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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Aug 1885, p. 8

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mtu ~n11n"1n.u Gt" ---- H PRESS CANADIJ ft! .t· ~tntet.'!man ~~~-~- ~·- -·- ~~~~~~~~ ""' · at BowMANVILLE, FRIDAY, A UGUST =:--:= === = ==· ASSOGIATIO~ 14 '·I 1 , 1 ' ,Jyi~, and south to wh ere the faint iiJk:si&-ow of frontier line l:lhGw1i on the ! luc(!;!liioon. On the verandahs children from ' :all[ :parts of the provin ce, suffering from ;:.i.J[ th~ steamers and white-saii1ed oohooners OUT OVER THE ~1JlE'.I!' JU.KE. Annual M eetin g and Excursi .O!:W.. The twenty-seventh am~u3:1 meet ;v~ ·df the Camidian Press .Association v· ,a;;: '.he1<.l. at the Rossin House, ~r. G. ~t . f':,,:ttJtml~e, President of the Associat1on, ii: ~~·a ·o1mair. The meeting was well attend~< J.. !Besidl-es n number of ladies, th e follow lfilf/: mem'tJ.ers were prn"Sent_ :- Messrs. G. .Ha. P,i:~tlll1io, Scnti11el-Rov1ew, Woodsto· J!k., _ 'Pr esident; J'. A. David"Son, l\'Iercm .y., IG'.·uelph, 1st V ioe-President 1 W . W(:a'tlt, ExpoS!itor , :Bra ntford, 21111 V ice·P n'JSiE'k-11 t ; 'W. R: Clim:ie 8un, Bowma1 .1vme,, Sec. ~1\reas. ; ,J B Ti~ayes, "!l'imee.,, P ort,.i!:fop e, Aasistan.~ ecreta1·y ·; ·G eorge ~!8,, '.1: 1,m.~s, Brampton , C . B . R obi.®son, Presbytenan, Toronto ; .J.'N. Beri;gough,Grip,'f o1'0[]t o ; H.Iifough, G rip, 'To.ron to ; ~~. Mat'h.ieson , h on.<>rary m emb e r, Belle ville ; 11.ev. Dr. D ewart , <Jhristiat<i. G uarilian , Toronto ; S.J. Moore, G ri(>, 'furonto ; J_. .J . Crabb~, A,r~ .,, St . M ary's :; Gcor~e Young, Courier, T.i·enton ; J. J . ( )ave, E xpress, Beaverton ; H. E . S mall:piece, World, Toronto ; N . King, Oazetk, Barrie; E. E. Sheppard, News, r onto; T oronw · W. R. Buud.d ge, Grip,'f.G P. E. \V, Meyer, News, Berlin ; J. E . Davies Advocate, Mi<bchell ; F. JI. Annes, Chroui~le W h itby ; C. E. Chad wick, J n oersoll ; P . Murray. Times, OriHia ; J . JY.[~tz Journal, Ber1·in ; M . A. James, STAT~SMAN, Bo wrnanville; 'l'hos. H illier, Chronicle, '\Vaterloo ; Dr . P attullo, Times, :Brampt on ; H.ev. W . F. Clark , Gudph ; H . P. Moore, F ree P ress, Acton ; J olm JGng, honorary , Berlin ; William Vf eld, F armers' Adv.o.cate, London ; aml Geo. Eyvel , of H arn:mrd. . . After routine the P r esident deh. v:ered ':his annual address which contained. a1non<> a multitude of other good ideas s~me valu~ble and t imely si1ggestions on t he l aw of libel. Mr. E. E. .Sheppard, ·0f tll1e 'l' oronto News, expressed his Yie~vs .a.t :some length on this subj.eet, corrob eratin;g ..Mr. Pattullo's iderui. After leaving the White Mountain s a value, in fact we are going to inake such induce ments that. ride, via B oston anc l L owell R~ilwtiy, b1 ·uught us h er e about () p . m. l No formal l'CCoption W a8 given us, b ut t he o ur sa es will far snrp ass that of the past month. Probab ly Presiden t of t he Bost on P ross Association ~.nd othol' membtirs met tlwil' Ontario s orne have not yet heard about this gre at sale which is hi:ethren at the American H otel. A sail .)!,l'OUnd th e lntrb or :i.ncl btty was arrnngecl now b(J'oing on at & l . t for the Press Gang, but fe w iwailccl Lhem0 m1g lt JUS £elves of this as thtl ma:jority prnferrecl THE "l'ELEGRAM ·OF-"'ICN VI SITED. visiting various places of iuturest which state here to those that have not yet had an opportunity <lould n ot be seen t o-morro w as i t is a 1'he memb ers by Mr. R obertkolitlay Jier e. son inmted to inspect .t..h.e Telegram ollice. :Mr. Trayes, of ~ew York, brother of to visit us, should make no delay but come at once, our stoc k The visirors inspected t h e various departll1r. J . B. Trayes, of P ort H ope, has b een ·ments, ;i,111d gave specfal attention t o the indefatigable in his efforts to mak e our lS l arge and plenty of bargains are yet to be had. appointments i n the .reconstirncLed comv~si t to :Boston pleasant and satisfactory. mercial .and private <'.Jti.ces. ' The plans Many of the ladies accompanied Mrs. T H E G LEN, for uhe recently completed work ?f !·eT he Glen House, in l'.-.inkham Notch at 'frayes on a shopping expedition ancl .modelhng the busincs~ fiat of ·the bmldmg united t11e ideas of mee ting the demand t he east ern base of Mount \Vashiugton, visited a fe w of the largest stort::s of for incrc;1sed accommod:ition and enriching is 1.5 miles north of &len station, near Boston ; in t he lar,g est one' visit ed are the stuuctural beaucy.o.f t he interior. This N ort h Con way, 8 miles south of Gorharu employticl 2 ,500 persumi. Many places of is probahly one of t ho most completely on t he Grnnd Trunk railway, and has a int er est wer e visited as each roamed about What immense reductions are being made when you can: full and unobstructed vie w of the highest a t his own s weet will. Bunker Hill Monuarranged 1 newspaper ,offices :in ·Canac~ a . peak.e of th e Moun t W;i.shiIJ gton range. ment and a climu to its top satisfied all b uy 8 0c. Col ored Dress Silks for 40c.-~we have a few p ieces · TrlE AYNUAI, ·EXCUltSIO~. .M ount Washington is ascended from the who were mnbitious in tha t way as an Afbe.r itm cheon a:t ·the \Rossin 'House Glen by the carriage road, eight miles ascent of 2!>4 steps is necessary to be made h" l 11" "O 6 E the party started at £ iIM1\. in a ch artered long. Glen Ellis F alls and Cryshil Cas- in reaching its summit; from the top of w IC l we are se mg at t) c. ; 1 c. xtra H e avy Cotton ShirtP uUma11:1 car for Mu11il1<t:al, wh ere t hey cade, 111.ear the Glen, are t wo of t he fiuest this monument a very ext ended view of arrived .ah-Out 8 a. m. 1 ne:xiL.c1ay~ and after waterfalls in t he moun tains. 'l'uckM- the city na y be had . ing selling for llc.; an Extra Wide Dress C ashme re worth a brief ,,st.op for breakfast at ,the .St . James man's Ravine is most easily rreached from Tlle Cyclorama of the Battle of Gettys, .. ' H otel, they pr oceeded .on .t he w;ay for t he the Glen H ouse. burg was an object of general interest. 4 5 c ., sellmg for 3 0c.; $3 P . aras ols sellinz for $ 1. 5 0 , · Cro mpton's Whit e ]\fount ains, Boston and N.ew York. The spectators <ire placed on th e battle.._, J!AllYAN HOUSE. field in the centre of the positions occupied ,.. · nui: .N'AMJ<:S OF TU E PAR.l"I{.. The House station ~s the great by the troops 0£ the North U llll view the B e st C orse t s · s e lling for $1, a n d $1 Cor s ets selling for 80c.;, The party is much smaller than.o.n most r ailway ceuter of the W hite l\fountains. battle as it really took place. When one previous y ear.s,many of the older member~ lt is situated in the Ammonoosue valley, reaches the platfonn from wlli,ch the H e avy H.ibb e d Cotton Hose, w o rth 50c., selling- for 30c.,· K1"dl not being ~Mlong. Below ar e the n ames of 6 miles from tlie base of Mo1mt Washing- Cycloranut is shown t he effect on him is ._, the party ;-G. R. Pattullo, president, ll" f ELEC'l'ION OF O FFICERS. and dau"hter, Woodstock ; J. A. David- ton, 9 from the summit. All express simply astoundiug, no words can adequate- Gl ave s se mg 'or'. 25c. a nd 3Gc., a nd 4 Cfas p 'I'an C o lors, . T he following gentlemen were eleclecl s un, vie;pre~klent, G uelph .; Mrs. Snider, trnins t o a.nd fcom t he hWhFit eb lfouHntains ly describe t he wonder ful effects of this arrive and depart fro m t e ·a yan ouse. life-like protraya.1 of this great battle. In . officer s of t he Associatiou for th e ensuing Berlin ; Wm. Watt, Jr., wife, BrantBETHL£HE~L the :mnex ~Sa scene of t he uprisin_g Of ~l~e l Which arO always SOld for $1, r e duced to 75C. · We are sellina _ year : -P resident, J. A. Davidson ; .1st ford ; W. IL Climie, antl wife, BowmanThe village of Betlilehem is reached by Nol'th , wluch por trays the patriotic spmt ' ;oi Vice-Presid ent , W . Watt ; 2nd V1ce- ville: J . M. Eestwood and Miss Eastwood, ,.. 6 7 8 d 10 . P resiclent, ll. E. Small pieee ; Secretary Ham'.ilton ; C. M urtcn, War Cry, Hanul- narrow gauge railroad from Bethleh~m stirred to its dep th s, th is is a vivid picture 95c Dre ss G o ods for 1 r:: - p . t f ;)C., rm ·S or D, , 1 an cents;· :md Treasurer , "'\V. H.. Climie, re-elected ; ton ; J . E. Davis and da ughter, Mitchell ; ,Junction. rt .is situated a t an elevat1011 l'ecitlling the stirring scen es that opened .Assistant Secretary, J. :B. Trayes, re- J. C. D ent and wife, Gl.oue, Toronto ; 0 . of over 1,400 feet above t he sea, affording the reb ellion. These realistic scen es were . elected. 'rhe following gentlemen wore C. J ames, K esmos, Cobourg ; Miss ~al pure :iir, e xemption from hay fever, and painted by Mons. P hillipoteaux, who In fa c t o ur bargains are t oo n ume rous to menti on; b u t we; e1ect ed as Executive Committee : - George mer. Oakville ; W. Weld and wife, nu ext ensive vfow . 'I'.lle hotels have painted tho siege of Paris 11nd th e Battle 'l'ye, E. J.B. I>ense,U. D . Barr, H . Hough, London · H . H ou rrh, Grip, 'l'oronto ; accommodations for about 2.000 summer of Soudan. Boston's Palatial Hotel, the assure you a ll our g ood s are reduce d . . · Endome, which is deligh tfully situatedJ ames Somerville, C. B. R obinson , and Miss W~ld, Londo;; C. E. Chadwick, boarders. LITTLETON grnnd in t he ex terior and elegan 6 in the Ingersol ; Thos. H illiard, W aterloo ; G. R. P at t ullo. t t · · th " l'll inter ior, was also visited ; this is one of 'rh · · tl1 I SIT ~'OR 'l'JiEm P I CTURES . Miss Suidor , Berlin ; P. E. W . Moyer - is is ~ a~ges o wn 111 n~lr ,. t he finest hotel structures in th e 'ivodd. and wife, B. e rlin ; J . J . Cra.bbe St. Marys ; D uring t he afternoon the members of ind was former Y t~e I .A lovely sail out to Nautaskot Deach :New. Ramslure, < Miss Sa.wder , Berlin ; R. Mathison and t he Association visited the studio of st artm g pomt of stages for the mountam was e1110yed. 'l'h ere are many neat little M essrs. Grnzen & Fraser, King-s t., and wife, B elleville ; C. B. Robinson, Torouto; hotels. , cotttv·;s ort t.he beach whiclt are vretty as sat for a grand group photograph whid1 F . H . Armes, Whitby ; :Miss J. R. JEFFERSON. . well ar tistic, nJso immense h otels. S urf will be offered for sale a.t $2.GOeuoh as 'I'homas, Bowmanville ; H . P . Moore, ·r en m iles north of M"ount Wash!nqton , bat hing and driving seems to be the Act on ; Wm. Climie, Jr., Listowel ; Miss 2 0011 as completed. at tho foot of s.tarr lung Mountam,. and favorite amusements. In~visiting Boston Drewry, Listowel ; B. Way and wi~e, YI$I'.1'ING THE llO~ lE FOR SICJ! CHILDRBN. Hamilto n ; N. King an d <laughter, Barrie; a~ the same altitnde 2.S Beth~ehem , 1 ~ the Public Garden every one wa& eu thn&ia&tic t he o~ er its lovely lake, its costly monuments, By the kind invitation of Mr. J. Ross L. W. Shannon, K ingston ; Jno. Motz v~llage ?f ~effe.r.son. T he view from _ Robertson, proprietor of the Telegram, and daughter, B erlin ; Dr. Pattullo and nllage 1s divers1~ed, the Mount Waslung- beautiful flowers and eharmings walks . the members wer e permitted to visit the daught er , Brampton ; Dr. Fult.on, Lancet, ton range appeanng to especml ad vantage. Many other places of in terest were visit ed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"'..:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lakeside H ome for Sick Children on t he Toronto ; J . King and wife, Toront o ; J . FRANCONIA. and spoken of wi thunboundedenthusiasm. Island . This charity was establish ed by .T. Caoe, Woodville ; W. W. B utcher, '.F ranconia is on the south branch of the All r egretted on leaving, that. t h<: ~ime 'M:r. Rober tsen and it is accomplishing Lon don ; J. C. Dl'cwry and wife, Napa- A.mmonoosue, balf way from Littfoton 1 co~ikl m> t bti extended for t hen· v1s1~ ~o m uch good. The building is of wood,ancl uee ; .J. Shannon and wife, K ingston ; to the F ranconia Notch. W Hhin the Boston . a ·i s sit uated on extreme south-west point of D. R ose and wife, Toronto. year a large hot el, t he Forest Hill H ouse, De~Oi·e the t rain star ted ouL from the I "'( t h e Island. When t he entrance step8 are has been built. n is bea utifully situated depot three l'ousing ch eers we1 ·e given cleared the front door opens into a small, THE W J:IITE MOUNTAINS. and commands an ex tensive vftl1Y of all Messrs. Tt:ayes mid Han cock, who hacl so n eatly furnished reception room . F rom 'l 'ho White M ountains, long n oted for the principal mountain sihu111its. Sugar kindly interested th emselves in the e~1l1ere the lower flat of t he wing just added beauty ancl gmndour, h ave. be~ome t he Bill is near E ranconit\ altd seven miles j oym ent of t.he I 'ress party d uring their to t he Home ts reached. Aro und the most popular summer r esort m New Eng- from L isbon. T he vie·w fro m the Good- stay in Boston. From F all River we liitck of t his room twelve iron cots for t he land, aud are yearly visited by many now and Sunset Bill Houees are oxten~ive proceeded by the palatial st e11mcr "Pil·c onv? Jcscent girls are placed. C1ose to t housand people from erery part of the ani be1 rntifol. gtim," one of t he handsomest floating t he wide windows fronting on the west ern country. JACKSON. palaces of its kinc l in the world. New We h ave on hand this sea son 1 8. large qua ntity of Paris -verandah a row of 18 cradles for the lit tle MO<rnT WAs l'lINGTON. On th e eust side of l\'[ount Wu.shingbon, York was roach ed on Sunday morning, g uests from the Infanta' H ome are ranged. Tlu~ highest summit of the White and within throe miles of Glon S ta tion, is though we co uld :icarcely r ea.lizc that the Green, guaranteed pure . The cradles <1re vacant, and outside on t he Moun t11ins, Mount ·wash ington , is 6,293 t he village of Jackson. It is a favol'ite day was S unday. Only t he larger :>tores 2hady verandah the livelist of their tenants feet above t he sea level, a ucl in extent resort of ar tists . Goodrich and J ackson were closed. are creeping among h eaps of way-worn and b eauty the view from ic is not s ur- Falla a re near th e village, and are both NEW Yom<, Aug. 11. toys and passecl by anything east of th e H.ocky fi ne waterfalls. On arri\·al in N ew York a most excellent programme had been prepared for OROWINC: OlTT TllEtR CllILDISH GLEE . 11\'.[ountains, incl_uding,_ as it does, a w_ ide NOR'.l.'H CON WAY. sight seeing. Mr . Barre tt iu the a bsen ce T he weaker infants sit quietly in their str~tch of terntory m. N ew Hamslnre, Our Inse'ct Powder ~c::hi.not be surpassed by any other In the Saco Valley, 31 miles from of Mr. Wiman, acted as escort , until little chairs. At times their eyes t urn .M:am e a:nd yermont, with t he ocean and Fabyan's, and 60 from P ortland is a wearily from th e bright lake view to rest motmtams m l\!f~~ssachysetts, ~cw Yor~ pleas1mt village, with beattt it ul surround- Monday p.m. wh en the Ont. P ress Asso- powder in t he market for t h e destruction of flies, mosquitos,. ·with passing inter est on the antics of the ~nd Canad_:i. VlSible 111 clear weatherf ings, of North Con way. It has accom- ciation became th e guest of Mr. Wiman. .ch oery toddlers around. B ut the want of rhe Sumn:1~t House, on the very t op o modations for 1,500 visito rs. The valley Mr. Barrett filled his position ad-:nirably . an ts, c r:i.'c kets , ca1·pe't ·moUrs, cabbage worms, &c. Ne w York is full of interest to those who :t mother' s care is written in the pinched t he, mountam,_accommodates ~~O guest s. is enclosed between Kearsarge and Moat l ines of these worn little facos. It is on 'Ihe asc~nt is made by tl~e ra1hv11.y from mountains, and a most attractive land- are fond of sigh t seeinf(. The decorations t h e weary eyes, st un tl'd limbs and thin t ho we5t side, and t!ie carr~age road fi~om scape is formed by t he intervales and the in h on or of the late Gen. Grant were arhands of these un known ba'bies t hat th e t he east. The rail road . 1s three miles mountain peaks, with Washington in t he tist ic and unique in design both in Ne w gaze of t he ladies at the H ome rests with ~ong, and has an averag~ rise, of . one foot background. J!'or beauty of scenery t here York and Boston. The most admired of A va:Iuable preparation for T an and F reckl e s; a s oothing ·i look that speaks t he consciousness t hat m four, the R teepest beu~g 13§ m ches to is none finer in the White Mountains. all t heso was an equestrian statue of t he the close of t he r;ojourn at the I,akeside the yard . Tho grade 1~ oyercome b;r Bartlett and Lower Bartlett are a few late Gen . life size which was in t h e wil'l- preparation for roughness o f tl1e face, chapped h a nds, &c. It will bring theBe little wayfarers very near :ncans of co,g·wheols work:ng m a oog-:,·ail miles above North Con way, on the Saco dow of .Jordan, Marsh & Co's immense dry goods stor o of Boston . Wall 'Str eet dries at ·once vi h en applied, l e aving the p a rts s oft aud whi t e. t he end of t heir life's journey. When m the centre of the. track, and po~e ful and the Stock ICxchange were visittJd and t h e lake breezes have p ut ne w life into a brakes on t he engm cs and cars. i:1sure r iver. GORIIAM. ma.ny other places. At 2 o'clock the .Press c hild it gives place t o another visitor from safety. N o passenger has been mJttrecl Gorham, on the Grauel Tnmk railway , Gang dined on th e roof of th e Ji1ield ·b uildthe citv instittition. A pine partition s~nce U rn . n1ad was opened. The rni:ii!iddes.tho lower half of tho n ew building i m ng tnne is ~~ hours, and only one c::tr is eight miles from the Glen , is on t !1e ing, from t his point a mos t extended vie w Anclroscuggi.n river, and is noted for its may be had. Hera th e party wei·e met from t he d ining-room. This apartment r un wi th e'.10'1 cngm o. . . . by !\fr. "'\Vim11u an d other gcutlem<lll inis fitted with homelike furn iture of _The l'Oad t.o th e summit is eight pleamnt drives. ,, .. , . , , . ., . . u nles long, :.rnd h ao an a vera.150 grade of terosted iu Press matters. After Hinner CA.UPTON AN D THOUN TON. nm Sli)I..£0,R R ESIDE:SCJ, 'IYPE, 12 feet in 100. Tlie ascent is made by Campton t\tld Thor nton are picturesque we were the g uests of l\'[r. Wiiwan foi"tlw and is e<1uipped wit!1 heating sto ve, so stages in fo ur hour~ , · ml the d ecent 1n :in villages iu th e P emigewussot valley, rest of the afternoon a ncl e1 ·cning and t hat when the <lay lS bloalc enough to Jwm n.rnl 11. half. b etween Plymouth and the Franconia were entertained right royally , nothing maktl artitlcal warmth desirable all the TilE CRA WFO!~D NOTCH. being spar ed t hat would add to' th e enjoy-. Notch. c hildren can be gathe1·ed in.. In t he rcur ment of th ose present. -A_fter· a dcilight· the dining-room opens on a kitchen The Crawforo , or White Mountain NO'J'ES JlY oun. coRRESl'ONDRKT. - -C>F- ful sail to l\fanhattan ' Beach \ve 'were· The Association was met at Montreal treated to a most e-x.cellent (loifoert hy f urnish ed with massive range anu shin y N ot ch, is a narrow pass abont 12 miles rows of cooking ut ensils. At t he side a long, presenti ng some of the fi nest scenery by Lhe P resident of t he Quebec A::isocia- Gilmour' a Blind. Then · follow'ed 'a di'p door s wings into tlie stairway lrnll. A on th e continent . The Saco Rivor flows tion who ver.v k indly wulcomerl them on on the bziny ocean which w:is· i'ai'o · fon. 11ut.zlc m1i.l a ,:oil of fir e h ose om arnent through the valley· and for mile~ t ho behalf of his Quebec fra ternity. Ii'e regret- After this a most exct'lllant dinner '\vns the side wall neflr th e bacl< cnt;n 1.n ce . A mo.m tains rise on either side over 2,000 ted that the party could 110t remain ser vecl at the elase of which stifring ttink just under the roof, fed hy the wind- fe~t. , . longer a.t Montreal so that th ey might be speeches were made by·Mr. "'\Virnan, Mr. m ill pump , giveAa good fi re pressure, and .r lrn entn·,,1 ce t o, t he N o~ch, a t the received ns on a formel' occasion . '.l' llMe Ouu1rniugo, of t lte N ew York SuN, :ind regular )ractice ~1lways k eeps t he apparatus n ort!1 e.rn e t;d, nea r. t i~e , Cr_awf,1> ,rd, mew beril of t he Q nebec As~ociation who Mr. Pattullo, our own pop ular President. re:tcly for 8el'l'ice . On t ho left o" tlrn ~vits origmRily onl.r/ 2\i · 8'- 0 w,a e, 1 .oanog t1 ~,(l i.i te ntl~<l to JO!n t heir Ont.lriu b reth- Dinner being over all iiroceeded by the s t way the door leading t i> the lower fb t Just r ooin fm: t be nv.::r, but ws s. wideacd ren wer e prevented by unforeseen ciroum- ele vated sarf mihfay to Hrigh ton .:incl of the old v. iug opens. Thia give;; th e to P.llow t.he passage of_a cr..rrmg~ roatl stnnces. . Coney Jshmd. The sigh ts at tll.ese plttces . · :1s t ile (.]o"mitor· and after1n1rdf:l t rac.c " A 'rl1(l most f·amcus 0 b Jee' ' t or " rnterHS . t Jn . same fl 0 0 r room · .. }' ()I I tlio I 1 . - of t the . l rtt1lr.ond ti 1 " t . I r of resor t b affle all description. A flying 0 SHADE~, o ther side but, i3 divided off into slcc1·i11° ll'.V. rvc ' JU;1" cu "H. e ~ ga ~vrny rn tl N 0 t ·}1 ' ill Old W f t ' "' M - ~·i.sit hlling through these e uclrn11 t' · 1 " c·uled fro m 1· s sh " p ~ ll:leiilrnnt 1:1 Heed le c ,s e an o n , ll llll · . . ",, : ,.;, t' '. , .~ tI' ,'. ~'· ·'d: tai.n--a wun deri ul proiilo of a h tm1an fll<·<J iug places, t h e pal'ty returned to New q uar·t e-::1 for :he n urnes who wt~1t on t lo ,' 1.t 1 l 'lt.l ~ n ?" · t1'irway re' el 'S up t o ' -"· I t .:i <10 11 0 r, 1.<, .n o c..i on w 1:>u~~ b l (, b ' f · 1 l . ' tl c, u r en . l ·"Y '.l~ ' t ' . I It ".' :;~ l· l are t wo boa11.tiful fal!s F imue Siive1' a . out ·' .· eet rn e u3 1, t noug1 1. at i e York, wh.ira tt fow of tho party will r e~11e secon, . oor. o. ·lle e <!I i1 e. ant ; Ca~cades ' distance n ewed by t.he ~pecta tor m doeB m ~in longer. The rest will pt·oceed on Jng !Im n ?; tor JMSses into the g1.rl,~ia,t1ent~ · "t0CNr YirLt.Rn uot ueem moi:e Ltall 2 foet i n I.:mgth . Urnit ho u: ..;win"\ trip. We itr u all hi';hly '\A[',ZC1 . J,d,e tho ,·e~ L of the bwlcuu~~. t lus .1 . - : · ., . > 111 · I \Ve l ,.,u. 'lp· r·'e·s1 · f· cf fl, d ·la on Jil t plo».& e<l wit.Ji t lw eXl)l! l'Sion a tll1 h JOru d1a ll 1 1 1 l'OUill ls pt ·ply "1:.li5h1..:; l. n. .1,.~ cl. v..'r~ ·· I \~ \id1· r-1'.\nch . .1' ,'j ~ .. : r .r t.he : 'l" T·.., .. ] ~ li~ ·' ·1 . :.. : .. . ,; ~ f,·· ,;<~ ·. n 1~ 8< ttio\i ·,l 1 ·,ilh th0 ruceprioll aucl e1:tl1r i d in]" ' 1] I 1\' 1 < · · , 1ltl · ,..,,, ·u' "Je T t l '\ , .,_ lll ,lLn \\ lh··l ""' " ~ ~I . l . , tXp. 1, 0 r " lFO~)i. n e w:' :.J~1 ·~1 . .. ~ ~~ l . ~'('o:,'· ~.t .... _1..,, ~ ' ,_ .. L .. ~ · , -:. 1 0): 1..,11 r n. 1.. :on thA t'chc f 1\. utrnFit. 1H e ll ' give n by .Lllr. \Virnan while here. rl f{'ll"'K '-.,;-p \ rr r1·11 ~l'"r~·11 · " J tJ ' T't ' a tllH'HM (...') l l!~ ,, HO ,t .1 h ,bi.;t11 .·:esq1 .. " .. . ·" . · --. " ' - : · " "'· . mo1 111tai n ~or::: e u l.i wl ,ic~pe n oL Burpa~'- ! Sorntl ot l".H' ]Jl'"°!;y ~ n1f.: 1 ecl frr·m c~.r Tins k ta v e c 11 0 110 u£ thtJ mnbt ,,nj 0yal;le ill u~tmt 1ng soen~s m t Jo life of " I'.rn 1 I eel hy nny iu 'i.e mou ubir.s. The fate ~j ~lo1es~ cn'~~d hy the s hor t an d fr t- C(t:ei t lrips t ho :~ s;,o~i al ion has l:"ner ha<l d uring the lc1ot 20 yeard. who m::i~1e L !10 la·n0> ~o wr.Jlr and th: blm <'.' :;ftcrno·m ·l, t hP. h<.>st ti:::e to Sl!C t he view. '> ~n :,!·e w-<l t o see. '. 'Iho < by , 1 ~ 1s,ilti V au cl ch e 4 ~ I .\. µoccl 1 or"] f <:o mi'.,:. le'·; f':;;-G. 1 1rh w j An , ltci :l of th C"' ,: rl Ve1·rr;c'11', . . . ("~lg ldPc,h forJ~l. ~t ttJl~DW :~<JUhre rn·o1J 1; n ti10 suuH:1l . l~·tchc ·,.._,~'s Ji'l~an ?.. a fJiug .. 1 j{t~.hn1 y n ......... 1' T'rn ii:<rl d1-=> l'r.~(ltt Ga ng Sco tt's Emulsion of P u re 1 Li ;.: room at ~.;·u · all ' vhed1cd ont, ' 0l nla t' I'(·~·:..: fn:n:r.,:on i·; n..;:J.t 1hc t o1 . ) oi the Jifo:;trco l -to :!\fon11 )elicr wh~rc h e J j1e 1n · t ·10 1let1vCt )1)(... v c ·n 11· ·t l .1!l. \ Lt~ -- ~.L 1 · ~··- .i.t ~ " . r1ion ut1; J'. ( 111 l hc, V-0t.l:;; ~~Vl!S fP.('C 0f w ...~' 1. ..:CC .1 t.::: tr n, l'..;r-re." ·::~~. ~: , (, uf t:1~ 1 ( )1><) J l v\' l' (," !. wH h HyJ·0! ·1ies1·h lics t e11!.l d10 enilu1·cu almoflt .tffe on tlw t ll' l " t t t · ll" .' . ,, l'o""'H U fed"'. . l l '. .. · \ , ·1 . D 1 .. . o· ' 1 t.iuuL1~ row o-f 1 c1L11t1 !..!ls tl~;..t J.1c:1.i.·Jy e n_.... ,·- ~ :· '-1 ·· j~ ~ ,l .. ", ..... -l-.:.l ; -~_o::iL·>H '"\L~t .- "" .:..-.,., J-.~ ·~,. ·;:-.r;· ~ , r . ' t' , r111 l l ::11:;0 , ..,L.J-\<cC.!·. L .. C;nt ·. c ou.a.,.,!J , 01.0,egol'o,i.); .. on'\10..hl, i l.o .l ((ltl ,,()3· 'l' :Jt:;o:nhil!e1l :r t t\03 0f t l1e(\;JLi rnr C!l."~L\.~-.1 1lC J, _ P 0C. lL' VCr"l..1J t '\1S tl.-·c t\Y~ ~l, ·· .i.'. '·]) l 1 .,_ l .. .., · ~'~ ... ... ,.. """'l' ro - "f) ,.., _, , 1 . · , , j 1:·, .~ j}. l ·, 1r , 1 1' · ,., · « l · .L · v ·· t., · I·"· ' .?:nj 1. " , -·.. v (~ .._ , . , ., ..1; U1l 111t11 J 1c .iy u,tH !Ospli.t ~- 11ot uu y f" 1"1)11r; ~-, \,,.f:_.i. ,., 1; _ .I.».<· ,\iJ -:.ll~·.....t.. , t . l JWll - I 'I' I · · 1 ' ~ 'J'lil' ·1, Jl,U.Y J1 ' 11 . r, I '"o · ~ ' ·1~ 1 : "S:\ -;·.~". ;. I h lP , . ·, '. ~ ~J :-. n~1b';L.011J i'Joc1 t ,. tl e cyt om, . f:.,l, . f.i· 11.l.~~;, '- ... :i. .. f/ i l Sl l fl[l~'·' \.>2sr: SJ.ill ~ vl v ..... j.l, {..__1 r, ., _. I ,.tt~a-~ f ru! . .l .,_H) 1 ..; L -.. . <·;v 0 r1 : 11 ~ lt.ttJl t .... 1 .1 L:;;3l; ~;J.t: ~ L t <: ,l~\~ ('.. .l~i .. t' <"f(/l· 1.l' . Tih: :. ~:: ..... y <J!_ i.h.; \ !t)i~~C 1 .,{l'jl l1u~bJ.ti~10n~'d1 ..~lp 0 \·:0r .gn·?-'·;tl'.Jt~gt 1 f, ~!}' Ll1..: .... ~ d · . Ulu .,.ll ' 11' · · "o<' " · 1 ~4 1 J ·.,,_t!1 · .uJIL!' ·-~'.l.. t".1'i/1·. ,.tv.:l::. 1l : .,,.,.~J:t.L/ an l t w. o,h·J ()J ·;u itm d bu 1 hh lll) t ltel -$' . . " l't'1 l'·'J.1 l.i1 1 _ ' _J ( ,! '\\a" j .. ~-··,;i..'> - l. .. 1 r'.·11·c" r .,, 1 f. _ · 1 lllil:·~ l1el(;'.\ ti 3 c",l\dur,1 D.ou;i:i. cots l~uk 'l'l.o notcihly Ll'"t11! 11l ht.1.t OC~l',.. [('l·:J.! 1y '· ~;r<;~'·Y l WU'l~V.l ti~S llEB. p~eastmt v~~rieties of physical a.ilments :t~·e rest'ing . Children able o nly to enJOY the fresh breezes f:rom their: cots, follow with eager eyes the il.'evels , o!- t11eir companions on the simd b elow. In the .cots are little ones whose hopes of aoti-11i.~y are barred by paralysis, spinal c lis6!1Bes and _ other incurable ailments.. Few 1moments .m tlie lives of the little ·patierl.t-s are .free fro1_n pain. B ut the y ~m¥cly endu:e all 'their sufferin gs. 'll 1e most ·socely t ried amo~g the sufferers <C<l.11 ul ways lbU llllll OJl a s1mle i;o crrect the appl?oach o·i M rs. S. 'F . McMa~ter, t he '" Mother ·oi th e H ome;" a~d the kindly patient mn:ses who are m ch arae 11t ti.1\;e Lakeside · summer. Sl~oul<l w a y r eaUer of ~~his brief description of tho Home foe! disposed to contribute something to tl1is ch:u·itablc i nstitution, it may be ·fo:i·wardcd to 1'frs. McMaste-i;, Lakeside H.ome, T()ronto, hou:iw wa11 QOt;Upied in 182(; by James Willey Jr. and his family. A fcarfol et orm ~aged'ii.n t he Notch on the night of August 28, 1.826, a~id the entire family, tleeincr fr4!)1D the house to a place of supiu an avalanche poscci"'eafoty, wero buirie_d _ of earth .l!md rocks, .pooc1 p1t ated from the side of Mount Willey. A. hu gh rock 30 feet high, directly behind t he_ho_nsc, parted the -aliide and saved t!J,i;e bmldmg. 'l'HE PRCJ.E11LE !!roUSETl1e Franconia Notch is a narrow gorge between Mounts Lt,fay-ette und Cannon, and ·ill famous for the wonderful human profile known 815 the "Old Mnn of tho Mo11ntains," projeot ing from the brow of MolJ!lt Cannon. ~rhe Profile House, which stands in the wildest part of the N otdt, is raaclrnd b y the P rofile and Frauconht Notch nr. l.'ro w-gange railroad from Bethlcihem ifn nctio n, LO miles, by stage from the l!emige wasset, v.alley railroad 10 miles, and by car riage from Litt.J.eton, 12 miles. Near the 11ouse arc Echo :md Profile lakes. The F lume, a nio.rrow and deep in t he solid rock, is ·1 iext in interest t o -the Old Mau. The boulder, suspeuded between the walls of 1 the flume for an 'unknown t ime, was swept away in the _ gr eat avalanche of June 20, 1883, thougk .much remai1~s th~t is ·of great interest. Other attractions m t.h.e vicinity are th e Basin and the Pool J,0>nesome lake, and several cascades. stretch of country repays _the w.stcl- .ful traveller. Soon after leavmg lhgl· ,g~to I Springs the scenery becomes of '~n m- \ tensely int eresting character. Lake Chllmplain with its bright sparkling waters <lotted here an d there with charmino- little islands is a pretty ·s cene which ha~ for its back ground thll. Aderondock Mountains of universal faiue. Our Great Clearing Sale for the previous month wa~ Tl1e scenery o f th11 Aderondock Monn· < tains in the west and that cif the Green .Mountains of Vermont on the cast almost something enormous. W c thank all that patronized u s and~ bewilders tlto tmvcUer as it is so beautifully diver~ifiecl by its elevations, its s h ared our bargains. We now beg to say that througkoun·, immense r ocks with their gorges aud its sJ_lrightly little rivers with t heir cascades. all the present month we will continue to offer remarkabl e \ BoswN, Mass., August 8. i Our Quotations are Something Imme~se for July. PIERCE c O'S. w . JUST THINK I""' · I MILLINERY, TO CLEAR, SELLING AT HALF PRICE"'. :s Grocers' Due Bills taken less FIVE ·per eent. Co. . I IJ"-'· for I BIGGINB1l'i HAI & SOI, 1 DE-UGGISTS_ PARIS GREEN. INSECT ~POWDER. ROSE GLYCEROLE. J . HIGGINBOTHAM & SON.. I AN : 0T:HER A RRIVAL I New Silk and Kid Gloves IN NEW N·ew:·'ahd !Fashionable Dress Goods. I tl (;. I I . t I 1 I j' -=----.. . . . " '" ". . ~~· ---~ -..-... I- just opened out at 1 · ; ·, ; . :· '::!:, . :c 1 I 4·' · , Ii't?4 '"i, -i.. I

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