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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1885, p. 1

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TERM S :-$1.50 P ER ANNUM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AF TERWARDS. M. A . .JAMES, EDITOR AND Pr.OPRIRTOR. NEW ~ERIES, N UMBER JGG. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARI O, F RIDAY, JULY 31, 1885. VOLUME xxxr. NmrnER 31. mottoe1 in the windows, over the doorways and ferred in to11chi11g terms to the cfoath of Col. in other con~picnc,us olaces. William·. Gen. Mi<lclle! on had that he l'he Dinner servell tot.he Vo!nnteers in tbe woulcl mther have t he three regiments he comTown Hall, which was also 11icely though manded in the "fort h1ve·t for the late cam· modestly decorated for the occasion, was a r e· paign t han any other t lu C'! regiment~ in the cherche affair- the t ables being very neatly and British Service. tast·fully eet out. and, best of ail, contained an l\lajor Hul!hPs \1 ,n frcci uently appl anrfod abundance of substantial and wholeeome edibles d uring his Bpeech, 11nd aft ~r s1ieakini: for over in addition to delicious ~ainties. This excellent half au hour Im Rat- down, though many voices spr1:ad wae prepared and sened by Mr. Coulter shouted " go on.,, of the Commercial Hotel. Lieut. J.,.idla"' l.>nd sevnal others were an· Lient·Col. Cnbitt presided. On the dght nounced t o r,peak, lmt 011r reporter left a t this were : Major J olm Hnghee, Lient· Col . Det>con, st..i;:e of the rneetit·J.! for home. Rev. ,J . Creivhton,Ca11t. Grace,J,ieut. Hopkins 'J'be DrillSJ,erl w:<s "ell filled l\D<l the audi (Lindsay], Lieut. · Jordan (FeMlon J!'all·) Rev. tmce kept the h~·t of or,Jer . '.l'he Band played \V . C, Washington, M . A. , Sergeants Christie several aird between the ...!drePses. and McMurtry and Staff·Sgt. l\foChmg. On The Reception Committee who so far as we the left wer-i Suri;eon W . S. Royle, Inspector saw or hearil carried ou t t he rirogrnm of the A:N IMMENSE CROWD AS· Jame· Hughes ('l'orontol, Lieut-Laidlaw, Ad· without a hitr.h or accident and the :tri·angeSEMBI.ED lIONOB TltE jutant Sam. Hughes, Capt . Walla<::e (Mayor of day mentM were most complete. The only newsLindsay) Capt }~vans (Omemcc), C. H. A. pa.per meu present were l\fr. Sa·n, Hughes of :SEAVE :SOYS. W illiams (brother of the late Iomented C"I. the Lindsay W arder a!Hl t he Editor of the William·,Port Hope), Mnj ur Patterson and ex Statc3m an both r·f whom received every l10Ssible Grand Banquet in their Major W. J. McMurtry, (Port P el'ry), Rev . attention a11d courtes.v form the committee a.nd Geo. McKay, and Jnmes Parr a11d mewhere of citizens gencmlly. The Committee was corn· Honor. the Co11ncil. A t a long table at the right of the pnsed of 1he following ~ entl~in<·n: Messrs guest'e t able were seated the Heroes of Batoche, James Parr (Cbait·manj . · Toho H11ghes, sen., ------.....;~!---~·· and other members of their re·pective Volun- (Secretary). R. B. Spinks . N . .Tclfery, '.l'. t.,er Companies. At n.nother table on the Whitfield, R H. Prnst .·T. ,T. Mc Kee, Dr. left were the members of the Band and citizens. Campbell . J . H . Devitt, 'Wm . l'llrr, n . K~r· the Lions Day. '!'he interval between the dinner and concert 1ighan, Albert Spinks, Geo . Bartley and R. J. waa spent in ,.· oocial way. i;ro'.lp· standin~ here Graham. SPEECB.l~S BY MILITARY OFFICERS and the!e lieteni11g to the accountff of the battles fought and victories >von by th~ heroee. AND OTHERS. The STA'.l'ESMAN will be se nt t o a.ny An exciting gAme of base ball was played on add ress for tlie lmla nce of 1880 for only / / \Vedncsday was t:;;~ala day in the capi· the fair grounds between Darlington and Car. 35 cents. S end it to yom· friends. ta! of the nmnicipality of Cartwright , where wright teams. 'l'he latter won by 13 to !l. / /, everyone left th~ir ordinary occupation to "'lt· THE EVJJ NJNG MEETING, A N INTERESTING TRIAL. tenc l an enthusiast i('. welcome to the gallant 'l'he Drill Shed was most elabor ately, handCompa11y "U" of tlie Midland Battalion, re· somely and very tastefully decorated. Over QUEEN VS. JI!SS E T ltULL. cently returned from the North-west. As de- th~ m:ii11 entrance outside on canvas: "Wei· scribed beln1V, t.he Rtreet s east, WPst, north and come the Heroes ;" and i11side the doo~, "WP-11 O n inform a tion of Thomas Conlin t his south, w~rn decorated with flags, bannerettea Done Boys." The platform was encircled with case was heard b y t he Police Mag is trale and streamers in a more profuse st yle and with a mlviatttre heclge of evergreens bespangled on Monday last, t he County Crown At· ureater artistic taste than on any previous occa- with banneretttP, flowers ac.d mottoes. High torney and Mr . Casey appearing fo r the sion. At one o'clock the citizf'n1 and many ,over it was a monster U nion Jack almost cov- prosecution, and Mr. L. K. Murton for others went t o Cresarea to welcome th~ Lied· ering the gable end of the building. Beneath the defence. \.Vitnesses wer e called by say contingent. " ho came down on a chartered.' the Union Jack was snspended a very beautiful the proRecutor, from wh ose ev ide nce it boat with a goodly number of their town1men ' banner, bearing the words "Our Q11.,eu and appeared that M ~» Trull, of D:irlio gtou, had, on the morning of the l Hh instant, and fadies. to participate in the Cart wright re· Country." \Vre:i.thu of evorgreena were en· p~rchased from Mr. S. J. Murtin a proception to tho H eroes of Batoche at the home twined around the banners, mottoes :i.nd cha11· m1sso1 ·y note made by Mr. Thomas Conlin of their commanding officer, Major H ughes. deliere over the platfol'm, and also nil a round in favor of Dr. C. E . Martin, and endorsThe W ilhamsburg 'Band pla-r ed the martial t he interior of the large J:,uilding. " Victory', ed by the lat ter so that the whole had procession into the village. The sun-burned in bold relief in white on r.,d ground, was to be become payable to beat·er. Thera bad (/) hero~e were greeted with et.entorian cheer upon teen on opposite sidrs, while a great profnsion been $45 paid on the n otl' by Conl in, and cheer by th~ crowds of people who lined either of red, white and blue buntin1t huni;r ~everal the balance due on it, includini:c interest side of the 1treet as they marched through, The times acr081 L "e building from side to side, was $257. 75. S. J. M artin guaranteed that the note was a valiC! claim a.<>ainst has opened out a choice and procession marched eo11th to the residence of T '1e1e decoration; were a great credit to the Conlin ior · 1· · t a mount, and Trull pur· Mr. John .H11ghea, Sr., where. a halt took committee, who muat have ~pent eeveral daye in 0 place 1md..t.he soldier boys were refreshed. 'l'he arr&nging tlietn , and they~were greatly admired ch!U!ed i t f, r $235.00, Mart in having cheap stock of ~· procession reformed and marched back to t he by the immen!le audience that assembled there suggPstocl that he could turn in out to '.l'own Hall, where a banquet was spread and for t he eve11ing's entertainment. 'l 'he gentle· Conlin in """" he should purchaee cattle from liilll, a· TmU had e xpr;,ssed the fall justice done t o it. men who had most to do in de~orating the inten1 i"" .. · c· urchasiog som e more C:lttle '.l'he Bowmanville Volunteera were the laat building were : Me~s!'ll , N . Jeffery, R. Kerrig· from sv1uc c·n". '.rrull went out to Conlin 's to arrive, t hey wertt received wit h lusty han, John Hughes, Sr., and U. H, Prust, and the same a ft,· rnoon, accompanied by Marcheers from th" peopl" and a hearty greet ing they were ahly as~isted by eeveral ladies, who tin, who stated that he had business to tmnsact in Conlin's vic in ity, and Trull from their old t!Vmradta, who acted as if thty prep:ned the wreathe, etc. had not seen t biim for a twelvemonth . There T he meeting in the Drill Shed can hardly be selected 10 head of cat tle from 0onlin's - ANDseems t o have grown a friendship among the called a concert, it was a semi-militiny and herd, which were sold to him for $285, boys that will last as long as tl1ey JiTe, aewi-citizen thankPgi'!'ing and prai~e meeting. the cattle to be delivere d at the Queen' s Ladie~· Moet of t.he Volunteers wore their faded a11d Jaro~s Parr, E~q.. Reeve of Cartwright,prei!id· Hotel yard, in Os hawa , on tlrn following l\fonday moruiag . Conlin, his s on and much-woru uniforme, while ot.h·rw wlloe UDi· ed in hie genial atyle. On the platform were d aughter, swore that Trull p romised to form \vae too t.ttered and tom to appear in, L\eut ·Col1. Cubitt, and Deacon, Major Hughe&, pay him the money at 10 o'clock, when where dressed in "i-rilian'1 clothes. T heim· M ayor \ Vallace, Chas, H . A . Williams. Egq., th e Domin ion Bank opened. Martin, all of which will be sold very provi·· d head-gear was a uubject of much com- John:Carveth, E11q·· ex-Reeve of Clarke, RB. wh o was also present when t he bargain ment. SpinkP, E 1q .1 ex-Reeve of Cartwright, the wa.s, swore t hat Trull did not u se THE DECORATIONS . cheap for cash. resident miniaters and several other gentleme11. the word "money, " but simply agreed to i. '.l.'he d"corations ware ' on a magnificent A fter " short addreBS from the chiiirman, he <e ttle with Conlin 0 11 the cattle being scale, moat of t he places of bu1ine1e as w ell c:illed on L ieut-Col . Cubitt, who spoke of the delivere d at the Hot el yard on Monday M the dwellings being gaily d ecked with bra ve career of the late Col. Williams, and his mor ning at 10 o 'clock, when the Bank flage, mottoea, evergreens, buntine-, banner· Midland Battalion. This battalion was aaid to opened. On M onday m orninrr t he cattle ' -·- ettes, etc. b@ the best that arrived in Winnipeg during the were d elivered and driven °out of the Next door' to Treleven's W . Parr's etore mowed a profu!ion of campaign and they had proved themselves one ~otel yard before pay ment, Con lin tell· Wei,~ of the most ustful iu the active service, and it mg Trull to t:1ke them along , as he was and mottoes. not afraid t o tr ust him for $1,000. After , Shoe Store, Bowmanville. bunting had ah10% beeu eaid that Co. C. wa· the best in W . A. Hill'· ·tore, flai:11 a11d bunting. (22) ab out twenty minutes Trnll and Conlin R. H. l'n1et, Post Office, flag and evergreen1. the Batt. They were worthy scions of noble met by appointment at a r oom in the N. J effery'e residence, evergreen· very t aste- 1tock and would, as in this case, &llVllYB be Queen's H otel, no one be ing p resent with ready t o fight for their Qneen ai.d country. th~m but Mr. Alex. A lexander, whose fully arr&nged and banners. They are a great credit to the clishict 1md he evidence h as not ye t been give n. Conlin A. Oldfield's re1idence, flage. hoped their services would be fittingly recogniz. says t h at '.I.' rull then produced the note D . Milne's farm re·idence, flag· . ed by the Go-rernment . in q uestion and offer ed it to him as part John Aik;n'e ehop, fiag and motto. I.ient-Col. Deacon was the next speaker. payment for t he cattle, at t he same time J ames McHoull's residence, evergreen's, flags He had tried to introduce economy in the regi· o~ering a. sum of m oney, probab ly the ancl flowers. d iffer ence between the price of the cattl e Geo, Wilson, t eacher's r~eidence, U nion ment by allowing Col. Cubitt to do the speakD YSPE PSIA INDIGE STION, on t he note. ing while he did the acting (lau11-hter). He paid and the b alance J11ck. WHEN a hiith compliment also to the M idfandera, 8ay- Mr. Conlin refused to allow tbe n ot e, Urange Hall, U nion J11ck, claiming the m unoy which, he says, was James H olme's shop, banner ; residence, ing, they were posst1SBed of great pluck and en· promised h i m, and 11tates t hat if be had durance. When he sat down, three loud cheers Union Jack and mJtto. known Trull held t he n ote he would n o t D r , Campbell's r esidence, a large Union Jack were given for ' 'Col. D ea con and the Midland have sold the ca t tle to him. B11ttalion." Wiii thoroughly cure you . They from the dome ; small flags. Sever al at·Uw ritie a were cit ed for t he Major Wallace made a short speech, H A defence, and it wa.a conten ded that in n o do not gripe or p urge, but act Alex, 'faylor's residence and shop, flao;:s. was proud of the 41ith and 46th hattB. He join- vie w of the e vide nce was a case of false m lldly, a nd whenover u s ed W. LucM' .reaidence, Union Jack. a r e c ons i dered price· John Parke'· residence, nict arch over side- ed the volunteers in 1861 and would gladly give pre tence nmde ou t. For t h e prosecution hi~ whole service of 24 years to have been one it was contended t hat in any event ther e walk and bannerettes. I···· They have was a case coming within t he broad gen· prove n t o bo t he M cClung and Shaw's store, evergreenn, flags of the h eroes of Batoche. Major John Hu;:hes,Commander of Co. " C," era! words of tho 110t h Section of the and mottoes. :Midland Battalion, was recei ved with rounds of A c t, and t he Police M agistrate, declining Royal Hotel, flag and streamer, t o decide t he q u estions of law raised , Commercial Hotel, bunti11g acrose street, a1Jplause and deafening cheers. He was glad t o N. H. Down's Veg·e1able Aalsa111ic E lixit· is a positive cure be home again a fter nearly four months' cam- sen t t h e case to Wh itby for trial bail flags and mottoes, ' for Coughs, Colds, Cron!', Whooping-Cough, Catarrh, Hoarseness, Influen za paigning. It was a short time, but they had be ing t aken. Geo. Bart ley's residence, fl ag. Spitting Blood, Bronchitis, Asthma, Lung 1.t' ever, P leurisy , and all d iseases of th~ travelled .about 6000 miles in that time. H e J , Hughes' re~idence, evergreens, flags, Throat, Che at and Lungs. As an E x pectorant it has no equal, Consumption Jiaa VOLUNTEER NOTES. reviewed th" journey, r P.counted some of the OF T H E mottoes and a handsomo: streamer with larg-e been cure d times without num her by its timely u se. lt h eals the u lcerated s urfaces j incidents anil casualties of the campaign, des· The Trenton con ti ngent of Co. "G" of and cures when all oth er remedies fail. Fifty-six years of constant use has prove1~ To all sufferurs from lndl &·atlon, painting of Gen. Middlcton,suspended beneath, cribed the 13 days' trip on the Saskatchewan and above on an arch of evergr eens was a. its virtues. Every family should keep it in tho house. Sold everywhe re. . the Midland B a t! aliou were g ived a h earty on the N orthcote, refordu1' to umny laugha bl~ Disordered Stomach. crown. welcome on the ir a rrival h ome on W e d Henry, J oht?-aton & L ord, Prop rietors, Bur ling ton, Yt. L arge streamers were stretched across the occurrences en route . R eferring to the capture n esday evening of las t week and t.h e . THE Y AR E AN ABSOLUTE AN D 1treets : opposite Mr. J'effery 's " W elcome of Batoche, he denied the statements made in M ayor p resented e ach of t he me n wi th DI", Hent·y Baxtet·'s lllandr:llu~ Bittc1·s are a sure cure for t he papers b:y Uol. Strnube11zie And expr essed a. purse cont~ining $25. L ucky soldiers H orne H eroes of Batocbe ." Costiveness, B iliousness, Dyspepsia, Indigeotion , D iseases of .tho K id ueys, ·rorpid PERFEQ!;·CURE ' Opposit~ Mr. J . Quinn's,- "Well done Com· surprise that he would write? as he had. On t he . and wise citizens. Livor, B.hm1matis m, Dizziness, S ick Headac he . Loss of A p petite, J aun dice, A poplethird after noon it w'ts suggested th!1.t the Mid. xv, P t1lpit < 1tion s, lTiruptiou s and Skin Diseases. Keep the S tom ach, Bowels, a nd Use them and bo relieved from rades." '.l' he Campbc!lfor d people kuo1 v when D igestive Organs all in working erder, and per fect lrnalth will bo t he resul t. .i!'rom Parr's store to Royal Hotel,- " W el· lands make a rush on the ri:fle pits. T his was to d o a k indly act and h ow. T h ey p reyour miser y. 3 0 P iiis In a box, done and after quite a brush with tbe enemy sented " B " Co. of t he Midland era with Ladies and other s subj ect t o Sick H eadach e will find r elief a nd per m anent cure by come Home, Boys." 2 !5c. p er box, !5 boxes f or $ 1 the usu of these B itters. Being t onic and mildly purga i,ive the v purify t he blood . j F roru Coulter's H otd , - "\.Ve're P mnd of they retired . Next clay t he officers met in a n address of welco me, gave t h em a snmFOR SAL£ BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND For sale b y all d e alers in m e dicine . Ileury, J ohnston & Lord, .Proprietors, ' our Boys," and on the reverse ·idc.,- - " God Bless council, Col, \Villiams and M ajor Hughe& were pt uous repast, and p r esented each of the asked if they could do it again and t hey said 24 men w it h a h andsom e silver watch on Burlingt on , Vt. DEALERS //·/ MEDI CINES Thew." they could. Cos. "A" and " C" st arted and had which waa engraved their n ame an<l t h is Opposite Mr. H ughea' residence,"\.Ve Fear Beware of C ounterfeits and Base Imitations. Henry, J olms t on & Lord, Propr ietors of gone 400 yds. and witbiu lOO Jds. of Da t oche be- inscr iption : ·- " N . W. Reb ellion 1885 " n o }.,oe. :' wrapped only in Blue, with sigaa· Arnica and OH IJi11i1ncnt for l\fan and Boast . The best ext e rnal Genuine fore Col. Straubenzie \ms seen in the a dv:u1ce, the watch es being p resented by t he ladie~. A lal'ge U uioq J ack wa,s Jnmg across the lure on every bcix. F ree trial package of Gen , :Mid dleton h as gone west to the r emedy for R he uh.1atism , N enralgia, Sprai~s, Bruises, B urns and Scalds, Sciatica, these Ce lebrated l'ills sent to a ny address str eet between the r esidence cf D r, Howe and .Finally the charge was made by the Midlands Backach e, F r ost ed Feet, and all other pams a nd Aches. rt is a safe sure and on receipt of a 3 cent s tamp. and !lOtb, who, said he, deser vP as mnch credit Rocky M ountains with J~ieut. -Governor Mrs. Dr. Moore. . e Jfectual R omedy for Gitlls, Strains, Scratches, Sores, &c., on H orses. ' Orio' t rial for.the captur e of Batoche as the Midlanders or Dewdney. Across the street, oppositll D r. Campbell's Grenadiers. Ool. Williams was the fir st will p rove Its merits. Its eftccts a re in most cases inetantaneons. Evo1:y bottle Jl\JO. C . WEST & CO. T h e cit izens of Calgary h ave ordered mansion was a very large U oion Jack. warranted to g ive satisfaction. P rices 25 cen ts a nd 50 cent s p er bo ttle. Sold SO L E PROPR I ETORS ottic~r at B11toche and mem b er~ of "U" Co. from Mont real a $200 cliam ond ring for . , . e verywhere. Besides the above t here were a great many were among the first privates t here. He r e: Major S t eele. 31 AND 83 KltiC STREET EAST, TORONTO, ONT, UWlltlll~ S ~ Y\ l_ _f. .& _ ---~ _Mj ~ G0 fl1DS WE~fJOll~. ~' ~ ~ _ 1 -~ Cartwright Peoples Welcome to the Heroes of Batoohe. --.A..T- - EXTENSIVE DECORATION OF Greatl.v THE VILLAGE. :E <.educed TO Prices. ... ··· ------------ SPECIAL REDUCTIONS IN PARASOLS. Major Hughes and Co . " C " of the Midland Battalion, of the MECLUNCS Opposite Ontario Bank, Bowmanville. BARGAI~~S LOO K O U T FOR = z E-4 1-3 t-:3 ttj 11=> MRs1 W.H.IVES P:i ~ ~ UJ. 1-3 Dr y Goods, Fancy Goods, Straw Hats, and Gents' F urnishings, -0 P:i q 00 t!t All Wool Suit MADE TO ORDER FOR 9 oo: LLARS, Well Trimmed and ·Made.. , . SPLENDlO VAtU. E IN PRINTS. Gent s' Furn i sh i ngs of all 'k inds. JOSE.PB JEFFERY. WHY SUFFER FROM WEST'S LIVER PILLS NEW WILLI AMS, ( SEWING MAGHINE8.'1 WILLIAMS SINGER 5------------~ ~ 1 ·NION PIAN'OS le ·.' naM . . ~ ORCAN·s . Office and Showroom :- BIG 20, Bowman ville. ~iG~ peadaclie on H . H. NIEMAN. W . R U SE, Gen'lAgent . ~ R EA TEST Fc3LESS I NG AGE r - -- 14 I I

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