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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Feb 1885, p. 2

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~\Rl.l\Sli!\l!Cl!jR!!!i~.~~~w;~~~~-~~"1'. · ~~l!ll~lll>i~i7Jl'~? ~¥1~ 1 *...,.~~~ - ~~mDl!!llll!~~~~-~Mll~IP'~"'~m~u~~~W~·~!4~!111~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~-~-~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~qN!ll!~~Sl~ ..~ -ft~ C ~IDNEY'S FOl...i1..i\1- u;ithebl:;--~·-erthetopaofthehouseslme. CH.APTERXL I.-(CONTINUED.) "How have you lived~" Stephen aBked ~a it came. "Why should they be miseri>ble 1 of liu~e~eueh, .lie., .tc hoarsely, his anxiety ior Frank's ~afety "The day is here," she said faintly- Aggie inquired. Count Pahlen, a Russian nobleman for~otten in hisi~tenae pi.ty for th<i un· "the last dawn 1 aball seo. Stephen, do "How can they be other wiao 1" Sidney well .known in English society, who has happy woman whose sad condition ap· you -for give me-all I have made-her said de~pairingly. ..A11gie, I thrnk ·l just died at the · age of ninety·s!x, once cou1d die happy if I cou1d only hear my . I".on a l).un~x:~d · thousan:~.- dollars ~t . a& it· , pealed 11 > all t heir sym pa.thy so strongly suffer 1--for ahe has not been h al}py;" -1\fANUFACTURER AKD DEALF.11 I~that anger and contempt were alike fur "I forgive you fu 1ly, as she would, husba.nd aay ttlat he forgave me. " _ ting from I rtnce J ohn L1¢p_tem1t em. , · · . . gotten. were a.he_h ere, " he answered earnestly. T~ere w as sil~~ce then in ~he pretty . Oalifornt~'a first attemiftii;at raisin. pro· ·~ii uJr, Seal, Persian Lamb, Hussia n L amb, B~aver ar " At first I had mon ey and so~e "Hut1t 1s notourpardon you aboo.ldask, :firehtroom. Neither of the girls dpoke duc!~g were made at,oµ~ · Jilllef:;eep ~ears " :' , ,. j ewal~, " she anBwered ,feebly-so feebly Sibyl." . ,, for some minut:s. ~ggi~ was sitt~ng now ·ago. The foliowio~ ye11-~ abou t l;,500 .. ". Otter Muffs, Bows and Caps. hat he had to bend over to hear the "Yours ts an ear nest of that other, she on the rug by _ S tdney s aide, r esting he:t;·. boxes were made. Ten :. years ago '.the br ok en words-"and l was afraid t o ·go said, m or e clea1ly t.han she had yet arm upon hex knee, andgl..mcing.furtively crop._ amountec;L ·to <aJ>out 40,0QO b(),x es, · Astrf -.:...Out much; but when I h ad no more spoken. " Heaven cannot be less m ercJ.ful now and then at t he lovely sad face while this year it is e~timated at 200,000 money- I sang- at a cafe ehantant-not than man " which had lost so m;uch of its beauty, but boxes. far- fr om h ere. It was-a poor place ; There was a little silence then. which was lovely still. Some womanly A Vermont farmer a net profit .1 b ut I earned-enough, · and- I dared "Poor :Frank, " she whispered, her last instinct had made Sidney more careful of $43.fjO hom the produce of a smgle n ot go where I might h ave been r ecog· thought for the man whom she had than usu~! in her dress' this evening; sh e hen turkey° during the past season. This M lTTS and GLOVES in Beaver, Persian and Russian nised. " wronged and wh o had 11uffered for her wore a long 11oft gown of mous.e·colored is equal to 100 bushelsof wheat in Kansas l t was no shame t o S tephen Daunt's "I am ~011y-- How dark it grows. velvet, relieved at th? throat by soft lace at 43 cents ·per bushel, with this differLamb, Ki d, Wool and Hair Seal. manhood that his eyes were wet with Louis£ " I y don't you light--- Ah, it is ruffles, while the sleeves which left part ence: It would cost all much to raise 1 tears which blotted out the beau iful not night, b ut death! L ouise, you have of her whir.e arms bare were daintily imd. harves tthe wheat as it woulcl bring;· · · ROBES..-Buffalo, Coon and Black, White and Gray Jap. dying face. Sh e had made no excuses been so good ! Ah, Heaven !" :fiu_ished off with sof_ tly-fallivg laces. wh ile the uoceeds of the turkey were for her ain and t r achery-perhaps she And so, looking upward into the face of Perhaps she had had some thought that gain. felt the sin too deep for pardon; but the the old wom~.n who had been se good to her pretty looks might soften ~J;ephen's A . two-and-a-half·year-ol dchild "l\'.Snder· very simplicity of her narration made it her, with the light of the new-born day h eart. · ed away from its home at MoccMin all the more touching, all the more pathe; upon her face, she died. For aix d11.ys Stephen h ad been away Springs, :Utah, a few days airo, and arter W hite, 'R egatta, t' rench, Cambric and V{ ool Shirts, Braoo1 tic. Doctor Farmer's grave face was ex- . from home-six da)s, during which his ~ Ties, Silk Handke_rchiefs, Collars; Cuffs, also over 25 -::eedingly pitiful; he had been much InCHAPTER XLII. wife had had no direct tidings from him. travellindg seve7al miles I thhrto~glt ih a de~p 1 ter ested in hi11 beautiful patient ; he had "lam sure you canno1; see, Sidney. l\ir. Daunt , whose unu al daily visit to the snow an s eepmg one n g m emu · choice lines of :Fancy, Plain and Ribbed Underdivined that she had a story, and a Shall I ring for lights, dear? Is your book daughter-in-law whom he 'had grown to it was found, forty-six houts after start· clothing and Cardiga n .Jackets. aorrowful one, but had not expected such a very interesting one 1" love, and who loved him with much of the ~ng_, ba~y fbroetbitten, but in suchd a con· a· one ·as this. The handsome careless Sidney started, and, turning her pa.le . same affection she bad given her own itton t at Y good treatment an nourface of the young official was saddened face fra.m the window, glanced over at father, had ceased suddenly, lad indeed ishment it soon recovered. The London Echo says : "While our and oompaasionate as it bent over his Agnes Burton, who was aitting in the sent two little tenderly-worded notes, writing; even Lloyd Milner, who had felt firelight, ben( over a little piece of telling Sidney that her h usband was well navy is reported to be gone to the dogs, that Sibyl deserved punishment and, suf- crewel-work, all 1ihe pretty implements of and busy, and t hat a.hernoon a telegram and the ;natlonal industriea are 11upposed fering, for all the other11 had 1mffored her occupation spread out about her. As h"'d come announcing hia return that t o be following the navy, it must fill.every well-conditioned Briton's heart with de· through her sin, felt his lip quiver as he she spoke she ceased working, and began evening.. " · . · turned &\fay and looked into the smoul- folding her work and gathering up her That the sudden summons which took light and pride to learn from the papers ~eringfire. Presently,!in the silenca 1:hic!1 silks. Sidney's eyes came back slowly ·him from home related in some way or that the 1epairing and refitting of the follow·e d-a. silence broken only by Sibyl s and rested on the book which lay before other to the topic w cc mp led all royal yacht a re just complete. The bill --OF-· gasping breathing and the scratching of her as she knelt, or rather crouched, by minds in.Ashford wa8 certain Nothing is only £50,000 sterlinir. Ernest Levigne'a swift pen as it passed the window-seat. · else would taken him away at. such a A charitable clergymn.n of Chieago had over the paper- the old Fren~h woman "I was noe reading, Aggie," she an· t ime ; and Sidney hid suffered such an a la1·ge bundle of half-used clothing made moved across the room and closed the swered. "1-<.ing for lights by all means, agony of that hope deferred which maketh np for disposition by a ladies' missionary window. The movement seemed to dear, if you want to go on with your the heartsick that she looked frailer, more society, but when the agents of the latter arouse Sibyl from the semi-stupor into work " shadowy than ever. · c<1.lled at the clergyman's houae they were u{ was not working," Agnes said, "Even Dolly seems to have deserted given by mistake a bundle prepared for which she had fallen; ehe opened her langui(J. eyes, and ahnos~ simultane" smiling, leaving her low seat by the fire me," she said, trying to spe11ok lightly. laundryman, and by the time the error ously Mr. Levigne r ose an d approached and moving slowly across the room to the "No wonder l Perhaps sh e guessf's what was discovered the family wash was on the bed window where Sidney knelt , looking out I thought·! Oh, Aggie, it seems to me its way many miles toward theNorth-west. " I you sign it 'I" he said gently~ into the gray cold March twilight. "It that I 11hall never oYercome this feeling of A peculiar article produced by the "Must I 1" she asked faintly, shrinking is blind man's holiday, is it not~ I feel ehame and humiliation !" negroes of Georgia is called by them per · a~ if with terror. lazily inclined." · "You are a foolish child," Agnes an- 11irnmon bread. Five pounds of it, it is We will beg in a Great Clear,ng Sale of our immense stocl "It cannot hurt you now, Sibyl," Sne had·reached Sidney's side by this swered smilingly- she was a year younger said, will mak e nearly a barrel of agreeStephen whispiered compassionately ; and time, and, stooping over the slender than Sidney, but she had at ot.ceassumed ab1o and non-intoxicating beE>r. The of Dry Goods and Clothing. We quote no prices but W4 the dim failing eyes rose slowly to his kneeling form, put both her kindly hands the role of elder elater. "A.a for Dolly, persimmons are gathered when thm:oughface. on the girl's shoulders. you koow she has been busy with aunt ly ripe, the ma311 is kneadecl till it is of are 1 certain our custome'rs will b e surprised at the sweepin!J "Nothbg can hurt me now,". 11he said ".Are you not cold here, dear T' she Eva." the consistency of bread douuh, made slowly ; · and a faint smile-the wraith of asked gently, a. great pity coming into " I wonder how Chrissie is 1" Sidney into a cake, and then put into an oven reductions in every department. her old imperial smile- flitted over her her gentle eyes as she looked down at tho said presently. · "I think of her so often, and baked. It will keep all winter , and lips. "Raise me a little t' white, wistful, eager face. "Come to the poor girl ; and I always remember how can be used until late in the spricg, They raised her, and she took the pen fire and get warm." I shrank from ;h er beeaui;o she accused ~xtra Churchill'0 M1:dica.l Directory pnts the in her trembling, almost helpless fingers, Sidney 3_ h ook her head. StElphen. Why should she not doubt groping feebly for the paper with the "I am not cold," she said hastily. him when I-his wife-Oh, Aggie, Ag- nx mber of doctors in Great Britain at t he end of 1884 at 21,381, as against l eft hand. Stephen saw that it bore no "Aggie, " she added pitifully, t:nrning gin- -" 19,947 in 1882. In London the increase · wedding-ring. a way her face from the gentle compassion· 'fhe beautiful head slmk now, :i.nd tears V\T e m ean to pro ve "Where- where is it 1" she saic1 feebly. ate gaze, "Stephen said he would come came plen~ifully. Agnes took th6 slender has been 12 per cent. . 110 that the Very t~mpting bargainR will be offered. metropolis now has a doctor to every 880 "!---cannot see ; is is oark !" ·this evening ; did he not 'I " shaking torm in her tender arms, and did beyond dispute that we cannot be undersold. With fingers almost as ulll!beady as her "Of course, dear," .Aggie answered no·t try to atop the tears- she knew they iohabitants. But England turns out very many more doctors than H retains·. In own, Stephen guided her hand, and, as brightly. "He ie coming back t his even· would bring rel~ef. 1882 ovtr 1,500 regiatered practitioners aho wrote the last letter of her name, the ing, and Mr. Miller is coming with him, But t hey had ceased, from exhaustion, r en fell from her nerveless grasp, staining and little Mlstre!!s Dorothy was going to when the sound of wheels coming swiftly reaiclod abroad, and in 1884 they num\. the fair white linen. Mr. L evigne gently meet the seven o'clock train; and in up the drive struck on the stillne~s of the bered over 1,900, an increase o_f 26! per Bowrnanville, Oct ober 16th, 1884. .---------------~---~·~.""' ~--_--.. drnw awa.y the paper; and, as the doctor about three-quarters of an hour," she quiet room. Agues felt Sidney start and cent , in two year: . Altogether there are p\o.ced his patient upon the pillows, the went on, glancing at her watch, "St~phen shudder through all her frame ; she stood now ove1· :!5, 000 doctors holding B fitish cert.ificater-. others turned to leave the room. will be coming up the drive." 13: E A.T_. TH FOR . ALLI upright, quietly disengaged herself from There are in existence rather more than "Stephen, do not leave me!" she said, "You think he will come here~" Sid· her friend 's arms, and · moved forward a groping feebly for h and. ' ·She ney said wistfully, leaning h6r heaa few steps ; then suddenly shtl stood still, forty Egyptian obelisks. Of these Engw-0uld not mind; she- waa- alwaya piti · wearily against Agnes as she stood be- presfing both hands to her 11icle. The land possesses 7 ; .A.mcrica, 1 ; Germany, 1 ; France, 2 ; Italy (including Rt>me, ful !" hind her. . sound ceased, 1here were voices without And, as the others left the room, "Come here ! Of course he will I .i.nd hurried footsteps, and Agnes moved which has 12), 17, and Constantinople, 2. Stephen Daunt, pale and moved, resumed Where elso should ho go 1" .Agnes asked, hast ily to Sidney's side, fearing she would The r emainder, many of which are fallen / or broken, are s billin Egypt. The ~µiall· J THE PT LL 8 l1is station by the bedside, hiR heat't with a little laugh. fall. B ut even .Aggie's gentle touch was p h B heavy, notwithstanding his joy at F rank's "ToL&mbswold," Sidney answered, her unbearable to Sidney in her agony of ex- eat is the Lepsius obelisk in the Hoyal Museum at Berlin, which ia two faet one urify t e lood, conect all Disorders of t h e innocence, for the unhappy woman who!e voice hardly raised above a whisper in h er pectation ; with a movement of ·feverish L IVE.K, S'·'OJUAUll, .KID.NlrY S A.ND D OWELS. life had been rui11ed by her own folly, her pain. " It muat seem more like home to in tense impatience sh e pushed away the and adhalf inches high, and '!ehighds 200£ poun a ; t 1te 1argeat, un 6 ms e , o . · . . . . own sin, and by her mad, unreasoning him than-than Easthorpe." tender hands which aoughli to t ake hers, Aasouan, still in quarries at Syene, the They mv1gorate and rest ore to health Debilit ate d Constitutions, an1 love for himself. If 11he had sinned, she "It muat always seem most like home and made another step t owards t h e door ; are invaluable in all Compfaints incidental to Females of all Ages. . F or had suffered. to h im where his wife ia wait ing but her strength failed h er, and she sank estimated weigh t of which is more than · Children and the aged they are priceless. .A 11 ·through the night they watched her for him so eagerly," aaid Agnes helplessly into a chair, her face, white, 1,500,000 pounds. - Stephen and the olc1 woman who had gently. In the twenty·eight large towns of eager , beautiful, tur:Qed towards the E ngland- containing an aggregate of · " His wife-such a wife!" Sidney cried, door. been her kin:lest friend, and "!'ho, while 9,ooo,ooo of population-th~ death rate Is an i nfallibl e remedy for Bad Legs , Bad Brea s t s, Old Wounds, Soref Sibyl lay, half in swoon, half in st upor, with sudden p&ssionate bitterness. ".Ah, A minute or t wo passed ; t hey might and Ulcers. It is famous for Gout and Rheumatism. For disorders of the told Stephen, in a broken hueky voice don't, Aggie, she added- "don't try to have been hours to Sidney ·in her agony for 1884 was 19.3 per 1,000, being 1.4 -Chest it has no eq ual.~ scarcely raised above a whisper , much of make it better, dear r I know that, of suspense. Would they never come 1 below the mean rate in the ten years endSlbyl'11 wretched story-how she had whethor our lives be long or short, we she thought, in her feverish excitement. ing in 1833. The rates for 1881-2·3 were F S Tl l t .B h-i- C O U g' I:IS, C 0 Id S , . or O l" C l ·oa S, roDC I IS, worked for her bread, singing at the can never be anything but strangers to Even Agnes was trembling with agitation 18.9, 19.6, and Hl.5. '.fhe decline has tenth-rate cafe chantant, where alone she each other. How could he ever think of at the delay, short as it was ; and her been, according to the Lancet, coincident Glandular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases i t has no rival; and l for . contracted anrl still' j oints it acts like a charm. ·· felt secure of not meeting any who had the woman who believed him guilty of heart began to throb faab aa the drawing· whh the Public Ilealth acts cf 1872, and .known her while at Lambswold or during murder as his wife ~" room door opened and Mr. Daunt came 1875. From 1840 to 1870 t he rate wa1 her own br ief nea son of prosperity; how, · "'.l'ho woman who loved him through in, followed by Stephen, looking haggard practically stat ionary at 22.4 ; from 1871 Manufactured only at TJIO~as H oLLmVAY's Est ah lishmen t, even when she was ill and suffering, she all her auspiciona," Agnes Burton whis- and worn and travel-stained. .Agnes to 1875 it declined to 22, and in 1876·80 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON~ had dragged herself thither night after pered, · pressing her lips to :the bright moved forward hastily ; but Sidney did fell to 20.08. In t he first four years of to 19,3, and t he .And sold at l s. l t d., 2s. !>d., 4s. 6d. , lls. , 22s. , and 33s. each Box or Pot and night, fearinJ lest, if she could continue h ead leaning against her. "Have you not atir- she sat motionless, as if carved the current decade it no longer, she would lack bread to eat ; forgotten, Sidney, what h e himself called 1n stone, only her burning eyes showing death rate in each year was lower than in . may b e had from all Medicine Ven dors throughout t ha World. ' any of the forty .. t hree previow1 years. and ho w her strength had suddenly given such love as that 1" that 11he lived. · . tarPn1·ch1·serB s hould look at the Label on I.lie l'ols uml B oxes. tr tb.c nd< lrcs 11 way- slldden1 y a nd completely. Sha "He will never know," 8idney said. Mr. Da.unt took Agnes in his arms and 'l'fre- effect of these reductions is to add h uot'5:r.3, Oxfor<l St reet, Lon<lon, they urc >1p1u-ious. told too that, when she had como i.moug ".Aggie, when I look forward, I see no kissed her kindl;y on· the forehead. cwo years to . the life of every male and ~ ~~-~" ".! """'" ~""l!!·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~w~,.... ~ -<!'.'.:irl!!!'!! i !t?I!! them first, they had thought that she was bright future before us, only loneliness Stephen went to Sidney's side, and looked tmee and a half t o the life of every female ~-===~~road ; she shut h erself up, vent uring out; for him and loneliness and re morse for down at her with tiJ;"ed dark eyes in born in Enl!land only at dusk, and seemed afraid of every me." The saltpetre beds of Nevada are better which was a wor ld of tenderness and .strange face. And s:ho " as so -beautiful "I aee many brighter things, a.ear,' ' reproach. situated for the development of t heir · ·t hat they all pitied her a.nd had been kind to Agnefl anawered gently. "Come, do not ..My wife," he said huekily, his v0icti depo<1its t,han the nitre region of South her in their small way. And Stephen's sit here in the · cold any longer! How giYing evidence of his great bodily Ameri-'3, which ia a, desert entirely dehea['t ached and his lip quivered as hr can you give Ste phen a warm greet· fatigue and of the suffering and anxiety void of wat er and all veget able life, and glanced at the white face on which ing if you are shivering from nead t-0 of the last few days, "will you doubt me where the dev.,!opments can b e accomt he lamplight fell, so beautiful even foot 1" plished only hy surmounting many now 1" now, and thought of what migh t ha.Ye Sidney rose up languidly and moved dicffiuclties ; the provisions of the miners (TO BE CONTINUED.) . been. · acroes to thti fire,., holding Aggie's hwe to be tran.sported from long dis· Towarda dawn Sibyl came slowly out of hand in hers ; and for s. few minutes tances ; the water 6Upply for all purposes Animal Lon gc't·ity. is condensed from the ocean water and the atupor which had held her so long, they sto()d in eilence, looking into the and, moving restlessly, began to talk \l\'a1·m red glow. Camels live from forty to fifty yeau ; carried to the nitre fields, whHe fuel has rapidly, and, though somewhat incoher"I-I d has btim1 gone six da.ys," Sidney horses average from twenty-five to thir- to be procured from the mountains in the eptly, not so much so but that Stephen said presentiy- "six long <la) s ! Agnes, ty ; oxen, about twenty ; sheep , ei~ht or aon th of Chili . In Nevada, we are told, coul~ uuderstan<i much of her mea1~ing 11<hat can he detaining b1m 1 Why r!1d he i..ine ; aud dogs, twelve to fo urteen. th(l saltpetre deposits in the vicinity and rould {\Ueas much of her past suller- go 1 I know nothmg ; l am all in the Concerning thti ages attained by non-do· of a rich farming country, with an abund· ing. His slight knowledge of her child- dark ; & nd to-morrow- to-morrow the uu;sticated. :mima ls, a few isolated ant supply of water and wood close at hood, Gf her moth er- · a French act1·~s- trial hegins I I am afraid - I am facts are known. The East J udians be- hand, arid the nitre can be furni~hed atof the English fathPt' whom she could not afraid !" lit~e that t he ltfe periods of the elephant prices considerably cheaper tha n that for remember, he ltaviog died during h er She clung to Agnes in a sudden fit of is a bout three hundred years, instsn ce11 which the South American article Ct\ll be ' V e have th e Jo:XCLU SIVE sale of t h ese ·watches, which cannot be childhood, vf the aunt, her fat her's sister, terror , trembling in every limb ; g1mtJy bei.tJg recorded L<f 'these animals ha ving obtained. a strict, narrow-minded maiden-lady who the girl forced her to sit do wn , a nd , lived one hundred and t hirty years in Edmund Yates fa.res less agreeably beaten for time. had taken StbJ 1 at her mother's dea th kn eeling by h er side, took both the little confin.e rnent after Cilpture at an unknawn than did Leigh H urJt., ;when the latter wari and given her the education which had unsteady hand~ in her firm white slender age. W hales are estima tt d to reach the impri'3oued in .1812-14 for calling th e We hav e a r e a son to b~ thankful for past fav o rs durin ()' fo1t y years fitted he r for the p Jsition 11hA had occu- fingers. in business here. "' age of four hundred years. Some r ep- Prmce of Wales "Ao AdoniB of 50." Ry pied at '.Lumbswo1a, gave him 2ome cine ··Ddar," she said, " you know ae much tiles are very long lived, a n inst ance his own taste and t he attentions of his Now our s to ck is one of th e largest in the Dominion and w e will ro the meaning of th., broken di.J!jointed as any of us know, ao you not!? You being furnished by a tor toiEtl whic li was friends Hunt 's pr ison cell was trans· words. Now she waa with her aunt, r<» know that one afternoon a letter came con fined in 1633 and exist;ed tm 1753, forme.d into an elegant apartillent, bollinr- ag11inst the strict discipline which for Stephtm white . we were out driving, when he perished by accident. Birds adorned with bookcaaeB, busts, and waa so irksome after th.e gay, careldss and t hat he etarted for Paris at once, sometimes reach a great age, the eagle ll.owers ; luxuriea uf mauy kinds were regarding no man, either Jew or Genti le. Bohemian life she had lived with h~r morely lea ving word t ha t h e 11ad b een and the 5wan having be.e n k nown to liTe showered upon h im, and he was d ieerucl mother ; th\ln ahe waa at L'mbswold, or called away by a sum mons he could not one hundrea. yeara.. 'r.he longevit y of by visits from snc :h men as Byr<·n, Shel· at Rutledge, qmirrelling with h er hue· neglect, and th at h i4 absence would not fi11hes is often r emarkable. 'l'he carp has ley, Kears, Moore, L;i.mb, and H azlitt . F ill I. E N D S , W J·: 1'1 EA N BUS J .N E SS. b<\nd, ranghn g with him about F rank and be of long duration . I think, dear, that betn known to live two hundred years ; Poor Yates, on the other hand, is to be Stephen himself. N ow she was shiver- uncle Jon n has not been h :;Jr e d uring com mon river trout , fifty year8 i and the put .on an allowance of half a pint of wine, ing and shrinking in te~ror from the these six days because he wa11 afraid of pike nin ety years , while Gesner - a Swiss or one pint of malt liquor per day; visits · punishment ahe so much dreaded, and raising hopes which might n ot be realized; naturalist -relates that a pike caught in from friends must be arranged by the · which had haunted her night and day, and but I know that he h as great hopes t hat 1497 bore a ring recording the aipture of vi~iting magistrates, and h e can reeeive l!lhe was begglng Stephen to save her our troubles a re d rawing near their end. the same fish t wo hundre:l and aixby ·sev· only one newspaper daily. His letters from it, and from Sidney, until, .utterly Why will you agitate yourself eo unnec- en years b efor e. Insects are vary short are to be r egulated by t he Governor's - --- - ---.·_ ..;..._..,...... _ _,... _ --::.. --::.. "...... ":.. -:: __ ....,!l!<*;;-:: -,~ - - - -:: _".' .. :'::.=-=--=~..... ._ ,. _ ..._ ..... _ -_ .. _ .._ -_ -_ -__ - .:.::::::.::.::..-.:..-.:..-.:..-.:..-;z: exl1austed, a deathly faint.ness overcame essarily, dear Sidney~ Wher l ar e your lived, usually completing the term of orders. He is to take exercise by him· her, and she fell back, breathing out her faith and trnst in tht: Hand which governs their existence in a few weeks or month 11 11elf in the first-class misdemeanant 's the world and whlch does all things a.t the most. Some even diCil upon the ground, to rise. at 6:30, and to retire at few moments of life. Cures D i::zmess, L oss of Appetite, I ndi!}estwn, B iliousness, very day of entering upon their new life. 9 :15_ The gr..y dawn broke slowly in the well~" Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affect ions of the L iver and K idneys, _ ., i - ,._ _ _ _ _ _ east ; the buE1y population of the quiet "It is all so dark," Sidney answered .Aa a general rule not to be applied t oo f ula, P imples, B lotches, B oils, llumors, Salt 1Uwwn, Scro s.t reet were alreadf rising to pursue feebly; "and I am so tired, Aggie. Life closely, larger types of animals live very "No," remttrked Fogg, at t he ska ting. Erysipelas, and all diseases arising f rom I mpure B lood, t heir morning duties. The old woman has been so difficult a problem to 11ol ve, m uch longer than smaller, alth ough rink, " the music is not the best I ever who had shared Stephen's vigil softly left that Iam weary of trying to work it out. there may be aome marked exceptions D eranged Stomach, or irregular action of the Bow~ls. ,.. heard, but it ser ves admirably to drown her seat, 1urned out the 1amp, and drew And yet it seems a.a if nothing would kill the rule. the groans of t he unfortupates._ " ,,__ ~oe golden gleam of t;he coming day crept I may live twenty, tJ1irty, fifty fEla~s sluwly upwards ; the eyes of the even, and how am ·1 to bear their (;allfor ul .. JlaJ·ln .. - ·oae 'l'lcbborne (:Ja' m· - m1serv · "" :ui.j..-.ue,.111U.C.clnWn:;hind . -1 he ( Duk·~ · l and f o11 owed It dyrng woman openec, 1 ., Imust be very strong. I Llt1nk; ltEA.DAilLEil'Ei'tlS: FURS J ROBES! HATS! s, , s_ . Ladies Capes, Fur Lined Circulars and chan J ack ets, and Gents' Coon Coats a specialt't7 G EN T S' FU R N ISHI N GS. P.S.-All kin~s of Furs~ altered and repaire<l Highest Cash price paid for Raw Furs. GREAT C LEARING SALE IlHY GOODS A ND CLOTHir1.G! ON SATURDAY ' 18TFI INST. ' . Winl0r Clothing will be offered cheap. In the Tailoring Department ELLISON & , CO. ~ I T H E 0 I N T M E N T :fen . ROCKFORD A N D AUR O RA ~ATCHES_ Sell ch e a p e r than the Ch eapest, A A RON BUCKLER w ed ding R ings In great v ariety. to]

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