If we cannot fit you with a ready-made pair, we can make you any Iatan was able to place in the field during kind that may be needed, in the latest style. the late war a fairly-armed and well Grace .G reen wood .8lys t hat " .literary women h ve happier lives than fash ion able " I women. t; m>ty be Moso literary Darlington, March JOth 1885 women are marr1ei to editors. FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1885. 'l.'o the D irectors of the D om.in;:on j Grange ~· ~-- -·- . A correpl.)ondent wr it es to Chambers's -2;!.J~~a!:,J.11.f3~ra,'!.'c.e AsMciation;J .. A large and well selected stock of goods suit able for the spring and J'onrnal : .Nearly twen ty years ago I owu. GE NTLEM~~N,-It afl'ord s me pleasure to con~ 'J'he Afghan Army. ed a pait nl' beautiful canaries-th1.1 male vey ~o Y ou my thanks for the prompt p ymcnt 11 t:iummer trade, is offered at the lowest possible paying all-around . of $l1G9 for the loss. of my house and ordinary Although A fghanistan is essentially a being a finu fellow, wit h a rich musical contents un<l.er Policy No. 1035, which occured furnished t hem with the note.. H aving prices, at the military nation, every able bodied male a:bout the 10th J 11n11ary last. The cause of the fi r~ is unknown, bnt snpposo ha.ve been by the · · being an expert swordsman and a good out1~de rough form of a ne11t of straw, leavmg them to complete ite comfort with playing with the tlrA. 'l'b.e settlement children ville shot, there i" no such thing as a regular of your Company by ohcqnc is quite satisfactarmy, as we view it from our western stand bits of soft wool, down, and small feath. ory to me, R!Jd I can confidently recommend ers, they were shortly in t he happy pos. Rest 1n ow wo1·l<l. i'lladc only b y tile 11..,.. your assomation to my fellow far mers. S V }}" . point. The only European parallel is session of four eggs. In due course four zer fo1hric:1·,or <:omiurny, itt c.Jltlcago, New _ _ _ ____ c_ A _S _E_Y_TRULL, ' 0 ' ls Montenegro. The standing army, 88 it existed before 1871 under Shere Ali, con- young ones presented themselves, to the Yori<mul St. LouiR. BOLD EVERYW HERE . T o Hol'ace Mo11lton, Agent of the 'IID . G. F'. ] evident delight of the parents, who fed C!o., Or on o · · C., Ill stated of 17 or 18 regiments of infantry, ' I hereby certifiy that'. mylproperty was insur· 200 STEEL clothed, equipped, and, as far as possible, them from daylight to dark, theirfavorite ed in your Company for $2000 for which it ouly trained on the Eoglish model, of which, fo.od being the yelk of hard-boiled eggs. cost mt;: $2.72 per year, or $8. If> ror three veara, Our expenses in conducting business are very small. \Ve save large needless to say, ib fell wonderfally short. Time brought round the period when, in· W . R· GAMSBY. . 0 rono, .April stead of raw, naked, helpless creatures, 8t h, 1885. discounts by paying prompt cash for goods, and cannot be under'Thrae or four regiments of dragoons, and "asking for more," four full fledgal)Yays FOR SALE. a small number of artillerymen, with, sold by anyone doing a square trade. T o Ho1·ace Jlfoulton, A ocnt of t he D. G, p , J, Co. , Orono. roughly speakine;, a total of 100 guns, com- ed young birds frisked about the cage like so mlny pretty yellow balls of fine, soft I ,hereby certify that my property wa.s insur "'\'X pletedtheforce. On the frrtsa. few old wool. They grew t o be very £ne birds · cd ·n :rour Com pany for $5000 for which it only · ..1 V V iron guns were mounted, but they were so to fit some twenty kinds of Plows kept in cost $G.57 per year, or $l9. 71 forchree years. utterly worthless that their discharge and first one friend and then anothe; JAMES LEASK stock, and sold at BOTTOM PmoEs for Taunton, April 6th, 1885. · would have been attended with quite as coveted then until all had gone but one will be fully up to the requirements of the public. little youngling, which remained as the CAsn. Old cast-iron taken in ex change much danger to th·e gunners serving them To Horace Moulton Aoent of the D, G. F. I. This last of Co., Orono. as to the enemy. The Ameer holds su· only solace of ~he parents. BEST MATERIAL, the family was the delight of their hearts W. P 0 RTE~. . I hereby certifytha.t my pro perty was insured preme command, eacJi. regiment being unCornpa11y for $900 for w hich it only cost der a prince of the blood, or provincial they fondled ib and played with lt as . w~ .At the old stand, Ki11g a11d Libei·ty Streets myour me $1.~8 per year, or $5.0! for three years. BEST WORKMANSHIP, 14·2m. governor. Discipline is at a low ebb. have seen an affectionate mother do with Bowmanville, P. PARSONS Osaca, April 1st 1885. Arms and uniforms are provided by Gov- her child, and seemed to exert themselves rmiiiiiillliiiiiiiiiiliiiiii.illiiiammiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiliiiiiliiim A ND BEST F ITS, ernment 8 at a fixed rate, the amount being Farmers you can now see from the above h o w little dependence there is in 'l'homas Bingdeducted from the soldiers' pay. As a ;~o~1;~::L ib i~ob:bg ~ 1a!~~~ fll~hl! ~ Give us a call and prove the above to be establish ed facts. ham or a11y one else who sa.ys the Dominion family never existed. But, alas I the ::: role, the soldiers of the regular force reFi.re I11sura11ce Company is a humbug. You ceive payment in ca.sh, but in many cases spoiler came. Another friend ·coveted p-··ma:m11·1m11!llllll_1111____· will see from the a hove statement tha.t it only costs about ha.lf as much to insuL·c in thia ComT H E S U R E C U R E pa11y grant s of land are made in lieu. The in- the last of the flock, and it was taken as iu a S tock Compn ny. fan try le mostly composed , of Afgh~ns, away. And from that moment t he joyous FOR 15 H. MOUL'l'ON, .Agent, Orono, ' ----~ t hough there is in this branch a consider- song of t he male bird gave place to a pain. KIDNEY D!SEASES, ful, feeble little chirp. · H9 sat on the able n umber of Ta.jiks and Persians. The LIVE~ COM PLAINTS~ lat ter and Tartars contribute the majority perch with a d rooping, h.eart-broken, of cavalry and artillerymen, while in all spiritless aspect ; his wings hung down all CONS TIPATION, PILES~ if all vower and vitality had left him; and - -O F -arms there ls a small p ercen tage of men - -- o- -AND 111.00D DI S EASES. who ha ve deaertad from t he Indian Native within twenty-four .kours from the time Army. The first effort ~o raise a discip· of his bereavement he fell dead from the PHYSICIAN SENDOR S EIT HEARTILY. lined force in Afghan istan must be placed perch. 'l'he affectionate creature had to the credit of Shere Ali. During the evidently died of grief for the loss of his "Kidn ey-Wort iB the most succeas!lll remed7 - I Nperiod of his intimate relations with the " one ewe lamb." The cage was fllven ~ iever ~~-n D r . P . C . E allou, Mon..'k.ton Vt.. away with the remaining bird, and no lr · Xidxley-Wortie alwa..YB r eliable.' ' STRAW H ATS and . B ONNE 'f S, Governm·e nt of , India- before he sought l>r. R . N. Clark,. So. Iforo, Vt. SILK S and SA.TINS, Russian prote.c tion-he formed the pro- ducement could t empt me again to run the "ltidae;y-Wort lui.8 curodmyw ife &f1;ertwo yaara '""' ject. of ~ quipfjing a small army on the risk of perhaps unconsciously being ilhe 1\tlfuct~." Dr. c . M . Summerlin, Sun Hill, Ga, RIBBONS and LACES, THOUSANDS OF CASES British system. The first opportunity cause of so much unhappiness ..._..... ......,. and misery. it baaIN oured w hcr o oJJ clae had failed. Itis mild, LADIES' F ANCY COLLARETTES for carrying this idea Into effect occnred but etllcient , ()E U TAIN IN I'.l'!! AOTI9N but LADIES' F ANCY F RJLLINGS, harmloss ~all caeeli:I. ' .:t,... In 1869, when among other valaable presrFit eletU·~A the Blood nna. St rencthena ond T.h e Loudon Post Office. L ACE and SILK TIE S,. ents of the Viceroy, he carried back to stvea N CIW Lire to a.11 the impqrt.a.ut organs ot the bod;y. The no.tun! action or t he Kidneys ia Cabal a siege train of four 18-pounder The L ondon postofilce is a great institu· W «S will begi.Ju a Great Clearing Sale of our immense sto6k guns and two 8-inch howitzers, a mount~ tion . A street divides t he two depar· ;restored... Tho Live r is cleansed of nll disease C HILEll.EN 's C OLORED E M'n nornERET> · and ~e lk>"ifols move freely and h e a.l thfully: COLL AR S-new sty ln Uli6 w&y the worst diseasoe a.re oradioated of 'Dry Goods M1.d Clothing. We quote no prices but we ain battery of six guns, 5,000 Snlders, ments, one occupied by the business of :from the oystem. NEW ORNAMENTS, 2 15,000 Enfields and 100,000 rounds of letters and papers, the other wlth t eleLIQUID 011 DRY, BOLD DY DRUGGISTS. a.ta ~utain our cm1tomers willJ be surprised at th~ sweepine emall ammunition. This was the nucleus graphing. In Brltal.n telegraphing is part ..!'.!llC!!, ft.00Ilryc= BEADED NET FOR V E I LING;, be · ent by = i l. of the armameuthe sethimeelf tothetaskof of the regular poetofiloe system. The genWELLS, RWHARDSON & 00.Burllnd;<Jn Vt. !all of wlnch we are selling very cheap. reductions in every department. producing, upon 'which he fondly hoped to eral postoflice building is an Imposing ediMRS. THOS.' VINSON. be able to depend for the safety of his fice of tho Ionic order. It lb 400 feet long, DRESS-MAKING AND STAM'PINQ kingdom ahonld the English deaerb him 130wide, and 64:feethigh. The best time when thre~tened by the great Northern to see the outside rush Is just before b:v MISS KATE VINSON. Pc.wer, whose approach he oven th en 6 p. m., at whioh hour the night mail dreaded. To an ordinary person the task closes. The rush is aomething t remen.In the Tailoring Department wonld have appeared superhuman, as Af- dons. Errand boys, hatless clerks, buei· Vuy t~mptiug1bargain~ will be offered. We mean to prove ghani.stan was destitute cif workmen and ness men, ever)' body jams forward to get machinery. But Shere Ali was a man of hie bundle of letters into the long zincbeyond dispute that vre cannot be undersold. unbonnded energy, and h e speedily set to edged or copper-faced opening before · the . GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, work to remedy the short-comings of his hour s 1irikes. Exactly at the minute t he - -M.ANUF.A.CTU RER OF - Ordnance Department After a vain effort office closes, and all letters that are in · ., to produce guns like those obtained from haste roust have an exti:a stamp on them India, by the workmen on the spot, he if they are .to go that night. The ex tra BowmanTill..e, Ootober 16th, 1884. seleoted gun-smiths, and sent them to stamp businus lasts for an hoar. It is a KING STREET. BOWMANVILLE, Pesh11w11r to be tr,,ined in the arsen al sight to see ihe stampers at work. The These men r eturned t o Cabul with detail stamper counts the lettera, and when he . IIas now on hand"' nnmbor of veJ:iiole~ (and is ~nanufacturing a great many more)of the 11ewe1i ~ -2' - - ·-- -· - ---=- - --- - ·- ·pa.tterns a.nd beijt tlmah, which I am otfermg for so.le At the lowest. prices consiaten·t i with due regard to workmanship and quality. The following is a list o! e d d rawings ot t h e guns, and complete has stamped fifty he hits his stamp on a mo i el.n in W t'od. W1th such scanty ma- long sheet of paper at hia right hand, and the principal vehicles manufactured by me: Double Covered Carriages.... ........ . : .. .. .. .. .... .. .... ...... ... ... ....... .$200 Upwa1da, terlals and only the limited experience 110 thus th,, number (lf letters is estimated. be gamed by a fow visits to the arsenal, it A stam1 '>0r in the London cfilce can stamp Single Phretons . ........... .. : ... ... : .... ...... .......... . . , ............ ........ 100 11 ls hghly ~o the credfo of Afghan workmen about (l 000 lett ers an hour. . The teleOpen B uggy ........ ...................... .... ..................... ...... _....... 70 u that their guns were well made, and only graph b\ ildingis samller and high er t han . Top B uggy... : ................. ..... .... ...... .......... . .. ........ .... ........ ... 90 11 deficient .m the comparatively trifling the g""' ;rnment p'>11tcflice. le ia 286 by D emocrat Wagon. .. ... .............. .... ... ................. ...... ..... . ........ 65 11 matter of a.ppearance, some of the Arm· 144 fee~ and 81 feet from pavement to Lumber Wagons... .... ... .. .. ..... ... .. .... ........... ...... ...... ....... ...... . 55 11 strong breech-loaders being exceedingly cornice. On the fint floor are the d!ioes Light Wagon.. ... .... ... ... ................ ..... ... .... ........... ............ ... 4,0 11 well turned out. Gun-carriages and limb· of the postma.11ter 11eneral and the accountE xpress Wagou. .. . .. .. .. ... ... ... . . . . .... .. . .... ... .· .. .. .. . . .... ....... ........ 75 11 ere were ma.de, partly on tho model of ant general. On th e next floor are the Skelet on......... .... .... ......... . ... ....... .... ...... ...... .... . . . .. ........ ..... 50 11 You can do so by calling at the tho11e presented by the Viceroy, a~d part - 11ecretaries and staff, and ia the two upper Sulky...... ....................... ...... .............. ............................... 40 11 ly on that of the guns ciptnred in 1839-41. stories is th e telegraph department. The PosseBBing superior ta.cilities tor m.annfacturing canjages, I Intend to sell ver[ cheap for Of.Bil The manufacture of small arms dld not instrument room is 125 by 80 feet. Fif- or approved credit. and by so doing I hope to great,J.y increase my number o sales Would 11ell the wood p1trts only, or the gear ings of buggies ironed. ' tum out so.sncceSBfully, but their amJ'.IIU· teen million measa.ges a year pass through nition, made solely by hand, was really It. The building is connected with the excellent. P.ircussion caps, which long district telegraph t flicu of London by presented diflionlty, were at last managed pneumatic tubes, and messages come At the Shorle:1t Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired. where there will be found a complete assortment of every kind of by the invention of a machine capable of through liter.Uy with the speed of the Ai the Faoto17 I aleo do Pla.nlng, llu.tchlng, l't:lJ"ning an Sa.wing wit h Circle Band or JScr footwea.r from the smallest to the largest. l::l&W!!, and prepJ!!r\l all ki.nds pt lumber 1or carpenters " nd otbere for bllildi,;. purpostll! turning out 5,000 a day. Thus, after years wind. Four em:ines in the basementi · Ornam.eli.~l and Plain Pickets ror teno,,s in every Myle reQnired, made to erder. of persistent e:lforta, the Ameer of Afghan- f 11rnish the wind, A LATEST f'ROM HEAD QUARTERS. <!bauadiau Jtati-~nutu. Bowman Boot and Shoe Emporium. A BROMEN·HEARTED {;£.NARY. Pathctl<' S1R1'Y .Ahont a Songster t «m11111·t Uve Alone. Ttmt AXLE FRA zER TESTIMONIALS. Boots Sh es Trun ks' Va I · e ' Tra e Ing · · ·t great var1e y. BagS, et FLO-WS 0 uR HOME MADE TORK HARD POINTS AND SOLES J. H E L LYA R. GREAT C LEARING SALE SPRING G O ODS. NEW- STYLES IlHY GOODS AND CLOTHifiGf . ,ON SATURDAY, 18TH INST., Winier Clothing will be offered extra cheap. 1 _ ____...... ___ _ HAINES' CARRIAGE "WORKS E LL I S 0 N . & QQ OARRIACES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &C./ Keep your feet dry and warm, 'Parlor Shoe Store,' Good fits w a rranted every time or no sale. O , E~EN'"TIN""G All Kinds of Veh.icles R ep a ired I neatlJ d one SO th . a t the pateh can scarceIy b e d · lSCOVered. . Trunks and Satchels will be kept in stock; also the Best quality of Dressing and No trouble to show goods. ·Black~ng P lease give us a call. VV !'11AND .· s - µ.. Neads' Block. "l'TT. JENNING'S . than themtop~acet~earmyonabetterfootlng obtained six years ago. -----~- equipped force of, roughly spe11.king. 45000 infant ry, 5,000 cavalry, and over 300 guns. This total does not includ.i the countless masses ofirregula.rs, who, though ineffect· ive in open combat, would have proved ex ceedingly t.roublesome had our armies been worst ed and compelled t o retreat. The sudden collapse of Shere All's army cannot therefore be attributed to mere want of fighting material ; his source of weakness lay in the want of discipline a· mong his troops and the gross incapaci ty of t heir leaders. There ht reason to believe that the pre11ent Ameer is endowed with sufficient perspicacity to note the errors of his predecessor, and by avoiding SoJttewhat Lilte Pullman. The latest experiment in the organiza· Hon of industry nomes from Rmsia, where t heemployeent the large engineer· ing works belonging to the firm of S tarve & Company have recently been planted in a complete seetloment somowhat like Pullman City in the States. The workmen, cf lrhom· there are between 3,500 and 4,000, are all lodged in small cotta ges, most of which are made to accommodate tWo families only, while the public institutions of the colony include a' r efectory, a laundry, a hospital, a benefit socfoty, a technical school, and a cooperative st ore. The employees contribute handsomely to the benefit society, but charity in any other form is quite nnknown In the place, and t he co-operative society pays a flourishmg divid end . It 'Won!~ be curious if ~u~sia, ~hich is a snrv~val of the past m its village com· munities of ~n agricultural type_, were also to be a pwneer of the fnt?re m village communities of an industrial typo. _ .. · -....... ,... ___ _ McClellan & Co~ Have now for sale at the very lowest prices : Grand River White and Oswego Grey Plaster WATER LIME, Liverpool Salt at 60 cents and 65 cents per Bag Barrel and Dairy Salt, He was Sorry. · fip-Top Wood at $3.00 per Cord, Scranton and Briar Hill Coal, Lumber, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Blinds, andi all kinds of building materials always on hand. Going, Goit&go R OC KF..,ORD AND A UR ORA -WAT C HES_ We have the EXCL USIV E Children and the aged t hey are pricelesll. sale of these Watches, wh ich cannot be beaten for time. 'l. -,~IE OI N TME NT We have a reason t o be thankful for past favors durinoforty years Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores 0 ., . · in business here. · and Ulcer s. n is famous for Gout and I t heumat iem. For d isorder~ of t he W ife- " Don't yvu think, dear, that " I t rust the current of my discourse - Chest it has no equal.you are drinking rather more than we can last Sunday was nob sufficiently iormtdaNow our stock is one of the largest in the Dominion ·and we will The other morning a tramp walked up to one of our prominent citizens on the street and, shivering with cold, begged him for a quarter with which to buy something to eat. The prominent citizen stopped and looked at his trampehip pityingly, then replied : "My good man, how long Is it since yon had a meal ~" "Two days," said the t ramp, as his knees shook and his teeth chattered. "I am very sorry, my friend, but I have not had a dinner for two weeks." ' T he t ramp open ed h is eyes and looked wild, and his t eeth ceased chattering and his knees no longer quaked as he drew h is breath with difficulty and sadly Bllid : "Here is a quarter, p:ior fellow. Take ib and go and get some grub." "But I nm n ot a beggar !" cried the prominent citizen. "I know, I know," the tramp re plied " but you are the champion -liar of t he country. Yon were plckiag your teeth when·I met you." Good Advice. A man waa being tried for stealing a ham. As he had no counsel t o d efend him, the Ohief J uatice called upon one of the b arristers pr esent to un dertake his defence, and gave him permission to · retire with the prisoner for consultation Into an adj oining room. I n about three-quarters ot an hour the lawyer came back into aourb without his client. ' ' W h ere is the prisoner?" inquired tho j udge. With the greatest composure t he barrister replied: "He is off. Your lordship de· aired me to give him the beat advice un der the circumstances, and, as he candidly o'wned to his guilt, I could give him no better advice than to betake himself a way with all possible speed, which he was only to gload to do. 1' ._.. KING STREET EAST, HE ALTH BOWMANVI LLE. F O R ALL ! PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, S'l'OJ1111UJH, n:.m:D~EYS A.ND BOWELS . They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in all Complaints incidental to Females of all Ages. For ..... - ____....,._. _ _ _ _ Sell Cheaper tl1an the Cheapes t , regarding no man, either Jew or Gentile. F B I JE 1' D S, W ~ 1 '1 EA. .m D lJ SI ri lE S S. AARON BUCKLER. Wedding ~:Rings in great variety. 9-3m afford ~ " H usband- " L et me see. The first year of our married life l didn' t drink a drop ; second year I may possibly have drank four times, and last year t hree drinks a day would cover it easily, 'f hat would be an average for the three vears of but ono drink r. day. And one drink a day, my dear, is verv little." A girl is never prouder than when she walks out a few days after the weddlngunless it ho when sh( pu.~hes . her baby carrla?e about town. ble to hopelessly ingulf you," j ocosely remarked a young Detroit clergyman to a lady member of h is congregation..the oth er evening. "Oh, no 1 It was quite shallow enough for comfortable wading, thank you. " F o r Sor e Thr oats, Bt·oncbitis, Coughs, Colds, contracted and st iff joints it acts like a charm. · Manufaclured only at THOMAS Glandular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival ; andJlfor HoLLOWAY's Establishment, · Doctors say that roller skating will kill off our girls. This seems too bad ; but And are sold at ls. l }d ., 2s. 9d., 4s. <id., Jls., 22s. , and 33s. each Box or Pot, and may be had from all Medicine V enders throughout the Wol'ld. perhaps it will solve the problem of the preponderance of tho female sex in MasJflf'l"urclla~cris 1Sho11Id lool' at tl·c Label on t11e rots and noxes. I f the mlclre~ ts not :;33, o ..,.rortl SII'Cet, :Lomton, tllCY arc spudons, sachusetts. 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON,