~~it~c<li~ A~~~~'2>lum~~~~~~w;,~~111?~rJlll'.1ii!E~ W'llmm?.r;~~mi1;vrn\l!ll'rm<:t;rnii1mri'J11:~~..JNA.'\!!1~1.tw.'!!'l.W~~~n~~~AIJ!lill!llW~R!Z* .,""'"'~· Pian~osTuned .._.. & ·W 1'1'c p ...... Ne Yatla "\V@man wbo~e Dang!ite r pontinuestodo aGonerul Banklng Buainessa. ARTIES WISHING 1 R Ern P I ANOS lta s · &St,Y ccldcd t h e l 'riuccC:ol<umu. itailo wmanvillo. Branch. Tuned or repaired can haYe th om atteoded ·g0 proportion of tho diseases whleh A la1 . to by leaving word at tb e D()MINION 0 .RG.AX 8 oin» twenty odd y earn <1,go t here d welt D I!: .PO§l'.ll.'S "'tuse human suftering result fl'om derangeC:o's Or..ICE, Bowmnnv ille. A fi.rat-ol a e man in Ci.lif·lrnh a family of t hree perwua, Re~oive~ in Savings Rank DepnrLmontand ment of the stomach, bowol~. aud liver. <iow being in their ro nlo '. fatner, ·~"loth ':lr, a.nd daught;er . T ile latter onl1 and mterusLallowed n.t current ratee N AYER'S C..1.rUARl'IC P I LLS act di rectly upon "':srJ a. m~ro child. .All were young. T h.e notice o! withdrawal necessa.ry. All deposits these orgam, and aro especially designed to p ~yable on <l.~mand, eure the disease9 en.used by tbelr derang<>fat h or w:.s a physicfart. U.o.fortumt~.t1lv mont, including Constipation, I ndigesa e inj ui'<,id his llOG v l!lry extensive prac~iCt> E XC H A NG E tion, Dyspepsia, Headache, Dysentery, by intum perll.nco. H is habH:.a became so Hm!ghtand sold and Drafts issued uponlC urope. n.nu a host of other ailments, for nil of dwsip"tt::d tha t the pooi: wife , d esp·1:1iring Umterl Stntes and Canada,bonsrht also Gold, Silver United Sta~es Greenbacks and sold.and wh.ich they aro a so.fo, sore, prompt., and of hlll r.iformation, and al:!o of tile poa~lploa.~an t remedy. '.l.' he ex t ensive ur;e of these bility of iud epeuaeot a\c tion on her own PI LLS by eminent physicians In regular prac79 QUEE N ST, LONDON , E . C. , tice, shows unmista.kably the estimation in Promptly mode at current r9.tes upo n oll/aF~ pii.tct to tKCure eupPQrt for herseH and ot G re:1t Brittain, the United States an De· which tlley are held by the medical profesW ill be glad t o correspond ·w ith child , proposed a uep:i.r1>tion. 'fh e man minion of Canada. sion. ~gr&<d to it ; c ut he waa n ot pu t out hke Apple Growers, Merchant s and These P ILLS 11re oomponnded of veget,'tblo 'I'eicgra ph. 'l' ransfor~ Rip Van Winkle. He wali i>b11ured that ~nbstan ces only, and are absolutely free from Maile for large or small sums on all parts of Shippers, with a view t o A ntumn while he lived ·hfl would nev er ce1 1s13 to calomel or any otllor Injurious Ingredient. Canada. Thia is eepecfally advantagcoua to b.elp h im. and t ha r, "\I" h en ho mend.~d h is pel'sons living In Ma,nitoba or the NOrth·w~ .and Spring busines1:1. A Sufferer f'rmn Ileatlacllo writes : ways th<>fr old relr.tii,ns should be reas it m akes the funds av&ilable at once a.t the n AYER'S P ILLS are in val uable to m o t a nd place or payment. stored. Ile depru:tt.l(t to cure htmseH, if i ero my constnnt companion. I !lave oecu They will also gi.ve t he usual a severe su!'terer from Headache, at1d yom' J.>i>~sibl ~, and become '1110l' t.hy of t.he ST RICTLY !'URE . For further particulars call at the Banking PILLS are tile only thing I could look to House. facilities to customers requiring a dIY'<>mi.u who, sMel.y he~ ~t, u ndert.ol>k thu for i·ellef. Ono dose will quicklv move my 1'. BRODIE, GEO. McGILL. bowels !trHI free my head from pain. Tiley ma in tenance uf t he fam ily. Encour11<ged HJUlfllLE SS TOTHE rnos1 D ELI Cf.Tt::. 81-70. vances. Accountant. J\f:a.lia.;l&r are the most elfectlve and the easiest physic by his w1f.,'s.p rayer11, le.t ters, a.nd heroic ·Y I have ever found. It is a pleasnte to m e to O ·W1du1;t, t he doctoc red ~·e me<l himself. ~peak in tl.1elr pra.iaa, and l always do so when occasion offers. ..A..T T HE BOWMANVILLll: A.t foaat ha tb.oughr. ""o, and his poor wi.fo W. J,, P 1' GE, of W. T,, P age &, llro," ww' wore th"'n will ing to ooliave it. He Fmnklin S t., Richmontl,Va., Juno 3, 1882. It approaches so nea r a specific L hat "N ine ty~ rebi:;.rne<l t ·.1 h e.r b.ouJ<> 1'nd he1J;n, "!lf·a rmly fi VC J>~r cent are TJt!'! IHU ll(: n tJy c;u rt:d where lil t! "I have nscd A VI?R'B l?rr.LS in numberAgent tor d 1rl:!ctions are st ri<.:tly co m ~ l itU with. welooroed back to hoth. Unluckily , Jie less hm tanceil as recommended by you, itml There is no che mi ca l o r otliL!r i1 1gr e<l i e nts tu - ANDhave never known them to fail to accomplish h3,d t,i ther misCll>: c ulat~<l hia 'f<'ill Ji<' Ner, ha.rm the young o r old. &.ha desired result. ' Ve constantly keep them or the demon < ;f 1mlaigenco Wit.I! 11imply (A L L S IZE S) on hand nt our home and prize t hem as a ple11Sa11~1 safe~ and reliable family medicine, M!loop, an d hy no m·.mn ~ dea.d wibhin him. -Guaranteecl to give tlret-cltlss satisfaction or As an E.'ll:l°:CC'l.'OlU.K'l' it 1',.:.c u Equ:i.l. FOH. D l SPE f SIA they are l.nvahmble. He ll'enu b1Ack to 11i11 cups, a.nd very coon no ea.le. Also J . 1'. liAYES." Will be found a large st ock of Styli~~ lrexfn, Tens, J nna 17, 1882. t l"i.e skel<iton finger of poverty wali 11'id i f contains no OPIUM i,'! cny f orm. Good and Comfortable Canadiau. upon bi.ii dom~tic aifoira. T b.a devot ed Tl1 a. RllV. FRANClS B. H .AnLOwE, writing fl'Orn A llaiitab GCJ., says: "For soma years and a ll otber kinds of i30LD EY ALL DJ1J CGIST3. wife, uuwillm!..( to undertake an expert· pnst I have een suoject to constipation, mental sepa:raticn, and unable to r emain plte of the use of rnedlfrom which, in B FARM IMP LEMENTS. cines of various k i nds, I sutt'ered lncreuslng wher e ahe wal, determined to t ry what made especially to suit the wa.nta of \Am .. & (~i:m·EJL) Inconvenience, unt il 6ome months ago I ch 11n~e of JSCene· wou ld do for this mieer · began taking A YEn'S P ILLS. 'l'bey liave looality which will be sold' on the mo8' -Orde:rs by mail will receive prom pt attention, SO LE J\GJ.\ i\"'J'S, able man who natur-a lly kimi, talen ted, enth'oly corrected t he costive habit, and roasonable terms, Our havo vastly lmprovOd. my general health." .Address, W. H. PIPER. Box 101, a.nd wholes ome, saemod to be in11anely JY.!:ON 'I"R E ..l.~I, _ BROOJ{LI N. AVER'S C.lTII.ARTIO .P ILI.$ correct irregn~o. abandone .. to t ho devil of etrong ch-mk. .&;-ricuUural linplerneots larltles of tho bowels, stimuiate the :ippeJ uau ab this crfais r umors had reacb.ed the put season have given the best aat'fllt. tite and digestion, and by tbe!L· prompt and Oalifor oia of the Comstock lode discover y, thorough action g!vo tone and vigor to the faction to all who have used the111. E T AKE PLEASURE IN INa.n~ thi th er many of tha .mining popola.ti~n whole pllysical economy. FORMING our numerous ps.trons and drifted. Acres~ the S1erraa t o Virgint!I Ha,s r eceived her new stock of W a are now getting oat a. large 8tock fw that we have j ua r eturned and now others P REP.ARED 11Y Ci ty tbi· little and moet wretched family have for sale a very aupor!or lot of E nglish next se;i.son of he foll owing implemen ta Horses, twelve ot which are ca,retully selected journeyed. Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sbire·bred heavy wei~hta. The doct cr pulled hlmiielf t<igehher for a Englieh MOWERS, Sold by all Druggists. We also have · sorne ot England's !amoue a nd invites the L adies of B owfVhile and did som!' bu~inetis, b u t hia Coach Horses, fi ne and blood like, with weight, PLOWS, health wa~ gone, and very aeon he di_ e d. style aud action second to none. man ville and vicinity t o call the wonderful P lease call and examine, we are prepared to H AY TEDDERS, YOUNG, All experience . Widow and or phans were lef t in t he very Hell at terms convenient and prices rii:;ht.beaetlcial etiects of and see her Pattern O LD, A ND CULTIVA TORS, logues ; correspondence solicited depth n of povtir ty. The generous miners Write for cat & MIDDLE- A:yer' s ~arsaparilla. .A.. F ANSON & SON; Stables I37 Richmond had cltAbbed toget he-r to b ury the d octor. I RON HARROWS'. Children with Sore Eyes, Sore The:v made up a p urse for th e mother and St. West, Toronto, Ont. AGE D . Ears, or any scrofulous or ~yphand assortrnen t ot illtfo t a int, may be made healthy and atrnn{l child from t i.ue to ti me, and thua save d by Its use. bot.h from utter deprivat ion of food, Sold by a.11 Druggists ; $1. six bottles fo1· i)F~ ahel her, and raiment. Tnere was at that will be ready for spring trade. time, superin tendent of one of the mln eB, STORE:-Secoml n oorwest of l 'fiUJ 11m s ll\ stmdy1onng I rish man , who, from t he 1Bv.teke1· Stnll V l lowe11t rounds of t he ladder, had begu n to push his we.y to fortune. He was not of every description always on ha·d,. COST ON LY $ 2.00 AT - ·· -c - '"'!lib then more than moderat ely well off, and lict.le dreamed of the Mon te Criot o casket '. filE L A.W 01' FINDL.~G. in store for him. H e used to carry t he Clrim.mstances U ndc1· Whi eh the ·AJ>ticlc wa<akly o· e mont hly atipend t o the wid ow, NEWOAS 'l'LE. 48-ly. B Cllongi! &o tile iliJl.dm·. and his visits to her b e-came more and The Jaw of finding is thla : The findsr more frEqttent. A.t lasb he mar ried her, has a. clear title against the whole world and her days of fear on the score of except the owner. The proprietor of a poverty were over. She possesBed a wellcoach or a ra.ilroad ca.r or of a. shop has t o·do husband, who was the master of h is <1 corbain t o make h!!I way E'l C::Al'tTA.J., sn,ooo,ooD.,,,,_ 1n ;s T , $ 1<10,1100 no right to demand the p roper ty or pi·e- posaessiona, a..-1 mfoes. Sach proprietors may make regu· in the world. But in the da.va of distress I T his Bank is pr epared t o d o Legit!- lationa in regard to lost p roperty which the unhappy woman had resorted to tho Save money by buying your goods at !:: m l.lo t o Bank ing i n aH its branches. will bind t heir employea, but they cannot morphine habit, and could not, of her F ar mers noteB discounted ; Deposits bind t he publio. 'fhe law of finding was own effor t , relea,s o herself from it. A - ::ra"Yreceived and I nterest paid o n a mounts of declared by the K ing's B ench 100 yea.rs young physician at V irginia City, who $5 upwards in Sa vings Bank Department . ago, in a case in which t he facts were hii::l r ecently grad uat ed in F rance, iul:flr I am fully prepared to attend F unera.ls on these :formed her tha tJ if Bhe would vl.1:1it Paris D R AFT S the shortest notice, at the lowest possible rates. "A. p risoner found a. wu.llet cont aining and put herself hnplici tly u nder th e ca.re Caskets a.nd Burial Cases rea,dy on short not!ct>. I ssued and Collections m ade in E urope, ;t-clas8 hea,rse on very moderate term~. a sum of money on a shop fioor. He of his old m11st er there, h er cure cvuld be ,..·ouds and C:ofllns constantly on han d. F un Unit ed States a nd Canada. ~ral cards sup11lied at once, ~·urn it uro Shop&; OJIJ>'ICE- l'linriloch n1·o~. l!lloel' l ·iteBanU· han ded the wallet and contenta to the gdaranteod. While the hmiband remained shopkeeper to be returned to the owner. to uncover, with the preeent j r mior Show Roorns- Bou.naall'sNew Block. I ' · .All rnrniture sold by me ls made by the U. c: tu g omee o f Jones ~" Dobble. After three years, during which the Sen a.tor from N evada, t he rlchegt silver Furnituro C:o. of Bowmanvme. I do not buy W J. JONE S owner did not oo.11 for his p1·operty, the d epoeit the world has e ver known, .he slop fu rniture and represent It to have been / · 7 · ' ' finder d em andt<! the wallet a.nd the wife cro2eed the sea.s and sobmitt<1 to a Jljade by tho U. C. F. Oo. or this town. TYnmo. Xovember 13, 1ss.a.. ~ Also agen tfortbeLI·QUOR TEA ror this town m oney from the rihopkeepar.. The latter rigorous medical treatment. It waa suc· ~~=--===:::'.'.'.==-==~=='.="=-::========~===:--==-:===~~ a,nd v!cinity. It is cheap a,nd as goo<'.l a,s ?au be refused to d eliver t h em op on the e:round oossful aft er many months of end ur ance, got .in the market . A. valuable prize 11;1ven tha.t they were found on t he p remises. · Moan while, t he famous California and · - - - - with every pound. The former then sued the shopkeeper, \ Consolidated Virginia m ines were p eno· c.nd (t WM held as abon set forth, thab , t ra.ted by t he husba.nd, an d the worldE~TABLIS HED IN 1847. aga.inst all the world bu t t he vwner, the ' renowned bonanza, of which he was ti!Je of the find er ia p erfeot. And the ~ principal owner, ma.de h im at least forty It has no slmreholders to pay dividends to, finder has been held t o stand ln the plaoe t imes a millioll e.ire. The wife in Paris Managed by and solely in tho interests of of t he owner, so that he waa permitted now perfectly cured and blooming, at within the next NINETY days t o wear H A RN E S tS made a~] the Policy holders. to prevail in a n &otion against a person once rose into prominence a.ud celebrity, H a s l'll:ul e l'llany Clmnges . who found an article -which the p laint iff for how could the marvel ·loving Parisians ~ l'1 .A.~' had originally found, but eub11equently help adoring a woman whose talents an d - - -(0)- -rolld es non fol'fcttaMe~nnd 1mcontUHonal . loot. The police have no special rlghta beauty were matched by such fabulous C:aslJ. nonus Puh l cvc1·y threc ,_ years, in regard to articles lo.st unless those wealth so romanticall.y d iscover ed. For righta are conferred by 2t a.tute. R eoe!.v- years this lady, wh o is no other than Mrs. A large and well assort ed stock of first -class H arness on hand, both ers of artiolea found are t r ustees for t he John Mackey, has been a silver qu een in Join t Life Policies. for Team and Carriage purpm1es. Also a splendid stock of Horse Though a double rlsh but one premium ls paid owner or finder. They have no power in the moat splendid capital of Europe She Blankets, Goat Robes and Lap Rugs for fall and winter use. the absence of apeclal st at ute to k eep an ha.a lived in palaces. Noblemen and men for two people. Amount of pollcy drawn a©"'J 'llE l'OP ULA.R"M Call an d inspect the goods. 11r tlcle agaln, t the finder, any more than of f{enuill have paid oourt at her shrine. vn first. death. the finder has to retain an artiole against Now all Paris and therefore all the Trunks and Valises in st ock as usual, a lso Saddl es, Whips, &c. Spp,cial I n du cements to Total .Abstainer...~. the owner. nni verae, is In a fermen t over t he ap- All g oods w ill be s old chea p for Cash . W. H. MAY "" ' , , - . . . - proachh1g marriage of Mi3s Mackey and H.AS RESUMED BUSINESS Gr aftin g Fr o:ts Flesh into Hu- the Prince Colonn". The d rift ie n upli alASSETS O"\'Elt $ 1i, OOO,OOO. man, ly to R ome , the city of the sonl , and t o - -IN- INC:OMl<J OVER $1, 0C>0, 000.,, .A new use for t he frog ha:a been disoov . Ioalian nobility. It is a miraculous $100,000.00 deposited with th e CanadianGovero ed. A med.lea.I correspondent of the Lon· bridgin g of the ch~~m t hat lies b etween mentforbenefitofC:anadianpo!icyholders. d on L ancet nayllthat, find ing the treat · th.a mining guk h of tha N evad a MounNEXT DOOR TO T llE EXPBESS OJ>'FH:E. ment of granulating wounds by l!kin tatns and St. Pe~;er's Chur ch, where - -(o)- graf~iug is i n country practice liable to ¥tands in 1mpernal splendor , " the grand .. INl' ES'l'ED I N CAN,lJU, $ 000,000,()0, lfi1" My Stock comprises all !nee of Ladice fall into disuse through the unwillingneaFJ est dome that mortal hand has painted & Gents' FineGoods, Ove1·shoes, Rubbers, &o. HEA D 0 .l!'FlOEIN0AN.!1.DA:- MONT R EAl. of pa.t ients to pa.rt with th e It.::t le bit of aga.1ns" · G od 'B 1o ve i· t k " Li·tt l e did 1'\I..[ l eB ll Y· IZf" 01 ·dered Work and Repairing will aa F or particulars r efer to skin neeensary, he h.a.s labely been induc· the widow of t he wr etched doctor of to try experiments with oth.ez suootancea V J.rg1nla City imagine t hat she would usual recei ve prompt attention. E , L . LIVI.NGS'110NE, a.s a su bstitute for human grafts. .As the fairly roll in wealth, dwell i n palaces, be t:iJ' My customers and the public generally GENER.AL .AGENT, outcome of thelie experiments he finds courted by Ohuroh and State, be familiar · are invited to call and secure unparalleled POR1' HOPE, t hat bits of skin from a decapitated frog ly as~oclat'ed with the p roudoot names of bargains in Boots and Shoes. m ake gl'aft s which admimbly amwer all tho d escendan ts of the crus!M!er.n, and Cr to agtints throughout the county. 48~se. purpoooo, forming a sou.roe of !Upply al· fhu lly b ecome t he mother-in-law of a D AV ID D A VIS. ways at hand in t he country excep·b d nr - Prince Colon na, who11e noblliby dates The Best Oil in the \Vorld for R eapers, 1\t i owers, Thr eshers and Bowmanville. March. 6 188~. ing the wintar months, an d being easily back almosb t o the t ime of Salarlin. T he applied t n aooount of their uniform family name is af.l famous ae any in h is · all fast-running Machinery. F or sale by all D ealers. thickness, and neoee3 itating no pain to tory, and t he h eir of the Colonna family Pumps Cheap er and Bet t er suffering humanit y. The skin of a single Is, a-t 27 years of age, to wed the daught er than ever. frog yields gi-art a for a n enorm omi ex:- of the poor d octor who ren by the wayside tent of sur face ~nd preserves lta vitality in N eva.dg,, a.nd sleeps hia lm~t sle\·p b The Subscriber having built a large nE·\l so long t h a.t if the patient fa at a dist ance that stony desert. ---~---~--P ump Factory in Orono, is p repared the portion of 11kin riqulred can be carried by the surgeon in h is pocket for an hour A Nihllist Shoots llbn f'elf to E s- -M .A NUFA.CTURER OF- - to fu rnishor more without in jury, provided i t ia cape Arr est. d;~~~d in waterp roof tillsue to prevent The poUce at Dor pan, in the southern Ru!ll!l:m Province of L ivonia, r ecen tly K I N G STREE'f , BOWMA.NVILLE, With or without :Por celain Cyiinder , d made an import ant seizure of N ihilist ic l:Ias now on hand a number of -vehicle~ (and is mnnufacturing a, grea,t many more) of the neweaa t he Best Material, on the shor test notio; A War ning t o Poets. documants. They included seven thonpattei·ns and best tlnieh, which I am .otroring for.sa le at the lowest pi:Ices !JO usistent and at the !owest p rices. " Officer, yon say this man wa.o drunk eand copies of a terrorist manifesto, w"hich with due regard to workmanslu p and quality, 'l'he lolluwmg LS a. list of the principal vehicles manufactured by me: on the D treet, whooping and u Bing d ang h~.d been printed on a secret p rellB and Cist er n Tubs and P umps s u pplied l),,nd quoting bad poetry to t he pMg<'>rs- pu ~ up i n envelopes to be aent to branch Double Covered Carriages .......... . ... ........ ........ .... ... .... .... ....... $ 200 Upwarde, oirganfaa.tiona o.od t o variouia local and imSinale P hrotons . .. ............. .......... .. · ....... ·· ... .............. .......... 100 " by ~" peria-1 officials. There wer e also several op:n Buggy ... ... ..... ..... .. ...... ... ... ... ................ ... ..... .. . . ' . .. . ... '7 0 Ii "Yee, sir." W ELLS CLEANED & RERAI RED . lettB rs wh ich proved t he complicit y of a "Ten days. " 'l'op B uggy ... .... ... ..... ..... . · ·.· ....... ·.· ... · .... ··· ..... ·· ···· .. .... ·· ... ... . 9~ " Democrat Wagon....... ...... .... ... ... ..... .... ........ .. . ... . .. . ... ....... .... 60 " B ut, yer Honor, I'm a poet, a.nd I st udent named l~ereloeff, who had formerly been charged with connection with L u mber Wagons..... .. . ... .. ...... ... .. .... ... ........ .. ........ . . .... .... ...... 55 " This Cut represents the popular Victoria do~l ;~:::?be sent up. " Nihilistic plots, bu t had been amnestied L i<>ht Wagon ... .... .. . .. .. .. .. . .............. ... ... ... ....... ... ......... . .... .-.. 40 Vlrave. It is dresse" d with the bair falling on " t)1.e forehead, and the ends meet in Montagues. E ;press \Vagon. .. ... .. . ........ .. ... .... ....... .... ... .... . .... ... ... ... .... .... 75 " Yes, sir . I'm the boss poet of thfo b;v the Government. A party of soldiers It is exceedingly becoming, and is having a TO GIVE S ATISF ACTION. was sent t o arroot Pereloeff. They found country, 1 am. My works ha\'e the larg· Skelet on ........... .... .. .... ... ................ ........... ..... . . . . .. ... . . .. . . . . .. 50 11 large r un. Sulky ...... ... .... ........ ... . .. . ......... . ... ... . ... . ... ........ ....... ... . .... ... . 40 u eat cir<'nl~tlon. E verybody, heeled or him at hia lodgings, but as soon as they large number or 'f he above style, with other equally becoming styles , aro n1ade by Orders by Mail promptly attended to. broke, tony or wa:y-down, has my poetry entered he snatche d u p a a pis tol a.nd Possessing superior facilities !or m_ a.nufa,cturing carriages, I intend to sell very cheap for cam 11hot himself t hrough t he heart. · In his cr approved credit , and by so dolllg I hope to great.ly increase my number of sales. \ Vould in his house. " MRS. A.. DAV IS,o sell the wood parts only, or the gearings of buggies ironed. ov M. Maver store rooms were fou n d, poison, weapons, " What do yon writeY" D OORS, S ASH, BL I N DS, PICKETS, "Yer Hono1~, I'm th e gentleman what m oney, a.nd a quantity of dyn amite. ABSOLUTE DIVORCES F OR gits up the poetry on t he comic valentines Many ot hei.> arrests have since been made. . persons resiclingthroughout the M OU LDIN GS, &c., kept on hand. for a big publishing h ouse." Umted ~ LaLes and Canada for desertion. non. At the Shortest N otice, Painted and Trimmed if Desir ed. "Oh, you are. Well, that alter s th e ,, etc snpport ,ll;ltOmperance,oruelty, incompatibility, Factory I also do Plt;i-ning, Matching, Tl.lrning and. Saw!n g with C~rc~e, Band or Scrol .,.. . .A.dvrne frne. Stu.t.e your,case and &dd reHe · · The greatent horaa,g e we can pay to At the cf<se. D id I r.ay ten days 1 W e'll call it 8aws and prepare 1111 kinds of lumbe1· for carpenter s and otuers for uu1ldm1~ purpnees. .ATTORNEY W.A.llD, Wor rl Building,1276 1 . truth i::i to use it. - E merao11. Ornamental and P la,in P ickets for fenc1s in every style re q ulred, made t o or<lH. 2i 1!3-ly, II ·· ii six month 6 ." Broadway, Now York P AYER'S PILLSQ I wuo :n:s nrn couN'n~ssi 'l ·1·1u~ itu..mL<\Y 1unuNcE. / THE O NTARIO BANK . PPLES APP LES. CHARLES DOHAlD & GO., W. H~PIPER, GRAIN CR USHERS CHAF F C UTTERS MHS I McTAVISH GOODS., B ONNETS, HATS TRI M lVI I N GS ]·nARR I AGE LIcEN . sEs P;u·lsl.an Lud7 Jto14ltlea n Beggm· h om. Jb:owning. .An incident ln ppened recently on thll Qil<.ai des l n vallde1. It is 5:60 in th~ <>V·mi.ng. Not n c~rrfage O!i.tl bo 0011.n, All w&a silent s.nd deserted. Tne count· ..sa ' cou pe appr ve.ol100; the trot of the t wo B tepporn ca.n l1ard11, b,, h eard on th ., 'lUnddy pa-i·emeo.t. i 'he outlpci aiiop.5. The oounta-a11 ~ll1o ,rhtfl nnd w· Ik~ Qh~··rt ~ ·· ~ distanoe. She 18 eoon 11coo8~ed, \'l'i&hout haviug setm h im oomlng, by 11. peuon who aekt for rum s. .At th.P.t h oul", i n th i11 1 hll!erre d oormir of Pari11, lihe m.t u mlly behoves him t o be s.n i.mposter 1.nd oon~inuaa hor promenl',de w"lthottt r eplying The me.n follom1 cloee behind, 1·eit.,rat.in11. hia tearful appti-als, t hat rafmi n famllfar with all p1·ofe115'onal bcgg:i.rs. She remainn 11ilent, "Then nothing is 1~tb for me but to dle," gro1 ms tho individu.-.l, a nd, runniug to the brlrlgo of the I nvlllll!des, which is only <1n"1 hu ndr od feet dhtilnt, li1 e o~imba ovor the P"'l.'ll.pot n.nd t hro11".J himeeif into the Stlille. 'l'ho ::10unter>11 hears t he n oi:!e made by th<t! body r~a it 5tir.ik.i1 the water. S'h . e in t urn rul)e th t1 di~t,.,1>c;., throw~ c ff her h&.t and ehawl, :amcl in the dar knet:1B plunge11 headlon g into the murky water, ln which t .lle poor unfortun&te, llll'eady ex:bauntad, 1 11 Etrnggllng feebly a few arm'!! length o:f.f. She eelze'1 him, drag" him out of t he water, hohui him up the 11t epB , stretche<5 hi m on t he ground,m!!.k c;i 11ure that he io 1afa 1md 11ound, 1lips 100 fl'anoo into his ha.nd, and re~u rn111 to her coupe. Bh e lo fr eezing, lter wet gar1I1ent11 cling t o her form, her teeth chatter. T he hol'S\.\lil are d\·ln n n.t a gt.llop to her reoi· dence. 'l.' he oome evenin g, acoomp· imfed by her hu11ban d, the counteis wM p re·en t ·at a grand ball. Nobody k new, nobody 1 mspect ed tha.t two or t hree houm p_ r evious ehe had riaked h er life to !!S.ve &·beggar, und er clrcum!lt11.ncea from whlch every other woma.n would W. ve ehrn nk. As u·ual, she was radianb in h.e r glor!.ous lovelin011a- eve11 more bea.tttifol, perhiop~, from t he refteot!ons of her great h eut, which 11hono in her eyes, a.nd wee.ring on hor br ow, with t he dfomond11 of her cot·· t·net, a more preoiona crown . The oounte1111 one of three young, pretty, and fa.ir-b.al red oounte.11~e11 wbol!e grace society admire11, whose beau ty lb· extols, and whcse illustl'iou11 name ib hon or11. Young, pretty, and fair- fairer to-day lba.n e ver. Ca.n't you g n C11s her name 1[ Pri,ri1.1 ..G11ulois. ..l. Titled 0 p . In ConsnmDtiYB Cases 11 Machine Fou n d r y CARRIAGE WORKSCutter s and Sleighs DAVIS LAWRENCE c o .I IMPORTE D HORSES. W a A co m ·~ Iet B stoc~ of Carria~es. PLOW P OINTS C. B . L OCKHART'S McClung &Darc h. ,::¥ ~~":JA)) STA~p~~~A~~-N K uNDERTAKI NC , 8' ATTENTIO NI L EV I M ORRi S. TYRONE' S CHEAP CASH STORE, I J AMES STRUT T, Proprietor. Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, P atent Medicines, etc., etc. BR ITISH EMPIRE M UTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE co., [THE FIRED DAV9.DAVIS BOOT AND SHOE MAN = NEADS' BLOCK:: FARAiE RS' ATTENTION ! 5 00 HOR S ES WANTED ]8[. 1.\1.1.: s H A RNES S SH O P , BoWMAN vILLE .. F -ARMERS I For your :Machinery use c 0 0 l:...m La ' s L A . ·R _D I N E M AC H INE OIL, Orono Pump Factory TM E VICT ORIA. H A I N E S , CARRIA GE S~EIGHS, w·0 RKS GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, PUM P S OF E V EJlV DESGRIPTIOM I ·---..--· C ARRIAGES, CUTTERS, W A GONS, &O.) ALL WOR KGUARANTEED D IVORCES R rER ij"°' u s0N All K inds of Vehicles li.ep aired I