ctory t o TO OIVE SAT ISFACTION. Skcleton .. ....... ., . ..... .. ...... ..... ....-11........ .. .. .... . ........ . .. ...... . .. .. .. 50 11 ro0: s· n wh.v. she 11houlJ do ll« - she ia .so a 1Jiinu1·,e. ... Yuu are {J. .iu g q :at..n·ighr.·" hear, u udt:r t he .. ircu m~hmces, that 11.0 11 Sulky .... '. .. . . .... ; . ......... . . ; .. ..... . ; , .. .. ... '. ................ .............. .. .. 40 S~'"· And H 1s, to &ay the :least of 1t, l'heu he hastemid away. J..,.. vi 11 a Mills cmnphint .has beea nrn.dti "s to und ue !leOrders by Mail promptly attend ed to. str->nl\e that shu d rour.i go 'arHf· have 11- better sat1e.tied · she l!kt a.11 tho e:rvants verit.y on 1he pa.rt uf t iu:i 1,urses, 36 is p08 ~ossing supP.l'ior facilities f~r manufacturing carri ag~s, I intend to sell very cheap for <lll.llll or approved credit, and by so dorng 1 hope t.o greatly mcrca~c ml number of salea. \Vould. fnr1 un.i l<>ft ber just now ; don't you ·ov~d Mi· H z:L ' ' somtitiu1es thti ca· e in 'private asylums. sen .the wood parts only, or the gearings of buggieo ironed. DOORS, SASH, BLIND . S , PICKETS, t'ii,t1kpsoh , wi~.~ t 'f." " 'd Fi. . " b . ·11 G eorge went out of the home, still - - ' . · e r aps I ~s, sa.1 · ooa; at st1 ktit1pine; uo the ti Jtion of bt!i·ig in a gr 1:1<.t R t,l\ged edge paper continues in favor, MOULDINGS, &c., kept on hand. it may be .crue. . _ hurry. When he got out of sight, he and the rural td itor who ind1tes h is corAt the Shortest Notice,. Pai!1ted and Trimmed. if D esired . Certa111ly, mms i . but one th3ng . I · · ~topptld to light a cigar, t hen loitered on resp11n<l en~e on irregular strips snatched mu 't sa.l'., beo·\use lt ls my duty . . Mrs.. vory slo wly, thin king, he sitating- t rying hon· t h f:I pwa of tb.o . pr?ss st ill marches A.t the Factory I also do Planing, Matching, Turn·l~lg anu s,.wi~g with Ci~cl~, Baml or Scro! :::iawe and prepare all kinds of lumber roi· carpenters a11d others for ·btuldmg purposes. § · . R ddell L s. the only other l.'iervant m tht' tC? d ecicl.e what h e wo~ld do. Bnt he ~n fr ·n t with the sklrm1ah line of fash !18 Ornamental and P lain Pickets tor nces in every style required, made to order. ~ · · hous.i b .. Hies mysdf who knows w·h ·c·t'6 did not l11n g for a lon g time, cnly walked· 1( n. AYER'S DIAM Oh DS AND RffBlt S. IMPORTED HORSES. B Cherry Pectoral. W Q I l t i( WC.TYLER, PUMPS! - -- . S· M AKDN G ORES M RS· E. DEWAR, .- l· 1 ( 1 THE ON'rARIO BANK MANTLES ULSTERS 1 1 ' a.. 1 Y .RIA E LIC EN SE\ G R M A C. B . LOCKHART'S ___ ___ STANDAR . D BAN K l\1 ew P h ot o Rooms H Y 'S In ConsmnptiYB C ase s DAVIS &LAWRENCE co. BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., I FAll MER,S' ATrf ENTION ! 5 0 0 HORSES WANTED "VV". Jar. s HARNESS B OWMA NV ILLE. vV. FARMERS! F'or your Machinery use I .. 1\1.1.: 0 0 ::c_. ::c.... ' s LAH.DINE MACHINE OIL, Orono Pump Factory .HA INES' CARRIAGE -WORKS GEORGE C. HAINES, P roprietor, PUMPS OF EVEqv DESGRIPTIOr GARR IACES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGO NS, &O.~ 99 " All WORK GUARANTEED .. '· . u s o N R. r ERG j A ll Kinds of Veh.icles Repaired I

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