THE CANADIAN STATESMAN JS PURLIBHED ~'t'ERY FRIDA'l' MORNING, -BY-· ~.A. :I:...ia Vegetable Sicilian x.... 's INCIDENTS OF THE FIGUT ~T Hi\SBEEN. A JIRAVl!l CHArLAIN. WHA'r IS· CATARRH?~ Catarrh is7muco-purulent ai.. charire caused by Lil e ore,ence and d_evelopment ?f the vege t· blc parn· site a mceba. m the internal Ju""H btd state oUho btootl, as the btigl11ed corpuscle of tubercle. the f!e1·m poitet·of the skin, surlprcssed pcrspfrtt... M. A.JAMES, THE OFEICE ~ oslOfilceRlock, IUngSt., Bowuuunllle,Ont A'l' HAIR RENEWER was the first preparation perfectly adapted to cure diseases of tho scalp, and the 11rSt suceessful restorer of faded or gray bair to its na.tural color, growth, and youthful beauty. It has hatl many imitators, but none bnve su fully met all the requirements needful for the proper treatment of tho hair and scalp. HALL'S l-IAIR RENEWER has steadily growu in favor, and spread its fame and use1ulness to every quarter of the globe. Its unparalleled success can be attributed to but"on~ cause: tlte entire fulfilment of its promises.;.;:: Tho proprietors have often been surprised at the recoipt of orders from remote coun· tries, where they had never made au effort for lits introduction. "..l'ho 'use for a short time of HALL'S 1-IAIR RENF.WER 'IVOndorfully i mproves t he personal appearance. It cleanses the scalp from :111 impurities, cm·es all .lmn\ors, fever, and , dryness, and th us prevents baldness. It sti1mnates the 1voaltcllcd glallds, nlld en:tbles them to push forward a new and vigorous gl'Owth. 'l'ho effects of this articlo are not transient, like those of alcoholic preparations, but l'emain .a long time, which makes its use~ matter _of economy. TERJY.J:::S: fl.ISO perann11111,or $J .001rpaltll11.1ulvance Payment strictly In advance required from )lbscr1bers outside of t he county. Ord<?rs to ·Boontinue thE> paper must be accompamed by ehe amount due, or the pa.per will not be stopped. aubscribera are responsibleuntilfull payment i~ '·t RA.TES 'OF A.Dl'ERTISING I ~~gg Whole Column one year ............. $50 00 ~:; ~ . " " HA-lfyear ..... . ...... 30 00 iii~ " One quarter .....··.. 20 00 ,Halt Column one year ... ......... . .. 30 00 - ' " Ha.ltyoar ..............' 2000·' " One quarter . . .... ..... 12 60 Quarter Column one ye1J.r ... ........ 20 00 " ·· Ralf year .. ... .· .. .. 12 60 '" One quarter ....·· .. 8 oo- 5. Six lines and under, first insertion .. $0 50 Eaeh.irnbseqi;ient ineer_tion .... ... 0 2~ .,. ll'rom six to ten lmes, first insertioi:, O 7:> ·- · Each aubseq uen t"insertion .. . .. . 0 35 -10 Over ten lines fi1·stinsertion ,perline 0 10 _ subsequenL i nsertion, " 0 03 _ The number of lines to be reckoned byhe space occupied,,measured by a scale of solid Nonvareil. - - ·- - - = = - ,;Jt, T A HRliWN, P IIYSICJ.AN, SURGEON and ACCOUOHEUR. Office :-Silver SLrcot, Bowmanville. 7. L. !'OTTER, Jl.D. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE FOR TllE R.A.DU A TE of Queen's College, Kingston and Member of Coli3ge of Physicians and G du:rgeon s, Ontario. WHISKERS .Will change the beard to a natural brown, or black, as desired. It produces a permanellt color. that will not wash aw:ty. Consistingof .. Outside the s'luares a number of men ~in fatigue duties, such as cutting bush 1 ·or the zareba. makers, were cut off from the main body. Undaunted and resourceful, they qulckiv improvised a square hard by the fie!d kitcheus. Their promptness saved their lives. Con&picuous amongst them were to be seen Major Alston and the Rev. Mr. Collius, one of our chap· l ..ins, fighting back to back; t.he reverend comba.tant having seized the nearest avail · able weapon, which he wielded vigorously a.a if to the manner borri. The reverend gentleman subsequently' performed a valorous .feab. In their excitement the 17th Indian regiment wat so uusteady and the firing ao reckless that at one time the llttle square under Alston was in · danger from it, Bugle-calls to cease firing being lneffectlve to atop their fire, the Rev. Mr. Collins vol'Clilteered to cross the bnlletswept ground intervening .and convey the orders to cease firing. Stepping forth, calm and collected in his demeanour, the chaplain walked, hh life In his hands, across to the Indians to whom h e gave the necessary orders, and then returned as calmly to the little eqnare which he had just left. H is reception must have been some compensation for the risks he had run. The men, struck with his heroism, raised cheer af~er cheer, and sticking their helmets on their bayonets, frantically waved them in their enthusiasm. NARROW ESQ.APE OF GENERAL M'NEILL, is only de velo~od under fu vo ural>te circumstances, nud these aro :--:Mor- membrane of 1 he nose. '.fll is panlRi 1e son of syphilis, mcrcurv, toxc:einea.. ·, from the r eLcnticn of the effete mat· nr Office and Residence. Enniskillen. J>r. A.. RJ:ITIJ, 17 ["'1 RADUA'l'E OF THE TORONTO UNIV:~R· 1.:1' Sl1'Y, Pllysician, Surgeon, &;c. O!fioe Kmg tltrcet, MORRIS' BLOCK, Bowmanv1lle. · G. n; CAltYETH., n. A., n. Se., lll. D ., U.H;' ICENTIATE OF THE COLLEGE of J. Physicianij and Surgeons of Ontario. LOFFICE AND RESIDENCE :-Main St., Orono. w. ltlcl.uuglllln, Jf, K., L ICENTIA.'l'E OF 'l'HE ROYAL COLLEGE of Physician£! and m ember of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. Office : MORH.IS' BLOCK King-st.,Bowmanllle, . DU· ·1. C. ltllTCJHEf,L, lKEMBER 01" COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS !f:ll and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. Office and ltosidence. Enniskillen. 74. Jolm llcU.h Galbraltlt, ARHil::lTER, SOLICI'l'OR, NOTARY PUBLIC, &o. Ofiice- Bonnsall's Bloc,k B K ing Stroot, Bowmanville. Monev to lend, D. BllRKE SlJ!lJ·SoN, ARRIS'l'ETt, SOLICITOR, &e., MOP'RIS BLOCK, up stairs, King Street. Boivmau vtue. Solicitor for Lhe Ontario Bank. Private Jlaneys,loaned at the lowest rates. · R ROBERT Alll'llOUlt, R EGil::l'l'R.A.R, WES'l' DUR:1f'A.M ISSUER of Marriage Licenses, Barrister anfl. At tor· ey c.t Law and Solicito1· in Chancery. Money oaned on Roal Estate. Otllce on King street, Sowman,ville. _ _ _ _ __ A~IBROSE '1'. JIASON, RTIST, JO KING S'l'. EA!?'L', :roRONTO. Ont. Portraits from Life m Oil, a nd 10-3m. . Crayon. A est. T. J·JIUJ..JJ>S ICENSED AUUTIONEER for tho County of Durhom, Sales promptly att ended. L Address- Hamvtou P, O. 59, It. llUTClllSON. ICENSED AUC'flONEJrn, CONVEYAN CER and Cnmmissicner in B. ll. !:'ales at ended lo prnmttly 1md at reasonable rates. ' im,,Addrcss- En.niskillen P. O. L OHN HUGHES -Licensed Auct'oneer, Valuator and Arbitrator. Fire and Life . nsura.nce, Notes and .Accounts Collected. Money to Lend on reasonable te1·ms; Ar<lress Cartwriµ:ht, Ont. 472 J HBNR Y SYLVESTER. EnniskiJlen. A V GOOD WJFE GUARANTEED TO every n)an who bU'fS h iR Liceno;;e f'zom n . \V. DICKlo;}', ETRRTNARY SURGEO:::-l;graduate of the Ontario YeterinA.l'Y College. Office and Residence, Nww·roN vn,1,1,. Oot. Will visit Orono every Tuesday. Office hours from 12 a. m. to 4 p. m., at Uoulter's Hotel. Special attention to Su.rgery. 32-ly· 'TITILSONIA MAGNETIC APPLIl' l' ances for the cnro of clironic diseases without \Illetlicinee. Send ror circulars and pamphlet. OAMJ>HON 'l'HlJLL, Agent, Oshawa p. o. 6·tf. E -AU TIF U L PENMANSH-IP.YOUR NAME written beautifully on one dozen Gold Be velled Edl{e Calling Carda best C Jlta.lity) for only 25 cents. C. R. MoCUL LOUGH, 'l'he Penman, Box ll9, Bowmanville, Ont, !1.6. l\/fO~EY ~MONEY !-The subscriber B Spring & Summer J..l:J. recciveE< money on <lPpo~it for Loan and Savings Company, and po.ys int1)rest at the rate of 4 and 5 per cenr.. No notice of withdrawal required. Also loans money on mort~nges at h:iwest rates. No commission -0harged. W. ~·. AJ,LEN, Bowmanville. 8-ly. J·Jtol'. W. WILi.SON. SINGING. 'l'erms: 1"01-_ bcginners $G; for advanced pupils, $10 for q uar:er of twelve lessons. ltesidence at Mr. JosetJh Bri ttain'~. c or11 er Llber!y and Concession Street, Bow man ville. 51-tf. rrEACHER OF PIANO, ORGAN .AN;v Pianos Tuned and Rc1mir~d. AH,TIES WISHING THEIR PIAN0S 'l'nned or repaired can haYe th om attended to by leaving word a t t h e DOJ\HN.JON ORGAN Co's OF.,JCE, Bowmanville · .A.. Jirst-clas man 'lOW oeing in their mvlo '· P So llo! Gentlemen o.f"Fa~h ion, not so ta st. nave written these few lines .A.nd a.11 I have to say~ 1' you can·find me still at home, (am not gone a way. So all my kind old r rionds may come, .A.nd a.11 the young ones, too, And get their garments' nicely In fashions that are new; Vb.ere old and young, di;a.rfrlends, may meet A welcome 17rP.etlmr. bv R. PE.A.'l'E DENTISTRY Gontinnes to do a GeuC1ral Bunking Busin11·s n It fa Impossible to dieguise the fa~t ( 1ays tsBo wmanvillo Branch. the correspondent ) that we were moat DEPO-"'il ~ completely surprised, a nd that only lhe superb co.uraee t f our troovs saved us Hcceive~ in Savings Ha.nk Department ant'. call and mteres i allowed at corrent rat.eo, N. within the next NINETY days to wear HARNESS at from an overwhelming d.taaster. :Not a notice of withdrawal necossai·y. All d()pOeite man of us had a.ny idea that thons:.nds payable on demand, ef rebels were quietly stretched amongst EX C II /i\ J\'. G F: the scrub aud behind toulders and hill.locks Roughtandsold and Drafts issued npon !Cllr<'p , quietly watching us a· we innocently and United States and Canada, also Gold,Silver an; By gettiug yourself well shod at jovially wmked at onr zareb:1s. A few United Sta:es Greonbuck s boU11:ht and sold A large and well assorted stock of first-class Harness on hand, both pickets were o ut, and a £qua.dron of ca· co·~·J EC'J'IOJ'\S for Team and Carriage purpoi;es. Also a splendid stock of Horse valary scout.a a.a well-I believe 18 all told - so we were content. Suddenly there Promptly made at current rates upon all pan Blankets, Goat Robes and .Lap Rugs for fall and winter use. Wi.3 a g1eat cry of alarm rising loud above of Great Brittain, the United Stu.Les 1Lud JJo Call and inspect the goods. the din of the fatigue parties and the 11C· minion of Canada. Trunks and Valises in stock as usual, also Saddles, Whips, &c. oompanyiog bustle of a grea.b camp, and 'J'elegi·aph 'l'1·a11sf'c1·~ where you will find great bargains for then hoarse cries from the c.fficers; "Stand All goods will be sold cheap for Cash. W. H. MA Y to your arms, men." Never was a word Made for large or small sums on all parts of CASH. Having now received our '.J.'his is especially advantageous IQ -------=-:::= .. of commandmore promptly obeyed. But persons living in Mamtoba or the North·wettt the men were scat terea, many of them .as it makes the tunds available at once a the a. considerable distance from their arms. place of payment. The brave fellows d id their best, h owever, For further pal"ticulars call at the Bankln~ to get Into their alloted .positii:ms. As Rouse. GEO. McGTLJ,, J the squares formed the eighteen cavalry 'l'. BRODIE, Accountant. Manager I will be pre'pared to supply auy kinds scouts came rushing in-crashing through ·) our o·n lines-and then we saw and heard required which you will find marked a t the leaping, roaring, fantastic, yet terrible .ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. fooking wave of black forms, which we knew was t he enemy in strong-in overTbnks for past. favors and still solicit a whelming-force. Then came tl!at awful M~KING. stampede of baggage anlmals--horses, share of your patronage. camels, mules; in one struggling, screeching, helpless, ccmfu~e<l mass. The uproar was terrible, and must have been demoral· iziug to any but highly-trained troops. has just open· Ii Dress and Mantle l\'laking in The Oil in for and connect·on w"h hor Millinery Departrneut, An Incident which was of some personal having secured a :tlrst-class Dre s~ Make1· interest to myself was that two special and can guarantee th-st-class wor:i: 11.llw all fast-running ~fachinery. For sale by all, Tyrone, :March 1. corresp11r.dents, both of them fortunately in all tho la.test styles. mounted, wtre cut di' .from the mainA Large Stock of Dress Velvets body in the tirst rush. They made the always on hand ; also a large stock of b1>st of thelr misfortune, and made their ;~..) t ·> Ruo.k im throug h a country swarmiog wit';1 n1beis. Fortuniotly they reach just arrived in the latest styfos and colors. eel t hefr d stinaMon, the ugh scores of and eeo the goods for yourselves, you will camp foJluwers were slaughtered as they Call find them the 1 11test and best in town. were endea.vouting to escape to Sna kim. Jlats Rc-sJ1apc1l in all the Lat.est Styles. - .- A T - f ft'tlct of this untoward incident was· . MRS, DONNELLY. to leave the correspondent of 'rhe Times and myself the only representatives of the press on the field. I was just on the edge of the Marine square, and was caught I have u µoi:1ltivo l "l.lllh.l·l Y h·r t ,., uuovo ui~111..,. .. ; /./J h 1:1 Uile HAS REMOVJl;D Y.ER In the etorm, my horse being swept bodily thOll!!rtnds or c11Sc H <lf llm w11n1t klntl anr\ of l uug t1t-a1111it1r, lmun cm't!d. ln l1wd . !l.-<I !tll'of1'.! i;.i rn~ fa ith in l H "lli.-1: .y, to the ground pinning me to the earbh. havo that Twi ll 6\·THl ' l"WU HO'l'Tl,,J!:t. FUEK toge · her with CL t.\L· 'fJl.l·;ATIS& on tlli1:1 rt1&t!ath'.l, to rrny tin ffcl'er. G.i\'O J<.:x· As I lay with other prostrate animals UAHL.t..: prcea und l'. O. tuldreM3, DH. T. A. SWCOM, l Sl P~1trl t-l~ ·· N. Y. above and round, struggling frantically to to b uildings formerly occupied by rise, I received a nasty kick on the head, ALWAYS READY which, however, caused me only temporCODD & CO., ary inconvenience. Regain~ng my feet, __ I found myself inside the Marines'equare. Panic even in those few moments seemed to have dieappeared, and the brave fel · lows were firing steadily and well. Double as many rebels managed to get inside the Berkshire Equare ao was the case ab the M arines' eqnare, and there a slnglo preparation, it is applied wi°t)lout was some desperate hand-to-hand £ghting, trouble. bub the result was the same, and that afterPREPARED BY noon, a fter the £ght was over, we found 120 corpses on the ground enclosed by the flimsy b r u&h"'.ood parapets. The BerkSold by all Dealers in :Medicines. shire men deserve, and have reason to be proud of, the praise unstintingly lavished upon them for their splendid courage and steadiness. They fought . directly under OF t he eye of General M'Neill, who himself Scrofulous, ~Iercurlal. and had the narrowest po~sible e so&pe from Blood Dlsortlers, death. When the alarm was first raised the best reme<IY, 11ec:msc the he was on horseback, j ash outstde the most searchini;: ·and thorough zareba. As soon as he saw the enemy he blood-purifier, 1s gave the necessary orders, and then attempted to jump the bi:ashwood barrier-an easy enough feat; but his horse Sold by all Druggists; $1, six bottles, 31!. shied and backed from the zareba. It was a critical moment, for the rebels were rushing down at full speed and were close upon him. Fortunate! y the general's aide-de-camp, Lieutenant Charteris, saw the peril of his chief, and gal· lantly rushed to his rescue, and not a moment too',oon, for the rebels were at close quarters. Ona Arab had his gun pointed straight at the general; but Charteris turned the shot, and then, quickly turn, ing, cut down another asBa.ilant with his As Oharteris was thu! eugaged. HA RNDE·N, L. D. S., sabre. he was attacked with the greatest fury by GradUB.te of the Royal College of Dental a lithe young Arab-a mere boy-in fact, Surgeons, Ontario. n ob more than ten years old. The youngOFFICE OVER DICK::30N'S S'l'ORE. ster fought like a tiger, and succeeded in !OLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. spearing Charteris throughthe arm before Plate Work executed in the latest and most he himself was shot, He was a gallant little fellow ; he fought with all the courimproved style of tbfJ Dental Art. EETH EXTRACTED WI'l'HOU'l' PAIN · age of a ma.n, a.ud suffered a man~s fate. hear y the use or Nitrous Oxide Gas, without injury I fancy Lieutenant Oharteris will more of that li t tle incident, for 1\ saved to the patilmt. · Particular attention paid to the regulation of his general s life. ClII LDR EN'Eo TEE'l'H. CORRESPONDEl!iT.S RISB.S tion, badly-vc11lihtteu sleeping npart· meut.·, and othe1· JJoisons tfrnt "re germinated- in the blood. 'J'heso poi,ons keep the interna l lining ruombrano or tho nose in a cons taut state of irritation, cvo1· renrly for the deposit of the seeds of these germ-. whiuh spread up 1 he no8tr!ls crnd down tho face or back of the throat, causing ulceruli ml of tJJe throi.t; up the eust.aohian tulies, causing dca.r, ness ; burrowing iu th0 vocal co1 as. causing hoarseues~; usurping tho proper structure of the bronchial tubos, ontlinr< in pulmonary con· eumption and dea th. l\lla11y attempts have been made to discover a cure for tbiH diRt.ressing disease by t11 e use of il·halents and other in ~enious devices, but none or these treatme11ts can do a particle o! good uutil the amwba aro either de · etroyed or l'emoved from the mucous issne. Some time sinoe a. well'lrnown physician of !orty years' s tanding, after much expc1·imcnting. succeeded in discoverinµ: the necessary oombinn.· tions of i u~Tedients,whiohnever fails in absolutely and permanently eradi· eating this horrible disease, whether standing for one year or forty yea1'R. Those who may be suffering from the above disease should, withoutdolay, communicate with the business man· rurern, Messrs.·ti.. R . DJXON &SON, 305 King-street 'V eat. '.l'o l'Onto, Cannda., and get full pal'.ticulill'S and treatise free by incloslng stamp. (JATUtnll-A.NElV TRE&.TlllENT. R. P. RALL & co., Nashua, N. H. roR ALL THE FORMS Aye r's Sarsaparilla.. l!:roni the JJ.J:omreal Star, Nov. 17, Perhaps the most cxtmordinary success that ho.s been achieved lt1 I modern medicine has been flttained by tile Dixon treatment for Catarrh. 5 KJ'r..t Out of 2,000 patients treated during 0 ~tQ (.>, the past six mon1tis, fully .ninety por P \.l~ QRIQNTQ 'J!UADA cent. h"ve been cured or this stub'WEST' · · "- \! · iil'I: · born malady. This is 11one the less startling when It is1·emembeted that not five per cent. of patients l)resentinl;l" themselves to the regular pmctitionel' tire benefitted while tho patent mediclnesand other advertised cmes never rccurd a cure at all. Starting witl:l the'claim now genorally believe<! by the most scientitlc men that the disoasoie due to the J?r.>sence of living parl\sitcs in the tlssuc,Mr. Dixon at_once arlapted his cure to their ~xtermiuation-tb1s aceo1npliehed,tho Catarrh is practically c m:ed, a na the permanency is unquestioned, as cures effected by him four years ago a re curcssull. Noone else baa ovor attempted to cure catanh in tnis ma.oner. and no other treatmont has ever cured Catarrh. 'rhe application of the remedy is aimplo, and can be done at homc,and the present seuson of th e year is the most favourable for a speedy a11d pormanontcure, the ~aioritY of cases bein i;r cured at one txcat.ment. Sufferers should correspond with Messrs. A. TI. DIXON & SON, ~00 King-street west, 'l'orouto, Canada, and enclose stamp for their troatise on Catal'l'h. V 3 1i e ·- c. 'fVhat the Rev. E. B . Stevenson, B_. A -, a Clei·gyman of the London Oonf~?'Mtce. of the l'.>f~thodist Church of Ccr;nada, has to say in regard to .A. If. Dixon&: Son'8 New 1reatme11t for Catcrm·h. Oakland, Ont, Canada, Mar"h 17, '83. 11-J:esS>·s. A. H . .Dixon &: So1i: DEARSms,-Youra of the 13th instant to hand,· It seems almost too good to be true that I am cured of Catarrh, but I know that I am, I have had no return of the disease, and ne\·er felt l:iotter in my life. I h ave tried so many things fot· Catnrrh, suffered somuch andforso mzuy ycllra, that it is hard for mo to realize that I am really better. l consider that mine was a vot·y bad case; it was aggravated a.nd chronic, involving the throat aa well as tho n asal passages, and I thought I would require the three treatments, but I feel !uliy cured by the two sent me. and I am thankful that I was eveL" induced to send to you. You are at liberty to use this letter statinj:? thut I have been C«red at two treatme11ts, a nd I shall gladly recommend your remedy to some of my friends who are sufterera. Yours. with. many thanks, REV,· E. B. S TEVENSON, A. II. DIXOH & SON, Toronto, . GlllN'.1.'L!Corn:N :-I was t roubled with catart·h for fifteen ycnrs, and could get nothing to help me until I tried yom· remedy. I used the first treatment iu February lllst, a nd 1,har, a lmost cured me, but uClet· using- the sccon<l treatment I must say Lhat I mn cured. as I feel noeign of o. r'etum of the disease. I h1 wo recommended it to some of my friends l1ci:o and feel that I can safely recommend it to nny one sulfering ft'om catal'l'h. as my cnse was oCJong st>Lndin:r aud I know that I am cured. Yot1 arn at liberty to publish this if you think flt, fo1· Lhe benefit of others, Yours respectfully, · THOMAS HEALEY, Mooseja.w, Mal;<, ODSEUVE.-Our 1·emerl1f'is ea.~ily cr,pr>U.ed-it is 1tsea on7:y once in. t weive clays, and tls applicati.on does not ·int01fe1'c wilh business 01· ord·i?iary dtGUes. We give every case 01.r special attention. None oenuine without our s,.gnat·ure, and we have no agents. w ... ........ s THE ONTARIO BANK ,.-.ALL WORK ~f' .ARR.A.N'l.'ED. .._ PREPARE FOR I I 5 0 0 HORSES WANTED "VV. ~. 1\4.A.-Y-'S. HARN E S S SH 0 P, BowMANvILLE. TYRONE Boot and Shoe Store. GOODS FARMERS For your Machinery use DRESS and MANTLE - -o-- 1\4 cc 0 :c_. :C....'9 ' · LA:E=tDINE MACHINE OIL, ihe World Best Reapers, Mowers, Threshers Dealers. SIGN OF "BIG BOOT." W. H. HICKS. REMOV·AL MILLINERY New Spring Goods I MRs. HUMPHREY CONSUf~PTIDN 1 HARNESS SHOP w·~·MC first Door fast of RuebottomHouse, "I am sorry, darling, that you are dis· pleased with me, but then you know I ca.n ' PAINS AND ILLS n ot help it. I a m an emotiona.llst." 'WITH TEETH. WITHOUT TEETH. " Well, then, I certainly can not marry That Old, Reliable Kille'.!: of Pain you, George." "Why not 'i" "Well, lVlwthr.r Interna.l or Extm·nal, you know perfectly well that my parents Perry Davis' Pa·ln KillM" .~ luml<l 1'a11e <L l'ltACTJU.lJ, DEl'iTIST, 1'lncc ;1> C'IJM"'!I F<lct.ory, Macllline STWJ> mul 1 would never consent to my marrying MRS. HU~'U RREY Mill, Q'n et)CT'lf J?a,rrn, ancl in every JfouscOVER TWENTY YEARS EXl'ERIEliCE. auyone but a MEthodist," 1mi. then she h<>l<.l, 'rea<ly ft:n· i .1n1ncdi<ttc ust:?, 11<>t t:>'Uly /O'r N ltrous Ox.ld<:Gn M ,\.<JmiJllstcrcd for Palnlcs Accillmtt.~, Cutt-1, BrU'illP-.~, Ct<J:.. . b1tt ftn· UntJJ(!l cried. ABSOI,UTE DIVORCES FOR Contpla,lnts_ , such as Diar1·h.rea, l>!J S()''l"'!h Opc1·uttons. .persons residing throughout the "Yes," observed the widow, "it was <Jhole1'r< Infa.n'tum, B«<idcn (Jofdg, Chills, OFl<'ICE ltlC:ULUNG'S BLOUK. United States and Canada for desertion, nonNew1·t1.lf!ia, r-tc., er.c. Svlrl eve·rytrhe1·"· -- support,intcwperancc,cruelty, incompa"tibility, rather a disgrace to have him hanged, .J.>rtce, 20c, 2Gc an<l 50t) .1Jt>1' Botti<>, DYmtTJSEttS! send for our Select List or etc. Advice free. State yo nr,case and address but yon don't know whab a relief it ia for DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO. Limited. Local Nowspttpcra, Geo. P. Rowell &; Uo., A'l"l'OUNEY WAUD, Wor'<l. Buildi ng,1276 Wholemlo Ai:;Pnts. lllont real. 10 Spruce l::lt, N. Y. Broadwav,New York 33-ly, i me to know where he is at night time." She has now in stock everything usually found in a well equipped HARNESS SHOP. ~:l ·~1~~11 ~:L Jt New Prints, N·ew Ginghams, New Cottons, New Tweeds, &c .. J.M. BRIIllACOMBE, Call at the new premises. DIVORCES ---- ---- - - - - --- all of which _will be sold very cheap for Cash. Call and inspect. A pleasure to show goods. W. McMURTRY, 12. A West End House 1