lll\l!WWWii~~-----~--~~~···~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :Dm~·~-~~-~~ ..~~· - ,. --- -~~ ~~~ January 15 and Dec. 1, 1884, which made ] FINDING HIS JLNFANT. SON. 4541; pounds of butter. The old Test&· . · h f TI1e llartl J:lo1·t une nn Aged F lnl:uuler D 1ecu11s. ~g t e mnnu ac' ure of bone· Found in 'i'ltts Countl·y. 1iltmt will be published at ~aster. A.baut Chui-uini:. d-n~t, P rof. J. Konig .ehows that when .About two and a half years :-:i.go J acob Herbert Glad:i!t-One will repremmt tho Many questions are asked' in regard to bones, .previous to grm~ing, are freed Kam&le, a young Finluuier, arrived in trouble in churning. The main trouble from fa~ b7 treatme:t ~1th· be,v~l, they o.a.Iilornla, and found employment wiLh a 1mblic-worb office in the comm:ms ana with thoee inquirere fa that they do not. are purified from ln0 red1en"s 'II h1ch have vme·i.,>Toiver. He soon, however, bei;iame Lord R oseberry in the lordt. · use a thermometer. To attempt to regu· no agricultural value. . i1111ane, and word wa11 sent to his father Mroe. Charlot.t-e ft Sainton Dolby, t hn - MANUFACT'UllER AND DEALER I Nlate the temperatur.e at which the butter " N eutr.al Srock" iB thfl term a Chic.ago in Finland, and in due time hie father emimmt oon\ralt,() singer, is dead. She 13hould come without the use Df the ther- rendering eBta.bliahment applie11 to !ts arrivt>d and started with his son for New was born in Loud.on in 1821. Mink, S. S. Seal, Persian Lamb, Hussian Lamb, Beaver and mometer [s like trying to ~u across the lard, which is prepared and sold for York on their ~ay back oo I!'inla.nd. On Sir Henr;" Gordon, brother of a.,.u, Atlantic without the aid of a compass. m11.k!ng country butter. "Imitation ihe night they started, the aon, who did Otter Muffs, Bows and Caps. ·T rue, some people do churn, and have creamery " we prHume, iii! the name the not recognize the father, disapper£red. Gordon, inti;ncfa to colfocb and pubifa.b always done ao, without a thermometer, ruixtnre will take on when it get11 to the He WM found, however, and did not en- th.e hem's lettars and writing~. but they do not belong to th~t class which counter of the retail gro:J'6r: cape again until thefr aniv11J in Pliila· Prince Ferdinand Colonna a nd h ie s ells at the higheet pricea. To churn pro· Pcofm1sor Il. Monk, a worker of aome delphi.,., A se<,-ond time he was found, wifo are going to R ome, where a reccp· perly, the worJr".ehould be done at a temp· eminence in r.gricultarnl chemistr:r, says and thll J?air conbinued t.heir joumey to tion in .to be tendered t hem at court.. chan Jackets, and Gents' Coon Coats a specialty. e raturo of sixty-bwo t;o eixtv·five degreelil, that moderate mmicul81r exerchrn on t.b.e Je~ey City, wher't they were to tii.ke The ica yncht Zigzag, owned by Ivlr. and if this ie done there will be less com- part of cows inorea~e11 the yield of milk ship. This was about a month ago. One MITTS and GLOVES in Beaver, Persian and Rt1 tsian J>laint about foaming of milk, and the hut that violent motion . hinders the pro'. e_ Vtming aft~r the, old man had been ait· Higginson, made ten mUes on the riv-er delay of the butter coming. If the tem· cess of mllk secretion. Dairy farmers ting with lnll llon ma saloon he gob up iu.1d below- Poughkeap~ie on Saturday in nine Lamb, Kid, ·w ool and Hair Saal. p erature is too low add warm water to may turn hie remark. t<> profit. started to go to th~ir hotel. He waa fol- minutes. .rail!e it; if too high, uae cold water. It District Inspector Alma Smith, of the It Is now ruiaerted that the r,r->mmon lowed by one of Jemey City's gang11 of HOBES.-Buffalo, Coon and Black, W hite and Gray Jap. is a simple matter, bub without a ther· e!J.rthwol'm ts the cause ot the g.~·~e para- hoodluml!l, who knock~d the old father Dublin police force, has beeu appointed mometer no degree of temperature will elte In ohlcki!. Jn examining earth·V"orma aensele111S and. rob.bed him of all the.money i.n commi.nd of the now dyr..amil e detec· ho known. Anothor fault is to churn t oo from a gape-infected district the gape he h~d on tlna aide of the Atlantw. .At ttve force in London. rapidly. Bnttor requires time, and the p1m1aite was fomid to be coiled up ln Urn th~ firet nttack of tho gang, the B?n, n~ A canister filled with a substance sup· White, Regatta, French, Cambric and VVool Shirts Bra~ lYork muet not he done with too much of atructnre of tho earth-wo'rm, and on feed- ter1pg a ecream of fright~ broke !rom hui a rush. It is done when the globules ing chicks with such earth-wol'mlil the fathe~ 1s grasp and fled. rhe P?hce ~_gund posed to be dynamite, and a partly burned ' tuae attached, was found lately lll'&r the Ties, Silk H andkcrchiefa, Collars, Cuffs, also over aiJ appear, and should not ba worked too dfoeaso was at 01100 produced llmong the tha father later, and care~ for him.. \), h~n magistrates' x-oom at the Woolwich polioe much afterward, although it should be brood. · he. had recovered. com1c1ousness it was · choice lines of li'ancy; Plain and Ribbed Under~ court. well separated from the buttermilk. By Probably ae cmriou· an article of ex:· cvlde.nt to the police .thv.t J;ie was ~!moat all means get a dalry thermometer, which porb ua is often carried in an ocean frant10 to tell them smn ethmg, buu they D uring the fu:uoral of Jules Valles, in clothing and Cardig:m Jackets. will only coat you fifty centa, and use lt 11trmmer WM lately ta.ken out to Now Zut\· could not underntaud h11:1 languag.e, and P!!.ds, faiene entered t he premiaes of immmer and winter, even though your land. It conidsted of a consignment of could not even tell what lru:i~uago it was. Gabriel, t he jeweler in the Avenue dtJ grandmother did uot uee one. ,, bumble-bees." At pre~ent dover does More than twenty-four hoi::1a efapaed J:>e· l'Ope:ra., aud ntole jewela vaiued i.t 800, · · not "seed" in that country though fore a man _could be found m Jerfley·Cu;y 000 f.i.mos. Poultry Su.~~gestions. Highest Cash price paid for Raw F urs. it grows readily, because ther~ are no who co_ uld m .erpret his nt.ory. Then he The llte~mer W er;te1mla11d, of the Red If they are cared for, and always have bumble·bees to fertilize the flowe:rB. The was ~indly cared for, and aei>rch Wll.amade Star line, which waa l.n a. co!Ht.ion last - - - ~- ·· --' --~ clean, wholesome q11art0rsand nob Cl'owd- importer hopes that the bomble-bees will for his s~n. He could M~ be found. Sundfl.y, has put int o l'l;yrnouth. _After The o_d ID\1.n sent to 1:mlav.d for more completing rep;;.ira aha will sail for New ed, poultry will always be healthy. lf a sa.ve him $5000 a year in clover teed. . money, and in the meantime resumed J.he fowl merely acts a little "cranky," do For qual.ity, the. Polled Angus ; for search for his aon as beat he could with - Yo1·k Fe-b. 21. not imagine that it is sick, and commence --OF-Cincinnati has under dU!cusaion the size, the ~horthorn; out money, friends or a .knowledge of early m&tur1ty and _ stuffing with drugs ; simply remove it to for ~ra.ss beef, the Hereford ; for general English. ' b11iJ.dit1g of an elevated l;>elb railroad a pen some distance from the fioc ll:, -and Toward the middle of last month a around the city, the length of whloll Vo ill let it alone a few days. If it proves to ut!ht~, the Devon; for butter, the Jersey; for milk, ~he Holestein ; for cheese.' tlie story was P,ubliahed that r· my&t9 rion8 be ~eventeen mil;;a, and the eliltimal;ed be very sick, chop off its head and burn it. For cholera, a etron" solution of Ayrshire, for cold, ~he Gallow~y, for person waa frightonlng women iu New cost $5,000,000. The pope i.s m.ouming the death of hypoaulphite of soda, given three times a heat, the B~ahma, ano. fo~ 1:tarvat1on, the Brighton.. Staten hlit.nd- · '.l'wo women day, in teaspoonful dosos, is probably the Texas. This is t,he wa;y it was put by l;'n who were palllling St. Mark's place one Cardinal Maccabe. Hi1,1 holin~aa l:'efueed best remedy we have. For gapes, dip a old deal erand breeder to the Texas Live night were pounced upon and frightened to see M ichael Davitt. It fa ~bated that . 111\lf to death. A family living in a 10110· he fear'13 England would deem ~n audience feather in turpentine, and Insert it into Stock Jo.urn<.U. Dr. D10 Lewis says that some years ago ly street were sitting at supper one even· with Davitt, under the present circum· the windpipe. One applicatton will generally cure ; two are sometimes nece~sary. he laid a t~cllf!and feet of paper pipe, two ing, when a tapping wa.s heard at the stu.nceil, an unfriendly act. Dip scaly lege in kerosene two or three lnchea in diameter, to convey water fro<n window. A head of shaggy hair and a While the barns of M1·a. T. J. Fult.on, times. A little sulphur mixed wlth the a spring to his house .and barn in the grinning face wa.s see.a peering into the of Bethlehem, N. Y., were on fire lately, We will b~gin a Great Clear;ng Sale of our immense 1toak countrr, It. has never le~ke~, and lui.s room. They acreamed and the face disfood once a week in winter, prevents Georgia ll'alton, he? daughter, entered packing of the crop, and irregularities of never imp?irted any perceptlb.e ta1ite to appeared. The intruder could not be th1:1 building and untied the halbern f'·f of Dry Goods. a.nd Clothing. We quote no prices but m t he bowels, caused by over-eating, a.ild the water. This pipe i~ made of ~trong found. It fo abo said that thie ie t.iie m"venteen horaes and saved them from the constanb production of eggs. Gravel paper wound into pipe form and tr-amp through whose hat Mrs. Gm:clon the flamea. Each horse waa,led onti singly ars'. ;.certain our customers will be surprised at the :sweepii~· and coarse sand are neceBsary for the thoroughly soaked in tar. It becomes seni a bullet from her pistol. At all and the taak would have been a difficult digestion of food. Crushed bones, old so hard and strong that it will bear a event.a, the frightencr of women was fin· one even for an 0xperienced horseman. reduc tions in every department. ally arrested, and was sent to t.he Kings plaster, lime, etc.,· are necesaal'Y for the pressure almost equal to iron. William BaHou, who went to the Ida.ho Mr. F. M . Wtlson_ ! of Sel~~· O., ls county penetentiary for vagrancy and formation of egg-ahells. Cayenne pepper in amall quantities, mixed with the food qu~ted by the Natwrw:_l ~toc1,!t0lder all di.i!orderly conduct. He could epeak mines in 1863, and from :whom nothing occaaionally d:::ring tho winter, promotes behoving that the pre;,nil~ng idea that little English. Although his answers has been heard for 19 yeara, returned sheep require more vem1iat1on than o~her Wllre wild, it w&s concluded t hat he wa.s hozne to Sprinufield a few daya since egg-laying. Fifty hena will eat and trample down etoc~, is larg~ly erroneous. He.espectal~y not really iusa.ne. He would not tell }.is with sufficient -wealuh to keep hia family In the Tailoring Department in good ciccum&t<mces. Ile wa.s supposed half as much graes; if yarded upon it, ca.nt10na against suc~,v~n bilation ae will name. to have been dead, :md hia 11'1ife long a,go a dra~ght. Tkey had better About ten days agG the oid man who produce llcry tempting bargains be offered. -VVe mean to pnnre as will keep a cow. A. coop of small chicb i n the garden will destroy nq em>rmoue be out of doors tha1!, In a house w}th a had been robbed 1n J"ersey City called obtained a divorce on t he ground uf de- · He had heard llhe W31'J raa.riied sertion. dr~ught through it. . And -~-a belie~ee upon Dist. Atty, Gallagher, of Richmond beyond dispute t hat we cannot be undersold. numb~ir of bugs and worms. Do Dot permit yoUl' poultry to forage upon your ~)1a~ such,, ~xpotiure fa wh11u produces oount:y, and introduced himself ai; Jccob again, and 110 never made himi;elf known. stiffness in 11heep thati are houaed at Ka,rnele. By the aid of ail lntez'prnter Tha last of t he priaonerg hkon dudng neighbor's farm ; lb is a mean, contempt_ he related his ~tory, and said he believed the Franco-German wa1: have juat left able trick, and often practised by men night Ayl~~bury, Enf:land, d~iry farmerl!I the man who had been sentenced to p?ia- Gennany. Some Turcoa, who, during l3owmanville, October 16th, 1884. who would re:sent it if accused of petty t hievery. · Ducks and geese prefer to ha - been tending milk m_&de from, cows on for frightening women was h is crazy their imprisonmenb, ha(\ killed a keeper have their nests on the ground ; some fe~ ~n enstlage, to a milk condensing aon. He wan aent tio ()row Hill peniten· by w horn t hey had bef'ln badly used, imd HEALTI--1 ALLT will not h,y :i,nywhere else. Place, theh· factory, and_ the con~pany find so much tiary in Kings county, and therehe found who, in c<>nsequence, had been condemned to im.pr.iaonment in a fortress, re:11ched nestij in rows along one side of the hon.so. t~ouble . with the milk that when the that hie !!Uapicions were correct. Li.st week .Tuetice l'rr;tt ordered yl'illng Cologne the other do11y from Wesel. They and separate thllm with t.hin board par- tune far. making new contracts_ comes round, milk will bl'. refua~d tha~ la ma.de Ka.rnele to ·be released. A romitmnca were dressed in new uniforms, which had t itions. by COWB fed on ene1lage. . rhe New York had'arrivod from Finland, and father_r,t!r,l bee-n sent t o them by the French -Gov~ ~ta~e condensing factori!;)S _ have l~ad a son aailed for home on Saturday. ernmont. Live Stock Notes. Sllll.illilr exp arience, yot eninlage 1nll&. is .As a miner ento1 ·1"<1 o;:ie of the broo.sts ----·~---'l'hia fo :1 trying month for live ritock, pronounced by the city m!lk pe<ldlers as THE PILLS of the Hdlmau Voin coa1 mine with a of the very be!lt quality, and they will need extra care until the Au Antidote for (Jbolera. 11<1,k edl !'mp, on 'l'uesday la.8t1 an exploP urify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the From a aummary of auct-.!on Balas of v~11\;ures produces imffioient herbage. All A discovery hu been made in reg~,r.d sion toolt plMe, sprcacHn1~ into the gang· animals 2hould be kept from expozuro to pedigree cattle compiled by the Breedl!'f's to oholern., nii,mely, that marriage fa a ways and other pin·ta of the mine. A ]J~JIVJC:!R, S ~lr® l'Vl!A(Jflli, li:U)Nf.EY§ A.ND BOWJElf~S, the long, cold storms. W o have seen Gazette, it appears th&t 7500 passed under prophylactic so far as men are concerned. large number of miners wen· at work, a many flocks and herds that ·were obliged the hammer in 1884, bringing a total of Recent statistics of the cholora in France numbe'l.' of whom were f!.e riously injured,. They invigomte and restore t o healt,h Debilitated Constitutions and are inva luable in e:H Oomplaints incidental to Females of a.11 Ages. JT'~r to be in deep mud continuously through $1,880,000, or, 1u>y, $250 a bead for all thow t hat married men are much leas 1md one, James Solomon, was killed. Cluldren and t he aged they nre pricelese. the spring. The yards should be properly ages. Shorthorns brought $200 each ; liable to be attacked by cholxea th1m T w wounded v.l'e Dti.niel R ichards, thigh drahi.ed, an.d thti floors of the checli> and Herefords, $376 ; Polled Angus, $376 ; bachelom. In a population of 100,000 broken; J ohn O'Donnell, arm broken; TI-1E OINTMENT feeding-rooms kept dry: Horses havo Galloways, $312 ; Holsteins, $264 ; men between the ageli of 25 and 50, 51 Harry Greibel, Ha.rry Dur.l5ton, -William heavy work at thi8 aea~on, and need to be J eraeya, $314. With all t.he breeds, the unmarried men ditld of cholera while only Eustfoe; Harry .Jenkins, William Heed, Is an infallible re_medy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wound 15, Sores fed and groomed accordingly. Much de- pricea, at private sale, were firm during 18 married man f0ll victtms to the dU!· Thomas D. Jones, Thomas S. J onoa, and and Ulcers. It is famous for Gout and Rheumatism. For disordere of the - Ches t it h as no equa!. pends upou the driver; let him be patient the year, in spite of financfa,J dopreasion ea.me. Batween the ages of 30 and 35 J"ohn Williams, wno were i1ll Beverely and !'entle. Fretting horses are never and the outbreak of cont:i.gioua diaeaae. the mortality from cholera was 78 among bm·ned. -'Foir §011.·e ~ll'hroat§, Brouchitiis, U1i:mgnfls, Colds, doing their best. Milch-cows thrive whon bachelors and 21 among married men, and 'I.'he r~ondon News haa an account, kept clean and fed with an a.bundtmce of Glandular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it bas no rival · and rtor between the ages of 50 and 55, 167 un· which it say11 ia authentic, of the r ecent wholeaome food. Let the milking be contracted and stiff joiuts it acts like a charm . ' ·'mq,rrfad men and only 37 married men b k j C Th -,;r· fi di Chbroform will remove pai11t stains 0 i\lng , done by careful hands, otherwise new n ng died. It fo thus evideDt that in time of out rea n orea. cowa will be ftpoiled, and old ones dried fr0m clothe11 when nothing else will. cholera the married man has more than himself threatened with personal danger, Thfonufactured only at '.l' H OJ\LAS HoLLOWAY'i; Establiuhment, Few women realize as they might !;hat three times as many chances of life as the applied for aseis~ance to the Japanese off. Earl;v lambs, with their dams, need warm pens. As t.he daya grow warmer, with due care and attention, and if taken unmarried man liaa. 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON; Minister. '.l.'he Minister brought 150 Japanese soldiers into the palace. Two t.he ticks get more active. Dip the infect· in hand promptly, moat men may be No attempt has been made t o explain days after this the Chinese r.nd i'abeii:: A.nd are sold at ls. lid., 2s. 9d ., 4s. 6d., lls_ , 22s. , and 33a. each Box or Pot a!ld ed sheep in one of the preparations sold trained to habits of order and neatness in may be had from all Mediciue Vendors throughout the World. ' this remarkable fact, but it is not, on the opened an attack upon the palace. '.rhe for the purpose. For lice on ca.Ives, pigs the hou11ehold. Tr:y ill. .t'.lr'Pur£hasers 11ltoul1l look ut the L."lbel on tile l'ot~ nnd Boxes. If t11c ndtlresc whole, difficult of explanation. Tlle J apanese fought bl'llvely in defence of the and fowb, nothing fa better than grease Always be careful to tme earthenwal'e i i not 533. Oxford lilU·eet, Lnndon, t.Ju1y arc spurious. or kerosene. Speak now for June pigs. dishes for putting .,way gravies, soups, marl'ied man lives in circumstances much palace but t hey warn at laat overwhelm.~..,..=:=~~ ..~~~~!!!::~ Give brooding hens clea.n nests, with food eto. Pt1Jr~on11 have besn poilloned by care- more favorable to ·health than th~se in ed by sheer force of numbers. The ~~\S~.!!'!'.!f.1'2._~~~~~~~~cae~-=·TM=C!::: clorie at hand. Be an "early bird" tn lef!lm011s i:u using for such purpoaes met.al w.hlch the bachelor ~1vea. For !ns.~uce, , royal family in trying to eae1tpe were the apring.---[Amer·ic. !!.n Agl'ictlhurli.;t. veMelil which. containtld verdigria canaed hw food is better~ for lie has w e to taken prisoners. 'l'he Japanese Mlnleber he. buys then retired to Samulpo, the J v.panese by the a~tion upon the metal of vegotablll l.iok after i~, and m many ca~ea hi· meat, ht~ groce:rlee and hu5 v:ege.ablea ooiony. The whole trouble was caused Pre1mre fo1· the Hatching Season. acida. h!r~1elf, wher~s t.he nnma.rned man bv the <Jhinelle ·of_nino- the rebelB. Rust nmy be removed from at.eel by daily . The tlroo "ie now approaching for tho riak! his d1geat10u at rostaurante or " J ~ covering tho ru~t,ed part with oil or fat, trl. Jias recklessly with it at b(lP.,:rding· _ ____ __,,,,.,...,._.,_,....... _ __ _ mtereated pooltryman and tho thrifty lettiug it remaln ~everal hours, and then farmer who think~, &nd righly, that fowll! houee ts.bles. The m&ttlrd man.'s lir1en properly inanag(... 1, are good paylng i-.tock wiping vff with a wit cloth. Then rub and sheets are properly i.ired, :11nd he fa Ona was a devotee ot 1Wlb.lon ar.<d on the farm, to make prep'.\l',\tiom1 for the with " mixture of two drachms caustic made to change his clothing whe.n t he ilT"f ~ ·eia.ther changes, to wee,r rubber over- pl~~.u:re. 'I'he other was a pals-faced annual uetting of eggtJ a.ncl hawhlng of ~oda and four oune~:;i opodeldoc. Leave w ehoa11 and to go to bed nt reM<irmhle woman, who~e manner displayed grea.t chickens. It wlll not be well for t·ho~e. this on ten m!.nuteis and iub off dry. When roasting a chicken or small fowl hours, ,vherwa the bachelor has no one energy. She held in h er laud a slip of having no warm place for the young nd p~,per, wibh which ahe m easured tuound cltlckB, to attempt. ha.tchlng before the U1ere le danger of the legij browning or to see that he is properly clothed, t> last of 1\:hrch orthe firatof Apdl Pulltitn becoming too h&rd to be eatr.:n. '.l'o aToid that he does nob rLk his health by k:~11p· the neck of the fair creature of fashion. " That will do," she aaid. co01ing out at this time lay in O'-'tnb<.~_r, t.hh, take stripi! of cloth, dip ther:n lnt.o lh i1ig unholy hour:i. .If a c"A.lrn f!'nme of mind and an abse1:c'~ "What ! you fi ~ mf dr!:!K!l by measur!ug Mld with good care, will continue to la.y little me.lted lard, or aveu juab rub them all winter, when egg11 art> ~cm'.ce and high, ()Vl'il:' with lard, 11nd wiad them around ·1f mirvool! dread con.t.ribnte t o e:x:empLion my neok f' "Tha.t I.a all I want," WM tho roply. :md ccckerelfl wm bring more for boilern th~1 legs. Rt>move them in timoo t<i alimr from chofom, t;h·.1 marrfod man is pecul· 1 iarly fortuv.ate, ln cholenb tio:ie the " Dear me," said the lady, "how at three month~ old thi.n when rni$ed the chicken to brown deliCt1.taly. litter 1tnd kt1pt much longer. Keiip ws.tdi The "Bo11t,on Hou~ekeeper" mer.t.iona moment th;; Tlflrvoua bachelor feelll the stl'al·ge." ' Gsn!lmetry is th>:l P.L\rn·~ d the eci: cf your fiockB, a0 thn.t the dif!'l:l1·enoo in as a curu for nervous head.Mlle a whture sl1ght,<1Bt pa!.u ho hegim i o fancy that h!:l W e hi:i.ve the EXCLUSI VE sale of these Watches, which cannot be fll th~ir dtspooltione can bo :not<Y.1. -C-ee only m&de of one qunrt of elder, three t.ablc- may have contz'.,icte,t the cholera, and hn ' u o.J," ~!1id tha h dy with the paper beaten for time. ,rnra. "The IJ)l~Lt>m of m.@arnr!:og t.he tho&e hen~ for r.itters tihat are quiot a.nj spoonafnl of white mu~t~nd s·.*ld, thi-oo of enda by frightening himself into a genu·it. 1 mt>v not inclined to be narroWJ, for they will burdock s.eed, and a l!lmall bor~eradish -attv.ck. On the ot hur hand, \dmu ;1 J.:mn.le figur~ Wll.S d!llcove;:ed bf me afte.r We have a reason t o be thankful for past favors dtuinO' forty yea:K 0 invariably make ourer hatchers, a.ll.d root, well ateeped together. To be kept married man ha~ a pain he mentions i t, 1;0 yea.rs ~f patient study Md hard work. I in busineisi> here. better mot;J1e1-;~. A hen that Is unea.ay in a '\rell corktid bottle and taken three his wife, who inarantly replies: "Stutt w;J.s t her; dr~ssmaking in Columbl.a, Gu·. , and.wants to bo off the llf.·~.t frequently thuoo a day, one rrlneglaioa full fo;: a and nonsen11e 1. You've no more i_:;ot the and Pron. Bartlett and Jfattle gave the. Now our stock is one of the largest in the Dominion and w~ will cholera than I have. 'Vlfhv l've j ust new r;cienoe the r:ame of 'gy-nametry,' during lncuootion. ~1apecially in the cold doae. weather of nprul.g, should not be depended 'The follow!ng formula fa taken from such a pain evory day in· t'.he week, " which fa mad'll up of the Greek worda on. Provide the hena with large, fhtt!sh the Scientific American for the benelit uf whereupon t he married m'!n ifJ enc.}urnged th~t meim fem~le measurement. The nests, and place whole corn and fre1ih those who wi3h to make thtJir own bak- and consoled, and straigb.twfty forgets the ru10s, .however, w~iuh a pply t o t.ue regarding no man, eithor J C\T or Gentile. 'tse he .really has symrtome fem.ale figure npply w1th H['la.I and abaowaiter each day nai." them. It ie most ing-powder : ..Powder nnd dry separ· cholera. Iu C necefl~ary to keep the neat and body of at.ely by gentle heu.t one-half pound tar- of the disease his wife 11romptly sendefor lu ie fo:rce to t he male fi~ute. " IF l~. l E I~ D §, n·~ IV~ ILi! ri JJ] ~I E $~ §. "Do you ~ean t.o.say tliet you oa.n. make the fowl free from vermin, for if they are taric e,cid, thrlle-fonrt hs of a pound of the docl;or and compele her husband to not, thal will not i>it quietly, and lab.Jr pure bicarbonate of l!!oda, and three- keep quiet an.d take the proper remedies, any d~>e·i!.o tit by ~Imply m.eMuring my and ogge 11;re lost. It cannot be expected fourt,hs of n. pound of potato farina.. but the unforbunate bll.chelor who ia neck'I" that success will follow attempts at hatch- Mix dry, pass throlllgh a ateve, and pre- smitten with cholera, aees himself desert"I do, ii I Bee you." ing an.d i~iaing chickens, unleas tho hena eerve tro1n air.,. ed by friahtened eervanis and is left 'oo "And if vou don t aee me 'I" and mofature." ..,.......,......... b . "Th I mu:>~ · t.. ' 1 0u have been kept in a clean and thrlity con· die or recover by himself. ' "nowth e mmumre o, M. llerhert h~s sent the .Academy of your neck, t.iH· m.coure of your w!lli~t, and -----'-""'_ _..........--.- dition during the winter. Filth cauaes which toe is the longe:;L1 · weaknoss and breeds diseaae, and the pro· Sciences, Parh·, a note on tho earthDry, pure air, oays M. D. J\hcalmm, "De1\r me ! "\Vhy do you want to duct, if any, of a slovenly kept fiook of quakes in the r.c.mtl]. of Spain. He saya fowls, will always be weak imd unprofit· that these disturbances, the mosb aerioua has no action upon mercury. vV11,tery va· know which toe ia the longest?" Cures D bzmcss, L oss o f Appetite, Indigesttan, Biliousne.ss, that have been recorded wihhin the hia- por, when alone, has al~o no action upon "If )icmr big toe ls longoat, your able in the extrems. Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the L iver and K idneys, horic period of Spatn, muat be attributed pure mercury ; bu~ mois) air will effect sheuldors are &~uare. If your second toe is longebt youi: shoulders are drooped, exclusively to local causes, and espcofol- the oxidation of this metal. P imples, B lotches, B oils, Humors, Salt llheum, Scrofula, AG:Rl()lJ:lLTlH!U.L I'li-'Elt!S. ly to the strticturo of the soil, which is The beat way of using old cro·wel and and the wai~t h correspondingly uhorter. Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from I rnpure BlfJed, A two·year·old native heifer, owned by there formed of second st rata, folded, silk embroidered chair backs \a to tie Drooping 1Jhonldera are those that elope D eranged S tomach, or irregular action of the B owels. Mr. John Donovan, Ipswich, Masa., is overlapped, and often traveraed by old them in a loose knot in the centre and from the neck outward- not sbooped shouldem. "--Atlanta OonsUt'U:tion. reported to have given milk between and recent eruptive rocks. fasten them on the tops of the chairs, POH, THE FARMER. revi::l:~t::,::~:o I F U R S J R Q B E S ! f-IATS! A-YE Ladies Capes, Fur Lined Circulars and Astm .. GE l>J TS' FURNISHINGS. ~.S.-AU kinds of Furs altered and repaired. Gl~EAT CLEARING SALE DRY coons ANil CLOTHir~G' ON. SArrURDAY 18TlI INS11. ' ' Y!in1'er Clothing will be offered extra cheap<) will ;;e ELLISON & CO., FOR l"f 0 '1JJJlr 011/ll4 ROCKFORD AND AURORA -W- ArJ: C I-3: J:!l S_ Sell Cl1eaper than the Cl1eapest, w u rn ___ .. ~· -- Wedding Rings in great variety.