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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Apr 1885, p. 6

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4 WRMl!!B:·· L&li11!a.WWW FM iit'B£'t<.S*&* ?¥¥5 ' MIHM · THE CANADIAN STATESMAN . IS PU.BJ.ISIIED . }EVERY JFIUDA.Y -BY- ril!O~~J.NG,' A MARVELOUS STORY TOLD IN TWO LETTERS. l\!, "28 Ced~r St., Now 1'1 , York, Oct. 28, 1882. "Gentlemen : My laLher resides at Glover, Vt. He has been a greai sufferer from Scrofula, and tho inclOaed letter will tell you whab 11 marvelous e1Ieot FOR THE corresrOn· 1 dent. of the R . 'Ural World a.Cates th· ti a mixture of two-thirds· soft soap and 'ne. third pine tar, p ut In water enougl1 to make a. thick p aint, one p ound of flou r of sul phur added tO eacro gallon, and Lhe whole boiled togethur, wlll make an effoctive prevent! ve of this peetif 11>pp!!ed during thefu:tit'warm clays of epring. A ,.plywith a brush. H Is alao said to. b~ a prenmta · 1 tivo of the gnawing of m ice and rabbits. DR.AINA.GE JWR Git.APES,-'-I have three rows of grape-vines one hundred feet long . and ten teen apart. Und?l' each ontBide row there la a o-inoh tilo drain, t.wo and one half feet deep with good outlet. My grapes ripen two weeks earlier and are more highly flavored than the same varieties In the same neighborhood not drained. 'fhey rot much less and the vine~ do not suffer from excessive cold, as do others near by not drained. The favor· a.ble effect of under.drainiag the canes of raspberrlea, blackberries a nd strawberry planta ls quite marked, bn~ n ot to the extent noticeable on grapes. All the benefits derived from u nderdrainiog are very much grea.te1· in a wet than in a. dry ~eason, yet, in my opinion, it pays largely in the b,tter, especially in stiff clay .FOR HOll.EUS.-A. RE~i:EJ>Y l 'ARl'U NOTES. ~1:. & A.JAMES, AT 1'RJI: Oli'JUCE FROM THE So . · Hl. Offic'1~loe,k,Kl11g!iit.,Ruwm:ua vlJl<J,On t TERl-v.I:S : 111.1>0 peraunum,or $1.66 i£1>1titl ln advance Payment strictly in a dvanco required Crom JlbSCl'lOers outside or the county. Orders to laoontinue the paper muF<t be accompanied by ohe amount. il 1 rn,or t.he p:i.per will not bBstopped.. subscribers are responsi bleuutil full payment is made. RA.'I'l!1S «>F A DVlmTI8l!NG : (~ i§~ Ayer's Sarsaparilla has bad in his case. I think his blood must have contained tho humor for at l6ast ten year~; but it did uot show, except in the form of a scrofulous sore on th e wrist, until about five yoars ago. From a. few spots which nppaarod at thnt time, it gradually ~prnad so as to cover his entire body. I ll!!sure you he was terribly alllicted, and an object o! pity, when lao began using yollr medicine. Now, tl1ere are faw men of his ago who enjoy as good health 119 he has. I cou!Q. easily name fifty persona who woul<l testify to the facts in his ease. ,Yours truly, w. M. l'lilr.Lll'l:l." Whole Column oneyea.r .: ........... $50 00 ~:;;1'= Onequarter ... .. . .. , 2000 ~~ Halt Column one year . ..... ..... , ... 30 oo - · " Half year .... ....... . .. 20 00 ·' " One quarter .. .. . ·· ·· ·- 12 50 Quart or Column one yc1J.r ... .. ..... . 20 00 ·· " H alf year ... .. . .. .. . 12 50 .. One quarter ...... ,. 8 00 !! Six linea and under, first ins.ertion .. $0 ?~ Each subseqnen t insertion...... 0 2a~ l!'rom six to ten lines, firsL inHerUOL, 0 7~ .:: Each subsequent ins"'.rtion .. ·:.. 0 3o - l o (Iver ton lines, first insert1on,per lin e 0 101 _ Each subsequent insertion, " 0 03 _ The number of lines to be reckoned b:V:he space occupicd,.mca.sured by a scaleot solid Nonvureil. _ _. _ " " Hn,lf year . . . . . ~ ·. .... ~ 00 · ~~ = a duty for me t<:> state to you the beuetl.t I have derived from the use of FROM THE FATHER: ~{.t,.!~;~ ~~~ 0 Ayer's Sarsaparilla. W3.ll completely covered with a terrible ln1mor and scrofulous sores. Tho bumor cause(l an incessant and intolerablo itching, and the skin cracked eo as to cause the blood to fiow in many places whenever l moved, My sn1forings were grent, and my )ife a burden. I commenced the use of tho SARSAPARILLA in April last, and !Jave used it rogularly since that time. ~ry condition l>egan to improve at once. The soros have nll healed, and I feel perfectly well in every ~espect-being now able to do a good day's work, although 73 years of age. Many inquire what llas wrougbt such a cure in my case, and I t ell them, as I have hero t ried to tell you, AYER' S SAI\SAPARILLA. Glover, V t., Oct. 21, 1882. Yours grMefully, c::::== Six months ago I nn~ 'i',\lUBLYN, P O!Iice, :-Silver Street, Bowmanv1lle. G IIYSIOLAN, SURGlWN and Accoucmt(lR. 7 soil. · and l\foniber of Cole ~ge of Physicians :dur~IJ ons, Ontario. . . ~Oilice and ReRidencc, Ennrnk1Jlen. Dr· .A. !U<li'i'JJ, f,. l'OTJrEit, lU.D. R.ADU A.TE of Queen's College, Kingston Forcing Potatoes Emrly. Every owner of form n garden should endeavor to atart a. few hills of potatoes for very early use. Old potatoes often get to be very poor for table use the last of June, and the good housewife becomes Impatient for the new crol-. We have forced the crop by planting in a hot·bed early in April, and then transpfaating as aoon as the weather becomes warm enough for open air culture. The sets can b e laid in q uite t h ickly, say two or three lnchea apart in the bed. Thia "l'ill give from four to nine square inches of snrfaca for ooch plant. T he tran splanting should be done b efore t he root growt h gets :w larire as to require much b r ea,kicg of thei roots when separating tho sets as thei;· are taken from ;ihe hot-bed. · A. very much simpler we.y of liastenlng early growth fa to ·oat a. fow quarts of small sized p0 L at-0e11 in a warm, ligh t room, a couple of weeks bafure p lanting· Spread them ou t singly, so the light will fall upon the whole of t he potatoes, and if they are all set up so the 6eed end will be uppel'mosb, there wilt usually be one le~ding centre bud t hat will develop in 11.d.-ance of all the . oth ~r buds. If the p otat oes are planted with car e, l!O as to 11ave this centr.i bud uninju rnd, the other aide buds or oyes will often remain dor · man t. Buds expo&ed to the fall light, grow ahorL and stout, and when planted throw out feeding roots immediately. A box two feet, will hold potatoes enough in a single layer for raising all a large family would use in t wo 0 1· three weeks, and such a · ox can be set in any sunny window in kitchen or Jiving room. Raisin~ I·i~s by Hand. A farmer who has had t he usual d is· and 17 { l RA.DU ATE OifTHE TORONTO UNIV1\1Rl:T SITY. P hysician. t;tirgeon, &.c. Ofilco Krug .iltroot, MOlUUS' llLOCK. Bowmanv1lle. ~.II. (;,lJtVETH., B. A.., &. Sc., 1'11. D., C.!IV O]' .ff ICENTIATE THE COLLEGE HIRAJI PHILLIPS." ,ill.j of Ph ysiciafol and Surgcor,s of Ontario. OFlTlCE ANl> HESIJJENCE :-Main St., Orono. J. lV.·lln, 111, U., . L ICENTIATE OF THE UOY.AI, COJ,J,EGE of Physician~ and m ember of the Royal College of Surrteons, Edinbnr gh. Ofibo: MOHRIS' BLOCK K ing-st.,Bowman- lile. DJt. J , CJ. !Ul'l'U2rn1'1,, .AYER's· SARS.AI'ARILLA curea Scrofula and all Scrofulous Compl2.ints, JE:rysfp. elas, :Eczema, Uingworm, Bl otclrns, Sor es, Ilolls, Tumor s, a nd Eru ptions of tho Skln. It clenrs t he blood of all impnritios, aids digestion, stimulates t ile action of the bowels, and thm restores vitll.lity 11J1d strengthens the whole system. r..trElllBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICI ANS A:.:i!!. anc~ Surgeons, Ontario, Curun cr, tJtc. Office and Jtesidence. Enniskillon. H. ,. ,.,, ... PREPARED BY Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. . So~d by an Druggists; $1, six bottlos f qr $5· .I». nmuiE son·soN, .A.RRISTEU, SOLICI.T OR, &c., MOPlUS BLOCK, up stairs, Kmg. S.t reet, Bo'vrnau ville. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank. Private iii ;1ncys loaned at tho lowest rates. R nmumT ARl'tl<IH'R, R EGio'l'.RA.R. WEST DURHAM I SSUER or Marriage Licensee, Barrister and Attor· ey at f,aw and Solicitoi· in Chancery. Money oaued on Real Estate. Office on K ing s&reet, :lowmanville. A~~JJROS!'.: W.',M.l.S@N, RTIST, 10 KING ST. EAS'l', :roRONTO. Ont. Portraits from Life Ill 011. and Crayon. · 10-3m . A H ARN D E N, L . D. S ., Graduate orthe Royal College of Dcnto.1 Surgeons, Ontario. OFJi'ICE OVER DJCKSON'S S'l'ORE . ;it, T. :11·11u:·.r,u·s L ICE .NSED AUUTIONJ<JER for the County of Durhum, Sales promptly attended. .Address-Hampton P.O. 59. lr. UIJ'l.'(JIU!il@.Ai. !OLD FILLING .A SPECIALrl'Y. Plato Work executed in the latest and most improved style of the Dental A.rt. ' EETH EXTR.AC'rED W ITROU'l' PAIN, y the use of Nitrous Oxide Gas,without injury to the patient, Particular attention paid to the.regulaUon of CHILDHEN'i:o TE ETH. ~;._ALL WO T 'K WAIWA.NTED. ~ AUCTIONEEH, OONVEYAN LICENSED CEH s nd Commissioner in B. R. ::'.alee at ,ended to promi tly end at reasonable rates. ~Address-Ennisklll en P.O. "1 OHN R UGBES .-Licensed" Auct'one~r, it} Valuator a nd Arbiti'Btor . .Fire nnd Life . nsurance, Notes and Accounts Collected. Mcney to Leni on reasonable terms. A.o,!'l)reas Cartwriv,Itr, Oct. 11. A overY man who lmys his License from HENR Y SYLYlllSTER, Enniskillen. l'f, 'IV, JUCli.!Kl", GOOD WIFEGUARANJ'EED TO PREPARE FOR ETERINARY SURGEON, l':raduat_e of the Ontario 'Veterinary College. Office and Reaidonce. N!!:w'l'ONVILLE, Ont. Will visit Orono every ·rnesday. Office hours rrom 12 a. m. to 4. p. m .. at Coultcr's Hotel. Special attention paid to Surgery. 32-IY'" V · A~~ R· 1\~ E~~I ·~~s=~~A~T-rr _";W£E·7~N"TM'fl~I ·- . O ·N1 AR 1l?r~:E:t;~;z!~:~t~~ ~~F · coural{)n!I, experier.ce in tryln tt t o raise mobberlesa yoau¥ p!gs on Ol'<linary cow's mllk. gi·ve!I thti :..olbwmg plan by which he h as been aucceasfo1 ;- " The milk must be from a moderat ely-new milch cow, and of good quality-a milk rich in butt er rather t han casein is to be p referred. lb mnat a.lwa]! s be boiled or well sc11lded, and to it muet be added some ~r half By gettiug yonrself well shod at B pamphlet. CAMERON '!'RULL, Agc~t, Oss.~~a P.O. E A{fTIF UL PENMANSHIP.YOUR NAMl~ written beautifully on one dozen Gold Bevelled Edge Calling Qarile best quality) for only 25 cents. C.R. l\1cCY1. LOUGH, '['he Penman, Dox 119, Bowmanvillo,· 46. Ont. I LSONIA MAGNETIC APPLIances for the cure of chronic W without medicines. Send for circulars and d i~eascs TYRO NE Boot and Shoe Store. where you \Vill find great bargains for CASH. Having_now recei ved our Spring & Summer ONEY ! MONEY !- The subscriber receives money on deposit for theOntario .Loan and Savings Company, and pays Jllterest at the r!l.te of 4 and 5 per cent. No notice of ·withd·rawril required. Also loans money . 011 I will lie prepared Lo supply any kinds , k d t 1no1·tgi:!ges a t 10"\.Yest rates. No co1nnnas1on . fine1 m a r · e a charged. '\Y · .I!'. ALLEN, Bowmanville. 8·ly. required which you wil1 r BOT'rO·M .J:->R-iCES. ROCK · M T GO ODS PROF. 'IV. 'VU.I.SON. EACHER OF PIANO, ORGAN A.ND Thanks for past. favors and still solicit a SlNl'!ING. Terms : For be~iuners $6; ro:r li>dVll;DG<ld pupils, $10 for O( twelvp share of yo u r pa t ronag e. lessons. ltesiderice at Mr. Joseph JJrittain'~. oonar Liberty and Concession Street, Row mitnv.ille. 51-tf. a teaspoonful of oil to the quart. Contiunos to do a General Banking Business II ~ Upon this the youngsters will thrive tsBo wmanvillo. Branch. ~ amazingly, and hardlv mias the care of DEPOSITS : their mother. Of course they must be kept clean and warm, and be attended to Heceived in Savings Rnnk Deparlment and and fed a.e often aa they require, which, call and interest allowed 1.1.t current rates. ·N .. of withdrawal n ecessary. .All depoeita truth t o t ell,, is rather frequently ; about notice payable on deimu1d, ev ery two hours , or even often er for the Ii.rat week, night and d ay, th ey are ready for food, and require it. The greatest Bought and sold and Drafts issued upou Europe care muat be t ak en not to let any of the United State· and Canada, also Gold,Silver ano vessels, etc. , get sour ; and only the re- -United Sta~es Greenbacks boue:ht and sold . quired amount of food should be prepared a.ta. time, aa if it b ecomes at all sou1;, and t h eir systems are once upset, it is a most Promptly made at current rates upon all part of Great Brittain, the United States an d Do difficult matter to g et them right again, minion of Canada. and all thrift is for a long t ime lout. The first time or two a teaap oonJ11 the handiest thingto feed with, bup in a few leaaom f Madeforlargeor small snms on all parts of they will learn to help themaelvea out of Canada .. ~his .is especially a dvant.ageous to a baatn or cup ; and whe n two or t bree pe1:sou~ hvrnl{ m MaruLol;'» ur the N01·Lh·weo1 days old w IJI· a ll f eed t O,(ethor o ff a p 1a t e as it makes the funds available at once a t tll. place of payment. with as much s eliidh eagerneSfi aa their J!"or further particulars call a t the Banking elders be tray," House. T.BRODIF.l, GEO. McGILL, A.ccoun tan t. .Mao ager Why not Grow more Grapes on ll J.f..l - · -a.I . j_ · 5 0 0 HORSES WANTE D within the next NINETY days to wear HARNE S S made rut ~·m ]8(. HAl={NESS S Ii 0 P, llJJ:.A..~'9 BOWMANVI!.LE .. A large and well assort ed stock of first-dass Harness on h and. , both for T eam and Caniage purpo8es. Also a splendid st ock of H ol'IOO Blankets; Goat Robes and Lap R ugs for fall and winter uso. Call and inspect the goods . Trunks and Valises in stock as u snal, also Saddles, Whipa, &e. All goods will be. sol d cheap for Cash. W. H. MAY R L 1.ERS D OIL, I · SIGN OF "BIG BOOT." Farm? ·Y 11 .ftanos "l'uned and :Rcpah.·cd. ARTIES WISHING Til'F.IR PI A NC1S 'l'uned or repaired can have thom attended to by leaving word a t the DOMINION ORGAN Co's 0l"FICE, lJowmanville. A first-cJas man 'lOW beinl'I in their mlllo '· ------'-~ P W. H. HICKS. Tyrone. March 11. 11.11 w l§o Imo! i®n, ~cnUem~a n~t o!"JF:io,'b so tas-s,. nO.v e written t hese few lines Anc l ali I have to aayT yon can 1ind me still Bt heme, ram not gone a way. · So fl.ll my ki nd old C riends may come, And a ll they oung ones.· too, And get their garments mealy made I o. fashions that are new: Vb.ere old and young, dear frien ds, ma;r meet A welcome """""tini;i:. bv n. P EA'l'E REM 0VAL. RS. HU PH REY Scareely a year h aa paased since I have adopted the practice of training grape vines on the peach, apple aud evergreen trees, that there haa IlO'b been an ample supply of choice grspes for h ome uae. ln favorable seasons the eurp lus has been taken by the n eighbors at from t h re.e to five cents a poun d, t he demand oft en ex· ceeding the aupply. B y allowing the vines to r un a t will on the peach, the red ~edar, the Austrian and Scot ch pin es, and &.pple trees hr.Ying wide epreadiug branchas, grapes ·c m be had if healt hy pla.:uts of the hardy s· r t a r e planted and kept "ell cultivated and p roperly m an ur ed ~l~;~~~rst two 01· three y ears after being DRESS and MANTLE MAKING·. - -0 - For your Machinery use l'\LC c c 0 I...t. :.c..ia ' s lm.~ just opened Dress and Mantle Mak ing in conucct·ou wiLll her M.!lllnery Depar tment, having secured a first ·cl ass lJres~ Maker and can guarantee first-class wor :r in o.ll the latest styles. Sto~k The Best Oil in the World for R eapers, iliowers, Threshers and all fast-running Machinery. For sale by all Dealers. A Large of Dress Velv ets M I L L I N E R y al ways on h and ; also a large stock of HAINES' CARRIAGE W"ORKS GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, HAS REMOVTuD YER DE HARNES S SiiOP to buildings formerly occupied by She has now in stock everything WJ'l' li m:. BRID'.L.\COMBE, l'JtA.(J'lfJ()AL D .E NTI8T, OVER 1'WEN'£Y '.l ' ElllTil, Wl'l'IlUU'l' TEll'l'H. usually found in a well equipped HARNESS SHOP. YEARS EXPERIENCE, Call at the nev1 premises. 'MRS. HUMPHREY · N :.t i"<m· OxfdcGa s Administered foi· Painles Ope1·1itto11s. ltH)tJLIJNG'S nLOCK, Tho railw:i.ys in Engla'ld ai:e !leverely affected by the g eiltiral depression. People don't travel, hec1mt e they can'b afau pport, intern pernnce,cruelty ,~incompatibility. ford i b. First-olaas passengers ride third, etc. Advice free. State your,.c aa·e and address A'l'TORNEY WAIW, Wor tl Bui!ding,1276 and third-class paasengere hide undt>r the Broadway, ~ew. York 33-ly, 11eat.1:1 and dodge the ticket-collec~ors~ ABSOLU'l'E J>IYOIWES FOR Dl"OR·crs ii I: persons residing throughout the United Sta.tes and Canada for desertion, l)On- The grape o:rop is by n o m eans an nn· just arrive<l in tho lates\ styles and colors. - -M.A NUFACTUREH. O F - cortai n ou e . T here is no supplementary Call and 8ee the goods for yourselves, you will fiu<l t hem the latest a.ncl best in town. fruit crop t hat can t"'ke t he place of tlie h ar dy variet ies of grapes. Fifty vines Kats ue.shn~>cd 1n all the J,:itest Styles. MH.S .. DONNELLY. . K ING STHEE'l', DOWl\BNVTLLE, O !lll be planted in vacan t apots abou b tha h ouee, gard en a n d out. lJas now en h1~nd a number of vchicl%.(and is manufacturing a grer·t many more) of the neweat pa tterns and best ft.nfa b. which 1 am o fferlnp: tor sale >lt tho lowest prices consistent'· buildings wit hcqt occupyin~ any coveted · ALWAY§ RJEADY with d ue regard to work manship and quality, The following is a llst of tho pr incipal vchicleo manufactured by me : sp;i.ct·, a tl;o the th e r ueamo timeof add· f ,,,,,__ ""'.u._,. . . In g ver ybut much ral b oant,y the ., ~ ·Double Coye red Car nages ..... . . , ...... .. .. .... , .. , .. .... .. ... . , .. .. ... . , .. .. $200 Upwards. connt ry h ome . A at,J:'onl! young viue . . .. 100 11 S ingl e P hootons . ... .... .... , .. ........ ......... .. " .. ... ...... .. ............. pfan ~t~d close bo the trunk of an old ·lpple Open Buggy.. .. .. .... ...... .. ... .. .. .................. ........... . ...... . . .. .. ·· 70 11 1 ate tree will, if t h e uoil abo ut the roota fo J. Jd1~ Al leu ~~lr', 'l'op Buggy .. . . .. .. .... . .. ... .. ... . .. . . . .. . .. , ..... . , .. . , .. . . .... .. . .. ... , ......... 90 " anpp lied with finely ··'landed bont'I! aud ~ .. ~, 11 . D emocr at VY"agon .. .... ... ... . .. .... .. .... ... .. . .. ... . .. ... .. ... . . . . .. .. . ..... . .. . G5 fresh wood ashes, and t he Bllrfa!Je covered :..... I~ ~ r Lumber \Vagons ... .. .. . .. .. .. .. ..... .. ....... . . . . . .. ... ....... .. ,........ .. ..... 55 11 with weli-r otted m anure a fter pfan t i 11g of · ..::."~~ Light \Vagon . ... ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .. . . .. .. ... .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. .... . .. .. .. ... .. 40 11 1 L h e vlne is completed, so on t.! p ossea· ..,.AIN"" A' ' · E :tpr ess \Vagon ..... ... , ..... . .. , .. ..... . . ...... .. .... .. .... .. .. -.. .. ... .... .. ... 75 11 ision of t h e,t old tre e, and ii' t he limbs a.r e ! , " · " .r.>..ND IJ,I.s S kelet on . . ..... . .. . . . .. .. .. ..... .... .. ... . .... .... .. .. . .. ... . . .. . ,. .......... . ..... 50 11 5~Wll ctr at a, p oint a.boa t ten feat from OM, Paieliablo Kme'r of Pain . Sulky .... .. .... ........... ... .............. ....... ... ... ...... .... .. ........... ,.... 40 11 the grou nd, and the :young can es are lJ'lwth~r Internal 0 ,. E xternal faat(,ned to the Hmba thv.t remain, an un· Per··11 D av1$1 Pa-in IIUlcr shmf.ltl liwre ,~ Posscssillg cupericr: facil~ties tor uf~, <;arriages, I In tend t o sell very cheap tor cash or a p1'rov.,d credit., ana. by so dornf; I hope to gt'eatly rncrease my number of sales. ' Vould · htl b · t ~ll · 1. . b b h rl«ce ' n cve,.y J}'aclo-ry, Mach-Inc Shol' and Sig Y 0 J OO W, 11.u OllCQ ecome Ot. J!I.'lll, on <J·vm·y :Ji'< frm, and 1n c·~e1'1f 11.0US<J· aoll the wood parts <mly , or the geari111:s uf buggles Ironed. onrnm en ta.l and u safal. No wln o need Jwht7 1·ea(ty ffJT tmm!ld4a.te tts<', nat anly for be 01· should be mad e where chUdren Acctde>~.t~, (Juts, Br1tt.'!f;«, etc .. lmt fm· Bowel · . . . Ctnupla. t1its_. such as Dtwr1·haa, D y sontc·ry1 form a portion of the houaaho1d. There Clwforti .:J.nfwnt·wm, sudr!cn Colds, Chills, .At t he Shortest N oticc, Pain t ed and Trimmed if Desire d . are plenty of W8f8 of u ljlJizi D.<Y this eX:NC1'1'.alv,w, eto., Ct.f· Sold &ver11where. 11 f · i h . · 0 P.nce, 20c, 2vc IH>c 1>er Bottle, ce . ent ru1b w t out converting an ounce DA VIS & LAw REN CJ~ co. Limited. A.t tiUl I!'acto1·y I also do Planing, Matching, 1'urning and. Sa~ing w ith Circle, Baud ol'·Scro &ws, and prepare all klnds. of lumber for car~en tora and others for building purposee. Jf J uice into wine. 1. Wholesale Agents, Jlfontrnal. Ornamentttl a11u Pla ln Picke ts for fcnct s rn every style required, made to order. C ARRIAGES, S LEIGHS, GUT TER S, \VAG ONS, &O.J ~~~-,- ,_ JIP l~~ ,I ~, ~T vo :_ .~ . ·~, ·_J ~1 !6 0 '"llr I All IZinds of Vell j cles Repaired T I ·.

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