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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Feb 1885, p. 8

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- ______ ____....__; _________ First importation of China, Crockery & Glassware from England. MURDOCH BROS. ADM.l'l'TED BY COMPETENT JUDGES TO BE THE BES'l SEEDER ON EARTH. 1 BowMANYILLE, F itIDA.Y, FEB. (i TT-IREE 11vfPLEMENTS IN ONE. ! Mr. a nd Mrs. Guy A. A11 dr11P, of Port H up .. , vhited he~e hst week. Jt13v, J. A . G . .C<l.lder will speak on t he Scott Act lier., 'l 'uesday uight . An Orn nze lodge is 1uoot ..d .. Fi rst rnt>eti r,g 111 Fire; Hall F riday nic:ht. 'L'he foll owi11g is the r eport of Ororw Public School for the mon t h of ,J ammry. Nmnes iu order of merit ; FmsT DJ v1sioN.-Sixth Class-..·fames Newsom . F ift.h Class- \Vm . U em y, J en nie N e wsorn, Herbert Knott, R obt. W at· son . F ourth Clas~, Sen.-Albcr t Staple·, Harry P roctor. Madison Hall, Frank V inson. Fourth, Jun. -Bella Watsou, ! L izzie1Watson, Annie Newsom, Georuina \ Taiublyu. "' S JWON I> D1vrn10x.--Senior Third Class 1 1 - J oe P ollard, Nellie P ollard, " ' il liH ' Val' te r:1 . .J umor Third C\a.~ -Lena Tambly n, Ch.11.f os Batten, Wilber T horntou , Lizzie H enry . Senior Secom! Class -- .He1i;t Groves, W alter P1·octor, .John Moment, Lottie L ocklrnrt. .I uui(1 r Second Class.J oe H H !l, Chal'les 'l'a111 bly n, A.llie H ockin, Riclrnrd Collier . N 111nher of names on H eg istAr rlm·ing t he mou t h 151. Average a t temhace 107. \ V, C. ALLI:'<, P1·incipal. PIERCE & ROBERTSON. -c.;. J:{ 11-::; A T- LET US CROW. At th e annual exhibition of the Ontllrio Poult ry Socie·y held in Guelph week before last th e following were cxh ibi> or· f·f poultry £rom l:fowmanville. M essrs Kydd & ' Vright , six Ply mouth rocks. 'f. T. Colemr 111, buff cocliins, &c. W . .T. Wolfe, ver y fine wl1ite leghorns. J. II Pierce, lang slums a nd 1Ioud;u1s. :fohn Murdoch silver clorkings. . 'r lw iirize winne,.s wcre :-:-Bulf Cochin p ullet. 1st, T . T Coleman. Lnngslmn cock, 2ur1, .J II. l'earce. Houdan hen, l st, J . H. P earce. Silver Grey D ork ing Cock ls·. ,John Murdoch. H ouchn cock· er e!, 1st , J . H . Pearce; 2nd_W. ·J. ' Volfe. Houdan pullet, 1st, .T. H . P e·trce. H oudan heu, prior to 1884, 3rd J . H. · Pearce. I C LE AR ING SALE previous to Taking St ock. - -- - -- ':f f.. -- - - To our numerous <.:ustomers a.ud the public we will offer our entire stock of Dry Goods dur ing the N"' E :::X:: T 30 D..A. -Y-S WITHOUT PROFI T. Auction Sale. 21.-Mr. R(·ger c ..Je, lot 4, con. 5, Darlington, who is rot.iring, will sell his !<p1enclid farm stock and implements without resen-e. His horses Ol l'd v trr 'l"aluahlo and other st.nck very good. This is nn import.tot sale and corn1nands t he 11tt~ 11 t in11 of buyt>i~. Sale " t l o'clock sharp. See lai·ge posters. H. T. P h illips, auctioneer . SAT UltDAY, FEil. E11ormous Reductionsl I N ALL DEPARTMENTS. SOWS OVER SEVEN FEET lN WIDTH. · - -- ·-·------· KllWY. EVERY SEEDER GUARANTEED TO CIVE PERFECT SATISFACTION. Give this Machine a trial btfore ·purchasing a Seeder "r Cultivator J, W. Mann, Man'f'g Co., Brookville, Ont. S"nlplee may be seen ou the premises, L ot 11, Con. 5, lJarlington. VVII.....I....I.A.1'1.1: AGENT, ·for all kinds of Farm lmplerneuts, and the famou.i OSHA WA STOVES. GROCERIES! Crockery & Glassware, fRESlt AND CURED MEATS,. Coarse and Fine Salt, American and Canadian Coal Oil, Flour and Feed, Empire Horse and Cattle Food, and everything that is kept in a first-class Grocery and Provision Store, will be sold at the low'e st possible prices. CASH fot· Beef, Pork, Eggs, Butter, Hides, Tallow and all Farm Produce at C. M. CA WKER'S. ----o·---- I also return my sincere tha_nk.s to my numerous friend s and patrons for their very liberal support durir.g tbe last fifteen years, and h ope by strict attention to business and keepi11g first-class stock, to still merit the same, wishing you all Happy and ·Prosperous New Year. a Mr. Albert Ken and h is newly made bride, of 1\-fanilla, are visit ing- friends and relatives in this u eii;rliborhood at present. 1 · _ ........, 'Ve congrntulate Mr. K. upou winning the pretty brunet te, rrnd h ope they may pas3 through lifo with rt rnmority vortion of btabhlcs and froubles . Mr. F . G. Gilb rink, of L ondon, is h ere LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. visitiug the 111Jrne a rnl friends of his child ORONU. hood. His he:ucll ess face and gen eral , . · J personal appeal'i'tllCe still hear t he s:unn . J\'.lr ·. :S. J. llol'land .has retu rned to and natural <tppeara.nce as a forct ime. 'fhat Bellev11le. m<>ustache, too, still stands out in striking Mr. A. E . mark has received a call contrast t o - - nothi ng. from the Sa lvation Army to go to New A farge number of J\1:eth odists at tenclecl York. J-hi "ill "farewe'l" 011 Sunday quarteriy service at Ornno. on i::iunday evening. He leaves Monday mor11in\( last, and were greatly pleased wit h the and carries wit h hi m the best wishes of se rmon pre11ch ecl by Rev. W. Briggs, of all who know him. T oron to. His sentences, which were One of the 1fros t pleasan t i;:a t herings of brimful .from beginning l o end, (ye t contb e season wa.s spen r. :it the ; residence· of taining n oth ing rndundnnt) with ideas Mr. and Mra. R B. Thornton 011 the even- plain and concise, comprised a fe:·st .for . ing of the 12th of .January . it. h f-ing the t h ose who ·· h unger it"d t hirst " and could ;., 1mniverdary of theri t wentieth wedding n ot be nisundcrstood by th e . must illiterdny. Between eighty and a hundred , f ate or uneducated . As R ev. Mr. Addison tht>ir friends assemhled at the basemen t remarked, it was_ , indeed, a " high d1~y. " of the Met h odist churcn and nurch ed en S noll1'. ?1ws .~e to t heir resi~e uce . The tablt>s were --- - -·· · - -soc·n spread wi th al l 1.he delicacies of the LESKARD. season provic~ed b:v the ladi es of t h e party. Mr. Samuel Griffin is qnite ill. .Aftc.r pa· hkma: of supper a 111cel y wordwl . . Mr. ·!11hn L ewis and fa.on ly r·ernov~d to 'addre;s W>"I! rod o n behalf nf t hose presen t, ex pressiuo J>'ea , ure ··t b·'ln" preruitted t ·· I liroo!drn th~ other WCP I$, O ~r best Wll·h es RESERVE. . . ·,.., "' · "OW1ththt'lll ' :JOltl rn the celebrat.1nn of tht·Ir "C lll1U1 o . .· · .. : Wt'ddiug," 1111d pres ntt'd t lw111 wit h a .T..] 1u Sunpson is att~nd,rng_ N ewc9stle l)ea11t1ful chin:t t.,, se~, an ele~ant hall H. S. Success J ohn, work will count. lamp, a nd a haudso nw phot"!{_ r w h :ilbum . :Mumps is prevalont here, int erfer ing Mr. Thornton , 011 hehaof of lrnnelf ar,J ~omew hat with school at tendanctl. All are invited to secure Bargains. .Mr. D"vid Be.II bough t BlWeral c..t.t le in wife, t~auked all wbo h ttd 1 '~\·ticip·le(~ iu render m g It :~ happy ~ ~· hermg reuiarkm\( t h1ri u"i"hborhood la st week for Mr. ] 'ost.,r. 0 that this wc ·ulrl 1.., tt time in their hm tc·ry Tl ·1 f t l } lI 1 never I 0 b{,). forgot en and wishing young lie pup;\ S O ~? SC ll!O la Ve a l~el arx an.d old every sncc s1 in· life. . .A'fL r wh ich SOCle y wt 1 · mee m g~ once a. wee .· . - · , .· . . ver y 111terestmg programme wrts presented the young people 011ioyed tJ1ems, l vts m ti · t" ]' ·d 2'.~ <l · t I & ames, m usic, .Ile., ,;ntil iifter mi<l·l· i'lht.. . ar. . t ·'~' , '. iuee,'.m6 E'"n lln Wr1 laky, . rd llF·s .,lld~e " " . . 1 · . . rec1 a JOll B vy a.a er au re( · w · · Th e a f1a11 was a. co:np te surprise , fHH1 . 111 'l' II d ti · b A d s· e"ery respect a succes·. ' r_u a.n _ie music y ii . rew nnpson . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..,...........,~ S mee the above t. ook :place·- , w e nre s6rry bt rnc: especmlly _____ well cl;>De .-New.:;. . ~ , -- I BEAVER HOUSE! I OU-R STOCK: OF Millinery, Mantles, Dress Goods, Plushes, Dress Silk s,Velvets, Flannels, Shirtings, Tablings, Cretonnes, Towelings, Winceys, Cottons, Sh a wls,Furs, Blankets, Hosiery, Gloves, &c., &c., &., -All to b e Cleaned O ut . NO GOODS MUST BE SOLD I PIERCE & ROBERTSON. C. lYJ. CAWKER. STAND :-Town Hall Buildings, next to Ont. Bank. , STOCK-TAl{ING SALE! - - - -o , - - - Be~ween now and Stock-taking we will sell all goods at . GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. (30 DAYS.) S. MASON &SON c OU C:H: J. HIGGINBOTHAM &.SON, ~~~~~,~::~~~;u~!e~:~~~~~~~~rtffilJ:;: ~.~ .:~1:~~:.::l:~:;:~:~li::;:~l:)l::~:'.s~:te.:::~iJO . ·H NS TO N &. CH y· nE B~MA N :Pharmaceutical Chemists. prornptuess "it h which i t was served, the waitereescs beiug Vclty attenti ve aud acti,·e. After foll j ustice had been d one to the repas t, a. rouud of short speeches and and songs follow ed. ·he speakers being We res;pectfull mv1te your attent10n to our complete Revs . ShoulL11 and F raser aud l.Vfoesr;;. Miller, Moment, Keith, Wort h, Hook, comprehens1ve stock of Pure Drugs and Medicines. Jtiwell, l'u. c ker,Jarue3,a11d ·o thers; Messrs. K eachii:, M cDowell and Gamsby sarL~ songs, aud Mrs. Carveth gave a rec1t atioa . Bro. llo bert Ferg uson was an Active worker 011 the managemen t committee a ud with the others deserves greaf; credit reliable, safe, and pleasant to take. for tl10 effi cient arran~ements. We h ope to.see the inem berahip · of Orono L oclge 0-µr very largely .increi.scd as tho result of this annual assem bly A society J1avmg tor its aim t he mut ual improvem ent of its m embers in literature, music, ( 1]nc11tion , etc,, >tnrl t o be k nown as "The Or ouo Literary and M usical Society," h ns been formed in Orono, .with the following officers : President, Dr. Carveth ; Vice· President, Dr. Tucker ; Sec· retary, H. Chapple; and a managing comm ittee. Already the membership numhers nearly fi fty.. =>JPTIO . NS F ' Grand entertainment in Davis school PRESCI.\i and AMILY RECEIPTS filled with\ h ouse }ri~ay night._ Mr. G rlti_llau will absolute purit and correctness. . · I~~~~ c1tenuca1 expemnents, magic lantern to rl"late that. Mr. Thetnto1i h as been lVE W PARR.. called a way 1>11 accou n t of t he dei~th of her · Will " D omino" please Pend us items sister Mrs. Andrew 8001h , of Hrockviltt>. of ne~ s fro1n New Park,ius · e1.1.d of "t.its " DE· 'Novo. on the bo;rn. t hen h e will have the pleasTh e rnemhArs of tha Orono. Locge N o. u re of readmg what h e w rites. If .t he Hl1, A . 0. U. W. held tlrnir ·econd an· b1>ys from the adjoiui n!{ section ~re nn al ... wer· a inrnE1nt l\nd supp"r pn Friday more i'n favor with t he Ne1v · P.<rk g irla evening, J11n. :30Lh , when the · following than " Domino" ;~ud h is clm111s, he a nd exc.,lleut progr .. m was rend ered t o a very they sh0t1ld try to play a bette1· hand, select audience, t h e Town Hall being occasionally taking t h" " Missy." 'l'o j ndge well fi lled : selection, by the Orono Or- from t.ho dozens of letters we 1 ecei ve from che~tm, led hy Mr. W . Morrison ; RAc1t- Ne w Park boys o n t h" girl n msti<>n, ,..e stion, Selecti .. n t .om Dickens, · Mrs. D r. c ,nclnde th a.t t hey h <i,1·e very frequen tly tn Carvd l1 ; Sc,11el1 13 dlad, '.l'trn Dlu" Belli "~it 011 tlifl f·"1C d a1 .d soe th~m go by" of Sco ·land, Mr . Johll Keachie ; R ecihi- with the hoy· from Kend~ll , Ente rprrse, t ion . .Parody on H,LJmeo and J11J1et, Mi~a Kirby and otlrnr p l actis. B ' ya, w" pit y E. L. Browne ; Quarrel Scene from Crn ~ar, you-ED. STAl' ESM A. N. M es~ra . Chapplti and McDowell ; Solo, F ly Forth, 0 Ge11tle D ove, M iss Munson; OfiJSARJiJA . ~ong, The 'l'a1"s Farewell, Mr. ~ ohn K eachie ; L ectur" c n th e Int erest~ ot t he A. Mrs. H ob er t .fackson, an aged and very highly esteemed member of t he Methodist 0. U. W . , J · R . Mil ier, E sq., P · G · M · W · I I 11 t ti b tt l cl Sailor Song, Mr. Orm a A. Ga msby; R ec c rnrc i , p:1ssec iome o 1e e e1· an on ., M M D Soiturday, Januar y 31st. Sne was a sufitation, The 1Jhar1~ ..o l an, · rs. r. f f I 06net h ; Son" , The Pilgrim Falherd, erer or mont is and lon ged to depart. Mr. G. K. McDoweil ; Recitatiou, Katie 'l'he fu neral services wer e conducted by Lee and Willie Gr dy, Mi~s E L . Bro .1n"'; h er pastor, R ev. W. C . Washington , at Soln, Kathleen MaYonrneeD, Miss l\Iun- S<\lcm church, on l't1o1~day February 2nd. eon M iss Mnnson was enthusias tically '.l'he ~ev. _ Gentlema.n 15 _ to pre~?~\ on tl·,e applauded :lrhen sh" re-appeared and mt01i~1ely important s~bJ ect ~f Ie'.nper- I saug by request "Better Bictc a W ee. " j ~nee, 111, tl~e.· l\'1et h od1st chur ch here, on [ All who a~sistecl in the vrogram did so S unday, at ~ .30 P· m. r·mar k11bly well that di, tinctinn would b tl ---~~~. ~- -~~out of the question . '1'1e address by LOTU8. Past Grand Master M illtir, of Gode1·;ch, On 'Vednesday of last week an oy~tcr ""'.as one of best we have heard on _the supper was given in connection wit h tho a1ws and obJecta of the , O_: d er · Ht3 i i " Methodist church, here, at wh ich t h ere ple~sant _speHker a~d we_ J wform~d ?~ all was a lar ge attendance. The prograuuue matter~ m connectwn l'l'.1t h t h e beneficiary consisted of speeches by Revs. W est ancl ~ep~rtmei;t of th~ Society'. D r . M. M. Mc~\:ay. Singing hy the Williamsb urg Tnck_ e r, I .. M .. W. , pres1d~d over the choir. Good recitations were g iven. meet~n g 1v1th much acceptance. The Order excellent. rneetmg closed shor ~ ly after 10 o'clock ---- - - · - - -- ,vh en over a hundred per~ons p roce,,ded BALLYIJUPI!'. t o t.h., L .,d~e i oom which h a.ct been nicely titt1ed up, and sat dowu to a first·class Communion of t h e J,01·d s , S upper was Choppers' Attention ! - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - American Axes, Burrell's Axes, Dundas Axes, Axle Handles, Cross Cut Saws, Butt ing Saws, P atent Handles, l at Rock Bottom Pric~~ ~t t!ie El &EDSALL'$ Wellington Buildings, Bowm~fiville. : · -------------- I nrday. Ongm <~ f fire defeet1vo tlue. H ouseh old effects were saved ,pl'Ot ty heavy m sm·ed. ---- - -- -· - - -- , McCrae's Corners, Clarke. R ev; Mr. Ma nni11g will preach a M issiowiry 9ertnon in McCrae 's clrnrch n ext J Sunday. 'l'he singing c'sss tlrnt. me<'ts here is ad vancing n icely 111.der Mr. Walker . Mr. R;ch. 13.-adl.-y has moved in to his h:i.11dsnrne u ew b m :k l·esid(·nce. Dout allow S r. Valen t ine's D Jy to pa·s wit hout a m~te, I-tichard. Mr. W. Li ttle lost a valuable horse last wrnk. wish their many friend s throughout vVest Durham BINGE'S COUGH SYRUP, Own Corn Cure, Rose Glycerole, Choice Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Ground Oil Cake, Cattle Foods, Horse and Cattle A Happy New Year! And while thanking them for their liberal patronage in the past, would assure tham that nothing will be wanting on their part to deserve a continuance of the same in the future. I - --- -+-· - - r~epor~ ot S_. S. No. 1. l>arlingLon for .J a n uau 188J._ Miss Walsh. t.eacher. Nanleq in order men!: 4t h Class. l!;v a. OMborn e. 1 G rlga1· c1 shorne, Wesley .Jewell. Bella Gal brai1l1. W1t1 . Cor n is h, Wm. J ewell, Frank B·anton, Wesle y Hranoon Ann ie 0 a ke8. Wm. Col Ylll, 3f! D CLASS SE N"_'. F'aoson P enround, Fred. Joness. Charles Ro1~e. 3RD Ct~A.SS · J UN.-A rla. 0Hbor.oe . A d a Ric h a rd John Sando, Mitc hell .Tollow. 2rrn C t. ABS SEN'. -Geo. D owning, 'Y"~i.J te r Richard, 'rre win Ha.rry Slute, Charies Sando. Wes ley A.Hh too' Medicines &c. Odhorne, Wm. D ·wmng, .John Lucke J,anra ~'red. Corniab: L iz?.ie i1g~!~b. ~~r~:~~s~~f:~11.1T~ 1b~~~Y~h,1Ut;!~0 Walter, 2B ell1t O'Neil, 1 Joness,_ Wm. H'"1rnrn, John Ca.ndler, J<'Jora Ualbra1th, Maggio .Pollock. l fochest. marks t or good CoHduc t.-Evu O~borne. Htghes~ ID OOR WEST OF POST OFFICE .· · "" marks torregula.r atten<lance.-Charles J oness, I ' 7· If' BOWlVIANVI LLE.

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