~~~ ~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~· ~.~~·~~~=·~ ·~~~~~f-~i%~li.li&i!!ID&!li~·~·~~~~~~~~·~~~~ai:Z~2~~~np~"f!l~ ·9">~ '11'~W~·S~:tf.".l91:~U~·~!l!~M~!~V~t~#~ili£i~~=t~~~d~;~g...~~9&~~~~~ ~ ... ~~~~~~~J.'.!S"~ ~- T - E--S-TI_M_O_N_IA LS. Hig~!:i~:h~fo!i:f~u~~:~t~~seinp& 'l'M WarninJv!:.~m the Hake lA. TESl, FR 0 HEAD QUARTE ·Sm Bowmanville Boot and Shoe Emporium. It enabks us to wake the moet of life with :N<J t lonCY sioce there moved t o Cheate1" Da1linglon, 1\farch, 10th, 188:'\ the lea.st wear 11nd with the gri:atei!t en· ;;on"' middle-aged man and his wife, to To the Dirrrtor.q of the D nm.fr1:inn G'l'rtnae joyruent. ~stii.,r with a large family of childre11 Ji1v...t,u,al. Ins1r,rance Association: With it is conn<>cted a vigorous dig es rhf1Y came from N e1v England, and pur A large and well selected stock of goods suitable for t he spring and GrcITT'Uii:~H::-<,-ft n.U'orcl s me plcasrtre t,o con· vey tn yo>1. my th:.uil<s f.1r the prom pr. pa.v_ ment bion. Its poseossora incline to eat more oha1ud a place on which stood one d tht surr.mer trade, is offlrecl at the lowest possible paying all-around cf $1169 fo1· the lo$S d my honse ancl ortlmary than Is n11eded to sap ply nervous force to oldoRt and best .known he uses to b,, founo c011tents under Policy No. !035, wh 1cl1 occuretl price!', at the about tho 10th .Tanunry last. 'i'he cu.use of the the machinery t,f the system, or to make m th0 whole cruntry. 'Ih.iy moved tr. fire is unk1wwn, bt1t suppose hav<l been by the ~ood its incessant waste, for they a.re either ei;,rly rpriog, and when May came, nr.tur chilrlren playing with the fir<'\ 'l'h~settl~mcnt -of you1· Comp1tnY by cbeq11e is qmte sat1sfactunconscious of harm from undue indul· >ily began to xplore the place more fully -0ry to tne, and I can conftdent.ly recommend gem:e, or they raol~-ly rit.lly from its im Oue day Mra. Chnles, a la.rge, whole ~our association to my fello 1~~;r~r;j_;RULL . mediate effects. To this claas belong thofe ,.0 uted wcm1l.n, "hh a strcng religicu· 0 who live to eall, inatead of eating t,o l:ve. rempFra.ment :i.lmc1;t verging up:m super . 00 S, To Horace klonllon, Ayent'!Jf the D. G. F. I. Wt are not mere aniruala. We were stition, came apo'1 a"l old bake·ovell Co., Orono . made to be, predominantly, moral and in- which ".ll·i beu1 med in t?ady time11, bu· I hereby certifty tlui.L"my;property was insurtellectual beings. Now nature allows no long ago abandox'ed. A~ Mrs. Che.des 9 ed in your Company ror ::)2000 for which it only one no violate her law~ wit.h impunity. fa.mUy was 11\rge, ahe determined to make cost me $2.72 per year, or $-&,l_fl {:tci,~·~{s~~~s. We exalb the bestial in ua only at the ex· u5 e of the ovrn, for the next Saturday't Our expenses in conducting business are very small. We save larg~ Orono, .April 8th, 18&5. pense of our hill,her nature. Some of the baking. Sh-:i hated in, put in her dough, discounts by paying p rompt cash for goods, and cannot be under~ To Horace llf;;;uon-::Aoent ~J the D. G, F. I . Roman emperors thus came to be more and the result was sfx magnificent loaveE Thif Jtng:ra'fla( npr·HDW th· t.ua.p lu a onub1 at.at-e.,a Co., 01'ono. sold by an;rone doing a square t rade. brutish than the brute. They were, of I of very bemptlr g bread. But on the bot· 1 hereby certify tll at my_ property "'.as _insur THE REMEDY FOlt CURING oourse, rxtremecaaee-veritable monsters, tom of one of the loavrs ap_peared tht Ed in yonr Comp11ny for $5000 for which 1t only cost $G 57 per JOUl' or $19. 7l for three yea1·s. But even the great pulpit orator of Eng- statem ent : "Died June 15," in old fash. ' JAMEB LEASK. . land once wrote, "I ate like a hog, and 1 iooed but well defined text.. The fact Taunton, April nt h , 1885. preached like a hog." Ma.uy a man of dfacoucertad the hmily, and their feeling ~ · ~\ ASTHMA, CROUP, will be fully up to therequirements of the public. T o Horace llfoulton Aoent of the D . G. F. I. lofty powers and position has been, for amounted to consternation, when week ALL D IS EASES OF THE T HROAT, LUNGS, AND Co.,01'ono. lh\l time, utterly shorn of his strength after wetk the same s·atement appe~r.ed PULMONARY ORGANS. I hereby certify t,bat my propP.rty ~as insured through the demand made by his stomach on the breai- " Died June 15.' Mrs. in your Company for$9~0 fol' whi ch tt only cost MAT:B-:BIAL, BY l TS F"A l"flil U L USE on his brain. He who ls tt.us yielding Charle~ wit.h her slightly superstiticm me $1.<iS per year, or $5.01 for t~:epI'i~stNs CONSUMPTION HAS BEEN CURED, BEsr_r vVORl~MANSHIP, daily to the uway of hiu lower nature can- tum tb'.ought It mea.nt h1_r, and, as th£ Osacu., ApTil 1st 1885. L 'Vhen other Remedies and P hysicians have , - - - -- not reach the full oa.pa.hility of his higher. date'a.poroached ~raduaJ!y grew iil. 8c ~.. fa iled to dfect a cure. · FarmP.l'S you can now see from the above FITS~ If he does not embrute himself, he must strong-was the power , f im~gination, in how little dependence there is in 'i'homas BingRec01r.me iide d by PHYSICIANS, :M1NIST EHS,ANO come far short of the full stature of his taob, thab the day before the fatal <'ne ham or any one .else w.ho says the Domin~on Nu . HSES , I n fact by everybody wh o has Give us a ca ll and ~·:;_;r~ gie above to be established facts.:- - ~:. Fire Insnr:.tnce Company ls a humbug, Yon m 1mhooo. · named found her in bed a very ill woman, \\. g iven it a gooJ trial. it never /ails . ~ · 1 will see from tho above atatement th.it 1t only But thtlre. is another penalty wh ich falls and firmly convinced that the next -lay "'w~. to brine relief. ' costs aboiithalfv.s much to iusm·ein this Comupon our physical power·. Where more would ~e !:!er laat. T!:;; t>ewii vf Th'!:~. .pany as in a S tacie Conipan11. As an EXPECTORANT it has no Equal· --- 0 15 H . MOULTON, Agent, Orono. lti tood is eaten than is aesimihted, ib ls dll· I Charles' illnesa spread. a.broad and finally \<· It is harmleso to tho Most Delicate Child. posited as encumbering fat ; or it under- I reached the eare of a.r. old re~ider.ter, who goes chemical changes tha.t give. rlse ~u lost no time in getting to the home of the I.+ con!.;filS no OPIUM i11 any form. gout; or ib evlhmee tihe k1dne:ye m their sitk wcme.n. He found her in what ahe GDircctions accomp:iny each bottle. Continues t o do a General Banking Business a struggle to eli~inate it_; oritoongeatothe thcughther last hours, but qnickly exW For sale by a ll Druggists. tsBo wmanvlllu1Dranch. stoi:nacn and 11ver; or it breaks down the plained that;, many yeua before, he had bra.m with softening or with apoplexy. helped to build tha.t bake-even, and had DEPOSITS <:ONSlf~IP'l'lON <:URED.-.°'"n om ph:f~ician, Received in Savin Ks Bank Depr.i·tment and retired rrotu practice. .huving had placed in his M'-111 of high hea.lth ought to live a hu~· ueed for one of the bottom sl11ba a part of ·call a._na'illterest,allowed at current rates. 1'.l · hands by anl~astindio. missionary the formu la nred years ; thev arc apb to fail of thelr ant ld tombabone tha.t bad been spoilt notice of withdrawal necessary. All deposite of a simplu vp,get.aultl remedy r.or the speedy t'.ircescore and ten. in the c11ttfo1Y. Everybcdy ln the n"ighp!\yable on demand, . and permanell t cnre ofCousnmpt10n.Bronch1t1~. -81.1r, mgn hea.ith may bo abused in the boi·hoocl, he ~aid, knew about tl is per uCatarrh Asthma and all throat and Lung Af· EXCll/\.NGE Ita possoasor liarity cf ol<l H!innah Kendrick's takefcctions: also a positive and radical cure. for dire otion of the lntellcb, Ner\·ons Debility anrl all uc1·vous Complamts, Bought and sold and Drafts issued upon Eurc.pe. a.Cter having tefted its wonderful cu:·ativ:e c!l.n work montally more hours aday than oven and sbould have told the newcom· Unitecl States and Canada, also Qold,Silver and uowers in thousitnds or cases, has fen it his others \\ ithou ~ ex:ha.ustion ; can curtail era. It only remains to add that Mra. United Stutes Greenbacks bought and sold, duty to make it known to l11s suiferin< fellows. sleep ; can neglect ph;edcal f xerc!s_e i ?an Charles' iuperatition rapidly gave way, Actuated by this motive an<I "desire to relieve COTJ.. LECTIONS hururm suffering, I will send free of cha1·ge, to carry greatloads of care and respon~1.b1hty. and h~r health as rapidly imprc.ved. all who desire it., this recipP, in German,Jfrench, Now, with anch there comea to be, m time, ·------·- ---· ---.--Promptly made iit current rates upon ull part or English, with full dire?tion3 for p~cp~l'i,ng a. mighty momentum towards and beycnd A Highway Talc, and using. Sent by mail by a.dclrcssmg .v1th of G1·eat Brittain, the United States and Do I was "on the tramp," finding my w;,:y stamp, namino; this paper, W. A. NvYK>l }J9 ~he limita of aafeby, ani either t11~ic own minion of Canada. Power's Blocl.lloohestc1· N. Y. 4o hablrn, 011 the inflttence with which they to Cambridge by the turnpike !'oad, '.l'clegraph Ti·ansf'er~ surround themselves, lead to the pa.rtial When about three rriles from the cmd d where there will be found a complete assortment of every kind of · Ol' complet<:i breakdown of' their brains. my journey I saw a cha.p drop dowly out Made tor large or small sums on all parts of footwear from the smallest to the largest. These are the sa.ddesb ofall Wl'ecks. But of the wood that lined one ~lde of the Canada. This ls especially advamageoue to persons living in Mamtoba or the North-west To the Harlfo,-d F-ire Insul'ance Co. t \ey are numerous. road. I pushed on with my wallet over If we cannot fit you with a ready-made pair, we can make you any .a s it 'llakes the funds availa.blo at once at the I hereby return I.hanks. for the prompt. pay- - - -·- - ' my shrnlder, dreading nothing. Aa I place of payment. kind that may be needed, in the latest style. ment by your agent, Mt'. 'l'hos. llinghllm, for J osb Gillings' lUa:xims. ca.me up he met me in fronil. I expected For further particulars co.II at the Banking damaf;(e dono to my house by tire. I receiYecl a Ct\Sh check by rot urn m a il after my claim to have hia "good mornin~," salutation, House. 111.US. C. C. BUltK. was forwar:ied. Mos~ pe0ple are like an egg, to phnll but he silently and s ul!en! y put his hand GEO. McGILL, T.BRODIE, Manager To the Manage1's of he Glasgow and London of themselvei3 to h old anytliing efoe. Accountant. on my bundle and eaiJ, ·· I want thit." ·Y Fire lnsui·ance Co. Carioaity is the germ ov all enterprises Well, I did fael he was a cool chap, but I ~GI hereby return r.ho.r.ks for the prompt pa.y· -men di; for woodt:ht:cks moxe for ouri· answe1ed hirn hy f.aying. ··Now, it's a ALWAYSREA!>Y ment by your agent, Mr. Thos. Bingham, for osi1v than th~y do fol' wood' hudrn. pity that you wanta my wdkt, i;s I wa.nta dama(!e 10 my house whi~h was iusnred in_ the neatly done so that the patch can scarcely be discovered. Sovereign l<,i 1 ·e rnsn:rauce Co.· having received ·r"hare iz lorn ov pho~ka in this wo·ld it too-my working togs L1 in it." Htl co.oh check by return of mnil o.i'ter claim was who kan keep nine out ov ten ov the made no rli'ply, hut. bimp'y put his l:and :M.R:S. C. C. BU ttK. sent in. comrmmdments wi~l10u~ enuy trouble at I fL·m on my bundlti tn t;;.k.e !t <ff my stick. From the above settlement of clro,im parties &ll, bu~ 1h0 on~ tnat is ltift tht1y ka,r.t [ b1>gan to th1r.k I n:u.:t leek ~harp to ~ Al leviate j~' holding Soverei11:n Policies will see that they also the · hold my own. Su l al-'p3 cut my rnrg ai-e all rig·ht., and they need not P.al'. auy at.tell ke."P tihe .small end ov. . , . t ion to the a gent of the Domuuon Grange 'i'hereu numcron3 md1ndua1a mtbelana1rnvcsroyo1d tf'gs iuhisha.nasaud lBest humbug or any ooe dse who are going round la.nd who lo· 1k upon what t~ey h~in't got wiLhout a. word I brought it down l ·ll his "' teliinµ; folks that their SoYereign Policies are no ji"ood, az the only thlnJ worth havwg head with such a thu.1 that f.e foil, t1ud h d p] · 11 P AJ::t·rn AND H,V3 THOS. BINGHAM, Ona man ov gerius to V7 tho U$8.~d f.ourj set the c-ld togs at hb... riy. I pitb 'em No trouble to s ow goo s. ease give us a ca . BowMANvu,r,i,: hundred an~ 42 men ov ta.lent ;z J ust J up and adjuahd my bundle o~e_r . my 'rbat OM, Reliable Killer ofl.'o.in - - - - - - - about tha right proporsbuu for aci,ual 'shoulder, and thOU!,hb I should pa.rt Jnnd· 1Vhothf:!r Initcrna,l or Extn·rn<t!, bizzin~ss. . ly with h'm ; BO I llfh;d my right fooc, P<-'1·1·11 Dnvls' l'a'Ln J<Ult"1' slun,ltl /;a1.'e a, place {,., cm:-1·y J/aclory, ltTnch:ine Sh.o-p nn.<l Th&rtl Ls menny a ~l·p between a cup heavily laden wibh a ahod clc g, and C:rove - .....----,,.===-· -==·=-~-===============~=====-==::;:=== ..1'11ll, on e·ve'P-Y l?t1,rn1, <t·llfl in ov<."ry 11.otuwInaure in the ConfeJetation Life As~o · and a lip, ()!.lb not half r z menny i z ths.re it in t'! his ribs, saying, "'good.day ftiend ltold , 1·e<.rrl1J ffrr i:rnined·il.f.te U-.5-'r·, 'IU>l o·uly for lt is che;i.per than Lhe Can?.dian ought _tew be. _ . r 'opes you'rn comfortable." I left him Acci.clents, Cut.91 lh"1t'Lw~.-.;, ctv .. butf'<n· ]JouH l cia.twu. CMnplai1tt. ' i, such as Di(l,1·}·Ju:v11, :l>t1scutr?·y, Mntnal Aid, A. 0. U. W. or 11ny pa·e a.RatMr tha.1~ .not have faith m e?nv- lying there wery quii;,t, a.ud i,rudged ontoCholr~r(f. Lnfantu:ni, :jlldd""" C:u1,Js, Chill~, 1 round yom· h11t insritution, a8 the follow- hhing, I an w1 nng to ba beat nine times warda Cambridge. Whan I got to the tollNeu1·algi<r, ere., etc. /:iolil ev:!-1·yu·ite1·<'. l ·i 'ice, 20c, 2.0c <n1tl 150.J p,..,. .lJotllt>. ing ex(lmples will prove: 'l'hos . MoClnug ou~ of 10. . . ba.r I saw a apring-n.n standing a,t it, and DAVJS & I,AWRE:-JCF: CO. J,imHctl. hus been i nsured smce 1872 for$2,000>rnd Tho two most 1mportimb words m enny two biue-coats breide the horse's head. ___ W _ boleE.al e .Af;-(l" Dti.:, 1,foutrca _l_ . _ __ tile last five years it only cnst. him $2.55 langu3,g a ars the shortest, "Yea aud N .l.' I began to , ee I might be in a tr.a.p now. per 1nin um on each $1,000 to in~ure. J0hn --.._.._~ You know11 a guilty man id c..o.vardJy, but l\1cClung insured at t.he same t; mo for t he A Railroad Acruss Asia. Ifacedup and ~vaa a -paasing 'em when 011e same amount arid i t only co~t him $1. 74 of 'em shouts, " Rtllo, did ye see any· Uaa receiveil be1· new stock of Mora than any other faotor, ste!l.rn has body on tho road ?" W .;lJ, I wondered ptir aunnm ou tlach $1,000 to insure, he bee1l't.ho pobeut means o.f Engl; n i's com· if the telegraph hc.d been a.·tellirg tales, bt!ing a little younger. We certify the above to be conect. Thos, mercia! eitension a.nd su p rema.c:y. Not but ii.s I had only defor.dcd myself, I tells and invites the La.dies of Bow- l\'IcOlung, J<Jhn McC!ung. only do ll1:1r steamern carry her gana or ' em I had mob a chap, and how he had THOS. BfNOHA.iVI, Agent . he;r m~m,facturea to ev<;ry port, but her coveted my bits 'o thiI:g,s, 'owl declJned man ville and vicinity to call railroads µrnetrate the continents. An parting with old flienda aa might ba u2eand see her Pattern iron road. from Ca.ntou to c~lcutta 3eema ful ; e.ad as we could no b agree, we diffar· now within tho ken of this century. A ad and thEy migtt find him t aking an steel t1·ack from Peking to P.i.rls-tha involu::itary wo1ze two or three miles on and assortment o± chimera of to-d,\y-ma.y be the achieve· thti way. 'Ih11y he11j{lyed my yarn, i;,nd ment of the Twenttlth Century. The cays they," Now, see h.:re, 'ave yc,u any 1 mgin0sring d:tlfou!ties ara not great. ho jtctions to go back and show m the Mr. co:quhoun's proposed line will run fellow 1" " Oa no, " says I, " prowiding We have the EXCLUSIVE sale of these Watches, which cannot be &est In tllC w o l'ld . .'.U:ide only by tl1c }'n·· fr.om .Ba.ngJi:ck to the .bo1·dern of Yunnan, yoa drive me back to town. " So as l S'l"Cl>E:i: :-ScCQlHl Ooor We~# .a.f WHH:nn > Butcbt:'.r ~-· u lJ ze1.· L ubricntol· Co1111>nuy, nt Chh~ago. Nc'v the rich Chinese provmoe. A short trans- drives with them they tells me 'ow a beaten for time. York and St. l,o:ds , SOLD EVEll YWfIEllt.!£. yerse br~~ch will bring the.Slu.\u prod~ca gent had got a bundle of Bank of Eug· We have a reason to be thankful for past favors during forty year.;s mto British Burmah. Ships may tn ua land not es taken off him out ·hare by a. in business here. load e.t Ita.ngoon for Live.rpool. avoiding fe1lo iva5 came oa t of the wood. I th en i;he long deto~r around the Malay pen· began to see 'ow L had he~c~ ped. a rf'gular Now our st ock is one of the largest in the Dominion and we will msula. .Poas1bly t hey may g.1 from 'igh waym:i.n. 'Ve gets up tu him; there Bangkok, through t,he project.:id canal to he lay as I left him, The bundle of notes ---"<>'>- - be cut in the Isthmus of .Bxaw. was fo und on hirn. We pltohed him intq the van ; and in due conree he was pun· regarding no man, either Jew or Gentile. B t Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Travelling Bags etc., in great variety. CONSUMPTION, COUGHS, COLDS, 7 Q UR HOME-MADE VVORK BEST 1 AND BEST I J. HELLYA R~ THE ONTARIO BANK · Keep your feet dry and warm, Cards of Thanks. Good fits warranted every time or no sale. 0 E :M: E N'°"TI ~ ~J~t Trunks and Satchels will be kept in stock ; I quality of Dressing and Blacking -~~-~--~ Cheap Life Insurance. I STAND :- N eads' Block. W'. JEN~lINGS. 1 GOODS., BONN E1·s, HATS ROCKFORD AND AURORA TRIMMINGS W- ATC:S:ES_ 0 1 il!· tr·n~.RAP·H~ .vu ll·il1i "0' I H: RY~s Sell Cheaper than the Cheapest, .lF RIEJ'i D S, W ~ UNDERTAKINC! -::13'Y- New Photo Rooms ARE NOW OPEN. Stund fornierly occn1·ic<l by the l'ost Office. KING STJtlmT, qJould.n' Endure Shirt Slee'l·es. ished. I am fully prepared to attend Funerals on the shortest notice, at the !owes t possible rates. askets and Buria!Caecsready on short notice irst-class hearse on very moderate t·erm~. Shrouds a nd Coftlns constantly on hand, Fun ral cards supplied at once. Furniture Shop & how Reoms-Bounsall'sNew Block. n furniture sold by me is 1,naue by the U. C urniture Co. o!Bowmu.nv11le. I do n ot buy slop furniturennd represent it to have been made by the U. C. F. Co. of this town. Also agont for tbeLI·QUOR 'l'EA for this town and vicinity. It is cheap and as good as can be got in the market. A valuable prize given with every pound., « l EV! MORRIS. BO 'V.7J.v.f.A.1'TV"ZL:X:.. E. The Gallery is first-class in all its appoint me.nts, an d furnished in a comfort able manner. There will be no poor wor.k allowed to leave the rooms, and these who favor me with a. call can rely on being pleased ~The instantenous process only will be used for P hot,ographs. C ome in and s ee m e . THE VICTORIA. FLQ 200 8 R. fI. HENRY. T E EL . FOH, SALE. -w- s Some of the ladies employed in the treMury at Washiugt.on are very.nervous. If they were men they would be discharged on arcounn of the bother they give. There ta in the treasury at present a h.dy who was the daughter of a very prominent for· mer pu blio officta.l. She was educated and brought up with the moat luxurious .iurroundings. Her father fa iled a fe w years before he died 1md she was left pen· nilesa. Her friends secured her a place m the treasury. She is so nervous and delicate, however , that ehe cannot be re lied upon for any regular work. The othtir day she nearly went into a fit of hysterics because ehe was obliged.to sit in a room nexb to a clerk who waa in his shirt 1J!eeves. She went to ono of the assistant secretaries and made such a wild oomplaint upon the subject that it was with the greatest difficulty that he_could c~lm IM No "Lodge" Nonsense. Many wives have complained of their ut ter inability to keep thtiir husbanda at home NI "lodge nights," but Mrs Alex· antler Harvey, of G loucester, N. J ., la a woman whom bra.in ia fertile in expe· dients. She made up her mind shortly after her ma.rriage not t o atand any ·'lodve" nonsense from her h usband. With Mrs Harvey to resolve was e quivalent to carrying out her purpose, and it soon came to pass th11,,t M r Harvey re· mained a.way from. his lodge-room night afber night. He remained at home be· cause he wae phy~ica.lly u nable no go out, bub the cause of his disability he did not lea.i:n until later. F inally he discovered tha.t Mrs .Rar.,.ey wa.a in the ha.bit of ap · plying crotcn oil to the Inside of certain of his garments, and the result was a n umber of eruptions on his limbs, which caused him !l'reat pain. For twelvemonths he wa.a su bj ect at odd times to t hese er~ptions, and when the cause was explained it may be readily understood that he was the maddest man in New Jersey· .A. sepuation took place, and upon Mrs Harvey's a pplication for alim iny the in j nred husband made all fa.cte public. The case excites great merrimenu, and bids fair to ra.nk es a cc iuse celebre. England wants Komar<>,ff to "c?nie <?ff, " as the boys say. She thmks he lil liemg. Miss Ka.ta Stephens, professor of Greek and literai me in the Kansas State Un1ver dty, has been compelled to resign, she says because she is a woman. A boy in one of the public school!!, while engaged in defining words, a few days eince, made a m istake that was not a mistake. He said, " A demagogue i11 a vessel that holds beer, wine, gin, whiskey or any other kind of intoxicating liquor. M. EA N B lJ§l.riE SS. A .... 4LRON BUCKLERe Wedding Rings in great variety. 9-!lm GREAT CLEARING SALE - - OF - - DRY GOODS AND CLOTHiriGI ON SATURDAY, 18TJI INST., We will begLu a Great Clear-ng Sale of our immense stoc'k of Dry Goods aud Clothing. We quote no prices but we are certain our customers will be surprised a t the sweepin reductions in every department. do~-~:._·._~- ff.ARD POINTS AND SOLES to fit some twenty kinds of Plows kept in stock, and sold ti.t BOTTOM: PRICES for C11.s1:e. Old cast-iron taken i n exchange W. PORTER. .At t.he old stand, King und Liberty Streets Bowman ville l4-2m, D VERTISJ;RS? send for our Select Liat of Local Newspapers. Geo, P . Rowell & Co.. 10 Spruce St, N. Y. . A r !'!'i'.· This Cut represents the popular Victoria ave. It is a.~'.iased with the h~ir falling on e forehead, and the <.>nd_s meet m ~ontagucs. is e:ii:ceedingly becoming, and is having a lilo>ii;e run. 'Vhe above style, with large number of other 1equally becoming styles , are made by MRS. A. DAVIS, ov M. Mayr s atore on the ragged edge !snow ren dered tottering on the slippery b-rink. A Ha.ckensock woman set a speckltd h en on a dried apple pie, and in three weeks the hen hatched fourteen night· ma.rea with blue ribbons on their ta.Ha. H~nglng ll.'lants Used lJy IIan. The numbH of plants used by man at the present tim a, does not exceed 3000. Of these, al}out 25CO a.re cultivat ed in America. The varieties used for food do not r x:ceed 600. Q [ edible fru lt11 and seeds t here are 100 clafs3d as vegehi.blea, 100 as roots and bulbs, 50 varieties cf gmln, about 20 of which produce sugar and syrup. In addition to this, perhspij 30 kinds will yidd nil, and six kinds wine. The number of medicine-su pplying plants is nearly double that of the fruit-yielding, amounting t o 1140 about 350 of which are empbyed in the various branches of industry. Of the latt er, 76 furnish dyest offi, eight wox: , 16 salt, and m ore than 40 supply food for cattle. There a re no fewer than 250 kinds of poisonous plants cultivated, among which are only 66 of a. narcotic sort, the r emainder being classed as deadly poison. Win~r Clothing will Very tempting~bargains be offered extra cheap. In the Tailoring Department will be offered. We mean to prove beyond dispute that we cannot be undersold. ELLISON & CO., 13owmanville, Octobe r 16th, 1884.