tsm ·rERMs :-$1.50 PER A NNUM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIBST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M . .A.· JAME S, EDITOR AND P:n:OPlURTOR. NEW SERIES, NUMIIER 346. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1885. VOLUME XXXI . N UMBER 11. Nevv Carpets ... ......... .............. at Nevv Lace Curtains ....... at New Cretonnes ..... ............. at Ne"\V Prints ............................ at Ne"\V Satteens .. ...... .. :........... at Ne-w- Dress Goods ............at A large stock of McClung's. McClung's. MeClung's. McClung's. McClung's. McClung's. $50 REWARD! .- . YOUNC MAN LOST FROM ORONO! VVith dark hair about B feet high black tache very intelligent looking Roman nose . . forehead with p1erc1ng black eyes dressed in a first-class suit of black clothes w ith light pants and brown plush vest · wore new Persian L a mb cap and fur gauntlets. \/\Then last seen he 11.ad a spanking span of gray geldings before the Corner Store, Orono, attached to a pair of bob-sleighs loaded with parcels of Dry Goods, Hardware, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Crocker~.r, etc., all bought at right prices. Note some prices-10 pounds o .f Tea for $1.00. H'h'ds of Bright Raw Suga rs . . coming in. Don't forget to call. It is a pleasure to show our goods. CORNER STORE, ORONO. NE-W- SPRING GOODS opened during the past week. NEW COODS ARRIVINC DAILY. W"e expect our stock· will be COMPLETE BY THE 15th INST., and we respectfully solicit an early inspection~ NO Taouai.a To snow coons. Sales made for ·cash only. WATCH! fo1· the Bi.RGAINS given by We prize the S'!'A'l'KSMAN more and more, As weeks and months roll by; Dr. D e 111·y Baxtet"'s ltland1·ake Bitte.t·!f a r e a sure cure for l!' or social worth and matter pure, Costive ness, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, lndige..tiou, Diseases of the K i clneys, Torpid · ·s ubscriber ." Y ou can o n It.rely. Liv<tr, Rheumatism, Dizzine~s, Sick H e adache . L oss o f Appe tite, Jaundice, A pop le· \ Ve ure sor ry to r e port Mr. John Clayton's it1on ·to be cons idered dangerous .... .. Mr. xv, Palpita tions, Eruptions and 8kin Diseases. K eep the Stomach, Bowels; a n d cond 'l'homas Ward is nble t o be around ag ain . ... .. . Digestive Organs all in w orking e rde r, a nd p e r fec t h ealth will be the r e sult. Miss Annle \Vhltlock, o r <.:onrtlc!!, h a s been Ladrns and others s u b j e ct t o S ick H ea dache will fi nd relief a nd permanent c ure b y visiting here, th e guest o r Mr~· .J. l~lliott . ... . . r. Geor ge a nd M iss Martha R iggs, or l~nnlsthe use of t h es e Bitters. Being t onic a nd m i ldly purgai.i ve thev purify the blood . M killen, w er e in t own Sundu.y .. ... . Mr. and t Miss For sa l e by all d e aler s in medicine. H ,mry, J ohniton & L ord, "Proprie tors Heel, Mr. a nd Miss Anderson, and Mrs. AnderBurling ton, Vt. ' s on uf Janetville, we rn visit ing here this w eek, t he guests of Mr. andM1·s. Michael Cr yderman, . .... . Miss Cynthia Cryderman is v isiti ng friends in 'for onto thia w eek ., .... Mr. J oh n his store and examine his new Henry; Johnsto n & Lord, Pro prietors of ·emoved from Scugog S treet to Mill J ewell h as1 '"Mill Cott age." Walter w ill be handy, stock of Oloc]IB, Gold and Silver A1·11ica and Oil t~i11i111 ent fo r Man and B east. The b est exter n al Street. U ncle Joh n .. ..... ltev. Heo. Browne hati been Watches, Jewellery of all kinds, reme dy for Rheumatis m, N e uralgia , Spmins, Bruises , Burns and Scalda S oia tica quite indis posed t his week, bein g unable to tak e liis work on S abbath. 'l'he Hampton P raying Backache , Frosted F ee t , and all other p a.ins a n d A ch es. It is a safe 's ure lland took h is ap pointment here Sunday morn· Silver Plated Ware, &c. effectua l R e medy for Galls, Stra.ina, S cratche s, Sores, & c . , on H o r ses. ' One' trial ing ...... H implement agen t~ ar e a blessing. w e will prove Its m e rits. Its eftects are in m ost cases in stant aneo u s . E ve ry b o tt l e can claim the blessing , h a \·m g no less t ha n l st ,- all JivA m en . each claimwarran t e d t o g ive satisfaction . Prices 25 cen t s and 50 cen t s p er b ottle. Sold three in ou r mic ing t o h ave t he bes t seed drill:-everywhere. The " Noxon" is a beauty, The "Beaver" is the best; Ancl C. claims th at his or a ll useful Impro vements is posHessed . quar ters for wedding presents. The 2Gth of F eb·· the d u.y of polling on t he Scott A ct, padsed off quietly here. One of Ot! r Nice wedding rings and large ascitizens was reported to have bandaged lus m outh and ears in order to a void c ontro versy. Others w ould havodonc well if they h ad a dopt· sortment of finger rings. eel the s ame pla n . ..... Mr . J. L . .Br own a nd children assisted by Mr. Denoon a n d l\'rlss 7tf. Bow m a n v ille, F e b . 11, 188.5. Helena Cryder man, Mr. 'l' . A . Brown, tea cher, ~ Cartwright., Messrs . ]'.It. and S . B row n,. Bow· m a nvill e Hig h School, a nd Mr. W . M a rt.In, Hu.mpton, with Mi~s Ada Clark a s organ rnt, rendered g ood se1·vice on a programme. at Solina la st Friday .evening; t hey also a~s1ated_ at En n1·killen. March 3rd. aft er the m<luct1on N THE M A TTE R OF MESS R S . service, at the (evening's entertainment, fully PALMER &. SCHOFiJ!ll..D, Newcastle. , (N sus taining t h eir previous r e puta tl< >n. Notice \s hereby given that Messrs. PALM:.l!JR Sr.ow Bov . .& SCHOFII~LD. of t he \Tillage of Newc astle, C ounty of D ur ha m , ~'oundrymen, have m ade a n . a ssil':nment of L hei<' estate and e ffec·ts to ·w. RlCKAR D, or the Village c f Newcastle, il1 1 ENNIS KILLEN. tru . st for t he benefi t of the ir cr editor s ; and that =s~ 4111 persons having cli.h u.s agi.inat t he m are l NDUC'l'IONOn Tuesday, th EI 3rd inst. , t he requested t o send in their nnmca, residence, Presbvtery or Vihitby m et at !Cnniskillen pnr· Rnd full par ticulars of t beir claims, with suant to appointment, and was constituted ~· with pru.yer bv t.hc Moderator, v ouch ers a tt1wh ed. nnd ·tatuto ry decla ra tions . r ....,, the Uc\'. Mr·, proving the sa.tn e, to th e n Hdersigned on or '--' Carmichacl,?f Columbus. 'l'lle llev. J ohn Mcb eforn t h e 2nd April, 1885. Mechan , of r-ort Pet·ry, conducted Divine\Vor· 1 ship, ancl prcnch ecl an able and appropriate P·~~~isc:s i~i~~~~~;g ~r~n ~~~t~;~:t~a.~~aT~~~l~ I ser mon, taking as his text Itev. x iv, G . After of tho said Messrs . ?aimer and Scb ouelcl, as ! ~ t he preliminary service t h e Moderator put t he Boon a s possible, a ud that after the 2nd day of r:...... question.s of t he formul11, t,o the mi n'lster-ele~t, April nex t, or as soon thereaft.er a~ can be &::""""' a nd bavmJl:' received sat1atactory answers, <ltd .effected. t he said Trustee will uroceed t o dispose by solem n prayer indu ct h im into h is new sp it· of the assets of the said Palmer & Schotle ld , ,..,,.. ere ofjla!Jor. The charg~. brier and broth erly, ~ a m onp; t ho par tles entitled thereto. havinit to Rev. A. McLaren , was given by t he Rev. Mr, regar d only to the claims cf whic h notice s hall McClellan·, of Ashburn. 'l'h e H.ev. A, l<'razer, h a ve b een given ; and that he will not be lia ble ,-,.. . of Or ono, followed with a characteristic ex,,.....q f or tho asset s or any por tion th er eof s.o dishortation t o tho people, givini::' much plain, t ribu ted t o a ny person of w h ose cl!tim he ahall poi nted, and sal utury advice. In t he eveni ng n ot · lu.tve ha.cl notice. the new m inister Rllil his wife rccoivecla hearty Newcastle , Februa ry 25, 1885. social welcome. The attendance at;tlie cxccl.· 9. WM. RICKAilD , Trustee. Jen t T ea was very lar gl'. The speeches and m usic were of more thu.n average qua lity. Ir. addition to the local speakers. the P.e ' '· Prof. M.cLuren, or Jrnox College, 'l'oronto, delivered a n admirable addr ess. A very pleasant beginn· ing was t h us made to what we hope will prove a u seful pastorate. NoTJi:s- l:!y th e boun tiful r epast s fumished to a ll comees by the l adies of the congrega tion 11Jainly show thut th e Ii.dies ttre never behind a nd t ha t lhelr hnuds have not l ost Lheir cun· ning. Choice music was interspersed by Mr. Pope, of Bow m anville, on his Zith er and Mr. I. L. Brown a :nd a large fam ily he had colle ctW ill be mailed j ed for the occasion. 'l'he ch air was filled by ·w ull applicants FREE~ .and to customers of last ycur w1tllout H.ev. A. Frazer m his· nsua.l able m anner. By .orderin~ it. It contu~ns lllustr~tlons, prices, his m any quai nt a nd b nmorons remarks he descript10ns and d 1rect10ns for planting all added very m i.terially to the interest of the ocVeget i.ble a nd l<'Jower SEED S, DlJLBS, etc. casion .. . ... The new pn.stor b egan h is labors WINDSOR, Ontario. here by a very ins tr uctive ser mon on Sa bbath ----·-· . ...k..·----~- · - - -- - --· - . ·-·- - - - ·---- - - · -- - - . , -- · · · lli'l'BOl'r, llitlobl1·a. 8th inst, t he text was 1 Eor . 2. 23.2· 1.25 ·.·· ·· On I Mr. :P. J . Osborne, su ccessor to Mr. account of the lllneas of the Re v. G. B rown the evemng servicea in the Methodist church ·w1LSONIA M AGNETIC APPL ! " :::TOUS E AND LOT IN HAMPT ON Vanstone, has already made a good begin- w as conducted by the Hampton and Enniskil.. . u.nces for t he c ure of chronic diseu.ses ~.L l!' OU SAJ,E-A comfor table farm dwell- 1 n i n g in a business way. H e is del iver in g lcn bands. a;good meeting was· held ...... Th e without m ed icin es. Send for circula rs and ing on w est side of Main ~t., Hamp~on . Good fio . u r a n d feed all over town at the l owest sale of the Providence a nd JlJnion Church ;pamphlet. CAMERON 'l'RULL. Agent, u s1,1a.wa stable; ha r d a n d soft wat er; spl en did orchal'd . . ,' , property was fairly atten ded on· Saturday 7th P. ~ . ~~ and vogct..ble garden . W ould make a comfort· cost pnces. H e 1s a lso pa.y mg the lugh - inst. The churches solcl at a l ow fig ure;. Orable home for person w ishing t o retire. F ull est prices for a ll kinds of i·rain. Call at gans and other art icles a t a fair figure .. .. .· The Methodist church here h a, ·e pur.ehaBed a piece particular s from H . ELLI01'T, Jr.· H a mpton t l , B . ill 1\lr'll a' k h is ' W e offer M en 's B l ack W orst ed suits M. A , .JAMES, Bowm anville; o r Jos.'l'. KNAl'P, i~. owmanv e uLl an , ma e ac_ of la nd from Mrs. K n ox and mtend erecting. an .from $8. 75.u p. .Ellison & Oo .. Enniskillen, S-tf. quamtance. 4 tw atldition to their shed a t once. fill. \fl fi1} Ti\ fi} IDf) I fil J.l liJ fil ill ~ is a. positive cure for CouJlha, Colde, Crou p , Whooping- Cough , · Catarrh, HoarseneM, Inllue n·"" Spitting Blood, B ronchitis, Asthma, Lung Fever, Pleurisy, and all d iseases of th~ Throat, CJieet a nd Lungs. As an E x p eC.t o rant it has no equal, Consumption l "' b e en cured tune s without number b y its t i mely use . It h eals the ulce rated aurfacue and cttre3 whun all o ther r emedies fail. Fifty -six y e a.rs of const ant use has provud its virtues, Every family should keep it in the house. Sold every w here. · Henry, .Johnsto n & Lord , Proprie tors, Burlingto n, Vt. N. H. Down's Vegetable Aalsamic Elixit· C. G. ARMSTRONG. S OLINA . Mr. }~Hiott of K ingetoo, comm onl y k nown ·gc n umber of a s " Old Mat" h a s purchased a la1 f a t cattle in this vicinit y at a low nrioo ... , .. M r··John 'l'rull v urnoaes building substantial house next snmmer .. .. .. Mr. and Mr s. ' Va.Jter J . 1,ani1maid has r et11r ned f rom th eir I wedding t our, looklng '·Gay ancl H appy" . . ... . T he ~ervant girl scramble i s about over for the season. M ost of the farmers wbo mu·t have them are supplied at a so mewhat reduced pricf! .. .... A g rand m usical a n d litera ry !es ti val is to be given at Zion on th e evenmg c f the 18th of this mont h, u nder t h e a uspices o r th e choir f o1· the ben efit o f tho c hurch. Coffee is to bo served and ,. ··Provision Bttg-"give11 to each individua l, s ome of th e best talen t in tile v icinity l1as b een secnrecl for the occa sion, with o th ers Mr J ewell or \Vh itby and Mies Tayl or of E nnis killen . Tho Do minion Organ Comp any l1av through Mr. R use, kind ly otfered on e of their b%t piauos for tho entertain m eut. OCCASIONAL. LOCAL NEWS LETTERS . HA ll:IPTON B1 VFIMLJJ. The Jeweller. S ·TOP at ami HEAD Notice to LOOK OUT FOR BAR.GAI NS rn J:t> Credit~~;- = ~ t-3 I IC Z IO I I =s · t:tj fl:t t-3 ~ t-.:3 '(JJ f:9 t:Q 0 q 0 UJ. 1 ttj All Wool Suit ----··---------- - - TO ORDER FOR 9 DOLLARS, s_;:Ff.Rff.J. MADE Well Trimmed and Well Made. ..\~iP."!..t!!11_/ft~l ff Gents' Furni sh ings of all k inds. JOSEPH JEFFERY. I D m FERRY & Co I :Mr · .John A.sh ion h!U!boon v ery Ill wi th lnfiammstlun but i· now rocoYering . . ... . Mr, an·d Mrs. Wm. Ma eon 8J)ent several dayR ;with frien ds In T oronto laiit weolc . . . . . . Mr. and M rs. R , Pn.sooe ha Yo boon v isiting frienls in Mariposa. ,, .. .. Sever :.! run .. wu.ya luw e occurred a.round h ero lately. \Ve would adviee young men to tic th1ti:r ho1·soe w bilo t hcy1 make prolonged calls ou youn {l la<l l~rt .. ... . l\ir, Wellington .Nicld ery has returned from Muskolm whero he 1 1as been apllndin11 the winter .... .. Mr. 'l' Kirby. Bowma nville. !U!Sist ed the ;Prayin~ ~and .to <;>onduct services Sunday evening .. ... . l he eingmg eohool Ii progreHai ng splendidly under theahle management or l\1r. Chas. Ituae. .... . . Mr. Sam. Bray wa R married on Vi' ednes~.ay to M iss Susie llra d·haw. s ister of Mrs. lhom ss Bn·dley, E aai W hitby, 'l'he cenimon:r took plu.co l\t the r eslaence or the brides father Hear llraMrord. We w i@b !::lam . a nd b is b riclo nlllch joy and happiness....· ·· While Mr. Olbork Wilbur, Hon of Mr. '£hoe. W ilbur.of Da.rliugt~m. wue passing tho Geneva e&w mill wit h a grist M iesSalter, ofBowmanville, is visiting f riends of i\onr in his eleigh a n d when Pa ·sing a te am in this neighborho od .. ,, .· 'l'be people of Solina bclongmg to Mr. l:Cdward Colo tbo hors~s shied reel proud of the m ajority that wus rolled up 8 .n <I on e of t hem ran against ,. . s h1np piece o! in this section in favor of tbe Sco tt .A.ct .. ... . timber o n ~he lo!(pllti a tth6 side of tne road Messrs. Werry, Ward, and Baker, h ave sold runnln~ It mto hl~. brea~t ll~ut a foot. 'l'ho some fine h orses to l\lr. Geo. Btmtel .... .· Mr.A. , horse clie.<l almost mstan, ly. l be anim a l was ' Ver 1y has been visiting frien ds in this n eigh- va h1ed at a bout $300, borhood ....... 'Phe open Division of t he S. of 'l'. OoTLAW. or this place was a success. "Punldn Ridge" was acterl w ell. 'J'hc m usic was im mense. Mr. GOUR'l.'1 Gu I. L . Brown a nd t rou pe deserve great praise .IJJ. for .their !1-Sslsta nc'.l a nd the m anner t hey sang Mr . ' Vm , Courtioe.sr. BUHU.lnod serious lnju r;y t~eir choice selecho!'s· With s!lveral . r ocita- I one clay lilHt week by falling from a loitd or hay, t1ons au.d other music by the ~ ohna ladies a nd s t rikin g the lu·rcl ground on hls shonldera. fortile Y }olm music by Bro. W. ' annest .made t h e tuno.tely no hones " 'ere broken .. ...· 'J.'heMtseee even m g pas!l :".er·y pleasantly .. .. .. 4 m te a large I But cher and M ies Brownscombe frum the lad i· numl>er of.cnu dren went f rom t h rn place t;> es college wer o v isiting triends in Conrti<:e last Hampton un Saturday last. to t l1e , ?h tlclren s wee!' and wero 110 delighted with the kind at meeting m th e Sah:a.tion Army···:·· 1 he Poul· tent1on shown thflm tlmt they promised to re try Com pany of this town are m ~ear~~ of peat their visit. Do ladle", a nd bring alonf more p ulle ts. X ERXES. some orlour frlonds, th ere w ill s oon he ubun - -- - - - - - -· clu,nce o egR:s m aJJle eyrnp, and other goo< CA RTWRIGHT. t hmgs ...... W6werewrong laet week in off 1r eport of 11r. Sta.Jter's mill. ~~ ls rnunli;ig to it :\fr. ' Vm. Coulter. or the Com nuircial Hotel. j full cap ..c1ty .... .. Inopector Il lley vl81led ou finds it convenient., and w e presume, profitable,. s ch9ol on Monda.y and a lt er a c~reful exam 1 to lease a ror tion ot his house to ,. gcnt.lom a.u natrnn reported eve;ythlng s,1tt1sf&ot!lrY . . .. . . engaged In d isposing of a bankrupt stock of .Mrs. Albert Hnndle 1s quite a1ok, bcrng con mer chandise· . , . ... ~ir. John Hodgson. mer· fined t o tJ;~ honse \Yitl1 inflammator y r heumu c hant , formerly of this place. but at present tism .... _.. lhe fir~t marriagelcoremcnoy pm doing business at Cannington, inspected the r~rmed l1l the parsonage took ph1coo11 Tucsda~ bankrupt stock n ow on ·ale en bloc, h ere ns ll lhe ntunes or the con tracti ng pcrsonQ wor o no prospective p urcha ser. The gen tleman named reporred. Jll!lN, clid a very large and Bnccessful business here i for sever a l yen.rs an d we li ave no doubt of 1 S A XONY. bis hearty reception o.nd aubstant io.I success · shoulcl lw return to this ~oca.lity as successor to I Miss '.l'rull of Port n 0 f . · it· Mr,vVm . P arr .... . . An1mmense 5n ow block-i , ' M" F d i r ry, 1s vis mg r :e11d o.dc of t he roads leaning north an<I s out.h 11ere.i···· . t. re Bon,q1ntendstogoto l\110h through our t ownsh ip occ1u-recl on Monday gan Jofore lonr~ ·.· · ··· I he boys had to pn nigh t last. Mails were stoppoil runn ing and a rathe« de~; for ~hoi~ oysters Ia.st woe>k. 'l'b genernl suspen sion or t rafh c took place .. .. ,. oysters nrc gchtrng like t he crowd, about 01 'i'he adjou rned concert. h~re on T uescl,uy even· of sea son. · ·· · · · We h·we i~ our rnldet an. a11 ing proved liki: its prcclcccseor, a f\na.ncia.l fatl- bitlo~ .s young man who .oflers to cu t hmr .f, nre , .... , Still t h ey come, !Onngsters in nbund, one. t i rcl ot C he 1:~nal pnce·. By a ll ~ppcra.n,~c ance especially to t he east of us ...... \.Ve are he~~te;:ds to take to bar berms for hfo . ... . . 11 g lad to letir n or the Kradtmlrecovery of a. young yo g . um who got stuck In ~be sno w bank c son of l\iaJor Hughes, of l'rfanvers .,., .. Young ~1o~day need not tr~ to k~ep 1t a secret,. 'ls I McGill of .Burton was still alive a t la st accounts 18 " .ell known .... : · 'I here is a good opci:ung f, . ..... 'l'he Nesbitt estate wiis sold by auction ' a P,111 ct1~al housekeepei: in this !ocality, ~s ti at Williamsburg last week, in detail, each Jot baclle,lor h !;\8 P~t of! his !namago u~~d fa r ealising a sum in o.dvan ce of the npset price· ..... _. . ,~r. C~ 'l r nll ·1s rlomg w ell in \,, ilaou . ..... Tlte Scot t Act excitement t1as about died l bttsmcss .. See ca~d, .. ... . Wo haYo a ch~e out. · we have !war d or a con9picnous fe w of l m_n:'ter "'.1th us 0 0".MIOn!llIY of.Jato. Doubt.·.e very irate indi viduals cooling down a s becom- 1 h " ~~wcr kmg u p his bnB lll· SS for the com11 e8 sensible men who have fong~t t hrough son<>on. Lll CHANTUN, sile ntly arul earnestly in aicl of t h e doomed ' caus e. '!'h e Scott Act Campaign will be long ; MA PLE GROVE . remembered in Cartwright ..... . 'l'he Parr Stock is still u u disposecl or .. Mr.antt Mrs. Wru.\Vright On Tuesday evening next, March lith inE or Itlchmond Hill, spent a few days visitin~ at Dr. Campbell's t his weelc ... . . M r. Wm. F 1elcl at 7.30, the Hev. E . Hoberts will deliver I intercstin.g, a musing rrncl i nstr uctive Lectr is ill. "To t he P ews" in tho Maple Grove clrnr< 'l'here will b e inst rumen tu.l and vuca.J mu UlWNO. rendered Buitable to the entc1 ·tainrnent. Th Tho members uf Orono J;itera.ry a nd Musical e ts- a.dults, :We. ; child1·cn, me. A ll a.re c· dially invi ted. Society spent the evening of Friday, 6th inst., very p leasantly a ncl profitably . 'I'll.ere was a good a t tendance of members who by the c los· An elast ic ~tep, buoyant spirits, al eBt attention showed t heir appreciation of t he cl ear complexi on, a r e among t h e ma following ex cellen.t prog1·a111:-Instr umental T piece, Miss E. Ha.II and Mr. Geo. l ·'er gnson ; desi rable n·sults of pure b lood. reading. Mr. W . Mor risof!; song, Mr. Geo. Mc· poss e ss or of healthy blood 11aa hi11 facult Dowell; readillg, Mr. .iames McConna ch ie; I nstrumental piece,. Mis~ McConn achie ; read· at comman d, a nd enjoys a cle~r and q u i init, Miss Brown; song, Mr. Geo. Wu.ddell; perception, which is impossible whe n t r eading. Mr. H . Chapple; g lee, by the club; i nstrumental piece, Messr s .John McConnachie blood is heav y and elugghsh w it h imnu Ayer's Sarsaparilla is thtl · bl e.nd Geo. Ferguson· reading, Mrs. C:11rvetb; ties. instrumental music, M iss J ·mnie Colville; rec- b lood purifier and vit11olizer k n o wn . itation , Mrs. Geo. McDowell. A debate is a:v:vanged!for next Friday evening . W e are reducing price:s to 1rnit the tim E llison & c~, New Lace Curt~ at M~Cluug' ~. j I I l j I I I