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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Aug 1885, p. 5

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Miss Nellie Law is visiting at Mr. Hugh McKay's. M r. M . E. Nead's, of Ca.nnington , wns in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. H . O'Hara are spending a fe1r days in to wn. Miss Lizzie Tod is spending a. few weeh with Binrio friends. During this h ot weather visit Mr~. Key»' ice cream parlor. Mr. Arthur C . Gartley, of N .iwmarket, l. ~ visiting chums here this week. }\'1r . · K. Galbraith, barrister, has .:~::: ··;-. Hu.11. . gon() ward for liis holidays. Mr. 'fhos . Webater, of Brampton, spent m~1r~m~ ~~A~e Several flags floated a t half-mast on ~Saturday, out of respect for Gen. Gran t's last wee k in W\Vn with h iB cousin, 1\ir. G1io. H. Ilead quarters for choice T oilet Soaps funeral. Oshawa gave h er three volunteers who Mr. Thomas Wooster, of Brampton, is at STOTT & JURY'S. were on service in the North-west a h earty has been visiting hiie cousin, Mr. Geo. H . welcom~ home. Webster , of this town. Tho STATESMAN will be sent to any M embers of the lfowman1·ille Hnnt address for the balance of 1885 for only Club meet Wednesday even ing on Mar35 cents. Send it to your friends. k et Square a.t 7 sharp. 'The lar"eet and beet assorted stock of Several farmers have informed us that Citizens, attend the Promena,te ConHeir Br~sbes, &c., in Bo\vmanville is a.t wheat in this vicinity is pretty badly rust- cert given by our two B 11o.n ds in the Drill .STOTT & JURY'S Medical Hall. Head ed. 'l'he weevil is also in thew heat heads. Shed this Friday night. Robt. A1·111our, Esq., Registrar, re·q uarters for everything iri the Dr ug line. Messrs. D~ugl as McArthur and R hys ceived tho first otllcial letter from Hon.T. 1J'airbairn, of Toronto, are sp0:11ding W hite, the new M.iniste1' of the Interior. vacation at t heir homes here. The b est valDe in Linen and Victorfa Mr. ]'n.d. D. Cherry, Manag11r for the Lawns and the fi nest assortment of Em'The h est 'l'ooth 13rnehes are branded hmicfodes in town at Conch, J'olmston & White Sewin g .M:achino Co., at Alba.ny, N.Y., is here on 11. brief visit. -on the h andle with the words, STOTT & Cryderman's. l~Aycr's Sarsaparilla is the most effective Mr. H. Hough, M. A., late of the Co- blood-purifier ever devised. It is recom.JUI'tY. bouro- ' VOl'ld, h11s moved to Toronto, n1euued by the best phyaicitms. wher~ h e h as taken a lar J:!;e interest in the Mr. Levi YanCamp, d eputy reeve of Gtip Printing Co. Darlington, has been seriously ill,. but we Mr. R. D. Chatterton, County Clerk, are glad to report his convalescence. Cobourg, dit·d on Tuesday wook. DeM essrs. J.C. and Lucius Vanstoue anc:ll . ceased was born at Bat 11, Eug., on t.he Albert, Herbert, Norman and W.E.'£illey 1 2nd of June 1802. M . A., are camping at L>1ke Scugog . LYMAN'S COB'FEE IS REST The ADvBu.:rrnER is t h e name of a n ew Mrs. John Maynard :i.nd son Cecil and weekly started i.Lt 1\Iitchell, Ont., by Mr. Miss 'foenie ~foynard have gone out to 1st, 13ecanse (lf its purity. W. Colwell. It looks well, and is further Znd, There is no ivas te l~enclon Fnlls for a few '\Vceks holidays. ' eviden ce of tho const'Lntly increasing pros3 rd, It reqniros no boiling. O ur correspondents will please excuse' perity of the country. the condensation practised on iheir lotter:1 <!th, Yon ~n prepare a cup or B gallon in l\'lcClellrtn & Co. will, uutil further this 1vcek. T ht1 P rcse m ust receive at tenless than one mi11uto. notice, sell best snt·eeuecl dry coal at $5. 75 5th, It is convenient fo r pic-nics or camp- per t on at harbor and $li.25 deli verud. tion. Mr. ·John McGill of the Ontario Bank, ing excursions. A discount of 25 cent s per ton on all Winnipeg, aud Mrs . McGill arrived here N. B.- 3 per eent. discount 0D all Fall accom1t.s paid now. Gth, It is cheaper than any other k ind . orders accompanied by cash .-32-4w. last week and are h aving a ploasant time 7th, You have only to try it to be con· vV e are pleased to hear that Master amo11g old friends. ..·---~· DoDglus Mc.Arthur has heen promoted to vinced. For sale by Itev. A. W. Maerntb, incumbent St. a senior department in Upper C;111acla STOTT & JUHY, College, ha viug passed the :fimll examina- B:i.rnabas clrnrch, St. 0ath erines, will rhe l1eliabl o Druggists. tions of the term with First Class Honors. prt~ach in S t. .John's chllrch, hero, on uhair. P t·<'scnt- Mcsm·B. Windatt,.'.l'ocl. florsey, : . Sund"y next, ]()th instant, morning and Blcal> ley, Jfairbairn, Couch, Bu.r1lon and l<'ogg .. "THE S1·1m~~ OF ·rHR" is the name evening. :M:inutN1 or Lho p1·ev iu11R mcetiug w ere road of a new weekly j trnt st:w; ed in Toronto Mr. S dYille N . Newton, fate of the and confirmed, BARB. - $2 a year - devotccl to society ethics he estimates for the Mr. Fai1·bail·n presented L and satire, embracing every t hought pres- Lindsay 'iVcmler, has becorno editol' and year as follows : ent 1mJ prosp ecLive, of interest to the in- proprietor of i.hc Whitby Ga~;cttc. W"' Hif.(h Schnol Salal'ies ... .... ... ......... .. $3,200 00 hopc1 to see the Gm:ette prosper under h is Public School Salaries ...... ... ... ...... ;;, ~00 00 :BOWMANVILLE, FRlDAY, .AUGUST 14 t elli.gcnt public. Ot.beJ' ofll cer~.. ........ .. ... . ...... .. .... 150 00 nrn.mLgemen t. Printing 1t11<l 1t1lverti~i11!( . .. . .. . ....... -· 5~ 00 At this season of t he yea.r care should Statione,.y... .. ... ... .. . .. .. .. ...... . .... ... GO 00 The Knights of L'tbor and firemen of bu taken to remove all black lmotu from RxaminaLions .. ...... . ...... . .. ... ..... . ·2·~ 00 B ellevillo have a monster demonat:.:a~ion fruit trees . The knot m somo Jocali tirs J;'uel .. ............. .. ............ .. ....... 60000 " undrlcs.. ...... .. . .. .. . .. . . .. . .·. . . .. . .. . 4{)0 00 is qnite had, and u general cleani1Jg ou~ n ext Monday. · $1>00 are offered in prizes. Labor 1 t11d work ... _.. . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. . . 200 00 Crops are looling r emarkably well in of tlie whole trees would not be out of One or both of our bands expect to attend. Interest.. . .... . . ...... ...... .. ... . .... .. 150 00 Contingencies ._ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ....... ... .. . 117 00 (Jar twr·ight township. phtco. Th., Statute is very pointeil on Reduced railwn.y fares. Helliwell, of the Midlancl Batt., who The suit be.tween Messrs. T. Conlin and t his s .1bj e~t.. $!>,:l50 00 Jesse Trull, has been set,tlcd. On his arri.v al on Friday evening at was wounded in the l eft shonld er at lhIncome based on In.Ht. yenr :Mr. and Mrs. J'.H.. Kydd have gone on· Murray Bay, Liout. Hurne Blake son of toohe, ha~ gone to Uiviere Dn Loup with TlnlJtncc on han!l, Jan. l, 18Sf> . ........ . .. $ 466 3~ i:Jchool Grant, rn~i . . .... .... .. .. .. .. 1,7!18 OU .a trip to N cw York and the sea side. Hon. E. Blake, who served in t he oam- Mr . l·'aul kncr, a lawyer of Belleville, to Higlt Pnblic School G ru.nt, 188'1 .. . _ . .. ... . . .. .· 503 00 Mr. imd Mrs. Geo. Baidon are pairrn in tho North-wost with the Toronto see Sir John Macdonald. Tho la~ yer is 'l'o be raisoil by assessment .... .......... ii,582 67 friends at Ha1nilton. Mr. B. is a repre- Volunteers, met with a most enthusiastic using his influence to get a pension for $9,359 00 sentative to the G rand Encampment t h at reception from the summering and resi- Lieut. Helliwell. Tho followi11g ncconnts we1·e 11asse<l :The rubbers and Vt1rnishers of the U .C . dent population of the place. . met there on Tuesday. n. S. Man uiP g; sundries ... ....... .. ...... $72 39 'rho door rcc.oipts at the drill sh ed, Mr. Jos. Stevenson, K insa.le, Pickering F. FRctory, .Bowman ville, presented their H . \Vorth, work .. _...... . .. ... ..... . . .. ... H 50 shopmo.te, Mr.Albert Cayloy, "'it.ha handCartwright, on the occasion of the recep- township, lost a horse receutly, and know~78 89 tion to the "Heroes of Batoche" on the in<r of the extensive circulation of the some silver modal, and a nice ad<lresa in Doarcl adjourned, 29th ult. muount to $1117. What a pity ST~'l'E:SMAN sent us an udvertisern e1 1t. H e houor of hi~ bravery as a member of Co. "C" Midl,1nd B:itt. in the recent NorthRead what is said of the Happy Thought -0ur tow 11 ln,)[rics did not hit on such a lucky recov ered his horse on F1·icfay, less lhan .scheme. 24 h ours after the pitpcr was printed. .vest campaign. 'J.'he presouta.tiou was R:i.ngc. made by Mi._ Geo. Fogg. Mrs . .T. vVcsley and JVTrs.Dr. Hillier ancl Moral--D ont spend days and weeks hunt· Bi;: sumi: YOU GI>T Tllll G JmUlNE Mu1t(fau<>htor left oDwfa,y ui ght for a few ing for stray anim~ds, bnt insert a sni:1ll MA RRtED. ltAY & LAN1'1AN's Fi:.01t1n A WATRR. 'l'here :ATESMAN. weelrn visit at the scu. side, their dostina- advt. in the S:1 SIM PSON- HAM L lN. - At St.George's church, ~~-~ are counterfeits, hut if you will h old a. tion b eing Old 01·chaTd Beach. Th·~Y 11.ev. H. D . Fraser, the uew Pastor of Oshawa, on \\'tdncsiltty, A ng. l ~t h, by the were accompanied :i.lso by Mrs. L.E.N. St. I'aul's Presbyterian church, Bowman- leaf of tho pamphlet, which is around ltov. Mr. Middleton, D. Bnrkc Simpst>n. bar- DA.RM WANTJi; D.-The und ersigned "1~-,AEM FOR SALE IN CLARKE . l farm or 100 to Iii() ....L: 117 ~ acres-t·hc estate of the !ltto JOHN ·ister· o.t·htw, of Os~~oode H1Lll, ao1l second so u _LI wants to rent. " gooc Pratte, of Montreal. ville, will b e inductec l on Tuesday nex t :i.t each bottle, up to th e light, you will see 1 os. KEAT, Orono. [32·2W4 BuowN, belng parts of J,ots W and 20, Con, 6; the la te Hon . .lohn ;;;mpsou, Senator, of acres. Address, 1'1 1 in faint letters, water-m arked in the of will be sold torrctllor. 11~ acres cleared and BowmanvillA, to 'l'heo Corinne, only daughter ·rhe w .C.T .U. intend preparin::: a lunch 11 a . m., Mr. Drummond to preside and pap11r, t.lie words "LAN~fAN & Kmnr, in good state of cuHivation; balance, good ofH. S . :Efamli11, E sq .· of Oshawa. . ,, {)ll Ft1ir Day for which they are ma.king induct, 1\fr. Cameron to preach, ~Ir. Me- N.i.:w YoRJi:," and wher e you cannot find bard wood Lilllbor. Good brick house, good MARK-HONA'I'HE:N- On tho 2!lt.h .Jrly, by tho TEA<?H ER WAN.IED. - F?r Sch col out-buil11i11gs, . f Mcchn.n t o adc h:ess th e minis ter, and Mr. rtone stables and rool; house; g reat preparation. The young l ac1 10s o Hcv. J. B. Silcox, JVfr. JT. C. Mnrk. of C. l '.rt. . Section No. HI, Dndm ~ l:on, Duties t o com· thiR, yon mn,y be sure the article is n ot well fonceu; two wells hard water, tno City, to Miss .TemueBonathcn of Howmtt1n·;110. meuce < Bfflnrner Vfl.t~at;.1qn ..Apply statmg the U11ion will of course serve t he tables I,eslie the people. In the evening a roexpcct.ed salary a11rl qn11.b!1cations to C. W. cisterns. r.iood orchard; convenient to s ol ool geuuine. thus ensuring a larq;e patron age from the ccption to the n e w Pv.stor will be served SMl'l'H, Scc.-Tron.s., Jlarnpton P . 0 . 31-3w. an d chnrch ; 3} m iles from Orono, '.l'erms Death has been bnsv in ancl around - - - - - · 1ars m · <lue in the basement from 5 to 8 o'clock, and very rcasom,!Jle. A1Jply for p11rticulars to the oung men. Further part1cu DIED. Executors: - .TA"MEl-:l BROWN, Kirby P. O.· Y t ime. a public meeting will b e holcl to begin at this t o 1vn of late, espe~ially among the ATTI,E L 0 S T.Strayed fro m the EDMUND COBBLEDICK, Orono P . 0 . 2Hw BAnH.E'IT- In·Bo\vmanviHe, on 8 11nd n. y, A.11~. 8 o'clock. A l:i.rgc uumbcl· of clergymen young. 'l'he fuueral of Horbert H. Barpremises of I.h e undersigned, Lot 21, Con. - - ----- - - - ---- - - --Cartwri<>htfarmer s nre showing signsof w ill be r)r esent. '.rickets 25 cents. The rett, third son of Mr. Thos. B~·rrott, took Oth, Henry Herbert t !;, t.hird son of Mr. 2, Hoach, four small Ym1.l'ling CR.ttlcthrco . erity~ Messrs. Jam es Nesbitt, Goo. laclios are preparing an excel l ent repas t pl ace on Tuesday. Tho Sitlv11tion Ar m y '.rho mas Barrett, aged J() Yll<tl'S an<l 10 m ontlls. Grey Steers an d one ' Vhifo Ucifcr. l!'ivc doll1 1rs P ros]) S(iUAm.- In Darlington on 'l'1wsclay, A11 g. reward will he given to an y person giving such Follis, ,John Cni:hliert and James Hall for the occasion. Everybody is cordially uf wl1ich he was a member turned ou t in llth, Clara Matilda, bclovecl wife of Mr. . information t hat will load t;o their recovery. rs , either :h<lve erect.utl or are erecting addi- invited t o attend. good force 11nd followed his remains to Francis Sqmtil'. j r .· aged 21 yei1 n. I'OJ,LARD, Shirley P . 0. 29·4w. :L'o the Manager of the Glasoow and Lonclo1t bions to and foundations under their barns Fm:zE.- Jn Bowmanville on tho llth inst., - -- - - -- -- Fire Ins?.irance Co. the cemetery whore they conducted t 1e James 'Ve ar c always pleasecl to receiYo th e F ury,e, aged 57 yctti·s. ancl out-buildin gri, or h ave constructed '~:1 Q Q \Vill Purchase. 20 We l\orcby retmn OLtr thanks for the.vrompt Musicftl World ; it is brii!,h t, r eadable, and fu neral obsequies. The fnueral wns largepayment (by youl' agent, Mr, 'l'hos. Ilrngharu) new on es. .. e: acres 01. _ good }and for damn~e by lightning to our barns in thu contains some very fjn o music. The Au - l y attend ed. H is d iseas.i was consumpnea1 Bo1Vmanv;1 llo. Ir not ~ . old, will bo re;it- lat e thunder storm; insured in th e s .· overeign McDougall & JVfotcalf having bougl1t gust number is very interesting, b oth in t ion. '.!'his makes five d eatbs from the BOWMANVILTJE MARKETS. . ed. ,Apply t.o J!!~'~rn .Mon:RIR, No. 89 Gros- Fire Insurance Co. and reinsnred with your the corner lot from Mr. Neads, on which litemture and music, and we commend same disease in this town withiu a n1onth .. vencr A venue, Io1ont.o, On t, 20-tr. Uo., hnvlng i<Ot c !tsh chocks by rcla1"n mail the ·o ld founc11y stood, are erecting a new the \· Oon·r.cted IJy .JO~IN Ii\: r.11:, c1;er11 Thur.q da11 - ----------· ---.after w o sent in oul' cl&im. VoitLn to all who like music and wish - a ll young people except one. office and putting in n cw- scales, and ex- to keep infonuod concerning the art. F lour, per 100 tli .·. ·.. $2 00 .· to . . $2 25 ')"" \mU<:S OF J > \ND FOR SALE I JOS!WH}W'J'Irnn..~OllD. Do Yom.t CHJLtHmN have fl ts or convul- l!'all Whoa.t,per bus h .... 0 80 .. to .. 0 .82 M I. ~L~~· lG, Con. -o ii1rke good i Kirby, Jm1.1"lo~1~.;-mER pect to be rea<ly t·J defo·er coal next 'r he music in t his number is Wilt Thou RU .1.HERFORD. sions, grind their teeth, pick thei r n ose, SpringWheat, per bu ah. 0 80 . . to .. 0 82 _frame ilwellmg·honsc, ba.r.i1 and stable; u.lao week. ScvlJral car loa(ls of l umber have ])e my Deal'ie, song nud ch urns by J . D. h ave a hsd breath, or a changea ble appe' h ' 1 0 r. h t 0 60 / yo11n g orclmrd. A mwer-fflilin g creek rune already arrived .- 33- lw. 1 ur J .... O. · t h roug;h the p rom ises .. 'Pcrrns ver y r ea.aonablo. Campbell; When all the vVorld is Young, tite 1 Are they restless or feveriah at R"ye, pe r usno · · · · · · · · · Oa.ts,pflr b ushel. , · · ,, .. 0 30 .. to .. 0 :15 Apply Ln STAT11:;rn1M\ Ol"l"lt:l'J, or to tho pro'.!'he present E ditor of the Lindsay War- ballad by E liz:ib(ith Philp ; Norwich G ran d n it\ht ? If so ask } ' Olll' aniggrnt for D .R. l "e«s,Bluo. ,,,, , · , · . , . · O 50 ·· to .. O 55 prieLor, n.1w lAHD l'J 1>1-:n, .K@dall. 28-2m' d er is un exceudiugly mo<lP.Ht young mun; March by Collin Coe, an dSparkliug Schot- s~nTH's G!CrtMA~ \Vo1tM: REMIWY. (takA no St. Thomas, Onta,rio. " Blackey es. . .. . . . . 0 70 .. to . . 0 80 in his last issu o h e Etiys, "W e were a boy tische, by A .P. Wyman. The s ubscrip- ot.her), it only costs 25 cents. Ja Rimple, " Small.·· , ·.·.... O (i[i ..· to ... O (iO F ARM FOR SAL1!'! IN CLARKE.- .W-'fhc finestl11tildin~1s.b'iunfahin11s,G'·'Ounrls, once oursel ves. \Ve d istinctly rememb er tion price is $1.GO p t'r annum ; single, and ple;isant to take. If their aro b t t bl 0 ]0 @ O 13 lOOacrcs, beingparts ol' lots~()aud21,con. how jolly it was to go in bnthi ng und copies 15 cents. A ddress S. I3raumrd':; no worma, it removes the slime rmd bile Bu t, per -~. lu. ea · a e. · · · ·· ' a. Ularkc, t here bt\ir f{ 50 a.ere;; in each lot. Will &;c., for the purpose in Q,1,1!ada. Fnll Strr,(f of rn Gradnates nnd CerliJicated Lanl , ;V' lb .·· · ,, . . .. .. .. 0 Hi .. @ .· 0 ·13 he sold togathnr or in two pa.1 ·cels. Good buildswimmin ~, h ut we nlso as clearly r ecollect Sons, Clevelan d, 0. t h at breeds thorn, tones up the system, IJ:ggs, 'IP'd.oi: ..... ....... .. O ]0 .· @ ·· 012 iugs,wellfon cod,wcll wa1.c1 -od, goocl orcha1 ·d. 'reachers 111 i.itc.t·at~i:r~. liu.fiiC, Jlhu· A.1·ts,., Jaow careful .·.} were not to expose o urA~ l cost. Not only farmers but aud will save m any a doct or's bill. A ~ O Ouly· St 111i.lcu f ro1n N o;Ncastle. ~rerms ea.Ry~ .Co1u1J1t~rcial 5.:..;~.J'.:ncc.. nc..01·cn.H Sca·t · .iGU1. selves when so 1loino-." He prnbably did city pO')ple, indeed t hose of all occupations word to tho wise, etc. Th ousands of Pot:ltooll,per btrnhol. , · , ..0 35 . · (~ · · 40 Ap ply for parti0ulnrn to SOLOMON HARRIS, F or !.tO.pp. Alllto111nce~"ent, a< ill~ess. W ool, per lb., · . , . . ... ..·. 0 'IG .. @ . · 0 lG on the premises, or to WILLIAM fiARlUS, l'1Ui\'CH'Xll. ,~ uf;'HN. n. "his swimming in a tub down collar. and particularly Housekeepers, will fincl tosti .110nials. ~ -_..._,_,___~--~~ Wl1i l>. 0.. IO. Tho present year shows the sn.1110 grad- mu ch most vahrnble, practical information ---------- I ual increase in stilcis of t ho colebmted or- in t he P1t111 RIE F J\lnua:., as n ow cditocl by 1 f.'an s m1c1 pianos of tho Don inion Organ Or:.mge .Ju dd, whuso writings and -ORSE FOR SA LE. - A good fanu 'l'ownship, Ont.aria Conuty; 2)- mil!"s ~rom A Coller{e!o~ fh~.H1gher Efu~atw;i of Y o"'.na ~ndl'iano comn;my of Dowmmwi il e.. 'J'h cy teachings lrnve been ron,d and appreciated · . . c - · I Grnnnwood Stu.t1on 8.1111 ~1,}JIJ IJ \. urne nulesfrom f,mlHS. Ff 11l...,Jw11i n a ,l . JJolloqe Avenue. have long pro~ en" themselves second to for 32 years pt1st. 'l:Jio pitpor is n eatly ·' ~~· hors? fo1 · sale. Ap1Jly i o G1 >-0. J?,:; 1~ C"N, Whilby town. A Jf.llt:; 'l'-U 1,..._\S:-:i Jl'ARl\-1. 'J\1n 101·onto. ( Hour clm·s and D a :1 8chalai·s). none in qndity of toue, finish or in price. printed, finely illustrated, and h ::ts a most ll o manv1Jlo. '" acres of hnsh . T he wilule cicnred portion 'fhe school will ro-opm1 W ltDNl<jSDAY, 2nd j g under cultivnUon. )\ml· batns v.r,d sttib l~)a, S EPrl ]i~l\1 1:tl£lL Sevf·rn: l cP.,nrlidfJ,t oH frorn t.h1s We crm spe:tk pcrsonn.lly of th o s upori~r Vitltwhlo Houw k eepers Department. To ('i H UOPSHJ RE H.A M FOR SA LE.t;ood t urnip cell11r , 1Nod frv.ine h olrno, l w o school pa.ased with diotinctiou t hn recent'l'rinity merits or their pi::mos, :u.1d know t hen· enable all to b euorne ttcqLminted with t his ~ A faoro'-bnid Shropohi l'e R a m. 2 Y"nr· old, nlun}s · . :l'wu l~Vi'lg f,irea1m;_ ?" t~c . fa_rm , ~o'.~cge rn17~ri~ 11lo.1io01, und alBo t hat of the Uniorgans are unoqua.llecl in Amcric<t. Their p:iper, as it is now, it is offered a t lialfp<·d igr~" fnrnisheil . .JOHN lJ OSK IN, lot 11 . mal,me; i,cmm.<,ntly1.daptcd .o ~ st-0~kr,.,~srnri-. · c;!."1tyor 1 01011~0.· _ , ,. coo. 5 JJarlini'ton )!ow111anvillc P.O. 3:J.3i;i * for r11rl her part1 qu lq,rs ·~Dpl y to I ..AL. H l\'lO W - . , ho1·9ui.!<t ·1;aumng m the ED!? 'Sh branchelf. enterprising ag-ent for Victoria district re- price, for six 11101 th s (2G weekly issues) or, 6 po1:ts t hat the SD,l cs in this county 2~-0 in- fol' t h e nominal price of 30 cents. No crf!asing st eadily, nncl tlrnt the public de- oth er investment of so s mall a :'lum will . f· mands the Dominion over all oth ers.bring r eturns so nmplc. The munber for my gitte on Sunday mornin~ nnrl t.ook i t awav, aud grnnnds are salulnions and woll oquipped. -will mt urn th<· ;;ame no questions will be n.skoil. . Pi·ospectus or fm·ther information will bo July 25 is alon e worth a full yc11r's subLindsay Wanter. JUHN HU"KIN. 3:1-3 w' To the rrger of the 01·m1gc ;'lfuliutl Fire given by MISB GRIEH, LaclyPrmeipal. 33 !lw _ __ _" _ ln;"U,.Ci>7<'C Oompan11. Mr: J. H . Brown who for several years scription price. Sm1<L fift y cents frH' t h e --o- I hereby return my t.hanks for t ho prompt has been a ·professor in th e Deaf and half year, or at least sen d for a specimen ~ PJ~R .A CUE w ill bny two ~ood farms stttisractory T>iLyrnent by yon .., Mr. J?k"1"-LOOK OUT FOR~~ ~) ·Lot, 15 nnd 16, 3ril Con~o9Ri on Pid<c1·- and Dnmb Instit ute aL Belle.ville luts recently copy. Address l'ran·ie Farmer, Ch icago, l\ofonlton. for damap:ea by ligh!.nin~ to my H. "\Ve wi11 send t he STATESMAN ancl h1g; gootl b11ilt1ings. orclrnrd an<l wat'1l'. If b;cn1 (L l1011gh 110 lire <>ccurre<I). · l'm igned and acceptecl tho J?Ositio1~ of h ead 111. 1iot sold will bo l ~t. Aililress ·\v n , LfAol'! J>AT,J?., J ' ~;T]!;U STALKJJ:R: Con'llr..ilfft l'i & McFAitM.ND write as te:wlier ill tl1e Pomisyl v::m rn Jnst1tut.e for 21-3w. the F AMILY HERALD and WET<;KJ,Y Pickering, Ont.ado. Clarke, .July ~2. 1885. : -vVArAKONE' X A, 0., J nne, 1877. follows the Deaf and D umb situated n ear Pitts burgh . Before letwing BellevillchLst wook - Gents : - Having b een in the livery S'l'AH, both papers for six months, ARM TO RENT. - A small farin to W o mi ght qtw_ tc scoros of testimonials such let ·foi· u t orm or year8 - 3o acres, having as tl~u abov·o, ~lus .is mure~~ tc~ show ,.~.1:m: little 1\1r. Brown was gi ven an excursion on one busin ess for t ho past ten years, and hav thereon Imme house, barn, etabl" unt1 good dopendanco can ho V\tLecil m a:ny s.u,tcmont~ -0f t ho stemn Yachts by a few of t he prom- ing ma ny cases of Colic in horses under and " The Crown Pictures "- life- mchard; well located, llnlf mil e 11ort.h of Orono, th ~t ~n ch men as Mr. Llllnrns Bm~harn make, - -o- on the Gravel Road. Apply to ROIJT. MOME:N'l', this is 01;1ly_ a sample of _wlult !us l etters are inent citizcus ()f lhe city accompanied by our treatment, and having tried many aster Orono. H!l·1w V ?lll beg1mu11g .to end; an) farther controversy For the mn.::T 30 DA.Yi! I will sell for· LESS many of M r. Brown's personal friends. remedies and liniments t o cur e it, we li ke speaking portraits of Queen Posta ____'.___·_·_ wi th sncll meu 13 only a waste oe pa)(jr. THAN COST the remainder of my stock of! :Mr . B r own is at present sp ending 11 few found that t h e best, cheapest, and qnickAR~1I TO RENT IN CLARKEH. MO L1'0N. Stylish and most Durable :Milliueny rem edy for Colic in horses is Perry est d ays with fricn:ls and rel atives in DarlingVictoria and the Prince of Wales. Being part of lot 27, con. 8, conti<ining JOO ton prior to his dcpn.r turo for his n ew Davis' P:tin K iller, and wo honestly affirm acres; 85 acres cleared ; well watered, good A CHALLENGE. DEESS SILKS, SATINS, VELVETS,, that we n ever failed to cure the worst buililings, 1ences, &c. Large young orchard s pher e of labor. size 19 by 24 inches, (alone worth just b0ginning to bear. Immcclliit.o posseRsion I challenge Mr. Moulton to give one dozen &c., with a vet"y heavy stock of LAJJrns who foal that they are growinrJ cases of Colic wc ovor saw. and we ch eerLo fall plow. Apply po1·sonally to U. Il, names of losses lilrn the above thal. he has paid, 33. old befon thP-ir time should use Hatington's fully r ecommend it to eve11body' as the one dollar) all for 60 cts. This THORNTON, Orono. sav nothi ng ubout t he scores that he blows about.. l think tluit Mr. Stalker can tbank my F eat hers & Flo:-wers. Quinine Wine and I ron. Beware of best m edicine to cure Colic in horses. - -o-for getting wha.t he did, as his policy OR SALE- T hat . very f].eairablc Brick letters F or the most complete and assorted is i·oally $2.00 worth all for GO cts. imitations. Sea that you get "Haninguoes not cover any loss of the kind, a.nd I know Thanking my cuetomers for 'jlast favors. I _ Rosiilence with 12 acres of tho best Janel ; 1 1arties insured in the Company that have ton's," th~ origincil and genwine. For stock of Hosiery and Gloves call at Couch, all to call and insprnt m y respectfully solicit p:ood bearing apple orchard a.nd sm11ll fruits.loescs by lightning nnd ilid not get any- present stock, which I am sure will give th~ .Address, M. .A. JAMES, New bi<r u an d stables ; two wells, cistern and llad s ale by all druggists and geneml dealers Johnston & Cryderman's. Ml'. Moult.on . out with the names thing, Now, utmost satisfaction. all. other conveniences. Sittmtml on Mttnvern or stand branded as a downright liar. Children's C<.1rriages and Lacrosse S ticks\ in Canada. STATESMAN OFFICE, H.oad, one mile nort.11 of town; formerly owned '£. BINGHAM. \ and oe<rnpied by Mr. C. M. Cawker. Aflllh to WooL- Higi 1 v.;t market tirices paid for less than cost at Variety Hall. Bowmanville, .i\ug: 12, 18~5. Bowmanville. C. E. HENRY, Bowmanvillo. 33-tf Children's su its , for $2 at Mason Bros. a ny quant ity of wool. J. LYLE. STOTT &JU RV, KIL '1 NG FLIES PO-W-DER Mrs. James Deyman Ji, 1.S been visiting in Mariposa. A n ew l ot of Scrap Pich u·es at very lo1v rates a t Variety Hall. THE RELIABLE DRUGGIS'l'S, Une of the P eterboro' Sabbatl.\ Schools are selling a advertises for teachers, The Fire Brigade B and's con cl ' rt in Oshawa last week was a splendid sue, ~ess · -FORA Kirby correspondent says there is _no sleeping in church since Rev. R . Walke_ r 1 came . Which will kill e very one in a room in Bargains bigger than ever being less than one hour. given iu Silver Plated Ware at V ariety I THE _..,._HOUSE -....~ I Summ'er Dry Goods Remnants COST ~~ r. - BRUSHES. NOTICE. Ginghams, Parasols,. Shirtings, Prints, Gloves, Cottonades, Hosiery, Cretonnes, Denims, · Summer T~"Teeds and Summer Suits ' ...A.LL J: f .EDUCED ! ;CARPETS, ·r. B. C. I. T. W. I. L. S0METH INC FOR YOU I BLACK S I LKS, LACE CURT.A I NS, & DRESS Ci:OODS AT S:J?E;OIA.L1 Pl:R..IO:EStl!I HOUSE)· T. CEft ASO. N , Prop;reietor.. ~ATI st:')) V V ~ LlJ Rcgnlnr:~:~~~g-~.O~~~~ittinthe ·B A · RB" E J 2 ..t\..ND 4 Steel N·ails, .Iron Nails. Local and Otherwise. Builders, Hardware, Binder Twine:.. Prices Reduced ON ALL T-iINES. LEE&ED ALL C I $ 00 , , , 1: I Ahna Ladies, College, - .,,~~ ,~~~~~~:;~~;:~~~ IF~~~ f.~!/~6~~:~~.~!~,1 ~c ~~f~k~?~~ ITUE BIS_H PS~~!AGN ..1H SCHOOL II or-1 1 1~~a~~~~p~:;~~ [ BI~ n F. E' R· c~1:.~fru:~ti~~~~hljin~ 'BJtAY,oi~;~'::::~~~I:'.~:::o~~:~:~.~-~u- w· ~~~1f~ti~~11~~=~~~r~JL\~~~~·\1:~~~;~~:1~4i InuR U -'1J U · 65 I F I I B.P3-RGAINS ! IN MU.J.J NERY. F F Mrs. DONNELLY.

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