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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1885, p. 7

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S.A.:L.Lm'S Vegetable Sicilian FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 1885. A PATHETIC STORY. A Three Yc1u's l'j2'(l Beside J)aughtcr. .,OBBERIES. Exetltn!l? !·' ·pelieuoos her Dead To-day, beyond all question, Germany cure diseases of the scalp, and the first suo- is the foremost war power of the world. cessful restorer of faded or gray hair to ita It is as near perfect in its organization of means of offence and defence as iB posnatrmtl color~l'_owth, aud youthful beauty. sible to human agencies. .Among the qual· It has had many imitators, but none have so lties on which it relies greatly for success fully met all the i·equirements needful for is ita aubordin'.\tion of hu.nanity, philanthe proper treatment of the hair and scalp. HALL'S HAm RENEWER has ateallilY grown thropy. and all elae of a sentimental na· in favor, and spread Its fame ai1d usefulnelll ture to the sole end of victory, which it to every quarter of the globe. I ts unparnl- purposes to reacb by the shortest possible Jeled success can be attl"ibuted to but one route. wholly irrespective of what humane cause: tlte cntirefulJ!lment of its 1n·omise1. obetaclea shall bar its progress· .An emin'l'he proprietors have often been surprised ent German military writer, no less a perat the receipt of orders from remote counson than Von Moltke himself, In comtries, where they had never made 11.u eJ.J'ortfof menting ·, n the proceedings of the Brussels its Introduction, -:ionference, says : " The greatest benefit 'l'ho use for a short time of lIALL's HAID attendant or conseq a ent upon war ia the RE:! wonderfully improves the perrapid termination of it, and to thab end sonal appearance. lt cleanses the scnlp from every available means mu~ t be allowed to nll impurltles, cures all llumors, fever, and stand ab our service. In no sense can I clry11(1ss, and thus prevents baldness. n admit that the 'weakening of the hostile stimulates the weakened glnncls, and enal.Jlea combatant power' is the solitary proceed· them to pnsh forward a new aud vigorous ing justified in Wat'. No; all the sources growth. '.J.'ha effects of this article are not transient, liko those of alcoholic preparn.- of aid to the hostile government must be assailed; their finances, railway11, means tioas, but remain a Jong time, which makOi of aubsistence, even their prestl ge." These its use a matter of economy. opinions cf the venerable chief of staff drew down upon him the animadversions of some of the humanitarians, whereupon l!OR TITE a writer in the German "Year Book" re· Fponds, saying: "This nickly sentlmen· WHISKERS tality of our tlmea, which becomes contin· Will change the beard to a natural brown, ually more and more aggressive, this unor black, as rlesired. It produces a permanent r ipe. vapid delirium on the subject of hu- ed for soma of those dear departed ofoen- enabled him to evade pursuit. Returning color that will not wash away. Consisting of . ·: · manity, really destitute of decenoy, now times require as much t lme in building aa to the of cattle, he took service with a single preparation, it is applied without a palace hotel. Some!ng to be large stock-raisers. This gave him an op · claims a proof of the tenableness of its trouble. ravings in the fact, for which It is alone to translated to the old spot of their child portanity to famlllarize himself with the PREPARED BY blame, that our field martial has been hood or to frieuds now living far away. routes from Denison to the Black Hilla. strenuously attacked almo11t at all hands- And, again, the love of a father or mother, All this time his arrangement& for outlawthe military of ccurse excepted,-and de- husband or wlfe, brother ur 11lster, often ry on a greater 2c1Lle than heretofore were Sold by all Dealers in Medicines. pleted as of cruel and uncivilized mien." · seeks to retain the coffin as long as possi- being p erfected. In September, 1877, the The undersigned respectfully announce to the citizens of So far as the Germans are concerned, ble. as if in committing lt to the bosom of fo rce of hia organlz~blon was shown in his recop:nize no obstacle which should be the earth the dead a second time torn great train-r obbery at Big SprlngB, Neb., Bowmanville and surrounding district that they have bought , TOR ALL THE FORMS they and Joel Collins. Bill Hoatling, Thomas allowed to impede their march to victory. from their tenderness and love. OF This elegant woman, veiled and clad ln N ixon, and J e.ekson Davia assillted him iu Prof. Lender depicts a battlefield which ls MR. T. P ATERSON's stock of Dry Goods, and will carry on the_ Scrofulous, Mercurial, nnd covered with the conntless numbers of the black, the.t glides through the door of the ~his dep?edati?n. They got $60,000, all Bloo(l Disorders, Madeleine every morning, is a mother. m $20 gold pieces. A. short time afcer " horribly wounded and maimed of both .A mother who lost her daughter ere she the robbery Colllns a.nd Hoatling were business in the same stand. the best remedy, because the armies, frightfully crying for help." most searching and thorough had attained her 20th year, and who w:as killed by a sheriff'11 posse, and the $30,000 "What," he~a&ks, "can do greater Tiolence blood-purifier, Is to every human emotion, what more hardly ever out of that mother's sigh.t tlll that came to them out of the booty--recover· The stock is being sorted up with NEW and FASHIONABLE tore her rudely away.. ed. Jackson Davia was also killed, and Ayer's Sarsaparilla. heart"rending, what more nnbearableeven death How old was that mother who seemed the $10,000 he rec11ived the pursuers in thought to every feeling person. than Sold by all Druggists ; $1, six bottles, &IS. GOODS suited to the season, and we solicit the patronage of the Idea that these terribly suffering ones, now only to live for the dead 1 Those found upon his person. Basa and Nix .in her could not guess. Her mien went to Fort Worth, Tex., shadowed by who saw Instead of receiving the promptest, most all former customers, and request all persons requiring Dry solicitous care, must be subjected to was simple, but 1nvolunta.ril7 retiring. detectives. During the nut few montlur greater torture, to mutilation, to deutruc· Her step was light, and her carriage easy Bass participated in three express robber ti JU I And ytit the objecn (1f the battle con· and graceful, even amid the gravity of her las, but the spoils amountfd to nothing Goods to favor us with an early call and inspection of our COST ONLY $2.00 AT ten<ied for, and to bring about the accom- daily pilgrimage. She descended with compan·d with the Big Splings alfa!r. ln plishments of which all thEse great sac- familiar step the dark and narrow stair- July, 1878, he planned an attack: on the goods and prices. Ronnd Rock, Tex. While on the rifices have been made-the d.,ciding of way that led to the corridor op·:ming the bank at NEWCASTLE· 48·ly. the day-demand11 a charge, an advancd chamber of the dead, halt lit up with a few eve 0 1 accompll.shi11g thia robbery dfi 0er& Our stock comprises the best staple goods in the market. in mass of the cavalry, of the batteries. straggling ra.ya ,,flight. There eh., stop- in pursnlt of Bass and his gang corralled Can anything more dlstresiog be iiii.agin · ped at least an hour-sometimes two-and them in Henry Koppel's etore where Bass u g will be sold at lowest prices for cash only. was buying sumt:i tobacco. A fierce fire and everythi_ ed. 1 And yet. he would not only be a bad often thr·'e. A prledien was awaiting her. She ensued, 1-e~ulting In the death of .Barnes commanding officer, he who even upon such oonsideratione as these, would allow knelt on it, and prayed and wept and wept one of Baso' men, and Deputy Sheriff OF CANAD.A. REST, $U0,000 deflections,delay sand the dlsastroua neglect and prayed before a little cha.pal, the only Grimes. Ba.11$ fled to the woods, wherein CArITil. $1,000,000. _...,_ of the determiued inst ant of t'ie storrui1 g luminous point amid the dark surround- at dawn the n~xt day, hia pursuers found This Bank ls prepared to do Legiti- advance, but he would be also and simply ings. From time to time she would inter· him, lying under a tree, fatally wounded. THOS. TOD, } mate Banking in all its branches. a traitor to his country, violating his rupt her devotions to arrange or rearrange Sergt. N i!V ille and hii rangers, apµroaoh- CHAS. TOD, Jr. Farmers notes discounted ; Deposit8 sacred duty." the flowers on the little altar orrenew the ing him, were saluted with 'Don't shoot. *"*m..q; received and Interest paid on amounts of \Vith such ideas INrmeating the system bouquets, and fadl'ld crowns and the vases I am the man you are looking for. I am Sam Bass.' On being taken to Round $5 upwards in Savings Bank Department. of war entertain ea by the foremost war adorned with their white symbols. On a white bed, resting on four ~quare R ock and questioned, he said: 'I am Sam power of the world, 1t is nob likely thab DllAF'l'S columns, In the styl0 of the beds of the Bass. I am shot all to pieces, and it in lesa brutal ones will prevail among the Issued and Collections made in Europe, nations who may be compelled to resort sixteenth cenburv, covered with white no use to d&ny lb.' He died about the United and Canada. draperies, embroidered with silver, re- 19°hof July, 1878, ju8t before his last Ol'FlCE-llnrtloch nros.1noek, late B1mk· to the field of combat for the aettlement posed a ooffiu; which WM also draped in breath saying: ' The world is bobbing of dilft:ireucea. War, in fine, is simply Ing office or .Jone~ di Dobble. savagery, and as such humanity and civil- white. At the corners of the bed were ioround; let me'20.'" W.J. JONES, T?at was an exciting night In January, ization in its gentler phases will four large silver candela.bra, and whtte .A.geoi. 27 fluwers in bouquets, crowns, pots every. 1876, for Meens,, Chapin, and Tim litl;le or no influence on its conduct. where on the bed-at its foot and round Hart. of the Limited E:xprene company It. There r eposed the rl'lmalns of tl1at and two officers of the Cleveland police'. A. ltlodel lVar·Ship. lovely virgin, torn from a mother's tender- There had been ca.nae for extra precaution It in a. atrong commentary on the Inapt!- ness, and th.ere that mother came to vMt on the night express trains of the Lake tude of the most progressive government& her chiid, and in this asylum of the dead Shore road, and one night aboub the midESTABLISHED IN 1847. to avail themB1Jlves of the latest hnprove- to bathe her soul In the joys of living over dle of J snuary the persom1 named went men ts in armameuts that some five months again with her child the happlnene of for- west to Waueeon, 0. J uat before reaohIt has no shareholders to pay· dividends to, Ing that place they saw a camp-fire, Managed by and solely in the interests of since the British admiralty was offered a mer days. model war-ship by the builders of the fastOne day this week this lady clad In around which were several men. .At the Policy lloldere. est steamers in the world, and peremptori- black failed t.o pay her morning visit to Wauseon they changed to the east·bound y declined the proposition_ It wns made the dead, and the old sexton muttered as Chicago ex:prese, due in Cleveland at 2 30 Its Rates are I .. ow. by Mr. William Peai·ce, the h ead of the he stumbled by : " What must have hap- .A. M. But the next night the guards Polldes non rorrettable a1ul 11ncondltionnl. i;treat ship-building firm of John Elder & paned to her 1 This ls the first time in and · detectives repeatea their journey, <lash Bonus Pnld every tltrec years, Co., of Glasgow. The plan of the ship three years that she has not spent the t.aking for their return trip the east-bound was in reallty a. developm mt .of the morning with her daughter. She must be express at .Archibald. In the express-car Joint Life Policies. American liners, and the adaptat.ion of ii!Ck, and very 11ick, indeed." .And he thab night were $275, 000 in currency and Though a double rish but one premium ls paid thdr hull and machinery to naval warfare. muttered his uneasiness and forelndlng $100,000 in bullion. E1. Laoy was the for two people. Amount o! policy drawn .Aspaed of 21! to 22 k nots an hour was bo the servants of the church. · me~senger In charge. .At Wauseon four ·X'o tl~ JJ'ar1fiers of Darlingto1~, Cai:tw~ight and surro1ind·i ny J'own.~hips: on first death. contemplated ; a coal capacity for steamSoon the rnmor spreads that a ghastly former employes of the road got aboard. . I have much pleasur~ rn brmgmg before Y?llr notice my Low DowN BINDER, ing to the Wesb Indies and return at a 12 murder has been committed I All the Thev were J,, H. H artwell, an ex freight which after three Y.ears of mccssant toil aud experilllenting, I cau now Recommend Specictl Inducements to Total Ab3taine'l'9. knot speed ; the design r ermitted the vicinity is stirred and soon all Paris is conductor, Charles and .Frank Dwight, to Y<_>U a~ a decided succ_ess, and guarantee 1t to ~o as go~d work as any other vessel to be pierced by upward of a hun- mov·e d. A woman has been found with aud William Emery, ahas Sophue. It mac~1ne.rnade, and to be o! lig!iter ~raft The'.Lg~nts of Elevating Machines will tell dred shots and still be a.,,e to nae her guns her t~roab cut, dead in her bed In the Rue was this party the gnard11 and ofliee:rs no- you 1t will not worl<. D?n t he deceived . Tt11.. 1s the nld story. When r brought ASSETS OT.ER $5,000,0itO.l andalso her engines at full speed · the de Seize I tlced about the camp-fire the night be- ou~ the Ma~well Reaper. m 1877, what was ~aid of it~ M:tny farmers will remember l.N<lOHE OYER $1,000,0GO vitality of the ship was to be secur~d by The name of the victim fa on every lip. fore. There they perfected a plan to rob bemg told it was .too light, wo1;1d nev~r do t!1e work, conld not stand; but it haa $100,000.00 deposited with the CanadianGovern an elaboration of the cellular system . It is that of the mournin1t mother, who the rich The train plan was to stood thi; test of mne years, nn.d to day it stands at ~he head of the list as a single ment tor benefit of Canadian polioy holders. around each water tight compartment that day for the ti.rat time failed to come board the tuin at Wauseon, cut a hole in reaper. I fe el confident the Bmder I am now manufact1uing will be a~ great a was to be a double skin· the engines were to pray beside her daughter' a coffin. It the door of the expreaa-oar, undo the fast· B?c~ees ~s ID:f Reaper,. and I would respectfully ask intending purchasers to to be mainly of steel and ma1t&neee bronze ts Mme. Carnot. . en. i ngs. enter, seize and gag tlrn meseen- give it a tnal. Every wachme guaranteed. INVESTED IN CA.NA.DA· $600, 000.&0, on the twin ~rlnciple, and in d"uplicate, The next morning the spoili child-;- ger, ca.pture the keys, throw off the safa ~Call and. see on~ on exhibition at R. HUTCHISON'S, my· agent; HEAD 0J'FIOB IN CANA.DA:- MONTREAL so as to attain the minimum of weight s~oilteven in death-awaited the mothers somewhere near Swanton's crossing, where Enn1sk1llen, before any other. yours respectfully, For particulars refer to with the maximum of power; there were visit. The mother was .at the morgue. others were ready t.o receive the wealth. to be no sails, and nothing to show above Two coffins-one white, the other black In anticipation of this attack the officers 16·4wJ E.L. LIVINGSTONE, deck except a military mast, made of -now Ho side by side in the dar~ cavern had made arrangements also, and when GENERAL .AGENT, steel, and hollow. to permit the ascent of :M~deleine, and soon both will be on the robbere had carried out their purpose POil.1' HOPE, and descent of marines for the purpose of their Journey to the cemetery of Pa.esy, so far as to bore holes In the door, and working machine gvns placed in the pro· and mother and da.nghter will be separ- reached a rea.diness to break into the car, Or to agents throughout the county. 4.8-llae, tected portion of the top thereof; the a.ted no more. Oone, who was in the express-car with main means of offence we··e provlded by -~-...... the messenger and Ohaptn, seized the -WILL FIND IN TUEa couple of barbettes ; long-range guns Presents Given by England to bell·rope with on e hand, while the latter were to be worked :amidships, and t or· the Amecr of Af:rhanistan. stood ready to grasp t..'l:ie arm of the robber pedo rams were to be provided in the fore Tile ground was soon covered with trays when It should be put through the holes Pumps Cheaper and Better computmenta ; the lengLh of this for- heaped wlbh costly gifts for the .Ameer to unfasten the door. Oapli. P urdy with than ever. midable vessel was to be 410 foet ; breadth personally. There were among them a others of the gnard and officers were In 64 feet 3 inches ; depth, 38 feeb 8 inches. diamonded chronometer with a guard and the the signal from 'l'he admiralty, aa hi~s been seen, reject- Albert chain ; set of cups, tankards, pfsoh- Oone. Near Swanton crossing Hartwell '··~::· : The Subscriber having built a large ne11 qi11 \I.,, ed this proffered steamer, though looking era, and tea equipages in silver; time· who led the robbers. inserted his ar~ Pump Factory in Orono, is prepared -::::....... favorably on the design, on the ground keepers of every kind, from carriage clocks through the hole he had bored, and while -to furnishthat it was " not at present prepared to to a musical watch and perpetual calendar; feeling for the key Chapin seized him (1) A MA.GNIFICENTLY constructed machine, built from carnfully construct a vessel of the dimensions a magnificent landscape agate salver, ex· with an iron grip. Oone gave the signal selected materials, and ono of great lasting qualities. EVE~Y DES~RIPTIOlt which represent a firat·class man-of·war quisitely hand painted ; a jewel cabineb, and at that instant the baggage-car doo; A BINDER with the finest cutting apparatus in the world. BAR (2) With or without Porcelain Cylinder, <iJ with so little armor protection as pro· and a number of silver-monnbed rifles, opened and out r ushed upon tne amazed warranted never to sag. Knives of razor steel. the Best Material, on the shortest notict posed." Curiously enough, however in a guns, and revolvers. Gold and jewelled robbers Capt. Purdy. Sergt. Noble, Defew months thereafter this same admir- lockets and necklets were provided for the teotive Cannangh, and Tom Hart. On (3) A BINDER well balanced, free from fo1·ward weight, and a TILT and at the lowest prices. alty purchased or chartered five vessels ladies of his household, with quantities of ine narrow platform of the car a~desperate of great scope. Cistern Tubs and Pumps supplie& of a somewhat similar, though lesa perfect beautiful fabrics. .Among the large pres- struggle took place among eight men. (4) A BINDER with the newest REEL out, handsome, stron"' and of Ut:illcription. bn D of less speed. The fast- ente were a state chair and a table of pure The night was da1·k and stormy, the rain great capacity. b est of bhese. the Umbria, ma.kee bnt 19! crystal, the former with cushions of orim- had rendered the steps and platform. slipWELLS CLEANED & RERAIRED. knots ; the Oregon follows with 18!. the son velvet ; an internatlone.1 mnsleal box, pery, and desperation drove the robbers (5) A BINDER with the simplest and surest knotter in use, never Alaak~ wlt.h 17!, and the Arizona and and a splendid orchesbrlon, which plays to attempt t o jump from the train, dragfails to tie, to tie tight and in the middle of the sheaf. .America with 17 k nots each, Probably, alternately English and Indian airs. Out- ging their captors with them. Every one now t hat peace is all but certain, the ad- side In the Viceroy's ground a dozen ele- of the ~ang was captured, tried, 11.n d sen- (6) A BINDER that can be folded in two minutes to pass through any ordinary gate or barn door. miralt~ wlll be p~epared t? entertain Mr. phants for the Ameer were swinging their tenced to long terms in the peult9ntlary. P".arce s propos~tlon to bmld the mostef- handsome hoedahs;half a dozen splendid A wife of one of the robbers gave the (7) A BINDER tha.t folds without removing any Bolts,' Sprocket TO GIVE SA'l'ISF.ACTION. fic1ent war machme for all purposes afloat. gift horses stood near, and his siege train express company a clew to what was be· Wheels, or anything. Simple, effective, sure. and battery of mountain guns had jnab ing vlanned, and thi11 led to the results (S) BINDER with zinc-covered deck, and iron-capped elevator A Orders!by Mail promptly attended to. narrated. Experiments In England have shows been pa.raded past. rollers; no sticking nor winding in wet grain. - - - --,....,,. _ _ __ _ _ _..,..,... ..,. . . .......,.,..___ that gao and oil are about equally good for (9) A BINDER easily shifted back.ward and forward; with new ex· Captain Hughes, a. Miesissippl river· DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS, llght houses, and that the electric light is Elephants will not !Jake medicine unless superior to either in five weather. but ma.n, has die:covered that if the lonp: Span- it has a drop of the "craythur" in it. tension Butt Board for short grain; i·emovable in long grain. MOULDINGS, &c., kept on hand. ish moss, which h11ongs in such abundance probably not so good in fogs. (10) A BI NDER of remark.ably light draft; easily handled by 2 horses. "What is it thati d etermines a girl's pop· from the trees in the south, is placed in It ls a bachelor who always knows how dams or levees it prevents crayfish from nlarity in society 1" !I.Ska a contemporary M~LEAN , Hanipton, Orono, a child should b.i brought up, but he for· b Jr!ng through and serves as a mat~ress to In nine nlmes out of ten it Is the elze of gets ft after marriaee.. hold the sand. her father's bank acoounb. .A9ent for Darlington mid OartWJ·iqht. for Clarke. was the first preparatloIJ perfectly adapted to HAIR RENEWER The Cruelty of }Var. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE Every morning about 11 o'clock for the past three years a. woman, closely veiled and clad In severest black, glided like a half-invisible figure through a little private door hidden in the walls of the Church of the Madeleine, and which introduced the living who visited the dead into the somber crypts of the holy bas!Uca.. Punctual as if it was a meeting of honor or love, thla shadow, so familiar to the old sexton who guards tha keys of the sanctuary where the coffins are waiting (as if at a traveling station for themysterious train to eternity). pa.seed through with a noiseless and rapid step. This door ie onknown to the majority of the faithful. and is accessible only to the inltie.ted. It ill closed to the indifference of strangers. It; is sacred to those who m ourn their dead. How many pious mourners, with tearful eyes and prayerful lips, and hearts filled with hope of meeting the dear departed in a brighter and better world, have pa3sed through thab portal of sorrow I .As.yon enter, leaving behind you the busy, crowd· od street, with its 1mrglng throngs and jostling vehicles, the little passage leading to the crypts of the dead t urllil to the left, near the main altar. The number of these subterranean guests varies ; sometimes more, sometimes less. according to the number of branches detached from the parish tree, and whose laob restillg place is not as yet prepared. All the dead do not paes on at the s11owe pa.ce, though the old balladsays they do. rhe vanltsprepar- or tile TlgUnn& Ex· prcssltlesse113cr, SPRING HATS 12 Cases Spring Hats received at . "In add II.Ion to the Reno11," said the old expreo11man, " gwe to crime one equa.lly as notorious. iand whose exploits fival those of the James bruthers. It was Sa.w Bass; bub aii long as he lived in his nativo state he gave promlee of belng a respecbable man. He was born . at Mitchell, lnd., in 1851, and about the m .e the R enollflourished in Jackson connity, not far from that place, was of an Come along young and old, great and small and get fitted age to accept the romanc J of crime and notorious explcits of cdminala as the and suited, too, in price and quality. highest exemplification of coura2e. How far the Reno record affected him is not always keep the largest and best assorted stock of Hats, known, but it surely left some impression Caps, &c., so come along and bring your friends with you. on him, for abont the year they came to grief he 11ent to northern Texas. Here Sherif\Egan, of Denton county, employed him to take charge of his cattle. But the legitimate excitemenb of a cowboy's life was not enough for him, and he soon drifted to the bad, seeking the asaociation of In this department I keep all the latest styles and best rongh, Nekles11 men, oublaws, and abanquality, and my st,ock is al ways well assorted. doned women. Although illiterate, he had <Ability for 1011.dership that soon placed Shirts of all kinds, U nclerwear, Braces, him ab the head of one of the worst band!! Ties a specialty. of robbers thab ever 11filicted Texas. HJ Hose, Rubber Coats and R. R. Rubbers. oi;erated along the R io Grande, yet none of his deeds at this time acquired any An eal'ly call solicit~tl. thing more than a local distinction. He had done enough, however, to make him 11n object of search by the rangers and ' state authorities. Having a thorough NE.A.D'S NEW BLOCK, BOWMANVILLE. knowledge of woods, forests, thickets, he ~====:'.::"'.========== -=-=-=-=--==-=-=--=-= ~=--=-== ·=-=-=====-=-=-~====~ found many places of concealment which __ __ .._ - - - - -YE Fl.'S Hat and Fur Store. IGENTS' FURNISHINGS~ MARKUS MAYER N E' "'VV F. I R M ' R. P. HALL & co., Nashua, N. H. MARRIAGE LlCENSES C. B. LOCKHART'S STANDARD BANK Special reductions for the next 30 days. TOD BROS. BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., A Complete Success-No Experiment. DAVID l'-fA.XWE LL FARMERS Orono Pump Factory. BRANTFORD E ·_ R y._ B II ft PUMPS OF All WORK GUARANTEED m~·o+·~·~ R. FERGUSON. ~c JAMES ROBERT MOON,

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