"Who iJ t,hat aor<-~1\ th0 t1'; ree1; ';" FRIDAY. APnIL 3, 1885. '·oh. r,hat is a verr l'Lll· . f riend d mine." "Indeed!" "Yes. N~i nr lends a cent." B OSTON AT ROSS.<l'S ' F:annr. EntJrnslastie Iteeeplio11 of 'n1c Gre:it &In· ' \lltenklf~'. "I m>1rry th:~t li.tth fellow I" exclaimed Mtss Mitinice. ".No! I °ll°Ou!d rather die 'han have him -th~~t b, if l could get '1mebod y ttl~e." O'Donovan Roa&9'· was the tmet JhtinAn ordi1rn,.y woman's 1v ,,. [~b i3 thirty guiehed ar:rival of the W~)1;k at Boe·ton. lnohes around , An c r<lm11.ry ruan'o a,rm' When he jumped frorn tho Fall Hi~er ~s i:.bout thir ty incheu lo:og. How admirtrain in t he Oid Colony Depot t·e foH in~ble are t hy works, 0, nature 1 to the arms of friends. E1,eiry dynamiter ' 'fa the age of chivalry past r a· kf! a of Boston was chere End tht:i polic~ in other parts of the towu touk a rnu<Jh needed sleep. ' 1e.\d1:d gul with a wart on her chm. .11~ \1[ pJ111 R osea wa~ foudlcd by his admirera. I ntdiigence ls a very good thing in They soon discovered that he wore the wife, but the ta~te oe you'> g men rather - - - o - -coat which was penetrated by the Dudruns to he1ut.y. T hey prefer a. well E""\TT ley bullet, and after that nothing was too formoJ girl to a merely well informed VV good for him. By the liberal application one. - INof red ink around the edg~s of the bulletMllAYC is the rnund which one' s children hole the wouuded coat-shoulder prebent· STRAW HATS and BONNETS, make aa thl'y romp H1rough \.he hotol. ed a gory avpearance, which ~ill p11t zesb SILKS and SATINS, Noi:ia is the s"und wl",ich other people's into the Boston ~nd of the Emergency 5 RIBBONS and LACES, children ma ~ e und.ir the same circumFund _ O'Donovan wulked feebly and ~t:mces. , gained much S'S'mp~thy, bub his red, LADIES' FANCY COLLARE'l"l'ES beefy fac., xat.her w0k the edgu off his In London an ·lac' rfo light has been LADIES' FANCY FRJLLINGS, delicete bdhavlor. used to illuminate the. iubbrior of an oven. LACE and SILK TIE5, Mayor O'Bdeu, on" from t};e ould sod, The door was of pla L ,; glass, and every CHn.llREN's COLORED EMBROIDE1mD received Roma at th11 £ ity Uall and gave part of the proce~s of baking could be COLLARS-new aty him the ke;ssd the , ity, The Mi;gi~L~ate Jia~in<.Jtly seen. showt:d the avenger through t hu vanoua A young man gF z ~d at his mother-in- N EW OH.NAMEN'l'S, departments, but the di::itingui.llh~ d guest j la.w's t .vo trunke in the hall, and, sadly BEADED NET FOR VEILING;, did not wfah to in~pecb the courts and j rem:uked : ' 'She has brought her clothell all of which we are selling very cheap. t he gaol, as t hey a wakened un~~ppy to a visit-would i1ia~ shti had brought memo1 ies and foreshadowod pcssibtl1t m11, MRS . THOS. VINSON. her vfoit to a close.·' .Among those introduced to the brave Henry W;.n-d Beecher t.hinks the reDRESS-M.AKI.NG .AND STAMPIN<I "mouth" was Mr. John L. ~.ullivan. porters ougu \i to raiae a monument to him by MISS KATE VINSON. John si.ood up Roe< a vd1 h 0 1 e ghmce i..nd when he di"s. Th1~n's where he's wrong. ad vised llim nob t c1 talk too loud when Like most public men, he ought to raise a little EngliHh Charlie Mitchtill_ was withmonument to the reportem. in earshot. Rossa repeated his formula Web.~ter '3 spelling book, U is aaid, shill that he would keep on talking if ha fell sell: at the rate of a million copies a year. in battle. Though nob so excitfog as some dime Mr. Austin, of Austtn and Stone's novel.a, it l'.lavertheleaa throwa a potent Dime Museum,. in Tremont Ro1v, 1i.w spell over the re:i.der. R ossa and offo:bd h im a three week's engagement at $200 a week, the whol e An unlucky inventor ha'3 brought out amount to be given to Pat Ford's fund. a fishing rod that registers the precise "What ! Show meself for money like nu mber and weighb of the fuhes caught. a tatooed man and give the receipts to Up to the time of our going t o press hs HAS REMOVl!;D RER Pat F ord to live on 1 Even the British had not aold a single one. lion would laugh at euch a p.ropoeition, R evivalist (to young man loitering near sir." the door)-" Are you seeking the Lord, The museum m:moffered Rossa a nice, t o buiidings formerly occupied by, young man 1" Young man (nervously)clean caga and plenty to eat, and was "N-no. I am eeeking Miss Polly Smith, CODD & CO., willing, 1;ven to buy a glass caae for but I can wait until the meeting is over." him. "What country is this 1" Thia 1 Why, "It would be very realistic," aai<l the this is America." "A.h, yea ; America, 2 man of buainess ; " you could eit on a 4 6 the asylum for the poor anc1 oppressed of keg of -1\ynamite ~ .nnkl.ng a pipe- -" all nations." "No, not of all nations." Itoasa's red whiskers 11tood lln end as "What n a.tion is excepted, I'd like to She bas now in stock everything Dressy Lingc1'ic. he gasped : No. 3. -A dressy ve.t.t t·f fl at Vafo ncl· composed of loops and ends of dark Gor- k'low 1" "Why, America. " " Sit on dynamite r' No. 1.-" Plat val " lace net and edg- ennes lace net bordered wit.h narrow lace don blue velvet ribbon with satin back, usually found in a well equipped " Ob, no ; we'd have r.n empty keg la- Ing to match form this lovely Moliere to match. It ls gathered in at the top t hough velvet or ribbon of any de11ired Robert L. Winthrop proposes t hat in· belled ' dynamite.' Bogus busines3, you plastron with plain collar. It Is shirred and the waisil line. and eecured at both ehad.e oon be substituted for blue. P rice auguration day shall be restored to April HARNESS SHOP. ·t e narrow a t th know." · t, l' hows cf crq,·eli'cot "o.ti ' n and 75 cents. 30. April appropriate qui · e wai2 1ne, an d t h e places t.y 1J ~ ·~ · f h 1 would be· a more s I "-wouldn't Pat Joyce do, now, and let border lace falls below. Price, $4.50. groil-grrun ril:-bon wit.h flowing f·ncls. If No. 6_- A simple yot very attractive tune or t e ceremomes, ome severa Call at the new premises. the receipts go to the E ruergen<:y Fund 1 preferred, valet r ibbon In a.ny bfcom!ng arrangement of light blue ~ilk, mull and tho~~~nd statesmen who exp~oted cv.bl~et MRS. HUMPHREY No. 2.-A handeoroe jo.bot made of flat shade may be ~ul:>,atitutecl. Pdce, $3. 85. Pompadour lace is shown in the illustra- po1nttons get badly fool ed on mauguratlon Then Ireland would be 11urt1 to ~et the Yalenciennrn lace, arranged in a most efNo. 4.-Thla lovdy jubot fa made of tlon. 'f he mull Is laid in plaits at th~ day. . benefit of it." As Rol!.\la would nob consant to go on fective and graceful ma'tmer. It is drawn point d'esprit lllee, edged with Mechlin neck and a full border of Pompadour lace Customer- I would take the coat, Mr. exhibition the museum man made an ln at the waiet line the gathers being con· lace in a delicate pattern. Dainty bows extends down one side and terminates a Isaaestein, but it smells musty. Ml. offer for the perforated coat, but the dis- cealed by the ciel-blue chenille per.dants of roae·col.ored Ottomr.n ribbon are ar- little below the waist line. Pretty bow11 Iaaacatein--Dot goat musty 1 J acob, tinguished man tore himself away before and a. llimiJar ornamen tation is placed at ranged at the neck and walfit line. Price, of light blue Ottoman ribbon are placed mein son, schmell dot goat. Jacob (smelhe waa robbed of his stock in trade. t~e throat, for which ~owever, any with bowa nf any color, $3.50. at the back and waist with llharming ling of the coat)-I no schmell de goat The finest tailor in town offered .Ar, wished-for shade, either m chenille or No. 5.-·Thfa dain ty bow would be a effect. Price, with bows of any color, musty. M r. Isaacateiil (with a superior Rossa. an elegant bea.ver ooat for t he relic ribbon can be procured. Pr~ce, $3.75. pleasing addition to any toilet. lb is $3:50. amilt>)-See dot noae 1 He no achmell of martyrd om. Another tailor inai& ted ==========.==============~========================~======================:!= dotgoatmusty. By gettiug yourself wdl shod at on cleaning the tom ooab and repair ing ""'~~~~ the shoulder, r·~1t this off.:ir wa11 indigbody disinterred ln t he presence of his / the Seine the upper port ion cf a ma.n's -·nan:irfnfo11eJ.. -. . neighbors and the village authorities, body, the vertebral column bearing the Afl<lr . m~ Only Dim~ · The body l"a:i taken oub c;.f the casket. It marks of having been severed by .a car- Continues to do a General Banking Business 11 A 2rand church fair at the North End Going Cr:uy Buried AllYe. eer was· Ptndtng sent three boo.ut iful girld as a committee presented a frightful appearance." penter's saw. Nex t da,y a man's head tsBo wmanvillo, Branch. "Wb.at life romances there are going "The unfortunate girl had evidently w.i.s found, then followed the finding of to request Mr. Rossa to loan the fair his .DE POSI'.i'S overooat. He could not reailst their on all sround us," remarked one of I n- made superhuman struggles to lifb the portions of limbs, until, -vihen twenty where you will find great bargains for Received in Savings Bank Depart.men t and pleadings and they went away in glee speetor Byrnes' men to a reporter ho met lid of the caskeb after it had been lowered separate pieces were pieced together at call. at en ·Tent rates. N_ and interest allowed CASH. Having now received our into the grl:\ 10. Jn her frenzy at her t he morgue, t he remains were identified notice of withdrawal necessary. All deposits with the trophy. It was exhihited in a in the )'ifthavtinue hotel recently. "What brought cut that romantic re· failing she mush have lost her mind en- as those of Lebon, and Mielfo, who was p!l.yable on <lemand, aide room at t he fair at 50 cents a head. One of t he deacons of the church bought m~rk 1" ~11.i"d t he matter-of-fact ink· tirely, as htcr face was disfigured in every found in hiding at Bar-sur·A.ube was ar.EXCHANGE poesib1 e manner. Her long bla.ck h air rested. Thfa ends the second acb. The Rought and sold and Drafts issued upon Europe. a piatol and h ung ib up alollgt<ide the slin.g er. " You saw t hat man I salut.ed as Char- had been plucked from her head. The third Is expected to end wich conviction, United Ste.tea and Canada,alsoGold,Silveranil coat a11 the Dud!E>y pistol. This great lining was torn from the sides of the cas- without ext enuating circumstances, sen- United Sta~es Greenbacks bouaht and sold. moral show netted the fair something ley a moment ago 1" said the detective. "Yes, You 2eemed vey familiar." ket, and the pillow waa in sh~eds, Her tence and execution. like $375. I will be prepared to supply any kinds "We are. I arreated him a fortnighb hands and arms were torn and bleeding. The coat was recovered nexb morning P.·omptly made at current rates upon all part 1 'II fl d k d t Her clothing conei&t ed In part of a lighb and O'Denovan was shocked t o see that ago." of·Great Brittain, the United Ste.tea and Do re quired w iich you WI n mar e a Times lVhen tbe Hangman as c n "Arrested~ What fod" summer dress, which waa literally torn the young ladies, out of mistaken ~rati Failed. rnmion of anada. ROCK l30T'rOM .PRICES. "I thought he was working a hunko from her body. Her lipa were bitten tude, had scoured the red ink off the Teleg·ra1)b T1·a111§lfe:D·" racket on a man he was always foliowln~ through ." The thrice-repeated failure of the hangcoat and neatly sewed up the bullet hole. Made for large or small sums on all parts ct Tl: an ks for p~.st favors and still solicit a "And thab set the old man crazy r man ~eputed to e;c:ecute. J ohn Iiee, the Canada. 'J'his is espcciHJly ad vant.ageous to People In the hot<'l soon afterward heard and making up to, but I was mistaken. share of your patronage. "Mildly so, as you see. " .Enghsh convict, will r emmd many read- persons living in l\famtoba or the N orth-wesl a pistol-shot and ruahed upstairs fearing He is hired to follo w the man." it 'lrnkes tb." funds available at once at the " Hired to follow him 1 That's a very "I don't wonder at ib. At was terrible ; era of the parall~l catastrophe .that ~ark- !LS thab Rossa had again been used as a placo oJ'. payment, SIGN OF "BIG BOOT.') bub why don't his relati ves restrain ed the end of K idd, the notonous p1rate ~arget. He calmed them by saying that thin storv." For farther parLiculars call at the Bankin~ "It seellla so, but it's true. Here he him 1" of William III.'s time. When tbe "cspb.e report was the result of an accident House. comes now. I'll introduce you, and let you " That would make him worse. He is t ain" was hanged, at Execution Dock, '1'. JJHODT°F., and nobody was hurt, GEO. McGILL, inoffens lve, i am reliable, s.nd they are t he rope J:>roke, and he came to the Accountant. · Manager But when the editorial hero appeared hear the yarn." ··Y Tyrone, Me.i:ch 11. The stranger, a flashy yc.ung man, re· 1quite willing I shll>ll follow him about and ground ahve, bub a second . attempt · ll:llw on the atre·b the bullet·hole reappeared pr~v~d more successful. A bttll more and a greab slob of reel ink showed how burned through the corridor arm-in-t..rm see him straight." J.:he "But doe1m't he ever object to your str1ki~g occur.rence ?f the same kind took R ossa had bled and almost died for his with a respectable old gentlemari. place l~ R!111G 1a durm~ the present cenoountry. Patriots poked their fingers in two separated at the cle1k's desk, the old presence 1" the orifice and shuddered. Pedfstrians man taking h is key and going up stairs to "No; we formed an attachm<:int in Bal- tu_ry, .w!thm the mem~ry of many men ti dh d ,._ t th t I still living. When Ryb1dI, the celebrated turned to see the great man ancl Rossa his room· more, an e oet1n u suspec a am '· d · t f th I t Then the young fellow turned to the anything more to bim th:m a chanc@ ao· p~ea an conspira or o was the how of ' the day When he took e as gener· t ,, N y 8 d s+at1on, was sent enced to death by the the train for home he was escorted to the detective and was mtroduced to the new~quam ance. - l · · un C1!1f ....r. Czar Nicholas in company with Pestal , · depot by the E rina Band and hie car WM pD,per man. "Well, my day's work is over, and a ......,_,,___ the }omposer of the fa':11o~s waltz, ~nd strewn with roses. In his pocket were He's led me the Sensational ltlnrdm." in P ar.is. other~ of equal note, he ms1at~d on dyrng seTeral subscriptionll to thQ dynamite tongh one it's be-en . · _ · . . \ first, m order t o encourvge lnll comrades fund, and he was the happiest and most liveUest dance yet." "Where did he t ake you 1" A_ trial is ln pmgre~s m P.arls in tho by his undaunted bearing. But the rope harmless man illN19w England. "Into every underbaking establit.hmen"J Alla:ze Oourt.of the Seme, w!uch for sen- broke, and t.he offi?er in command, who \ .........-.---~---··on the ea.st side, ordering ca1>kets and sational detail throws the h;ghl~-color?d w.is his personal fnend, stayed the proshrouds. He ordered at leaet fift;y and 1 novels of ~1e lat~ M. ?aboriau. mtr>. tne ceedings till he could make one more efThe .Jews of Ethiopia. shade. 'Ihe prrnoner a name is ~1elle, fort to obtain a pardon; "Did .he say One of ~he strangest peoples with whom countermand ed." "Why does he do that1" Inquired the but ~e la ~tter known by the curiously anything when he fell 1 ' ask ed Nicholas, mis·ionary ent erprise has to do a.re the amazed acqut~ed ~1tle of the Man-Woman. He on hearing thf' story. "He said, "a~ The Best Oil in the World for Reapers, JYfowers, Threshers and reporter. , Falasha1<, of Ethiopia. They are black " , ,8 ,, . and his wife had apartments at · 23 Rue swered t ht:i officer, reluctantly, "that 1t Jews, about two hundred thousand in " I: a orank he ha.s, eatd the s~ranger. de Lyon, and he is accused of murdering seemed the Russian government could all fast-running l\fachinery. For sale by all Dealers. number, living west of the Jordan, who Hes soun~ on every other pomt but Lebon, a poultry merchant in prosperous not even han1· a man properly. " "Go have as their holy writings the Old Tes- thkat. He s a wealthy old chap "'.ho circumstances, in April of last year. It back, then," r~ared the czar, " and show tament in an Enhlopic veraion, and who ta es.tr1 ps ar ound th_ e country . ordermg appearn that one evening in the mon th him that it can I" still rigidly adhere to t he Mosaic cera· caskets and shrouds m every city, to be named Mielle and Lebon entered the - - ·- - - - - = - - monies and laws. Undoubtedly they are :i~ipp~,d to him at his heme in West Vir- prison~r'sapal'tmont together, and shortily Chinese (Jommlt the Oi·acle of GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, not of pure Jewish deHcent, although to g1~ia. . . ., afterwards there were cries for help, and eome extent they are the children of J ew'\Vh<tt started thm mama 7 the aound of a strn<'gle Tho concierne the God of lVm.·. --MANUFACTURER OF- f.ah immigrants, who, in the time of tho The Governor of the ImperirAI Palace at "<?h, a t1ir~ible s:ffafr. Ho had no im- ran to th.a apartme~o t~ enquire what~~~ great dispersion, sett!e:l in .Abyssinia and mediate relatives but an only daugb.t-er, a. the matte~ but he WiUI refused admlt- Pekin, Prince Koung, aent not long since married wives of tha.t natiou-som.ething beautiful.girl, aged seventeen. She was t&nce. than wen~ for a policeman, a, d eputation to the God of ·wal', r1:;questnot ..trange, as the Ethiopians are Se- buried alive a. mont h ago, and eve~ since and they returned together. Mielle now ing t o be informed how long the war with KING STREE'l', BOWMANVILLE, mitic in na.tionality and language. A he has been a little oft, as you see.' opened the door without hei;iretion ond France would la~t. V r:ry valuable pre- [fas now on hand a number of vehicle3 (and is manufacturing a great many more) of the ncwea· 0 .. ,., . d a1· · " ·· patterns and best finish, which I a01 otfel'ing for sale i>t tho lowest prices consistent prominent German writer thinks that "vune ive 1 . H ow was thau· said :-" My dear friends, t: have' juBt sents were aent for thl'godand the priests. with due regard to workm!tnship and qualit.y, 'l'he following is a list of t hey are mostly the descendants of early We are all Si·me of the presents were placed on t he . She vra:i ta~en ill, and the doctor pre· had a litcle family quarrel. the principal vehicles manufactured by rne: Abyssinian p rosely tes-i. o.,- people who scribed morphta·. She took an overd01Se, liable to such quarrels, and mine Is now altar, the deput!ltion prostrated themDouble Covered Carnages ...................... ........ ......... ..... ... , .... $200 Upwards. early, and before the introductfon of and apparent.ly _died. . The father went happily ended." With this tho nr>t too selves, and through their chief aupplica.tSingle Phrotons .. .. ..... ... .. ... ........... ................ ..................... 100 11 Chrlstianity, accepted the Mosaic syatem nearly cr11zy wibh grief. 'Jlhe body waa inquisitive policeman was satilifiecl. ed the divinity to give them the desired Open Buggy... ...................... ........ ... ........ ........ ................. 70 11 of religion, and who did not , like the ma- kept t~ree days, and was vi~w~d b;y 1'11 Shortly afterwards Mme. Mielle returned information. Then they withdrew to e Top B uggy ..... ................................... ................................ 90 11 jority of the Abyssinian people in the the n~1gb~ors. One Ia?y iw1sted that from shopping and seeing the overturned neighboring building, thel'.'e to ~waib the Democrat Wago11.. ........ .... ....... ... ........... .. ..... . ......... ... .........· 65 11 third century, adopt Christianity, but the girl did not look as if she wa3 dead. furnirnre and the blood marks on the answer of the god ; for he oommunioatee Lumber Wago11s ... . ~· · ····· · ···· ··· ··········· · ·· ·········· · ············· · ··· · ·· 55 u clung to their old faith. Their religious D?ctors were 11ummo~ed, and t~1.ey a.I?· &or e1cltedly enquired what had taken with men only through his ministers. Light Wago11...................................................................... 40 11 literat ure does nob seem:to be very exten- plied ae':eral test~, which res;a1te4 m their place. Mieile told her that a friend of After a short delay the answer came that Express Wago11............... . .. ......·.... .·... ..·... .. . ·. ....·. .... ..·...... .· 15 u sive. Halevy, the F.ench Orient..Itst , deQJarat1on thah hfe was extmct. 1 his who wa.i in a et.ate of delirium tremens for three years bhe barbarians would lay Skeleton ............... .............. ..... ........ ... , ........ , .. .................. 50 11 published, a few yeara ago, a collection "Then they buried her?" tried to jump from the window, and Lhat the country waste, at the end of which Sulky·... ·.. ..... ~..... .. .... . . . . . . . ... . ..... ... . ...... ...... .... . . ...... . .. .. .. . .. . . 40 ·· of their liturgical formulas in Hebrew "Yes, aft;er four :ne~ had dragged tho in masterivg him a struggle had taken time the Chlneae would be victoriouiJ, Possl'ssiug superior facllities tor mftnuracturlng carrl. a ges, I !.mend to sell very cheap tpr c&slt. translation, entitled " Les Prieres des tat.~er froi;n the casket. . place, in which hb friend wa~ sligh tly and hunt the barbar(an11 out of the land. or approved ci·eilit. aud by so doing I hupe to ~rcatly in0re1i\!'3 my number of sales. W ould Falashas." Missione.~y attempts were The m.ght. a~ter the funeral the dogs ' hurt. Mme. M ielle short,ly afterwards sol! the wood parts only, or the gearings of buggies ironed. made among these peculiar people by the of a. farmer liv~ng near ~he church-yard retired, and her huaba.ud locked the door "Yes," said pretty Mfae Snooka, as she Jesuits ais early as t.bc~ <eventeenth een- ~ept up a contmua.l howlmi?! and on b~- of bhe apartmen~. Durinst t he groat (-,r came home from a party at 5 A. M., " l tur11, but with little success, and the re- mg let l oose the ne:rt 1 mornmg made dt- portion of the n ight , he heard the sound was determined to be the last to leave. I At the Shortest Notice, Painted and 'l'rimmea i f Desired. J cent endeavors oi t he Basle Ev1 mgelical rect for th~ ]J01:ng girl_ s grave, and began of sawing. In the morning Mielle was hate that horrid Mrs. ~links BO I was resociety to have also wn without tangible dlgginr.t at it w1th then- pawa. The old not to be found. Thfa ia the end of the solved she shouldn't have the pleasure of A.t t.he Factory I also do Planing, Matching, 1'nrning an!l. Sawing with Circle, Ba.nd or Ser Saws. and prepare all kinds of lumber for carpenters and others for b11ilding pnrpl>l!m1. results. man was informed oi this, and had the first act. On May 9 a eailor fished out of slandering me after l'd gone " Ornamental and .Plain Pickets ror fences in eve style required, made 1lo ordel!. 2£ ~~;~·~·~:;:~,~~ ~!;1~~~ !~;le~a~: '::~d~ IJ ~ lr I nn1' 1.\\rG I! tlTHf\1\ ~ J.\j U UU I IN The dismantling of the old Hollis Street Church in Boston, to make way for a th~ac;re, does not couver t all t he material to ungodly uaes. ']'he inscription slab and a mernori:.l winnow will be given to tl;e Hos"Olli:m 8 ociel.y . The wooden tabletis of bhe Lord's pnl,\' er a"d Scriptural quotations go to a church at Atla.uta, Ga., and a buat of St.11.t'l' King aud a' Thaxter baptl.smal font t" t hti n·aw H ollla Stroet Church. P er.ple who dislike to have tl.elr win· dows frosted h1 cold weather co;n prevent it by rubbing the glass inside and outside W=J= t= h=g:'.::l::y= ce =t= ·in =e·=========== STYLE S BM OVA L. MRs.HU. PH EY HARNESS SHOP first Door hst of RueoottomHouse1 l l EPA.RE FOR I ~AR! TYRONE THE ONTARIO BANK Boot and Shoe Store. Spring & Su mmer G OODS I W. H. HICK S. I FARMERS ! For your Machinery use 1\/.1: c C 0 IA ~ ' S ----- I E MACHINE OIL, HAINES' CARRIAGE · "WORKS He CAHRIAGES, SLEIGHS, OUTTERS, \VACONS, &O·J All Kinds of Veh_icles Repaired I