S car loads of Salt-Liverpool and Canadian-·just arrived. MURDOCH BROS. New Prints at McClung's. SALVATION ARMY NOTES. New Dress Goods at McClung's. "'The (JanRdian Advance." a pamphlet got BOWMA.NVILLE S'L'.A.TION AND TIME. The curlers mwe had a fine winters' ont, by ·11 0 SA.lvation Army Comrnismoner for sport. Canada. Major 'J'. B. Coombs. is to hand. 'l'be commiP·ioner commenced his work June 1. GOING EABT noING WEST It is underntood thnt the o:ffer of miliMarch came in like a Iamb. Will it go 188~. whe n thflrewere 41corps, 30out·poatsand Express .. .....!l.08 am Express ...... 7.:lii a m Fast Kxpress.10.0.1 a m Local .........8.23 a. m tary assistance from Canada has been ac- out like a lion . 120 offie~r-s. On December 31. the corps had increasecHto 80. the outposts to 35. and the otliMixed .........4.20 p n> Mixed ..... ... A.?O pm cepte(l by England, and that the condiShovel the snow from off your roofa anrl eera to 275, but a still further increase is an Local .. .. ·· ·· .. 7.28 Pm j ll:irnress. · ..... 0 ·02 Pm tions upon which the assistance is tendernouncetl to .l\'farch l. when the corps nnmberExoress ...... 9.10 p m · out of your yards. 1 ed, are now the subject d negotiation. 1 Crows are plentiful, and other birds ~~~~~~'0 ~~ ~~~~~-d ~11annctc~~~~ttn~~r~~~3 ·11;~~f quarters temple in ~'oronto is $3.016, tbe amare beginning t;) arrive. ount ex pended on so.m o ucc.omH $826, another The Grand Trunk management, finding A partial eclipse of t.lrn sun will be balance on hand $ 21DO. 'J.'he trade account that their traffic receipts have not incrcas· visible in Canada on the lGth. shov.crl l;hc rec"'ipts t.o he $16,311 anct disburse398 carried ments S!J!ll2, leaving a balance of $G eel as anticipated, have osked the men to 'J'he risse3sor is no w on his spring to the credit of spirit1 rnl account. 'J'ne total accept t he reduced rate of w:iges which rounds. . Dogs are thernfore l.'carce. amount paid for sttlarios to oflicers anrl expenses from ,June 1. to Dec. 30, 1881.· ,was $785n ; paid BowM.ANV [LLE, FRIDAY, MARCH 13. have been pr.id for several months p!ist, Farmers having good iind clean grain, on account. of Army property $13,608, anil the for another three months. suitable for seed should advertise it. . general balA .nc" on hand. including balance on ============-~~ ·-~- ~account of l1e a~quarter's temple, at t h e latter The Snlvatiou Army are looking for date was$~2G3, 'J'm;; School Reader question was disIt is only a trifi:ng matter, said Sir premise& for a barracks in PeterCapt. Mi11uie Milliken, familiarly known as cussed in the Ont:wio Legislature on Leonard Tilley, in reply to a scathing suitable , Pleading Minnie. will b e here on Sund11y to assist int.he nnniverH>Lry celebration. She was Tuesday at considerable length. Jn t he criticism by Sir Richai:d Cartwright and b ore>· Rev. Dr. Murdoch has resigned the a great htvourit'l in Bowmanvillo and her course of the debtite, our local member, Mr. Blake. "A mistake of a million, hundreds of' o.dmirers will give her a hearty oHly a trifiling matter,"replied Mr. Blake, pastorate of the Baptist Church, Port welcome. Go early to get a seat, for the Barracks is sure to be crowded. Silver collecDr. McLimghlin, eaid two series of books with emphasis; and he w<tscheered to the Hope . . , tion a t t.he doors. Services ae follows: Knee had been before the publio, the merit.;; echo by his supporters. Mr. \Vyman Andrus, of Clarke, IS win- Drill a1. 8 a . m.; 1 10linr.sR nH~ el.i nq iit ll a. m.; ning favourable comments as an e]ocu- ' S~l vati~n meetings a t 2.30 and 7.00 p. m, c .,,pt. and defects brought out, and in this way ~ t' · t Hmd will be preee111. a cousi<lcraule tid vautage liad been g<iined. 'J.'he lecturers arc having a poor time of ionis · 'l'he Sn.lvat!on A i'l'li:V "fired tha first shoL " in '1\vo S. A. soldiers ceas<>d fighting the Bowmanville a year ago next Snnday. The member for North Grey (Mr. Creigh- it this year, Evon greii:t orators no long· - -- - - - - - - -- -ton) had made a long and tedious calcula- er draw. Think of Gough goino; on a devil and fought each other in Port Hope New York platform the other night, and last week. Al'PLEK.- We will pay the h ighest price tiou, based, he had 110 doubt, on the finding himself face to face with only seven M r . IL C. Winch, of Peterboro', has for any quantity of good SOll.:Jd api:;les. system on which he made his almrinac in persons who had bought tickets. The bought an Alnwick hog which weighed Quick & Wright. Owen Sound. He was glad that the ·newspaper twd the magazine have in a 681 pounds. :Minister of Education recognized that great sense, taken the place of the public Billiard licenses in Peterboro are $100 speaker in everything that is secular, for each table. This 1s a pointer for our the publishers should be comptmsated, with the solitary exception of politics. In license committee. Brn.nd· o.d vertised o..s "'bsoh1tcly purs and he believed the arrangement made times of a fight between politie1tl parties, CC>:N'X'.a..xm" .A.:M::M:C>N~. A good all wool t weed suit, made by was as fair a one as could be made. It the great guns can always draw a full the best cutter in town, only ~8.50 cents TH&: TEST: was impossible to give a correct estimate house. But then admission is free, and at T. Geo. M ason's Star House. re~~~ atti:~~~~rd:cin ,g:;oli.h0l ~~ev:i1~r~1rt:~td&~h:: of what tlle books should cost. He was that is a big comideration. Quarters do The prophets predict a late spring. quired t o detect tho presence ot ammonia. . . . not grow like huckleberries, and in these glad tha.t tlus question was about to be days of depression men of limited meam1 We hope they will be as far astray as when they said we wou.' d have a mild ettled, and wonld end in the production must economize. Duchess~ . winter. of a series of school books eqm1l to any . - -.- - - - Several Mciclentll are reported in the in the world . Sir Leon!\rd in hiR Ruclgnt Rpeec}1, e~ti·m11ted the revenue11 for the current year press by icicles falling from projecting at $33,000,000,a.nd the expenditure at $32, roofa on unwary passen!!ers along t he Gmr'll leading cartoon last week was 850,000. He counts on a 8Urplus of $150, streets, very striking. It represented Sir John 000. But in this we are convinced he Mr. Kiernan is doing a rushing business Macdonald with a corpulent well dressed will be disappointed. Already there is a with the New Williams Machine. No 1nan on the right and a husband in chains, serious deficit, and there is nothing to doubt they are the leading machine in the market. wife and children-pictures of poverty warrant Sir Leonard's sanguine expectations for the remaining four months of .A. pile of one million one dollar bills and misery- on the left, and underneath the current fiscal year. In fact, the ex- would be forty.five feet high. We ha...-e the cartoon the significant question: penditure, instead 11f being $32,850,000 just started 11. pile. Stlbscribers in arrears ··\Vho's entitled to compensation?" As will in reality amount to $34,000,000. For will please take t he hint. The Campbellford H erald Hays the exGrip says, there are two sides to this the 1iext ·yeiir under the altered tariff and the further increase iu the rate of taxation demand for compensation, forcibly put in Sir Leonard hopes to keep up the reve- pencea of submittini.: the Scott Act in "these United Counties" will amoum, to Mr. Burgess' pamphlet as follows: nues to ~3,000,000, and reduce the ex- a bout $2,500. "The public conscience is being awakened, penditure to $31, 757 ,000_ Our excellent contemporary, the Mon· and the cry or COMl'1'NSA'l'ION is grndtuo.lly DOES NOT CONTAIN ilMONU. being answered hythe cry of l:tmsTITu1.·10N. If treal Tfrncs, will be issued in the morning ftl llSl.LTllFULllESS Jll!I N EVIER BIEN QUEllTIOllD, &.Dr. and Cr. st~tcment be made with cow"There Was No Insurance." instead of the ~venenR in a few d:~ys, at compensation on one side and restitution on In a mllllon homo1 ror a qn&rt.or of a ~Dtul'J' 1' 11.U tbe other, not all tho accumulated wealth of n;od th· con·umon' rello.ble tcot, · $5 per annum. tlie distillers. brewers and liquor sellers will Eo1v often do we hear this rerunrk The Town Council of Guelph voted $25 THE TEST OF THE OVEN.· be suJl1cient to pay one mill on tbe dollar of t.hc balance which will stand ngainet thmu; made after a. serious fire, which may have · ·e ach to t he rep0rtcrs of the local papers while the broken hearts, the blasted chamc- tumecl a comforta.ble family upon the .a s a sli~ht token of the appreciation of PRICE BAKING POWDER'CO., wre, the tens or thousands of lost souls, will fur ll'iS'.W.M OW ' And yei, how oa.Bily such a . their services. ever stand as contlemnation o! tho traftlc. atrcct. which no human agency, no lfutnre good, can plight may be av0rted, if people would Mr. Albert J . Fallis Is ubout building 3 Flavorin~ ever atone for.·' only a vail themsolve1 of the cheap and for himself a new brick residence on the ftt atronrat1 mo·& deJleloa· .ad aataral Garar loon,ua simpla and effective refuges now being Fallis Line, Cavan. ' ' Coming events Tm~ question of cmnpensation to the offered in i~ll soctions against such 1011s. oast their Bhadows before." Lupulln Jror Li&ht. Healthy Brea.d, The De:st Dr y llop liquor men was very ably and pointedly Many say there is no need of in11uranc6. Ym·t In tho World, '"rheir own carefulness" protects them. The .lforctl Canad'icm for March is a put by Mr. Faster in Parliament when he And yet, how many scores of wAy11 thera capital number. The Bee Department is FOR SALE BY CROCERS. ST. L.OUll· .atatecl th:it "The traffic is :.i. tyranny" and are in which tiros may originMe, over an additional attmction. Send to 5 .Tor- CHICACO. nobody can e-xercisc any control!dan St. Toronto, for a sample copy. which a.aked "did any one ever hGar of the tyThe Peterboro Time.~ last week gave an .. rant being cotnpensated beeause the Act:illeuts of this kind nre numerous in ev~ry town and village, and all over the illustrat ed tlencription of the " battle of p-0ople had come to the conclusion to o·o untryside; and let a family buns care- the bill boards," now raging in that back, throw off this yoke." fulas they may, many a tire is communi· woods hamlet between two local blll C!!!2 I cated. to their d fllellini from some other posters. building in flames. Therefore the quesCottons are on t he n.dvauce, but you 1;W , CHANGES IN FRANCHISE. tion, "Are you Insured 'l " is by no ineans can still buy them nt Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's a.t the lowest prices over ·Eon. Mr. Fraser's franchise bill wns in- n. superfluous one. A.nd, even if no fire ever occurs, the known to the trade in the histtiry of tI·oduced to the Ontario Legislature last week. In his address on the Bill, Mr. fact of l!lSUrance, nnd the 11.bility to lie Canad:·. Fraser said: "What we propose i~ thttt down n.t night or to ~o abroad bv dn.y, Bro. Wilso11, of the G'U!ide, is a war the income qualification should be re .. !mow tha t if fire should take placo the hol.'Be in Scott Act !matters. He rushes d~cecl t<t $300, and that the provision loss would be made l(Ood by a ~trong into tha thickest of the fii?ht heedless of The liest dry hop yeast in the world. Bread making it a taxable in .orne should no Company, is worth · all that is paid in consequences. He goes for the Antis raised bY this yeast Is light, white and wholelonger exist. ¥Ve also propose a great premiums, many time· ovor. Th~re is rough shod. deal more than this, and is that every such n. thing as purchaaing c<Yrnjort and Our enterprising merchant., ever tin l~~;~e:~dr;:~~s man e:irning wages to the amount of $300 .~ecnrity at a very reasonable price ; and the alert for a. good thing and a great 0 slmll be entitled to a vote, a11d thus pnic- these things, if they can be thus 11ecured, bargain, are now to the fore with their Price Pi>;,der Co., · OW tically that (1.ro iw much worth purchn.sinl' 1011 any- annonncemenu, referring t<> the arrival EVJr.ltY W.AGE-EARNl'R t hing else. of choice, new and cheap goods. Price's Special The fit-at question one mhonld aek himBlessod is the man who doth subscribe in Ontar'io shall be entitled to vote under this designation, if h e be qualified to tha t self is as t,o the r.hoice of Companiee . for a pa.per and pay thQrefor. H is feet amount. We shall give a vote to those The elements o± strength, che&pnesa, shall not be forsaken bv h is friends nor who may bo c!l-llcd l10usoholders, and· not Jib!lra!ity, and a g0od record, 11hould persecuted by his enen~ies, nor shall his ---o--opon the assessment roll, to the value of lll l'l'ays be looked for in choosing a Com· seed be begging. Blessed is he that walk$200 in cities nncl towns, and in villages pany with which to im1ure. For one doe~ eth into the office of a n ewspaper, yea, An Independent N&wspaper of Demo:mC. townships to $100. We propose to not desire to pay an unreasonable premium even ent are th the sanctum and paycth a cratic Principles, but not Controlled by qive a vote to every such householder who in a wea.k Company, or in ono who·e R. year's snbscription therefor. He shall is living in a eeparate dwelling, and it record does not give in a reputation for learn wisdom day by di1y and be exalted any Set of Politicaua or Manipulators ; follows that we have adopted the house- liboral deiiling with patron11 who 1mffer above his fellows. He sh;tll talk know- Devoted t o Collecting and Publishin'{ all holder's franchise fo1· many years existing by fire. ingly upon all subjects and his neighbors the Nows of the Day in the most Interin England. Everybody appearing on 110 parties owning and desiring to imsure sh1Lll be astonished 1\t the muchness of ASting Shape and with the ~reatest possible , the assessment roll ~s 110useholders will town or farm property, or det'1.ched re1id- his learning. H e shall not contract bad Promptness, Accuracy and Impar tiality; l htJreafter l>e eutitleu. H ere we come .,nces, vr the contents of either, we believe debts nor lose good bargaim. He \'!hall to the there is no better, safer, stronger,cheAper, not pay additional per ceut on taxes, for and to the Promotion of Dr,mocratic Ideas }'ARMERS' SO:K'S FRANC1T18R, or more liberal Companies than those repre- he shall behold the n otice of the collector and Policy in t.he affairs of Government, ln future they need not be ownet'!I of eented by Mr. 'fhom11a Bingham, of and he shall tak\J Wt\rning ther eby. Ver· Soc10ty and Industry. ily ho shall bring hia products to market the land, but the pr11sent bill will include Bowmanville. when t.he prices are exceedingly good and land holders' sons. Land holders will withold Lhem when t he prico descendeth. mean any person who being the owner of RATES, BY MAIL, POSTPAID : The maple sugar season has commenced. He shall not lay hold of rc<l hot pokers and residing and being domiciled upon $6 00 A Brantford firm advertisaB for female for the knowledge of metallurgy will DULY, 11cr Ycnr · real property of at least twenty acres in 110 teach him hot iron bnrns ! Rill children IU.IJ,V, 11c1· ltlonfl· extent, 0r at least an actual value in cities 11alcsmon. I 00 shall not vex liim nor his wife 'vear the SIJNDAY, 11cr Ycur and towns, of $400, and in townships and DAIJ,V nncl SIJNJU.Y per Y<'nr · 1 ~10 For Bronchial and Throat Affections, breeches . i ncorporated villages or of $200, is in tho · Alien's L ung Balsam is unequalled. See lVfil>JU/l', per Vcnr l 00 laatreviBedasses~rne11trollofthe municipal- advt. .....~~~.....~....~~~......,...,.........,....,.~ .A c:ldre.·s, 1.'IU: SlTN', New York t:Uy. 1'~::---.,..,---:-=~-~~--,"='--:-==~--,-=---..,.-------. -.=::= , ity where such property is situo.te, enter ed Thl'I thaw lias mad..-i the snow' shrink and assessed as owners of said property <Jf at least the number of acres of assessed perce ptibly, and a very fe;v more fine, value aforesaid, and any person actually warm days, wo11ld clenr it all o:ff our I residing and domiciled in the dwelling street~ . 'The roads in the country are in l1ou:ie as tenant thereof, where such pretty bad shape., and full of pitch-holes. dwelling house and land,if any, held T he Orillia Pw;ket says :-"Onion therewith uy such person as such tenant, sociala are the latest fashionable novelty. is of at least an actual value in cities and Six iadles take an onion with them into a I3y getting yourself well shod a t towns of $400 and in tern nships and i n - room »Ud oue of thew Lake~ a bit.e out of corporated villages of $200, and is at not it. 'Then a young gentleman is admitted, We respectfull invite your attention to our complete and less than such value, entered and assessed a nd if aft er kissing , them all he fails t o in the name of such in the last r evised tell which of them bit the onion all the comprehensive stock of Pure Drugs and Medicines. assessment roll of t he municipalities in girls "r" obliged to kiss him." 1'he boys which the same is situate. 1'he!expression and girls of Orillia must be fond of kiss" land holder's son" shall mean and in- iog, especially if any considerable number where you will find g1·eat bargains fo1· -elude ::1 son, stepson, or grand-son, a s of the m " fails to tell which bit the onion." CASH. Having now received our the case may he of n.nyfather, step-father, T he Magnet ia a new r eading paper, mother or i;tep-mother who is a laud reliable, safe, and pleasant t o take. pub lished 1ll Toronto, and is thA spiciest holuer. paper published on the continent,containing the best selections from all the best Sir Richard's speech upon the budget fnn papm-s in the world, besides rich wrts the :i.blc~t indictment of the govern- original m a.t L er. It is for sale by all bookmeut'8 fimuwial policy that gentleman has aeilers. Pdce 5 cents. The "Magnet I will be prepared to supply a11y kinds ever mado, and won expressions of pntis c Free Purchasing Agency." l n connection required which you will fi nd marked a b on all sides. The truth is that all round with The Magnet, t,he publisher has estabthe palm of victory in debating i~ conceded lished 11n agency for the purchasing ef ItOOK BOTTOM .PRICES. to the Liberal party. The government's goods of every kind, and in any guaut ity, Thanks for past. favoni a.nd still solicit a debating power is astonishingly weak; and for parties living anywhere in the Dominwhen any effort is mw<led at defonce the ion cmrside of the city. The Agency share of yom'. pat ronage. services of ]\l[r. White, or Cardwell, have b uys 11oy thi11g that any person wants, at to be requested.-Ottcnva Free Press. at the lowest prices, and ships the goods 'fhis powder novor va.rios. A marvel o! SIGN OF "BIG BOOT." th ' f purity. strength aud wholesomeness. :\'lore · Mr. Hross's public ~chool bill provides b Y ma1·1 or express, ch argmg no mg or economical il.tau the ordinary kinds and c1.1nt}rnt the sch0ol shall close for the summer the services. See particulars in The Mag· not be sold in comp<0tition with the umlt1tude PRESCRIPTIONS and FAMILY RECEIPTS filled with test, shor~ w~igl~t. alum or phosplll1!9 vacation on the first Friday in July &nd net. Address Magnet Purchasing Agency, 1 fo low _ elaide "treet WMt Toront,o Ont. I powde1s. Sold onlv ·n cans. ROYAL BAl'1NQ 88 Ad re-open on the third Monday in A ugtrnt. absolute purity and eorrectness.. 'l'yrone, March 11. 1l;llw. " ' "" ' ' POWPER Co·· 106 Wall-flt, N. Y. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. The Ontiirio Governmeut has decided to proceed with the erection of new Parlia.ment Buildings. I PIERCE &ROBERTSON Have opened up the following New Goods for the Spring Trade : DRESS GOODS. SILK . S_ We are showing a splendid assortment in all the TEST YOUR BAKING POWDER TO·DAY! choice colors and designs-Taffetas,Trice,Ottoman,. Jersey, Travers, Solie!, Ombra, Serge, Nuns' Cloth,&c.. I Lyons, Gro Grain, Satin Marveilleux, Satin Satin Rhadame, Ottoman, Broches, &c. PRINTS_ Regattas, Madders, Morning Checks, Paids, Ombra . Stripes, Solid Colors, &c. 0 .0TTO.NS_ White Cottons,GreyCottons,Sheetings, Cottonades,. Pillow Cottons, Denims, Tickings, Shirtings, &c. JY-CILLINE Ry_ PIERCE & ROBERTSON, Dr. Price's snecial Dr. Price's Extracts, Yeast Gems New Bonnets, New Hats, New Flowers, New Laces New Feathers, New Ribbons, &c. LIGHT HEALTHY BREADB ~E~A~VE~R~HO~ U ~SE~,,~~~~~BO~W~M~A~N\~ TIL~ L ~ K I d a t e h e WI . 1 dispose 0 f rom th. IS 1 some ;::;:bread, his stock, without reserve, at rates Baki;;g SO far be} regular priC0S as to Ch~~~~.O~~~· Fla~;!n~oE:,t~~~Oo insure large and speedy sales, The assortment in all the leading The New York Sun. lines of staple goods is large. He would ca11· special attention to the undernoted : f Blankets and Sheetings, Table Linens and Damasks, Unbleached and White Cottons, Beavers and Melton Cloth3, Silks and Satins, Cloths and Tweeds, Towels and Towelings, Flannels-plain and fancy, Hosiery and Gloves, Small Wares, &c., in great variety. ~i~~CfS . FINAL CLEARIN]_ SALE t ~ ~ - ~ ... l,f, The subscriber being desirous of ~T Vr11srGEMS closing his business on MARCH .... 11.M 31st, respectfully announces that J HIGGINBOTHAM &SOii ~AR! · Pharmaceutical . Chemists. . , PREPARE FOR THOS. PATERSON. .. ---. TYRONE Boot and Shoe Store. BINGE'S COUGH SYRUP, G Spri ng & Summer G-OODS Absol·utely Pure. W. H. HICKS· . Our Own Corn Cure, Rose Glycerole, Choice Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Ground Oil Cake, Cattle Foods, Horse and Cattle Medicines, &c.