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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 May 1885, p. 2

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"Don't you think we had better BO little faith in my burglar theory, I shall "I will go directly I hear him comone of the girl11 to 11111k the Doct<.ll' to come not be ear>y until I have quite 11atlafied Ing, if you don't want him to find me down M e6rly a.· possi.b le, miea7" she my1eli there ia no outlet from them." here." Old England's sons arc En11:li3h yet, 11aid. "I d&re MY ml.i!H1111 would fe~ ..Let me come with yon, then," hes11id "No, my dear; I wotild much prefer Jj, Old h ngla ud's heart is stroug; Ancl 15ti ll !.'he wears h e coro.;et, easier like if me collllUltedhlm; and he's softly. ·~And, when we finished you did not," M rn R ichmond 11al.d 110me.An.awe w ltb. sword and s~ri.g, a. clev~r young gentlelIIAn, and will advise there, I '!fant you ~o come with me for a what teatily. " Don'b argue with me, As in thelr prld.e oor fatheni dlod, ua what to do to prevent the fellow getting drive by the 11ea.-11hore. I have to visit a child ; [ feel hot a.nd r estless ae lt hi.·· Save money by buying your goods at It m~cd b c, so die we ; In agal.n." pabfent ab a farm-hou&e five miles from ..Then I will say no more," replied And wield we still, g11.lne11.y who will, Alt.hough the old ho11sekeeper adopted here, and a good blow will do yon good ; Lucy ss.'!.ly-"only I do not Uke ~olng. " T.b.e sc.,ptre ot the ·eA, t his ren:111mrl~ tone, Lucy could see it yon don't look the better for your trying "Good night," sald l'l'.Irs. R ichmond; E gland, fit 'lnd fast I let heart and hnnd be weeentireily M1Jumed for the p11rpo1e of nlght." Seeing th!!>t Luoy h eaitlftted he "Heaven bl011. a you, aud make you Bl! steady ; Ile thy fill>t 'i\·ord thy(;y, r..y e n aiy ~u!eting tho fears of her mistr8M 1 a.nd went on-"MH. R ichmond toldme to My happy a.a you de11erve1 my kind ·n·elfulh r Some say we've m ad e ot Trade our k!IllC; tM,\ 11he was in ft.ct tully impr01111ed with she hoped you would go, nod she will lithle friend I" tbe truth of the ghoatJ.y character of the write her letter whUe you are aw&y. l,ucy, after kbslng her warmly and Some say our blood is cold 1 That trom ow· lipe no longer ings terribl~ apJJ41rltJ.on. advie:ed her nob to d011crlb~ the evont11tioo wfohlng her good night, left the room. '£ae trumpet notut ol old, "Ye~," e.gllf>ed Lucy. "You would like minu.iely, a1 It would be 110 very "No,,.," 11he declai:ed to henelf, "I will With j l'be and jeer they gather near to 1 00 Doctor Mnrict ; wouldn't you, to btm. The fa.ct La, I pub it in that way, not go to bed ;intil Mr. Rlchmond arrives; 'l'he sleepins; 1ion's d~ deAr f" hoping that consideration for hi· foolings l Mii.ll be sare to he;u- him 1f I lMen ; l O Teuto.. tatr, O RutS l>sw11re, "YQll, ye1.1," replied Mm. R ichmond, may prevent her dwelling too much on the will lie down ontl!llde my bed, but I will l'yrone, November 13, 188'. Of these "ahopk6e"inK" men ; who wa.c by thla t ime almo11b exhauebed; su\;jact herself." not clo1Se my 03·es." Englanrl, stand tast I let heart and hlllld be "send foi:- h!m; bub don't you leave me." Lucy no longer demurred, but agreed But, althemgh Lucy struggled bravely steady Be thy 111sc word thy last-Ready, aye ready "No, ma'am ; don't you trouble ; we to go with. plea&ure. They then went aga.lnst the.almo11t overwhelming aenMtion won't leave you-never you fear I Now doff'Il into the cellarn; but, dter Cf..refnlly of ~leep that opprell!le;d her by gettir.g up We'Te Ila.leigha still tor Rii.lelgh's part, And :Nel1mn'· :vet u nknown ; you kaep llniU for a li ttle while, and 11ee if enmlnlng them, they could find no trace and walking about the l'OOm whenever she The pulet>3 or the Lion-heel't of any opening. Lucy, however, stUl found tht.t 11h e h&d al.moot succumbed t o you cannot get a wi11k of nleep. " Bei>t on throu...:h W elllngton. · -JUST RECEIVED .AT"I foel M tf I 11hould never sleep again," h eld resolutely to h er or lg!nr.l impression It, ulttmately tired n&tU ftl Mterted itself ; Hold, Briton, bold th;y oreed of olddeclared Mrs. R ichmond, her sobs getting that some one dtd pus her door in the the gave in, and when deylight crept Into Stronic t ue a~ f riend ; fainter and fainter. · nfg.h t ; and·, fiodlng It impoSlllble to she room, 11he Ir.y upon her bed l!lleeplng And stiil until thy motto true, "Bun try, ma'am; and, Miss Lucy her conviction, D octor Maurice dropped soundly. Defy not, l utaelend I dear, do you lie down on the sofa and do the subject, and ctying, "Now let u11 get She awoke suddenlv, unrsfresbed, with Gngtan d, sts.nd fast I let hear I a nd hand be They are Fresh, Good a nd Cheap the same. Why, you look quit e p1Jle and out of bhls gloomy place into the eun11hlnc. au unef,ll!Y ·ense of sometJ:ilng wron.g, t o f teady .A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Be thy tiftlt word thy laBt-Reudy, aye ready I worn out !" and air I" led tile wa.y find Emily, the housema.ld, standing by The housakeeper could not have used a Lucy went to put on her hat and e.a.y her bed. The fir4t glance at the girl'e Faint not, nor fall, ye BODB or those, 11tronger argument than this last to quiet good-bye to her friend before &tarting. ·cared white face completely a.roused 'fhe braveet b ll·r n or men ; Our nearest triend11 may l>e our foes Mrt1. Richmond, who, in the midst of her Mr~. Richmond Wl\ll bunlly writing; the her. ·V Len t urnt the w h ool again, AT EXCEEDING LY L 0 W P RICES. ter1'or and suffering, sttll retained her nn- housekeeper 11lttlng working by her. " Emily, how you 11ta~tled me l What The .while we pray, in Heaven·a good day, selfiahness. "Good.bye, dear," she said ; "l hope Is the m a.tter ~" 1 ·.rne reign ot aints may come, "Poor child, I have frightened her I you will enj oy your drive. Don't worcy "I don'~ know, m!.ss," replied Emily, in Until its dawn, with weapon~ drawn, Lie down, dear, and I will try to be q uiet about me ; Mrs. M ltchell will 6t&y with a. low awed tone ; "bu t Fanny and I are we wait the tuo;i;: or drnm I for your" me until you return. I don't Uk~ to see dreadfully frlghtened." Jllnrthmd, stand I let heart 1rnd hand be KlNG STitEET, BOWMANVJLLE. ,...And Ill sit in this a.rm-chair and.keep your cheeks so pale. I dare say I Bhall be "W.nat a.t ¥ For Heaven'iz; tell me steady; · Be thy fil13i word thy Jast-RcaCy, aye ready watch over you both," added down before you are home." qu ickly !" Mitchell. D lrectly they had gone, Mrs, Richmond "Well, miss, we can't get mlasue 1;I) an swer us, and we have boon ktwcking at her Stra.ngely enough, in leeri than a quarter oold to her <:ompanionof an hoar they were a.II three soundly "I sent Mbs Starr onb on purpose, door for the la!t five m!nute1 ; 1 wonder ~ asleep, completely exha.11sted by the ex· Mitchell. I wish t o make a. sllghte.ltera· you d idn't hear ns !" ~ citement they ha.d gone through. tlon in my will, and I would r&ther she ".But has.not Mr. Richmond 1·eturned.1" CHAPTER V.-CoNTINUED. When Mrs. Mitchell, who wais the first did not know anythlog about it. Willyou inquired Lucy anxloudy. ·scarcely Lucy laid her head upon to awake, looked at the clock, she found oall Emily¥ I ahall vrant bath your slgna· "No, mt1315, for, aee, here ls a leuter in the pillow, before she Wl'.S tra.naported ib was eight. · tures a.s wltnes!les." bil! hand-wrlting which Wis ju1t anl'(l'ed; into thc1 moat ddightful dreamland. · For "Whv, gracious me," she said bo herThe houaemald' wa.s accordingly called, ..... f il b bl l . THE LOW DOWN is as easily operated as a reaper. ' have been asleep for four hours; and M ·u ~. Richmond took the will from out tu.t..u was my re~son or 1. s llr ng m 1 Ill: ua a time ev1:>rything WllJ:'I blissflll contonli ; self, "we early." 50 2. 'l' HE LOW DOWN weighs 1050 pounds and is JO~ feet wide. but rmddenly the 11k y became clouded, that ought to do missu11 good I Poorsoul ! of her escritoire. After writing for a fow "Lat Ull go to her at once, " cried Lucy ; 3. THE LOW DOWN is as easily drawn by 2 horses as elevated ill.nd she found herself toiling alone up a I wonder w:h11ot was a. warning of minutes, she called the two woman to "perhaps she may be Ill." binders are by 3 horses. weary hilltheral.ndeacending intorrents, hthenf.ght7 I hope nothlng has hap. witnessthe · stgning ot · her name ; and, "Don'tgoin, dear mhs, until Mrs. and the thunder crashing overhead. pened to m.a ster; but I doubt me. 1 when they had both written theirs, t he Mitchell ccim~.s ; Fanny ha.a gone to febilh 4. THE LOW DOWN can work on side bills where elevated binders Presently there came a terrific clap, a.nd won't dlBt urb 'em; but I'll go and send form was re-sealed and 11ecursly locked up her. Oh, I am Rfraid !" cd~d the girl, upset. she sprang up in bed aw~ke, and tremb- off for the Doc~or now, and make them a again. bursting into toora. "One of the dog~ THE LOW DOWN has no canvass to get wet, shrink, s-tretc1:1 or 5. ling in every limb. cup of tea. Ble11s her pretty f~e," ahe "There," she thought-"! fwl e~ter, bowled &11 the nigh~, and I .said to Feinny, wear out. As she did so; a most appalling shriek added, looking at Lucy, " she's like a sun- now that It la done. I am sure Edgar ls 'Somebody's r.pWHs pii.r;sing now.'" broke upon the quiet ntght. Greab Hea· bsam In the house I She'll a good too good to find fault, and it will be such "Emily, Emily, .:don't be so superlltl· 6. THE LOW: DO WN ~as wrou_ gbt iron fra?1e which prevents gear va,n whence did it proceed 7 Paralysed man· h11.ppy day, or I'm much mis- a holp to them!" tious I" aa\d Lucy, a cold horror tireepir.g .from gettmg out ol hne, cuttmg and wearmg out, with horror, she remii.ined q1Jite still for ta.ken." S he finished her letter, and, givin((" it over her; but $he we!lt no farther t h ;:,n 7. THE LOW DOWN saves all the lodged grain. an instant, and then she heard a rushing They were still sleeping when Mrs. to Mrs. Mitchell with dtrectiona to send the door of Mrs. R!clun!lnd'::i room, and 8- THE LOW DOWN will cut and bind any grain tha.t grows. sound pass her room and a door softly Mitchell returned to the room, bearing in it to the post at once, went down tb th 11t 00d d it ---' t bl' · her hand a tray with two cups of t ea , A to a~al· ere clooe in th& dlatauce. Ag11.1n and aga.m " v the return of Doctor Manr·ce .. 1 d list ey in i ·- a.n tl wa "'-'· rem mg 9. TIU, LOW DOWN is the most durable binder made. and La-·. · an en g n""'n y. , the a wful shrieks filled th<i hou~e. . · ~light nobe she made in setting It d own "~ In a nifoutie ~fr~. Mibchell hurried . up, 10. THE LOW DOWN was completely successful in the harvest of " H e111vima, lt ill Mrs. Rlchmond !" a.wakened Mr~. Richmond, and lmmediBefore they reached Fernbut"1¥t, Dj\)chor followed by Fanny and the cook. · 18-84- 50 put out and stood the test. Maurice again Impressed on Lucy that " W h d b ·te k k i " h · 'd L ucy cried. "I am coming-I e.m com- abrJl" after Lucv op·med her eyes. 11 ' 11. THE LOW DOWN will totally eclipse a.11 elevated binders. ' " l !" Mr11. Rlchmond mu Mt not be left alone at e a ev · r noc. aga n, B e 81 f ing, daar r '-and, without r.. thought o "Why, I have ~urely been as eep . ex- nt, " in a terrHied whisper; "perhaps she m11.r oolf or t he danger 11he might encounter, cla!.med Mrs, Rlchmond, in amazement., be awal.rn now." 12. THE LOW DOWN i1-1 "Ya1:ranted to work on fair trial or no sale. the youag gi~l flew through tho ·pA!!Silioge "Th ..t you bave, ma'am, for nearly five ".And I wll ·top the b:r11.ndy·1md· Luo1 lmockecl loudly Ott t;he p'lllWll'I of 13. THE LOW DO WN can be raised bodily with one lever, t he tnto her friend '~ room. honm ; ft mui'tt have done you a world of w-a.ter," he S!lid.· "I must make a complete the door ; but there 'W'aa no, and operator ,s it ting in the seat. No weight at any time on the horses She found her alone, iu 'ii most pitiable good. " · alttir&tlon tu the tn.1.1.tment." the fivu frl.ghtel'lf',d women lrnddfad neck 1~. condition of terror- moaning and tl:'emb"Well, I certa.lnly don't feel so bad u He would not stay liO lanchoon, though oloaertogethcr for l'ifmpe.thy and support. Ung fu u.n f).gony of foor. . . I ahou!d expected llo i but then, you Mrs. Rtchmond presaed him to do ao, ' Open the door n Httle, and speak t o 14. THE .LOW DOWN cuts 5 feet, and all levers are within easy r each of the driver. "Whr.h i:i it, detil:' i" 1,1,3ked Lucy, taking know, I have not lllept so ml!IIly consecu· i'tayfag he did nob wieh to wear ont- his , her, Mlss J.uey i maybe alie cloesn't h ear her ·in her 11\!.'0lB i.o.nd sooth'lng her lik:a a tive liours for weeks." weleQme. · us, Ill'! she fl! «o daa.r.n ~~DOWN is made only by NOXON BROS., Ingm:soll, and child. " You ar!l gafe now; you ha.vo "Now, you drln.k this rup of tea, and Lucy slept in h er friend's room c11ring With z. trembling h~d, Lucy turned fiiold m DaTlffigLon a.u<l.Ea.aL.1\lliitby ~oy. been dreaming!' I'll put the room tidy. Doctor Maurice the thtee 11ucceedlng ntght11; but riv ihlag the h3.ndle of the door a.:u,d opened it a "Oh, l,ucy, hide me, -hide me! I ahall '\vill be her\' bef~ri1 we know where we occurred to disturb them in 111iy Wit) ; 11.iln, few inches_; e.a ehe did so, a por ooptl.blo 8 go mad if I a~o it a;;al.n." t:1re." to her gil'Elat delight, the lnvalld !lee.:ned to shudder ra.n through t,he group. "See wb.&b, cfoa.r r folteroo L11ir1. Ton minutes later, he W!Wl uahered In , ba decidedly improving. "Mrs. R ichmond," &he t.'lt!l~d. fu a low "I don'tknuw." g;1ieped Mrs H.1chmond, looking ftuthed with the hurry he had "I am very glad," said Doctor Mimrlce, -voice, i;tr1mgely · unlik:e her u.i:us.l one, shuddering ' ·I had hllan a:sleep, and I He remained with Mr11. Rtch- when he saw how well his patient woo "lllli:Y I come in~ Ho1·e ia a. lettnr for felb aomettliug t ou<'h u1y foou; and when m1,,nd some little time, and then deacended progressing. "Your complaint bdll.~d. me you," l open1;d my eyei!I ib stood the:ze at th,e to t he drawing-room, leaving Mrs. Mitch· at first, I mnst confess ; bat noor I feel They wa.lted for :m Inst.ant, bre~~hlees ood 0i the bed glaring at m"3 I Oh, don t ell 'With h.e:r. $ure I ihall conquer ft." with anxiety; but atill the awful Hllence "'Oh, Doctor Maurice," cried Lul!Y, The fourth morn!ng brought the follow- wa.11 un'broken. Lnoy lovked bfonkly a' leave me, for Ht)a,Vt!n's tiake d on't leave me l ' who was an.rlously awaiting him, "lam so lng letber from Edg-.r-her companions, with her llpe qutvarfog. "Mr de.reab Wife,- I «YAnnot tell yon "W" mm1t go f.n ; ahl'l Is o-vid1mtl.y ill." "liily dearest, I v ou\d not leave yon for tlumkfol to 11ee you l We have had 1mch the world. I am oniv go!J::ig tr, rlng the an 11.vrful night!" how mueh four letter, which I have only "Then 1 mas~ be the firet,"repl!ed Ml'fs_ ball to wake Mr·. M tteht>ll." " Yea, indeed, you must have had I" he jurt received, al.armed and dl.stireissed me. Mitchell. "II(:)H.ven help us, . I !ear we We respectfull invite your attention to our complete and "Y011, yea ; let ua her here too, in imld kindly. "I trM quite grieved to hear I eilnnot bear to think of your irafl'eifogl!, shl\.11 see a Bild tight." case he llillY come t\gain ; pni.y R e.lllven he sn:ih 111 dret.dfllJ a.ooount from tJhe 11enant: and sbAll retOl'tl home immed.iaflely, ir.1Summoning a.U h"'r resolatlon, tbe old comprelJens1ve stock of Pure Drugs and Medicines. llU'IY not I" it ma~$ bfiTo 11b.;okc;d 7ou terrlblJ' ! I though m~ttera over here are far from. wonun pushed tJ1e door and entered, fol . ' 'Wfls ita man ·then, d&.r ~"asked Lucy, ~rmot ,,,.7 I am s.llogebher ·nrprlaed," he 11·ti11factol'J. You w1U pro'bll.bl7 receive lowed clo11oly b.v the four t rembling g1rla. remembi:rlng I.he sound uhe h~d h\\&rd in cont:inued. "Sb.Iii wao in a dreadfully thie In the mom.Ing, and I shall follow It Sh1' advanced :finnly to the bed, drew th<': t.he piusage. n e1vou1 eonditlon when I left lut night. in panon tho ome evening. The boat cur t.llJna &11ido, 1md th·m u He:rod a'. cey of "Oh, yes," r <1plfod _Ml'fl. Richmond, I dit not.1ra11i ·o highttrll you tlnJleoo.t· doe1not 1:Bt In until mther late, I be· augui~a. Tb.etre I&,y. M r.11, Richmond still shudderinfl r.ud htdlil{i hm- face un ·mm.Ly ;' but I w&c rMJly at.:rxnOO., and in· lieve ; o.nd. 111 1 don't know whleh train 1 desd, wil;h such r.n agonised expren11ion reliable, safe, and pleasant to take. Lucy's ~houldor-"a IMn ltit.h a horrible t.ond·d eomill£ thi~ m.oml.lli tnetea-d of l.n nhall be able to cetoh, 1 oann:.oi t'Elll :;you of terzor. on h"i: poor that i t fiUed tb<'I whitu face ! A l!.d, oh, Lucy· h LI fe111rfui 'tho id ·@rnoon. " the exact tlme tio exp ll.01 me. Any Wll.y· spectator! with pity a11 well as horror and ! lt hung c owa on e1>0h of hh " But whT ihould her nervtlll have any- I oanno!> hope to ha wfilh yoo 11ntn twelve ~ef. . ghastly hoo lU.w ll emtain of blood I The .tJ.hlnfl ~o &o with UY Surly y1>11 don't or one o'clock. Pn.y don'· lot anr one "Conu1 aw&)', children I" said M i;l l. 11hiht of it will llll.nnt 111 1.> woe long ac I l!vr11. IJllpp ~iw it Tl'M 11 flho11t 11huru· 1" nib · P fop me : I di.All walk: from the sta· Mll:chall. "Drn w the c~r1lii.tna ; thin no ".Not I , indteGi. I" ha ~uuiaed, !Augb- !don, and cr.n let inarnlf in wlth my laboh- alihb for '1oung eyes. M; poor, pocir Uh, lfb.y did E ·J.{!111o!'_ 1.,.,... Bil 'I ' .11he ruoimed. "Send fo:r. O il -&l!'n.d for. nb:ii ing. "l don't bt1lltfV8 ill. ti!lem II bl· ; but keJ; than I wm oomo llliraia:ht t o :rou, mf&br~lll! I' .A.nd tb.<Jn 11-b.e bu rt<t !n>,o lolJ.d u.i! vnce - ·YJ I lllt!!>li go ma.d w·ithout. I feel ee:tildu it lro.ti a. of epactnl il- Good.-bye, ID"!" dea.rimt. sobs, tha t.hroo l!i?.i:"vnnt~ j ol·nfoll( in .ll;\flltru:him I" h1don, H~r nerva wo<ie jut in t.he ' 'lliv(lt" yol'ir meflb lorln1ht1t'1:!'11E::..._. _ loo.lly. "Yt.'ll, dear, I wiU, th.(' fiu\ thing In t he .._ ! hl · el:tb dition llh;1;t would in ,,.., "' (TO DE COSTlNU!lD, ) g y~·r0- 0 ~ oon. · · "P.8.-B1-the-lT.,,,, vou will not morning ; but you . m1;1tk try to c ompose u d.ur; -., I hope , 6 -.ia il111.11bn of flhili11 khui. And wh~t votuaelf now, for 1tll ou: 11ilie11, if not for· l·... · 1 ,_ l th bet 0 f the be dfaAgree&i>!y sn,rprl1ed &i m.1 app>ru, n.:.rup '""'"°-:V con'f'utC8'1 me 11 ~ ri.nca; I have ,h ad my moo·tache shaved off Turned t o Stone. your own." >SJ!l'IO'ttt havln~ rc-d h.!llr. .Botwsen our- ·!nee I been here. ,, ·'B"' this t ime M.l!il. Mi!ic . h&l1 WU "°'1t..u ! · I 1.., ll··v» th· t ~r1for1·un~te con " Twenty-one yearn aqo the m<ltha1: of ~ ·Q!.. , "'"' v '" "T'1e:n Ml'll. Mitchell or I had better "Ir. A. D. Ne-qi"la.nd, of B. C. , di1~d. 1mr; then1. She alro h4id he:ud th~ s!uiek!ll ; r;:e. l"Gl'lla!Jon· of om'I! h!tA'" been the cause of ' ba.t she slepi much fno hiw off. Her i t t1ll." eit up "'ith you untll he," eugge11ted "I'm!! bnrted in the old tl'tmlly gravE>yr.r<"L PRESCRIPTIONS and FAMILY RECEIPTS filled with motherl7, hume!y pr'Oee-nc0 quieted M rll. f di · f Lucy. 1 Dioiring to have the bod.y placed in the R ichmond to 1omo ext~·nt, ~ud 11he W&I', " You mu~t forg-<ve m e or 1111-gr~ ng "No; I 11hould not llh:e 7011 to do that. new oometery, Mr. N ewmnd h!Mi It dfoin· absolute purity and correctness. a bl t) to talk m.o~e c. Mmly ll.Jlii ru21.11oncb!y with yoa.," Lu~. "I un firmly per- I a.m sure E (lgll.r would be annoyed if any barred, when it w~.11 found thr.t lt hlltd 1Jli11.;1;fod th:i.t 11 m\\n di~ ootil't' M.ra. R ich - one sat up." . 0, h been turned to sbone. Ti1011~ who eaw onMrs. the snbj~t ' p<!r~AJr.00 iI t Clrror .bla.t It W&A no JUon.d'11 roon11 ln the rugbb with wkk the ide& of "But · lia do~ on ~.he Rfoh.moud "·e could e"rrl!7 ~ ~ 8 150 . !!lofa, " per&ted Lucy, roocillecting Doctor it gt&ta that ft had cfamged to a btowntsll dr<1am ; ahe di6binctl.y folt th11 h!\11d upon rob'bln~ her, and bhah her hue, wa.s almoeb lifo-ltke in l"l;s n11iiuriiolher foot befora ·ha ·1.w thfJ fizure. Luc>' 1Jfo.a..ttled b.iin t hat he ru!thed away w·{l\h~at , M:i.udce 'a 1.njan.oflion. nee:s, The foat11reB w·e re good, and even thfm told of 1ihe i udiing sound ishs ha d <1o.hievin.g ht· ·p!-'!rpoiie; for I am qutt.e "No, my dear ; I do not wish it., You bhe hair on the ftice cot1ld be plainly h-.tu-d, imd <.>il~'l>il her oplnion than sure, tJ,fted1er nrat l!<:rea.m, which awak- mny renJiafn wfth me until twelve lf :roo seen. The hand.a were perloob and had t1omebody .mru1u hav· l!Udt an entry into eoed mo, I hoard ume one brHh paet -m..y 1Vlll ; and th en I can only have 11 very not changed oolor. The c;we wa11 a. methe houne for th.i purpo110 of ro'bbt!i'J". ro~m, an-'. immfl~atel;y after 11hnl! thn fow minutes to wait. If I want myhllic one, and in-ddo the lining app1l4red "Oi oou.rae it it kno·l'fn," 1Jhe add<vd , floor 1Jofd1 ~t tlti. .h~~ of tbe llfit!JH. I th!n1~. I c&r1 r ing the bell ab the head of fomh cloon, Tho g1·Ave-clothea w e1'6 "that there ~re only- w·cm1111 h«il now !" wa11110 cou111n:ced tlf t·h1~ -h11,t, h~d. I~ hmm m.y bod whloh commun!O!lt'es wit11 your all In and 111 good abs.lie of prrel!Grvrition, o.nd for nn lni!t 9'1:1 t, l room.·· "Ah, ohitd, you t.h111i 1Jo comfort me ; {mlla~bl o to l!ia.n ke~ A d tai ,, the ribbons and 111.eet1 looked like they oot I am ce.r1~ln t.h11>t w11,11 no living pre- si.?ulJ h< we f_ f:.!1°Y(8 "t. own-ll · ~; · . Lucy wa11 not ab all 1a1Jisfied. in her own 1 Docllor mlnd with this arrmgemenb, bn~ t hought bll.d j Mt been plaetid there. An effort t.o senca t! w t.Iii in the r aom to·night !" ··T~"'~~,.µ:,.,,v;,~~.~~u. ~~d ({et Mr. Ne>rl!!>nd to plaoo the re~n~ in F intlm1, th.e y oould not; argue her out of Mf.urtoe, ·id:. e,a~;neatl7. You would ohe would leave any further argument un tilie Vt>all:. proved llUl\valling, and 1>0 fo11.r.the bclief that her hoi'lible vi11itor lfi\>8 ng " f011.rful rl~ if there tll Dr. M aurice c&lled ia tht afternoon; ful W&OJ he t.lul,t tho i::emr.iti a would be supernatuml, L ucy was persu·wed b,r b~d 1J.!eil: ,any on~ fhu·· · 1 & till think, for she folb corti.111 h· wo·ld rill'ongl7 de- souirhi b7 acleutifi.c man that he pla<:Jed Mrs. Mikhell to go to her room and how-en11· 'that your i~a.tion pla7ed. precat.e ,t trs. Riohmoad Wng lefb, oven hug· 1bone1 on tl!.e C'-ffiU. and n ,mal'ld . yo11 fa. IA!e, RI well~ hera. Yon m111b r e- for a ·h·rb Ume. the ea.vth a..routid with heavy ma.ala, The 1r~G"', my dear mias," urged the good trJ.embe!' yotA had. j ust be~n atartled out of As fab11 wlll6d It hol!"'ever thai rdber- one wu very hoovy 1 requiring aeveul oroman, "or we nh.aJ,l be h ir.vlng you laid a, desp det'1p. And in it H1:e.1.y no·w tbiib noon he co11ld not como, h avilli been miw to hruidle h. ap next., and I'1l care of maeus while h ef wouli dellbt1T,ta.lf lr&b K n. c:alled i o a 1er!ou CM· at 1om.o di4t&nce you a.~e uway." Ri~1hznond up b7 touching her foot Y" but sent a messengei, 1aying h11 would b~ The Human Pulse. "C,l'!De bt1Ck aa soon as p~ul.ble, Lucy; N I T.ttai, I qui~ a,creo with. you, hhw:o on tho morrdnic. " mu. l!!t have beon fancy." "Ho~ Luc·, Th· b h um-.1.1 0 I feel ea.for with you i... 11y me. d d " unfortun~·~ """ '·" ·houg!i· th pula11 l hAa !lather ab widei t · " ,_, h u rry, "And bhu r eat lloo, you l.llll>f ,lllll'lll "H. · d hQ b~n hA¥e, &'·e m.·u&t h"ve ""'Tea mnge, ut Til!if e pu and everything that is kept in a first-class Grocery' and Pro· L ucy N"'Uirod. no iucanwve to , , l "B ~ · vv ,. · .. Ill· b f II e · ~ av<1r:!lge blr th , 1u· ~i b upon tha.t ," he 1!4'>1.'1 cono> Ul·T . e y. ut, w~·. " a oo;~ o on : .... -..v ; a t t wo for, :~lthoug·h of a very ?Ave tempet11...... h th · ., 100 ' f '-~, t · · .frqm wha .. tover CAUll0 the .i.n"' t 1.ro11e, e ~11d,..v Mi·s. R! "' ~ . " ~-,;i grnn~l.., ya..t~, ; · · :rom 1~ ..;en o nlne1.c~ vision Store, will be sold at the lowest possible prices. l J ment her nerves wef-e compote 'f un· = -.,, ' - ..,.,. ..,_._,_.,... """ 1 "" ·· -'d "5 Id 60 atrung' . · She, however, n uitie believed ln reault ia l ni b u a;:.Jai:ming.. Sb.e mu et nob 11 !Ulettled and rfl6tleu : fil.ld Luoy be~u to fetl.rll, ~ i ab m.......,,oo · ' i n &gl'., · " ""'11.lll, u - I feel fe..... ~~ ·l- ·excl.t'".'" "'· h&,. h·ullb·nd'· 1'~TheN ue, her own mind t~,t tho fi.guro wu noti l!U· be le.ill alone at n'"ht "'6 -.. """" -~ ent "" " w tthhow· h o lver, h g:raat N' va:,·· l ' ]oon f dd i d bo~ ud. to tell you-ll.nother att'8Ck of t~ tiul'll wou!d w her ba\t<k: ~n. f.!st '3llt w e~, i. · 11po eon 11 pu ae s CASH for Beef, Pork, Egg·s, Butter, Hides, Tallow and all pernatural in il<tty w~y, ao .eterm ne bo . \111>1.'lle aor t mi..,.ht luive th3 mo11li 11erlou11 "N""v~ ......'-elao~ l ·m '-"on.k.·Cul he·aaid to h"'ve bi<~n only «ill the minul'l. make a thoron·ih e:x11ml:wl.tlon of the .. i w " " ' ' " " -~~· ~- .w~ a~,_ _, , · ·-' t t . l"" f Farm Produce at C. M. CAWKEU'S. " ,_.,, oolll!!..nueuooai. Sho b11.1 r'lllied from t h c 1 ·.,., ~a . ," s'·e ·-·ld ·-er·elf ,· "so-ehow I f ·'·' A C'll!O "' ...11·> r·"~"""'o 11 prembes dowu-1taim-more part.1OU\l.U'IY - -i "' ..., ~ ~ ""' ; h h ls r:. ..011. w·y l · man o of th e celll!lra _ dtxootly it Wf>IJ light . wonderfully ; but h hM ,?een a severe ouch 11 weight c;I. reqi . , owdbilitiy Oll me ei_ g ty-seven w ose p~ u w...o so;, uom r,vt-r since that droodJul night. I would gi"' 30 d a11ini t he J;uit two y0at11 of hie lit1i, !!hock to hE1r corliitltutlon. I also r eturn my sincere tbanks to my numerous frienda and patrons "Thea I f'Uppow we M.d bebt~r urg111 a gi"e&t deo.l thtlt he safely here now I and somethmi11 not over 26, Ancther CHAPTER VI for their very liberal support during the last fifteen y~ars, and hope by Mr. Richmond IV->. r eturn at once T How etr.,nge lt 1>0amei for me to be longing mJW of eighty-seven years'1d. g'ooo. D "ylight WM brelk:iug when Lucy re"Y&a, his wife 18 going to wrlte ~o him for Edgar Rio n ·J nd's P'ie.\IMCIJ I 'rliree hea,lth a.nd ~pidca \Yi ' a pvlse o~ 29, w.d strict attention to lJusiness and keeping ihst-class stock, to lltill merib turnl:':d oo Mrl!I. Richmond'o room The I would rather she h11ood month.ii a.go I should. have declared iml.lh bheie ill alllO on rec;lrd the cudo1.111 in· the same: poor Wf.11 ait:ill in a most hyr;terical th.1.8 .mo>:>r .l\·ern viol.ant at,- left tt to you ; but s!l.e must not be op- a state of feeltng on my part to be l.mpos· allalice of u. ma.n whose pulse iri. he&l.tJi condi.tlun , 1J1ltt'lrllati~ be} ,~ was n ever more thu.? 45, and t.o b e ccntacks of 11obbing and paroxvsm.!I of shud· p>.1uecl. A.nd what are you going to d,) B.ible " ~~ . with yourself," h e added. Ab. nigb.t when they went. up-sta.lra she 11h1tent In his incornusteucy, when h e had d ering t error. "In the first place,. I am going to ex- again triad ' to induoa her frien d to let hor fovei: MA pnlae foll to 40 inat13ad of rbing, Mra. M1.tchell looked gravely "' Lucy, STAND :- Town Hall Buildings, next to Ont. Bank. plore the celllt'lrll. Although you r em.e.ln with her, . 1a11 is usual. rmd ehook her head ~i!lnifioan6ly, (OLD PROYJllll.:80) " Let Sleeping Dogs Lie." TYRO,~E'G CHEAP CASH STORE, JAMES STRUTT, Proprjetor Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Patent Medicines, etc., etc. G 0 J AMES ELLIOTT'S 'His ·reas .are not to be' Excelled. JAMES ELLIO'l.1T. Crocke r y & Glass-ware Call and inspect. .ALOCK OF REU HAIR. -:N" C> 0 N""- LIGHT PLATFORM BINDER ---o--- j . P. Ii. MASON, Han:iutv.n P. 0 . J. A &SON, Pharmaceutical Che1nists. BING E'S COUGH SYR"{!P, . Rose Glycerole, Our Own Corn Cure, Choice Perfumery, Toilet .Articles, M ' - - Ground Oil Cake, C attle Foods, Horse and Cattle Medicines, &e. g .. " GROCERIE SI Crockery & Glassware, Coarse and F ine Salt, '"1 1!?t 1a1sa a,t(U cua1n.. 11rs~ American and Canadian Coal Oil, Flour and FeedJ Empire Horse and Cattle Food, ° r.· hh-- - - -CJ-- - .c KE

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