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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Apr 1885, p. 5

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7 car loads Salt. ·.Liverpool Salt and Land Plaster-lowest prices at QUICK & WRIGHT'S. Bargains in Wall Paper at Variety \ O.i9y Books new kind for s!.\le at VarHall. [ iety Hall. i\11other consignment of t hose cheap Heavy Tweed Suits, a job lot at $5.00. Ellison & Co. sug; at J. L y le's. Mr. John }'o~ter, rlrover, is sh ipping U igheet price paid for all kinds of f11rm B OWMANVILLE, FRIDAY, APlU L 17. Mont real thi11 pro< luce at J. Lyle's. Mrs. Rossie has much pleasure in anBOWMA NVILLE FAIR. r. Ed ward Armour, barrister, of nonucing that s he is now prepared for the The undersigned r esp e ctfully announce to the citizen s of PROVIDES PENALTIES FOR THE Toronto, spen.t Sllnday with his parente spring trade. Ladies dt>airin"' millinery .. 'l'hii Spring fair of the West Durham 111 this town, will find n r ich stock tu eele~t frotu at Bowmanville and surrounding d istrict tlrnt t h ey have bought 'l'ho Schooner V:ie1ma, Capt. Brauntl, Pierce &. Reherteon's. an d D.1rli11gton Union Agricultural Soci·-- - - - - - - - - -- - _ o Feties will be held on t he Show Grounds, passed Port D:trlimrton 011 Wednesday MR. T. PATERSON'S stock of Dry Good s, a n d will carry on the bound for Whitby. First of the season. BIRTHS. lotplll'C A.1·ti c l cs . of" Diet. Bowm:\nville, on Wednesday, April 29 th . Mr. Theo. Jame3 who has spent t P1.tcKrr.u1- In Bowmanville on the t5th inst. business in the same stand. This applies to the Retail Trade as well or course tht maiu object of this spring winter with friends i n Can11.da. . left o -nie w ife of Mt'. Geo. Pccll:hani'. af. a son. ' fair ia t.he exhibition of stock animals, auc Wednesday for h is home Short Tras,V, <~u rcK-In Bowmanville. on the Uth instant, . . a11 Wholesale. ' ~ ,the wife or Mr. W m. Quick, of a 11on. N y The stock i s being sorted np wit h NEW and FASH W X ABLE t he show of stock is equal in number , ___.,;; · ·· Dealers hereby reminded t hat . \Vm1 E--In Milton. on Sunday. ii 12th ~·Arns.-N ewcastle, April 28th; the wlfe of ll'fr. R. White. or the Su1i office, of S.I'tnNG val ue and breeding, to that of any County aooDs suited to the season, and we s o lic i t tlie patronage ~f P,>rt H ope, April 27th ; Cobourg, April a aon. _ . in the Province. H o wever, there i; 29th · Bowmatll'ille April 29th · Mill- ~,\N'rDN- -In D..rlmgton , on the .,th met., the · · ' ' wife of .llir. John Rantpn, ot a danghtcr. a first rate opportu nity offered t"> manubrook, l\fay 4th. 'l'noMPSON-At J<:nnisklllen. on the 11th Inst. all former customers, and reques t all p e r s ons requiring Dry facturers and oth\lra to exhibit their Two i nitiations at the Division la the wife of Mr. Wm. 'l'bon1pson, or twins.....'. machinery. 'rt1e prize ·Jist is good, the meetina mure to follow next 'fuesda MONTREAi,, d;:_ughtcr and eon. . Goods to favor us wi th ·an early call and i nspection o f o ur ""d 1· Id b L'Hl.:V.\IL-·ln Darlington, on the 16th ult,, Urn grad es being pr.operly classified, and in Come an isten to many o mem er11 wire ot Mr. Syclney 'l're\-ail, or a eon. GRIND, P U'l' UP, A::-.D SELL ..,.,,____ ·· - - - ----~ - - - - -- - - goods . and prices . th e c lifforenf; classes of horseJ there is take put in the Program neJtt week. 'l', Geo. Ma.son's Star House although MARRI ED. every prospect of strong C·'mpetition, as a comparit ively new ~ouse, has left m:rny ~rcpowr.:1.i:-D.~VJFY-At th,? residen~e o~ the Our stock co1np1·1'ses t he bes t sta. 1 'Jle ,__, ao o ds i " n tl1e 2 1,"1·· J;-·e t, there are a number of new animals to be older AND NONE OTHER. houaes far beh md in the race o 1 bride 6 mother. Prnehurst, on the l;ith mst., " · , . . by Rev. D. C. McDow,·11, father of the Rroom . exhibite(l thi! spring, whid1 were never popnlar favor. 'Ihe1r turnover u ver assisted by Hev, J . .T. Hare, M.A., Prinoioal of l h" "11 b ld . Ontur!o J,anies' College, ancl Rev. E. R. Young, UilC everyt mg WI e SO a t l owest p ric e s for Cash only. S"e tha t the name of the firm is on before ah oWLI her e. T he Prize List may h\rgr. , l · , · t 2'> d Mr. 1' runklin Metcalf 1\IcDowell and Sar11.h, each package. be had on n.pplication to M r . R. Windatt, . 0 n W e d ll·S( ~y evenrn.g nex ~ ~9 younge5tdaugh~rof the l&te J ohn Davey.Esq., mat., an en· er tarnment will be given in all of Bowmanv11le. Secret:i.ry, Bowmanville. St. John's Ch u rc1 1 School Room to com- -- S1':1DEK-Wlll£JtLEH- On the 9th inst.. by thci mencc at 8 Admission ten cents. A Rev. C. L,ang~ord, u t the Parso1~al{o , Qi!hawa. · . · . · .Mr. \ V. E. Smder, of l<'ort Gratiot, M1cl1lgan. 'l'HOS. TOD, ) ~oocl pro~ramme l~ i n p repa.rahon. J late of Oshawa, to Mrs. J,. J. Wheeler, of Subscriptions will be taken at the 'l~~- _______ · - -- - · CHAS. TOD, J·r. S'l'A'l'KSlCAN Otiice for the DAn.Y Gwirn, DIED. l~isliing will soon be in order. Every parcel a. bargait1 at Mason Bros· Noon or E\·ening Edition, sent t o any BAN 'l'-In Oah1twa, on the 3rd inst.. Mary Post Oflice in Canritla, one month, 38c.; Jane. onl y d1iughter o1 Mr. and Mra John Buttericks P a tterns for sale at Variety two months, 70c. : three months, $1. aged 11 yearo, 3 months and 8 days. Hall. K1;Tc m;:-i-In Brooklin, on the :ll'd inst., '1'· Sl\ve money ,- lf s<tving a few dollars Fr ..11k Ketchen, aged 20 yet.L'S, There was a heavy fall ofsnow 011 Mon- is any «1dject d on't buy a watch or anyday morn ing, April 23rd. thing in t he ,Jewel ery line until y~u have BOWMA NYILL~J MA.RKET8. The Spring Horse Fair will be lleld at enquired wh;i,t yo n can get it for at the A large and well selected stock of goods suit able for the spring and ~ --Whitby on Friday, Ap1·il 24 th. · Star House Jewelery Depai·tment, J. J . sllmmer trade, is offored at t he lowest possible paying all-a1\ mnd Counterfeit $5 bills of the Bank of Tor- Maso11 watch-m ~drnr and J.,wcller. ao,.,·octed b!! J OH-" Lvr.E, e-11e1'11 Thursda11 prices, a t the . onto a1·ti s,lid to be in circula.tion. ·rhe new firm d d 1 ·y goods merchants, Flour, per 100 lt . ..... $2 25 . . to .. $2 50 Plenty of ducks at the Bil.y. Pity to Messrs. Tod Hros. make t heir bow to our Fal 1 Wheat, per busn. . . · 0 85. _to . . 0 !10 readers th is week. T hey ha\'e a good SpringWheat, per bush. 085 .. to ·. 0!)0 J£ any people in the world should be shoot th e~n now, they are breeding. Mr. Edward Kivell has purchased 100 general assor tment of s taple goods :md Rye, per hush el. . . . . .. . . 0 55 .. to . _ 0 60 :gratefol it is those who have found snch acres oPJ the town line of D.nlington for are now recei,·ing their new purchases. Oa.ts,pP.r bushel. ·. . . . _. 0 38 . . to . . 0 40 ;relief by the use of Stolt & Jury's wouder- $5. 100. We ask out readers t o give the new firm Peas,Blue.... ..·.. ..·. 050 . . to .. 065 " Bl:tckeyAs . . ..... _ 082 .. to_. 086 -ful remedy for neuralgia and headacheMr. Rir.hard Luke, an old and respect- an early call. " Small. ........ .... .... 055 . .. to . .. OGO ed resic l ent of Ea~t Whitby, was buried Rev . · T. Shorey, of Oshawa, will preach .a genuine surprise awaits every person Barley, No. 1. .... .. . . 0 60. _to_. C 00 last week, in the Queen S t Methodist Chllrch on ·trying it. 5 minn tes gives· perfect relief " No. 2, extra .... 053 . . tll .. 0 55 R ev Ur. Ross, of I:ll'usf;els, preached Sabbath ne xt., morning and eve ning. ' ' · No. 2 . .. ... ..... 0 50. . .. 0 53 Our expenses in conducting business are very small. We save larO'e .in almost every. ca.Be. Price, only 2iic . 0 I Collec tions in behaif of Educational F'und : '" N o. 3.... ..... .. O 50 ·. . to . .. 0 UO chscounts by paying prom pt cash for goods, and cannot be un Jert sermons in St. Paul's Churc 1 ~~lr Shol'ey is an inter esting and eloq uent on Sunrlay. sold by anyone doing a square trade. pr eacher . A foil bonse is expected. All Bnt t er,pe1· lb. best tnble.. O 13 .· @ ·· 0 IG Lard,~ tb .. . . ... .... . ... 010 .· @ · · 0 13 Snow, slush, h ail, rain, free;,e, thaw, are welcome. Egga,if"Joz ...... ........ 0 14 .· @ .. 0 14 all characterized the weather during the ast fortnight. · Maynard the J e weller sold a htrge Pota. toes, per bushel. . .. ·· O 25 .· @J ·· 0 25 P . . . mnnber of nice p~esent8 last week and Dre ssed Beef. . ....... . .. 5 50 .. @ ·· G 50 . The .Ap~1l ed1.~~on of th e Century ~a~a- this for weddin g pr~s ents. 'l'he sil verwill be fully up to the r eqnieements of the puhli~. z1~e m1~13ered 2..o,000 ; t he May eclitwn wartl pt·esented t o M rs. Pollard (see ) Tyrone correspondence) was bought of N cw '.2\uucrtlscutents. ~ will be -o0,000. One of the leading M(ricultural firm s in. Maynard. Hi~ ~ tore is headquarters for -~~~-~'~""'·~~,,v_,,,.._,~ -~"-"""·~~ A'l' LOWEST PRICES. Canada wantg a pushmg agent for Dar- wedding prc gents. c ows WAN ' r ED. _ Several G oocl BES,.£ WORICMANS:f-IIP, lmgton. Se a aclvt. Mr. Hellyar's new advt. appears this Milch Cows by May 1st, A. W. D UllK. 'J'he Spring Showfoi: Reach, Port' Perry week. Om· rea de rs can rely on what· he lli-tf. Tbe Reliable Druggists. · and Scngog is to be held at Mnncheeter, says every time , His etockClf boots and B OAH.DERS WANTED. -- Ap ply to on 'fuesday, 21st inst. shces is assorted and his prices will b 3 MRS. MONK.Ll~Y. corner Church and Give us a call and prove th e abo v~ to be establi8hed factH . Chatham Harvester V i ctorious. Mr. Thomas Uhinu, of B rooklin, hM fonnd right always . R e would like for Temperance tltrects. Rowmauvllle. lG·tr been fined $40 and costs for selling liquor r eaders of this paper who have no~ yet ox.EN- A very fine Yoke of UXl'U well · Clwthc tm IIm"l!ester M am~factoring Co.: dur ing prohibited hours. bspe.c ted his stock and prices to call and broken and 11:ood workers, are oll'erfld for I see by a circular dated July 22nd, 1'ne Belleville Intelligencer Y(arns resi- see him . s~~:_AP~'.'.. to Jon:>J CLAYTON, Hampton. U-31v 188<t, gotten out by the MASSF:V CoNPANY '!'here will be an exhibition by the f J OUSE TO LET. -A comfortable in_ which i t m akes reference to a purehas- dents of back townships t o bewar e of pupils of the Union School, next Fridny Dwelling House. Apply to A. W, BURk, _-----,.er no 1 r Cl:ui.t.ham who had gi V<Jn an order sl1oddy pedlars. Correc,t. Rev. W. H. Laird form erly of Oshawa, night, Ap ril 2±1h, in tl1e 'l'own Hall, con - llowma.nville, · _ _ ~ for a-;: ~· ~rout~ > ;Binder, and a ft~r.wards _ O<:!T h -cancelf: d 1t ana t ook a Clrntham Bmder. has been transferr..d'from the Toronto to sistiug of recitntir>HS, vocol and instill0 0011 Sk' M ' Conference. mental &c - RA · Ill') i:ttl 1 °sn, t e. I will briefly iJtatP t he .::a11se, M I am tol the Niarrara 1i.d· 0 11" 11e . ·1 b music, · d ·, .A · beaut fid iful tl operetta c o ad runmng nor.1 o, 1 .own 'l'he unse<ts< m ablti wel\ther ha! preve nt- WI I c giv~n an h. rn.con en Y expect- Jj'inder liberall y rewarded on leaving M,itt at · it refer~ to me: I gave 'l'he Ma~s ey 1r.-1w. Agents an order in the spring, s ubject to ed the usual display of ne w millinery in ed th11t a r ich t11ncJ i s m s tore t or all tb11t ~TA1·1·; s;11,\N o:·"l"ICE. may attend . T he proceeds will be de votTl · '-b cl Du 1·l1· B 11 "Dulbein" cancelled. The orcler was ~iven the churclws on 8unday so far. ed to th .i pn rclrnse ot books foe a school , J ~n o ~~ '.tm u · 'e , . befo~e the Sample Bindcir came, which :\. very tme assortment of Entrhsh l'b h' l . ti d d of\\ cllmgton, for service on J, ot 13, Co n. · . ,. . "' ' 1 rary w IC 1 IS grea y ne~ e . 1. Darlington- on Base Line. 'l'~mMs: - One was represe.nted t r> be the only complete , · All k ' d f k Dollar, which must be paid at time of service. Scotch nnd Canadmn .rweeds JUSt opened binde1· in ex istencfl, hut when I examined out at Couch, J ohnston & Cryderman's. rn 5 0 epectac1 es eep 10 stoc1 { A. w. B U H K. · ttHf. . . · . a t t he Star Hou<Je J ewe lery Department. - ----- - - - - - - -- - - -·-- --and compared The 'C'oronto with the ·Chatham, which I bou ght, l found this . There :tre at pr~seu~ 120 pu~t!s .at.tend- Fi om 25c common glnssl.'s t o the ,·ery J MPORTED CLYDESDALE STALL ION. registered P ecli11:ree, for so.lo a t a difference. 'l'he Toronto i:i ~talionary on m g t he Osha wa. H1gh>:>chool. Ilns Ill the best pebble~. \Ve g u.a.rantee to fit any larges t number that e\"er attended at one · 1 ·.,) t very reasonable price. \\' ould take a good ·the main axle, so that you have .no way ' ~1 · worlci ni; horse for part. payment. GEO..:i. The Royal Teruplars, B owma.nv ille, SHAW, flowmanville. H>-3 w, of raising or lowering b11t b.Y the tilt, time. which I think, a very g reat objection in If yon wish t o buy your dry-goods and held an interestrng meeting on M onday ,l 'GENTS WANTED Folt DARLING' short or badly lodged grain. ll.v tilting ~lothing to the beat adv1\nt age. go to t~e nig ht 1\·h.en· co usiderl\ble busi ness was _a. 'l.' ON.- 'l'o sell the leading Self Binder of 'iciL; five.feet cut ; goe~ throuith a ten to catch the grain , yon c::u~fl tou much of S tar House. See page advertisement m t ransacted. One p ropo3ition w ~a roc01ve:i Ame1 a nd Ecveral others said to b e likely to feet g:<te. Over 100.000 in harvest field last ' an incline, causing the grniu to run up this paper. Yt ar. A full line of Itcaper~·. Mowers, Ilakes Tl . end ways and adding much to the draft. U. J. 1\1.Jrraw, so :t of Mr. R ) ht. Mor - come in n ex t n ig Ji ~ . te mem b ers e x, :<nil Plows accompany Binder. Address Loc;K At the c ommencement of th e Spring Trade w e t a k e t h0 lead; Also the binder gear being behind, .;auses row, of Darlington, who is school teacher pressed themsel ves as well pleased. w ith Box !17, Belleville. 1G-2w· the grain to shell badly whe n ripe ; as at Campbe ll's Cros'I, spent hi11 Easter the st:iuding gi vell to the Order iu Canada N OTI CE A t' . ----t.- we will offe r such b a r g ains that w i ll d efy all com p eti tion. .d tI b th . t ·';" l1 , t " "' , C ·1 .mee m g 111 connec ion the h ead s of the gra in strike the gear H oli ~ys a tome. Y e grnn I,~\( ) · 11~ ..,upre!ne Oll~lCI ..L with the Hampton Cheese Factory will · framn before bein g bound. Also the The M ethodists of Enniskillen are pre- of separate Jllrtsd1ct10n. 'lhe Society be held in th e Town Hall. lfampton, on S A·r urt· The s mall expe:rise in c o nnec tio n with our bus iness en[lb les Toronto c:m only hin<l one size sheaf and paring to hold their u·u·tl Q necn's Birth- 8honld now go ahead with incr eased 1>A':j' THE 18·1~1 INS TA:<T , 2p. m. All Stock· has no movable bntter so that the operat· d~y Tea on the 25th ~f May . Watch fo1· rapidity. ~r'.Lis~ ~~gret~~~~ns will Pease attend. lfi;~'· u s to offe r goo ds t o the public a t p l'ices l o w er than any 1 .or, in order to get his band in the proper further pal't iculars. The Odtlfello ~s of 1hie tuwn will cele- ' F- OR SALE - A y r G ·. d othe r h o use in the t rade. ·place has to mov e hfa whole binder in'l'he members of St. Paul's Church brate _the 66 anmvers~ry of th? 07der m . A ama.ll qn~ntity o/fS~i~; J!'i;~i ~h~~t; 11tead of the butter . A lso on account of voted Ja9t Sabbath for ,qix additional mem- America by attend mg servlcF) m the a quantity or Oregon Fife ' '\r)1cat; two good .t he front elevator side standing so far ber~ to the E ldershiI> 'l'he r esult has Qt1een St. Methodist church on Sunday Grade Cows in ca.If to imported bLlil. D . \N 1F.1. · ' I 2G' ] I R 13 W T J it'll' DYER, Enfield.·· back over the knife . Tt seems necrssary not' been mad ti known 'yet. <>.pn t l '". 1~n ~~· ro. . . ~ i e, t o have a complication of gear·, chains Is::i.~c Weld. o n who died i n ColGrand Chap lam , w11 l pr~ach, Servt~e .at F OR SALE.Fine Phaeton, leather i R ev. and kickere to k1wp the grain from clogb f I 3 lJ . lll, All Oddfello ws Ill t own o r VlCID top. good as new. Can be used with one\ . I k · was I\ mem er o t 1e 't d ' 11 · t i · t 't ' th or two seats. Also 11 'l'op D u~ny, in good order, ging at the heel of the knife. These arc borne ast w~e . fl 1 's f r1en · d · l receive · . I y . are um e w1 ,,ft swil th b cor th ia y finv1 Fl r e o. N ' hf 'l'wo scto! lightHarneis, onc new. 'l 'lieabove ,a fe w of the ob)ections I have to The R oyaIT emp l a1 " en· re rem c . oreu ce , 1 g ·r nga 1 e goods can be bought cheap. W . A. POP.F~. · Light Toronto, and ·my buyiug The $2' 000 insurance from the Society. Lodge a nd alJlJear m regal ia. The breth · Bowmanvillc. ·Chatham Binder, was uot because of For a n ic1:1 wedding present call at Var- ren will mee t at the Lod11e room at hal f - - ---· price or the Chatham Harvester people iety Hall. past two. An invita.tior~ concert will be R OUSE AND L OT IN HAMPTON FOR SAJ,E- A comfortablo farm dwellrunning after me '10'" buy, as . I we nt to Sume of Mr. W . T . Dingle's Fanning given in th e To wn H11ll on Monday nigbt ing on west side of JVrain St., Hampton. Good "them. Jam satisfied with 'l'h.e Mills are in use 1,300 miles west o f Win· following. 2 -w. stable ; hard and soft water ; splendid orch'lrd ~.- L 1· ' b · J and vegel.11,hlo garden. ' Vould make a comfort· ·Chatham Binder as l have cnt my whole nip.ig. m e aug;1 ms ugg1ea are a so Pictures framed o.t lowest rates at Var- able home for person wishing to retire. Full ·crop without trouble. I find J can from numerously in use in the Nor th west iety Hall . We are offe ring M en 's All-wool Suits for $5.00, and g ood varticulars from H. 'E r,r,1or1', Jr.. Hampton my seat, rfli~ o r:n d lo~ c r The Chatham 'l'erritoriee. The Choir and E vangelistic Jh nd of flnitsdtfi~1:.8· Bowmar.villc ; or J os.'l'. Boy s ' Suit s for $1. 25. Binder. Can use t he cut tor shifter to I\ Corporal Hobbs a nd Mt'. H enry Conlan the Church-st M ethodist ch urch were --- - - -··· ,great advantage, a 3 well ~s having the were down to Port Hope on Munday, it en tertained by t heir p astor , H cv. E. R. F ARM FOB. SALE IN CLARKE.- , sliding binde r, bot h which are necessary. b uin" P~nsiou Day . '.l.'he latte r i' ordered Yotm" and 111dy i n the school -room of 100 acres. being p:i.l'ts or lots ~O and 21.,o:;'?n. 1 0 .Can bind 5 clifferP.nt siztirl 5Jieaves, &c. to - b~ · f l . · H er Ma 1 ·- tl te. c" 1 ' . ] , 1 7t h · t Aft Cl . par- · J 3. Clarke, there being 50 acres in oach lot. vflll · · . , d· 111 1e,1 m ess or c u ty 111 llH C l o n .,ie · ins · be sold together or in t wo parcels. Good hulldI belien i there is no be, t or binde r mac e esty s Navy . takmg of ;t sumphtolls t ea, Mr. 0 . M. I ings, wdl fenced, w ell watered, good orchard. than The Chatham, [ cen rec<.>mmeml it ' ce IOnly 3t miles rrom Newcastlo. Tet·ms easy. D ress Silks .... . .. .... . . .. ,, .. , ...... . .. .. .. ..... . ,, .... . at $ 50 wort.h 8 70 . b (' 1 - · · C' 1 Je l t0 ti e 1 a'r· "l .1(1 t· 111 Wh f 1 B J\ileJHS . R ~ b er tson ros. o t 1e it V ,aw , et was " · ~ . . 1 c 1' 1 ." · Appl y for pa.rticulars to SO LO MON HARRI::J, to all as being a head of all I h ave e-rer Uhroivicle have ordered a. n ew Cotterell program wa. s renuered, a pleasmg fea.turc on tJ1e premises, or to WILLIAM II.ARRIS. l\:fantle Silks .. . ..... . .. . .. ...··· · .··. . .. .... . . .. . .. . . . . . . at 1 00 worth 1 40 een. Yonrs I rnly, 'B Cashmeres, 45 incheB wid e, in al l colors. , . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . , .· . at 30 worth 40 cylinder proes We arn plea>.;d to he~i' of. which was t he presentation to R ev. Mr. Whitby, P. O. 10, G E O RG E McKfNLAY. that the ~ro1vth o f the ir b usines~ n ecess1- Youn g of a very ha.l!llsom e gold watch by Hleaehed Cottons .. . . . · ·.· · .·· . · .·. , ·. · . ... , , , .· , .. .. . . .. a t 8 wort h 10 Chatham P. 0. tates improved nuchinery. Mr. J ._ 1\'L Jone~s on b el111.lf of the con · , B ed Ticking .. . .. .... . . ; .·.. . . ... . ..·.. .. . . _. ...... . .. .. . . at 10 worth 14 ·Chatlmm Har vester Company. Ocean fa1 ·e $13.00, steerage, from Port· grcgatrnn. M::r. ' V. H.. May, o n behalf HE LE SKAHD HOT.EL IN THE Towels .. ......... .. . . . .. . . . .. . ... . . ... . ..... .. .. . .. . .. . .. ut 8 worth 10 D1u It S m s.- 1 write t o you to sa.v tl1at Janel or Halifax by Allll.n Line, to or from of. t he B.and. also . presented Mr. Young 'Villnge of Lesl~a.rrl, containing about 18 spectacl~s . l\ bfrt rooms. Good Barn and Sheu i n rear·. Apply L a.ce Curt ains . . . . · ·....· . .. .... ·... . .. .... - ··...... . . . . . 'at 1 00 WOl'th 1 ao .t he binder I 1wt frpm yo Ll wor l;s better L ondonderry, Be lfast, Q ueens town, Gal- ~ith a pa.u· of fold nmm cdb SWEiiL &. S'l'. JOIIN, R ubber Oirculars . ··.· . . . . . . ·.. . . . _·. . .· . . . .. . . ·... . ..... . at 1 25 worth 1 60 t han J Ever expected to see any bind'lr wa Lim erick G lasoow . Cabin also re- .ouug V\:as t a rnn gr ea t y y surpnse, l~ to C,ullmO::», CA Ba rl'isters, e tc. , work. I kno"'. I cm h11ndle down gr~in du~~d. W . A. NR t ns, Agent . 48tf ~~~ ~ ea~·bly . thanked th e clon01:s for .tl~e1~· 6! K ing St. }i; ast, U nbl each ed Cottons . ... ... - .. .. ... .... . . . .. . .. .... . . .... a t less than mill pr ices . '1,oronto. .or any other kind b~tter iban · any onlml .h . . 35;, .,ie.1t gene10s1ty. O n Tuescb y evcmn,,. 13-lw Ge nts' 'rVhite Shirts . .. . . .. .. . . · · ..· . · . . .·. . . , · . . . . .. ... . .... . .. , . . . . . . 50 cen ts. ~ · A f A well· .:nown resident says t at m 1 u of th is week Mr and J\ilrs Youn" and ---- -----ary reaper I ha" e "0 years ago1 . Iier · · · '. · · " "ll.· t ' 0 t Ice. " E xtra F ine White Shirts . .. ....... .... .. . ... ... . ... .. . . .. . .. .. . ...... . . 90 cen ts. . ]· . b" ' ever seen. d I 's ar l as ' - v le came <i f·o l I ll. fanuly wern entertamerl by th e con greo x e cu any ot ie1 mder loads of mov- h·on 1n · t.l ie sc1 · 1 " · i \" 0 · h ts concerne I h ,d can · c ean P e te1·boro' with t\"O " s lei"'h 100 -room. u r. " . E. ----·-- --... . ,,___ t Iiem aJI _ up wit eas;;1 · · a given an ables on April 23rd and that there was · r1 ·11 M A , 1 · I ·l · d fora'l'ron to butwheniha.d seen · ' ey, · · ., was. q pmntec c latrman , 1 HE CREDITOR S ND ALL / or & r. d0 b' h good gomg and more s now tht\n at pr~s - a nd a fter brief rem arks called on M rs vY ri· · " "' A the m any a vantages your me1er as over e nt l{. . i' ·1 1 . d · · ...l other persons having claims against tho · C. . mg · . who, 1 ·e,ac an :te cress. an pre- estate of Wn.1,u~rBnowN. lateof th e township a ll others, l judged t lltlm by t heir merits, and made a happy selecti»n of 'l'he ChatSee Mr. J ennings new advertisem ent. scn tecl to Mr,s. Y ( a weJl,-ftlle(l purs~ ~;a~1~~~l~\'Jii. ~nt~~ ;i~~n11 ~fePe~~~~~1;1 ~og.i foun Binder . 1 hav.. seP.n neal'ly all th:l The public will b e pleased to ·learn that o f. money, a nc l ]l,~r. May p resented h e1 March," 158;,, are hereby notified to send by vVe desire yo u r s p eci a l atte nti o n and reqn est t h at you call inder:; at work, but 1 much rirnfet· mine. he has JllSt got t o h aud a nd opened Ollt wi th :i. photogm plnc ~roup of th e Banc!. post:, p1·~1uti<l , or deliver to .Lurres PAltl{ or R. b · m se 11e w · toe]- of s aoo11· ble Boots Sh t l t' · cl l esses r·e II. PRUST, of Cartwri,,,, Ji:xccutors ' he :JVIassey Agent s wera so put out at an im en ~ ·' ·' " . oi· com p lnl CIJ ·~ry " ,c r ' we . or the estate 11nd effects of the saicl Vv IL I.J.\M 'J. We are showing all my bnyin" the Chatha m, tha t they ot:t'er - and i3 hoes the very bes t and most desir- by . M essrs. Chas. Young, J .. M . 'B.n 9 wN, ~n or. before the PIRST D AY 01 , JUNE, and ins p ect o m· s toc k of Millinery. <!l-~ ° 'f r Id ·t d t ke able as well for wear, co mfort ancl ap - Brunacomhc, M. A . J ames, ·w. H. May 188:1, their chnsthtn and surname~. addresses e d me ·wU 0 l .· wou re 1 .bl'n 1 an a S . . I h · _ : R v u. lk l . l . nnd descriptions, the fo ll parti culars of their .. one from tl1 em, I told them l (lid not go pearance. owet1Hug sty 1is l anaaotne :md lt&v. . ,. .t er w tO . rep1iec Oil claims, a sratc:uent of their accouuts, and the the la.test pro d uctions i n t h e m a r k et. l' t k and cheap.for In.dies; something di:sira l.ile beha lf of l\frs. Young. R ev. Mr. Young nature of t he aectm ties (if any) held by them ; . f .c in ir ·Y wor · \". "'OU' . r OI?. for aents . l\'lr. Jeuu ing's l>ratical e:x:paric.:we a bri ef account of l ife in th e Northor in ilefoult thereof, and immediately at'tcr ,, o · ,., "' . . such last nnmed date, the assets or the sa.L d ence in und thorough k nowledge ot the west . A \1 ery socrn.l evenmg was p nssed. W I LLIAM D RO WN will be distributed t\llloog Th(' Agents fnr \ Vest Dmh am are : .J. business g ive him supe rioi· adv.intage in Mr. and Mrs. Young ar e both vQ ry highly the parties entitle'l .theret<!, regarcl being hn.d P. Williamson, Orono ; Levi A. Tole, selecti ' n{! and rmi·chasino" his stock and este emed by the con"'r e«at ion '.1uct many o!'lY to as cl1111us of winch notice shull ho.v~ been ~ o " ' given above required; and the said exH aydon ; and R · H · Co11acott, B owmau- his prices are euch as secure rapid sales. r egret that they are so soon t o leave t he ecutort1 will not be liable for the said assets, ville. A - d t d 1 _ , f t own or :\llY vs.rt thereof, to any j)Crson or wttose --- ----rr1ve o- ay, a car- oau O · claim notice shall not have been received at M:r . A. ~·w. Burk spent Sunday last Live rpool Dairy Sal t in s a cks, Coars e Liver p ool Sack Sal t , and t he time of such distril~ution. 17 with his Cousin Mr. D . K. I. l'ifoKmnon, half sacks and q u arter s acks .- J . yvest e rn in bar r e l s a nd s a c k s . -J . Dated April tl'J1:~'Es p ~um, l E t BO"\VMANVILLE. B arrister, Belleville. Lyle . Lyle. R. H. P l-WST, I· ·xecu ors. The A~ulteration of foo~ Act ¢~e¢anadian$tata~mau NE-W- FIRM ! K EEPING & SELLING [YMAN, SoNS &; c~ PURE S PICES PEACE RESTORED. Special reductions for the next 30 days. Local an d Otherwise. A Decis ive B a ttle. f TOD BROS . 'THE ENEMY SURPRIS E D & ROUTED IN FIVE M INUTES . LATEST F 'ROM HEAD Q UARTERS . B owmanville Boot and Shoe Emporium. . A Thankful Nation. Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Travelling Bags, etc., in great variety. Farmers' Attention I :F resh Oil Cake and Cattle F ood OUR HOME-MADE -W-ORK BEST MATERIAL, STOT T & JU RY. AND BEST F I TS, J. HELLYAR. L l THE TAKES THE LEAD! OUR GOODS AND PRICES. Prove them. a.l B - ll. These are f:acts. Come and see. Men's, Youths' and Boys' CLO T :S::INGOUR PRICE LIST. K;:tf:1" I HOTEL FOR SALE 1 T E ors N ________ JY-[ILLINERY_ I °' Our prices are much lower than pr evious seasons. All Grocers' Due Bills taken. P IERCE & ROBERTSON, BEAVER HOUSE,

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