K::IN""G STREET_ . PE RSOi'\ AL. l\ot being able to 'meet the many readers of t his paper face to face just at this busy season of th e year ; but, having a matter of the utm ost im portance to lay before you one and all, we head this article "Perlt you may s:.mal," in the hope th" give our words the same careful atte ntion that you would dou btless grant us if IVC were ahle to call upon you for a little personal chat 01,er this matter of importance-this matter that concerns you d irectly; this matter that you should think about; this matter that you sho uld decide and act upon according t o your b est j udgment. And now. WUAT IS L T? ::KI~G STREET~ PL..A.N OF PERSONAL. . T o THE ~unu c.-I have pleasure m announcmg that I have " opened out a J ewelry Department iu the Star House. . I shall keep as large a stock of D c::m~ble Goods as any other J_ eweller m towi:, . and llaving very l1 t~l e expenses! will sell at m uch low~r , pnces. Havmg been engaged m b.oth Wl10Jesale aud -Retail business smce I left J3owm::nville, fou r years ago, I have fo rmed connections with m anufacturers that will ena blc me to s ell in some lines as low a~ many other dealers can buy. l ! I ,. I I ============~======================================::: East Shop, Neads' Block. SHOW T. GEOt M.ASON, Proprietor. A ro foo t show case tull of a most de- \ sirable line ot WATC H ES, CHAINS, P I NS, R INGS, etc., which I can offer to sell at lowest prices. J. J. MASON WAT CH MA KER. 3c·e t'e}>a.irin~ dep. REl'A Jnl NL'. Let us tell you. Ir is rn regard to the purchase of goods in our line, necessary for youi: comfort and happint!ss. T he changing seasons briLig to us all certain wants, wh ich cannot be igored, and it only remains fer us to decide where we can best a nd most economically . supply ourselves with the necessities of life. T his Spring you must decide upon this question. You war. t a good article: you want something late in Style and most of all , you want the benefit of the lowest prices you can possibly fii11d. Knowing this to be t i1e case and feeling p erfectly and completely prepared to meet yo:.Jr desires in all- these particulars, we earnestly urge you to see OUR NEW SPRING STOCK. GASE. I . H aving had extensive experience Ill P RACTICAL 'VATC H ~JAKJNG in Toront? and ~lsewhere, I can guarantee to give entire satisfaction in Repairing of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. Th ~ foll~win~ is a sample of many test:momals m my possession : Black and Colored Buttous, Cashmere Glov es, Ladi ed' Silk , Musliu, & L ace Ties, Plain Prints, ~sh ton 'fl F'nncy Prints, Chintz Veilings, India Muslins, Illnsions, \V ashing Net, Foundation Net, P er siari L:-~wn S pot Veilings, Leno Dot Muslin . N a usook Swiss Check Muslin , J a cknet Check Muslin, Vict oria ai1d Bish op L awn H a irconl Muslin, P iques, Infants Bibs, Boys' Collaes, Lad ies' Coll ars, Chini el Fringe, Beaded a nd Plain Gimps, Olmtk Clasps, Linen Cordau Braid, S tar Braid, S erpen t ine Brai d, Russiit .Br aid, Gold Braids, Alliance Braids, Boot L aces, Corset L aces, Tap es, Pins, . Agll>te Button s, Silk ~wd L in en ,I l"loss. F1· Hlings, Colored a-ncl Elk AH W ool · Dress Good s, Ottamans, J ersey s, Ribbons, and Fanclj Goods. ,......; I · j · II I'j j j WHA'L' OF rr ? 1\fany things. First-It is a large and varied asi.ortment of · goods of all grades, extending oYer a ::;c;ale of prices which enables every visitor to find an article to their taste in quality and value, and offered at a price that they h ave come prepared and willing to pay. Second-In style nothing is left to be desired, as out new stock consists only of choice selections from the latest and best offerings of the great market centers. Third.- ln price-well, as regards price, we could say, that "our prices defy competition," or, " our prices are lower than the lowest," and say ~o truthfully t00, but we wish to put the matter in a different manner, so 1 we say to yon just come and s~e what our prices ate. Don't worry on that score, '.::>Ut come; we promise some very pleasant surprises. Our entire stock will be sold out at profits so small as to be scarcely worth l !l1~ ~~eiiH8P 1 ;ind 0 d m ~ ~ ~ ~ ,.....; ~ c ~ ~ ~ Honeycomb Cloth , Terry 's Turkish Towlings, Floor Oilcloth, ladies' Jerseys, Ladies' . Shirts, Fancy Wool, Shawls, Bustles.· Cretonnes. ""O d ~ ~ ~ .,.... . Q rn. cJ.) ~ ·~ CZ> ,.0 ,...; ~ s d ~ 0 Cl.) ~ ~ . 'N ~ .,.... ~ ::s · 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ . :::5 ""' ~ I · r-C1 ' . Q rfJ. ~ t'i;i ~ ~ ,...; ~ ~ 1~ ~ +;:l . .....-! ,...; ~ oo"' d "V d ~ ... -+-;;> 0 i;: rh. ~ , ' i,ii-t,._t FUR t . ,.....; s cJ.) 6 ~ '.;;:> ~ CY.l ~ 1 Because your int&est I& \JUrs and the more you aild others buy the more we sell and the more we make. Our system of selling everything at the \-ery s mallest profits,fairly and honorably, is metting with increasing and unprecedented success as the season advances. We are bound to tell . every puchaser the truth and never to guarantee any goods but those t hat have been recogmzed as good. I nstead of detailing all the advantages we offer, we can only outline our method of domg· business in a general way; call your attention to the excellence of our new sp ring Goods and invite you to give us an early call, trusting you will further your own interests by so doing and give us the pleasure of showing you through our many attractions. WHAT Nn .:r ? ~ ~ "V ~ ~ . 0 ..-4 r:n <l) ~ d . ..µ r.11 d ~ ~ ~ ~ Sateens, Serges, Foule d e Beiges, Panamas , Colored and Blk Cashmer es, Colt>red and Blk Silks, Colored a nd Elk S a tms, Brocaded S atins Blk Real Laces, Italian Laces, Spanish Laces, Cream Gepure L aces, Cream Oriental Lace, Real Torchon Lace, V alauceus L ace, .Bro H ollands, Embroideries, Insertions, Crom pton's Coraline Corset s, French Wove Corsets, Check and Plaid Dress Goods, · a ll sh a d es, , in L 1. ., U c1 ac ms n e rwear, Fancy Border H a ndkerchiefs, Canton Flannels, Knitting Cotton, B az'.lar P atterns, Cret onne Fringes, Elk Silk Crapes, Mourning Cra p es, H osi er y, T o wels, Quilts, B a tts, etc. ~ 0 0 ~ ~ <:"" """" ~ ~ Table Oilcloth. .... ~ ~ w. · ....+ ~ :;:i <l) ,..Q :l) d ..µ "' <:o-' ~ c;;> "' 00 cJ.) ~ <l) CZ> ·~ ~ ~ s Ginghams. ~ """ · Flannels Winceys. Large ca5e of Silverware, comprisiug Castors, P ickle Dish es, Cake Baskets, But ter Dishes, Fruit Epergnes,N apkin R mgs, Knives, F orks, Spoons, etc. and Check Shirtings. , B uANn·oRn, Feb 'y 18, i ~l85 . 1 6 WHOM I l' MAY CuN CERN. . I take pleasure in publicly testifymg to the very superior ability (as a Watc:h n~aker) of Mr. J. J. MASON, of this city. Having bought and sold both new and second ·handtd watches White ~ind Col fu r a number of years, and not being ·w arps, Ge11ts' C ola practical watchmaker, I h;i.ve had lars, Bow.~, T ies, hundreds of watches repaired, by a White a ud Col great many watchmakers, and I can Shi rts, S hiiker state freely and positively that of a nrl Saxouy Wh ite ~hem .all,none have given me the satF1 a.irnels, G en ts' 1sfacuon that Mr. Mason hq~ He seems to be thorough master of all Gloves, Gents' B races, ki nds of watches. R ubber Coats, Yours &c., ISAAC SIMON. R ul.Jber Circulars, R ubbe1 · R u m> To1wwro, March 2 7, i $84. Irish Li n~1;, . To l\.fR. J. J. MASON, BRANTEORO. Napkins, DEAR Sm . -We have very great pleasure in testifying to the fact, that Tabl e Covers, we have traded with and known yon Turkey R ed well for a long time past, and l1a\'e F a nne1 s Satin, invariably foun d you just anrl honorWadd~ng, able, and prompt in all your dealing~ . · Meu and B oys' ., As a Watchmaker we have no hesitaU nder wear, tion in saying that there is no better Selesia8, Cmwasses, in the country, and as we understand. Hair Cloth, B lue you intend offering your services to a nd Bl:>.ck, the trade in your neighborhood as Irish and Gel'man watch repairer, we can confidently Serges, recommend t hem to give you a trial, W O p· · o ieces, as we ~u6w it will be to their interest ·Fancy W orsteds to do so. Believe us sir, Yours very truly, Blue and B lack, · E. & A. _GUNTITFR. Corkscrew D iagonal, T o MR. MASON, V vorst ecls, ! a m well pleased with the rnn.1ing West of England of that watch you repaired tor me P a nt ings, when first you came to Essex Centre. I had paid out a considerable am0tmt Irish, Scotch, of money to o ther watchmakers fo.1 English a.nd repairing it,and as it did not gi\·e sat-- Canadian Tweeds, isfaction, I was beginning to tbink all . i1 L a large va:·iety, watchmakers frauds. But I am l)leas- ' Melt ons aml Victori a Cloths, ed to say that, after you fix.ed the watch, I was satisfied that I had found ·n a ll shades, one who thoroughly understooll his D uck s, Denims, b1,1siness. Uottonades and M. G. G O .HES, Lenthe r Ck ths, Builtler, Fsse\: Centre. Turkey Tablings, Damask Tabling, T his is t o certify that T have had different watches repaired by Mr. J_,inen Tauliug, Striped Tick ing, Mason since he has opened business Sheetings, V P.lveteens, in Essex Centre,and I a m pleased to say that they have given entire satisHoop Skirts, faction. I consider him a good work Men 's Suit;;, man in his line. B oys' Snits, and JoHN GRA\'ES, JR., Overcoats, Sandwich East. r eady made or M R . MASON,made t o order, ! am well pleased with the watch by W. P eard on, a nd clock you repaire(l for me. I '·' The Best Cutter can cheerfully recommend you to in Town. o chers as a first-class workman. j It now remains for us to thank the people of this vicmity for the courtesy and liberal patronage 'they hava bestowed upon us up to the present time; to make known our ambition to grow in your esteem by ceaseless and untiring efforts; to improTe our stock <Ua d m et hods; to b e in every way worthy of your confideuce; to fully meet yo~u · vants and expections in all respects and withal to wish every one of you happiness, success and prosperity. Very Truly Yours, T. G. M ASON. WANTED.-One t housand or more experienced and economical buyers to examine and criticise our extensive assortlllent of new and beautiful Dress Goods. The intention with us has been to make our Spring line of D ress Goods one of the leading features of an un usually attractive stock and we believe we have more than accom plished our object. Those desiring to see th e very newest Spring styles,the most complete assortment, the finest fabrir:s, the handsomest colorings and a uniform scale of prices, representing the exact merit a nd worth of the goods offered, will do well to call. Feelini; that our offerings in this d epartment are above criticism and of a nature to reflect credit on the seller and bestow b enefits on the buyer, we anxiously wait for yo ur inspection and approval. " Who <lat hit me ? What ar' dat lantern ?" exclaimed a darkey, struck by the engine and thrown a rod or. two into the ditch. W ALTFR J AMES, OFFIOE. I Silk, Cotton and Oottons,Sheetings Cottonades, etc. Colttim. T u MR. MAsoN,I have much pleasure in informing you that the clock and watches you repaired for me ar e running well and giving entire satisfaction . A. Cr ~nn Fo'.RD, Nor th R idge. M R . M ASON,- ' ,. WATCH REPAIRING DEPARTMENT. Twist Spoofs. Show Case of I ~m~~~~ N~~~ RESERVE PRINTS. I Black Jet Jewelery , Spectacles, etc. , etc. lt is with pleasnre that I can inform you how well I am pleased with the watch I purchased from you. It ran from the time I got it to the time I left for the old con ntry without any noticeable variation, and during my whole trip; although exposed to various changes of climate, was only minutes astray on rny return home. I examined watches in thio and the old country, and am saiisfied I got mine as low as it conld be bought anywhere. R ICH ARD F UGCLE. 2t · To MR. MAs0~,The watch I bought from yon some time since is simply A No. 1 . I believe I have got the best running watch in Essex Centre, and I consider yo u sold it to me very reason· J. M. H 1cKs. able. Besides t he above we have many other testimonials which we will be Jileased to show anyone interested. But the best testimonial is to try and prove for yourself. Bring along your old watches and clocks, even though others may have failed to make them run, I will make them go satisfactorily or charge nothing. A call solicited. Engl ish and American C ent s ' H a t s , Velve t R ugs, Hem p , Union, Wool a n d Tape·stry Carpets. Buying our Goods in sur.h large quantities, enables us to sell our fh·st-class Goods at lower price.s than ~n~all low pay concerns can buy. Every lady or gentlt man r equiring Sprjng Goods, wiH~ save money by exammmg EAS T S HOP NEAD S' BJ~OCK. * · :s:ousE:J · ~ I I I T. G. lVIAS~ON_, :Prop. J _ J_ MASON"".