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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1885, p. 3

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Australians. rhe visitor t o Australia may lay hisa.ccount A. Grtuul Mtlttary Dfs11Iay En1Ung with a Pe wH, h having wba.t tho Americu.ns ca.II "a COST ONLY $2.00 AT udlar R endlllon ofa l'myt"r. l o,·ely time," says Archibald Forbes. His We rode a.t least a mjle and a. ha.If, says h ~ts-all the colonists will be his hosts= Gen. Higginson · in. lillackwood's, p11,st the wil 1 strain every nerve to make him enjoy NEWCASTLE· 48·ly. <~ ~ complaillts are so insidious in their line of tent.s, and must have seen 50,000 men, hi1naelf. Austra.lia.n hospit111lity ia prover·~~~fuoseafl'ectingthe throat and luugs: The gro und is prettily accidente, and altobia.l the world over, a.nd it has in it a. cordial none so trified with by the majority of suffergether well suited for camp purposes. At ers. The ordinary cough or cold, resulting freshness tha.t impartsto it a special delight. perhaps from a trifling or unconscious ex- the end we came upon the guard r egiment.a To the Hartford Fire In8'Urance Oo. If he be a.true man, he will no colony posure, is often but the beglnuing of a fatal and the Preobra.jensky regiment, with whom I hereby return thanks for the prompt paysickness. AYER'S Cmmuv PECTORAL has finished the inspection ; and here were as- without realizing tha.t he is lea.ving behind ment by yov.r, Mr. Thoe, Bingham, for well proven its efficacy in a forty years' fight him in it many we.rm 1md genuine friends. damage done to my house by ftre. I received a cash check by return mail after my claim with throat and lu11g diseases, and should be sembled a.II the a.nd drums, tu the He need not be a susceptible person to find Wit.ti !orwa.r:led. MRS. C. C. BURK. number of 800, in one compact mass facing taken in all cases without delay, that, with the friendships he has left, h e the empress's pavilion or tent, at the door To the ManaoerB of he Glasgow and London A Terrible Coui:h Cured. may have left his heart a.a well. The Fire Insurance Co, "InlB57I took a severe colt!, which affected of which she and her ladies alighted, and I hereby return thanks for the J.>rompt paymy lungs. I bad a terrible cough, and passed were joined by the emperor 111nd grand dukes. Ju.dies have a. characteristic, bright, airy ment by your agent, Mr. 'l'hos, Brngham, for night after night without sleep. The doctors damage to my house which was insured in the gave me up. I tried AYEit'S CHERRY PEC- We all dismounted and c11,me inside the piquancy. They· sparkle as perhaps not Sovereign Fire Insurance Co., having received 'l'ORAL, which relieved my !uugs, induced even the American lady sparkles. Their check by :wturn of m! after claim was sleepb and atforded me the reBt necessary, of whfoh the royalty and staff formsent in. MRS. C. C. BURK. tor t e recovery of my strength. By the ed one side, the musicians the opposite side, manner-one finds one asking one's self wl?-o contmued use of tho PECTORAL a permaand whence they get it-for you will find From the above settlement of claim parties nent cure was effected. I am. now 6~ yean the other two sides being composed of offi· holding Sovereign Policies will see t hat they old, ha.le and hearty, and am satisfied your it in the damsel of a remote bush township, For the last two seasons we have seen the 11ecessity of an adjustable B inder all right, and they need not pay any a.tten cers of the various corps who had hurried to CHERRY PECTOnAr. saved me. who is a.a graceful, frank and winsome al table that t he farmer can set so as to meet all the different kinds and conditions of tion tc the agent or the Dominion Grange IIORACE FAlltnRO'l'HER," the spot. In the centre, on a mound, stood humbug or a.ny one else who going round Rockingham, Vt., July 15, 1882. the Melborne girl, who ma.y have spent grain, We know all the diffic ulties to be encountered in going into a. field of grain telling folks that their Sovereign Policies the conductor of the united bands of music, DO l!'OOd, years in European residence and travel. One when part is s tanding and pa.rt lodged or, as sometimes is the case, the grain is short Croup.-A Motber's Tribute, and near him one drummer-boy, or perand thin, and a.gain very rank. Our adjustable table meets and overcomes all t hese THOS. BINGHAM, "While in the country winter my little haps a. lad of 20. We-the foreign missions of the finest ladies I ever met, in every difficulties, makes the machine more c<Jmpa.ct, can be easily operated by a b oy ten BOWMANVILLE boy, tliree years old, was tnken ill with croup· that term, was never in her of reflection of It ~eemed as if he wuul<l die from strang11! -stood in line, and the emperor came down old; driven through ba.m doors or gates ; can be set lo work in a field witb lation, One of t11e fa111i 1y euggested the use life outside the colony of Victoria, except the greatest ease a nd without the driver having to remove a. single bolt or leave h ia from the pavilion and 11poke to each of the of AYErt'S CHEIUW l' E<.'TOHAL, a bottle ot which was always kept ln -"the 1 1ouse. This He was very gracious to me, and for a visit to New Zealand. Austra.li9n wo- seat . Examine for yourself and be convinced that the Chatham Cord Binder is ialt was t1·ied In small awl frequent doses, and to our delight ill less than half an hour the inquired about my service a.nd the com- men read. I im111gine 110me London book· in advance of any thing in the market. OF CANADA. littlo patient was breathing easily. The docsellers could supply startling statistics in retor ·said that the CHEllRY PRC'rORAr. had mands I had held. This owr, he stood CAPITil, 81,000,000. REST, $140,000 THE ONLY BINDER IN EXISTENCE saved my darling's life. Can you wonder a.t alone in the centre, and a. detachment of gard to the number of high-class reviews -«»our gratitmle? Sincerely yours, a.nd periodicals they send to the Antipodes. on which the driver can sit 'ln his seat a nd raise or lower b oth e nds of t he Harvester; Thia Bank Is prepared to do L egitisergeants in full marching order passed him Mus. E~tl\IA GEDNEV." mate Banking in all its branches. 159 West 128t4 St., New York, l\lay 16, 1882. one lfy one, sergeant giving t he even- I a.m happy to say that I never met a blue- can shift the butter ; can lock t he h arvester down; can tilt t he Harvester t o Farmers notes discounted ; Deposits stocking in Australia; but I have ha.d the up d own grain ; and above i>ll can adjust t he Binder t a ble to suit any condit ion of .. I have used AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL in my family for several years, and do not ing report of his picket a.nd of the usual honor of conversing with many Australian grain. These great improvements place our Binder far ahead of a.11 competitors. I t received and In~erest paid on amounts of hesitate to pro11ounce it the most effectual " watch-setting " in a. loud voice, the czar $5 upwards in Savings Bank Department.; remedy !or coughs and colds we have ever women of high culture and deep thought on is the lightest in weight, lightest in draught, because t he simplest; d on't r eq uire thus fulfilling for the moment the role of tried. A. J. CRANE." Farmers l ook to DRAFTS subjects, superficial thought a.bout which is two or three men to fold i t to go through a gate or barn d oor. L11,ko Crystal, Minu,, March 13, 1882. commandant. We (generals only) were then your interests !>nd you will buy a. CHATHAM. Issued and Collections made i:a Europe, "I sutrered for eight years from Broncbltle, taken up, one by one, to the empress, who as the crackling of thorns under a pot ; but and after trying many remedies with no sucUnited and Canada. cess, I was cured by the use of AYElt's CHER· talked to me a.bout the Princess of °\Vales, you do not find yourself oppressed by vol RY PECTOitAL. JOSEPH WALDEN," W. J. JONES, unteered frankness of this sort; you have Read tile Collowing Testimonials : Byhalia, Miss., April 5, 1882. Cowes, Osborne, etc., and was altogether 27 Agent. to ask that you may find. To sum up with Cartwright, Marchl25, 1880. "I cannot say enough in praise of AYER's gracious and charming. Then tea. was ha.ndCHERRY PECTOitAL, believi11g as I do that ed round, and the crowd of officers and of a curtne1111 and rough generalization of which To the Ohathan Harvester Man1ifact111rino Co. The St, TbOJUIU but for its use I should long since have died White Bronze l!lon· GEN'l'LEMEN :-I purchased a Self Binder from your Agent two years ago. Durini;: the t wo apology is due- Australian ladies are fairly from lung troubles. E. BRAGDON." nnlcnt ()ompany the troops generally kept cl01:1ing round the seasons, I have cut over 300 acr es without the least trouble, or a cost of five cents for r epairs. Palestine, Texas, April 22, 1882. accomplished; in modern language!! they are I cut, in ftve hours, for my neighbor, Mr, P. Holt, eight acres of lying oats m which his now are sending out their square as the hour for" the retreat," or to all parts of somewhat weak; in music very good-occa- rake r eaper entirely failed to work. In fa.ct the machine snrpasses auytlriug I ever saw in the No case of an affection of the throat or the Dominion. A shap,e of a Binder or Light Reaper for cutt ing lodged grain. It is light, dt1rablo and simple, In . ria drew nigh. Meanwhile heavy clouds lungs exists which cannot be greatly relieved very ftne l\fonumen t sionally lxceptionaliy so. They all sing, fact it Is all that I would desire. GEO. HOOEY·. by the USO of AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, had gathered in the horizon, and a storm and many sing well, The most exquisite is now being made to the order of Wm. and it will always cure when the disease la seemed to threaten us, though the view down (Cartwright, March 20, 18&'.i.P. Prower, Esq., flower-painter I know of lives under the 'l'o tlte Chatham Harve.~te1· Mannfact..r ing Oo. not already beyond the control of medicine. Reeve o! Bowman· the slope and over the valley to Krasnoe dissouthern cross, and her gift is real genius, GJ!!N1.'LE111EN :We, the undersigned tarmers, have pnrcl1ased the Chatham 'rwo-horse · Tille, for his ground PREPA.RED BY tant about a. mile, was not rendered less beau- Victoria. can boast of an am ateur actress in Cord Binders, and having used them two seasons in all kinda of grain, long 1.i.nd short or rough plot in the Bowmanand smooth land, we cheerfully admit that they work to our entire satisfaction. 'J'hey can be ville Cemetery and Dr.J.C..Ayer&Co.,Lowell,Maaa. tiful by the combination of waning sunlight whom also I venture t o recognise something handled with ease by one team. We have Bden no other Binder work that can equal the two good ones for Sold by all .Druggists. Chatham. JAMES .BltAOB UH.N,. and threa.teningcloude, E ight o'clock sounds; Orono Cemetery, all of the sacred fire. In physique they are t111llGJW. !.\lARLOW. of which !expect to field battery fires an evening gun, three erect duringthe next er, ~lighter, more lithe, shapelier than their month (J.nly). In· rock.ts shoot into the air, and the drums Darlingt on, April, 1885· congeners at home; their color, save in, Tas- To the Chatham Man1ifact1iring Co. tending purchasers and b ...nds roll out, with a solemnity and will find it to their mania., is seldom brilliant. The expression We have ll:'reat pleasure in recommending tbe Chatham Binder, aa M:r, L. A. '!'ale cut for advantage and convolume of sound not easily forgotten, the last year, a field of oats that would vary from one fo ot to five inches in height; it being s traw; fer a f1w-0r on me ia full of vivacity; the eyea nearly always us broken and badl y lo<l1rnd. He cut r jght around t he fi eld without trouble, biuding i t all in good, evening h; mn. As the notes die off the by withholding tllelr good and the head aud feet sha.pely, but not shea:ves. He also out and bound five acres of Arnecta vv heat, it raining all the time. We· orders till they see consider the work was much better executed than could be done by any other Binder that wa drummer-boy ~teps forward, the band-mru.WE PAY CASH FOR those beautiful and exceptionally small. They dance divinely. have seen. D.A.VID BRUNT, durable Monuments ter descends, and the little drummer, sole ocWM. BRU N'!', Allb tralian gentlemen are manly, cordial which are made of JOHN BRUNT. c11pant of the equare, repeats slowly but Pure Refined Zinc. fellows; they are mor~ pronounced and less with ptrfect dietrnctness the Lords pra,>er, e tc., or part Cash, and Due Bills for H. W. WRIGHT, Hampton, April 22nd, 1885. reserved than Englishmen. The tone is a To the Cha.tha1n M anuf acturing Co. Groceries or Dry Goode. Every head is uncovered a.nd bows, from the .AGENT ~'OR trifle brusque, but it ha.s the genuine ring in . _DEAR Sm :I p~rch!1scd f1·om your Af'ent, last y~ar, one of your Self Eiuilers, and COD· Counties of Northumberland and Durham, This will meet the r equirements of all. emperor to the furthermost spectator ; and it. I think, perhaps, that they have more ~td er 1t the best Machme m the market. 1!'1rst. I consider it the Lightest Draught. Secondly COBOURG P. 0. 25·ly. I should in my hea1t pity the man who, a.s 1t has improvements equal to any and super ior to the most. 'l 'hit·d Jy, it is made of first-class prejudices than E nglishmen- I do not mean material-having cut all my own grain on 150 acres. a~d some for rny neighbors, without any ' "· RIU'.l"f' A.IN & Co., the little lad's "Amen" went up in its solouble or expense. Fourthly, rn heavy and lodged gram 1t will t ake up, elevate au<l. bind what. person..! prejudices-and they are certainly tr Market Square, Bowmanville. some of the machines w ill not do. To whom it may conoeru, I would say buy a Cliatham May 1, 1885. 18-3m. itary simplicity, could scoft at or even be freer spoken in the enunciation of them, machine, that will give you entire satisfaction, J NO, S, nUNDLE. Darlington, Hampton. unimpret sed by the silence which followed. They are wholly without one attribute that There was a. total absence of all exaggerThis Bindel" can be seen at McGaw's H otel, B o"."manville; F. R ogers' Farm er'i;ii THE NEW is a discredit to so many Englishmen-the ation or straining for increased effect. '.l.' he Gen~r al S t ore, Enni~~il!en , and at Coulter 's H otel, William sburg ; R obt. C ollacoit,. affectation of being idlers because of a.n ab- D,uJrngton ; J . P . Williamson, Orono, are Agents for this County. bands then burst forth with the Russians t ence of necessity for being worker s. " Have national air so well known to all of us, and you a. leisure class?" asked an Englfahman 19-3m. tlie scene closed a~ night fell. ESTABLISHED I N 184'7. of an A merican. "What's that, any how?" enquired the citizen of the U nion. "A class It has no shareholders to pay dividenlls to. who ca.n afford to have no a.vocation," exHealth and Ability to Work. Managed by and solely in the interests of This:is a working age. The merciless la.w plained the Briton. "Why, certainly," re·the Policy holders. of the survival of the fittest is driving the sponded the American with alacrity, "we Its Rates are Low. wea.k and incapable to the wall, The strong call them tramps." It is much the same l'ollclcs non forreihtble and 11ncontUUon11l. body and the strong brain are uppermost, in Australia. The only people who let them()ash Bo11us Paid every tJuee years, and in this enlightened time no one is so dull selves afford to have no specific object in life as to deny that a sane mind is surest to are the "sundownus," a.a they are called Joint Life Policies. dwell in a. sane body. Sane bodies- that It, colonially; the loafers who saunter from Though a double risb but one premium is paid strong and healthy bodies- the B ine qua station to station In the interior, secure of a !or two people. .A.mount o! policy drawn 11011 of success in _ work. It is fashionable to nightly ration and a. bunk. Ba.ring the "sunon first death. work. Even many of the rich and lazy are downers," every Austra.lia.nhashiaavocation, being driven by the sheer force of public a.nd would think shame of himself to ape a. All the" Rtt.ymonil" Shuttle Machines Special Inducem ents to Total Abstainers. · fitted with the Pa.tent opinion into some sort of work. The vast sorry pride of not being industrious In it. and complex 1Jystems of ona.rities now in He works like a ma.n and he plays like a ASSETS OVER $5,000,000, ' ll\'4JOME OVER $1,000,000 vogue; the innumerabltj classes of stude11ts man- sometimes like a boy. He is more "" 111111111111111111111111Ull111111111111111111111111111 1peculative than is the business ma.n, and $100,000.00 deposited with theCauadianGovern who are meeting every !winter in our finest CHAS. RAYMOND; ment for benefit ot Canadian policy holders. houses t o study a.rt, literature, language, he therefore may experience a greater vicissiMANUFACTURER science ; the enormous amount of tine eni- tude of fortune; but he ha.a an elasticity and GUELPH, ONTARIO; INVESTED IN 4JA.NA.DA, $ 600,000.00, broidery in every parlor, largely the work a. versatility that more American than We have the EXCLU SIVE sale of these Watches, which cannot be English; and so copious are the opportuniof the ladies of the householdthese and a beaten for time. HEAD OFFICE IN CAN.ADA:-'-MONTREAL score of other signs point to t he fact that ties of Australia, that if fortune frowns to· We have a reason to be thankful for past favors during forty years For r efer to we are living in a. country and period where day she may smile to-morrow from ear to in business here. activity is the rule and sloth the exception. ear. In all Austra.lia.n life there r emains E.L. LIVINGSTONE, still a large out-of-door element, comprising Now our stock is one of the largest in the Dominion and we will GENERAL AGENT, The competition in all sorts . of labor a nd P ORT HOP E, traffic is enormous. The strength demand- occasional h111rd exercise, the r ecoil from Or to agents throughout the county. 48-G se. ed to e~cel In any t rade or profession is which has a. tendency to make men burly if not portly. There is a ruddy, sturdy very great. regarding no man, either J ew or Gentile. Wumen who have their livings to cam manhood in them, even in the towns. In must enter this severe competition, and culture, in r efinement, in manner, the :AuF R IE ND S, W :F. 1tt EA lY D 1J SI lY E S they will never receive consideration because stralian women are the superiors for the they women. They must excel in order most part of the men; but I think this is so Pumps Cheaper and Better to be successful. Excellence implies in all communities of which the civilization - ::El"'S?'"than ever, streng th- not the spasmodic, nervous has not attained t o an exceptional degree o strength which makes an effort once in finished organization, 9-3m a" I am fully prepared to attend Funerals on The E!ubscriber having built a large nell awhile under, ext raordinary pressure, but the shortest notice, a.t the lowest possible rates. P ump Factory in Orono, is prepared Labrador lndians Starving. caskets and Burial Cases ready on short notice the st rength which can t urn off daily work First-class hearse on very moderate terms A correspondent writing from Bersimqis, - to furnishlihrouds and Cofllns constantly on hand. Fun without excessive fatigue-the strengt h on the north shore of the St Lawrence, r eral cards supplied at once. F urniture Shop & which l eaves the eye still bright and the lates the most harrowing distress among the how Rooms- Bounsa.ll'sN ew Block. II furniture sold by me is made by the U. C step el astic after a. long day behind the Indians there, and says the reindeer, which - - OF-urniture Co. ofBowma.nville. I do not bu)· With or without P or celain Cylinder, tll 11011 turn! ture ~nd represent it to ha. ve been th e . B est :rifat ' · on the shortest n otic( counter, over t he sewing-machine, at t he has been most plentiful in the large domain made by the U. C. F . Co. of this town. desk, at the easel, in the kitchen, in the of the Indians of Labrador is alAlso forthe LI-QUOR 'l'EA ro:r this town · 11:h'.rit,.at !he lowest prices. school-room. Such strength as this does most extinct. The result of thia, coupled and vicinity. It is cheap and as good as ca.n be got in the market. A valuable prize given Cistern Tub}ann Eumps supplied not go with a small waist . From the nature with the unusual severity of last winter,wa.s with every pound, of things, it can never- unless, as has been that some of the Bersimis Indians on their WELLS CLEANED &RERAIRED. pointed out, in exceptional cases - be found inla.nd hunts, to a.void starvation, were oblig. in women with 11m1111l waists. Stronl'( ed to eat their furs, and that in one camp and abdominal muscles- muscles which can three died of hunger, and that there are ...,... do their work without the de~dly props of dark rumors of their ha.ving committed cannisteel and whalebone now so universally worn balism ere succumbing to their terrible fate, TO GIVE SATI SFACTION. - a. large digestive, a rapid and In addition, bad luck of the direst kind a.1;. We will begiJu a Great Clearing Sale of our immense stock ut terly unob1tructed flow of the blood tended the efforts of the hunter11 to secure in the veins and the a.rteriesof Dry Goods aud Clothing. W e quote no prices but we Order(by.Mail promptly attended to. furs, and out of more t han a. 100 who start· these some of the requirements of ed out from Bersimis not ten on their return ARE NOW OPEN. are certain our customers will be surprised at the sweeping IHaJld Connerly occupied by the Post omce. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, P ICKETS, he111lth and strength. And these 'hinge take were able to pay their debts. In view of up room. Iu most woman God baa given this deplorable atate of affairs, the new reductions in every department.. JUNG STREET, MOULDINGS, &c., kept on hand . room for these organs and their proceBSeB, grand chief, Moise Bacon, and a delegation ::ElC>~1'ill'A.N"V"XX..X..E. but it is red11ced and contra.ct;ed in order to of the l eading: men of his tribe, are about to The Gallery is first-cla.811 in all it.· apmake the waist appearama.11. In the name proceed to Ottawa to interview the Departpointments, and furnished in a comfort of honorable labor ; of healthy and happy ment of Iudfa.n Affairs. able manner. There will be no poor wor:k infancy and childhood ; of intelligent, high· allowed t o leave the room1, and these who Nature is a ca:wful economist, who perThere is a.s much wisdom in bearing with · minded woma.nhood ; of everything that is favor me with a call can rely on being We m ean to prove Very iempting~argains will be offered. other people's defect~ as in being sensible of beautiful and w orth having for women in · mits only those faculties or mWicles to depleased be undersold ~ velop which used ; and, as every faculty beyond dispute that we cannot _..The instantenous proceBB only will their good qualities ; and we should make this world, we plee.d rfor the scorned. a.nd muscle ha.a a. use, it follows that that the follies of others rather a warning and a.n m111ligned, the condemned large waist, Give be used for Photographs. instruction to ourselves than a 1ubject of your body room. It is a sin against condition is nearest perfect where 11ll ~re l Come in and see me. mirth and mockery of those who commit humanity and its Maker to compreBS your employed, and, per contra, that Inactivity BoYman'rille1 Oetobe r 16th, 1884'. leadl to decay. them. wailt, 1 MARRIAGE LICENSES! Cards of Thanks. AY~. R'S A RUSSIAN REVIEW. C'. B. LOCKHART'S C:hetry Pectoral.· Iv ICTO:L <.-Y ! VICTORY MEANS PEACE, PLENTY& PROSPERITY.. ( The Chatham Binder ! Why Farmers Should Buy the Chatham Binder.. ·STA,,DARD BANK FARM PRODUCE BUTTER, ECCS, HIDES, TALLOW, RAYMOND BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LEVI TOLE, Enniskillen. Going, Goittg. ·~~ ~ Automatic Bobbin Winder ROCKFORD AND AURORA -WATCHES_ Sell Cheaper than the Cheapest, s. UNOE RT AKINC ! L EV 1 MORRIS. Orono Pump Factory. AARON BUCKLER. Wedding Rings in great variety. PUMPS OF EVEJIY DESGRIPTIOK GREAT CLEARING SALE PHOTOGRAPHY. ___ ___ New Photo Rooms DRY GOODS AND CLOTHiriGI ON SATURDAY, 18TfI INST., Winier Clothing will be offered extra cheap. In the Tailoring Department HENRY'S ALL WORK GUARANTEED R. FERGUSON. ELLISON & CO., R.H. HENRY.

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