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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Feb 1885, p. 4

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..-: ' 5 car loads of Salt- L iverpool and Can'1 1 dian- just arrived. MURDOCH BR OS. ~ PAID UP. STA'I'ESMAN LIST No. 2. We publish to-day om· second list of ~ubscribors w h c> lrnvc p 11,icl fol' 1885. We feel proud of our s u bsc riber~ and tlrnnk GRAND T RU N K RAILWAY. B OWMANVILLE STA'.l'ION AND TIME. GOING E AS T TOWN "FINAN OES. thorn must h ear t ily for t heir promptness, a nd especially t hose of them who have sent us one or m or e' new uames with th eir rene1 v·ls. By the kindly inter est tak en in t ho S·rNi'ER MAN by its old r ei1rlcrs,its circufation lrns incr eased t o T wo THOUSAND O NE H UNDRlm AND F IF'.rv, and n ew rn1mes a re still corni ng in. Our offer of one l·ene w<.t l and < 1ne n c\Y sn bscription for $1. 50 "i~ still good ; the new subscribei· will get t ne paper fur t he bnbnce of the year . ':Persons for whom the vapor has been ll:titl by frien ds will b e en;i,bled to tell from tho list now publishcL l and Lhe one published on Jan. aoth whether their subSl'ription has b een JHid for 1885. Our 1wx t list will be p u1Jlishecl on Friday 1'lar ch 27. S \J USCRIP'l'I01'S p .All> FOR 1885: A :K .H . Arnlerson G eo. Allin 7f J oseph .Armour 1Y. All worth S . R. Allin L ei iArnot B Jarnes· Kelley Thos. Knigh t 'Iho)s. Keilt D !wi<l Kc1th W m . King ,Jam es Knight L J ·olrn Br ock Jas. E . B eacock J<:lias Be.f ry J olm B eacock R e\·, W.R. B 11,r ker \Vm. Beer .James n rown Fr:m k Borland Thos. Brown 7<· Joh n "S. Bond :Philip Biglow G eo. B igham M rs. C. B ellwood Steph en Barr R oht . Harri e ~ H enry Bartlett J am es R. B rown ·James Br own J. H. B ellwood Benj. B ritt:iin Sai11 uell3arrett M iss Kat e L ee Const. H . Loscombe R ob t. L udlow -r.- Hich L Mrs. W . J . L egg ;;. \ V. L mnminrnn Hobt. Lane .J olm Lang :n.a: W . J . l\Iills D. Manning Geo. Mitchell W . 'l '. Martin Geo l\'f asnn W m . Mor rison Andrew M alcolrn * R obert M oon George M <tyn ard J ohu l\'f ayna r<l c :Mrs. .J .:A. Couch "\V m. Carson J m11es Co ur tice Jmnes Candler Mrs. J . 1\1. Cbrk e .Toh n 0 1Jrnish \Vm. Coll'an W illiam Cox W . E. Conk hitc R oger Cole Edwnrd Cole A . Cobbleclick J. A. Co:ith::un . ·"vm. Cooper W. H. Chaplin Cyrus Coombe J . M . Cobbledick A . J. Co urtice 'Ihos. II. Cole H. W.Clark R obt. ,J. CourLice .A. J. Courtice R Collacott D :n.a:c J ohnMcK:iy J oh n McLaughlin Miss B. McP her son Mrs. W. Mcd onald W. J. l\'.fclh icle J. S . M cKay Jam es McLean * Thos. McLa ughlin .Joh n H. McMillan N E. ,J. Norris E. L. N or ton A. N ancekivel Wm. N ewton 0 .T, H . Osborne \\'. R Oke Thos. Om1iston E li .· O. s bornc John T . Ok e :p S. D11niels Aaron Davis S. W. D avis ;John D owson M rs. A. Diivis Geo. D owson Mrs. A . H . Deike W illis D avison "\V. Downing Geo. D obson, sen . S t eph. Dobson Mrs. 0. Dingman E .T. \V. Proctor Mrs. M. Powers ,folm Pipe(july 86) H. A. P owers Samuel Pollard M rs, S. Pollard, sen. * Marshall P od er N;i,th . P orter 'fhos. Por ter * J oh n P ercy, jr . * James P erkins R Geo. R ichards \V. EverRon Thos. Epplett Wm. Reynold s E . R iches .John Rig~s J ohn H anton Geo. Heynolds R ich. R uddock D r. H.utherford J ohn R ick:trd Wm. Rickard J ohn H . Rumlle 'l'hos. Elliott W . H. Elliott H enr y Everson :F H . S. Fursier W righ tson Foster W alt< n· F oley Miss . M F anning R ech. Foley G s Geo. Short Samuel Shortridge R ich. Sleman Rich. Sl ute ,John Sanders 'L'hos. Syers Geo. Skelcling Mrs. J os. Somers Chas. Ste\rnr t P ar ker Smith * Wm. Squires ,James H. Stutt * J olm Souch Capt. W. St alk er Th os. Smith George Spencer Gasper St;oH T W m. G orrill E~ra Gifford M . A. Gimlet Wm. Goa.rd F red Gri!iin Wm. Gamsby James G ilbert Sarnuel Gilbert D . Gttlbraith P. Galbraith M. C. Galb raith :H: R.H. H a.rr is I saac Hobbs Wm. Hale T hos. Hallowell Dr. Hamilton * E . Haggith Rl(;~' - H11ggith . J . W . Harnden * Joseph Henry Samuel Henry Geo. H ,m lcn J olm Ho ..tpcr ·X· ' ' m. Henry ]\'[(rnes H card .Tames [·fall A E. H onr1 r. Solomon u ;irris B . Hanison J vVm. T horne R . B. T hpruton R ich . Trenout h Mrs. W. Trimbl e H. S. Thonipson E. H . Th omas v Vanston e E . Y1 .mCamp E. :N. Y arnum \ Vm. Van camp M iss J . Vancamp E. F . Vm1stone .John \V.,tsvn '1 l :o~. Wa rd \.V. H. Williams Wyebr idge Joh n Wilcocks Mrs. S. W oocl T hos. Wheeler ~!gin R em y J effery ,Joh n .Joh ns Geo .Joll, jr . \V. W . Jar d in e Wm.. ·foll ·wm. "i< · Samuel .Je. f fery J enni11gs J. M . J ackson ,1olm .J 11,mcs L. M. J rimicson * M . D. Willi11,ms J ohn W inter * Samuel ·w ard .rohn W hitfield, jr. y W. H. ,Jordon. D r. Young, ~v . s. Em1·0RIS'l' ATE8MA N Srn,-In t he We~t Dwrham New,; of the la1J1 inst ., I n<·tic~ :\n article from "Ra.tep~ yer" ask in1: wl1y Jllxpi-e·~ ...... ·9·08 a rn Expres s ...... 7.3<· a rn a financial s tat ement or atatcment of the FastF:xpress.10.0! Local .. .... . ..8.23 a m . . Mixed ....... .. 4.20 11 pm ll' Mixed ...... .. A.~O pm t own was no t given by t he Council of 1884. ~ocal .. .... .. .. 7.28 .p m \ Exoress . ...... 9.02 Pm! Kindl y permit me t o make a few remar ks Exnress . ..... 9.40 pm o n ti1e sarue sub" Jeet . H uve or h ave no t -·- - the ratepayers a right to know what is d one w ith their mon ey ? The Finance ~G tatu~man Mini_ s ter co . ngrati1latod h!ms~lf Oil t bc It~ r> ublJe platform last Nommahon D ay Oil beini-( ret urned by accfamation and sa_id F 27 he was pleased to k<io 1v a n opportunity B OWMANVI LLE, F . R IDAY, . EB. . \VOuld be ui ven him i n the evening t o give -= the finan~ial standing of the town, of OBITUAR IES . which he w01: ld gladly avail h imse lf. N ow Sir, h o w was t his promise fulfilled ? The On F eb. 13th Efombeth J ane, beloved evening arri ved, but 1io Mr. P iggut t o r wifo of Mr. Thomas .l:{ ond le, of :F arquhar, st atement appeared. N ot even was an and d aughter u f Mr. J oh n H oskin, of excuse offered to an insulted populacti. D a.rlingtvn, d i.,cl 11,t the residence of her I b e 1 . ieve t lm t f rmn p nr1· 1amont · clown t. o parent s, in t he 24t h year of her a ge. A the man cloin~ the smallest business i t is little over t wo y ears ago this y oang cou ple cmtom:rry t o h:we a yearly sf;a tement or w .:re united iii u1 a riagtJ, n.nd moved to a bH lance sheet, a r ecord of receipts and,.,excolllfo rtable home in llnron County where peu ditures. His Worship ani the .I' Illt hey lived tia11py t ogether aucl were pros- ance "'I.. · t b Y th err · a c t 10 . n see m t 0 u 1111s er peri ng in b'lsiness. Ahont five months t hi nk ot herwise. l am t old th at in due ii.go the 1 10me w·~ s made st ill bri gh tllr by time we shal! l1ave the Au ditor's report t he advent of a l ittle stra.n5er who was to which will show everyth ing correct. The enjoy the mutual affections of father a nd Auditors audit what is p hteed befor e them ; mot her. Mothct· and child seemed to get their u sual meth od iq to co mparo the bills along nicely fo1· a time, but a short t ime r-asst!d by the Faauce Committee 1Yith the ago the . mother t oo k nurse's sere mouth orde rs drawn on the Trnasurer . I would a ucl med ical skill d id not seem to be able advise that t hey be instructed to compare t o dispd it and h er mo·t he1· .sent fot· her the hills als o wit h t.he mi nutes of th e t o co me lwme .so t h at sh e might care for Couucil, for hy so doing they w ill k now · m edica.l assis tanee. whJ t her they were orders of the Board or her and obta in fur the1 Soontafter she -Gmm e -to Darlington , ho w· of.private members .. I am infor med mu ch ever, she was seized with biliousfever and i rr eaular business was done by t he F i nher system being exllausted ," she had t o an c: Commit tee of 1884; m ilny bills we re rnccomb to its'power. Mrs. Rundle was pitssed which were n ot incurr~d by order. a devot ed wife, and an exem.p lary Christ· of Council . I ah all be p loii.secl to hear ian, ha ving b een fro m i nfancy under the from t hose gent lemen anct shall be more iufluence of a God-lea.r ing father and pli.ased to fincl that I h ave b ee n wrongly mother 11,nd a Christian home. The ber eav- informed. ed ·husband ld t for his western h ome on Come, gen t lemen, come clo wn with l eepest y ou r S ta temen t; g ive au account of your 'f uesday be11riug with him t he < sympath y of hundreds of rela tives an d actions to the electors ; and rem ember the friends in W est D urham. Goud Book says, " " f he ways of the t ra11s11ressor is 1111rd," atid that " The wicked MR. T u oM.&S ScoT1.', stand m slippe1·y p laces." TJ1e subject ~if this bl'ief memoir, ANOTJIRU EJ, E GTOR. who died on the l 2th i ns t. , was born at Liddlesclale, .R oxboroshir e, Scothm d , in t he year 1805 and lived a t The British Empire Mutual Life Milb urn, Bug End, Lill 25 years < > f age A s surance Company of L ondon, . when with some co mpanion· he came to E ngla nd. Canada. Am ong his companions was Mr. 'fho lLlaS J ardine, wlwse sister Agne ss he W e agai n call attention to t his Coma fterwitrds married. Arriving at P ort any, which durm g the past year has me t Hope i n the y ear 1830 he entered the em · with marked success in ob taining such a ploy of Squire Williamd where he remain- l aq~e sh are of business , This is due to ed but a shor t time. H ll was a re~iclent its kno wn st11,b ility, it s Act of Par liameilt of Port Rope _in all some seven ye:trs an d Deed ot Settlement being so constructafter which h e mvvud t o T or onto, being· ed t hat no liability is inc urred by its appoint ed agent for W. We ller's line of policy-holders. Its forms of .Assurance stages then r unn ing between :Montreal are also very favorable, having pla.ns whicb :md Chatham, i n which sit udion he re suit alm ost 11,ll condi tions of people. mained for 13 ye:u·s d u ring which time The old p lan of Life As~n ranee where he purchased a farm in D arlington to an assurer must die before anything is r e· which t h e family m o ved some th ree years turned, is not the case m t his C.ompany. before he quit t ho line of stages. H e Itseveryforrn of Ass urance being such t b,.t took up his residence i n Dadiug tou, near the policy-holder may in time obtain t he Tyrone, in the year 1850, where h e lived benefit h imself if he wishes . up to his demise. H e was a very r t>g ular Specia l mention might be made of the attend ant at the P rusbyterian ch urch, Empire's Endowment I nsurance payable Enniekillen, and was al ways r eady t o lend in 10, 15, 20, 25 yeal'S or at death if prea. helpmg hand .t-0 any and every good vious, a t. the same time being a protitable cause . I n politics lie was a Heformer investm ent. · and WM a n intelligent and active p oliThis Endowment Policy is very µ:i uclL t ician. H e died in t he 8ls t year of his unlike the 'J'ontine plnu of Assunmce age. .vhich is introd uced by the y ounger Com· A J,E X ANmm G ·. llilJARD. pa niee. '.Chis 'f ontine plan twcording to dget of 'l'oronto, an Insurance Th e subj ect of thissketch w as a Canadi· tho B11 an by birth and ~ettle d in D arlingt on a · journal, "is not Life Insura nce a t all, " bout fifty years ago. Forty-t hree years and goes on to state that the man y . a re a~o he married Margarnt Patton who lms "t he vict ims and the few enriched , where been a kind and loving wife and m other. t hrough a ny unfOl'tunatc circumstances if Mr . Gibbard worked at his trade as c11r ." a payment be missed all is lcist, so. that pent er for several y ears and subsequently we would advise a ny before going into farmed for some ycal'S . H a ving amassed this to be sure -they und er stand its uncera comfortable li ttle fortune h e retir ed sev- taintiM before too lat e. O n t he contrary, h e who takes an Eneral years ago and luis since lived in T yrone where his family was etlucat od and dowment Policy in the .British Empire are now doing 1vell for themselve:s. D e- can, any time after t.wo paymen ts- if he ceased was an obliging n eighbor , a warm tninks tit-cease paying and ob tain a paid friend and a kind hu11.b and and fathe r . u p policy. Thus if, sa.y three paymen ts He was a life long R eformer and n, faithfu l be mad e on the t en years plan the paid meml1er of t he M ethodist church . H e up policy is for three-tent h:! ; if se ven years, seven-te nths, of sum ass ured towas in his 77th year. ~ether with profits . i\mH. ANN OSllO l:!.NE . Should death occur before the encl of ill <tmo1mt of .A ;ss11ru.iice An other Mother in Israel has passed t o any period, thef1 her l10me above in the person of Ann is pitid, and profits as well . The Company is now in its t hirty-eigh t h Osbor ne,r electof the late Riclm rd Osborne (Uncle Dick.) She d ied suddenly at h er year, an d d urin g this pe n ocl has a veraged residence last T uesday evening between over twenty-one per cent, on Life plans, six and seven o'clock. Sh e w:is sittiug and fourteen per cent, on E ndowm ent, as in the rocking chair k n it ting and died p rofits, and to those wishiug it ther e. pro'fhe n ext ap~arently without a struggle. 'l'he enuse fi ts are paid every third year. of death was probab ly heart disease in- division of Profits t akes place in 1888, so duced by rheumat ism, a disease from that th ose enterini;: t he Company t his which she h suffered con siderably oflate . year, will participat e in these pr ofits. The E rnpirt, unlike some Companies H er maiden mun e was " ' ·1lter. S he was an industrious and frugal woman and leuves t hat ani much yutmger, d oes not cleptmd man y r el11,tions and friends to m ourn her for its n ew busi 'Jess, upon making p rom· loss. H er r emains will be interred to-day 1ses of a 11mall fortune to t lie .Assurer. in at E benezer ; th e cortege will leave the a few years, wh ich may n ever be r e alized, b ut points with pride and profit t o past house at 1.30 p. m . results which are to th e u tmost satisII. W. R:F:FFELr.. · faction . On F riday nigh t fast M r. H. W. Refle ll, '.l'he B ritish Empire is pu rely Mut ual, who for several y ears has been emploil:'ed · having no shareholders t o pay dividends in t he b usiness oflice of th e Upper C1m;~da t o. It is ack nowledged by authorities on Furniture Company in t his t own, slippfld L ife Assurance that the Mutual system is on t he st airs of the R ichardson House, t he most safo1fact ory and economical. Tor onto, and fell heavily to the bottom , The theory of Mu t ual L ife Uom panies sustaining fatal inj uries, including con · is t o fu rnis h Assurance at cost, and when cussion of the br:iin , from wh ich he died t he earnings exct!ed this coat; and t hus 1 1 few h ours afterw ards-. H is r cnrnins provide o surpl us, t his is righ tfully the were brought h ere bn Saturday and \\'ere property or t he Policy h olders to whom buried on Monday, a large n mn ber of his it shou ld be and is rotnrned in one form fello w workmen hieing in att endan ce at or a nother. Tha t assul'ing in th e B ritish t he fu neral. H e was highly esteemed b y Empire is known to be a p rofi table invest all his friends and <tssociates. He leaves ment is proved by th0 fact that so many a wife and small . f amily t o monrn his dc- well known business men such a~ lVIessrs. pal'ture. He was in the 42m1 year of h is Cox , Worts, Scott, 'r urncr, Smith, Scarth, Beatty, M a,eclonald, Cameron , Farley, - -- .....--··- - H u;:hes, McGaw, and many more of 'l'orM ary McGill, relict of t he late W111. onto are into it, as well as others m every l\'lcGill, passed away t o h er fin <1l r est on city in the Vomiuion for s u ms rangi ng Sunday last at t he advanced age of 85 from $5,000 to $75, 000. yean. Sh e was bo~n in Scotlan d and T he Bri tish Empire Branch · has b eet1 . came to Canada when abont fifteen years established in Canada only about t wo of age with her p<1rent~ and set~lecl near years. In that time over $600,000 h ave Osh a wa. She subseq uent ly married the been rnvested. late Wm. McGill, who died 11bout twenIn ad d ition to th is, $100,000 is deposit y-ii ve years ago. Since t he ·death of her ted wit h the Canadittn Government for husba1:id Mrs. McGill has lived a quiet, the sole benefit of Canadian Policy h oldretired life. She was one of's ers. Inclopendcn t of this to make t he oldest ci·,izem, having been a r esicl1mt of Policy holders, if possible, mor e secure, t he to wn for (1 Jf'l' iifty \' C>ll'S and a 1 ·1>si- the entire rcscrye is d eposited with t he a ent of the cornrny for ov e~ Sb< "'·'Y- She Gornrnment each year so that tho amo unt lived a Chr tstian's life, 'l.lld uieU. p!>>We- of the Compauy's money held by the folly . Government will <Lt any t ime 1>tm1gh ten up the liabilit ies of th e Comp·tllY. Th ere arc m:iny other favo urable faatCoMn; LLED TO YrnLD. - Obstinate skin diseases, h umor of the b lo< 1d, eruptions ur es wh ich we migh t mention had we a nd Qld sores are cured by Burdock Blood s pace. But there is one or two which Bitters, wh ich pur ify and regulate all the ough t not to be overlooked. One is t his, t he Empire has sp ecial i!lducemen ts to secr e tion s. I GOING WES'! ' , n$ .H ¢ ¢ ana.d Total Abstainers,_. th is shonld receive the aarn est en-operation <>r the tempe·ance oommunity. I ts policies are non-forfeit· n,ble, and_u nconditional , which i& a re·~o mme nd111g ft>a·urt!. Profits already divided nmnagst policyIw Id ers, amoun t t o .,,,.. "'·' 2"5 " .000. A ccumuh1tive fund, over $5,000,000. Income 11 · t v e·..r, . ·· i!l:l , 000 , 000· i.s Mr E. Livingstone, P ort Hope, is t,be <ieneral Agent ftir the Company i n t h is vicinity a11d wil l be n:wst lrn1 : PY t o a nswer .. ny furth er e nfitUnes which may be Ie . . , . . lhe Head Office for Canada is m Mon I1 'ilal ; F . S tancliffe is t he ma nauer , lt rnau .,f n oted b11<ines~ ability . T he husit~ ess .. f tne Company 1mgt>c~ by the poli cyli olclen, who appo1ut the du·pcto rs. ·--- --- -- - - - - --Col\rn, G EN'l'LE S1'RT.NG, -ancl brmg uialari a, cl."s1Jepsia, biliousuese, t or nidity ,. vf liv er and 11 t ram of kindred maladies . .l!'ort nuately K idney- Wort is tLt hand. It may be had of the 11carest d ruggist and will purify the sys tem, correct t he stomach 1 1n d bo wels, stimulate dw liver and k!dneys to healthy action , remove all poisonous humor a nd ma h you feel like :t n e w man . As apriug me dicine, tonic and blood Purifier i t h~s no eqt1al. 1 · LIGHT PLATF 0 R .£ 'M_ BINDER . 0 ' - - - ""'-T ..L" C> ~ ""'llll:r C> '"1'..T _ __ ..L°" · DOWN is as ·ated as a reaper. . eas1'l ' .y ope1 - . DOW'N weighs 1060 pounds and is ] O,\ feet wide. DO HT . as eas1 'ly cl l'awn by 2 horses v1 N IS as elevated! bmders a re by 3 h orses. 4 THE LOW DOWN . . can WOI'k on side hills where elevated binder& upset . ·oonTN im:; ·), 'I'HE ~ L OW . vv has no canvass to get wet, shrink,'strotch or wear out. r THE LOW DOWN h J. f . I as wrought ii·on f1~ame which prevents gear 1 1 rom gcttmg out of line, cutting and wearing out . · 7. THE LOW DOWN saves all the lodaed O'J:ain. 1 8 ! 'I:~ LOW DOWN_ ~ill cut and bind an~ grain that grows. !), 1 HE L OW D O\VN . I S t he most durable binde r wade. 10· Tll.E LOW DOWN was com1 )letely s11ccessft1l i· n th e l1a1·ves·t or· 1884-.30 put out and stood the test. 11 . THE LOW DOWN will totally eclipse all elevated binde1s. 1 :2 THE LOW DO'WN iR warranted t o work on fair trial or n o sale. 1 3 'rHE LO HT DOUTN b · n. · n. can e raised bodily with one lever, the. operator Sittmg m th e seat. N o weight at any timo on the horses, n eeki-;, 14. 'J'HE LO\V DO"\VN cuts 5 feet, and all levers are wi thin easy 1 f' l A T th o Bowman ville barber shop, opreac 1 O t le driver. posite thcPostOilice, the very best tobacco J 5. THE . LO\iV WN is made only by NOXON Bnos., Ingersoll, and' is sold at cost price, alt hough there iuA sold m Darlmgton and East Whitby by. 1 · ,, THE LOW . 9 .... IH.~ LOW .., · ). TH'" _ .r, LOW po some wo uld have you thin k other wise, so dont ptty 5 cents n plug for smokin g tobacco when you can get 2 for 5 cen ts a t s F. H. MASON, H ampton P . Q 0 · :?othick's and all other kinds at wl10lcsalc prices. Any Canad ian S ubsccibcr to th e S 1'AT E SMAN who sends us $2 OU for :tny paper or papers published at that p rice will r eceive by mail t wen ty packages ofselected g1.1rde1 . 1 seeds worth on e doli<ll', free. · FARMERS I -'-W ILL 1'INJJ lN TRI':- Over th ree tons uf new good s ha'" been r eceived and p 11,ssed into stock at tho g-erllline Star House. 'l' .G co. l\I ason , proprietor. Arl'LEs.- W e will pay t he higheat price for any quantity of good apples. Quick & Wright . (1) · We are reducing prices t o suit t he times. E llison & Co. (2) L adies l:ls ters aud Jackets at reduced p rilJPS. Ellisou & Co. Frv1·; car loads of L il'erpool aud Canad- (3) ian Salt at M ur doch :Uros'. We offer Men's Black Worstecl snits (4) fro m $ 8. 75 up . Ellison & Co. BRANTFORD BINDER '·~, A M:A.GNIFICE~'J'LY constructed machine, built from carefully selected ma~cnals, and one of gr eat lasting qualities. A. BINDER with the finest cutting apparatus in the world. BAR ·warranted n ever to sag. Knives of razor st eel. A. BINDER well balanced, free from forward weigb t , and a TII/l " of great scope. · A. BINDER with the newest REEL out, handsome, strong and of' great capacity. A BINDER with the simplest and sur est knottel' in use neven fail s to tie, t o tie t ight and in the middle of t he sheaf: ' . A. BI~DE~ t hat can be folded in t wo minutes to pass t hr oughany ordmary gate or barn door. A. BINDER that f~lds without removing a ny Bolt,s, Sprock et. Wh eels, or any tlung. Simple, effective, sure." A BINDER with zinc.covered deck , and iron-capped elevator rollers ; no st!ckin~ nor winding in wet grait1. · A BINDER easily shifted backward and forward · with new e:X:rvrain · iemovable 'i n lon()' O'r ain t'i)nsion Butt Board for shor t 0 A BINDER of remar kably ligh t draft'; easily handled by 2l1ors~s.. (5) ·TEST YOUR BAKING POWDE RTO-DAY ! Brnnds a.d 1'orti~ed o.r. . n,bsolutcly pure ' CC>NT .A.:cl.V .A.JMS:JMl:C>N x..a. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) THE TEST : P la.ce n. ca.n tt>p d own o n :t llot 15ton"' untJl h ea.ted, thrin r e mo ve t h e cover n.ud sm el l. A chc1ni~t w ill n ot h· re. quicer.1 to d etoct tbo prosenco o f ammo nia.. JAMES M~LEAN , H amp ton, ROBERT MOON, Oronu, A[Jent f<>i' Clarke, A gent f or Darlington and O<irtwri.ght. COUCH, JOHNSTONi CRYDERMAN have recently bought, a t Rock Bottom Prices for. Spot Cash, -OVE RDOES NOT CON1'AIN AMMONIA. ITI KEALTllFULSESS rus NEVElt BUN QU~Sl"IOliBD. In· mflllon h om es f o r a qu n.rter ot a. ecntur.r U ha· atgo'1 1lle consumers' relia..bfo test, THE TEST OF THE OVEN. P RICE DAKl NG P OWDEU CO., JIAXEBS 0 1' Elovon Thousand Yards (or about SIX MILES) of Dr. Price's Special Flavorin~ E xtracts, Dr. Price's Lupulln Yeast Gems T . . ·lrn111e·t, moat delltlnu· aad 11al11ra 18 1 no,. kno·n,a.nd Wh i te and Grey For Light, llenlthy B rcn.d , The De:st D1 ·y H op Yeast i n t h o ' Vo1·Jd . FOR SALE BY CROCERS. C HICACO. ST. LOUl9· LIGHT HEALTHY BREAD COTTOIS ·--------- ----~· ~iPRIC!S ~V.Y././4' The best dry hop y east in the world. Bread raised by this yeast is light, while and whole8omc lik e our grandmot her's delicious bread. A.s the manufacturers will not supply another yard of these goods, except at an adva,nce of ten per cent with every prospect of a still fu rther advance, we advise our friends t o lay in a aupply of Cottons without delay . YEASTGEMS P R EPAAl;O B Y T HI: COUCH, JO HNSTON & CRYDERMAN, ~ .:s&h5!! One Door West of Post Offi c", Bowmanville. MANN'S SEED SOWER AND HARROW COMBINED. ADMITTED BY COMPETEN T J UDGES TO B~~ CROCERS SELL T H'EM. P rice Baking Powder Co., 11an'Prs o f nr. Pric e's spe c 1 a1flavoring "Extrac ts, THE BEST SEEDER ON. EARTH.. THRE E I M PLEMENTS IN ON E. Phlc aso, 111. St. Loui s , Mo. · 1 CURE FITS! I bnve m n do t ile d tsc :i.eo o r l""IT8, :F:Pll...EPBY Qr ll'J.\1..L1NG SICKN J.;.r.;S a life-Ion s- study. J. warrau t my rcmetl J to 41;ur., t he w ora t cusc w ·,oth ers lmve foile d to DO r~MOD for WI.Len I say co ru l do not 111~11n merely l o Atop them fo l· a Um o n.nd t he n have t hem rcturu ai;ain. I 1.m.·11.n ts- r:idhl3 l cure. n o t no w recci ving a cm·o. ticn ·I :i.t QDC O fora.trent u;e nlld& Frco Do ttlo o f my l11fall!Lle remedy. G l vo E~prcH and l'ost. Ollicc. i t. coat :-( yon n o tl.l.lut; (o r a trh:il , a u d l w llt (; yon. .! dctr e.ea lJr. U. 0, UOO'l '1 1 83 l)c:.i.r l St., JS'e w Yurk.

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