7 car loads Salt. Liverpool Salt and Land Plaster- lowest prices at QUICK & WRIGHT'S. 'The Adu\teration of food Ac\ ¢1'a¢an1di1n$\ataaman PROVIDES P ENAL1'1E8 FOR TH E Every parcel a bargain at Mason Bros. H eavy Tweed Suits, a job lot a t $5.00. E llison & Co. ·war now seem s to be certain between England and Itussia. BowMANVIL L E, F RIDAY, MAY 1. Miss Maggie McLa.u!-(h lin is visiting friends at Dunkirk, N . Y. La.dies, see those very pret ty patterns . in Wall Paper s at Variety Hall. · Itev. E . Ifob erts p r eached in Toronto M urdoch Bros' st ock of field and gar den seeds ia the best t hey have <wm· had. last Sunday. Another consignment of t hose cheap Mrs. Willi<1m H utchin gs, from Chagrin , :F alls, Oh io, is visiting h er;old friends, Mr. sugars at J . Lyle's. A splendid work on Penmanship may and Mr2. S. \V. feanders.· Mr. D . Campbell's large st ea.m ~rist b e seen at Variety Hall. Prayer was offered in th e ch urch on mill , ()n this of Col borne, was de 3t royed Sunday for ou r volunteers. by fire on Tuesday 21st inst, total 1011s, R 'lv. James Gmy, im cl wife wer e guests l $10,000; insurance $ 5,000. at M r . J ames McFeet ers' over S undtiy. On Monday of la.A~ week, M r. S11mpson Gen . Grant was 6:3 years old on M on- Vickery, near Prmce A~be1 t, lost ~ v!-'l nda.y. H e r eceived man y tokens of es- able mare value~ a t $300 . by falling l!lto teem. a. well and br eaking hor neck. TO 'CASH BUYERS I THE .A,..._HOUSE· ~~ OU-R S.TOCK EMBRACES : Local and Otherwise. XEEPI~~G & SELLING · -ol!'- ;lmtllll'C A.1·tictes of Diet. Thie applies to the R etail Trade _as well as Wholesale. D ealer11 are hereby r e minded that LYMAN, SoNs a. C[ MON T REAL , G R IND, P U T UP, A:N'D SELJ, PURE SPICE Gr eat quantities of those pretty and cheep \ Vall P apers selling at Y a.riety H all. AND NONE OTHER. 'Ne were favor ed wit h a call from Mr. See that the name of t he firm is on J oh n Squair, B. A., of Toronto,Univers{· 'ty, on Wednesday. ~ach pack age. For sale hy STOTT & JURY Open meeting at the Division next "The Reliable Druggists'" . Bowmanville. Tuesday nigh t . Good programme. E very body will be w elcome at 8 P· m. sharp . A very h eavy rain foll early on S unday mornin·r, runowecl by a fierce gale of wind. The sm~ke stack 011 S t. P aul"s church was blown down. H -3'1'. E . R. Yonng, of t his to wn, preached in the M ethodist Tabcmacle, Whit by, on Sun day last, and epoke after ar ds on the N orth- west t roubles . ' The Newcastle B icycle Club will cele brate the Queen's Birthday by a Grand Wheelmen's Tournamen t of which further particulars will be given ne:xt week . T . Geo. Mason's Star Hom e altho ugh a comparit ively new honse, has left ma ny older honse3 rar behind in t ho r11ce of popular favor. T heir t u rnover is very large. Mr. E. rethick . of the B owman Ali kinds of spectacles ke ep in st ock ville barbet· shop, h as had h is sh op newly ttt the Star H ouse Jewelery Departmen t . paper ed by Mr. Thos. W est cott_ It looks F rom 25c common glassrs to the ver y very tony, in deed . best pebbles. W e guarantee t o fit any Arrangements are :i.pproa.chin~ comple- Pight. t ion for the Sons of E ngland Dem onstra.At the Tyrone Mills J. C. Vanstone has tion i n .Bowmanville on the Queen's about 40 tons of feed for sale at t he B irt hday, M.ay 25th. following prices: Bmn , $14 per ton ; The Simcoe St. M etll()dist Ohoir , cor1rse shQrts, $15 per ton ; fi ne shor ts, Oslrnwa, lm ve secure{l the ser vices of Mr. $ 18 per ton . F . H . T orrington fo1· an organ recital a t The Kingston Division, of the Sa.lvatheir .concer t on May 19th. t ion .Army, held a Council of W ar in .. <'"'\,.) Mr. IL H illier, medical student of Whi tby. on T hu · stlay of last week, a.t th ree years' standin g, a11d cousin of Dr . wh ich Major Coombs and n early forty H illier, of this town, l ms gone with t he oflico·s wer t1 p res Pnt. dressers to t he Nor th-west. We observe with pleasure that Mr. C. [Trade Ma rk registered March, 1881.] The new quar ters for the S ta,ndard McGill, of the Ont uio Bank , P eterboro, The only medinm that acts at the sa'!1e time Bank have been very n icely fitted up. sou of Mr. W. McGill, of t his town, h as · dneys. ·On the Liver. the Boewls and the I-.1 '.l'hese Great Organs are thenatllral cleansou N~ ~~g~h~t~da. &~~~~~n ~p~t~fupu~~ t ~ W~ ~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~ -~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~=====~==~=~===~=~====~:~=~~=~ .0 f the system. l f the y work well health will - B eautiful designs in Wall Papers very ( ~--· he perfect; if they become c.logged, .dreadful pn.int has greatly impro\·ed t he outside Peter boro' Agricultur al Society. Our Town Tra d e. B OARDERS WAN TE D .- Comfortdiseases are sure t<) follnw, w1tll tern ble Sl)f- appearance. Subscriptivn s will be take n at th e c ·lie. · ·p · , ·t \ T, , ,t·1'ety Hall. " '[ R · I h l · · · · a.hi e rooms nu d board for a few persons at fering·. Billio11anoss. Headache, Dyspeps1!1· Jr r~ . oss1e 1as muc p easure rn an- STATESMAN Office for the DAILY Gr,oBE, MllS, H. W . J:(.R FlrEI.L'S, Kings1; East. 18 ·-Oonstiµation. Kidney Complaints. Uheumat1c uouncin g t hat she is n ow prepared for the N oon or E ven ing E dition, sen~ to any B iis_ e .your calculas ions on a bi,g · B usiness is tn,king a turn for the b etter PainR and Aclles a re developed because the blood is poisoned with t he humors that should spring t rnde . Ladies clesiring millinery Po 9 t Office in Canada, one month, 38c. ; da:y m llowmanville Q.(l the (~u een s all ove.r , and . Bowman ville is keepi ng B U LLS F O:R, SALE.- The subscriber be expelled naturally. will find a rich stock to select fro m at two months, 70c.: th ree months, $1. Birt hday · pace with the times. So far as we can has three good Grade Bulls- one t wo year Mr. A. W. Crawford lrn.s bough t the judge from om· exchanges, and th ey co me old. nud two yearlings, for sale. Apply to P ride of the V alley is a positive and per- Pierce & R e berteon' s. 3W . , Wild g<Jes·~ and. dl,!clP! ha,·e been going P r im.i ti.v e M ethodist chu,i·cl~ and will con- t . o us from . '··ll pa rts o.f t he province, t here J _._ R.0 _1' _,_'I_ '}~_e._P _._'::..~--=l S· w. minaut cure. I10 (' ·boIPt11, wSt was a rnw STOTT & JUfl.Y S" le agen ts for · R ev · I D r. 11 of eor·cre's Cl·years lircli N or th for a few day$ pas t. 1.'hey will v.crt it mto !\ roller s1 rnt m!! rin k . is no t own m 0 ntarw whose merchants R I NG M 1 L .,,, ·w A.G "' O . ·1't w · . 1 ~'r" 1 0 um e 11 ' probably go back and forth about ,t wi"e smce, n · 1 o ~ l1 'b - n. i..' .n B owrn:mville. Oshawa is believed t() b e at · F ort P it t, before they remain a~ old wise-acres ;-y Messrs. Bongard & Wheeler, of P ort are mo.i·e era or judicious 1\dverti~ern, .aha.!t:I' llnd pole for sale cheap. Apply to 1 1laps, Lmdirn.y. 'J'!:1s nmy .JORN J AMES, Maple Grove, Bowmanville 11 ·1 1t ficrl1t t ook pl"ce betw~en Perry, have within the ]->st two weeks, cxceptmg , per 1 00 · o ·· " v that thre e t ri ps are necessary before warm ~ I O · wl1 e r C tile r e Ce the Mount ed P olice and the Indians. weath er is assured. shipped Hl8 head o f fat cat tle for the or m ay n ot t.10 case, b ut it is eq ually · 17-tf. ARME RS.- T he Th oro'-bred Short'l' he former business rush seems to ea~tern m;vkets. true t hat there 1' no town anywh er e . ncn.r hort Bull, "Baron of Fawsley Btlt," re'[I . Rev. E. W. Sibbald, G ran d Chaplain Col. Cubitt r eceived n t eTe11ram on t? u~ with .n1'.ything like an. eqtrnl popuh~l !)00 H UNDRED HORSES WANTE D pm·chased from the celebrated Bow b }" iea· 1 of the Sons of England, p reaclled a Wed1 . i esd'.'Y from his son in \Vinni])e rr, t 1011 " « ll d si. llll1 ar .surro.un d m gs t l1 .at ·can cently ..at once t<> try that Celehrated Engllsl\ Condi· have r eturned to the McC ungs. ·' 0 Park he1·d · for ~orvice on Lot l!J, llroken present ed · l a "th ver y tve Y s pecial ser 111or1 to l1i "s bretl· 1er n " t 11 P o1·t saying t he B owman vill(:J boys at Battle- L oast of b o tt 0_ bU S!n l;l. tlon Powder- I t makes an old horse full like a s I10p 0 f l 0 t e liave · ·' h 1·.11 t ores, a 1 :i.rger S$ 0 1· ~ront. Da.rfington, T1mris re11~qna,hl9, A.. ~ nd gives a·11ne glossy aspec t · 0ft en b ein!! Cl'Ow~ec wi pure as- H or1e la·st Suncl·,1y. About 80 111e.nb.,r · .colt. Purities the bloorl A t n- B oil'- .· ll. Ni.ANN, H-~t. f ·ir ford 11rc all a.live and well. more .en t erpnsmg merel 1ants. ·. . I coat. A t1·1al only cost~ 25 cents. t 1 0 19 Tl h iey ave a gr ea ' P ny mi t - of the Order were ··resen c. The Gitide 11 cl l h l 8 TOTT & .1 URY Sole manufacturers for sers. n11ry. calls it a maouni licient address. A You ng L<dies Christian Temperance man vi e ry .gooc s, arc ware, boots and Canada. ' ·u · · y· t U nion has b~en orga.nizcc l i n the D <>mill shoes, groceries, 1:Jt?· · ca.u h e bought to as T RE Th?ro'- bred D ur hmn Bull, " Duk& bl \. t Qu~n ;'[ nJ e:;ity,\. ·~mgs on, " ~ An old bachelor 2ays t hat giving th e College, OJrHwa, with Miss I<'io;ence good advan tage as Ill any ot her mar ket in or.Wellington," ror service on Lot 13, Con. Chath am Harvest er Vic t orious. o t. i t rE. . I . 1 s1ito1~~c) o;0 Snh ~ ballot to the women won Id not amoun t Jeff of Bmdford as P reside nt. t he ~r~wince. T his is a hap py con dition bo~::,11,~~f~~-;~~stBi:epfiln!t ti;~~~rse:rvo 1· cnee. B se~'\'eA.tl i i·· 1 ,<.actu · ..; .,, C< i . en) · - s 1 on, ' sq., ias won a. 'ii'o 0 0 · to anything p ra . ctically, bi.ca use they ·' . ' , . . .1rs for t h . e consumer, , ·111d is e, '"·i"ly A W BU m· , , IT(" v , t r '1c 1 of affa 1 1 1 · · · · , ~a ,. c., e " " ;1 · · ·. · · arshi1J ; R ev. Adam IL J,inton, B. A, , of 0 b f <1: > 9 ~> ' · '-· 16·1f. · ( 1 1 Cl ti1 1er·- - - - - · l d t d J I 99 l would keep -denyin" that t hey were olcl u1te a nun .· e r o w- bill· are s l\ld. to · exrilamecl. We have tt uooLl cl, ·\·" of 11 11 Y - · < ' · Yna ,nrcu a ~ rn,d ·conferr<1d on him th e enough t o vote u ntil ~ they ' got to be ioo be l ll ctrcnlat10 0 that a re on!y $ L bill~, chants; t hey lon!t · · rcc00 ~ 1 see 1 t b y nr t he MAs~uy , ob it CoN u 'A y Oronn, h as als(· } . a"o ,,.11 ":i:ed t.lie J MP O RT JW CLYDESDALE STAL1 reference to a pllrcha.s- degree of B . D.- Bachelor - 1884 · · J it e m0akes of D ivinity. · l.d by s · · ' ," LION· 1·egistered in which . old to take· any in terest in politics. ra1, un ply tearmi:i t~e tigt1re 2 off val.ue of prin ters' ink and by a liberal use Pedigree, for sale at a. 10 er near Chatham who h ad given an order Citclet R. L . W erry farewellecl in 'f ren · _ PREMIUM SEEDs.- We regret to learn $2 I nils a nd neatly pastm~ it ovel' the $ 1· of it they hav-e secured a portion of trade ~e;{kl~~"j~~~~~ r~~ri~~rt ~·~;;i;;e;~ke GEi!J~1. f or a. Toront o - Binder, and a fter wards ton on S unday and has been prom oted to that our subscribers have not received At the Tyrone Mills .T. C. Vanstone from the surrounding country which did SHAW, Bowmanvillo. 16-3w, ·cancelled it and to. 1k a Chatham Binde r. ·rank of Lieut enant. H e is no iv one of t hei r premiu m stleds yet. We forwarded h:~s about 40 tons of feed fnr sale at th e n.ot properlY: belong t o th em. A h ealthy ATTLru PAST UR E . - The u nderI will briefly ·s tatP t he cause, aq I am told the Staff-Officers a t the H eadquar ters in th e orders and mon ey three weeks ago following pr ices: B ran, $14 per ton ; r ivalry subsists as to who shall show the signed has about 100 acroe of pasture land i t r efers t o me : I 11ave The Maesey T orooto. H is comrad es in th is locality and t hey should have receivecl t hem a coarse sh or ts, $ 15 per t on ; fine shor ts, b est aud cheapest goods, and by mnking well wntored nnd sho.ded. 'l'errns very reason}Y. able. fnr particull\rs to W · .l<' OLF A gents a n order in t he spring, s ubjec t to will be please. cl t o hear of h is promotion d ay or t wo afte~wards at t heir resptictive 9 c::.13 1>er ton. tl. w att ractions known they have brough t r,ot 21, Apply Q(,)ll, !t, JJa1 ·1ington, 18·3w. 001 i n cus .. r l.Q!!~ '11$ ~· t being ctincelled. The order was 11iven and success. post offices. 'Tl M"llb ilf ner~ ; r im 1 llllee. ~ . whv11~ 1 1 ·oo ' b efore t he Sample Bincler came, which ScrnN·1urc L EcruuE. - Prof. A. B. ie e.~senyer Cflntains the pat ronage enables them, by swellinrt the w as rep resented to b e the only complet e K ent lectul'es at th e Town Hall, this .Rev. E. Rober ts will preach in the followi ng notice of b irth: -In Millbrook, \·olurne of business, to sell a t as " close F OR SALE.- F ine P haeton, le ather top. good as new. Cau be used with one · I l t · ·t (' neen St M ethodist Cl111 rch next S.·1.b b." . tl·l on the 14th of April t he 1 v1f e of Mr t b ·l · l b inder in existence, b ut when I examined F n c ay 111g 1t; experiments on e .e c r1c1 y, ~ ·· · ' · : a es as can e offered. by any merchant ~.r two seat~. Also a. 'l'op l:luggy, in good order, and compared T he ·roronto with the magn etism, chemistry, pneumatics, etc. in t he n1or ning on "How to dispose of ltobert H uffman, of, it son- 14:Hbs., a t m T oron to. Th is is well understood b" l wo set of light H!l.rnei s, ono new. The nbove t · our car es, " and in t he even in 0 rr on ' 'Was the age of th ree h ours - and No. 12 at th f · J · · · t t. goods otm. be bought cheap, W . A . P OPE ·Chatha m, which I bought, I fou nd this T lu s is a very m eres mg 1ec ure anc1 is that . e consumers o t 1 11s section of country , Bowmannlle, · d ifferen ce. 'l'he Toronto is sta tio nary on well worth the pr ice of a.dmission - 15cts. it just to p unish our first pn.r en ts for and accounts for t he fact that o ur mer c l l O t s b "ll f t. I merely eatin fruit,?" All C l D o f th M"dl d B tt 1. h t I l · · th e forbidden 0 ee 1 s or par 1cu ars. are welcome. o · eac n, o e 1 an a. a ion, c an s iave, as regu ar customers J>eot he m ain axle , so that you ha ve no way an7 c s. ARM FOR . SALE I N CLARKE .100 acres, bci~g p:lrts of lots ~O and 21,con. of raising· or lowering but by the til t, ; ; r. \Vill. Hugh es, you ngest son of Mr. is the proud possessor of t hree medals pie who fo·~ at a distance so orea~ th a t . ·I, Clarke, there bemg 50 acres in each lot Will which I thin k, a very great objection in n H ughes, Oartwrigh t , is a m<~mber of Mr. H . J. Keeley, a g rad uat e of t he a war ded him f<'.r his service in tI:ie C.rim- no~hing but extra inducem: nts cou,ld !Je sold together or in two pareels. Good build· ·s h or t or badly lod ged grain. B y tilting 3, Com pany, !)0th Win nipeg lfattal- N ctv8 office iu the town, who has had ean war. Staff Orderly Hoope1 · B s11m l- bnng t hem here . The fi rst cause of this rngs, ',Yell f~n ced , well wat,ered, good orchard. ·to eatch the ~rain. you cai:t~ll too much of . ion. H e telegraphed h is b rother Sam· charge of the j obbing department for arly d ecorat ed. I n the battalion ~re sev- is en ter prise on che part of our business Only 3! miles lrom Ne wcastle. 'l'el"ms etlsy. Apply ror par.ticulars to SOLOMON HAHRI8, an i ncline, causing the grain to run up from th e fi eld of b < i t tle as follows: " Es- some t ime, left last week t o take a similar e~a.I i;nem be~s who have ~e en active ser- 1men, and the seco nd sagacitv enough t o on the prenuses, or to WILLIAM Ha ltRIS 10, ' se.e t hat the ir enterprise would be wasted Whithy, P . 0 . e ndways ancl a ddi ng much t o t he draf tl caped un inj ur ed in tocl-ay's battle. " H e posit ion in t he Advertiser office , Owe n vice Ill tho Z:ul u a nd ot her wars. · f I h 1 d · 1 Sound. H e is a !!oocl .vork ma n ·at1d car t' · 1 · b usi. d b · b J· d Ladies of ' Vest D ur ham, r ead Col.' 1 wit h on t I"w eraJIya d ver1s111g tw1r Also th e b I P er g.-ar emg e un ,.:iaus~e isone o t ie s arp-s 10otcrs an 1s aways ries wit h him th e best wishe~ of the the grain ·o sh ell bad ly when ri pe ; a~ on t he :td\'ance guard. Cubitt's ad vt. calling a meet ing to provide ness. ':"he m o.st succ~ssful merchants in t he heads of t he grain strike t he geal\ 'l'he Toron h i people have set an excel- fraternity in B o wman ville. ways and me11ns fo r forwarding sup plies 1town will achmt any t une they are a sk ed frame befo1e bein'( bonnd. Also the lent example by th efr great tho ugh tfulOn Friday 24th ult. Gen. Middleton's t o our vol unteers in t he N orth -wes t. We ~hat they b mlt up th eir t rade by advertisH E LA DIES of Bowmanville arn Toronto can onlv bind one size sheaf and ness for and generosity to th eir citi:.iens troops had an engagemen t wilh th e rebels expect this d istrict to do itself cred it. by mg. T he lesson teaches its own moral. requested to meet at t h" Council Hoom bas n o movable b ut ter so that the operat· who have gone 0 11 du ty to t he Noi·th -west . under Dumont.. The bat tle lasted n ine its ' generosity i n th is direction. Col. - - -- - -··-- - - - on SATu1 mA Y, M,1 y 2Nn, a t 3 o'clock in the or, in ord.~r to get his bancl in the proper W e observe that M rs. E'lward Blake is h ours ; nin e volnnteers were killed or Cubitt h as communicated wi th other G1·eat bargains - cash only- at Mason afternoon, for the purpose of devising some means to provide suppi!es thri:t will add to the place h as to mov e his wh ole binder in - treasurer of t he Volun teer supj)ly fund mortally wounded , and about for ty more officers in the Midland D istrict with a Bros. c~m fo rt and health o.f the men b.elonging to the stead of the b utte r. A lso on account o. f a nd large quantities of supplies are being or l~ss wounded . H ebel loss, unknown. view to concerted action. Remem ber, SatA ,~ood suit of cl othes, yo uth 's, si ze for l ath Batt., who, amid great privations, harcleh1ps and dangers, are now cheerfully and the front ele vator aide standing so · far sen t forward t o th e boys. 'l'he r ebels were routed fro m t he ravines ur day at 3 p. m . in t he Council ch amber . for $1.i at Mason Bros. manfully doing their duty in t bf'iNorth-west back over the knife . Tt seems uecrssary I n ot·c ler tlius to f iii·ni·sli 11 occ· ,·ai "c > n in which t hey were secluded. 'l 'he r igh t R emnants of dress " cl t d8 · t l". CUDI'l'T. " ~ wing of the M idhln d battalion, includin 0 At th e lat e criminal ju~tice audit M r. h · b . "'oo s, wee · pnu s " t o ha ve a complication of gear~, chains Lt.-Col., Com. 45th Batt, for ma.kin« a spechl effort for improvinu Grierso11 exposed a b 11s1·nfl,ss that' has eac pwce a argam at Mason B ros. Bcwman ville, April 2!1, 1885. 18 · 0 0 ' · ' our com pany, are on tht:: way from Swif t " a nd k ickers to keep th e gr1tin from clog -g ing at the heel of the k nife. T hese are th e school premises and plan tin g suitable Curren t to Clarke's Crossing with. the been go in g on for some t ime. It ttppears \ NOTICE t o t h e Creditors of WM. a few of the obJection s I have to T11e shade and ornamen tal trees and shrubbery steamer N orthcote with snpplies. Serious that tr11.11sients comi ng to W hitby ar t! ar~ B I R THS. L ight 'l'oronto, a nd my buying The th e dMinister of Educat ic m has proclaimed d elay has occur red , the ·ry.ter being low .,rested and lodged in the county goal a th~·~[(~~f~ Darlington, on the 15th instant, PARR, of t h e Township ofCart Chatha m Bind er, wes not because of Fd . ay, th e Bth clay of May, a h oliday i n and sand bar s n umero us. vagran ts. The result is that a l r ll.mp i r. Joseph Garfat, or a son. w right, in t h e Cou nty of Du r ham ludged for a nigh t costs t he coun ty $ 2. 50 -, -· - -- - . p rice or t he Chatham H ar vester people ev,ery rural and villagti school, to be a nd Provin ce of Onta rio, Merrun ni ng after i~fc to b uy, aa I we nt to known as Arbor Day, subj ec t to th e apWhen ].\fr. and Mrs. J ohn Munson, of comtable 's fees a nd $1 Sh erriff's fees an d B O WM ANVI L L E MAR KETS . fi ed wit . h '.L'he.1 ])roval 0f th e Trus tees. Maple \frove, were drivina son1et 1 ·1 n ore, b es1 ' d es h is . expenses 111 · · cha nt . them. j a.m pel'fect ly sa tLs ,., d own the hill · n es 1 " T lu ee gen ti ernen w I10 I1ave b een s t u- on Kin!! Chath am Bind er as I havo cut my whole - St. in front of the ltegist ry office, go:t l . T h es1> pre t en d e d a rres t s were mad e oorrr.ct ed I> 11 J OHN I,YJ,E, ever11 T hursday « , th e h old-backs broke "t h t warran t . · D r . H·11· 1c,e lf 1 10r,s vti·· !Ce I ia ve d one Wednesday evenin 0 WI ? U a.Ith oug h t ile p 0 1· ' Jour, per 100 .It . ... .. $2 0 "'5 . · t o .. $2 50 N OTICE I S HEH.E BY GIV E N IN crop wi thout trouble. I find 1 can frdru d ens t Ill at, rlliso aiid 1 er The Chat! f.a m themsel ves cr edi t at the recent ext1111ina - and the ecame frigh tentid. Mr · Mao-1 hns cdrt1fied to the constabl e s F a 11 Wh e at , per b ush. . . . 0 85 . . t o . . O 90 · Munw n thorse urned b back Scu. !!O!!-Bt. , b ut in · 0 strate pursuance of Chapter 107 of the 11oYised 01 1 Illy Se B inder . Cau use he cutter shift er t a tion of 'f rinity M edical · · both were ch itrgt's · Spri·ngWh eat · per b us h · 0 85 · - t o · · 0 90 ~tc.tntes amonded . Sch · 1·m fi ool, 1 vi:r.:· I tiML tur1Jin 1., u pset t he buggy · a nd , .. Statute. ! of GV 9ntario, ic.· Chap.as !J. that the · s·by i"d Ontario. w1 ·1 11 1 ·eat advan t<l!!e, M well ~s having the C · E ' · S tacey passed h is na wi t 1 rst - thro wn o ut with great force, Mrs. M unU NJON Sr.Hool - CoN.< 'ER'J ". -Th1 " came Rye ,per bus h e1· · · · · · · · . O 5~ o p arr h as mtJ.de au assignment orl1is ~ · ' · ' · , ' o . . t o . . 60 estate and · · ·gl sliding binder, bot h which ~re necess ry. class h onors ; Mr. H. C. P hillips h is o . ff witl,1 . ,i~rea.t success, last Friday nigh t, Oats,per b ush el ...... . . O 38 . . to . . o ·. o olfects to . Joso ..ph Maclean, of the 'l'own 0 · "" Bo u th c ' ·mary W I"ti1 sccon d -cl ass Iionor s ; an d son striking against a lamp-post , he r face m the I .o wn H all where every. Oan bind 5 d iffer·mt siz;,d sheaves, & ·. n t hin . g was Peas, Blue . . . . . · · . . . . .. 0 50 . . to . . 0 6"o .wmanv1 e, m . e ounty of Durham, afore· P elieve th ern is no be tte r bi nder m e Mr .· 13. Lammiman h is first yearG 's exa.mibeing badlyon cut nd b ruised . M r. M u n- d 0 '~0 m exce. llen t 8 t YIe. Tlie· emgm$, t l10 . s~1d, Ge~tleman, rnall trust for porsons, the benefit ofcorall · I · l ] f son struck h is head , the shock p rodnc·· Bb.ckey A s . · · · · · · . 0 82 . · t o .. 0 86 lus. c~echtors, a:nd tl_rins, and I b T he Chatha tu, [ can reco mmend f JJ,ttwn wlt l brst class 10nors. · ooc or t h a11 ,1d t he appe arance of the ch ildre n " Small havmg in2 concussion of t he brain. He was re· actm!t ~ ai ~ . .·.· . . .. . . 0 55 .. . t o . .· 0 60 poia~1ons Wilham P arr are r claima qu t d against to d the b said . t D 1 · ;<;o , ·11 1 as beint!: ur l m n agam. we say. e es e · sen Y post " est B ar Iey' N o. 1 · · · · · · · · · 0 60 .· t o . . C 00 pre-pa,id, to D. Bunrrn SIMPSON of the said ·· · · ahead of all I h a.ve eve r W es moved in an u nconscious state t o the wer e m u ch l id m i re d · ' "T h e N or th · \" seen . Yours tr uly, As some of t he S'l'A 'J:J<:>illl AN r eaders will r es.idence of Mr. (}ilfillan and Mrs Mu n- Marchm g ::>ong, " Evanescen t Glory," re " No. 2, extra . . .· O 53 .. t o . . o 55 T~wn or Bo~·manv_ill!', Solicitor 'ror the said GEO RC:J.E Mc KIN L AY . be b uilding g - son to Mr s . C . L. Munson 's wher e both presen .ted . by Allie " No· 2 · · · · · · · · · ,, ~ 3 Td~ustee, then· chi;is~ian surnames, ad· . l r esid en ces k this . year , we h stron , . Hoskins· Dot tie Ro«ers " ' u 50 .. . t o. .. 0 ::.> icsses H.nd descr1pt1 ons. and the full particulars ·Chatham P. 0. " N o. 3 . . . . . . .. . O 50 ..· to . .. o UO of.their clanns, vcli!ied by Statutory Declarlyad vise t iem t o ma -e it as anCty as wer e well ca.red for . L A'l'Elt.- Both were and M 11m1e Wrig~t were very fine, Ber1 pnssible, so as to sav e t he women folks as t aken to their h ome yest{~rday, havin~ tha Tamblyn recited " 'l'he Con valescen t Bu tter per fb, best t able o 12 @ 0 13 \ ft 1~~ . · ahd tbe nature of the securilios (ir any) 13 J~NI·:. ~t. Il~is;;'5. or befoxe the ]j'i~sT DAY o~· .ChaU1.a111 , Hc 1 1·vester Oompan? J· many st eps as may be . L et t hem have a recove red som e. what from t he effects. Doll," Gracie Yo ung, " .N obody's Child, " Lard , 'If lb . · · · . . ·· . . · . , D ~;.i. it S m:>.- 1 write t o yon t o sav that voice in its const r uction, for t hey a.re the No1 ·man U r1 tta10, " Gordon," Eva Tod , Eggs , ~ Joz . . ·· · ··· . . · , , . 0 11 . . @ ·· 0 11 1 ~ncl no~!ce is hereby given that after the rt;he binder I got from yo u works bet ter on es who will have to \lo the work in it. A V1:Jr y hn·ge ne\V stock of Wall P aper s ' '.Bob's. Pet~_icoats, " and Willie Tamb_lyn, P otatoes , per bushel. . · ·· ·0 25 ·. @ · · O 25 ~~~1!"a'.~;uf'~~oc~~dJt~NJI'at~fb~;t~t~e J~:~i! t han I t ver expected to see 11.ny bind<oJr ' Have th e arrangement for h eating as com - < tt Variety H all. "B.oad1cea, r emarkably well. Misses Dr essed .Beef. · ·.···· . ·· . 5 50 . . @ · . 6 50 /of the sa~£!. \Jilliam ,Parr ':'mong the parties wor k. l kn ow I can ba udle down grain plet e as you citn ; have the r ooms open E v ANUELIS'L'W SERV .WE>:.- The re vival Qmck an d Young played a pretty d uet legally .en"1 tled t!1ereto, han 1 1 ug rc~rd only to ·or any oth~r ki nd better tlrnn an y ordin- in to a hall so that a h all stove will h eat services, as preYiously a.nn<lunced, com- an d on being encored. gave a1rnther wh ieh - - - - ~~d clf,~~sh°~ ~~ff ~~~ sg: 1i~b~~ fo~v~h~o~~~;°d ar y reaper I have ever seen. As far as several rnoms. This will effoct a gr eat rnenccd in t he Church S treet M ethodist Wll S equally well received. M iss M unson N £Ul '.] U'ltit rft.Gtlntllt .G. 1 ·ssets or any part there of , to any uerson nrm anv nthfl' binder is concerned , I ca n clean sa ving in fuel. Ch m ch, last Sabbath, a nd have been con- and Prof. Willson kind ly assisted with a ·~.-· r~~.~~~~~,,.- ..~·~wJ·~~~ shall or corporation or whos~ d~bt or claim notice J · · · not have been rece1voc.. I had given a.o. Many vegetable seeds, properly kept, tinued each evening, with gr e< t tly inertias- s?ng a ob d a Mr ead M 1og L : Rh el~dmgM s . wereFal_ rn c ows WA NTED. - Several Good J OSEPH M,\ CLEAN '.l'rustee t hem all up wi th ease ordvr for a Toronto, bu t whe n I h ad see n :ire goocl to a. " gr een old age. " F or in- . in g inter est . Last evening th ere wa.s a. g1~en Y. :· · c .aug m, a.ud ,',a~rMilcll Cows by May 1st. A . W. BURK. D, BUJ:rn:B SIMPSON · the m any advantages your bind er has over stance , b eet seed h as been found good a t 1 very large congrega tion. M r. Hun ter is bairn , Mm m e ·.Ham es and Mabel Iait, lli-tf. Solicitor ror"I'rustee 8 8 .all other~. l j 11dged t he m by their m erits, 10 years ; celery at 10; pu mpk ins at 10 ; winning golden opinions from all n.ncl and a recitation by L ottie Sande rcock. O PEN r HA ETON , good a.s new, for Dated this 17th April, 1885. 17··i w. · and ru .. d <> a. happy selection of 'f he Clrnt- melon l O, and seed s of all t he melon , seems wonderfully adapted t o t he work The crownin~ piece was the opernt ta, sale cheap. Apply to 1\1. A . JA.MES,STA'ri,;s· ~OVER 4 0 0 ACRES 1 ·~ B 1u . d e r. lh :. ·v" seen r1e 0 1 ·ly allt l1., f amt ·· 1 1er two I of an evangel" · ·11 b e "Grandma'sB1 .rt hday, " 1 vh1 ·n.hw " SJ)le1 ANoftlce, Bowmar {ille, · 17·3w, ; ·r:..·'i: .ium v y are b et t er over t 1ian unL 1s t . 'r lle servwes wi ·· · a· ~- 1- M bi nder;, at \~ ork, b nt l much prnfer mine. y ea rs; t urnips 4 ; le ttuce 3; cauliflower 2; continued for several weeks, t111cl chriat- did close for a moat attr active p rogram. OUSE TO LE T.- A com fortable i· Dwelling House. Apply to .A. W, l3URK, . 'l'he M assey Agents wer e so p ut out at beans 4 Mld oi·er ; cabbage 4; pc11s 4, &c. ians of all denominations are most cordi - l\'Iisd Uok m an took t he pilr t of Grand ma ville. U ·tf my b uying t he Chatham, tha t, t hey offer- St ill n ew seeds of all b ut the melom1 are ally invited to a ttend, as the ser vices arc and tilled i t to the satisfaction of the i m- Howman t he Large~t in the D ominion . ---- -· -- ----e d m e $50 if I wonld return it and tak e best if fresh. E speciaily is it preferable non -sectarian . H ev. Mr . Crossley is ex- mense au dience . T he whole perfo rmance OAIWERS WANTF.D. - Apply to one from the m , I told the m l dicl n ot g o to gl:!t direct from r eliable seeds men, pected t o arrive for Sabbath , from Am- wau highl y cre1litable to all concf\rned ; MltS. MONKLEY, corner Church and IIH f Murdoch B ros. for instance, ~h year herst burg wh ero he and Mr. H unter have b ut especially to Misses Colema.n, Birnie, 'l'emperance 8treets. Bowmanville. in .for dirty work. To begin canvassing at once on fall sales. W. SOUT OR. t han to trust to th ose sold on commission been successful in leadin(:( hundreds of Thomas, an d R aines, who so car efully ------~--------· em plorment to successfnl men. Good The Agen ts f(lr ·w est D urham a re: J . at the village s tore. Before plantin g any souls to Ch rist , and will give at t he even- trained the pupils. The piano wl1ich was -B ULL F OR S AL E. - Th ornugh-bred Steady ligree in the agents are e~rninl\" from 510.00 to $ 7.5.00 per Durham Yearling Bull. Pe< P . ·wmia.mson., Orono ; L evi A. T ole, seeds, whether h ome grow~1., or from any \ ing senice it So~1g. Sern~o11. Th~re will used , was a. Dominion G r:rnd, kindly British American . Short·horu Herd Book. mouth and expenses. 'l'erms and outfi t free. Ha.yd on ; and R H . Collacott, Bowman- other source, t est each variety before en- be three evangeh st1c serv1 ces nex t Sabbath . gran ted for the occasion by our Organ H. C. 1 A.ddreas STONE & W ll:LLlNG'l 'ON : lOAU, Darlington, llowman ville, P . 0 . It! IG·am, Nurserymen, Toronto, On~. ville. t rusting them to th e soil. E veryboJ.y welcome. Company. The grossr(~ipts were $54. w. I Pride of the Valley MEDICIN E 20 pieces Black Silk, 40 pieces Cashmere, Have r eceived ari immense stock of New Goods, pro- 300 pieces Pr int, pieces Ginghams, nounced by good judges the best stock betweenToronto 50 50 pieces Lawns, and Belleville. Our st ock being very large, containing 100 pieces Dress Goods, pieces Worst eds and at present over $20,000.00 worth of New Goods, and 150 · Tweeds, the season being late we have decided on commen cing· Crompton 'sCoralineCorsets French Wove Corsets, on SATURDAY, . APRIL 25th, Children's Corsets, 1000 dozen H osiery, Gloves, Lace Cm:tains, Curtain N ets, Rub ber Circulars R ubber Coats, ' Wh en we W I ou .cc.' Gents' Celluloid and Linen er GR EAT BARGAINS throughout Colla1 ·s, OUr entire Stock. Gents' Ties, Buying our goods in such large quantities enables u s Gent s' Gloves. Sheetings, Shirtings. to sell our first-class goods at lower p rices t han small Victoria Twills, Meltons, low- pay d ealerS can b uy. E very I a d Y or gen tl ema n Union T weeds, S Ducks, r equiring Spring Goods will save money by seeing Cottonades, Drills, Lerthcr Gloths, Shirts and Drawers, through this stock. Cretonnes, . Gloves and Hosiery, lU ' · H ats and Caps, Carpets, Gen t s' White and Colored Ul 0 Shirts, Suits made to order from $8 up. B oys' Suits ready-made from $2 up. Gents' Braces, Tidies, Splashei·s, Towels, White Quilts, · . _ .a · · . J Knitting Cottons, &c. - (A GREAT SPRING SALEJ ·n Mantles to order made by MISS DUSTAN * S ·ts t· order, made by W · PEARD QN· HOUSE ) T CEO MASO N P ropriet or. I I I SI" F 'HORSES WANTED j 0 ·W - i C F LADIE S ' SOLDIE RS' A ID MEETING. T , 0 1 0 0 .":oiv::@: :o I Q H F onth . 11 Nurse r1es, . B SAL ES MEN W AN TE D