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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 May 1885, p. 1

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·" TEV.. MS :-$1.50 PER ANNUM. ~EW SERII<~S. N U MBER OUR TOWN AND COUN TY FIRST: THE W ORLD AF TERWARDS. M . A. JAMES, E Dl l:ORAND P1t0PRIR'l'OR. 354. BOWMANVI LLE, ONTARIO, E'RIDAY, MAY 8, 1885. LOCAL N EWS L ETTERS. BAM1'1'0N. When Solina lloetry l chance t o see, It knocked the rliyme clear out of me ; 'fhe shock was grti .. t, eo 5trange I felt, l 'll:give Solina men the belt. Vor.uME XXXT. S ULIN A . · A very singular acciden t happened here NmrnER rn. HOUSE FURN.ISHINGS !· Tab e Linens, Table Napkins, Sheetings,. :Pillow Cottons, "White Quilts, Toilet Covers, Towels, &c. NEW GOODS. PRICES RIGHT.; , Sales made for Cash only. .. (ALL GROCERS' DUE BILLS TAKEN AS CASH.) ·~ . · . u N· . · c s ,M F' C L KING STRE ET, BOWMANVI LLE. Mr Editor, I was not abi'ti t o write last week, so I am somewhat behind with the n e ws. At t he last Bitting of the Dar lington Council a deputation from the Salvation .Army, compoeed of t he following elderly 1?ent enien :- Mesers. Th11mas Bunt, S. Ward, Wm. Rogers a nd James Williams ~ a1ted on tlw Council as king for t he us~ of the HaU for another three mouths· . Telling speeches were made, after which their re(1ueat waa granted . 'l'he. Band of H ope held t heir monthly meetiug last Friday evening. Ther e wa.s a good attendance and a choice program was rendered. Would the Sn1L correspondent please t ell us when Mr. H. F urzier w!l!I sick1 Re aaye his health haa been excellent this epr ing. , Oshawa yo11~g men are viaiting our village more frequent ly; attraction is st ill growing stronger. Wears eor ry to report t hat Mr. Jvho Clayton ia gradually growing weaker. Mr. John Colwell h ad the misfortune to lose a foal from a valua ble broo l mare recently. Mr. :Sam Robbins also lost a tine broocl mare iwd foal a few days ago. . The cheese factory commenced , operntlona on Tuesday laat. '.l'here ia to be a branch of the Canad ian H ome Circle org1rnized here shortly; q uite a humber of our pr ominent citizens are in~ l~st. going to j oin as charter members. The populatiort of S:llina is 2till steadily Mr. Robert Clarke expects to finiah increasing. sawing t his week. Mr. S. J. Williams lost a val uable colt recently. - ur<lay. M'1·. F.He Ruse left for in theToronto last will stop a few Arb01· day is to be celehmted hy Solina School. · days wit h his brother Prof. J . Ruse. Quite a number from here attended 'l 'he C AN A.mAN S'l'AT.~;SMA N quarterly service at E nnisk1llen Sunday. In triumph shall wave, In tlrn land of t he fr ee Sww BoY. A nd t he homes of tlie brave. ·idity . A renewed cow belonging las r. 1<'1 to Mr. D. Montgomery att acked some i rls who callorl 0 11 her to see her little A µrett.y ca.IL The i llbred cow knocked down and r an over Ro~a Hatt en and caught A ~gie Mon tgomery "n her horns and bore h er a distan.:e ot 12 feet, thro wing her high m the a ir A.nd left h er and made a dash at Cox throwing her down. But I am pfoased to add no in1ury wa.s inflicted on any of t he little girls. They had a narrow e11cape . West Darlington people fiml their store 11t ~olilta a great com·enience. A good ass<~rtm ent of better class goods are kept and Mr. Kirkpatrick, the manager, is deservedly popular. . The Quarterly meeting i n Eldad chn rch was well attended on Sa1urday and a large amount of circuit business was transacted. The present mi nisters were not invited to remain arwther y~ar, but the omission wae undou btedly an " versight . M ies Eliza L aue, <>f Bowmanville, is .visiting her siste r. Mra. Allin, here, aud other . friend·. H er skill i n executing fancy work is the admiration of om· younl( li&dies. M r. Kirkpatrick informs the · people of West Darlington that his 1tock of genera.I merchandise is now very complete, that his prices are low 1md terms liberal. Our aristocratic and worthy Mayor was actually caul(ht in the performance of the menial pastime of aawiug wood the other d ay. He shoulcl resign. Tender~ wnntecl for the erection of a letter box at the Post Office. All orders to be address~d to the Mayor Solina, Ont. The Enniskillen Praying Band conducted t he services at E ldad on Sumla.y even· SHA W8 SCHOOL ll OUS FJ. R.eport of 8. S. No. J, Darlington, for th e month of A.pril. ··-N mnes i.n order of merit.- 4th Class. - Eva Osborne, Wes. ,Jewell, Chas. Snndo, Wm. Colwill,Aunie OkeR. Sen . 8r<l Class.- 'l 'mnson Pen fo und, Nettie Okea, Charlie H.owe, ·F red ;rarnes, .Teasie K night. "' un. 3rd,John Sando, Ada ltickard, Mitch ell Joi~ low, Ada Osborne. Sen. 2nd Class.,John I,ocke, Wa lter R ickard, L a ura Walton, T ruiu Osborne, \Vm. Beman Lizzie L ocke. J nn . 2nd Class. -Charli~ :Jon ess, John Candler, Maggie P ollock, W illie P ollock, Fiora Galbrait h, Maud K11igh t. Good oomluct:- Wesley Jewell. R egul11.r nttendancc: - We8ley J e well; Evn Osborne, .A1b R ickard, an<l \Valter R ickard. Th8 following were successful · a t the last promotion examination _ 4th to 5th;- E vo. 08borne, Wesley Jewell, Chas. Sando . Ben. 3rd t:o 4th:- r-Net m Okcs. Jun. 3rd to Sen. 3rd :- fohn 8andn. Sen. 2nd to Jun . 3r d:- J ohn Locke, Walter Rickard . M .A. W ATBlf, Teacher. CUURTlGE. o~e of th e oldes~ residen ts of this pluce, died after 11. t.icl10us tlhtess bor ne with christ1au forti t ude, a.ged 7l y 0a1.'ll. De· ceased was a inan of 1 vhom e very one spoke well, an honest o.nd upright citi:r.en, a kind and affectionate par ent. H ie funeral on th e following Tues1lay was well at tended. Thi11 place was fnr a great mauy y11ars known as Sl10rbi' Comers. Mr. W . Hill, blacksmith, formerly of t his place died o.t Mit chell on t he 2!Jth ult. Mrs. J . P or ter , of Lapeer, Mich. , was visiting Mrs . .L . M . Courtice t his week. ~The clieese factory smoke stack blown torm, hu.s been replaced. down hy t.l1e K ' B EN. On S unday 26th ult.Mr. Geo.Shor t ,sr ., Wes~ Sa~- JA N E'l'VlLLE. TYRONE. The 11rayer meeting on '.l'uesday evening couductecl by the Band was nut l:ir··ely a.t t., ·bd, tlie evening being very :;nfavorr: ··1£1. . Het 'J'. Fei:rier preach ed an inst rnctive The quarterly sernv 1 1 at Bethesda. lllee! "f t here .was well a ttended. ~r. ;,. ·c. Vanstone ia n uw rushing buSine-s8 along. Our town has been besiege<l L'ltely by bak~rs,. butch,ers and tlshmongers. Mr. J . E. ],. Cole s music is very enlivening. Mr. Ja!nes Strutt is improving the looks of Jua store by having it p;iinted. The decision given on last Thursday even. ing'a debate was in favour of "J,ove " A fair nu~nber of argun1ents were giv: n on both sides. but of course Love prevails in the end. A serious CJUostion is l;ronbling t he miitds of 11ome of our local scientist,, viz: " h the world fiat." The sick of this n eighborhood have nearly all r ecover ed with the exception of Mrs. Coates, who is very ill. The melancholy f rog has with< lrawn h ia tuneful lay und now waits h opelessly for spr ing . hem~ quite dangerous for walking on dark __......,.._.. _....~ ~ · ---- CARTWR IGHT. Last week I\ y oung nun named K eenan was con ·icted hy our ,J. :P 's of atealing llorse blankets, bags, arul some pork from Mr. G~lbr~ith! and waR imnt to Cobonrg t o aw111t his tr ml. Rumor ~:,y11 h e was, driven k ·. the act by litel'n 111ice>l11ity, 'l 'he M ethodist Qua1farly Services were conducted here on Sa bbath last by Rev. W. C. Washington, l\f. A , pastor . As the day was favora ble the attendance was large. A great nuinber partook of t he sacrament of the Lord's Supper. R ev. Mr. W oodger is at t ending the examination for probationers, in Toronto, and Yisiting hi· relations in W estern Ontario. 'l'he Methodist Praying Band held a meeting in Carmel church on Sabbat h evening last, conducted by M essrs. P . Wright and .Tns. Heacock. '! 'here was a profitable service and :L fair congregation. T he Royal H otel has changed hands arnl passed int-0 t he management of M r. 'l'. Swain , jr ., who intends to conduct it on a m'or e orderly pr inciple. Messrs Chambers and Oliver have moved into t heir new r esidences. ·w m. M onnet t and 'fhos, H ooey pa.~sed the I nspector 's Promotion Examination h eld April 2nd from senior 3rd to 4th class. · .Mrs. Hill with her daughter is visiting at h er son's Mr. W. A . Hill, nierchant . T he fnneml of t he late Mrs. Archibald Lattimor passed t h rongh this village last week to the Church o~ E ngland burying ,ground, east of this place. D r. E d. H owe is home, having passed his fin:i.l examination in Medicine in Trinity School.- He looks none the worse for a hard winter's study. U:\lo. FOR BARGAIN S t-3 ~ -------Great sacrifice~ As we are making great alteration& in our Crockery depal'tment we will ofter our L-l large stock at g reatly r ed uced prices for ~ " 30" days as it must be 11old before we ....... . commence. · Our stock of field and ga~en ~ seed· is complete. We will do all we can to give a pure article a t e. reasonable r£} price and retain uuneputation . Call and see ;dont forget the place : V ictoria Boildings. M um)QCU Bros. I A. m~rd er occur red i n the t ownship of Ops, rn>.ar Janet.ville on Sat11rday night wh en .ras. F ann ing was shot by hi11 fa·herin law M r. A. M. P oque of the same t ownship, Whllse daughter is F1mnirw'11 r.econd M'if.i. Current report MY· tl~at Fauuing ill treated bis wite and she left him and wen t tu live a t lier f11other's. On Sntu1·day nigh t Fanning we nt to P oque's h ouse and demand ~d to a*'e h is ;\fife ; he was warned off by Poque who threatened him with a gu n when a scuffle ensued, when 11ccording to Poq ue'· ·tory the gun dischuged t he charge eniering Fannio.-c's .r,:ight l e~ fro m 1l1e J.::nee to the thigh. '.l'he unfor tunate mnn made hie way t o the roud llnd died whtire he was fo und. BETHESDA. Mr. John Cole, Sr., i1 recO\·e ring from hi11 1evere i llnes11. · T he farmers are not getting al ong with their spring work. A very large t urn out on Sabbath i o the q uarte rly meet ing, s oma coming from P rovidence l:falem,, Tyrone and H :iydon . The S. S . '"as w~ll at tended last Sab· bat h under the change.· We h ope the b rethren on t.he Committee will secure a before .Conference, it may be sorne inducement for our Paa· tor to stay. P> ~ t-3 p:f - THE- STATESMAN ct 'CD. t:tj ' 0 E VERY WEEK L ON(; SAULT. A " Special" to th e STA TESMA N, dated Long Sault, May 6th, reads; A r eal rebellion broke out at the Sault between lots 4 and 5. '.l'wo half-br eeds tackled a. tramp commanded by Gen. Taylor . No one was killed nor wounded, and no blooJ. lost whatever, b ut coneiderabl t> wind was lost. Another battle is expected soon. The half-breeds challenge any one who thinks it was not a fai r battle to fall in ranks with the tramp. "Be jcLbbers, J ack, gin it to h im." All Wool Sui t From now to Jan., '86, FOR 50 CENTS. !'he si<;Jewalks are in n eed of repair, it MADE TO ORDER FOR 9 DOLLARS, 1 W ell Trim~ed and Well Made. Gents' F urnish in gs of all kind s. J . O SEPll JEFFE~Y-1 N . H. Down's Veg·et a blc Aalsam ic Elixir is a posit ive cure l - MOTHE R S - for Cou11:hs, Colda, Croup, Whooping·Cough, Catarrh, lloarseneas, Influenza, S pitting Blood, B ronchitis, Asth ma, Lung F ever , Ple uriay, and all diseases of the T hroat, Cheat and Lungs. As an E xpectorant it has no equal, Consumption has bean cured t il il -without n umber by its t imely use. It heals the ulcer ated surfaces, Dowmanville, March 5th 1885. and cures when all other re medies fail. F ifty-six years of const ant use has proven ll'Iessr.~. S tott antl J 11ru: it s virtues. Every family should keep it in th e h ouse. Sold everywhere. Henry , Johnston & L ord, Proprietors, Burlington, V t. D EAR Srns,--'l'he Norman '.l'eetblng Necklace, purcba1ed from you llll.a actetl like a D1·. H e n1·y Ba.xtet·'s lU a Jidr a kc Hitte1~s are a sure cure for clun m, Althollgh we have t:rietl every kind of Coativenees, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indigeotion, Diseases of the K id neys, T orpid remedy we never bad anything equal to this and we can heartily recommemt i t to any of Liver, R he omatiem, Dizziness, Sick Headache . L oss of Appetite, Jaundice, A pople- our friends as a certain cure for restlessness, xv, Palpitations, E ruptions and ' Skin D iseases. K eep the Stomach, Bowels, and ,.nd all tho~e complaints to which children are Digestive Organs all in work ipg erder , a.nd perfect health will be the r esult, subject .when teething, Yours very truly, Ladies an u others subject t o Sick Headache will find relief and per manent cure by F · DENSEM. t he usti of tl1ese 'Bitters. Being t onic and mildly purga l.ive thev purify the blood. F or sale by all dealers in medicine. H enry, Joh n1ton & Lord, P r oprietors, Burlington, V t . H enry, J ohnston & L ord, Proprietors of A.t·nica a nd OU L i n iln e ut for Man and Beast. The best external rem edy for R hettma t ism, N euralgia, Sprains, B ruises, Burns and S calde, Sciatica, Back ach e, F ros ted Feet, and all other pains and Aches. It i's a eafe, sure, a nd e:ffectual .Re medy for Galls, Strains, Scratches, Sores, &c., on H orses. One trial will prove Its merits. Its eftects are in most cases instant aneous. E very bottle warranted to give satisfaction. Prices 25 cents a nd 50 cents per bottle. Sold everywher e. HOTEL FOR SALE. H E LESKARD HOTEL I N 'l'HE Villnge of J,eskard, containing about T rooms. G-ood Rarn and 8hetl in rear. Apply t:> CAJllERON, CABWEJ.r. & ST. 18 13-4w JoJlN, Barristers, etc., fit King St. J< ; ast, 'l'oronto. We are reclucing prices to suit the t imes. Ellison & Co. Men's all Wool Pante from $2 .00 up. E lli1:1on & Co. Ladies Ulsters and Jackets at red uced pr ices. E llison & Co. During the quiet months we will sacri· fice prices. Ellison & Co. We are crowded with stock from Cellar to Garret . E llison & Co. W e offer Men's Black Wors·ted suits from $8. 75 u p. E llison & Co. People are bringing t heir friends to see t he bargains we offer. Ellison & Co. E x tra value in all k ind of Winter Clothing. E llison & Co. Mr. E lliott's sale uf village lots a t Burkcton will be held on T uesday 'u ext, at 1 o'clock, p.'. m., sharp . Our rea<ler11 HAYDUN . should mak e~ note of the fact and Mr . J oseph H awk ey sold hill famous who wish to purchase should att~nd. ENNISKI.LLEN. fa t steer to M eslll'!J. Williams, Gould, Some bargains may be expected a.R all lot11 offered will positively be !:lulu to tl1c high· 'I'he Quarterly ser vice in the Methodist & Hall last week. He weighed lr>GO His. est bidder. Church here on Sabbath last was well M i·. W. H aycraft sold t wo very fin e on es at tended . All parts of the circut r epre · to the same d rovers, t he combined weight MAPLE GEOVE. seated . An excellent sermon was of which was just 2,700 lbs. Mr. Thos. M iss M cU onalcl is very ill. preached by the R ev. G. Browne. The Mount j oy also sold four bceveg at. the l'ilr. a nd Mrs. John J\Iunson r1re im·· greater part of the congregation rtlmaiued Sflme time. to participate in the L ove Feast and the Mr . Rich. Mountjoy, on e of our oldest proving ni cely from their recent inj ur ies. S:Lcrament of t11e L ord's S upper. and most respectable r esidents, died on Our fishing club (seven members) spent Cadet P ethick, fo1·merly of this out· the 23rd nit. after a very painful illness, T uesday night in Stalter 's creek , and poet,~viBited the Army here on S abbath aged G S years. caught th ree small suckers. la11t. \Ve are pleased to see M r . ·William Aungcr around again a fter his severe illOSHA WA . S AXONY. ness. Readers of the S'!'A'.l'F;SMA:-< 1<ho11l<l re· What has become of our valued eorr esOur cottage prayer meetings are con- meruember that Mr. S. Trewin ha~ tlie pondent 1 H ope he has not wearied in t inned with unabated interest. moss complete' carpet 1md huw;ti fllrnishlepartment-- BrusRels, tnpest rys, well-d~iog ; ~e did well and we greatly" - Miss E lizabeth Haycmft is living in ing c all wools, union and jute cm· pets ; oil appreciated lus newsy letters. l ' rince Albert this sum mer. cloths,. linoleums, <'U rta.ins, a nd fancy My brother J olm has been offered $130 · - - - ··--- goodR, very cheap. for my best blood. Can you find me t he OAK.LAND. man th at offered it ?- MR. D.AYE. Mr. J . H arris 1 m d Mr . R . Cooper ha ve 18- l w. TJlis Friday e vening an Open Air Coneach bought a horse. cert by D . 0 . & P. Co. Band will be Boxs AND Crn1 ,s who are grnwing Master F. Cooper had a n11rrow escape given w11en the following programme will rapidly, should, (to ensure strong a nd with his life while engaged in shooting a: ~OVER 4 00 AO RES ;·fj. ~ be p erformed, weather permiLting:healhy constitutions) be given regularly ground -hog- the gun exploded. Reeves' March .. ...... . ..... .... hy Appelles. ROJHNRON'l:I PHOLPHORIZED EMULSI ON, t o . Mr H . Staples has bought a fine team Selection L a Vestale .. ._ .. . by Marcadante keep up tlie waste, that is continually · of horeos which will be a credit to his Quickstep "The Oaks," .. . . " . . by B.eeves. going on in t he system d uring the grow- business. Walt:!:es, Homage to ladies, by \Yaldt.enful. the Largest in tho D omin ion . . ing period. Mr. Joseph Burgess has engaged Mr. Galop M eteor..... .... .... .. R ollinson. A very choice assortment of fresh and Staplea' saw-mill. S ucceas to this one of Arrangements are approaching compleJ oe's many undertakings. cured meats always at J . Lyle's To begin canvaBSing at once on fall sales. M_ r . . Max.vell has again engaged the tion for the Sona of England Demonstrafligho11t price paid for all kinds of farm Steady employment to successful men. Ooocl t ion in Bowmanville on t he Queen's services of Mr. Somerville Moffat. agents are e11rning from $40.00 to $ 75.00 l!Cr produce a t J . Lyle's. Mr. H ugh Ard's "Young Clansman" Ilirthday, May 25th. month and expenses. Terms and ·outfit free. H emn:m ts at less than wholesale prices won 2nd prize at Clarke Fair. He is Great bargains- cash only- ::i.t Mason Address STONE & WEU,1NGTON. hard to beat. 16-'!m, Nur1Jerymen, Toronto, Ont. at Masoil' E ros. B ros . evenmgs. Cl unker's letter s from the N orth-west ar_ e relld with much interes t by liis Tyron e fn ends. We h ·1pe he will bring hom e R iel's scalp with him. Oor citizens wish to be told who th e " little butcher " is of Long Sault . · At the annual examiuation for pr obationers it1 the ministry fof t he 'l'oronto Methotli11t Conference last week R ev. T . F errier; of this circuit macle 82 p er cent of tJ:e tGta~ marks in h~s 3i·d year, being, with a smgle exception, t he ·highest per made by a.ny of t he cand idate·. ~ BURKETON STATION. au I - -- MQTHERS- -- F on thill Nurseries, SALESM E N WANTED

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