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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Aug 1885, p. 4

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GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMANVILLE STATION. We take great pleasure in calli.11r tl M edicines . attention of the thousands of readers or -Take 11.ll the Blood purifiers, the STA'l'l':SMAN to the celebrated "HappJ OOING EABT GOING WEST -Take all the Dyspepsia and Indigest· Thought " Range, now conceded to be Oll'J Express .. ... . ,9.05 am Express ...... 7.10 am i on - ·cttre8, FaetExpreee.10.05 "' m Local, ........8.25 am of the b.est cooking stoves manufact ured. Mixed .........t.05 p D1 Mixed_........ 4.05 Pm This justly renownetl Hauge is a model Take a.II the .A yne, Fever, an<l bilious Local! ... ..... .. 7.:JO p m \ Express, ...... 9.00 P m in every respect ; it is heavy, substantial, Express ...... !J.40 ll m specifics. durable, ancl thoroughly well made and -Take all the Brnin and N ~rvo force CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. finished in every pa.rticular ; the orniv r evw es. m entation is chaste and 1Jeautiful wit h out BURKETON STATION Take all the Grnat health re~torers . being gaudy, and as the range has very ln short, take all the best qualities of large flues and being constructed with an OO!NG EAST. GOING WEST, all these and the-be.> t, especial view to giving the best r esult s, Express ...... 10.3.1 a. m J!;xpress....... . !l.00 1t m Mixed ... ..... 7.42 p m Express .. .. .. .. 7.J2 pm i t will be found to always wor k perfectly, - Qnul·itie.~ of all t he best mP.dicines in even where othe1· ranges h ave failed. the " orld, and you will find that H op ~·------===~~~====~ The "Happy Thought" is no experimen t, - Hitter.1 ha"e best curntive q ualities for it has been tried and t ested and out of and r·owers of all-coiicentrated in them, the many thousands now in use i n thl:l -And that they will cure wheu any or United :States and Canada, the manu- all of tbeee, single ur-co·mhi1ied. l!'liil ! ! BOWMANVILLE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 14 facturers have never heard of one that --A thor ough trial will gi rn positive does not give satisfaction. Some idea of proof oE this. the enormous salos of this Range may be THE CANADIAN PRESS had when we state that we have before ASSOCIATION. HardeneP, Liver. us a pamphlet list of 3,500 persons with Five yPars ago I broke down with kid· tl1eir aclclresses, to whom one dealer, M1·. At the risk of being called a "whinor" H. Beckwith, Utica, N. Y., h as sold the n ey a nd liver compl~iut and 1h eumatism. :Since then I have h···en u ui.ble to he " Happy Thought " in Utica and vicinity and charged with "ignorance, t h oughtalone, every one of whom woulcl gladly about at all. My liver became hard like lessness 01· prej uclice," we shnll ref er to a recommend it as the best cooking apparat us wood ; my limbs were puffed up and filled fe 1v points that Bro. Weld may possibly they have ever used. This first-class with water . overlook in his suggestions before th e All the best physicians agreod that Range is now made in all sizes and styles with the celebrated Duplex Grate, which is n oth ing coul d cure me. 1 r esoh·ed to try E xecutive for enli:trging the Association's so rapidly supplanting all others where Hop B ittPrs ; I have nsed seven bottles ; sphere of usefulness. We do this in th e anthracite coal is used. No shaking or the hardn c"s has all goae fmm m y l i ver, interest of t he Association and not for the poking of t he fire necessary; no dust the swelling from my l imbs, a nd it has gratification of any personal feelings. escaping in the room ; the fire is r eady worked a m-ircwlc iu my case ; utherwise I Iu circular N u. 1 sent to th e m embers for baking at all hours of the day or night. would luw ti been ll O W iu my gr·we . J. W. MOREY, Buffa lo, Oct. 1, 1881. '.rhe baking qualities of tlrn Range are the Secretary says : "The programme greatly increased by the use of this ex will embrace the following: - Annual Poverty and Suffering. REIL should certainly be hanged. He cellent grate. M eeting at Toronto, in one of the padors No range with an ordinary flat grate ··1 was dragged down with debt., poYor t,y ancl is a r ebel, a felon , a. murderer. He has of the Rossin House, on Tuesday, August will bake readily in the afternoon with suffering for, caused by a sick family nncl l lire of ant.hracito coal. The fire-pot largo bills fur docturing. 4th, 1 1t 2 p.m. A good afternoon session, been .tritid, found g uil ty, an<l. sent enced an olc I wa.s compl etely discouraged, until one year becomes choked with clinkers and einders, ago, to be hanged on September 18th, pr ox. by the advice or my pastor, I commenced allowing full discussion on s uch matters and any attempt to remove them with the using Hop BiLLers, and in one mont h we were 'L'htJ sentence should h e execu ted, justice as may be deemed in the interest of the all well, aucl uone of us lmv c seen a sick day poker tends t o mix t h em with t ho live since, and 1 want t o ~ay L o all po"r men, you journalistic profession. " And in circular demands i t; the blood of the bm ve fellows coal and destroy the life of the fire. Th is can keep your fum1lic" well a year with Hop . Hitters ror less tllan one docwr's will cosL No. 2 he s11ys : ~"It is . expected that who were sho t down b y Reil and h is dupes gr eat objec~ion is entirely overcom e by 1 know it." - A WORKING)!AN. every member will endeavor tu at tend, dem ands i t ; the wret.:k and ruin of t he using the Dupl ex Grate . By a single t urn of t he crank all th11 clinkers and s!ag are ~·!'<one genuine wit hout u. lmnch of green prepared to p11rticipate in the proceedings fortunes and h om es of t h e settlers demand instantaneously and thoroughly removed , Hops on the white label. bhun all t he vita, ancl submit such matters as may b e d eemed it; mul the laws of our country dernand a nd the fire beco1nes as bright and fresh poisonous st utt' with "Hop" or " H ops" in their i t . Then why should commutatiou be as if j ust kindled. Biscuit can be easily for the welfare of the " fourth estate." - - - - -+- ··-·-·--·-· See our 4 But t on Blk Kid Gloves at May we be p ermit ted to inquire how thought of 'I R eil has tl'ied r ebellion once a n d quickl y baked at any time with a fire that h as been running for weeks . The ThtJy are witlwu L dou bt t he beat many of the m embers "participated " in t oo ofwn and should be hanged, if i t b e Duplex Grate is simple, substantial and 75c. goods a t the price evc H' shown iu t liwn, to disco umge other s who migh t be only " a good afternoon's session 'I " A goodly more durable than a1iy fiat grate. B y Couch, J 11hn~t0-n & CrydHm < w 's. t e11q1ted t o try th e s ame exp eriment. The tuming i t two or th1·ee times a clay the n umber of the membc1·s wer e there during fare $13.00, stee1age, fro m P ort· Ocean t h e afternoon., but it was nearly 4 o'clock insanity cry is a delusion, a feint, aml .lire is always k ept bright and r eady for land or Halifax by Alh n Line, t o or fro m baking. lt is very cleanly. N ot a single Lond(·ndony, Belfa st., Qneens t own, Galshoulcl not b e allowell t o int ercept j ustice. when business was c:illed ; and the door n eed be open ed for removing t he meeting adjourned at 4::35. W hy the Let the arch -rebel swing for t h e sake of clinkers from t he firo, ai~ must be done way, Limerick Glasgo w ; Cab in also re48tf d elay 1 Why did the President not take future ptJace and order in our p mirie with the Anti-Clinker Girate. lt is very duced. W . A. N !i:aDs, Ageut. Go t o Taylor 'i; Mills, H 1 m1ptou, for province. economical. Coal is n ot wast ed or half t h e ch air :1t 2 p. Ill. ftncl proceed with th e b ur ned. The air comes in <lirect contact c±beap T weeds, F fainnels, Blan kets, etc., business 'I 'L'hc Secretary was busy, it is a)1il wher e you wiil1 get good prices ; for When on th e summit of Mt. \ Vashington with all t he fuel, insuring p erfect com- Vf ool and good R 0<lls. D . T AYLOR, protru e, arrauging for the excursion, but there bustion a.nd rapid circulatill)n around t he 25-tf. p riet or. were several m embers presen t who were the Secretary of the Can ad ian P ress As- ovens. Hew all wool Thress Goods worth 25c Last fall we p ublished a t estimon ial not interested in t h e excursion, b ut were sociation wrote a letter for publicatioµ in "prepnred t o lml'ticipate in the pr oceed- "Among the Clouds," and ori"his arrival from Mr. James Morris, J>roprietor of selhog off at 15c a t Co nd i, J ohnston & M orris' Carriage \Vorks, 11ewmmending Oryderman's. ings " of the annual meeting. Why sh ould in N e w York, according to a d e:srmtch to the stove after using i t a, few months. the Globe, he h all received an appointment the interests of the Association h e made After using it nearly a yeM'· he n ow rei!s merits; subservient t o the interes ts of the ex- as " Secretary of the Sun. " So we illfer afli:rms what h e t hen said of i; that h e is now "above th e clouds," and M ESSR S. L EE & EDSALL, Bow:man ville,!lr o.ncl.s rul vortis ed: ru: n.bsolute ly pttr s cursionists~ F or what purpose wits an C';:!C>:N'X'.AXN ..A.:M:llllll:C>NLB.. assistant secretary appointed. Could he h ence uo l onger sings " \Vait till t h e \~re have b een using the ' ' Ha~yThought" Range now for nearly a yea11· :u1d ar e as THE 1!'1E.ST: n ot have acted as secretary t o t he meeting clouds roll by, J ennie." P litm:t.cta.n top down on a ha.t stove unt il heated, tho higl\.tly pleased with i t as evel':. It cooks r emov· the cover aml smell. .A chen1lst will n ot ba re.. while the Secr etary was en gaged over splel'ldidly, throws a good h~at , is n ot quire~ to detect th\) preaen.c e o1 amrnon.ia.. ·w e fully concur with th e views ex- har~ t o- manage and burns a sm10<>Hi q uantity excursion arrangemeu ts 'I The Prcsitlen t's Address contained suggestions the 00n - pressed by the Lindswy Po8t wh en it says, of c011.1 for so la1·g e a stove. 11hie Duplex "It would b e exp ecting too m uch t o ask Graite- ~s a very valuable imprc.1<elllilent and sideration of which might v ery profit11bly wor tlh y of all praise. W e cowldi n ot be have occupied a whole day. Docs it not hotelkeepers to provide sh ed r oom and indmie\ll to r eturn to the wood s.tove for shelter without getting some form of r e- winte:ir use. J .AS . l\'foRRIS. look as though the main obj ect of the com pense for the accommodation, and it Bowmanville, August 3, 1881.1· . A ssociation is to secur11 ch eap milway is to b e h oped that farmers and i n fact all We., ~lso give the names of seruiral otl1 ers fares and a cheap annual excursion for ;d can wh o mak e m1e of theso comrenien ces will who ! usetl this Duplex Grnt:e ai1 its members 'I Th e P resicltJnt almost cheerfully p ay the fee required. Business hearl.' recommend it t o .thioi.111 friends . admits this in his i\dch cRs. H e says : ancl n e-ighbors : · ·· ·Only one meeting of t h e Executive has is busin ess. " M ii.. J osep h Bellman, B owin<Wl11ii!Je. " · Th os. H oar, 11 h een held during yc.;>r <tml t hat merely The Otta\\ia FRlrn P RE88 h as shown a. "' J ohn W esley, 11 for the purposeR nf this annu:i.1 meetiu g commendabl e fltroke of c11t erp1·i se in ' " Rich. Osb orne, 11 and excursiou. ' · J l e L hcu goes on to sp eak "· J·. Pattinson, " i ssuiug a. souvenir numb er in honor of of the ste11dy iucrt:·:tse in membersh ip and 11 · " N. M. Gage, Gen. Grant . It con tains nearly t went y Mi31f M oorcraft , 11 adds : "there li.rn H<'> L wanti ng eviden ces illust rations of scenes :in connect.i on wit h M m. J ohn Pierce, 11 of h eal thy and J·cr·amncn t vitality that his obsequies of pr orcin cnt J>ersons Lt.-Col. Cubitt , 11ave not alway1 ; bct'n v isible. 'l.'he daily 11 M r. 'l'hos. Osb"rne, DOES NOT CONTAIN .AMMONIA. as well as t he w l:l'l ly P ross is b ecoming ofiiciatil\g., " J oh n \ Vigh t, 11. 1ra llJIA.L'rllFUI.l!!KllS IUS NEVER BE.KN QUK STIONEIJ. 11. W. W. Allin, 11 more fully r epr csontw ·.lin th o mern bership. In a m llllon h o1n e1 t or a. qu a r ter of a century 1t ha.I On M onday morning, l:t~t ,,·eek, the 1tood t h e co usumeFs' o t e:st, "' F. Bleakley, 11 "!'his circuru st.;mcc nrny fairly b e ci ted as a l arge b an1 an d s tal>le belonging to Mr. J . "' James M orris, 11 THE TEST OF THE OVEN. proof that t h is A~s··r;i,ition h as disch arged . R oss, n orth of Osh:1wa , wei:e t ot:1lly de"' J as. M cClellan , 11 i ts du tics aud i.n a m ea~m:c at least ac- · st royed tfl'.,;e ther with ab< rnt :1!4 ton.11 of hay Thos. F itzgerald, ... PRICE BAKING POWDElt CO., d . a pha:ton, cutt er, fann ing 1nill, t h1·ee set s JUJ.KE RS OB' "' 'L'ho&. H. Spr y, 11 <;O mp lish ecl th e l. ·ll l'!JOSlJS of its foun ers." of d ouble ha m e<s, two stoves ::md other '" '.l.'hos . Dar ch, 11 And furth er uu b ' aclds : "tmd t h e farmin g utensils. '.l'hc b arn was 34xl 22 ·" .Jno. l\'Iaynn,rd, 11 · T ho ·lro11gell,moe;i dcllelou· and ulltu r ul llA·or kuown, m.uJ brigh t est of d r. :ly Jlllll'llalists may leam feet, and :s-table 16;x:50 . '.!!' be b uildings , ·~ C . K eith, 11 at least som et hiug from his bret h ren in were insurecl for $700, 'Fh cre was no ~ Prlce~s "' J . Higginbot h am, " insurance OR t h e cvnten ts. Mr. R oss; loss ... Samuel Gates, 11 F or Light, Jieultb y llrcad, 'f ile Dost llry Ilop association asRfl111hl:.>[1." This lat ter st.a te- will b e ab w u t $ 1,.000. '£he origin of the Yeast in t he Wor ld. "' M . A . J a mes, " m ent is very t rn u, p1·oviclcc l time is given fire is not k n own, but it l\>riigin11te<l in the FOR SALE BY CROCERS. "' S te phen Cot ton, 11 for discussio11 . }\s all ineans t h en h old c>1w stables, pr ob ably WTus S·>~· on fir e CHICACO. 8T. LOUIS· " \ Vin . R owe, "' " good n,ftern oon s.:Jssion s " in fu ture that by tramps . .. ~ R ich. Gilbert, 11 sorne f urther b eu efi.t.s iua.y be cle1·ived. ~.-------" John Allin, " Another p oint to which we rnluctantl y PURE ZIN C MONUMENTS . Tu. S. ll. Chandler , Newcastl e, M r . T . Stillwell, " 0 .RONO, .July 25th, 1885. i·efer, it b eing :1. ::>om cwha t delicate one t o 11 Duncan Arnot t , "' V liile Bronze· M<V.niw 1ent Oo. d iscuss, is th e " r uunclor " syst em practis ed St. T homa.s J· 11 Enoch H olmes,. " GENTI,EM~1'. 'f,-A f ter cons-idering the mat t,er lllll ll< tl election of officers. \Ve have of a fam il y lUonu me n t for s o mP1 t im e. anll exat the > 11 .Jne . Bel wood, " designs and monument" of different 11 J as. Munson , '· ' n ot on o word t o s;iy against <tn y mcrnb er amining .hese j kinds, Mr. H_w·. vVri!l;h t. ·y0uragentfor 1 11 D . P ollard, Darliugton, of th e E xec utive; they a.r e ox pericn ctJd , counti es. called on us w >th yom· book and , sheets of designs aud mo(\e1 monuments .which 1 11 ·wm. Calwell, " able jo urnalist~ , l.rnt we can see no goo<l att racted our special 1:1 t1 0ntion ; u.nd u.fter 11 Ch.ester P ow ers, " gettiu g what i ufor UH·trnn we coul r l from Mr. i·eason for eleeLi.Hg t,h o same members ·y ear Wright. at his r eq uost. one of us went to t~ e The following h appy verses were written at St. 'l'hou1as (as :i:ou kn<>w), 1 Lnd a fter n,fter ye,ir . T11 :· member ship of, probably, works. a thorough i nvesligl\tion into the process of W:Y '\11 enthusiastic :purclrnser of a "Happy upwi~rds of two h undred , we d o not k now nuurnlac t nre, examinini;. t.hc material used.and T h ought" R an ge :· mcnts which l1ad seeing a. number of mon>1 My worthy f1·iend. H you must spend t h e ex act nu m1JeT,'is it n ot strange that only been erected for a consider« b lo time, we were Your money for a '.stove, j ust send flllly satisfied they w<lre superior to marble or a dozen men h ave b een found co111p et ent granite, and at once g 1LYO Ollr order for No. 155! 'l'o Leo & Edsell's store, and never more of your designs. Ami now tliat it 111·8 conrn to 1 ict on the E xecutive Committ ee i 'l'his safely to hand and is erected in a very sub Will you pronounce you1· st.ove a. bore. lin:ct1ono,. rnay not b e the prnp er phtce t o call atten - stantial manner. according to our c The " Happy Thought" or them I bought, we wish to state, for yo ur encouragement in And I havo done j nst what you ought; tion to the rnaLLei-, b ut we h eard so much )·our comparatively new and growing enter.. th a t we are rlelighted with t ho monu· You.'11 think me strangA, but snch a range comph i ut on thi1:1 subj ect after the meet- pri·e, ment yon have sent us; and althougl1 tbc1 ·1> For atl earth's stoves I'd net exchange. ing in T oronto b st. W<:Jek, that we decided are l:lea.uUful Scotch ancl .i<:nglish m onnmen!;s i.P our cemetery, yet we li ke it very m l!ch ' T w ill bake or brew, 'twill boil or stew, t o i·efer t.o it publicly in t h e hop e t hat lietter than either of theru. The t a.blet;s being Or ooolc a turkey through and 1.hrough ; (f.or tho presen t.) so nicely removable, and some cun sidorr1tion an d COLlrtesy r1my ornamented. till they aro re<{uircd for lettering, A steak 't.will fry or bake a pie, the monument ti fi1 ushed appearance; h ereafter be sh own t o severnl old and gives And roast potatoes nice and dry. and the let rering bei n g all raised reads ve.ry worth y members wh o h uve n ever y et b een distinctly. And the gener1·l designs and proAnd while you sleep a fire 'twill keep, portions of the monument are so good thtit the And ·warm your home, sir, very ob.cap. elect ed on t h e E xecut i ve or official B oard. family and friends are very much pleased wit h it. And we wish you and your enterpd sino; I t also bakes the best of cakes, The following statement shows how rn r m y agent here, success Jn your worlc, as we conWith half t he coal the old one takes. year s since 1880 inclusive each of t h e sider th e i ntroduction of these P unE Z INC MONlJ)rnNTS will be a i.reat beneJlt to t hiij My wire so si>ys by way of praise, thirteen m emb ers named have occupied country, where the extreme changes of the Sl:io no more dwacls her bakiug-days; weather and atmosphere severely effect the posit ions on the Ex ecutive Committee : marble and stone work in our cemeterie·. But t hinks it fun h e r stove to rnn, D. A . G.AM SBY &, Dnos. Trayc~. .. ... .... 1880 . . 1881. .1882 .. l 883 . ·1881. . 1885 Because t11e work so soon i~ done. P ense . . . . . . . .. . do .. do .. do .. do .. do . . do Tye. .. .. .. . . . . . . do .. do . . do .. do .. do .. do .AiLEN's L UNG B ALSAM- ls t h e great H all's Vegetable Sicilia n H air R enewer C!lmie .. . , .... .. do .. do . . do .. do .. do . . do m odern rem~dy for Cough e, Colds, Conn evtJr fails in restoring gray hair to its Barr .. .... .... .. do .. do .. do .. do .. do . . do, Hough .. .... .... do .. do .. do . . do .. do .. do sumption, Asthma, Croup and Br-:m ohitis . y outbful color, lust re, and vi t ality . Dr. Robinson ...... . do . . do .. do .. do .. do . . do1 !t i11 recommended by Physicians every· A. A . H ayes, State Assayer of Massachuille., . .. . do .. do . . do . . do .. do . . do SomerY where, who are acqu aint ed with it s great a.etts, endorses it, and all who give i t a fii~~i~e~; } .. .. do . . do . . do .. do . . do .. do usefulness. fair trial unite i n grateful testimon y to Pattullo . . .. .... - . .- .. do .. do . . do .. do Our stock of Corset s is always well as- i ts many victories. Watt .. . . .. . ..... - ..- .. do .. d.o . . do ,. c 1o Smallplece, ... . .- ..- .. do . . do . . do .. do sorted ; t h e b est makes only 1rnpt at the High est price paid for all kinds of farm *Messrs. Innes & Davidson nre joint pro· Star H ouse, from 40 ct s up. produce at J. Ly le's. prietors of the Guelph 1W~1·C'fLT'JI, I I A still more dclicat{l subject to introduce is one that i·efors moro particul1irly t,o the Secretary-Treasurer, but in C<'nformity with the constitution we think the intorests of tho Association d emaml the cluwges fur which we ask, viz ;- Th1tt the Sec'y-'l' reasurer's b ooks b11 pr oporly n.uditcd every year ;md th1~t a financial statement lu; printed :mtl a copy sen t to every m ember; that a full list of tho membcl'S be .:ilso l'rinted and forw arded with the statement ; ituu that the salary of s1tid Sec'y-Treasurer be a fixetl amount. We woulrl also suggest that a bett er way would be to have both a Treasurer and a Secretary appointed and tlrnt each of them be required to present his printed r eport at every annual meeting. WtJ ven t ure the opinion tlrnt no mornber of t h e Association outside of the Executive knows anything about th.c finances or the number of me1nbers. It is n ot credital1 le, to ~ay t h e least, to such an i ntelligent association th,~t such ignora.nce of its n umerical strength and financial affairs prevails. Our comments apply t o the Association in general, and therefore we trust n o particula.1· m ember will fee]· aggrievtid over anything we hav e said. We hope oth er m embers will submit oth er s uggestions so tlutt several beneficial changes may be made at our next m eeting. "HAPPY THOUGHT" RANGE Take all in all. - 1'ake all t he Kidney a,nd Liver COUCH, JOH~,.STON & CRYDERMAN Do not profess to sell their goods at cost all through the year, but they always make it a p· e)int to clear ,o ut their stock at the end . of each seasol.1, SO FOR THE NEXT FEW WEEKS they will give Great B argains in Prints, Dress Goods, · Parasols, Hosiery, Gloves,&c. and all kinds of summer goods. Remember this is a genuine sale of new goods, not old shop-worn stuff. One Doo1· West: of" Post Oftice, Dolvmanville. ~G-<> mro~ MURDOCH BROTHERS - - - :E· <:> :Fl..--- ~, ~ ~-~~~,.,~;:;~~~ ~~~ E l Q GROCERIES ~,;i, ae:sr AN~~PEST IN TOWN· ~~~Q!:L~lQ9J9(?lQ~~~~Ql.2_~~Q912£..l,QQ!.2_~Q~~ -~~~«?"~~-- I PRESERVING SUGARSThe best and cheapest in Bowmanville. TE&'!' YOITR BAKING POWDER TO·DAY! FRUIT JARSThe latest and best sty les manufactured. Dinner and Tea SetsThe most magnificent ever offered in t own. China Tea SetsTable and Hanging Lamps- ..... The best quality and most beautifol p11tterns. The most varied and handsome stock in town. Delicious TeasThe best and cheapest t he world'fl markets afford. Fine Flavored CoffeesGround daily fresh on th e premises. Raisins and CurrantsGood, clean and cheap as the cheapest. Crockery and GlasswareSelling off very cheap t o clear out. ~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ Canned Meat s and FruitEvery variety kept constan tly m st ock. Dr. Price's snecial Flavorin[ Extracts, Dr. Lupulin Yeast Gems Highest Prices Paid for Butt er, Eggs and F ar m Produce of all kinds. Every article usually kept by first-class grocers will be fo und with us a nd at most reasonable prices. We t ake .pleasu re in showing goods. MURDOC H BROTH E RS, VICTORI A BUILDINGS. BO\VMANVILLE..t.. ONT. i;ro Jfl_ cJnurtrg Will sell t his m onth at low prices for Cash. P arasols, Victoria Lawns, Linon d e Syrie- nice for Summer Dress Goods, Check Muslin, L ight Prints, Summ er Dr ess Goods, Laces, Emb roideries- wide and narrow, Gloves and I-Iosiery, Gent's W hite Shirts, F an cy Shirts, &c. As the season has been so backward I will sell these goods with the whole of my stock at Greatly Reduced Prices for Cash_ Give me a call and you will get ch eap goods. W. M c MURTRY, - ""1 WES T E ND H OUS E, BO W MA N VI L LE.

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