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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Apr 1885, p. 3

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{;HOICE RECEiPTS. FlJNNYGRArtlS. FJJA.O.'.FIF.Tt CAKE.- Ooe and one-thi·<l Bad news-Pneumonia an:! neuralgia. cupll of flour, one cup of sugar, two egg~, Eclipse of the son-A baby daughter. ~wo thirds cup of cream, a little salt al"i · Bakers are generous. They never keep nutmeg. SQUARH Brncm:r.-Two cupfuls of light all the bread they knead. Save money by buying your goods at Adam was a roller skatt>r . The fall bread sponge, one pin& of sifted squaal·, one cupful of shortening, nearly one '1tp· he got is stiil well remembered. ful of sugar. Mix as bread an<l roll out The next t hing to a foneni proceimion s:nooth. Cut into biiicuits aiud rafae aa ls to walk behind a love-sick couple going 1 bread. home from a party. , PICKLED APPLES. - Pare, halve, 1md Jones calls hie mash at the rink quarter the fruit. For ·seven ponndd of "T.r:uth," b ecause, though crushed to Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, P apples take three pounds of au gar, oue earth, sho rises again. quart of vinegar, one ounce · of cinnamon, "Does ~our "l'fife keep a pet asked Medicines, etc., etc. a.nd one ounce of clo.-ea. If ground 'cln· namon and doves are u~ed tifl in cloth Bigeby of l'opinj1.1y. "Well, I gue~r;she fyrone. November 13, 1884. 46·3m. ~nd boil with the vinegar; but if wh ole does," wa.s the reply. "She's never out 79 QUEEN ST, LONDON, E . C., cloves and cinnamon bark are used put of a pet." Will be glad to correspond with Ca.mphorated glyMrine will b e found two cloves in ei;ch piece of apple and break the cinnamon in piec11s and b Gil mo3t ~erviceable to pm on exposed parts Apple Growers, Merchants and of t he body t o keep mosqu itoes froil) with the apples Shippers, with a view to Autumn TEA BrscurT.-One qu art of flour, one biting. - JUST RECEIVED ATteaspoonful of salt, one half teaspoonful "Yes, dear, y ou see, don't an d Spring busines::;, r It Cxcitcs cxpectoralion and ca.use~ the l ungs of Bugar, two tieaspoomful of baking-pow- think it's right for mo to read French to throw off the phlegm or mucous ; clran,g-a tli_e secretio1ts and jurzjies tJu blood; heab ~he i~n... They will also give the · usual der, one teaspoonful of lard, and oue pint novels in Lent, so I only read traufllat atcd parts ; gives strength to t be d1gest1 vc of milk. Sift together flour, salt, sugar, tiom. · organs; brings the liver to its prop~r .net.ion, facilities to customers re(1uiring adand imparts ~trength to tho whole system. and p1 >wder, rub in t he lard cold, add Youug lady (innncently to g;mtleman): SucH r s THE IM::\iEDIATE AND s,\Tt SFACTORY They are Fresh, Good .and Cheap. vances. 81-70. rnUk to form into as soft a dough aQ can "I wish I could get one of thoee freshJlFFliCT that it is ·warranted to bn:all ut the 11tost distressing' couxli 1:n a _ f ew flours time, if be handled, fl.our the board and roll out, men to plant in my garden. I do want . A SPLENDID,i ASSORTMENT OF 11ot o f too long standing. It ls 1uarra ntcd TO cut with 11. amall tin cutt er, and bake in a something gr een." GIVE ENTIRil SATISirACTIO N, EVEN I N 1'1-Jl<: go~d h ot oven about t \venty minutes. m ost confinncd cases of Consumption l It is "Girls wlll be girls," B!l.YS a contempo-z1..,arrantal not to produce co~tiveness(most remCUSTARD CAKE .-Two small cups cf rary. Oh, no ! That's a miatake. If girls' e dies cause this trouble) or afTt::c.:t t l1e l it:<.lJ, Ag·entfor · il(.ut, one cup of sugar, three eggs, t wo wishes are consulted they will be ma.rried as it contains no opium in any form. It is w1ir A T EXCEEDINGLY L 0 W P RICE S. ranted to be fe>:f e ctly /1arm!cs. to the most tablespoonfuls. of water, a1;1d butter tho women some day. 1 delicnt~ child, although jt is an active and pow. size of a.n egg. Beat the whites and ye!ks crful reme<ly for restoring the system. Tlicre (AJ,J, SIZES) " .is a nice time to c.;me home and is 1w r eal necessity /or .so many deatli.s by Conseparately, and bake the cake in layei:s. GnaranLeed to give first-class satisfaction or sumfltion, when ALLEN's L UNli B A LSAM will JAMES ELLIOTT. For the :filling, place one-half plnb of a. nic~ state you're in," she a~id. "Nice Call and inspect. prcVcnt it if only taken in time. To Physician~ no sale. Also having consumptixe patien~s, a nd wh~, .having KING STREET, BOW.MANVILLE. milk upon the stove, and . when it boils etate! Thanks, lovey. I thought you failed to cure them with then- own :me.rl1cme , we a.dd to 1t one egg, one tablespoonful of were goning to acold me." would recommend to give ALLEN 'S Lu NG BALYes, evorytli!ng fa faster in this coun butter, one-half b~acup of sugar, and a SA>! a trial, S uld OJ' alt lJrnggists. and all other kinds or . de~eertsp·)onful of flour, well beaten to- try. In England they 1By that a man stands for Parlis.rnent. In thin country FAI{M IMPLEMRNTS. ADVICU 'J'O JllO'nt.t:RS. gether. Flavor with lemon ·or roae. · :N""O~O~_:__ they say he runs for Parliment. Aro you d.isturhed at night and broken of PLUM PuDDING.-One t.ablespoonful of re8L by a sick child suffering and crying Bacauae a man happens t o ba possess· Orders by mail will receive prompt attention , your with pam of cutting teeth 1 If so, HeIHl at o nce soda, one cupful of molassea, one-half and get a bott.le of MRS. WINSLOW'S Som·rrrN© cupful of sugar, two-thirds oupful of t)(l of "a constitution of a hor~e," 1t 'by Ad<lress, W . H . PIPER. Box 101. · DHOOKLIN, SYRUP Ji'OR CHI LDREN 'r 1i:F.n111w. Its valne is butter, three cup1ula of chopp~ d i;uet, two no means follows that his physician is 40. inca.lculable. I t will relieve the poor lit tle ----o- --justified in treating him like an asa. sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, cupfuls of raisins, flour eno11gh. to make a there is no mistalrn about i t. IL cures dy sentary stiff batter. Tie UP- ln a floured cloth and Ln.fayette had a gre:ltmlnd,and he k new 1. THE LOW DOWN is as easHy operated as a reaper. and diarrhooa, regulates tlHl stomach and boil three houra, , For gravy, one quart what he waa doing when he assfaat.ed the 2. THE LOW DOWN weighs 1050 pounds and is 10:! feet wide. bowels , cures wind colic, softens the gums, red uces in tlamn1ation~ a nd. ~iYl:)S tone and of water thickened with flour 01· corn· U nit~d S \ates, France is now getting H as received her new stock o f energy to the whole system. J'.tlrn. \VINSLOw's starch and seasoned with nutmeg or large 1mpplies of canned froga from this 3. THE ~OW DOWN is as easily dra,vn by 2 horses as elevated SOO'l'llING SYi<UP rron UHJLD 1<Ei'f 'l'EETHING1is binders are by 3 horses. pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of lemon, butter and sugar. We had this country. one of the olclest and best; female, mu·ses and for Chrlatmas and think it splendid. THE LOW DOWN can work on side hills where elevat ed binders 4. "Charming girl, that Mise Luuy, Jack." p hysicians in the United States, and is for sale UoNEY PuDDING.- Three pints thinly and invites the Ladies of Bow- h upset. Y all druggists througho111'the world, P dce Think so 1 I never could bear her. " sliced apples, one pint honey, one pint DOWN has n? canvass to get wet, shrink, stretch or She always tre11.ts mo as if I was an asa, 5. THE J.. manville and vicinity to call ::a cents a bottle- - -- - -flour, one pint cornmeal, small plece of you know. " "Indeed, I didn't know ahe wear out. REST :noel .C::Olll!FORT to the SUl'i.IRl:V@. and see her Pattern butter, one tf'lanpoon£ui soda, the jube of knew yon." "lll'own's Houselrn11Jcl J·anacea " has no tvrn lemons,and three grated lemonrinda. 6. THE LOW DOWN has wrought iron frame which p revents gear equal for relieving pain, both in t.ernal and CX" "Wal," aaid Mra Spriggins, in response Stir the dry Boda into the honey, then from getting out of line, cutting and wearing out, tcrnal, It c ur" Pain in the Side, Back or Bowels, Sore Throa t , Hhcumiitism, 'l 'ootbauhe, o.dd the apples, melted butter and a little to a. remonstrance from her husband, "I 7. THE LOW DOWN saves all the lodged grain. · and as::iortruent o1 Lum b1tgo and any kind ef a Pain or Ache. "It Now add the ot.her ingredients and got tired sittin' up there all alone In soli- · will most surely q uicken the .mood and Heal , B"ke one hour and talre. so I went down and percolated 8! THE I,OW DOWN will cut and bind any grain that grows. as i ts acting powe rs iH wonrlerful." "Hro'V'\'n,fi stir iu the flour. through the crowd." Hoasehold Pitnacea," bemg acknow leuged o.s eerve with sauce. 9. THE LOW DOWN is the most durable binder made. t he i;rca& Pain Helie\:"er, and o:f double the "\Vhere'a Jones 1" "Dead.". "Dead 7 10. THE LOW DOWN was completely successful in tho harvest of S'rOlUl :-Rednut n~oor 'IVc~.t ol ·iv1nfams su·e11gth of any other Eli>: ir or Lin i1neut in the The Onion. Well, I declare! Paid the debfof nature, WOl'ld, should be in eYery family handy for use Butcher St:tH 1884-50 put out and stood the test. when wanted, "as it r eally is the best remedy Of i;;ll t he fla.voring substances naed in eh 1" "No ; co; m promised afi leas than in the world for Cramps in the S tomach, itnd THE LOW DOWN will t otally eclipse all elevated binders. 11. cookery, the · o nion ta, v,ftcr salt, perhaps fifty per cent. " "How so i "· "He left Pa.ins a ncl Aches of fLll kinds. "aiid is fo1· sale 12. THE LOW DOWN iii waiTanted to work on fair trial or no sale. by <Lil Drnggisls <Lt 25 cents a bottle. the mos!; valuable, and, as mauy a house· his better half behind him." ; - - - - - - - -·- ~ keeper can give testimony, when cunning· "IfI ain t pa~ticular aboutaeein' a show, 13. THE LO~ ~:>O'YN can be raised bodily with one lever, the c::oNSU~H"t'l@N ca;r.Ei}.-:i.n o!ll physician, l 1 d · th e sauce or ragou t soup. I'd just as soon go to an opera as a f une· rHired rrurn practiL:e, having had placed in his Y conoea e 1n operator s1ttmg m the seat . No weigh t at any time on the hors~ bands by an J<;ast. In din missionary the formula it yields enjoyment even to thone who ral ; but when I want to lay righb down neck:<. of"' simple Yegetablo remedy for the speedy would carefully publ.t from them if they saw and e nJ· ov myself, l go to a circus. Ah, and permanentcul'e ofUonsumpl.ion.Bi-011chit\s, · i . · Catanh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Af· tt, n their abhorrence of everything per· there's rn'>thing li]ca a braaa horn and a 14. THE LOW DOWN cuts 5 feet, ancl all levers are within easy reach of the driver. f ections, also a positive and radical cure for taining to tha garlic tribe, There is no hosl!. " Nervous Debility !\nd all nenous Complaints, d bt th t. th! I tte ml8 1 I bl after ha.ving te£ted ita wonderful cura:t ive ou a, .s a r. a mos ; va ua e A vender of imitation spiders was dang· 15. THE LOW DOWN is made only by NoxoN Bnos. Ingersoll and powers in thousands o'f cases, has fel t it _ his food in a hot climate, especially when ling one of the bogus insects on Broad. . sold in Darlington and East Whitby by. ' . ' duty to make it known to his suffcrini< fellows. eate11 r w I remembe·· re· :J1"ng 1 °n · f l Actuated by t.bis motivo and a desire to relieve b k ~ · d· h ' ..... R. 0 ·'" way, when an antique ema e, after ut ter· 00 1 hmtrnu Hnfferiug , I will send free of charge, to ;.."t1,!lec1 " a an t e iver ...on- ing a little !lCream, appealed to a ·police8 all who desire it, this recipe, in German,l!'rench, go," t r· t the author never travelled man, say in" : "Mr. Policeman, can't vou 0 or E nglish, with fnll directions for P't"epariug with · 1 0f l' h b e J and using . Sent by mail by addressing with · ouu a aupp Y gar 10 · w ose en · make that man qnit scaring young girls ·-:a"Yst.ump, namini;: this paper, w . .A.. Non:s H9 ficial effects on t he stomach and system to death with them spiders." rower's nzocJ..Rochcstc1· N. Y. ;i.l>. were most marked. " When very much fatigued, ·' he aays, " I ·h ave found nothing A C~lifornia girl has · bee a di3~overed MJ" I am f ull y preparccl to attend F~nerals <~n the shortest notice, ut the lowesl poss1 ble rates. "\:U ANTED, a resident 1\ gent in every to eqna.l a tew pieces of raw garlic, eaten with two mouths, one in each cheek. This Caskets and B urial Cases ready on short notlce 1t' 'f Villa.1::e, 'l'own itnd City of the Dominion with a cruet of bread or biscuit, for pro- kind may do in the far West where girls First-class hearse on very moderate t ermP. nTeo, a few 'l'rnvellers to sell our NEW Ain G ,,~ duo , 1 minutes after, a delightful are scarce, and it is convenient to have Shrouds and Coffins c onstantl y on h and. Fun l\'1aCllINER, for making ATH GAs -50 per cent. r;ral c ards supplied at 01>ce . . Furniture Shop & cheaper thau coal ga~. equally as GOOD. No sensatio ~of repose, and that feeling of t hose who can kiss two fellows at once, !iilhow Hooms-Bounsall'sNew B lock. FIJ. r n or power required. Mad e in a ll ~izes the atom~ch being ready to receive food but thlly would never be popular in the [i';ll furniture nol d by me is made by the U. C from 15 J3 URN > ,RS to 1,0ilO, for PR!VA'rE Ho u s Es, ff uruH ure Co , ofBowmunville. I do not buy STORES, Ho·rELS. J<'.ac·x·onrn;s, S·1·nEE~'s. MrnJJ:s, generally absent when excessive empti- E aab, where there are not enough fellows slop furniture and i·epresent it to. ha.vo boen etc., Aclc1rc Hs, 'l'J:IE IJANADIAN Allt GAS neas or exhaustion is the case." Very to go arouud. made by the U. O. F. Co. or this town. l\1ACHINF~ M:ANUFACTUlUNG C0., 115 St "Mr. Smith, d?, you know the cha.rac- We ·respectfull invite ym1r attention to our complete amd Also ror theLI·QUOH TEA ror thi s t.own l!,rancois Xav ier Street. Mont.r e al, P. Q. 4lHy odd contradictions in regard to this vege· table arises; for example, Henry of Na· ~er of ~r. Jones? "I rathergueas I do, an<l yicinity. It is ch e!Lp 1ind as goo<!- as can be ~··~·~--·--·~ · -. ---,......-..-._,., varre had his lips rubbed the moment he Jedge, "Well, what do you say about got in t he market. A valuable prize given comprehensive__stock of Pure Drugs and 1\.fedicines. with every pound. Cards of Thanks. was born with a clove of garlic, a time· '1t 1" "He ain't so bad a man, aft er all." honored cuatom in h!a native place. On "Bub, Mr. ~mith, what we want to know To_t//,e IIartf01·d li'ii'e Tns11.m 1nc-. Co. the ct 'ier hand, garlic was forbidden by is, is Mr. J ()?0S ~~ a ,,qua,~relsom~ a11d I hereby return thanks for the prompt pay- ~ be.tue of Alomrn the Eleventh to his dangerous d1Bpos1tton 1 Wall, Jedge, mem by your agent, Mr. '!"hos. Bingh am. fiir ~ I h "d th T J ' · damage done to my house by flre. I received Knights of LaBanda, and Don Quixote .s oul say at · om ones 1a ~ery Vl· reliable, safe, and pleasant to take. a check by return m11il a fter my cla im cautioned Sancho Panza to beware of the v1d In verbal exercise, but when ib comea was for warded. MRS. C. C. Bl:;"RK. garlic which the King of France had to personi!.l adjustment, he isn't eager for Own' '.Corn To the Managers of he Glasgow and Lona.on rubbed upon his infant's gums on his en· the contea u. " Was Dfacle Nlany <Changes. Fire Jnsiirance <Jo. tr~mce into this wodd. - -- - - - .·- - - I hereby retnrn thanks for the prompt pay. '"'"· ,._,, TI,d- · "'"'l"t ...,, - - (o ) - ment by your agent, Mr. 'l'hos. Bingh,.,m, for To the Canadian taste the pronounced .a JaC mt.all! i S m·l l arv nesources. damage t.o my house w h ich was insured in the flavor of garlic is unsupportable, and the The Mahdi's milita.rv r esources include Sovereign Fire In~urance Co., huving received hil I h b Il d h -,, cash check by return of mail a fter claim was odor of it, w e t as aen ca e t 0 15,fsOO Egyptian regnlara, who were orig. sent in. MRS. C. C. BUHK. "violet of vegetables," is anything but a inally taken prisommi or deaerted to the From the above settlem e nt of claim parties delect11ble perfume. Stlll people have Mahdi's camp. It is not known, even ~'~~~--~--......~ holding Sovereign Policies w ill ~ee that they mourned for it; for example, the Hebre ws Eat nglish headqu~.rtera in the Soudan, JW"'l'ilE POPULUt~ are all right, and they need not pay any atten in their wanderings to the promlsecl laud, who many nn.tive warriors have j oined tion to the agent or the Dominion Gra nge I i , t M · t't f th h u mbug or any one else who are going ronnd comp a ne ~ :> oaea O· ne wan ° · e Mohammed Achmed, but he poasesaea telling folks that their Sovereign Policies are loak and t he g0,l'lic which the7 inforw.ed armamev.ts for ~m almo11i; unlimited numno vood, hi rn they remembered ; or, as the poet b!l.r. HAS RESUMED BUSINESS THOS. BINGHAM, says, "The Hebrews gave Moses to unuer· Besides the arms aud equlpmenta of 30 --------~---E_ _w _ M _ A_ NV!LLE stan d that the scent of the onion hung H tcka and Baker Paahs/a foreaa, which PHESCRIPTION S and I 1 'AlVIILY RECEIPTS filled with --IN-Cheap Life Insu . ranee. Jround t hem stm."_ ___ ren into the ha.nos of the llnemy, the absolute purity and correctness. latter has au enonnoua 1uantity of provl· g:NEADS' BLOCK:: · . I Are ·women Hmu~somer tllan a!ona ancl ammunition, which the Egyp· NJEX'.I' DOOR 'i(l Tli.E EXl'UESS OFl'lV.t~ . Insure m t he Confederation Life Asao· Itllen? tlan Government had etorsd in Sennaar, ---(o)-~ c111t10n. It lB cheaper than t.he Canadia n I never felt ao thoroughly convincsrl, 1Kordofah, and Fachoda, a- :'.\{y Stock comprises all Ines of J~adies Mutual Aid, A, 0 . U. W. or any pass a- wl"ites Clara Belle that women are realiy .Aa far back aa two veari! ago the Egyp' · hi an auth or1 't' · Cai ro a d ~... ·t t eu ·3 t· h au · the & Gents' l!'ine Goods, Overshoes, Uubbcrs, &c. round your hat institution, as the follow- handaomer than men as by the sight of ies au ing examples will prove : Thos. McO!nng several of our favorite actors bar6ft of Mahdi had captureu 90 field guns, 15,000 ~Ordered Work and Repairing will as baa been inanred since 1872 for$2,000and mu~t&ches. We have to go amooth-faced Remington rifles, and 3,~0,00-0 car t· usual receive prompt attention. the last five years it only c ost him $2.55 all the while, and yet most of ua mansge ridgelil. Sinee then the garrrnona of Ber· « :rvty cusLomers and tho public generally per annum on each $1, 000 to insure. John to do it prettily; but there isn't one man bdr, Shendy, 11ud Khart.oum h.ave capitu. . are invited to call and secure unparall!Jled McC!ung insured at the oame t ime fo r the in a hundred whose countenance can lated. · same amount and it only cost him $1. 74 stand on its naked merits. There i,s a At Khtu·toum, also, the Mahdi found a bargains in Boots and Shoes. per annum on each $1,000 to insure, he popular young actor named John Drew vast quan tity of aminun!tion and 5,000 DAVID DAVlS. at Daly's theater and an actress on tio 6,000 negro troops well armed. The being a little younger. We certify the above to be correct, Thos. tho same stage na~ed Ada Rehan. They rebel army is also copiously sappl!ed with Bowmanville, Marcl1, 6 1881. McClung, John McClung. have been mimic sweethearts for &everal o..ege ardllery, Both Sir Cliarlea Wil· '.l'HOS. BINGHAM, Agent . years in modern comedies. '.l'liis week son's and Lord Charles Beresford's steam· ------Daly is reviving an old play belonging to ers w~re nr:d upon by heavy riveraln .,~-o~?r· a period when mustaches were uofashion- b!\htenes. rhere are. a large number of ~ : ~ . · ·:1 . · 1. .·, . · ·· . . able and the actors ccmcerned in the re- 'l~urkish and A.rab officers wit.h the Mahdi. "· Ill pres~ntation were ordered to get clean The black recruits are drilled by fugitives aha.ven. They obeyed, though it ls aaid from's army, and. the ·Yladhi's arthat they post.poned the sacrifice until the t1l101y is worked by 'l'urk1sh Topski~, who la.Rb hour before the initial perfornrnnce. !!.re held to be the best mnrksmen lll the Well, Drew ia truly a frightful object, world. His revealed mouth fa simply dreadful. _ __.....,,,,.,,.._.,.____. and everything that is kept in a first-class Grocery and Pro0 0 :t.00 Perhaps ib misses the weight of the IDUB· Sermon to my Boy. v ision Store, will be sold at the lowest possible prices. tache, and wlil gradually come under My boy, wben you deai;e to commit ARE NOW OPEN. control, but on the occasion any wronf! in your basen:ient, have some symmetrical § ilUttl fonirn1·Jy occ11111c1l by the Fost om@e. f · d b · _, k I ~ JUNG S'i:RimT, o· its e u b it ""as a li!a·~ wi·ec. · am one attract attention by proclaiming your CASH for Beef, Pork, Eggs, Butter, Hides, Tallow and all ~old ~ha~ Miss R?han, ~n tirsi; enc~~nter- vh-tuea from the honaet op. ::B01"VV'1V.f.A.N'V-XLLE . 1mg him m _tho wmgs, eJaculated: Good When vou make l'P ..,0 u;: minrl tC> cal Farm Produce at C. M. CAWKER'S. 1·i l ' t . f ll . heavens 1 ia that the mouth I havo baeil ~ The Gallery is first-class in all its ank" · 11 1 "" a man a l ' ar, ,.. 1 semg a a ong' . ·l a. wayl'J !,lck ou some. ~ ow pointments, a rid furnished in ·a comfort -·--------~~---··~-· you can ·CK. I also return my sincere thanks to my. numerous friends and patron's able mau~1er. Thero will be n o poor work Coffee with d!atilled water is s~l.d When your pail of milk it1 !!pilled, don't allowed to leavo the rooms, a nd these who to have a greatly improved aroma. I t ~it down and cry, but go for a frellh cow for t heir very liberal support d uring the ~ast fifteen years, and hope by striet attention to business and keeping first-class stock, to still merit 'l'his Cut represents thl) popular Victoria favor mo with a call can rely on being ae6'ms that the mineral carbonate11 in com- and refill your pail. \'Vave. It is dressed with the hair falling on pleased moa water render the tannin of the cof· When yon <leclde that the world owes the.same: ~he forehead,, and the end;s meet il11\fontit.gues. ~The inattiiltenoua process only, will fee bert7 soluble, but the drug will not you a li'liug; .pull ~:If yotir coat and take l;!; is excccdmgly becommg , and 1s having a he used for Phot.ographa. diaaolve in distilled water. it out of the world 11 hide. large run. '1'he above style, w it.h large number of · Come in and see me. A oo.pito.l crime- well, klillllng is 11.bont When you think the world ca.nnot geiJ other equally becoming styles , are made by 11.c good as any of them, if we admit that along without you, pall a hair from your MRS. A. DA VIS.a R. IL HENRY. li:l.Hing la a crime. head a.nd see if it makes youb~dhetoded. __ STAND :-Town Hall.Buildings, next to Ont. Bank. ov M. Maver\ atore ~rYRONE'S CHEAP CASH STORE,. ten JAME S STRUT '1 Proprietor APPLES APPLES. CHARLES DONALD & CO., r· THE WAY IT WILL .AFFECT YOU. ·GROCER!: I J ES LLI TT'S W.H.PIPER, Crockery & Glassvvare His reas are not to be1 Excelled. GRAIN CRUSHERS CHAFF CUTTERS LIGHT PLATF'ORM BINDER !VHSS ~1 c~f ~lVIStt GOODS., ow BONNETS, HATS TRIMMINGS UNDERTAKINCI LEVI . M ORRIS. 0 F. H. MASON, Hampton P. 0. &SOI, Pharmaceutical Chemists. BINGE'S COUGH SYRUP, Cure, Rose GlyceroleJ Choice Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Ground Oil Cake, .Cattle Foods, Horse and Cattle, l\a:edioines, &c. Our V. DAVIS A~D BOOT SHOE MAN G-ROCERI Cr ·~ ~=cry SI ··rHE V!C"'fORIA. Pj ---«n- -- .0 .GRAPH "'. R taisa ANO cuttan~ ta rs~ Coarse ancl Fine Salt, and Feed, Empire Horse and Cattle Food, · & Glassware, American and Canadian Coal Oil, Flour N ew. Ph t ills ----o---- C. A

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