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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Apr 1885, p. 7

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One night hew~ awakened by _ the The firat thing in a boot is the Ia:ab , I n every civilized land at · this time· 'J'ltc Cost of me [Papal t;ourt-WJtcre he "Uate whioh rocked the house and shriek· there is a complaint that times ar e lnrd. Uves- Jil s Lcnrnh ig. Offoobach's "Dr. 11 ought to draw ~d t heir atl/·-'.er at not bei11g strong enough FRIDAY, APHI L 17, 1885. Everywhere th, cause is aaid to be oyer The total expenses of the Holy See are w overt urn it. The boy sat up in bed - in opera bumf. Probably the Rev. DI'. Joh n Lead· production. Bu t how can it be a curse about .5,000,000 a years, of which 500, - 11.nd cried out in alarm, but just thtn he r,o mankind to hav" t he objects of human 000 francs ie expended for the personal caught sigh Ii of a starthr?ugh hi~ win<l~w, better, who left the Church of England desire supplied in greater abund1,1nce aud 2ervica of the Pope. The court is not an .A rosy-facad, winking, blmkmg a:ar which to join the Buddhists, was under the Mege Guns t h e 'VeJ:,:ltt or Field more cheapl y~ If there Is over produc- expenaive one; the Palatine Guards, re· ieomed to have dodged from behind a pression th::.t tha followers of Indian faith lead better lives. llowiucrs. t1on all over the world, as s0me reason, cruited among the Roman bourgeoiee, gray cloud on purpose to look at him. F ollowing t he rec:'.ft developments in oh :i.t mens merely that the eupply of receive no pay ; the Noble Guard, fif t) "If the atar ISn't afraid I won't be l" "Yon have live~ a life of good deeds. the use of dynamite , shells in common thing~ uaeful for human happiness is in number, receive 120 francs a m onth whispered the boy to himself, and he Vias Why should you fear death!" " Because," field can non charged with powder, is a greater all over t he world than th e pre api{ ce ; the Swi!ls G uards, Linety-elghi, comforted. said the dying Alderman, " the morning new departure in the n;uwufacture of sent demand-. In reply tc th ia nat ural in n umber, receive forty-eight francs per The wind blew stronger than ever, and papers publish r.u-0h viJJ.a.inous wood.cut cannon. It comes from the apparently suggestion, we p,re told that a vast amount month and feed themselves, and the fifty now and then a cloud hid the winking portraits of public men. " endless variety of uses made· of mild , or of labor h0s been displaced by machinery, gendarmes who complete the military star for so long a time that t he boy feared A girl visited a music store and ask:ed Bessemer proceaa, 11teel, and is i:irobably that a general disturba nce of t he labor force of the Vatican are paid at the same he had loPt It forever ; but by and by it for "The· H eart Boiled Do wn With the most 11atonishing appltcat10n yet mark <>t has been caused , and t hat a great r A t e. 'llhe nu merous chamberlains, bus- reappeared, and it w;:ie smi~ing and Grease and Oare," and "Wh£n I S wallownumber or persons have been thr own out solantl and gestiarie of J:.,eo X III., are laughing at him aa · _his eyelids grew ed Homa· Made P ies." made of that metal. The clerk r~ccg I n 1880, about the time mild steel oome of employment , The very change which very moderately p11id. The reserve fund heavy and he slept agam. nlzad what she desired, however. largely Into the market, the Preatdent of some cs.11 a bleiising brings ruin to many give t he H oly See a revenue of 3,000,000 Next night the heavens were a h reBt, Ardent Lover- " I have called , sir, to a company manufacturing seamless br~sa producers, aud forces many empl 1yer11 to l francs, a nd it hall t o depend on P eter's and t he 1tar smile l and frolicked and and copper pipe concluded to tr y ~1ld cut dow n wa£os, and curtails the ability pence for the r est. So far thf,-J volunta.ry visited with t h11 bo7 until the bells tolled ask your permis~ion to pay my addresses to your daughter." Old G en t (somewhat steel as iuub1:1titute in certain dlrectlons of workers t·~ consume products of ot her tax has sufil.oed to suppl1 the deficiency, midnight befor() he slept. deaf)- "P11.y for her drelll!es. Why, cer for the more expenaive brass, copper, and industries. Thus we are taught to b e- but there is no lG nger an7 eurplns tO set Ill Wail the 11ame night after n ight, and tainly, my dear sir. Here are the bills, " other metals used in his establishment . lieve that the progress of science and in- aside fo r a rainy day. by and by, if the star waa hidden by the He gave one glance at them and fl.ed. The process of manufacture was simple. vention is a progress toward human l'OPE L:ao ·s LlU.RNI:KG. clouds, the boy prayed thati no harm A Chicago clergyman startled h is parA plate of metal,.was placed over .a d~e .misery. As bo his learning there are few pre· might befall ft, and t hat It would not and a mandrel forced the plate mto It .Machinery has created a ne~ world ; it !at es of the ch urch who are hia e qu~l as journey away and become some other ish not long ago with the following sin1rnlar announcement . "R,,emem ber our just as a la.dy might place a piece of tis- has cheapened almost ever~th! ng thatm m a Latini2t, and he knows most of his child's etar. sue paper over her thimble ·and then desires. I t has brought wit hm the nmch favorite cb.ssic11-Pliny, Ctcero, H orace, A nd by and by every ~ne In the, family communion service next Sunday foreforce it in with her finger. The m andrel of the h umblest not only a Vi\Sb n umber and Coo!Br--by h eart . Hl.s favorite of epoke of the ste.r as Little Jack a star, noon. The L ord will be wit h us d ur ing would force the metal into a shape like a of products wnolly unkn own a cen_tury all Is V ir gil, for whose poems he has un - and as lt blaood forth in the H~avens the mornin g services and t he bishop in the evening. deep bowl, with sides of uniform th ick- ago, b ut luxuries and comforts which a bounded admi rntiou. The only Italian they Sl\id among thema. e lves : A Chicago crit ic re viveg the old slander ness. By r epeating thl.a procees with century ago even the ~icheat could not author he careB about is Dante, and he " Ah I t here is Little J ack's atar, and that "Henry Irving' s legs · ar e poems." , other dies and mandrels, hydraulic presses affor d t o commonly enj oy. Meanwhile has himself said to m e: " I can repeat we know h e l~ not afraid, " · being used to shove the nu:mdrel through has it displaced labor 1 O.a the contr <1.ry, the 'Divina. Comedia ' t he '1Eneid' and As time went on t he boy grew thin and They may say what they please about the die, the plate of st eel eventually be· it has roade work for a va~t population the 'GeorgiCll' from\eginning to end," pale and weak, and the h Qur came "'hen Henry's iega, but, unlike most poems, · comes a steel tube of unifor m thickness outside of the ruder art 3 which were for-land to prove it made m.-i cite a line here he could no longer leave hi~ bed- Tears they are all right.- f New York Graphic. and perfect bore and circumferew::e. The merly pursut'd. Has it displ11ced th e and there tn each of the2e author!', and filled the eyes those who bent over Th is ia another mistake. One of them steel was found t o· work aa easily as the shoemaker ? No ; mGre persons thu · at once took op the quotation and went him, but the boy'a yes were dry. .A.a t_he must be left, "Here's a mu~ical salesmi;,n advertised brass or coppe~, and uo change uf tools ever are ruakiug shoes, because more to the end of the pasijage. UrJike hts night caine on tht y even glfotened with for. Why dC1n't you apply, Ned ~" "I~ was nece~y. 13noes are and us<id, chea.pneea per- predecessor, who took g;:eat pleasure in hope and enthuai!l,am. at.-iol wi>,a cheaper th11.ri copper the mittil'g multitudee to wear them who public audiencee, he avoidathem as much "If my star will only come I' he said ; 'Wb.y, I'm not musical." · "l'erhaps not, advantage of aub:!t1tutiog drawn steel formerly o_ou_ld n?t. So t~ere are 1:nore as podsible; noi: does he ilke those whom and when the darkening nighn had but I know you can blow your own horn, you're familiar wit.h ba,ra,, your remarks seamless tubeB for braaa ot copper ones sewing giria m sp1to of sowmg m11chme11. he consents to receive to aak him, as brough ~ it forth he would whiapoi·: was manifest. But the saving in price There M·e mol'e f~rm wo~kers m spite of they too often do, for s~me trifle as a re"Wasn't ib odd how yon came to see are fu'l of slurs, you're alwaya giving was by no me&ns the smallest gain. Tu a<>rfcuHurd machmes. Lhere are more m~mbrance. me on that stormy night~ 1 have loy.ed nc.·tes, and all the rest." the aastonishment of t hose engaged in c~tton and woollen and silk weavns in One of our sextons, in making his report you ever since, and if you will but waiu a WHERE THE POPE LIVES, the experiment, thl:l steel waa found to spite of ehose numerou11 improvements of burials, is explicit to a ~ommendable little while I will join you up there I" T b.e Holy Ft.ther occupies the second have radicaliy cn!!.nt.jd its character in which seem to do with stea.m and iron One night the watcher at the boy's degree. For instance, such entries as the proceas. went into the mll.chine thl} work of human ha.nda better than floor of that portion of the Vatican which bedside heard him saying : thia occur : "Died, John Smfth ;. male ; Hes to the north of the San Damirno sofb and pli~blc. It out, altho:ogh human himda can do it_ Aild to crown "I thank you ever and ever so tnuch, aged three da.l's; unms,rried." inuned!ately facing the Loggia di Court., drawn cold, a beautifully tempered sprrng. all, the wages in all branches of labor bub to-night will be the last night. ToTreea have some cba.racteristics in comIf a tube was compressed, it would in have rigen~ ln everv occupation, from. Raphaeli. Ria a.partment consfots of five morrow nij(ht I 11ball be with you, and mon with people·. In the spring thEy stantly resume fta shape when the press- the rudest to the 'i:noat skilled, from roonis--a r.mall waiting-room, a study, together we will look down upon the begin to leave tor the summer, although nre was removed. 1f struck with a ham- farm labor to the mcst delicate manipu- library, bi;droom, and an oratory. Be- chlldren of earth and make them our 11-0me will be unable· to do so, beoauae mer it ran g like a bell, while tests of the lation of tools and machinery, labor is fore reaching the apartment you .have to friends. ' ' their trunks will be seized for. board. increased strength of the metal showed a better paid in money than it was before pass through two rooms, in the first of In an hour the boy was dead. There which are the Swiss guards and in the were sobs and tears and lamentations, A .few months ago a famous Prusi.ian change that was wonderful. To fully the age of invention. .And, mr.reov:er, test its strengt h a boiler of the siza and each dullar of t he money received will second the private aasi~ta.n1J chamber- and no one thought to look for the star general waa inspectiDg some military style U\led beside every range in New buy far moL'e food than ii, dollar would a lains. All these rooms are very plainly. until it W9.S too late. When night came stables. "'What do you see there 1" he York flats was made from the steel by century ago, for more clothing, and more furnished, there having been no change again, however, tears were wiped away said, in toneu of thunder, to a Sergeant. this process. The metal of the· boiler things for the sup~ly of all human wants. made in them d uring the past forty years that eyes might behold the star. It was "Cobwebs 1 " "Yea, sir," was the rewas drawn out to the thickness of about Thua it is simply blundering to say that except that the bed In which Pius IX. there, in its old plaoe, but it seemed so epectful reply. "We keep them there died · was removed, while a number of one-thirtieth of an inch, and it then machinery does, ·or can, in the long run, much la.rger and brighter t hat all cried to catch t he Jlia and prevent their teas· ing the horses. stood a pressure of 600 pounds to th:e supplant or displace human labor. On books in tho llbrat·y have been replaced onti : by others. The sleeping chamber of the square inch, giving way when that limit the contrary, the use of machinery is lim"Little Jack ls t here .. 1t.h it, and he is An absent-minded prnfeasor, in goiug was passed, itcd only by the human labor that can be Pope is very small and the wal.111 are en- looking rlovm upon us wlth such happl- out of the gateway of his college, ran tirely covered wit h i·ed hangings. A neas l his soul that the star has become ag11.inst a cow, Iri the confusien of the After this and other te2ts thd expert· brought to employ it. menters began to wonder why :!.gun bar· Every labor-saving Invention enablrn bed, two armchairs, two chairs and a a bl!lze of glory !" · moment he raised his hat, and exolalmed : rel could not be made of steel by tlmi one human want to be more cheaply priE.dieu are about all that ih contains, "I beg your pardon, Madam !" Soon and the only <;>ruaments on the walls are after he stumbled against a lady in the process that would be superiQ.'!'. to any .supplied, so tlu!.t a part of the hum11n i:inRoyal Elephant Fights. , a few printa representing religious subother. They first made a tube of six eray expended in satisfying it can be turnstreet. I n a sudden recollection of his A royal elephant fight in Burmah is llhus former mishap, he called out, with a look inches bore and a half an inch thickness ea"'to the supply of other wants. 'fhe jects. 'fhere is nothing to 2ay about the of metal. This war; dra1>n cold. 'fhen over-produ<ition theory, except aa limited Jibi·ary, which doea duty as a dining-room described: There were fifteen elephant3 of rage on h !scounleuance : "TB that you on a side. A pair of them· are never again, you brute 1" another was made of the same thickness to a very narrow field, and within a nar- u well as a library. started alone at a fight. The fights are of metal, and of a bore that would per- row compass of time, is a.]together without alway u,rran"'ed for the amusement of the mit it to b e shovf.d ovi'lr the first one by foundation. The human race as a whole ·wedding in Abyssinia. nobles, and ~re great events. The battle Wheels not :Hade of Pulp. the hydraulic press when it was warmed, doea nob suffer becau3e its powers of proAdmira.l Hewett, while on his mission is terrific. The elephants are given toddy, the first remaining cold. A third was daction are increased, or because its wants " 1 .rhe statement that the most delicate then drawn over the two, and thus waa can be more easily and Jheaply supplied, to King J cbn in behalf of t he English made out of the fermented juice of the watch wheela are now made of paper pulp completed a c.'innon. It· was found that· or bec'iuise things needful for human com- government, witnessed an interesting pelm, which they drink eut of buckets. in Germany. ia a hoax, I think," said a jt~.alh"'tanci a; water pre~aure of 75,000 fort and use are more ;c1bundantly pro- matrimonial celebration in Adowa. The Jersey lighbing is like water prominent jeweler and m·tcl.maker. "I pounds to'the inch. This cannon d u ced. Tempora1·ily, and within sGme town ia a collection of eight or nine hun- to the otuff. h m11kea the elephant~ reel 1have beeu In the busineim over forty years has been s~ b to Sar. Hook, n.nd the particular market, production m:i.y at dred inhabitants-mere huta-an.d is too a.nd scramble about ·like d run k en men. and work on - German, Sw!as, EngliaI1, officer~ of t.11.e artITlery corps will try to t.ime11 so far outrun th·~ d em11ond that a subject to the :raids of hostile tribes fo '!'hey mort and trumpet and 01:eate a terrt.- French and American ws.tches every burst it by the usual test11· applied to new dfotnrbaace results. But thst i· not the present the flourishing appearenca which ble racket. In the fight at Theyatmo tlre week, repairing or ta.king them aparb, and cannon. Tl1ey have before them the phenomenon which we are now witnees- the caplt3l of a large k ingdom should_ mahouts or drivers straddled their necks I have not seen a wheel made of pulp, As with all ·semi-barbarous natione- and urged thein on. : The beasts had been not even among the latest watches from astonishing spectacle of a gun that will Ing. The dfatmbance of industry in these throw a solid shot weighing 100 pounds, da.ys affect many cDuntries, though. in d~f for, although nornlusally Christian, the maddened by pounding, rushed at Germany.· 'l'hen from my knowledge of altt hough the metal is only one inch and ferent measure. The philosophers wbo Abysainia.ns can be called little else-the each other like mad. The1·e were some rnachim ry neceasary to make a watch and a half thick around the powder. To peo· preach d over-production have not yet weddings are cellebrated with a curious that wheeled around and ran away, but run it for several yeara I do not tliink jumble of religious rights antl aocfal cer- those that kept on made ~he shake tha,t pulp by any proc~ss whatever cau be ple accui1tomed to aeeing the comm'l11 detected the cause of the evil. emonies, ~pparently borrowed from when they came together. They ran made hard enough to be of nae. Brass cannon, enormously thick at the breach, Christian, Mahommedan; Jewi;ih and the right into each other. They locked tmks, and steel are chiefly used to make watch it will seem Incredible that nn inch and a A Woman's Ingenuity. aboriginal traditicina. There is a civil and gored and lashed one another with wheels. Platina is too h9,rd to work and half of this meta.I will serve the purpose better. A BGston paper. t eJls how an ingenious ceremony at the house of t he bride's fa- thelr trunks. Tusks were run into too costly, and gold will not do for many It ia well known that one cause of the woman discovered :!. leak in a 'waste-pipe ther, where oaths of :fidelity ar e exchang- elephant shoulders six or eighu i nches. reasons. high price of illuminating · gas to the con - in he~ h ouse. Noticing an offensive odor, ed, and subsequontly a. religious service. The fights in India are the same, of Paper buckets and boa ta are, but sumer is the great q uantity lost by leak· she suspected a defect in t ha waste-pipes, After the former, however, the bride- course. In Burmah fights take place be·· they have no special friction compart d to age through the cast-iron pipes used. I n and aaked the agent of the house to send groom, probably in imitation of the cna · tween eleohimta and tigers. King th11.t of a watchwheel, which runs in cogs Pibtsburg it was found that this leakage a plumber to make an examination. Upon tom of h!e forefathel'!l to capture their Theb~.n has men to fight tigers. The Bur- all the time. Suppose a process was disof the natural gas was. so great that ser· the agent's refueal to comply with her wives by force, takes hls bride in his mene ln power are cruel. One k ing used covered to harden pulp to a degree eqnai · ious and fatal explosions occurred. Every n queat, she borrowed two cats from. a a.rms and carries her either to his· house to make the people lie down for his pony to steel; then t he qneetion is, would it foot of the cast-iron mains there has in neighbor, purchased some oil of valerian, or her own· . The crowd of invited guests to walk over. lasb as long as steel ~ 1 think not. Car consequence been ordered out. The and atattorilng the &nimals in the parlor, follow him and aid him In holding the orwl eels are made of pa.per, but t hey run great size of bhe bore needed prevented went upstairs and poured the valerian in- thodox n uptial c11,nopy over her. There An A.A'C of '!'oo 111uch Reading. them merely on exhibition and not every the use of lap-welded wrought-iron pipe, to the basin, and then descended to is, of cour se, unlimited feasting, and an Prof. Blackie says he wishes himself day. Stee1 and b rass are metal s f orme d and the seamless pipe of paper t hickness watch t he result. Cate are extremely enormous quantity of spirituous liquors ill back in the Middle .Ages, when singing by natural processes during the course of will be used, its great densit.y being fond of ths· odor of valerian, and in a commmed, of which the prieat-who in was tho only sermon and the I?inatrel many hundred c~ntnriea. Paper o:r pnlp proof against any leakage of gas or liquid sho:i:t time both of the borrowed animalB Abyssinia is a veritable "'jovial friar"- the only teacher. We are runnmg too hardened by art1fi.ctal means when not under any pressure. The tendency to began to sniff the air and move toward takes hia full share. much to books. The people don't come subjtct to constant friction may be equal corrode even under ground is very small, the door of a closet through which the toe1ether any more. There ·are no more t o steel · or brass for certain processes, but this objection to steel will be wholly waste-pipe ran. The_ door·. was opened gr~nd public reunions of the mafses. A but I imagine its durability would he unThe Original l'alse Prophet. obviated by coatings either of tin or alum- for them, when they immemately sprang man buys a. book or a paper, and, hurry· certain. Hard wood, of course, ca.n be inum bronze within or without. The steel upon· a certain shelf, where they remain· The title of " E l Mahc1i " was originally ing home, 11huta the door and reads. used for a time as cog wheels in watches, pipe ia not only bett er ; but cheaper. ed purring with satisfaction. The WO· borne by the very caliph who deatroyed Everybody rea.ds. Enter a family circle an~ many other t~mporary tou~h maMilk cans are being made of the new man again went to the agent, who, t he moat famoUf! of the present Mahdi's nowa.dl\ys and man, woman and ch'ild has terlals, but they are simply for exhibition steel tubing. The bottom ta an eighth oi thou<>h still unbelieving in the leak, con predecessor, vfa , the Turcoman imposter, his, her ur it.a nose poked down bet ween and nob utility. So many watches are an inch thick, and the r.ides aboub one- sent:d to send a plumter. On cutting tiak im Ben Hashim, surnamed " Mokan- printed pages. It's read, reacl. .Absolute made In s.witzerland I the>: have fourth of an inch. T he b anging of the away the plaster so. as to expose the pipe, nah" (the veiled) from the covedng of silence reigns throughout the house. It's not substituted some che»p m11ter1al for most vigorous Yankee-lchee2e-maker or a j oint was found completely separated silver gauze which always hid hia face. despairing. I sometimes ~eel like Jal.Ung ab!lel and ~raas, but} d. :du't expect the of the most reckless bralrernan on a milk at the place where the ca.ts had indicated. This wort hy's career was a ;pretty exact and demolishing the fur~tture, ~hen I Genra~s. iO s~rt at ~t _first. ,Indeed, my t rain cannot dent them or seriomly incounterpart of that cf t he Soudan pro- get into such !'J, solemn-visaged circle as firm opm1on is that 1 t ia a mistake a,bou t phet . u f mean birth and by t rade a a sort of counter-irritant. These human pulp being used even for big cog wheels, j ure them. The experimenters have also turned fuller, he quitted his nat ive cit y of M erv An Enterprising Boy. reading machines are stuffed full of the much lese small, delicate ones." t heir attention t o clock springs, and they at 40 years of age for a deser t hermitage, One of th e most promlsing G f the young. whence he emerged with a proclamation aanoage meat of literature. When the lllllllilllil:Dlll:l!'llllllil~;a:;mum:mi::!O"al!i111:11111wm~fiil!ll~ft found that the new procaas not only world waa t he wi!!eat it read no books. makes a. cheaper, but· a superio.r quality er artists in Boston has a wealthy fat her of his divine mission which drew crowda Its teachers taugbtfrom nature. whe opposed his sou's a~b aspirat ions? and of spring. J uet what change the metal oi enthusiasts ~o his standard. Fixing ....,.._...""undergoes i n t hia process of drawing has wanted him to devote himself t o bus1fle11s his capital at Merv, he repulsed several instead. T he boy, however, wa.a deterattacks, but was at lbvgth defeated in Willing to Pay.Extra: not been determined. That it becomes fibrous is plan. l ron drawn out Into wire mined to study art abroad, and finally 7PO by the caliph Mahdi in person, who . A western bridegroom at an u p-town CURIE THIE becomes fibrous also, but it does not b e· <;onipromiaed. H e was a large western drove him across t he Oxus, and finally hotel summoned & bellboy by bawling FOR dealer in cattle, and s old his son on cred· come a. tempered spring. blockaded him in Nekaheb, the modem down six flights of stairs. KIDNEY fnl§SEA.SES 7 it, but at a pretty stiff market price, a Karshi, ninet y miles southeast of Bok- "W-what's the matter ?" pa.nted the amall herd of choice cattle, with the stip· hara. Here the imposter, finding hla boy, a3 he responded to the uu'que sumll..SVER COM!?LAUNTS, ·A Le mon WiUlin a Lemon. ulation that the ;JOy should take them to canse hopeleas, poisoned his remaining mons. CONSTDPATDC.H\1, I?DLES, Tile notice published in a Boston paper Liverpool to sell. The profits on the followers· and then plunged into a tank "lt'ti thati air light," said the brideof an orange within an orange elicts from transactic n, i( any, he could have to pay filled with corrosive acid, that the appear- groom, indicating the gas. "I've been A!NlD lmll..OOD iMSEASES. a CQrrespondent this companion picture his expenaeij while ~tudylng abroad, but ance of hia body might give rise (as it tryln to blow tho durned thing out for return home actually did) to the beltef that he had fitteen minut0s. If it costs anythln' exof the lemon species : " In 1834 or 1835, Ii he loet money he should PHYSIGIAMS ENDORSE IT HEARTILY. at the time 'Honest John Davi.a,' of Wor· and go into buglnesa. ascended to heaven. Ria life has been try to aleep in the dark jells say' so, an' " :Kidney-Wort is the mOBt sncceaef\ll remed.Y. The boy brought the cattle to Boston, cester, WM Governor of MassMhuaetts, written by the French historian, d'Her· I'll foot the hill. Ml\rfar, you get behind I everusc-d." Dr. P . C. Ballou , Monkton,Vt. he boarded at a b oarding-house in Cam· shipped them from here to Liverpool, helot, b11h he is chiefly known to weatern . the trnnk a minniii."-New ,York Times. ' 'Kidney-Wort is .:llvn ..ya rclioble,.u Dr. R. N. Clark, So. Hero, Vt. ' bridge street, facing Bowdoin atreeb, kept going on the same steamer with t hem, readers through Moore's famous poem in " Kidney-Worth:i.a cured my wife after two years by Mme. Wilson. At a ball given reached that port in nine da.ya, struck a ' 'Lalla Rookh," "The Veiled Prophet of A. U.oast of Lamo That's ..VCl'Y au.1fermg.n Dr. C. M . Summerlin,,. Sun Hill, Gn.. in honor o~ the GJvernor by Madame good market, sold oub in one day at a big Khor;i,,san." I" THOUSA~DS OP CAS~S Sheep." it haa cured where all else hOO fulled. It is mild, Wilson, in making lem onade for profit, cabled a cheque to hia father for butel:!lciont, CERTAIN IN ITSA(JTION, but .EconGtnical Dutchman (in but cher ~.Jie occasion one lemon inaide of an- the amount of his loan, and in lea1:1 than a harmless in all cases. ~ "Here's a muaical sa.lesman. advertised shop) : "Hev you some nfo3 Spring lamb i:Vl t alean·eo the R lood an<l St~en1rthcros Alld week, with the pl'Ofits of the transaction er was found, and, as in the oase of ef.ye1> N cw Llt"o to all tho important orga= o! for. Why don'b you apply, Ned~·· "I? dot's ahee:p 1" orange, the inner lemon was perfecb, In his pocket, wafl in Paris 11tudying, tho bOdy. The UBt'UXGl ll<ltlon of tho IDdneys is Butcher : "Ye11, sir." restored. The Liver is cleJ.nsed of about one-third the size of the out er where he was able to remain two years. Why, Tm not musical." "Perhaps not, a.L1d the :Bowel.a move freely nnd hoalthfully. but I notloe you.can blow your own horn, Economlca.l Dutchman: '"Yell, Bond His pluck and his present success has In this way the worst disor.Gce are cra.di.ooted " from tlle system. 2 so plea.sed his father that th!i latter now you're familiar with bars, your re1ru1rks the sheepeet roost you hev." Butcher : "All right, 11ir. I will sent j is untrodden ground to us, but He Pltl(Jl!, $1.0D LIQUID Oll DEY, SOLD llY- DRUllQISTs.' sa.ya : " Go and continue your are full of slura, you're always giving you a roa11t of ,.. lamb that's very sheep. l>ry can bo oent by trulil'. · , _ ws It all by personal experience ; the studies whenever you get ready, and call notes, and all the rest." WELLS, RI<JIIARDBON & 00.Eurllnirton Vt. 'P bits that take away our breath, the 011 me for what funds you want." Horse car after symphony r<ilhearsala."Yes," aald the Idaho man, «}t'13drea.d· 1y bibs that make our feet ache so, the First roathetic lady: "Was not the mneic -----~~~ .,...,., shadeless stretches th;i,t make us feel simply inspiring i" Second :m;thetic lady : ful unfort unate thab my gal got hugged Spring la.rob reached m arket ahead of " Ah, yes, that concernat a B aermann by that ar' b'ar. She' s sorb o' held ine in xhausted, J esua hars gone through ib the Spring this year, as usual: contempt since. " efor e us. played was ravishing." What 1'1 achiu.ery h a s d one for the World. J,lttlc Jack's Star. LAlJGHLI.'i'S, AYER'S Cherry Pectoral~ No other complaints aro eo insidlous in theft' attack as those a:tfoctingthe throat and lungllt none so t rifled with by tho majority of snffar. ers. '.l'bt; onli11ary cough or cold, resulting perlmps irom a triflin g· or u nconscious <>X· posurn, Is often but tho beginning of a f atml sickness. AYEn' s Cnmm Y P1i:C1'0 R A L h as ·well proven its emeacy in a for t y ye11.r s ' fight wlt h t h roat a nd l ung disease~, and silould go taken in all cases without delay, A T e r ribl e Cough Cured. "In 1857 I tool< a severe cold, wliicb afl'ectad m y lungs. I h ad a terrible cough, a nd pasa<lll night aft or n ight without sleep. Tho doct or s ga ve me up. 1 triecl .AY n1'6 CJ:IERRY Plllc1'0UAL, whieh relieve1t my l ungs, imluc<M slecp1 a nd affo1'<lcd me t h<> reet necesso.ry for tuo recovery of my strcngtil. Uy t h<!! continued u se of t h e l'Ec1·01tAL a Jli)rm&· n eu t curl;' wns o!lccted. J nm now 6~ yoars old, h a le f111tl hea rty, aud am oatiofied you CHElUtY .J:'ECT OHAI, save d m e . Ii ORACR F AlltllRO'.rllllR." Rockingham, V t., July rn, 1882. Croup. -A Mother's Tribute, "While in the country last win t er my l!W.G boy, t h ree years old, was taken ill with c roup; it seemed as if h e would die froin s tran gula tion . One of t h e family sugge6t ed t h o uso of A YER' S CHERRY P l,CT<JHA L a bottle ot w hlch wits alwRys l<ept in the i1ouse. 'l'hil! w as tried in small aud f requent doses, a nd to our deligh t In loss than half an !Jo 111· t he li ttle ptttitmt was breath ing easily. Tile doctor said that t h e Cn1mn.v Pm:;1:0RA L h ad saved my d arling's li ftJ , Can you woude1· a t our gratit ude '? S incerely yours, Mus. E~IMA G:EDNEY." 159 West 12Btli St., New York, May 10, 1882, Jn my family for several years; and do net " I hnve nsed AYER'S CHERRY P IWTORAL hesitate to prouo uuce it the most e!Icctunl remedy for coughs aud colds we have ever t ri ed. A.. J . CR.A.NE.' , Lako Cryst al, Minn., March 13, 1882. " I suffered for eight years from Bronchi Lis, and after trying 111til1y r emedies with n o suc· cess. I was cured by the u~e of;\ Y 1rn's ()HILR- nv PECTOHAL. n llyhalia, l\iiss., April 5, 1882. "I cannot s,:; cno ug1t in praise of AYEn ' s CBERR'E' PEC'fOHAL, believini> a s I do t hat but for its use I should long smcc have <lied from lung troubles. E . JJiu.cmoN." Palestine, Texas, April 22, 1882. No case of an a1Iectlon of the tbroat or lungs exists wllicb cannot be greatly r~lieved by t he USO of AYER' S CrtERRY PECTORAL, aml it will always cm·e when the disease 1 s not already beyond the control of medici.J>e.... PREPARED BY Jos1n·u ,VALDJ>N·" Dr. J. C.Ayer&co;, Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggist:!. SES· MARRIAGE LICEN COST ONLY $2.00 AT C. B. LOCKHART'S NEWCASTLE. 48-ly. STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. CAPITAL, $1,000,00ll. w.- JtEST, $H0,000 This Bank is prepared to do Legitimate Banking in all its branches. Farmers notes . discounted ; Deposits received and Interest paid on amounts of $5 upwards in Savings Bank Department: DlH~ A.FTS tl' I Issuea and Collections ma<le in Europe, United and Canad;t, OFl'f(;F:-!llurdoch n1·os. Block, late Rank· l::ig olflce of .J011c~ .11> Bobbie. W. J. JONES, _g7 _ _ _ __ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ __ BRITISH EMPIRE ESTABLISHED IN 1847. MUTUAL LIFE ASSURAtrnE GO " It bas no shareholders to pay div idends to, Managed by and solely in the interests o! the Policy holders. lHs Rates all.·e Lo1v· . Policies non t'ol"icil11ble"mul 11nconclition11I. t:asb Bonus l'aid- every t.hrce yea1·s, Joint Life Policies. Though a double dsh but one premium is paid !or two people, Amount of policy draw n on first death. Snecial Inditcements to Total Abstain-. "' Ass;,:rs OV!m $0,000,000. U4.!0l11E Ol'lill. .$1,ooo,oee4 $!00,000.00 deposited with the Canadian Govern ment for benefit of Canadian policy holders. INl'ES'J'lm IN t;ANADA, $GOO,o@o.oo. HEAD 0Fl!'ICE IN CANADA:-1\!0NTREA~ For particularo refer to E. L. LIVINGSTONE, GENEIU.L AGEN'r, Or to agents Orono Pump Factory. Pumps Chea.per and Better t han ever. The Subscriber having built a large nell Pump Factory in Orono, is prepar ed -to furnish- throughout the county. ~8-ise. - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - -- POlt'l' HOl"D, ____ PUMPS OF EVE~V DESGRIPTIO~ Wit h or without Porcelain Cylinder, d the Best Material, on the ahortest notiaci and at the !ow est prices. Cistern Tubs and Pumps supplied~ WELLS CLEANED &RERAIRED. · ALL VIO RK GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Orders by MaU promptly attended to. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS , PICKETS, MOULDI NGS, &c., kept on hand. ~~~..,.,-w-c~~··tsmo------ . ___ ..............

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