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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Aug 1885, p. 1

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· TERMS :-$ PEn. ANNUM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIBST: THE WORL D .AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, E DITOR. AND Pn.OPlURTOR. NEW SERIES, NUMBER J69. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1885. PIG KER ING. Miss Alberta Davey, who has been visiting frien d ~ in Darlington, li::ts ret umed, looking h ale an d hearty. Miss Abbie M . Richardson h as gone t o Picton, where she int ends to spend a conple months visiting friends . T he rust and weevil ha ve so badly damaged the wheat crop of this section that a great deal of it is n ot worth harvesting. One night last week as John Richardson and a companion wer e r eturning from P ort P euy they were attack ed by two roughs, who, it is supposed, intended to We will send the S TATESMAN, for relieve them of th eir purses, but wer e foiled in the atte1upt by a third party tht;J remainder of 1885, an d the appearm.'.( on th e scene, nothing serious happened except a cut under t he eye FA~HLY HERALD & W EEKLY S TAR, which Richar dson received from a. wh ip. VOLUME XXXI. NUMBER 34. DISTRICT NOTES . H arvest wages are ranging from $30 to $45 a mont h in BallydufI dist rict. O~ BIG Great1v :E <.edu.ced Prices. ........... .. ........ ................ ~~--~~---- --o -- OFFER for six months, and " The Crown Pictures "-life-like J UN. speaking por- CA R T W RIGHT. Mr. Chas E dgertCJn is reported some b ett er. Mr . David Milne arl'ived home aafo fro m visiting his mother in Scotla nd. Mr. J oh n Quinn, a r et ired farmer has made an exteuded tour through Western Ontario . M r. Wm. Scott, B . A. , with his family, having spent a considerable part of his \' lication i n t his local ity, left on Sat urday, to resume h is position ot Mathematical Master in the Ot tawa Normal School. Miss R eade, sister -in-la w of R ev. Mr. Cr eighton, h as baen vi·itiug at the rectory. M r. Wm . l\foSpadden and wife. of Tor ont o, and M iss M cSpadden lately from Castlewelland, Co. Down , Irelan d, were t h e guests of M rs. Moors last Sunday. Miss M cS. is rernainiug a fe w days. The Misses P~r ks, of Toront o, have been ' 'isiting at th eir un cles Mr. John P arks, t ailor. Miss Mahon has made a lengt hy visit at h er brother-in-law's, Mr. W. A . Hill, merchant. Mr Sam Hughes, editor of the Lindsay Warder , paid this village a flying visit laet week. Our Brass Band sernaded some of our villagera last Slaturday night, Aft er discoursing some music in the ns.ial good style in front of the stor e . of our worthy merchant, M r. W. A. H ill, the membMs wer e invit ed in and treated t o a lunch by M rs. H . Scugog is a fa vorite resort for pleaaureseeker s, j udging h:om th e n umbers paeang t hrough here from the front towns . U NO. trai.ts of Queen Victoria and the Prince of Wales, (alone size 19 by 24 in., --. ~~ .- ~-:-~~ worth one dollar) all for SPECIAL REDUCTIONS IN PARASOLS. .-JO cts. T his is really $2.00 worth all for 50 cts. Address, M. A. JAMES, STA'l'ES,'IAN O FF f CE, Bowmanville. LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. MRCLUNCS · Opposite Ontario Bank, Bowmanville. l NE WO.ASTL E. "\Ve h ear t hat Messrs . Jonas Samia and Wesley H ut chison have purchased from Brantfor d one of th e new D ouble dressing eteam threR hing machines, which is war r entcu to thrash and clean grain fit for market . Th e smuting ancl bearding process makes the Barley bright er and the farmers'· arouncl B rantfor d got from 0 to 5cts per bushel more for thefr grain thr eshed wh en . wit h this machine. She is also a complet e P ea t hresh er and grain saver. LOOK OUT FOR BARGAINS :t I Mns.W.H.IVES has opened out a choice and cheap stock .of H AMPTON. Profj.. H . Br own is at present rusticating at h is brothers, Mr. I . L. Brown , Cedar valley-farm. H e lias recently been selecled by the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vanin to take charge of t he litemry de· par t\. ' ent o1'l;he""Deaf and .Dumb Institut e at P itt sburg. l\ir. Brown has filled tlie positir.n of Professor of visible speech in the Ontario I nstit u te for Deaf and Dumb mutes at Belleville for th e last seven years and t he B elleville "Intellegencer " speaks of h is social qualities as well as his work at the Institute in very flat tering t er ms. :1 '· Dry Goods, ,~-Fancy 'i : i' ,. i Goods, Straw Hat~ ! - .AND- T Y RONE. ' Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings, all of which will be sold very cheap for cash. All Wool Suit MADE TO ORDER FOR 9' DOLLARS;: Well Trimmed and Wel Made. ' SPLENDID VALUE IN PRINTS. Next door to Treleven's Shoe Store, Bowrnanville. .(22) Gents' Furnishings of all kinds. JOSEPll JEFFERY.· WHY SUFFER FROM DOMINION~~ft~tNs WEST'S LIVER PILLS DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, WHEN ~ia~ peadacbe NEW WILLI AMS, H. H . NIEMAN. ( SEWING MACHINE~ WILLIAMS SINGER 5 W . RUSE, Gen'l Agent. is a positive cur e Office and Showroom :- BIG 20, Bowmanville. N. B. Dnvn's Vegetable A.alsa1nic Elixir for Coughs, Colds, Croup, W hooping-Cough, Catarrh, H oarseness, Influenza., S pitting Bloo~, Bron chitis, Asthma, L ung Fever, P leurisy, and all diseases of t he Throat, Chest and Lungs. As an E xpec\ oraut it h as no equal, Consumption h as been cured t ines without number by its timely use. I t heals the ulcer ated s urfaces, an d cur es whe1 11 other remedies fail. Fifty-six years of constant use has proven its virtues. E1ery family should keep it in the h ouse. Sold everywhere. Henry, J ohnston & L ord, Propr iet ors, B urlington , Vt. Will thoroughly c ure you. They do net g:rlpe or purge, but act mildly, a nd whenever used are considered price. lea$. They have proven to be the G3REATEST gLESSING I OF THE AGE To all sufferors from lndlceation, Disordered Stomach. Dr. Henry Baxter's 1Uand1·ali:e Ditte1·s ar e a sure cure for Oostiveness, Bilimsness, Dyspepsia, Indigedt ion, Diseases of the K idneys, Torpid L iver, R henma.tisn, Dizzine~s, Sick Headache . L oss of Appetite, J aundice, Apoplex y, Palpitations, Er uptions and Skin D iseases. K eep the S tomach, Bowels, a nd Digestive Organs dl in working order, and perfect h ealth will be t he r esult, L a.dies an d others s11bject to Sick H eadache will find r elief and per manent cure by the use of U 1ese :Bitters. Being t onic and mildly purgai,ive thev purify the blood . For sale by \11 dealers i n medicine. H enry, J ohnston & Lord, Propr ietors, Burlingt on, Vt. Henry, J oh "Bton & Lord , Propriet or s of Man a nd B eas t. Th e b est external r emedy for heumatism, N euraJgia, Spr ains, Bruises, B urns and S calds, Sciatica, Backache, F )sted F eet, and all other pains and Aches. It is a safe, sure, and effectual R e1ody for Galls, Strains, Scratches, Sores, &c., on Horses. One trial will prove ltamerits. Its eftects are in mos t cases instantaneous. E very bottle 1 \Vil. ,' anted to ive satisfaction. Prices 25 cents an d 50 cen ts per bottle. Sold everywhere. THEY ARE AN ABSOLUTE AND PERFECT CURE Use t hem and be relieved from your misery. 30 P iiis in a box, a sc. per box, 5 boxes for ·· Arnie\ and Oil Lin ime nt for I I I F08 SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS ANO DEALERS IN MEDICINES Beware of Counterfeits and Base Imitations, Genuine wrapped only in Blue , \Vith signature on every box. F ree t rial package of these Celebrated Pills sent to any address on receipt of a 3 cent st_amp. J'No. C. WEST Ir: CO. ' SOLE PROPRIETORS 81 AND 83 KING STREET E AST, TORONTO, ONT. M rs. J . Hambly and M aster Otto L. Hambly visited frienda in this vicinity a few days since. A n umber of Toron tonians spent their civic holiday in t his calm r etreat th·~ guests of Mr. and Mrs . .J. H oidge. M r . S. H oopet' is erecting a handsom e front to his residence, which will add grea tly to its appearance and convein ence when completed. We ar e please.."! to notice M r . Chas. P otter , B. A. is in our midst again for a shor t ti me. No p lace lik e home. School r e-opened ;~on T uesday wit h a fair attendance. To the E ditor of the States1nan . DE.AR Sm,- I see by your· last week 's COURTIOE. issue that t he Hunt ing Club meet in the Mr. Anson Miller and wife an d Mr. Market Square on We-lnesday evenings Charles Miller and wife from Litisville, at 7 o'clock sharp. 1 would like to know P enn., ar e visiting their many friends in who your Corresp ondent is and where he g3ts the title he honored us with. I beg :this vicinity. to infor m your correspondent that we are Th e Misses Bond from R ochester are not k nown by t hat n ame but are k nown :spending a fe w days at M r. Wm. Mut as t he Sons of England Mount ed B rigade. ton's. I cannot i<1ee where we ans wer the n ame M iss H eal, dressmaker , from. B owman · ( Hunt, or Hunt ing). I have had some ville, has decided t o t ake up he1· r esidence experience of hunt ing in my life t ime and her e. have no t yet forgotten what hunting The D. U . Cheese Co. have n ow on means. Hunt means, to chase, to per11Ue, hand G50 cheese . Th ellargest stock ever to search for , t o follo.w t he chase, a pack held at on e time since the Company was of h ounds. The first ment ion I see of Hunt is in Genesis, Chap. 27- Verse 3, form ed. Mr. vVm. Cour tice has made th e pur - wh ere Isaac sends Esau for venison . He chafle of a new Dundas Binder ; i t gi ves says " now t herefore take, l pray thee, entire sat isfaction an d is . d oing e.xcellant t hy weapons, thy quiver a nd th y bow a nd work. If ther e are any machines s uperior ' go out t o the lield and tak e me some venison, and make me savoury meat such to this one we would like t o see them. as I love a nd bring it to me t hat I may Mr. John Cornish[is having a n ew barn eat. " erecte. d t o replace t h e on e lately destroyed ~ow we Mount ed Brigade take no by fire. Mr. H enry Gay is t he contractor. quiver, bow, Gun or hounds with us, :BEN. neit her do we go into t he field as E~au Childr en's suits, for $2 at Mason Bros was commanded but we q uietly and orENNISKILLEN. derly persue our j our ney t o some destined Love is a disease t ha t kills nob ody but The fa miliar sound of the school bell spot and spend a confortable hour. And one whose t ime has come. we don't forget to take our venison wit h greet s our ears once more. Remnants at less than wholesale prices The teacher, M r. Staples, is looking us. Vi' e are t rue En~lishmeu a nd carry at Mason Bros. our independance with us. ·w e are no hale and hearty after his vact tion tour to Man was born in Eden, and h e has been Orillia and other point on Georgian Bay. spongers neit h er do we hunt . a needin' creature ever since. s. w. S ANDERS. Mr. Wm. Bar ton, of B at oche, fame is Highest price paid for all kinds of farm ---· ·-----c~·· ---visiting friends n ear here. He is st ill on produce at J. Lyle's. SOL.IN A.. crutches but hopes to dispense with t hem Manners, mor als, customs change: the Great bargaius are s t ill obtainable at our after a time . N ew Store . .A.ll old stock be cleared out passions are always the same. Another of our bra ve M idlanders M r. forthwlth, V\' est Darlington people, now is It is estimated that 15,000 transient A. Moyse, was visiting his parent s here a your privilege. guests lodge in New York every nigh t . short time ago. Any quantity of Wool will be bought WooL~Highest mar ket prices paid for Miss Davey of Pickering has bee n visi tat J . Lyle's at the hi!{hest market price. any quantity of wool. J. L -YLE. ing here. There is no r ecor d of any barber havin cr D uring this hot weath er visit Mra. l'leen sen t up for being light fingered, Mr. W m . Pollock jr. a nd wife from "' B urk's F alls ar e visit ing in this neighbor- Keys' ice cream parlor. Men who think the world r evolves ahook. R ead wh at is said of the Happy Thought round t hem as a cent re are d runk with T he Hampton P raying Band conducted R ange. conceit. t he services in the Methodist Ch urch l1ere F or a stylish suit of clothes call upon 'l 'here are n o mor e thorough prudes Sabbath evening last . W . H. Ives. than those women who have some little The newest and n obbiest hats a nd ciips Messrs Rogers and l\fitchell are erectsecret to hide. at Ives'. ing their n~w hay scale. F or the most complete and assorted Tabl e linens and towellings cheap at stqck of Hosiery and Gloves call at Couch, D r ess Goods 6 ct:i up at the S tar House. I ves'. J oJmston & Cryderman's. · DE.AR Srn,-Yom· Cartwright correspondent, though usually very correct, was premature in announcing that p ublic woreh ip would be held at Willia msburg hereafter a t 2:30 p. m. Such an araangement was contemplated for a t ime, and would be pleasing t o a number of members and well wishers of the l\hth-Church . :But on mat ure com1 idera tion, taking into account t he welfare of the very large congregation , now r egularly meetings with us on Sabbath evenin gs, thinking it would be unwise t o crowd the Sabbath School, preaching a nd cla11s meet ing llervices all t ogether ; it has been decided to make no change in the presen t or der of service, viz. class meeting (No. 1.) at 10:30 a. m. S. S. 2, p. m . Preaching ser vice a t 6 :30 p. m. followeJ by class m eeting (N o. 2. ) Yours very truly, w. c. W ASIITNGTON, P ast:>r. Dr. P urslow, as V ice-P resident , pre<:1ided at t he Teachers' con~en t i o n in TorollLo last week. Mr. Tl10s. W hite has d isposed of his livery business ii'. P ickering village to M r. \Vm. F oy. 'f he Ontario Government has chosen th e Martin farm , Orillia, as t he sit d for th~ n ew asylum. Mr. I . · J. G o rnld, M. P.P ., h·.s bought from Mr. G. Wheeler. of Uxbridge, ·his s"wmill, pond, and g rist mill. The military ball gi.-en under t he pat· r onage of Comp,rny G Midla nd Batt. , at P et erbor o', on Thu rsday nigh t was a grand success. Mr. Geo. K irk, of P ort H ooe. he.s b een appoillt ed P ri ncipal of the Cha th au.1 mod· el and central 1:1chools, at a salary of $800 per Bnnum. The annual union pic-n ic 0f the Oddfell o ws and Masons of Cubourg, was held at Campbelltown last week. A bout four· h und red attended. Judge Dartn ell, of W hitby, met with a sever e acciden t on Monday evening, August 3rd , while a ttempting t o j ump from the yncht Oriole, then lying at P ort W hitby. A barn standing upon th e Chester Card. farm, near Wicklow, was struck by lightning last Sunday nigh t, and burned t o. ash es, with its contents,- which belonged to Mr. Thoe. Stone. T he member s of th e Division-st Method ist church Cobourg, presented Mr. and Mrs . H ough on th e occasion of their departur&from that town with an address and a very handsome Bible and P h otogr aph Album. S. Gorrier, of Midland, was fined ~,30 and costs last week, for selling liquor on board his boat , whil .:i lying in t he channel between Muskoah and P enet.ang. Tl1is is the first violat ion of the Scott A<.:t in Simcoe county. Edgur J ,L !!ary, son of Mr. J ohn Leary , B rittannia, was accidently killed on A ug. 12th. M r. Leary was a student of Vict oria University , iu h is Junior (3rd) year, and he wae held in high peraonal es teem by comr;1.d es and friend s. A J otmg man Thomas Unglow, who. was on Monday morning making his first trip a ~ brak esmun on a freight train on the Midlanrl , fell from a ftat car 1md was caught by t he wheels, his ar m being broken and h dly crushed. M r. Jol111 R , Clark , the popular and versatile ora·,or will du ring t he coming season visi t leading points in Ontario and the Maritime Provinces, including :Bowmanville. Mr. Jas.F. Holilen, of Whitby is secretary and manager for :Mr. Clarke. On Thuraday of las t week Thomas L arkin, son of M r. J ohn Larkin, P ickel'ing, met with a rather seriou3 accident t hrough the bursting of a gun barrel. P art of t he lock st ruck him on t he forehead, knock -c ing h im insensible, and inflicting a si.vere wound. The Citizenl!I of Cobourg havo procured elegant silver watches for present a t ion t o each member of th e Midland Batt. who went from t hat town. l'he inscription on each watch will r ead as follows : " Pre· aented by the citizens of Cobourg t ei P ri· vate -- -, Midland Bat t., (No. 1 Co ., 40th,) for services in t l:te N orth-west,1885. T h e L indsay W arder says meAtings have· r ecently been held by the Met hoclisbJ t here to arrange a camp meeting for that. dist rict. Oakwood is t he place chosen, . and t he time selected is the month of September. R ev. Mr. Pearson is pr esident and R ev. M r. Watch , of Fenelon Falls is secrfltary-treasurer . They will be pleased t o givti any information. The Army and Navy G AZETTE says that "Maj or -General Middleton is to receive a K. C .M. G. from tb e Colonial office, as his reward for the services r endered iu t he suppr ession of t he Nor th-west r ebellion, and t hat the Canadian Government will support th e general's proposal that certain of his st aff officera and commanders shall be singled out for honor. As a son of M r . W. Gordon of Sunderland, Wl!ll driving a horse across t he track last week t he animal took frioht at an ap proaching train and made a ~udden turn r unn ing up the tr ack and falling int o th~ cat tle gu ard. The boy was thrown ou t of the vehicle and fortunately escaped with out injury, but the engi ne striking the buggy demolished i t complet9Jy and killed th e h orse.

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