· · · FACTS F O R FARM ERS. · ---...,....._..._,...._........_.....,..._,..... .-....- ~ .. .-.. ................. ,...,.,.....-....----........ .- ...........,.,...._.._. 1 Sr1c-l\'lr. 'fhomae Bingham, I BoW!IIANVlLLE, FRIDAY, MAY 8. see iu your late issue, seeme t<> feel sore because fa1·mer11 are eteadily patronilling Licenses GrantedinWestDurhatl'i. the Dominion Gr.nnge !\'.[utual Fire Insurance Company.-the Company which W. 'l'. O' Re1lly,Esq., late Inspector of lnsurTho followmg _shov licenses have b~en ance for Ontario characterized as "One granted _for the license year commencmg of the nE~T MnfAt~l Companies in U1dario" May 1st. . . · "both as to its 1Aan of .operation and Bowmiinv1lle: Shop- J ohn Milne and manayrnumt." l\ir. 13ingham heads his John Lyle; 'l'avern-J. Ruebottom, Geo. commuuication "Cheap Grange Insur.Fisher, C. McGt1w and R. 8trowger. ance." Well t hat is ju~t wh11ot is wanted D1ulington : Tnvern,- H. T. Phillips, by farmers- cheap, reliable insurance, H ampton; Ezra Gifforll, Enniskillen; Jno. which i~ ~Pp!U'· ntly lessening Mr. BingVarcoc, 'J'yrone. h am's bread nnd bntt er, and we sy'mpathCartwri~ht: Tiivcrn- '\V. J. Coulter is.e with him. I.f h e sn pDoscs that formers and 'l'hos. Swain, jr., Williamsburg, the prefer t o deal wit h Y_a1.d>~e concerns, such latter subject to requisite repairs and fur-. as he ~epreseu ts-to JOllllllg 1 a pelury cunishings; J os. Cook, Caesarea, for six operat.i vc comp.any-fan.nen company of --AT-months subject to proper furnishincrs. On tarw- hc will be m15tak,m . Let u s John Mason , and J. W. Ilryans, de- take ~he "Hartford" of Connecticut, an Why F a rmers Shou ld Buy the Chath an1 Binder . dined Auierical!I Company represented by Mr. · Thos. Bingham. What did Mr. Evans, For the last two seasons we have seen the n ecessit of d· t · Newcastle: Shop- Mrs. M . Wagstaff; of Montreal, swear to in his "Government t able that the farmer can set so as to meet all the cli:trereii't ki1~dns a Jdus abld~t:i'lmderf T avem- .T. Glendenning, R. & C. W. Ruport" on the 18th of .January 1884? · an con 1 ions o · g rain · W ~ k ri 0 w a ll th e d l'fti'.cu lties to be encountered in going into a field of err · · Bennett, \V. Chesney-the latter subject He swore that this comp1my had ou t he when l?art is stan~1ng and part lodged or, as sometimes is the case the rain is :h~~~ to completion of turnishings. 31st Dec. 1883, 10, 036 policies in force in d~~ tll~~· and tgam very rai;ik. Our adjustable table meets and o'verco~es all these Clarke: Tavem-.fas. Hallett and ,J. .T. Canada ; thnt this company paid out 1 cu iee, m~ est 1 1e machme .more compact, can be easily 0 erated b b Coulter, Orono; W. P ope, Newtonville; $71,415.14 for lo,sMee; $16,532.VS for · years olcl; driven thro?gh barn doors or gates; can be set ~ work irta afieloy ~en P. Blue, Kendall. N. C. Henderson, n ew commissiouor broken.go, (to runners such the gre11tGst ease and wuhout the driver having to remove a sin ,10 bolt d w;t.h application, declined. · as Mr. Thomas Bingham) · ; for salaries ~eat. Examine for !on~self and be convinced t hat the Chatham gCord B?rd1ea'"'.e ;.iii - · - - -+ and fees $4,765,51; and for taxes $638.· m er is ar m adva nce of a nythmg m t he market. LITTELL'S LlYJNG AGE for April 53, m ..king in all $03,352,13, and only 2f1th and May 2nd con I ai11, Er· hoes of the 10,!l3G policie~ in force. Mr. E vans TH E O.N.L I' BINDE R IN EXISTJ~NCE Eighteenth Century, 'fl1e BlHck Death in &wore that the Liabihtit>s of the "HartBOARD O F EDUCATION . T O WN COUNCIL. East Anglia, On Style in Literature-its ford" in Cl\nad"' w..re $86,301.42. And on wh~ch the driver can sit ')n his seat and raise or lower both ends of the Harvellter· I Techmcal Elements, On Pattieon'e Mem- yet Mr. Binghaw mtt.kes a '1reat fuss can shift the butter ; can lock the harvel!ter down · can tilt the Harv t t t k' · . d .b II · . · es er o a e oirs, March in Magna Grcecis, The because the "Dominion Grange Company" The Boarc l met May 1st, 1885, the I Summary of bnsiuess transacted at the up .down gram, an . a ove i> c111~ adJust t he Bmd er table to suit an condition of Astrology of Shake~peare, Sir Henry paid in interest in 1882, $509.62, and chairman presided. Members present; m eeting last .l lfouday night. Members ¥T~~n · . Thhese ~reat i_mpr0v~ments place our B inder for ahead of all c?mpetitors It Taylor's Autobiography, ,A.. Soldier of $13.50 in the "General Branch," when, Messrs. Bleakley, McDougall. Windatt, all present except Mr. Harnden. Circu- is e 11~ test lll weiiiht,_ lightest in draught, because the simplest . don't req. uire Fortune, Mr. Gladstone's Thoughts, as a 11wtt.er of Jiict, the "Ur11n2e Branch" I<'airbairn, Tod, Horsey, Fogg and lar from Education Department was read two o~ three wen to fold tt to go through a gate or barn door F~rm 1 k t · · era 00 o Arab Courage, Inside a UAtholic College, did not pay any 1moh 11um &11 interest that Burden. Minutes of last meeting were and filed. Reduced rates for fees ofTown your mtereets i>nd you will bny a CHATHAM. 8owe Secrets of the Silk Trade, with year. The figures giv~n by Mr. Biogha.m read and confirmed. Hall was granted tu D. 0. & P. Co .Band, ws~Hlments of "A Huuee Divided Agaiust are not correct. Hia Yankee company Aeonununication was read from the C. M. Church, Prof. Kent, :md for School R ead t h e tollow·iug Testimo nials: n~elf," "Mrs. Dymond, II and "The Blue spent $93,352.IS i n 1883. Let u" He education department on certain changes Concert and Oddfellows concort r emitted. Posts of Chester," and poetry . For how mueh per policy thi· i· on the 10,936 in the 1~ublic School Act. An appli· A petition from Gale Bros. and 64 others CBl'twright, March 25, 1885. fifty-two numbers of sixty-four . large policies; it ia over $8 .5.0 for lo&ees and cation was submitted from Miss H icks. asking King-st. to be watered lms gran t - To the. Cha.than Harvester Mant1facturiny Co. pages each (or more than 3,300 p11ges a expense, 011 every policy held by the GENTLEMEN :-I pnrchaEed a Self Binder fr .A . Mr. ,James McFeeters, the secretary- eel and clerk instructed to · advertise for seaso~s. I h1ne cnt over 300 acrt>s wilhout the Jei:';r t~~~bl gent two years ago. Durinlf the two year) the subscription price ($8) is low ; Company in Canada. Poor Mr. Bingham treasurer, tendered his resignation, to tenders. A grant of $25 was made to- I cut, in five hours, for my nell(hbor, Mr P. lJolt eight a~· ~r 0at oC llvo . centa for repail'I!, while for $10. 50 the publishers offer to must understand tha.t $8. 50 (their expen- take effect at the end of June, and ask- wards protecting Rifle R1mge. Finance r11ke reaper entirely failed to work In i t th · ,h'1 r s Y ng oats m which hl8 new e of a Binder or Light ,Reaper.for cu~rinic fo:Jg~cd g~:i~ur~at'!·e1~ ahnt,ytdhing I ever a'!w in th& send any one of the Arper. i can $4.00 diture in one year on each policy) would i;ng for an audit of the accounts to that and Poor Relief committees presented fshap. act it la all that I would desire · · ia 1 1f urablo an'i e1mple. 111 m onthlies or weeklies with The Li·o·ing .Age Insur11 farm er& in the Dominion Grange elate. Sundry accomits were presented, reports. Dr. Boyle's bill for attendance · GF k H901n."': for a yoar, both postpaid, Littell & Co., lneurance Co. in t he "Gr1<nge Branch" which were submitted to t]10 Finance on Mrs. Hocke1·idge wi.is not entertained. Cartwright, March 20, 1885, Isoston, are the publishers. for 4 year11 for $1,100 each, and then committee. Mr. Bleakley brought in 11 Mr. Horsey's forearms by-law was laid To the Chatham Har·vc&tcr J.l anufact.,,,ring Co. they would received a profit back at the report from the visiting committee, re- over till next meeting. 'l'he Mayor and GKNTIEMEN' We th d · Cor. d Dindc~s. andbaving u:e~~h!~'f,:ed tarmei:s, hav~ purchased the Cb'1.tham 'l'wo·hol'lle T HJ<: 8PORTINO WORLD is the title of a end of the ·tiwe. And we think farmers commending attractions and improve· Treasurer were deputed to arra11ge with and smooth land, we cheerfully admit tb~~~t:ns m :~kinds of _ grain, long and sb.ort or rough tohur en~1re sattstaction. '!'hey can be new illustrated publication just iesued in prefer t o roceiYe the profit back in cash ments in some of the Divisions in the Ontario Bank for bank accommodation. handled with ease by one team, We have 8 , wor cen no o er llmder work that can equal tho New York. Among its departments is a rather than having it applied to enable Union School. '!'he report was adopted Mr. Horsey gave notice of by-law to ap- Chatham. .T.AMES .BRADIJ UltN Yankee stock holders in Hartford, 0011Canadian one, aud special attention will 61£0. MAilLOW. ' and the committee requested to carry out point a Town Engineer. Council adnecticut, to live in eaae on the profits be g iven to the Dominion by the publicathe suggestions. journed. secured through runners from the inno'l.'o the Cltalham Man1ifact 1.,-;11 y <Jo, Darlington, April, 1885, tion of every Canadian El)Orting event .and Moved l?y Mr. Burden, seconded by CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL 'The D ominion We have 111·ent pleasure in recorume d' th Ch · the reproduction by illustration of her cent Canadian farmers. Mr. Fairb:iirn, and i·esolved, that this __ us last year, a :field of oats that w uld n mg e at ham Bmder, as Mr. L.A . 'l'ole cnt for prominent men in all spheres of life. G range Mutual Fire Insurance Co., br<iken and badly lod11ed. He en~ i igJii8~~:~~!r tli~el)~t 1<? fi vo inches in hclg~1t; it beinir straw 1wut trouble, blndmg it all in l(OOd Ehcaves. Ho also cut nud bound t!v · e wit Send for a copy to The Sporting World "Gr1rnge Branch," had on the 3ht Dec. n oard very highly appr~ci~tc~ the labo!s : Council met May 4th : Members all tho work was much better ex~c~f!~8t~!n~~~~Jtba Wdheatb , it raining all the time. We Publishing Co., Box 40, N. Y. Post Office. la.et 4, 753 policies in force ; and ·the of the ~eachers of the Umo°: School, m (present. l'he minutes of lut meeting hconsider ave seen, e one Y any other Binder that we preparmg ancl so ably executmg the ex were read aod confi rmed losses and rnnniug expenses for the year Terms, 10 cents a copy or $4 per year . DAVHJ BRUN'I' Moved by Mr. McI{ee, seconded by amounted to $9,751 :43 or only _!1 little cellent progm1111~e given in the Town W.M:. BHUN'.l', ' JOUN BRUNT. Hall, a few ~venmgs ~go, and the hear~y W. Spinks, that R ii. Prust and Mr. St. N icholas for May opens with :in over :$2.00 per policy, while Mr. Bingham's thanks of tlus Boarcl is hereby t?nder~.cl Parr be eommissionen in the village of amusiiig and charncteristic story by Frnnk Yanke compamy cost over SS.50 per . Hampton, .April 2~nd, 1885, ,n Williamsburg to collect comnrntation To the Chatlumi Man.1factu.-iny Co. R. Stockton, entitled "'l'1·ycicle of the policy on an average. '.l'he brokera.ge. and· t o tl~e _Teachers an~ others who aide~ 1 DEAu SJR :- I pure hued from you .A t 1 · 88t Y~ar, C!nC of your Self provHh!lg so dohghtful. an evenmg s money from such of the residents of said commisi>"iun paid by Mr. Bingh&m's Yansider i t tl)e best Machine in the market r ,. g en · , Binders, and conFuturr::," with strikingly descriptive illusentertam111ent, f?r the cb~ldren, parent,s vill~ge as may be desirous of commuting it l111e i_mprovemente equal to any and Sup~~~~~ t~ ~i~IJl;;e:ar ·~~ .L~~hte,Bt _Dranirht. eecondly, kee Co. tr.1 its agents ttlunc Ill a aingle trations by E . B. Bense!. A timely paDlRlerml- bavmg cut till my own giain on 150 acres d · f ·r y, it·'" made or tint-class trouble or e:xpeneP. ,.Fourthly in h · on. 80ill!l or my neighbors, without any d per on the New Orleans Exposition, from y1Jar (~16, 532.95) would pay loM~s and and general public. Carrred. Moved by their Sta.tu te labor, and to expend the fomc of the mnchities will not do ea,;J :,nho 1oil.~ed gram it will take up, elevate &lld bind wkat the stand-point of a boy ancl girl who have expenses of t he Grange Company for near- ~r . Burd~n, seconded by_ Mr. Fog~; money so collec~ed in repairing the sidom11cbine, lbat Will give you rntir~ sat ie!acti~ l mjf,8onSceRrnU.NIDwLEould say, buy a ChathaDl lately 1 ·isited it, will interest the compeen; ly two years. . Mr . Bingham will perhaps lhat ~h~ Treasm:cr of tlus Board, u~ 'walks in t he said ,-illage and constructing nerUngton, Hampton. the illus.trations arc Ly W. H . Goater . · find out that the farmers of Darlington, neg?tlatmg _any d1sc::iunts to car~y on th;e 'new sidewalks, or in grading the streets :iffairs of tlns Board, be an<l is ~10reby 11s they may deem most i n the interest of This .Binder can be seen at McGaw'11 Hotel Bowmanvillo. )"' R 0 ·F · Clar Ke, nnd surrotmding district are to-day mstrue~ed t o ananc:e. for s~c_h d1scouri,t the ratepayers. Carried. g:~u~lt~!o~ej E;n;t~il!en, and at Coulter's H~tel, Williameb~rg ·; R Sb:~s Coll:~:~t1 , For special reasons, in the May Centu- . not so "green" as he supposes now as at the _ Standard Bank, provided h e ca:·1 The committee appointed to sell the " ' · · I 1amson, 0 rono, are .A.gents for this County. ' ry, more space than usual is devoted to they were 50 yoar111ti;:o. The Gran~e has the war series, and sixteen pages are add- opened. their eyes to see th11.t Y ank:ee secure e~ua_ll.}'.' good terms as at the O~t;' timber on the allowance for road, bel!l-3m. insurance stock holders s.nd their C1mr.· Bank. This ~st~ ca~y ?ut. the pr:J.Ct1ar' tween Lots No. 18 & rn in the 7th Coned to the r egular number. · utmg ·: tl~t;. R·~trou - 1cession, reported as follqw 11 : That on dian ..gents do not knolv all that i11 to be of the Board rn chstnb_ The Ev;i.ngelicn.l Churchman begins vol- known. Instead of the Dominion Grange ~ge .of ~he Board nmong ..~~c. <l1tt~_ren · 11he (ith day of April la·t, they sold the ---· -- · ·-- ume X on the- 25th inst., with several Mutual Fire Insurano0 Company paying mstit"'.t10ns of the Town. Oarr1ecl. Th . timber abo\·e referred to, by public Aucvery valuable improvements. It is a capi- large sums of interest (11.11 M r. Bingham followmg a~counts were passed and order/- tion, Mr. Ht1rry Morrish being the . purch11ser, for $8, t he timbe r to be t aken allei::es) the fact i~ the auditors' report ed to be paid: ta.I family newspapar. a.nd the sworn report of Mr. Jesae Trull, D . G. Fletcher, Bill. Pos.tin!{ .... ... . $1.50 . off within tlm1e years from day of sale. The present number of the Century President, anll Mr. R. J . Doyle,Manager, J. McFeet~rs,attendmg elect10n&c. 4.00 . Mr. James Coates applied for a grant eel barrow............ ~.50 o_f money to be e7pended_on t110 boundary begins its tliirtieth half-yearly volume shows that in 1884 the interest received Jas. Morris, wh_ John Percy, \\Ork...................... u.00 1hne between the rownsh1ps of Reach and with a fir11t edition of a quarter of a mil- for surplus money was $63$.42. The Dominion G range Mutual Fire Gal e 13ro. printing.. ............ .. ...... 0.50 Cart.vright. lion copies. Moyed by Mr. Spinks, seconded by Mr . Ineurance Oompany hMa paid ln 8 years L . Lyle, teaming............. .. . ........ 2. 25 - -C>:P- about 150 fire losses, and never had a M.A. James, pl'i11ting .......... .. . .... 16.00 McKee, that $30 h~ app ropriated t o the Scott's E mulsio n o f P ure lawsuit. , The sworn liabilities last Jan- Jno. Morris, black -boards ·'tc.... ... . 4.25 repairs of the boundary line between ()od Liver on. nltlt Jlyp1)(>ho~1·hlfcs uary were ·Only · $145-not $8G,301.42, W. Hill, cleaning chimney........... 1.65 Reach and Cartwdght, and that Mr . Is Rema1·kable as a Flesh Prodncer. which is the sworn liabilities of Mr. Quick & Wright, brooms &c......... 2.20 Darcy be a commission l'lr to expend the The increase of flesh and strength, is per- Bingham's Yankee Company. BBme, provided the Reach council grant ceptible immediately after commencing $51.85 and appopria~e a like amount on s11.id Yours truly to uee the Emulsion. The Cod ·Liver Oil road. Carried. HoR~cx l\fouLToN. ·The Board adjoumed. emnl11tied with the Hypophosphites is Orono, May 5, 1885. On motion, the H.eeve siltned orders on l!l-2w* p10i;it remarkable for its healing, stren~th the Tre11.surer as follows: '---~~--e~il)g1 ~nd fl.esh producing qualities. To Thoe. Hllghea, shoveling snow, 50c. "l\foryh,~.nd 1 My Maryland." W . Spense, Mrs. Loughead, Robt. May a colored man postin« ti lettei· he · ·· · "Prett.r Wives CA'rARRH.-A new treatment has been dis· Martin, Robert Wilson (ind igents) $4 Lct\>'lng daughters and noble !lien." co~ered whereby a perm11one11t cure of thia each. cag9<;1 ti 9\1.SC) Q f pli\ckmailing? "My farm lies in a ra ther low and hitherto incurable disease, is absolutely affect· Andre w Hyland, shoveling snow, $5. Reti1llitiitR bf di'ess goods, lweeds, prints in from one to three applications. 110 :matter ed mlaamatic sitnation; and Hepry Mountjoy, shoveling eno\v, $7. whether standing one year or forty years. '!'his ·each piece a bargain at Mas.o n Bros. remedy is only applied once in twelve days, Council ajourned t o June 1st at 1 p. m , "My wife !" The time for contr oversy is before y ou and does not interfere with business. Descl'ip· 1 "Who .P" WM. LUCAS T. c. i tivc pamphlet sent free 011 receipt of stamp by make an sgreement, not afterwards. "Was a very pretty blonde !" 1 A.H. Dixon & Son, 305 King st.l·eet, West, Pretty-faced girls have ~uch to d o with 'l'wenty years ago, became 'l'oronto, Cnnada. C HEAP GRANGE INS URANC E. WlI..!.'l' I S CATARRlll the popularity of new spring millinery. "Sallow !" Catarrh is a dangerous disl\8.Stl which thous· D S I h "Hollow-eyed !" Every letter of the alphabet is contained ands'o.re consciously or unconsciously suffcrinp: EAR · Ht. - see t at Mr. H. Moulton, "Withered and ag.ad !" in: Aq uickbrownfo:xj umpsovcrthelazydog. !rom. It is a muco·purulent discharse caused of Oreno, has connected my nam o with Before h er tim e, from by the presence of a vegetable parasite in the his cheap company. Perhaps the follow· For Bronchial and Thro<tt Affections, lining membrane of the nose. 'l'he predispo8"Malarial vapors, though she made no lng causes are a morbicl state of the blood, the i ng extracts from the Inspector of Insur. Allen's Lung Balsam is unequO'llled. See particular compla.int, not being of the blighted corpuscle of tubercle, the germ poison a.nee in his repor t to ihe Governmen t of advt. grumpy kind, yet causing me great un- of syphilis, mercury, toxomce, from the retcn- Ontario may 1how some ligh t 011 how the·e tion or the etfete matter ot th& skin, suppressed Buy your spring mantle's at Pierce & easinesa. perspirations. badly ventilated sleeping apart- parties get their insurance so cheap:- "lt Robertson's. We will cut and fit fre e of "A short time ago I purchased your men ta and the germination of other poisons in is too m uch the habit of some M ut ual Comcharg~ to those who buy material. . the blood. Irritated by these, the lining mem · remedy for one of th11 children, who had, brane of the noet1 is ever ready for the recep- paniee, to defer making assessments upon Important to ladies.- Our stock of a very severe a.ttack of biliousnel!s, and it tion ot the parasite, which rapidly spreads up their premium u·o tcs as long as it is possispring millinery is. now ~eplete '. everynostrils' and down the fauces, orthroat: back up of bl e t 0 d Oso, and "ll d . ,·~ me t iia t tlle remed Y m.Ig1 1t I the the throi·t, causing ulceration of the " up t h e gap b Y borrow· thing new and stylish at Pierce & Rob- occurre help my wife, as I found that our little ' the eustachian tubes, causing deafness: bur· ing money from the bank11 or elsewhere, ertson's girl upon recovery had I rowinfl in tho vocal cords, causing hoarsene!l8 · and thtis allow their d ebts to accumulate ' usurpmg the proper structure of the bronclna1 }"'armers will fincl om assortment of "Lost !" tnbe~ ending in pulmonary consumption and year after year. A t emporary popularity Field and Garden seeds the best in town. "Her sallowness, and looked as fresh death. is acheved by this course, bn t it ia a.t the Our new stock now coming in. We inMany ingenious speiflcs for for the cure of expense of large sums in iuterest to the - C>F- as a new blown dai~y. Well the story is catarrh have been invented, bat· without enc·lender, and the inevitable reaction when 8 tend to lead. J . Lyle. 14. soon told. M.y wife , to· day, has gai ned cess, until n physician or long standing tliacov· An exchanae remarks : How' suddenly her oldtimed beau ty with compound in- crcd tho exact nature of th disr;aee and the very large assessment .has to be made to appliance which will permanently destroy meet the demands of clamorous creditora. newspaper ~en and politicians det.ect terest, and is now as ha.ndsome a matron only tho parasite, 110 matter how aggravated the great evil in e~ch ?lher ~nd l.o~dly ac- ('£I do ·t elf) b f d · case. Sufferers should send stamp at once It i~ a line thing for a Company to have to i. say 1 mys · 813 can e oun m for descriptive pt1.mphlet on catarrh. to· the say that a n assessment has not been quaint the pubho with their oprn10ns, this cqunty, which is noted for pretty business mana1rnrs . .A.,. H , Dixon & Son, 305 d f I ma e or so ong 8 time, while a eteady Ayer's Ague Cure acts directly on _the women. And l have only Hop Bitt!)rs Klng street, west, 'l'oronto, Can11od~. liver and biliary apparatus, and drives to thank for it. W i.:at t li e Bev. E. JJ. Stevenson,B.A., a Cle1 ·rn/ average of loss is accuring. 'fhey do not ·m an of tite London , Confercnceo/the llfetho· ?0t\St a t t~e same time that the Company _ out th0 malarial poison which induces "The d ear creature just looks over my dist Church. of Canada, ha11 to say in 9'egm·d 18 bor rowmg money to meet the loss which liver complaints and bilious disorders. shoulder, a,1d says ' I can flatter equal to 1.'o A.H. JJixon & Hor·'-· New Treatment for l Id b b Catal'?·h. s IOU e me t y the pl'Oceeds of assess- 0 lll Warr1mted to cure, or money refunded . the days of our courtship,' and that reOaklans,Ont.,Canada,Marchl7, 1883. ments madointhe current year." Also ' . ' Preserve your teeth by having them minds me there might be more pretty wfoes Messrs. A. fl. Dixo" &.{Jon: take frow the report of !882, as this is · filled before the decay reaelre~ the nerve difo:ey.'~rother fa~~ers would do llS I ha.ve DEAH Sms,- Yours of the 13th Inst. to hand. one of the years that these parties got their and yon will n<~t only sav~ yourself much i It seemed almost too good to be true thlit I am cheap insurance. Jn the ·g range branch · 1 b d d cured of Catarrh, but I know that 1 am. I pain and suffermg but en3oy t he benefit H oprng you may ong e spare to o hnYe had no return of the disease, and ne\·cr they paid losse& $8, 547,02; the ~eueral J of having good teeth in after years. good, I thankfully remain. felt bet. L or in my life. I ht1.ve tried 80 many branch $2005,80; they paid in intere ~t things for Catarrh, suffered so much and for G B I <&"09 62 .l.1 ~ By taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla many a C. L. JAMES. so many years, that it is hard to realize that range r~nc i, ""' · , general branch, poor ~ufferer who submits to the surgeon's BEL'l'SYIL.LE, Prince George Co., Md.,} I am really better. $13.50. What does this look like taken knife because of malignant sores and May 26th, 1883 I consider that. mine was a very bad case; it with the above1 I wonder how a company scrotnlous swellings, might be saved, was aggravated cbronic,l!nvclving the ' -=-.t-i . 'tl t b h r throat as well 'as and tbe nasal passage.a. and .I ISO strong as Mr. Moulton makes out sound and whole. This will purr,e out """ on oue !"C llUtlle label. W l ' ion · "' unc 0 green tbou~ht "t would 1·~uire the three treatment·, would ever have to pay interest . . P erhaps · · · 1 Hops the white !Shun all tho vile, ~ 1 the corruptions which po~ute t he bl_o?d, poisonous stuff with "Hop" or "Hops" in their but I feel fully our by the two sent me. and Mr. Monlton would favour us with a card and by which such complamts are or1gm- name. toa:O~~ankful that I was ever i nduced to send of thanks from Mr. Carscadden who was ated and fed, ..- EE · You u.t'e at liberty to use this letter ata.ti~g burned out on 1tlr.. Ja1nesRntledge'sfar1n. AT the Bowmanville barber shop, opChildren's suits, for $2 at Mason Bros. that I have lioen cured at two treatments. and How promptly they set tled his claim and I shall gladly recommend your remedy to some how well they used him. Mr. Casey posite the Post Office, the very best t obacco FIVE car loads of Liveroool and Canacl- o[lmy Mends who aro sulferers. is sold at cost price, although ther e are ian Salt at :Murdoch Bros~. Yours, with many thanks, Trull c&n thank llis stars that his ~hilcken HEv. 1£, H. S'!'E\'ENSON. were !)laying with fire, instead of matches, some would have you think otherwise, so 'l'he largest and most complete stock of And hundrede of others. for if they had been his policy would have dont pay 5 cents a plug for smoking tobacco when you can get 2 for 5 cents at Gentq furnish ing6 a t :Mayer's. · been void. Yours truly, A good suit of clothes all wool tweed, H eavy Tweed Suits, a job lot at $5.00. Pethick's and all other kinds at wholesale THOlUI': BINGUAM. men' s size,fo1· $7,50 at M ason Bros. Ellison & Co. · llowmanville, April 10, 1885. J?rices. KING STREET E AST, BOWMANNILLE.. DEAR To the Rditor of th.i Statwnrtn. VICTO:El-Y! VI CTORY ME ANS = =-=- ----- - ----- - , · --· · . I KALSOM I NE, all shades, PEA C E, P L EN TY & PROSPERITY. THE CHA THAM BINDER A'. LEE & EOSALL 'S. I I I r1r I ' I !J9 1 LEVI TC?LE, Enniskillen. I ANOTHER ARRIVAL I New and Fashionable Dress Goods. New Silk and Kid Gloves IN NEW SHADES, CATARRH. l MEW LAOIS & l'AtlA80l.8 just opened out at MASON BROS. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, &c. 0 BIC DISCOUNT SALE OU H a v1ng . bought the ent1·re s t ock ·. f s ash Bl· d s D oors and M Id -· 1ngs held by us of the Rathbun Co., we w1·11 o"'er a 0 DISCOUil · t 0 f 20 per . c't· fo r THIRTY d a ys. · . McCLELLAN & Co.,